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The 700 Club - March 16, 2020

He was in and out of prison thirty times with eight near-fatal overdoses. Hear one addict’s story about a six-year heroin addiction and how he came clean. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Woman] Coming up, out of control.

- It was terrifying that I couldn't.

- [Woman] In and out of prison 30 times.

- The fear keeps us locked in place.

- [Woman] Near-fataloverdosed another eight.

- I didn't even carewhether I lived or died.

- [Woman] One former addict remembers

his six years of heroin.

- Shooting up with dirtyneedles, toilet water

and all this other stuff.

- [Woman] And how he came clean.

- For once, I felt like I had a future.

- [Woman] On today's 700 club.

(dramatic music)

- Welcome to The 700 Club.

It was a weekend of panic-buyingand empty store shelves.

The Coronavirus is shuttingdown life as we've known it.

Businesses and schools are closing,

churches worshiping online,curfews enacted in some cities.

What has the CDC now recommended?

What's the Fed doingto bolster the economy?

Dale Hurd has that.

(logo whooshing)

- America has been shutting down

in a nationwide effort to minimize

the spread of of Coronavirusas much as possible.

This, as cases in the USrose to more than 3700

in 49 states, WashingtonDC and Puerto Rico.

More than 60 have died from the disease.

As of today, at leastfive states have or will

announce plans to closeall bars and restaurants.

More than half of the nation's states

have closed their public school systems,

affecting millions of children.

The Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention

now recommends no gatheringsof more than 50 people

for the next eight weeks.

The hope, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci

of the National Institutes of Health

is what epidemiologistscall flattening the curve,

minimizing the peak of the outbreak

so that the nation's medicalsystem is not overwhelmed.

Fauci thinks the precautionsnow being implemented

can help do that.

- I don't think it's gonna be that worse

because I think what we're doing

is gonna have an effect.

- [Dale] It was a weekend of panic-buying

and empty store shelves across the country

as President Trump asked Americans

to stop hoarding groceriesand other supplies.

- You don't have to buy somuch, take it easy, just relax.

- [Dale] But hospitals,which have a limited

number of beds, werepreparing for a possible

surge in patients, putting up tents

to handle extra cases.

Internationally, nationsare shutting their borders

to travelers and enforcing quarantines,

trying to control the spread of the virus.

The White House says morethan 2000 additional labs

will be coming online todaywith high-speed testing.

On the financial front,the Federal Reserve

lowered the interest rateagain, this time to near zero.

President Trump approved.

- I want to congratulatethe Federal Reserve.

- [Dale] President Trump declared Sunday

a national day of prayer to lift up

first responders, the elderly and others

vulnerable to the Coronavirus.

- And Lord, we ask you to healus of this terrible plague.

- [Dale] Dr. Fauci says it could be up to

eight weeks or more ofshutdowns and working from home

as COVID-19 cases spread through the US.

- Things will get worsebefore they get better.

What we're trying to do is make sure

they don't get to the worst case scenario.

- The first COVID-19 vaccine trial starts

today in Seattle, but it's just phase one

and it could take up to 18 months

to approve any vaccine.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- Well, CBN medicalreporter, Lorie Johnson,

is here to help usnavigate the days ahead.

Lorie, is our medical system, healthcare

ready to have a surge in potential cases?

- Well Pat, it depends onhow large the surge is.

We are definitely preparedfor a moderate surge,

maybe even a large surge,but not a catastrophic surge.

And so, that's why allthese implementations

are being enacted rightnow to try to keep people

from getting sick and fromspreading it to other people

because we know that there are a limited

amount of, for example,supplies for hospitals,

hospital beds and then, ofcourse, hospital personnel,

and all sorts ofemergency things are being

put into place to expand that.

And it's really quiteimpressive, but there is a limit,

and so what the strategy on behalf of

The White House Coronavirus task force is

to flatten the curve so that it doesn't

peak up like a mountain,but rather it increases

more like a little hill.

And we can all do our partto aid in this effort,

and number one, stay home.

That's the best way to avoid getting sick

and making other peopleis to just stay home,

and then also, of course,all those other things

that we've been talking about for weeks,

washing your hands anddisinfecting surfaces.

- Well Lorie, we'vebeen talking about that

gut and so forth, and I heardsomebody talking about zinc.

Are there any things thatwill build our immune system

so that if this virus does come,

it will not be as devastating?

- So many things, Pat,and it's a great point

because, really, the reason people

who are older are athigher risk is because

as we age, our immunesystem becomes less robust.

And what that means is, ifthe virus does enter our body,

and we hope that it doesn't,

we're trying not to let that happen,

but if it does enter ourbody, then the immune system

kicks in to gear and tries to kill it.

And so, there are alldifferent types of things

we can do to strengthen our immune system.

Number one, sleep, sleep is so important.

Also Pat, stress is one ofthe worst things we can do

because we know that stress actually

hampers our immune systemand, what is stress?

It's anxiety, it's fear,especially chronic stress,

stress that goes on for daysor weeks or months at a time.

So we really need to stop worrying

because that actuallymakes it harder for us

to fight of disease, and then also, sugar.

