A tornado touches down and one woman scrambles for cover. See her amazing survival story. Plus, a fisherman’s disease threatens his dreams, but God has other plans.
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(dramatic music)
- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Gordon] Coming up.
- Rotation is the word they used.
- [Gordon] Touch down tornado.
- It was coming directly for our house.
- [Gordon] One woman scrambles for cover.
- She started describing that
the pressure changed and that it's here.
- [Gordon] A survival,
- I hear my wife screaming.
- [Gordon] from the center of the storm.
- The doors smashingand the glass breaking.
- [Gordon] How did she make it out alive?
- I remember just screaming, "Jesus."
- On today's "700 Club."
(intense music)
- Well, welcome to "The 700 Club."
We're seeing bans on large gatherings,
campaign rallies canceled.
Airlines are now reducing domestic flights
in America's first containment zone.
The United States is fightingback against the coronavirus.
- The number cases here in the U.S.
has reached a new threshold.
In some of the hardest-hit communities,
officials are taking drastic measures.
Dale Hurd begins out coverage.
- As the number of cases of coronavirus
in the U.S. passes 1,000,
government officials, businesses, schools,
and even political candidatesare taking new steps
to contain the virus.
Some universities aregoing to online classes
and airlines are reducingdomestic flights.
On the campaign trail, Bernie Sanders
and Joe Biden both canceled rallies.
And New Rochelle, NewYork has been declared
America's first containment zone.
- It is a dramatic action.
This is literally amatter of life and death.
- [Dale] The containmentzone is a one-mile radius
around the Young Israel Synagogue,
where dozens of people wereexposed by a sick attorney.
Dr. Anthony Fauci atthe National Institute
of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
warned the rest of thenation to take precautions.
- It doesn't matter if you're in a state
that has no cases or one case,
you have to start taking seriously
what you can do now.
- [Dale] Vice President Pencesays over a million more
test kits will be distributed
to local areas by the end of the week.
And President Trump is urgingAmericans to stay calm.
- This was unexpected.
It will go away.
- [Dale] Stocks gained almost5% on Wall Street Tuesday
as the DOW jumped more than 1,100 points,
recovery about half of the market's
historic loses from the day before.
But the market is expectedto remain volatile.
President Trump is proposing a possible
payroll tax cut to stimulate the economy.
And it's likely the TreasuryDepartment will extend
the April 15 tax deadline
to help individuals and businesses.
- We're also going to be talkingabout hourly wage earners
getting help so that they can
be in a position where they're not
gonna ever miss a paycheck.
- [Dale] Economicadvisor Larry Kudlow says
the cut could last throughthe end of the year.
- The payroll tax holiday is a bold move.
It's a very bold move.
- [Dale] But Democraticleaders came out against it.
- The Administration seemsto believe that the answer
to any problem is another tax cut.
- [Dale] Most states aren'tseeing the high number
of cases like New York or California.
But they're preparing for the worst.
CBN's Eric Philips shows us how
Virginia health officialsare getting ready.
- Here in Central Virginia,
government leaders aretaking a regional approach
where the coronavirus is concerned.
Dr. Danny Avula servesas Public Health Director
for the City of Richmond andneighboring Henrico County.
He says COVID-19's elusive nature
makes it difficult to spot and stop.
- One of the challenges isthat when 80 plus percent
of individuals who have the virus,
have really kind ofindistinguishable cold symptoms,
they can transmit the virus
to people who are muchmore susceptible to it
without really knowing it.
- [Eric] That alone, he adds,
significantly increases chances
the disease spreads to this community.
- I'm very concerned.
- Why?
- 'Cause people don't knowhow to cover their mouth.
- I am scared for more olderpeople than younger people,
but not necessarily for myself.
- [Eric] Hoping toaddress growing concerns,
health and emergencymanagement leaders here
have activated an incidentmanagement team for the region.
- And so now, instead of each locality
having to make their own kindabest guesses or decisions
based on the information they have,
that will all be streamlined
through a regional infrastructure.
The decisions that we make collectively
about whether to hold abasketball game or, you know,
that affects not just thepeople in one locality,
but those have regional implications.
- [Eric] That also includesdecisions like closing schools,
businesses, or even advisingchurches to cancel service.
- I mean, if we're havingwidespread transmission
and we're starting to seedeaths here in Virginia,
and again, I fully expect allof those things to happen,
then I think there will be clear guidance
to faith communities andcongregations to say,
"You know, maybe we doa web service this week
"or for this period of time.
"We probably do need tomake changes in the way
"that we're delivering communion."
- So, I think the churchhas an opportunity here,
really, to show that it will practice
its faith over fear.
- [Eric] Richmond CommunityChurch Senior Pastor
Rick McDaniel says he doesn't foresee
canceling any services.
- I think we would always have church,
we would always have thedoors of the church open,
we'd always have services.
And then, people would have to
make up their own decisions
about whether they wanna come or not.
- [Eric] Now, states have the ability
to test locally for COVID-19
rather than having to sendsamples to the CDC in Atlanta.
Still, Avula says, the availabilityof test kits is limited
and the required criteriafor testing means cases
will slip through the cracks.
Health officials stresspeople should not panic,
but they should remain vigilant,
realizing that curbingevery day social norms
like shaking hands may be the safest idea.
In Richmond, Virginia,Eric Philips, "CBN News."
