A businessman encourages believers to trust God in the everyday moments of life. Plus, New York’s first skyscraper. Tour Saint Patrick’s Cathedral on today’s 700 Club.
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- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Wendy] Coming up.
(church bells ringing)
America's Parish.
(speaking in foreign language)
And New York's first skyscraper.
- [Robert] With nomachines, no electricity.
- [Wendy] The story ofa prayer sung in stone.
- I'm sure he looks down from heaven
and says, "I had the right idea."
- [Wendy] And the birthof a nation as well.
- [Brian] It's really agreat melting pot right here.
- [Wendy] Tour St. Patrick's Cathedral
on today's "700 Club."
(dramatic music)
- Well welcome folks to thisedition of "The 700 Club."
The coronavirus crash.
Markets plunging in a free fall yesterday,
suffering the biggest drop since 2008.
What action is President Trump taking
to stop the slide?
And what's the good newscoming out of China?
George Thomas has it all.
- The White House is set to ask Congress
for a payroll tax cutand economic assistance
to hourly workers to helpthose hurt financially
by the coronavirus as new cases continue
to pop up across the country.
- We're gonna be meetingwith House Republicans,
Mitch McConnell, everybody, and discussing
a possible payroll tax cut or relief.
- [George] Financial experts saying
the relief could be aboost to public confidence.
- Yeah, it would make a difference.
Now it's beginning to hurtthe economy in a bigger way.
That will make a huge difference.
- [George] Stock markets in Asia
recovered some of their losses today
following their worst day sincethe 2008 financial crisis.
Oil prices also bounced backfrom a record-setting fall.
The Dow falling morethan 2,000 points Monday,
triggering a halt on trading
for the first time in two decades
after the market plunged 7%.
- The markets, overtime, have up until now
always recovered.
It might not be nextmonth or next quarter,
but we need to keep, if it'sfor retirement purposes,
we need to keep thatlong-term picture in mind.
- [George] In the US, coronaviruscases now surpassing 700.
In Washington, the President'sChief of Staff Mark Meadows
self-quarantines afterpossibly coming into contact
with a person infected with coronavirus.
Several other Republican lawmakers
who met with the Presidentalso quarantining themselves
out of an abundance of caution.
Meanwhile, the streets of Florence
practically empty this morning
after the Italian governmentplaced the entire country
of some 60 millionpeople under quarantine.
Overnight, residentsof the Italian capital
stood in long lines stockpiling food
as schools, universities, restaurants,
and all social gatheringsbanned until April 3rd.
9,000 cases of the coronavirushave been confirmed in Italy.
463 people have died sofar, the largest numbers
outside of China.
Israel is taking the unprecedented step
of quarantining all international travels
for two weeks upon arrival.
- Here at Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion Airport,
you can see the impact.
Normally, there would be thousands
of travelers coming and going
through Israel's maininternational airport.
Now, it's nearly deserted.
- [George] In Wuhan, China,
the epicenter of the virus outbreak,
some patients who had the mostsevere cases now recovering.
Beijing saying its efforts tocontrol the virus are working,
as government officialsreported the lowest number
of new cases since January.
(speaking foreign language)
Chinese President Xi Jinpingvisiting medical workers
and patients in Wuhanfor the first time today,
a signal, perhaps, that the country
has finally brought theoutbreak under control.
- But if we can see a countryhave more than 80,000 cases
now start to see a decline,that is more than hope.
That is evidence of showingthat this can be done.
- [George] George Thomas, CBN News.
Thanks, George.
The most amazing thing thoughare the interest rates.
When you look at a two-year Treasury
coming in for about a quarterof a percent of interest,
when you look at the 10-year at about .5%,
and you look at the 30-yearbond yielding about 1% interest,
it is unbelievable, unprecedented.
And of course, people are rushing out
to refinance mortgages at these low rates
and I advise people todo it as quick as you can
because the money might be drying up
but somebody is betting on a collapse
of our economy worldwide.
It's just incrediblewith this coronavirus,
plus the cut in oil prices,which is taking the Brent down
to about 30 bucks a barrel,which again is unprecedented.
We've never seen anything quite like it.
In my lifetime, I've neverseen anything like this before.
I don't know if any of you have either.
But it's just an extraordinarystate of affairs.
But here's somethingwe can do to help you.
Don't be afraid of this stuff.
I think if you're healthy andyour immune system is working,
our Lorie Johnson said80% of your immune system
is in your gut.
And so we've beenputting out a book called
"Build a Better Gut."
We've had, lifetime,about 233,000 requests.
Just recently, it's been 27,000.
We'll give these to you free.
Why not be healthy?
You don't have to fear thisstuff if you really are healthy.
It's the people who haveimpaired immune systems
and something else going in their bodies
that usually are the ones who are struck
by this coronavirus, soit could be nothing worse
than a bad cold.