We know that diet is a huge part

and sugar increases inflammation.

We know that it's notgood for our gut bacteria.

And we know, we've beentalking about this for years,

that our gut is where 80% ofour immune system resides.

So all those wonderful bacteria,

we need to get those in there

and stay as healthy as possible.

- All right, now, whatshould people be looking for?

What are the symptoms of this COVID-19?

- Well, there are three main symptoms.

This is a respiratory disease,

and so we're looking for cough,for difficulty breathing,

you know, hard to catch your breath,

in some cases high fever and,although I will say though,

for people who are aged 65 and older,

a high fever is 98.6 because, we know that

the reason our fever sometimes spikes

is because of our immune system.

And people who don't havea stronger immune system,

a high fever is 98.6.

- All right, well, at what point should

they go to the hospital?

People are being advised to stay home.

When should they go seea medical professional?

- Really, really never,unless you're invited

because we need to call our doctors first

before we go into, ifwe think we might have

this disease, we don't wannawalk into the doctor's office

and infect everybody in the waiting room.

And then, of course, as I spoke before,

we have to be extra cautious to not get

our healthcare workers sick.

So if you think you have it,

you need to call theemergency room ahead of time.

Call your doctor, but ifyou do require a test,

your doctor will helpyou to get that in order,

if you present certain symptoms that

do require you to get a test,

but do make that call ahead of time.

Just don't walk into the emergency room

if you think that you might be sick.

- The stores have soldout of toilet paper.

How about the stuff thatwe need to get the gut,

the probiotics, havethey sold outta that too?

- Well, I can tell you, no, because I was

at the grocery store this weekend

and I noticed that all thethings that I normally buy

were still there, like the organic things

and the kimchi, there's plenty of kimchi,

I can tell you that right now.

And so, as PresidentTrump said, he has been

in talks with grocerystores and that industry

to assure the Americanpeople that the supplies

will still be coming.

We've seen all kinds of things,like bars and restaurants

shut down, but the grocerystores will remain open

and they will continue to be stocked.

- Thanks, Lorie.

You know, Lorie was talking about stress

and I think that we need to recognize

that God is still on the throne.

And he is in charge, and the Bible says,

"Lord, our Lord, the Heavensare full of thy glory,

"and I will not fear thoughthe mountains be removed

"and cast into the sea,for thou alone art God."

And I believe and I cansay it with all assurance,

whatever is in this deadly pestilence,

the 91st Psalm is still in the Bible

and ye shall not fear ofthe deadly pestilence.

"You shall not fear the terror of night,

"nor the arrow that flies by day,

"nor the pestilence thatstalks in the darkness,

"nor the plague that destroys at midday."

We do not have to fearthat and I just think

it would be appropriate right now

that I would like topray for each one of you.

And we would pray together, do not fear.

"Fear not," the Lordsaid, "For I am with you.

"I will uphold your handby my righteousness."

So, Terry and I aregoing to pray right now.

Father, I pray for those in this audience.

I pray, Lord, that youwould take away fear

and we have in theword, "Oh Lord our Lord,

"we will not fear thoughthe mountains be removed

"and cast into the sea,for thou alone art God."

And our trust is in you.

Now Lord, there are people

in this audience who are fearful.

There are people who have been infected.

There are people who their immune system

has been compromised.

There are people who areterrified and right now,

I ask that the peace of Almighty God

would descend upon them.

My peace is what Jesussaid to his disciples,

not like the world gives give I unto you,

but the peace of Godthat passes understanding

will keep your hearts andminds in Christ Jesus.

And we pray right now forthose who are suffering,

those who may havecontracted some infection,

whatever the situation,Lord, reach out your hand,

touch them, heal them, comfort them,

and strengthen them inthis time of stress.

In the name of Jesus, we speak that word.

Thank you, Lord, amen.

- [Terry] Amen.- And amen.

Receive it to the gloryof God and fear not.

We will not fear because Godis on the throne, all right?

Receive that, do not let fear take you

because you do not have to fear

because the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.

Well, in other news, as israelbattles the Coronavirus,

it's also facing another crisis.

Efrem Graham has that story

from the CBN news room, here's Efrem.

- Pat, Prime Minister,Benjamin Netanyahu's

political future is at risk as he leads

the battle against the Coronavirus.

Israeli President, Reuven Rivlin, chose

Blue and White party leader, Benny Gantz,

to form the next government.

Rivlin made the choice after61 out of 120 Knesset members

recommended Gantz, including

the anti-Zionist Arab Joint List.

- [Interpreter] We must now deal with

forming a government as soon as possible

that will lead our peopleat this complex time.

It may be that forming a government

demands interim arrangementsfor the coming months.

- After his consultations,Rivlin met jointly

with Netanyahu and Gantzabout the possibility

of forming a national emergency government

until the Corona crisis has passed, Pat?

- Well, joining us now from Jerusalem

is CBN Middle East bureauchief, Chris Mitchell,

and Chris, what are the odds about

these two guys gettingtogether to form a government?

- Well Pat, right now, it seems unlikely

that they're gonna gettogether for a government.