- CBN medical reporterLorie Johnson joins us now
for more on the responseof the coronavirus.
Lorie, let me ask this question.
You know, we've seen a steady increase.
At what point in time can we start seeing
this really get to epidemic proportions?
Right now, we're dealing with 1,000 cases.
What's the prognosis here?
Are we looking at 10,000 in a week?
100,000 in a week?
What's the multiplication here?
- Gordon, yesterday, the WhiteHouse Coronavirus Task Force
held a news conference andaddressed that very thing.
They talked about theirstrategy for dulling
or hampering a severe increasein a peak number of cases.
They looked at placeslike China and South Korea
and noticed that what's goingon with this coronavirus
is there's a steady increase,then there's a peak.
And a lot of times, that'swhen these governments
are putting in these aggressivecontainment policies.
And then they see the numberof cases drastically decrease
and we're seeing that.
And so, what the American strategy is,
is to go ahead and enact these strict
containment policies now before it gets to
that critical stagethat were talking about.
In other words, to nip it in the bud,
the head it off at the pass.
- Okay, so what are we goingto see in terms of containment?
What kind of rules are wegoing to have to deal with?
- Well, right now, theCoronavirus Task Force
is encouraging Americansto enact some lifestyle
changes that are different.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is theinfectious disease specialist
on the Task Force said ourlife is very different now
and it's going to be very different now
than it was a few months ago,
but then reminded everyonethat this is just temporary.
So, specifically, whatare we talking about?
Well, the things thatwe've been talking about
for the last few weeks as faras keeping your hands clean,
staying home if you're sick,
coughing in or sneezinginto your arm, and so forth.
But then also, they'veramped it up a little bit,
saying that everyone overthe age of 60 should go ahead
and, right now, getsupplies that will last them
for two weeks in case theyneed to self-quarantine.
We're talking about food andmedical supplies right now
because if you get tested positive,
you're going to beasked to self-quarantine
if you don't have very severe symptoms
that would require hospitalization.
So, if you're testedpositive for the coronavirus,
the last thing you wanna do is go out
to the Walmart and startstocking up for two weeks
and infecting everybody in the store.
So, they're asking people to do
that kind of thing right now.
Also, people over theage of 60, right now,
are being encouragedto avoid crowded areas.
So, places that where they might have
maybe 250 people or more, definitely,
to avoid those types of scenarios.
And then there are those ofus who are not at high risk,
are also asked to take extreme precautions
so that we don't infectpeople who are older,
who might be more susceptible
to serious complications from this virus.
- All right, Lorie.
Thanks of the insights.
If you want to learn more about
how you can protect your health,
we have some fact sheetsavailable for you.
The one I recommend is "Protect Your Gut."
If you have a really good gut,
all the wonderful bacteria that
they really help you againstany kind of a immune response
to this kind of an infection.
So, we've got it for you.
It's absolutely free.
It's called "Protect Your Gut."
Call us, 1-800-700-7000.
And if you're over 60 like me,
please look at these guidelines and say,
"Okay, I need two weeks worth of medicine,
"I need two weeks worth of supplies.
"If I get into contact with this
"and I'm forced to gointo a self-quarantine,
"I'm going to be able to do that
"and spent two weeks as anintrovert and just stay home."
And that way, you're not going to
infect anyone else and Lord willing,
you're not going getthe infection yourself.
Well, in other news, JoeBiden is on a clear path
to the Democratic nomination for president
after scoring big winsin Tuesday's primaries.
John Jessup has more on that story
from our "CBN News" bureau in Washington.
- Thanks, Gordon.
Joe Biden's decisive victory in the key
battleground state of Michigan
widens his delegate leadover rival Bernie Sanders.
The former vice presidentalso won primaries
in Missouri, Mississippi, and Idaho,
dealing a serious blow toone of the last remaining
primary opponents for theDemocratic nomination.
Biden leads Sanders in the delegate race,
836 to Sanders's 672.
Well, the United StatesHouse is seeking to reform
a surveillance law that was misused
for political purposesin the Russian probe.
Congress created the ForeignIntelligence Surveillance Act,
or FISA, to guard againstabuse by spy agencies.
But a Justice Departmentinvestigation found
that an application for awarrant to spy on a 2016
Trump campaign aide,contained misinformation.
Lawmakers want several revisionsbefore renewing the law,
including stronger congressional oversight
in the FISA process and punishing those
who abuse the FISA court.
And Gordon, whatever deal is struck
still has to pass in the Senate.
- Well, what's going tohappen in a divided Senate
is up in the air, buthere's some bottom line.
The FBI agents that putthat false information
in front of the FISA courtare now barred for life
for ever asking for anotherwarrant, FISA warrant, again.
So, there is some teeth here,
but this is incredible.
And you look at the abusethat happened in 2016
and how did we ever getto this surveillance state
where somehow people in the FBI
think it's perfectly okay to
start surveillance of apresidential campaign?
It's mind-boggling thatthey would do that.
And then even furthermind-boggling that they would lie.
That's what's been proven, thatthey gave false information
to the FISA court inorder to get that warrant.
What are the consequences?
In my personal opinion,it needs to be far more
than you're banned fromapplying for further warrants.
There needs to be somereally strong action.
We cannot have a surveillance state,
particularly for our political campaigns.
This is not the America we want to have.
- Thanks, Gordon.