We also have a news alert:
Coronavirus, What You Need to Know.
We'll give this to you.
And in the back of it is Psalm 91
that tells you comforting from the Lord.
So we'll give these things out free.
You just call in,1-800-700-7000, CBN today.
And I noticed somebodywas having a program
talking about the healthy vegetables
and fruit you should eat,
and I'm, frankly, eating the same thing.
I want you to knowblueberries are incredible,
strawberries are incredible.
There's more micronutrientsin nuts and berries.
They can keep you very healthy.
So load up on fresh vegetablesand that kind of thing.
- Well you do that regularly so--
- That's part of my routine.
That's why I have no intentionof submitting to coronavirus.
- There you go.
- I'm not gonna do it.
I will not submit.- Stay strong.
- All right.
Well there are now morethan 700 coronavirus cases
in the United States,but America's top doctor
says not to worry.
The administration is up to the challenge
of fighting this virus.
John Jessup has more on that story.
- Thanks, Pat.
US Surgeon General JeromeAdams is on the front lines
of the government's fightagainst the coronavirus.
Monday, he spoke with CBNWhite House Correspondent
Ben Kennedy about what the American public
should know about the virus
and the administration'sefforts to mitigate its impact.
- The US Surgeon General tells CBN News
his priority is to keep theoutbreak in perspective,
not worrying about over-or even under-selling it.
So yes, it is a serious global threat,
but Dr. Jerome Adams says theWhite House is on top of it.
- Thank you.
- [Ben] An elbow bump fromthe US Surgeon General,
his version of a handshakeamid a health crisis.
- We do know there aresome high risk groups
and we want people to beaware if they're at high risk.
- [Ben] That includes seniorswith underlying conditions
like diabetes or heart and lung disease.
A majority of the deaths in the US
focused around a Washingtonstate elder care center.
- People over 60 are much morelikely to have complications,
have to be hospitalized,need medical attention,
and people over 80 arethe ones who are dying
at the highest rate from coronavirus.
- [Ben] Masks and handsanitizers are sold out.
The big question is: Do they work?
Are they effective in stoppingthe spread of the virus?
- Well masks are not effective
in preventing the generalpublic from getting coronavirus.
Most masks just protectother people from you.
They don't protect you from them.
- [Ben] Hand sanitizers do work,
but not as effective as hand-washing.
- I know you got a lot of questions.
- [Ben] Health officialshave been field questions
and concerns after thevirus passed the point
of containment.
- You will likely seea few coronavirus cases
in your community by the timethis is all said and done,
but that doesn't mean thatpeople have to be harmed,
that people have todie if we protect those
who are most at risk.
- [Ben] The number of cases
around the world surpassing 110,000.
This as New York declaresa state of emergency
and calls for more testing.
- Let the states test.
Let private labs test.
Let's increase as quickly as possible.
- We expect testing to go up tremendously
over the next week.
We went from severalthousand tests last week
to a million tests out there right now.
- Now Dr. Adams is stressingpreparedness over panic.
That includes avoiding closecontact with sick people,
not touching your eyes, nose, or mouth,
and washing your hands frequently.
Ben Kennedy, CBN News, the White House.
- Good advice.
Thanks, Ben.
Well the coronavirus now anissue on the campaign trail,
with the two leading Democratic candidates
attacking President Trump's response.
Senator Bernie Sanders sayingthe virus is another reason
the country needs hisMedicare for All proposal,
a plan his opponent, Joe Biden, opposes.
The two square off insix primary states today.
The big prize, Michigan.
Sanders needs a win there, butseveral polls show Joe Biden
with a double digit lead, ashe's picked up endorsements
from former campaign rivals,Cory Booker and Kamala Harris.
Well African Americanvoters helped deliver
Joe Biden's landslidevictory in South Carolina,
kicking off his Super Tuesday turnaround.
However, some analysts believe Democrats
can't take black voters for granted.
As Charlene Aaron reports,
a growing number are asking the question:
What have the Democratsdone for us lately?
- A recent poll found that 54%
of African Americansbelieve the Democratic Party
isn't paying enoughattention to their needs.
It's an issue leading a growing number
to rethink their choicesat the ballot box.
For decades, African Americans
have been a key voting bloc for Democrats.
In 2016, 89% of black voters
supported Hillary Clintonover Donald Trump.
Now, a movement called Blexit,
which means the exit of black Americans
from the Democrat Party, isencouraging African Americans
to abandon the status quo.
Conservative firebrand Candace Owens
started the organizationthat now boasts chapters
in several states.
- Black Americans are waking up.
They're realizing that they'vebeen sleeping at the wheel.
And really what I'm saying
is just to embrace your future.
You can be in the drivingseat of your future.