What's happening right now,Pat, is a gamble by Gantz,

and you could call ita Machiavellian move.

Right now, he does have 61 recommendations

to form a government, butit could be an illusion.

There's a big distance fromgetting 61 recommendations

to forming a government.

Right now, he has to gettogether a coalition,

and right now, he has rebelsin two of his parties.

In the Blue and White party, two names,

Hendel and Hauser, theymight not form the coalition.

There's one in Labor called Orly.

Now Gantz promised in his campaign

that he would not join the Arabs.

It's sorta like oil andwater, odd bedfellows,

political bedfellows.

Now Pat, remember in 2006,we were up on the border

during the second Lebanon war.

You interviewed BennyGantz, he expanded that war.

Back in 2014, he led thewar against Hamas in Gaza.

Now the joint list, the Arab parties

that he's aligning himself with,

those are the ones right now that are

recommending that he be prime minister.

So right now, Gantz has two pressures.

He has his anyone-but-Bibi fever.

That's the Joint List andmany members of his party,

but he always has thepressure of a unity government

to face the Coronavirus crisis.

So, many people are asking,"Why change a government

"in the middle of a pandemic right now?"

Netanyahu seems to be doing a great job.

So Gantz still has a way togo to get to a government.

- Now Chris, I want to ask you,

Benny Gantz cannot form a government.

He doesn't have enoughmembers of the Knesset

unless he's got those Arabs in there.

Is that what you're saying?

- Exactly, yeah, he has about 33 seats.

He needs Lieberman.

Again, he said he wasn'tgonna join the Arabs.

He needs the Arabs and he needs about

three or four other seatsto make that 61 seats.

So he does need the Arabs.

There's a reason why theArabs haven't been part

of Israel's government,perhaps only the first time

back in the early 90swith the Rabin government.

They don't want Israelto be a Jewish state.

They're against the law of return.

They're against firing backat Hamas and Islamic jihad.

They're in favor of someconvicted terrorists.

So all those are ideas that really,

people have never used theArabs to form a government.

- Well, you know, the Bible says that

two can't walk togetherunless they be agreed.

There is no way under Heaven that

an Israeli nationalist party can link up

with people who disagree with them

on every single major issue.

It makes no sense.

If that's the case, then wecan't have a government again.

I mean, what are the Israelis gonna do?

They can't have anotherelection, can they?

- That is a possibility, thatthey have a fourth election.

And that scripture you mentioned, Pat,

was something I was thinking about

just before we went on the air.

How can two walk togetherunless they be agreed?

This is uncharted territory right now.

It appears, Pat, theparliamentary strategy

of the Blue and White is to be able

to get a government for one vote.

And part of that, theyactually want to have a vote

that would eliminatePrime Minister Netanyahu

from forming a government of his own.

The law would read that anybody convicted

or indicted for a crime would not be able

to form a government.

That's their strategy right now.

- Well, one more time, there's something

about changing horses inthe middle of the river.

(laughing) You know, you don't normally

switch horses in the middle of the stream.

And aren't the Israeli people afraid

that if they move away froma tried and true leader

like Benjamin Netanyahu that they're

gonna get in a lot of trouble?

- That's a part of the pressureI was just mentioning, Pat.

Right now, just like the United States,

we're under a pandemic.

Restaurants, theaters, cafes are closed.

Schools and universities,the social distance

is no more than six feet,groups no more than 10.

And many people see Netanyahureally taking charge,

just like many people wouldsay President Trump is as well,

but they like what he's doing.

So the pressure right now is, politically,

will Benny Gantz be able to try to form

this government, this unitygovernment with the Arab parties

while Netanyahu is really helping Israel

deal with this global pandemic?

- Well, Chris Mitchell,we will look forward,

with eagerness, to your next report.

Thank you so much, friend, God bless you.

Efrem, we've got something more, go ahead.

- Dealing with the Coronavirus was

a dominant issue in the Democratic debate

between former Vice President Joe Biden

and socialist SenatorBernie Sanders last night,

the two debating in a near-empty room

and standing six feet apart.

Each tried to show he was the best

to lead the US through the pandemic,

criticizing President Trump's response.

Biden promised to deploy the US military

to help with the recovery efforts

and warned a federalbailout may be necessary

to stabilize the economywhile Sanders said

his government health insurance plan

would let the country respondfaster to a health crisis.

Biden also made a surprise announcement,

with Sanders basically agreeing.

- I commit that I will,in fact, pick a woman

to be vice president.

- In all likelihood, I will.

- [Efrem] It was also aquestion whether Biden

can beat President Donald Trump,

saying the President will be, quote,

"a very very tough opponent," Pat.

- Thank you.

Well, it looks like Bidenis looking at the lady

who ran second, I think it was

the governorship of Georgia.

And she is a veryarticulate, intelligent woman

and it looks like she's gotthe inside track for Biden,

but who knows, but--

- [Terry] What do youthink Bernie will do?

- Huh?

- What do you think Bernie will do?

- They just aren't gonnanominate a socialist

no way no how, it's not gonna happen.