And still ahead, fans know him
from "Lord of the Rings"and "Indiana Jones."
Actor John Rhys-Davies talks about
his upcoming movie, "I Am Patrick."
Hear how he developed the character
of the patron Saint ofIreland, later on today's show.
And up next, an amazing shift.
Regions that were once mission fields
have become the mission force.
The new wave of missionaries from Asia,
Africa, and South America, coming up.
(inspirational music)
(energetic music)
- It's a seismic shiftin the global church
in the last century.
Christianity has exploded
in Asia, Africa, and South America.
Not only are churches flourishing
in these parts of the world,
they're also sending missionaries
to the four corners of the Earth.
George Thomas has the story.
- [George] Last month in Brazil,
140,000 people met in three stadiums
pledging to make the greatcommission their main ambition.
Three million more watched online,
promising to spread the gospel
of Jesus Christ to every nation.
- And we declare today,
(translator speaking foreign language)
now is the time for harvest.
(translator speaking foreign language)
(audience cheering)
Now is the season for revival.
(translator speaking foreign language)
And every nation on Earth will be touched.
- [George] Half a world away,
Chinese Christians underintense persecution,
hold 24 hour a day secret prayer meetings,
crying out for their nations.
(pastor speaking foreign language)
- Lord, the number of Christians
in China is increasing.
What should we do, Lord?
What's our job?
How should we expand Your Kingdom?
Lord, we pray that You
will place Your missioninto each of our hearts.
(congregation singing)
- [George] A similar scene plays out
7,000 miles away in North Africa.
- God has put in our heart to be able
to send 1,000 missionariesby the year 2025.
And I really believe, maybe one day,
America will end up with some Muslims,
converts, missionaries,coming to reach out
to the Muslims there.
- [George] It's a farcry from those early days
when Western missionarylegends like William Carey,
Hudson Taylor, and David Livingston
labored decades before seeingthe fruits of their labor.
Today, missionaries answer that same call.
This new generation, however, comes from,
among other places, theremote parts of Mongolia,
deserts sands of the Middle East,
and Southeast Asia.
- And so, before where you youwould think of a missionary
in the 1900s as pale, white, British folks
dressed in somewhatVictorian clothes (chuckles),
that is over now.
We have missionaries nowthat look like everyone.
(upbeat music)
- [George] Their efforts andthose of countless others,
helping fuel the explosivegrowth of Christianity.
- It is true that there is a shift
taking place at the moment.
And there are less missionaries
coming from the United States and Europe.
But it doesn't mean, for a moment,
that there are less missionaries.
(cheery music)
- [George] While the U.S. sends out
the highest number of missionaries,
more than half of those serving worldwide
now come from Asia,Africa, and South America,
regions that were once mission fields
becoming the mission force.
- So, from countries that used to be
kind of the focus point of mission,
they have become themajor players in mission.
- In this part of Ukraine.
- [George] Among them,
the likes of Ukrainian Sergey Rakhuba,
who is training hundreds of young people
to be the next Christiangeneration spreading the gospel.
(Sergey speaking foreign language)
- [Interpreter] Thefuture of the countries
of the former SovietUnion is not in the hands
of political leaders, in the Kremlin,
or in the presidential palaces
of Ukraine, Moldova, or Belarus.
But it is in the handsof young Christians,
who with a renewed heart,renewed vision and desire,
are taking the gospelinto contemporary society
that influence it for eternity.
- [George] For severalyears, Rakhuba's group,
Mission Eurasia, has been sending dozens
of Russian missionary teams to Mongolia,
holding camps for thousands of children,
many of whom have neverheard the name of Christ.
(Michael speaking foreign language)
- [Interpreter] We are in a remote,
western part of Mongolia.
And it is still one of the most
unreached places in the world.
Sometimes, we think that people
around the world know about Jesus.
But there are places like this
that haven't been touched by the gospel.
- To better appreciate thesignificance of these camps,
you have to understand the history
of Christianity here in Mongolia.
Shortly after the fall of Communism,
there were only 10 believersin the entire country.
Today, some 26 years later,some 60,000 believers
are spread across this vast nation.
17-year-old Elena said she got
the call to missions at a young age.
This is her third visit to Mongolia.
(Elena speaking foreign language)
- [Interpreter] When I was nine years old,
I read a book about amissionary in a foreign country.
And since then, I havehad this burning desire
to share God's love with people.
(congregation singing)
- [George] One place burningwith missionary zeal is Africa.
(upbeat music)
The prestigious Pew ResearchCenter found that people
who live south of the Sahara desert
and stretching all theway to the tip of Africa
are seeking God unlike anyother part of the world.
Pew predicts that by 2060,
Africa will be the mostChristian continent.
Congregations like Grace Bible Church
in Johannesburg, South Africa,
taking advantage of the phenomenal growth,
sending missionaries across the continent.
- We come from a historywhere things were done for us.
People came to us to tell us about Christ.
We were their so-calleddark continent, you know?
And all of that.
But, we realize history changes.
- [George] Scores of missionaries
now bringing the gospelback to re-evangelize
a secular and often irreligious West.
- You're just getting a much more diverse
missionary movement now,
where people are basically going
from everywhere to everywhere.
And you're even gettingmissionaries from Africa
and Latin America who are going to Europe,
who are going to North America.
- So, the courage ofthe African and Asians
are coming into the West,
should, number one, put us to shame
and then should motivate us,
that we, the ones who havetaken the gospel to the East,
now, should not be allwelcoming, but embracing them.
- [George] Dr. Becker saysthe modern missions movement
is thriving as countlessfrom around the world
take up the mantle ofobeying Jesus' command
to make disciples of all nations.
- And in some ways, we are back, really,
at that early vision thatwe find in the Book of Acts,
where the Holy Spirit isput forth on men and women
from every tribe, everytongue, every nation.
And they are sent forthto the ends of the Earth
to proclaim the gospel of Christ.
- [George] George Thomas, "CBN News."
- And that's one of thecentral messages of the gospel
is we need to take the gospel.
How can you love your neighbor
if you withhold the gospel from them?
And so, it's this rise ofcross-cultural missionaries
that will transcend culture,
will transcend national borders.
We want to get the gospelout around the world.
And we're following examples
and the example of the apostle Paul,
where he would go, he wouldspeak in the local language.
He would try to becomeall things to all men
that he might, by any means, win some.
And then there's anotherexample and that's St. Patrick,
who was taken as a childfrom Britain to Ireland.
He learned the Irish languagebecause he was made a slave.
God miraculously deliveredhim from slavery.
He became a bishop in the church,
only to have God call him back
to the very people that enslaved him.
His missionary methodsare still relevant today.
He would preach, not in Latin,
he would preach in thelocal Gaelic Irish language.
He would take up peoplefrom his converts and say,
"You're now the minister here.
"You're now the pastor of this church.
"You're now the shepherd of this church."
He would ordain them andput them into ministry.
It's a wonderful story.
We have a docu-dramacalled "I Am Patrick."
It's going to be outthis St. Patrick's Day,
March 17th, March 18th only,
a special Fathom event.
If you'd like to go toit, go to iampatrick.com.
If you click on the link of Find Tickets,
you'll find a theater near you.
All you have to do istype in your zip code.
We're in over 1,000theaters across America.
So, they'll be a place where you can go
and you can see this wonderful movie.
And I hope it inspiresyou to realize two things,
one, God still speaks today.
Number two, God still sends today.
So, if you'd like to get those messages,
get 'em to as many people as possible,
go to iampatrick.com.
- Now, we wanna take you
behind the scenes of "I Am Patrick."
Let's take a look at John Rhys-Davies
in his role as old Patrick.
(dramatic music)
- [Patrick] To relate in detail,
either the whole story of my labors
or even parts of it,would take a long time.
- When looking for thevoice of old Patrick,
my first person that Iwanted was John Rhys-Davies.
- What are you doing?
How many are you doing?
- Thousands.
They're all goin' on Facebook, John.
- He's Welsh, he's got a great voice.
It was kinda of a dream come true for me.
And then when I met up with him
and then we did the voiceover,
he just nailed it.
He so captured the essence of St. Patrick.
And I was like, "We have tohave him play old Patrick."
Actually, I'm sorry tosay that we're actually
ready for you, John.
- Oh, my God.
(all laughing)
I am Patrick, because I got lucky enough
to be employed on this marvelous project.
I was on to this project
because I love the character of Patrick.
I think he's aa fascinating model.
And he's a great man
and he's the beginningsof Irish literature.
- Today is our big day.
We're here filming one of thefinal scenes in the movie.
It's just a spectacular sunset
and he's just been an absolute pleasure
to deal with all dayand a true professional.
- [Jarrod] Rolling guys, cameras set?
- [Cinematographer] Set.
- [Jarrod] And action.
- My latest movie iscalled "I Am Patrick."
And you're looking atthe older Patrick now.
It'll be in movie theaters across America
for two days on the17th and 18th of March.
I hope to see you there.
- What a character.
Well, don't miss thiscompelling docu-drama
on the life on St. Patrick.
Be sure to get your ticketsfor "I Am Patrick," now.
The two-night Fathomevent will be in theaters
March 17th and 18th, as Gordon mentioned.
Just go to iampatrick.com to see showtimes
and reserve your seats.
Coming up, in the Lone StarState, a Texas-sized twister.
Explosive sounds all around this woman
just before the killer storm
suddenly sucked her right out of her home.
How did she survive?
You have to see it tobelieve it, after this.
(upbeat music)
(energetic music)
Tornadoes, nature's most brutal storms.
Last year, a monster tornadoslammed down in Texas,
demolishing everything in its path.
This terrifying twister shredded the house
of a woman named Jen Como,
when she was all alone inside her home.
(suspenseful music)
- I knew there were a possibility
of severe storms that were coming,
but no idea what the effectof those were gonna be.
- You know, you go your whole life
going through bad storms,
especially livin' in a place like Texas.
- [Wendy] The forecast forDan and Jen Como's area
called for severe weatheras it had the prior weekend.
Jen planned to be at home,
while her husband went to weekend
reserve duty five hours away.
The kids went with himto visit nearby family.
- I wasn't too worried about it.
I was just, okay, well, you know,
it'll rain hard, it'll,the wind'll blow, okay.
- [Wendy] Jen wasn't concerned either,
until after Dan left.
Then, she felt a stirring in her spirit.
- I heard the Lord, just impart to me,
"I need you to pray over these storms."
And so, I did.
I listened to that and I prayed over that
and sang his praisesand anointed the house.