And you know, they'll findsome way to beat him up,

but I think, at this point of time,

the chances of either one o' these guys

beating Trump is just sofar-fetched, it's just to be,

you know, unworthy ofdiscussion, all right.

- All right, well, still ahead,

a teenager meets an older woman

who introduces him to heroin.

Six years of homeless addiction follow.

So how did this former junkiewind up a jail bondsman?

Find out, that's coming up.

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

- Well, it's been a crazy day.

We're under some kindof an alert in terms of

the national crisis on Coronavirus.

And we're here to answeryour questions, pray for you,

and we're gonna take a bunch o' questions

later on in the show incase you've got some.

And maybe we can answer them.

Now here's our next guest.

Like floating on a pillow,

that's how Daniel McGee first described

his love affair with heroin,

but the love was short-lived.

It was followed by years of homelessness

and shooting up with dirty needles.

So how on earth did thisjunkie get himself straight

and end up, of all places, as the owner

of a jail bond business?

Take a look.

- I had to be in charge of everything

and control every aspect of my life.

The second I realized Ilost control o' my life

and something else was in control o' me,

which was probably, like,three or four weeks in

to using heroin, Iimmediately wanted to stop.

And it was terrifying that I couldn't.

- [Male Voiceover] Control had become

everything to Daniel McGee.

He was an extremely smart kid,

but his shyness and small stature

made him feel the need to prove himself.

- I felt like a fragile little person,

so I started emulating people.

At a very early age, I startedwatching gangster movies

and drug-dealer movies andI wanted to emulate that.

I wanted to be respected and feared.

Being the littlest in the group

and the youngest in the group,

I often felt like Ihad to be the craziest.

- [Male Voiceover] Daniel's responsible,

hard-working parents dideverything they could

to get him on the right path,

including taking him to church,

but he tested theirauthority at every turn.

- They caught me smokingcigarettes at an early age.

They caught me stealingbeer at an early age,

and they tried their bestto hand down punishments

and, you know, do things that they thought

were gonna try to curb my behavior.

- [Male Voiceover] Which only got worse.

At 13, Daniel found a taste for alcohol,

and the confidence that came with it.

- It took away my shyness.

It made me a tough guy.

I could go talk to anywomen that I wanted to.

I could go talk to anybody.

It made me stand up for myself

and it made me be who Ithought I wanted to be.

- [Male Voiceover] Takinghis rebellion and ego

to another level, hestarted selling drugs,

which got him kicked outof school in 10th grade.

- I think, at that age, I was proud of it.

It just furthered the image that I thought

that I had to create about myself,

about this bad guy, this tough guy

and, you know, could do whatever I wanted.

- [Male Voiceover] A full-blown alcoholic

and drug dealer, Daniel left home at 17.

Soon, he discovered a new high.

- I meet a older womanwho is using heroin.

And I did the heroin and it brought me

such inner warmth and comfort and peace.

It was like floating on a pillow.

And I had no worries, no qualms, no pain,

no anxiety, no depression, I just was.

And I enjoyed every minute of it.

- [Male Voiceover] Within a week,

heroin had taken control of Daniel,

sending him into a six-year spiral

of homelessness and addiction.

- There were a lottahorrible things I did.

I spent a lotta timesleeping in abandoned houses,

sleeping in the streets,sleeping in dumpster enclosures,

you know, anywhere whereI could find shelter,

shooting up with dirtyneedles, toilet water

and all this other stuff.

The only purpose was to get high,

and that's why I didn't even care

whether I lived or died.

I mean, sometimes I ended up in hospital,

sometimes I didn't.

I've probably overdosed,maybe about eight times.

- [Male Voiceover] In those six years,

Daniel was incarcerated close to 30 times.

In his few moments ofclarity, he made many

unsuccessful attempts at rehab.

- So even though I didn'twanna be an addict,

I continued that cycle out of fear.

The fear keeps us locked in place,

because the alternative is going through

anxiety, depression, andsevere physical withdrawals.

And I went right back to what I knew.

Heroin numbs your physicalpain, your emotional pain,

everything, and it waslike a refuge for me.

- [Male Voiceover] In2001, a court told Daniel,

either get into a rehab program

or spend the next 14 years in prison.

He opted for a SalvationArmy treatment center

because it was just nine months and free.

- It was like a whole vibeof love and spirituality.

It's a very Christian program.

It was very church-based andit reintroduced me to God.

And I finally started to get it.

It was like I had to havelife beat me up that bad

before I was finally willing to surrender

and listen to this higher authority.

- [Male Voiceover] Now studying the Bible,

attending church and meeting with pastors,

Daniel realized his lifewould never really change

unless Jesus was in control.

So one Sunday morning, hesurrendered his life to Christ.

- Once my heart was opened, it was like

my whole being was opened.

I felt lighter, I felt positive.

For once, I felt like I had a future

and I had, you know, a chance.

I had to have control ofeverything in my life.

I had to be in charge of everything

and control every aspect of my life.

The ironic thing is thatit wasn't until I learned

that I had to surrendermy life and my will to God

that I was able to getclean and change my life.