- [Meteorologist] The forecast,
showers and thunderstormstoday with strong southwest--
- [Wendy] The next morning,
Jen kept an eye on the weather reports.
- I saw as the radar started tracking
another storm coming through,
I started to get a little concerned
that it was getting so close.
- [Wendy] So, she called Dan.
- I was at reserve drillon Saturday and she said,
"You might wanna lookat the weather report.
"I'm a little concerned."
And so, I pulled it up on my phone
and the radar was not looking good.
Rotation is the word they used.
- [Wendy] In fact,
a funnel cloud had been spotted
near the Como's town.
- The last thing I wantedher was in a vehicle
and a storm bearing down on top of her.
So, I felt like the safestplace was in our home.
Okay, dogs cared for, check.
Flashlight, check.
Cell phone, check.
- [Wendy] Jen prepared while she took
several more calls from concerned friends.
Then came the warning.
A tornado had hit(storm siren wailing)
downtown Alto, just onemiles from their home.
- It was coming directly for our house.
So, yeah, I started getting nervous.
- [Wendy] And so was Dan.
He called Jen again, whoby now had crated the dogs
and taken cover in their bedroom closet.
A sudden stillness came over the house.
(wood creaking)
- You could feel thatthe tornado was there.
You could sense that it was there
without seeing out of the door.
And then I just started praying.
- She started describing that
the pressure changed and that it's here.
The Holy Spirit justput Psalm 91 in my mind.
I pulled it up on my phone right there
while I was talkin' to her
and I just startedreading it with authority.
"He shall deliver you.
"You shall not be afraidof the terror by night."
- Then that's when Iheard the door smashing
and the glass breaking all around me.
And it wasn't justbreaking, it was exploding.
And my ears were popping
and the pressure changedin the entire environment.
Louder than anything was the sound of
all the timber cracking around the house.
It sounded like a thousandtoothpicks being snapped.
- I can hear my house being shredded
over the phone, you know?
And I heard my wife screamingand I heard the dogs barking.
Never have I felt sohelpless in my entire life.
I was terrified.(dogs barking)
- I remember just screaming, "Jesus."
I can remember almostas the words came out,
I was being tumbled out of the house.
It was that quickly.
- [Wendy] Then, all Dan couldhear was complete silence.
- And I was just shouting,trying to get her to respond.
Honey, are you okay?
Answer me.
Finally, in the very faint distance,
I heard, I think it wasmy wife shouting, "Help!"
So, at that point, thehardest decision I had to make
was to hang up so I could start
callin' people to come help us.
- [Wendy] Dan got a holdof friends from church
who rushed right over to try to find Jen.
- This experience putme in a position of just
complete and uttervulnerability and dependency
on everybody else inGod's kingdom to actually
come in and do thingsthat I was just completely
incapable of doing at that moment.
Boy, did they show up.
- [Wendy] The Como home was demolished,
but Jen was only bruised.
And the dogs were fine, too.
She walked out to theroad, flagged down a driver
and got to the hospitalto be checked over.
On the way, she used a phone to call Dan.
- Within 20 minutes, shewalked away with this,
with a little bump on the head
and a little bit of road rash.
- [Wendy] The friends fromchurch brought her home
and started salvaging whatthey could from the wreckage.
- Them taking care of her and being there
allowed me the ability to, you know,
get there and not panicfor five hours straight.
We just walked up to each other, embraced.
And it was just, we werewhole again, you know?
- [Wendy] Now, allsettled in another home,
the Como's say God's word and prayer
have new meaning for them.
- And I have never beenmore scared in my life,
but also more sure in my lifethat I was gonna be protected.
The power of prayer isour prayers are real
and what we say matters.
- He's always listening,
he's always there,
and he always answers.
Everything in the Bibleis absolutely real.
He deserves every bit of praise
and every bit of gloryand every bit of honor
for everything he's done for me,
before, during, and after the storm.
- Just a miracle that she survived
and everybody is happy and healthy today.
Gordon, nothing terrifiesme like a tornado.
That is just so--
- You were watching the pieceand you were hugging yourself.
- I was like (screams).
- It was, as the tornado approached
and you look at these things and yes,
there are troubles in this world.
There are plagues.
We're looking at coronavirus,
we're looking at multiple storms,
just start thinking of thenumber of hurricanes that hit,
the horrible tornadoes that hit Nashville.
These things, it just seemsto be an increasing pace.
But the good news that we have
is that God is with us.
And just as he protected thatfamily, he will protect you.
Now, we're going to pray.
We're gonna pray for miracles for you.
We're also gonna pray forGod's protection for you.
And just the same prayer that,
that wonderful husbandwas praying over his wife
as he's literally hearing hishouse be torn down around her.
He is praying for Psalm 91 over her.
He's praying that she would be protected
under the wings of the most-high God,
that she would find shelter.
And his prayer was answered.
Realize that God canbe all-sufficient one.
He can be your healer.
He can be your restorer.
He can be your protector.
He can be your shield.
He can be your all and all.
You don't need to be afraidof the arrow that flies by
by day or the pestilencethat comes by night
because you have the assurancethat He will be with you.
And here's His promise, thatHe will never leave you.
He will never forsake you.
He is right there.
He is just a prayer away.
The sermon of Jesus inthe first chapter of Mark
is one of my favorite ones.
"Realize the time is fulfilled."
That means it's right now.
"The Kingdom of God is at hand."
that means you can reach up and get it.
It's right within your grasp.
The Kingdom of God is right there.
All we have to do is change our thinking,
and believe the good news,
believe that He's there,
believe that He wants to provide,
believe that He wants to heal.
Now, before we pray, wewant to encourage you.
We've got some other miraclereports that have come in.
Here's Linda from, I can'tpronounce this, Oktaha, Oklahoma.
She had serious chest painson and off for three years.
As a nurse, she took her own advice,
tried not to to panic, took aspirin.
But when the pains became consistent
for two or three nights in a row,
she became very concerned.
Well, during this time,she watched "The 700 Club,"
and hear Wendy gave a word of knowledge.
She said her name, Linda,
and declared healing for her heart.
Linda believed by faith, hasn'thad any chest pains since.
- I love that.
All right, here's Carlosof Port Lavaca, Texas,
was diagnosed with gall stones
and developed a serious infection.
He was in the hospital for 24 days
and was finally discharged,
wearing a tube and drainage bag.
One day, he was watching "The Club"
and he heard you give a word of knowledge,
Gordon, in declaring someone healed
from gall stones and an infection.
Carlos claimed that healing.
When he next saw his doctor,
she was puzzled since therewas absolutely no infection.
(Gordon chuckling)
She removed the tube and bag
and told Carlos to keep his gall bladder.
- Way to go.
Praise God for what Hedoes, for what He does.
He'll do it for you.
He's no respecter of purses,
you don't have to clean up first,
you don't have to do anything first.
All you have to do is believe, believe.
Change your thinking,believe the good news
and let God do all the rest.
Let's pray.
- [Wendy] Amen.
- Lord, we lift those in the audience
right now who are suffering.
We lift those who have needsfor healing, needs for pain.
Lord, we lift everyone who isafraid of this horrible virus.
- [Wendy] Yes.
- And we just ask for your shield
of protection to be around them.
And we take the authoritythat you have given us
as believers in you.- Yes.
- We take authority over this virus
and we say you have noability anymore to reproduce.
You have no more ability to spread
and to contaminate our schools,
our hospitals, our nursing homes,
our places of work.
Be gone now, in Jesus' name
and come back and reproduce no more,
mutate no more, in Jesus' name.
- Thank you, Lord.
- And now we lift thosewho are praying for
healing in their bodies.
And we ask that you would stretch forth
your hand to do miracles today,
that you would appear that yourpresence would be manifest,
that you would impart faith to people
to believe for the impossible,
that what doctors is impossibleis always possible with You.
So, we command healingnow, in Jesus' name.
And we receive it by faith.
We receive it now.
There's someone, you'vegot terrible problem
and terrible pain in your right kidney.
It's like the entire lower portion
of the kidney is inflamed.
And we just speak healingthroughout that kidney right now.
All that infection,any blockage right now,
in Jesus' name be gone.
Any precancerous mass or any cancer now,
be gone, in Jesus' name.
And be completely healed of it.
You just felt somethinggo through your kidney
and you're healed in Jesus' name.
Go back and get tested and realize
that God has done awonderful work for you.
Wendy, what did God give you?
- I'm just seeing a lot of elderly people
very, very fearful, and theLord is saying to you today,
"Do not be afraid.
"Remember who you are.
"Remember my word.
"Stand on Psalm 91, no plague,
"no pestilence shall come near you."
God is with you, He will take care of you.
Just claim that overyourself and your household,
in Jesus' name.
And we bind the spirit of fear
that is trying to harass somany right now in our country.
We bind you, Satan.
You cannot and will not dothis to the children off God
'cause we have the shield of faith.
And Lord, we thank youright now for that peace
that surpasses all understanding,
and your healing touch right now,
for those who need it, in Jesus' name.
- There's someone, you'vegot a severe sinus infection
and it's recurring drainage
down your palette into your throat.
And God is just healed all of that.
He's taken the infection away
and that drip He's taken away.
It's almost like you're living with it.
And God is saying,
"No, you don't have tolive with this anymore.
"I'm healing you right now."
In the name of Jesus.
Someone else with a severeinfection in your left eye,
God is taking all that infection away.
He's removing all the redness.
It's gonna be clear.
Your eye's gonna be completely healed
and made whole now, in Jesus' name.
- [Wendy] In Jesus' name.
- Lord, we thank you, we thank you.
You are our protector, You are our healer.
When we receive You,
we receive every answerto every human need.
We thank you for it, in Jesus' name,
amen.- Amen.
- If you have been touched, let us know.
Share your good report.
And if you need prayer, we're here for ya.
We wanna break that spiritof fear over your life
and if you need prayer, we're here for ya.
All you have to do is call us.
And just say, "I need prayer."
We believe in prevailing prayer.
It's our honor, ourprivilege to pray for you.
And if you want more informationabout this coronavirus,
we have a special news alert,
"Coronavirus: What You Need to Know."
But the really important thingis on the backside of that.
It's Psalm 91.
and I encourage people,now, to read Psalm 91.
It's safety of abidingin the presence of God.
When you have God present with you,
no disease can come nearyour house, near your body.
Pray Psalm 91 of yourself just as
that wonderful husband in that story, Dan.
He was praying Psalm 91 over his wife.
As the hurricane is destroying their home,
she is protected.
God answers that prayer.
So, memorize it, memorize Psalm 91.
We've got it in this fact sheet.