- [Male Voiceover] Danielfinished the program

when he was 25, and hasbeen clean ever since.

He started working hard tobuild a future for himself.

- I'm a convict, I have noskills, I have no trade.

I have nothing going for me.

So I had to humble myselfand that's what I did.

- [Male Voiceover] Today, he's a realtor

and owner of a jail bond business,

but Daniel's true callingis to help people in need.

He says there's only one person

he looks to for directionand meaning in his life.

- Jesus is a role model and that's

what I often tell people.

He's my role model.

I try, I spend my entire life trying

to chase Jesus, trying to be like him.

If I came outta what I came out of

to be where I'm at today, anybody can.

We win by surrendering toGod and letting his will

take over our livesinstead of our own will.

- I think Daniel said it right.

You know, we are proud people.

Human beings are proud and it takes a lot

to say, I am a sinner and I need a savior

because people think,hey, I'm not a sinner.

I'm a pretty good guy.

I look after my family,I pay my bills, you know,

I pay my taxes, I provide food and clothes

for those around me.

I'm a good guy.

You don't wanna call yourself a sinner.

Of course, if you're adown-and-out druggie,

you pretty much know there'ssomething wrong with you,

but at the same time, deep inside of us,

there is a spirit thatis crying out for God.

Our souls cry out to thee, O Lord.

I mean, I'm hungry for something better

and I believe St. Augustine that said,

our souls are restless'till they rest in thee.

So, whatever it was,Daniel knew that drugs

weren't gonna do it, but heknew he was at the bottom.

He didn't know how to get out.

He was at the bottom.

And how do you get out of it?

Well, there's only one way, and that is,

for that rebellious spirit,

to say I've got to have a savior.

Now, do you come into that classification?

Are you rebellious?

You say, I don't need God.

I don't need God.

I'm pretty good, okay, like I am.

Well, not really, becauseyour spirit inside of you

is crying out for God.

And you may not be a junkie.

You may not be involvedin heroin or cocaine

or something like that,but at the same time,

inside of you is a spirit thatlongs to be with the Father.

And right at this moment,there's many of us

are into this quarantine business

because of the Coronavirus,

I want you, at this point,to examine yourself,

and say, would I liketo have a better life?

Is there something inside of me that is

yearning to be in touchwith the God who made me?

Do you want that?

And if you do, I want you to pray with me.

Just very simply, there's no big deal.

It is a big deal, butI'm not gonna talk about

a lotta ritual and Latinphrases and things like that.

I just want you to bow yourhead and yield to the Lord

and say, "God, I really am a sinner.

"God, I really do need you."

And if you say that, theLord will come into your life

and he said, I stand atthe door and I knock.

If anybody will hear my voice

and open the door, I'll come in

and I'll sit down with himand we'll have a meal together

and he with me and from thatmoment on, we'll be one.

Heavenly Father, the God who made you,

bow your head right now andpray with me if you want this.

I'm opening, talking about thejoy of Heaven in your life.

These words, just pray with me.

Don't be ashamed, these words.

Lord God, that's right,Lord God, I am a sinner.

And Lord, I come to you and I acknowledge

that I need a savior andI know that Jesus Christ

died on the cross for me,and that he rose again

that I might live forever.

And Lord, I want eternal life.

My spirit is restless'till it rests in you.

And so, I reach out withmy spirit to your Spirit

and I say, God, take me, take me

and make me your childand, from this moment on,

thank you, Lord, thank youthat you've heard my prayer.

Thank you, that from this moment on,

I am yours and you are mine.

Praise God, thank you,Lord, in Jesus' name, amen.

Now I want to pray for you very quickly.

Father, for everyone whoprayed with me just then,

may the anointing power of the Holy Spirit

come upon them, touch them, and fill them

with your power, in Jesus' name, amen.

Now, if you prayed with me just then,

you might say, well, what do I do next?

Well, I have a little packet here.

I did a CD some time ago.

73 minutes, a very intense teaching about

what happens, you'vejust come to the Lord,

and what do you do next?

Well, it's all here.

I mean, it's some very compact stuff,

and I'll give this to you free.

There's no money involved whatsoever,

but if you'd like this and I want you

to confess what you've just done.

So if you just pick up the telephone,

it's real simple, it's a toll-free number,

1-800-700-7000, 1-800-700-7000, and say,

I just prayed with Pat.

I just gave my heart tothe Lord and he heard me

and he's come into my heart.

And I just want you toknow, so again, 1-800,

it's toll free, 1-800-700-7000,absolutely free,

no money, nothing, I justwant you to call right now

and say, yes, I have justfound the savior, Terry.

- Well, still ahead, your questions,

and some honest answers.

Thomas asks, Pat, wherein the Bible does it say

that if you use profanity, you will not

enter the kingdom of Heaven?

Stay tuned for Pat's answeron that, it's coming up.

Plus, a woman is sidelined for 10 months

by paralyzing pain and shecouldn't afford to see a doctor.

So how did she get a hallelujah healing?

Well, you're about to find out.

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

- And welcome back to The 700 Club

for this CBN news break.