All you gotta do is call us.
We'll be glad to email it to you
or we can send it to youvia snail mail, either way.
1-800-700-7000, absolutely free.
- Thanks.
All right, well comingup, a Holocaust survivor
who endured the horrors ofthe Nazi invasion of Ukraine.
See, how this poor widow,
now living in Israel,received a helping hand.
Also ahead, a big fishing competition
and you'll never believe
who got in the boat with this fisherman.
See how the championmade the biggest comeback
in Bass Master Classic history,
later on today's show.
(upbeat music)
(dramatic music)
- And welcome back to Washingtonfor this "CBN Newsbreak."
An Israeli Court rejected Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu's request to delay
the start of his corruption trial.
Netanyahu is charged withfraud, breach of trust,
and accepting bribes in connection
with a series of scandals.
He denies any wrongdoing.
Netanyahu's lawyers,though, had sought a delay
for more time to review evidence,
but a district court in Jerusalem ruled
it will begin as planned next week.
Well, pastor Greg Lauriesays fear of the coronavirus
may be worse than the virus itself.
The Harvest Christian Fellowship pastor
in Southern Californiaoffered prayerful advice
in a recent sermon.
- Let your request be made known to God
and the peace of God thatpasses all human understanding
will keep your heart andmind in Christ Jesus.
Listen, God is biggerthan the coronavirus.
Don't be afraid.(audience applauding)
- Laurie also said that thepromises of God are true
and that He offers peace tothose who earnestly seek it.
Well, you can always getthe latest from "CBN News"
by going to our website at CBNnews.com.
Gordon and Wendy will be back with more of
"The 700 Club" right after this.
(dramatic music)
(upbeat music)
- Manya remembers beingherded into a Nazi ghetto.
During the war, she survivedon a diet of beet roots.
Other members of her familydidn't make it out alive.
And today, she is awidow living in Israel.
And she's found hope,thanks to CBN partners.
- [Reporter] As I sat with Manya
in her small apartment in Nazareth,
she told me about her life
under Nazi occupationduring the Holocaust.
- [Interpreter] One ofmy earliest memories is
of my father and eldest brother leaving
to join the Red Army
and the sadness I felt seeing them go.
Then the Nazi came and turnour village into a ghetto.
It all happened so fast.
- [Reporter] Thousands of Jews
from the surrounding areawere forced in the ghetto.
Manya's family shared theirtiny house with 22 people
and worked in the fieldsfrom morning to night.
- [Interpreter] Everyday, I cried to my mother
because I was so hungry.
Sometimes, she give me apiece of the beet roots
the Nazi made us grow in the fields.
This is how we survived.
But many people in my family
were beaten or killed before liberation.
- [Reporter] Manya immigrated
to Israel with her husband in 1990.
Now, she's a widowliving alone in poverty.
So, CBN Israel brings her food regularly.
Lately, it's been harderfor Manya to get around.
To help, we got her a newwalker with a built in chair
she can use to rest whenever she needs to.
- [Interpreter] The food is wonderful
and the walker is so nice.
I be able to get out moreand that makes me happy.
I can't say enough how grateful I am.
- [Reporter] With thesupport of CBN Israel donors,
Manya says her hope has been restored.
- [Interpreter] This help is so important.
It's good for my soul.
It encourages me to know you care
about what we went through.
In Hebrew we say (speaksforeign language),
thank you from the bottom of my heart.
- And if you're a memberof "The 700 Club,"
that thank you goes to you.
A portion of every gift goes into
the work of Operation Blessing.
Another portion goes in thework of CBN International.
You're a part of allof it, everything we do
when you join "The 700 Club."
For a gift of $20 or more a month,
we'll send you my father's latest book.
It's called "The 10 Laws for Success."
Along with that, you'll get apreview of his upcoming book,
"I Walked With the living God,"
all as our gift to you whenyou join "The 700 Club."
And if you wanna designateyour gift to CBN Israel
so that all of it goesinto our work in CBN Israel
whether that's for the news bureau there,
for these wonderful documentarieswe're doing about Israel,
or for the humanitarian work
that CBN Israel is doing inside Israel,
you can designate yourgift by writing to us.
Or you can call or got to CBN.com.
There's a place on thegiving page where you
can designate.
- All right, well, RandyHowell was in 11th place.
The media had written off any chance
that he might win the 2014
Bass Master Classic fishing tournament.
Then, suddenly, a passengerappeared in his boat,
riding shotgun and Randywas about to make history.
- I used to think itwas pretty all the time
that Jesus was always with fisherman
and never golfers in the Bible.
It was always fishermen.
That's kinda my joke about that.
And so, it did draw me towanna read more and learn more
and just interested inwhy Jesus chose fishermen.
- [Reporter] Randy Howellhas always loved fishing.
- The fishing lifestyleis a lifestyle of faith
'cause you're chasingafter a little green fish
that you don't see, you know?
And it's a lot like you'rejourney with Christ,
it's all faith-based.
You can't see it, you know?
So, that's a pretty good parallel.
- [Reporter] Randy cameto faith as young boy
while attending vacation bible school.
- About 12 years old is when I really felt
the Holy Spirit tuggin' at my heart
and that conviction towhere I knew, you know,
what right and wrong really was
and that I wanted to, you know,
be saved and have arelationship with Jesus.