The Coronavirus has alsohit the movie business,

with this weekend's box office totals

expected to be the lowest in 22 years,

but one film that still had astrong opening at number two

is "I Still Believe".

The film tells the true story of

Christian music artist, Jeremy Camp,

and his journey of love and loss

after the death of his wife.

It comes from the Irwin Brothers

who also made the hit Christian film,

"I Can Only Imagine."

Turning now to the Philippines,

Superbook is working onthe ground to help children

grow in their education.

The Superbook team set up an event

for hundreds of children toimprove reading comprehension.

The children enjoyed arole-playing activity,

featuring Superbook's Josephand the Pharaoh's Dream.

They also saw a filmshowing a giant adventure

and played exciting Superbook games.

The children also got tosing and dance with Gizmo.

Now you can learn moreabout what CBN is doing

around the world by goingto

Pat and Terry are back withmore of today's 700 Club.

It's coming up right after this.

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

Omar and Dua are Syrianrefugees living in Jordan.

They're also the parents ofa little girl named Maria.

They had no idea where toturn for the medical help

Maria needed, and at one point,

they feared their daughter might die.

- [Male Voiceover] Maria'sparents narrowly escaped

the war in Syria and fledto Jordan when she was born.

They felt blessed to have their new baby,

but something wasn't right.

- [Interpreter] She wouldn't stop crying

and her diaper was always dry

because she wasn't urinating.

This went on for days and I was so scared

because I thought that she would die.

- [Interpreter] Living asrefugees in Jordan is so hard

because we are not allowed to have jobs

and I had no money to take my baby

to a doctor for a test orto pay for an operation.

I didn't know what to do.

- [Male Voiceover] Anotherrefugee told Maria's parents

to take her to Mercy Medical Clinic,

a Christian outreach supportedby Operation Blessing.

The free clinic treatshundreds of Christian refugees

and Muslim refugees likeMaria's family every week.

Doctors discovered aurinary tract obstruction

that needed immediate emergencysurgery at a hospital.

Operation Blessing covered theentire cost of her surgery.

- [Interpreter] Afterthe surgery, Maria became

more comfortable andhappy for the first time.

Seeing her smile relieved my worries

and brought us so much joy.

- [Interpreter] When the surgery was done

and I saw my daughter's faceand everything was okay,

I cried, it was like a mountain

had been lifted off my back.

- [Male Voiceover] Mariais more than a year old now

and completely healthy.

- [Interpreter] I can't describehow grateful I am for you.

What more could anyone possibly do for me

than to save my daughter's life?

- [Interpreter] Thank you so much for

everything you have done.

Without you, my daughter would be dead.

May God give you the abilityto keep helping others in need.

- I don't know about you,but I see those parents

sitting in those waitingrooms with children,

and you just wonder, how in the world

do people survive this kind of thing?

They're already in a scenario where

they've had to leave their country.

Now getting medical careis nigh unto impossible,

but you, 700 Club members,make a difference.

Right in the midst of that,you become an oasis of hope,

and we say thank you.

You know, that's just oneof the things you're doing

if you belong to The 700 Club.

Those of you who haven't joined yet,

this is a great day to do it.

It's 65 cents a day, $20 amonth, and even the number

to call and join is tollfree, it couldn't be easier.

Our number is 1-800-700-7000.

Just call and say you wantto be a part of The 700 Club.

Say, I'd like to join with the rest of you

in touching the worldwith the love of Christ.

When you call and join today,our way of saying thank you

is to send you Pat's book,"Ten Laws for Success."

This is one of his most recent.

"Keys to Win in Work,Family and Finances,"

and we all need that.

This book is chock-full of wisdom.

And then, we're goingto send you two chapters

from the book that's not out yet,

but we just want to wetyour whistle on this one.

It's called, "I've Walkedwith the Living God."

Pat's about to celebrate his 90th birthday

and this is filled with wisdom as well.

- We hope.

- Many years of walking with the Lord.

So call now, all right,it's time for some email.

Are you ready?

- Go for it, yeah.

- Okay Pat, this first onecomes from Tamara, who says,

Pat, my husband has leftour marriage several times,

and then moves in with other women.

He has stolen from meand physically abused me,

and I keep trying tolove him through this.

What should I do?

- Tamara, I know this sounds harsh,

but you should cut him loose.

The guy has really,he's broken every rule.

You're under no obligation whatsoever

to continue in that marriage.

He has committed adulteryon a number of occasions.

A serial adulterer?

You just don't need that.

He's bringing nothingbut grief to your heart.

You know, cut the tie,you don't have to be

involved with that relationship.

You don't have to feel like, well,

I'm bound to the Bible.

You are free according to the word of God.

Get out of it and let him go, all right.

- This is Thomas who says,Pat, where in the Bible

does it say that if you use profanity,

you will not enter the kingdom of Heaven?

- It doesn't say thateverywhere that I'm aware of.

There's sort of, youknow, profanity, you know,

it's thou shalt not take thename of Yahweh, your God,

not the Lord, Yahweh, you shall not take

the name of Yahweh asa vanity, which means,

you shall not identify himwith some heathen idol.

That's what the ultimate command is

and that's one of the 10 commandments,

but there's nothing inthere that says, you know,

all manner of sin andblasphemy will be forgiven

the sons of men except blasphemyagainst the Holy Spirit.

Well, what is that?

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is

refusing the wooing of theSpirit to get to Jesus.

So, other than that,there's nothing in there

that says if you curse that

you're gonna go to hell, all right.

- But you should, don'tyou think, that if you've

come to the Lord andthe Holy Spirit's done

the work in you, theprofanity should go out.

- You know, everything cleans up.

My speech was clean like that.

And you know, if anybody isborn of the Spirit of God,

they cannot keep on sinning.

You just can't do it, and if you really

have been born again, you will not,

the profanity, when you come to Jesus,

that should just be erased immediately

along with the taste of alcohol and

some of that other stuff.

Count on it, it will happen, all right.

- This is John, who says,my wife and I haven't even

been married a year and I've caught her

using a dating app.

I have left the house three times already.

Recently, she told me she can't forgive me

for how I would leave andnow wants to get a divorce.

I know marriage is acovenant, but what do I do

when my spouse has given up?

- That's a weird--

- [Terry] That is a very weird situation.

- What I don't know iswhat you did along the way,

but, you know, those datingapps and stuff like that,

that is a form of adultery.

She is fantasizing arelationship with another man

and she needs counseling.

I mean, maybe you want topreserve your marriage,

and she needs help, but if I were you,

I would find out what the root cause is.

What did you do thatgot her going this way?

What is it, I think you'renot being absolutely honest.

So ask the Lord, I mean,were you unfaithful?

Did you have a girlfriend?

Have you been doing something on the sly

and haven't told her about it?

But, you know, honesty is so important.

Honesty, you know, theymade a show of them openly,

triumphing in his cross.

Open up, talk to each other, all right.

- This is Linda, who says,If God already has chosen

his own before thefoundations of the earth,

do the rest of us simply go to hell?

Many are called, but few are chosen.

Is there hope for those who aren't called?

I need an answer.

- Well, look, how do youknow if you're called?

Well, the call is, do you receive it?

For your own life, areyou sensitive to the Lord?

Do you want to know Jesus?

Do you want to be born again?

Do you want to be partof the kingdom of Heaven?

If that's the case, then you can say,

you're one of the chosen because you have

heard the voice of God.

And all that other, Imean, it has no meaning

to anybody else.

These are theoreticalstatements, but if you yourself

have received that and it'ssomething in your heart

that says, I want to believe in the Lord.

I want to receive Jesus, well then,

you are one of the chosen, okay.

- This is Alan, Pat, whosays, you said on the show

that evil happens in the world

because God gave man free will.

I understand, but howdoes that explain things

that happen outside of man's will,

for example, earthquakes,tornadoes, diseases?

- Well, that's part of the natural process

that we live in.

A tornado happens becauseof a buildup of heat

that has to release theheat through all that wind.

The other thing, earthquakes,the crust of the earth

is breaking apart from place to place,

and you have fissures in it.

They call these things acts of God.

They're not acts of God.

They're part of thenatural world we live in.

I don't quite understandwhat that question is

because some of the problem we have

is caused by the sinof mankind, the butcher

of the people in China under Mao Tse-Tung,

the butchery of the Ukrainiansunder Joseph Stalin.

I mean, those things involved the death

of millions of peoplebecause of human beings.

So keep that separatefrom the natural disasters

and don't call them, quote,acts of God, all right.

- That's all the timewe have for today, but--

- Well, thank you for those questions.

- Yes, indeed.

- I hope I answered them properly.

- Yes, well, up next, shooting pain in

her right shoulder, shecouldn't bend her arm

and she couldn't even dress herself.

So how did this woman get totally healed

without seeing a doctor?

Find out, after this.

Plus, we're gonna be prayingfor you and your needs.

So stay with us.

We'll be back in just a moment.

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

- Shooting pain in herright arm made it hard

for Patty Bryant to do much of anything.

She couldn't even dress herself.

For months, Patty prayed to be healed,

but she was also askingfor something more.

What was it and how did itlead to a hallelujah healing?

- [Male Voiceover]Gatlinburg, Tennessee local,

Patty Bryant, stays busy running one of

the country's largestministries for single moms,

but after pressure washingaround the house one day

in July, 2018, she felt a shooting pain

in her right shoulder thatwould sideline her for months.

- And I actually couldn'tmove my arm at all.

It was like stiff.

I couldn't bend it, itwas very frustrating.

- [Male Voiceover] Andliving on a limited income

from the donations to her ministry,

Patty couldn't afford health insurance.

So she felt going to adoctor wasn't an option.

- Different things were happening,

like the maneuvering ofmy fingers and my hands,

they would drop.

I kinda knew it had todo with my rotator cuff.

I thought it would go awayand, after six months,

it didn't go away.

- [Male Voiceover] As the months passed,

Patty was losing her patienceand her independence.

- I don't think I everhad an old mentality,

but when your body is notdoing what it's supposed to do.

I couldn't get dressed.