- [Reporter] He saysthat from a young age,
he knew he had a call thatmight involve fishing.
- My mom took me to a lot of revivals
and a lotta place like that.
Pastors would call me outin a crowd there and say,
"You know, God's got aspecial callin' on your life."
- [Reporter] But as teen,
Randy began experiencing health issues
that threatened to derail hisdreams of a fishing career.
- I found out I had ulcerative colitis.
But little did I knowit was gonna turn into
somethin' big and major, you know,
where surgeries were gonna be required.
And that was the big shocker.
- [Reporter] After highschool, Randy married Robin
and got his first Pro Fishing Tour card
when his illness struck with a vengeance.
- I was on the lake fishin'.
And the first day, I was in 10th place
and I needed to make the top 10
to advance to the All-American.
And I started throwin' up blood
and I came in from fishin'.
I was by myself.
I lived eight hours fromwhere I was at the tournament,
so I worked my way back
stoppin' at gas stations,throwin' up blood.
- [Reporter] Randy got to a hospital
in Rocky Mount, NorthCarolina, just in time.
- Doctors said, you know,
"You were within a couplehours of having peritonitis."
And I coulda died withinhours if I hadn't got there
and that is what made it reallyreal when they told me that.
But I had a lot ofinfection so they only took
2/3 of my colon out in my first surgery.
- [Reporter] Becauseof his health problems,
Randy began to wonder if hewould ever fish professionally.
- The doctors, you know, said,
"This is gonna be a verydifficult thing to chase for you
"because you're gonna endup havin' a lot of issues
"with goin' to the bathroom,
"possibly more surgeries in the future."
And it was a very, it waskind a discouragin' report.
- [Reporter] The illness caused
Randy to pursue the Lord deeper.
- When adversity hitsyou for the first time,
that's when you truly, you know,
you go from reallyreligion to relationship.
And I totally submitted mylife to Him at the time.
And I said, "Lord,whatever you want me to do
"in my life, whether it'sfishin' or something' else,
"here I am, I'm ready to do it."
I'm just thankful to be alive.
That's where God'smiracle-workin' power came in
and healed me quicklybecause those surgeries
shoulda taken six to ninemonths between each one.
But instead, I had all threesurgeries within four months
and that was the part that was miraculous.
- [Reporter] Now that he was healed,
Randy went back to fishing.
Not only was he winning tournaments
and getting endorsements,
he now had a platform to share his faith.
- That's when God said,
"You know, I didn't call youto be a missionary in China.
"I called you to be fisherman
"and this is what I want you to go do."
So, that's where myspeakings kinda started.
Jesus told stories and that's what
the parables were in the Bible.
And that's all I hadto do was tell my story
and that's all anybody hasto do is tell their story
to bring people to know Jesus.
And that's what fired meup and got me excited.
- [Reporter] God was preparing him for
the biggest moment inhis professional life.
In 2014, he was fishingin the Bass Master Classic
at Guntersville Lake, Alabama.
- I was in 11th place after two days.
And all the media hadpretty much written it off
that I, that anybody outside the top 10
couldn't have chance of winning.
And that's the day that Iwent out the next mornin'
and I'm runnin' up thelake and had a clear,
just the clearest ever of just
a Holy Spirit visitation in my boat.
And I saw a vision in my mind and said,
"Turn the boat around nowand go to this bridge."
And I saw a quick glimpse,like video in my head,
of me under this bridge,castin' and catchin' fish.
- [Reporter] Randy heeded the voice.
- I turned the boat aroundand ran back to this bridge.
And as soon as I pulled up,
and I started catchin' fish on every cast
and made the, at the time,
the greatest comeback inBass Master Classic history.
I was almost 10 pounds behind
and I came back with the largest
catch of the day, 29 pounds, two ounces,
and ended up winnin' by one pound,
winnin' $300,000 atthe World Championship.
I didn't do it, it wasGod that did it that day.
- [Reporter] Randy isnow one of the top-rated
bass fishermen in the world.
He has had no health issues
and continues to win major tournaments.
And he continues to tell his story.
- You gotta fall in love with Jesus.
You can't just get a Bible and just say,
you know, and go to churchand say "I'm a Christian."
And when you do that and you go all in
and you see it happen, andthen you know it's real.
Adversity is gonna make you stronger
and it just gonna make you persevere.
When you know who's in controland discover your purpose,
then you can make a difference.
You just gotta go all in and believe
and God'll open the doorsand take care of you.
- God will open doors.
And there's a lot more to that
fish story than just a fish story.
And Wendy, I'll give you one of my
favorite verses in the Bible.
- [Wendy] Right.
- Can you guess?
- "Jesus was a fisher of men"?
- No.
- Is that a verse (laughs)?
I don't know.- No, it's from
John, Chapter 21, verse three.
"I am going fishing."
(Wendy laughing)
That's from the apostle Peter.
"I am going fishing."
And then John chimes in,
"We're going with you."
And so, take that hometo Bill and say here's
a new favorite verse for you.- Yes.
Oh, that's just gonna be
his favorite.- It lead to
the miracle of 153 fish.
So, go read the 21st chapter of John
and you'll see a miracle just like
what you just saw in that story.
We leave you these wordsfrom Jesus in Matthew.
"Go therefore and makedisciples of all the nations,
"baptizing them in the name of the Father
"and of the Son
"and of the Holy Spirit."
(upbeat music)