Like, it would take mea while to put this on.

I felt very alone.

There's no doubt about that.

I felt very alone.

- [Male Voiceover] Despiteher doubts and frustrations,

Patty still turned tothe one person she knew

she could count on.

- I was praying for a total healing,

to not just a healingof what I was before,

but what I was many years ago.

I never had any doubts.

God was gonna heal me in time.

I knew he was gonna do something.

I just didn't know when.

- [Male Voiceover] Then one afternoon,

almost 10 months after her injury,

Patty tuned in to The 700 Club,

where a familiar voice said something

that caught her attention.

- There's somebody inthe state of Tennessee.

I think you've pulled a shoulder muscle

and I don't know who, where or what,

but I believe God ishealing you right now.

If you just raise your arm

where the shoulder muscle,you couldn't work it,

and work it back and forth,

and you'll be completely healed.

- I got the most amazing peace in my body.

And I knew it was thepresence of the Holy Spirit.

It was like, oh my gosh, I canmove my shoulder, hallelujah!

And it was instant. (snapping fingers)

wow, Lord, you're really hearing me.

You're really listeningto me, thank you, Father.

I called up my friends,

and then I called up The 700 club.

I said, I just want you to know,

I was the person in Tennesseeand God healed me instantly.

- [Male Voiceover] Today,if you come through

the Gatlinburg Mountains,you'll find Patty

pain-free and as active as ever.

And when she isn't helping others,

she's pausing to give creditand praise to Jesus Christ.

- I know God brought me herefor such a time as this.

There's no pain, there's none.

And I couldn't do this,are you kidding me?

And I can move my armaround and pick things up.

If he can do it for me,he can do it for anybody.

- He did it for Patty and I know

there are many of you who are encouraged

just hearing that story because you, too,

have needs and want the healing power

of God to touch yourbody or your situation.

Pat, I want to tell you about Elizabeth.

She lives in Gaston, South Carolina.

She injured her back, was in great pain.

She was watching thisprogram and she heard you

pray, somebody's sprained your back

and it's very painful.

It hurts to sit down,it hurts to stand up.

Everything you do, your back hurts.

Right now, it's as if agreat hand is on your back,

and God has just touched you.

In the name of Jesus, you are healed.

Elizabeth believed, and within 15 minutes,

the pain was completely gone.

Seven months later, she called us to say,

her back hasn't bothered her

since that word of knowledge.

So, it's lasting.

- [Pat] Well Raquel, wholives in Winter Park, Florida,

had surgery on her temporal artery.

I don't understand what that is.

In the following months, she began

having debilitating migraines.

She suffered for threemonths and she was watching

this program, and Terry,you gave this word.

Someone is holding theirhead with their left hand,

is having migraines.

The Lord is healing you now.

Raquel immediately feltthe presence of the Lord.

Her headaches stopped, praise God.

- Wow, well hallelujah.

- Shall we pray?- Let's pray.

- Ladies and gentlemen, Terry and I are

gonna pray for you and Godis no respecter of persons.

And there's plenty ofGod's power to go around.

So, we're gonna believe God together.

So Father, we thank you, we thank you

for all these answers and we acknowledge

that you are God Almighty.

Thank you, Father.

There's a neck muscle, I believethe man's name is Charlie,

but he has, the muscle haskinda popped out on your neck.

And it's really sore.

Just put your hand on it and the pain

is gonna go down.

The knot is gonna go down in your neck.

You can move it freelyin Jesus' name, Terry.

- Someone has, you have an infection,

like in the back part of your jaw

and it's affecting your molars.

I mean, you've even, your teeth are loose

because of this.

God is healing thatinfection for you right now

and you'll not lose your teeth.

- Thank you, Lord.

- Someone else with chronic migraines.

I mean, you're just, youlistened to that word

about the woman withthe temporal scenario,

and you just said, let it be me, God.

Today, it is you.

Your migraines are gone and they

will not return in Jesus' name.

- There's a voice-box situation.

You may have had some kind of surgery,

and you're having a hardtime talking or singing.

Actually, I think you'rea professional singer,

and that voice-box is coming back.

Put your hand on your throat.

In the name of Jesus, touch it.

I believe the name's Raymond, take it,

in Jesus' name, thank you, Lord.

- Someone else, you have,the arches on your feet,

they've been fallen for a long time,

but the pain has become so great,

you really have a toughtime when you stand up

just getting going.

God's healing that condition for you.

Those muscles are just going to tighten

and pull where they need to be,

and you're not going to have a problem.

- There's somebody sitting right now.

You're in, it's likeglory is surrounding you,

like the glory of god is surrounding you.

In the name of Jesus,receive that blessing

and praise him for it, it's all yours.

Well, I want you to, today'sprayer I want to give you,

and I also need to tell you that

this "I Am Patrick's" gonna be shown...

- [Terry] Tomorrow nightand Wednesday night.

- Tomorrow night and Wednesday.

You don't wanna miss it.

"I Am Patrick," in selecttheaters, Fathom Events,

you'll wanna go to see it.

And so, thank you for being with us.

We'll see you tomorrow, bye bye.


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