- [Charlene] Danielle Robinson is a member
of the North Carolina Blexit.
- This is not a quiet time at all.
It is an all in time.
And those that are fighting this battle,
those of us that are partof Blexit, we are all in
because we've got nothing to lose
because we've lost too much already.
- [Charlene] Robinson, a devout Christian,
recently became a Republican.
She says she's proud of specific inroads
President Trump has madeinto the black community.
They include historically low unemployment
for African Americans, prison reform,
and allocating a recordamount of federal money
to Historically Black Colleges.
- Regardless of if you like him or not,
his results are undeniable.
I never expected to have a president
deliver in such a way.
- [Charlene] Some liberals agree.
Following the President's recentState of the Union Address,
CNN analyst Van Jones issued this warning
to his fellow Democrats.
- We gotta wake up, folks.
There's a whole bubble thing that goes.
We say, "Well he said s-hole nations;
"therefore, all black peopleare gonna hate him forever."
That ain't necessarily so.
And I think what you're gonna see him do
is say, "You may not like my rhetoric,
"but look at my results,
"look at my record," to black people,
and if he narrowcasts that,it's gonna be effective.
- [Charlene] Paris Dennard ofBlack Voices for Trump says
it's time for African Americans
to compare the President's results
to the lack of progress inbig cities run by Democrats.
- When you look at theimpact on the ground,
Baltimore and Detroit,Atlanta, there is high crime,
there's a lot of problems that are there.
But there's an opportunity that's growing
because of President Trump,
and I think more and more black Americans
are waking up to thefact that we might have
to give Donald Trump another chance,
and we might have to givethe Republican Party,
not just at the President,but down ballot, a first look.
- [Charlene] Meanwhile, Robinson,
who has faced backlash forher new political views,
urges other African American believers
to consider their values.
- They have fooled us every election
into voting against God or voting,
you know, diminishing freedom of religion,
and they cause us toforget what's not working.
And we're not doing that anymore.
As a community, as Christians,
we're coming into alignment.
- [Charlene] Charlene Aaron, CBN News.
- Thanks, Charlene.
Pat, an interesting conversation there.
- But I think, folks, we can'thave this identity politics,
where we're broken down and, okay,
these are African Americansand these don't agree
with Anglos and so forth.
We're supposed to be all Americans
and I think it's time we come together.
And the idea of separating this country
into various votingblocs on account of race,
that identity, because oftheir race or their gender
or their sexual preference or something,
I think that's wrong.
But I'm glad to see some of these people.
But you know, so many AfricanAmericans, they love the Lord,
they are very strong pro-family people,
they are very strong for life,
they believe in the Bible,they believe in prayer
and all these things,and yet, when they vote
for the particular partythey've been assigned to,
those people who are in the leadership
are advocating policieswith which the majority
of the African Americans don't agree.
And yet they go along anyhow
because that's whatthey're supposed to do.
I'm reading a book nowabout Abraham Lincoln,
and the truth is it was the Democrat Party
that was pro-slavery before the Civil War.
Lincoln was the RepublicanParty and they are the ones
that issued the Emancipation Proclamation
and tried to stop slaveryafter the Civil War.
That was the Republicans.
So the roles have beenreversed over the history
and we need to remember,when people are voting,
well, you've got to tow the party line
or we won't let you inand you're a, you know,
whatever, they've got namesfor them that I won't go into,
but you know, an UncleTom and things like that,
if they don't vote Democrat.
Well I think it's timethat they begin to realize
we're gonna vote for our conscience,
we're gonna vote our beliefs,
we're gonna vote for those candidates,
regardless of partyand regardless of race,
that share our points of view.
And if that's happening,
I think it's a good thing for America.
Well, it's amazing what'shappening in Tennessee
and how the people are coming together.
John has more on that.
- That's right, Pat.
They don't call Tennessee theVolunteer State for nothing.
Relief agencies in Nashvillereport they're impressed
with the number of people turning out
to help victims of last week's tornadoes.
CBN's Operation Blessing isamong those groups hard at work,
volunteers out in fullforce helping protect homes
that have lost roofs in the storm
and clearing out furniture andvaluables from damaged homes.
And Pat, tragedy justuncovering some of the best
in the American spirit.
- It's just amazing.
Operation Blessing, by the way,
had delivered 31,000 poundsof emergency supplies,
cleaning supplies, food, bottled water,
and they're down there helping
and they're helping rebuildthese homes and so forth,
and thousands of volunteers are helping.
If you want to participate,and we hope you do,
it's Operation BlessingDisaster Relief Fund,
and you can just call or write or email
or however you communicate.
It's CBN Center, VirginiaBeach, Virginia 23463,
or you can visit our CBN.com.
Operation Blessing, we're downthere helping those terrible,
the results of those terribletornadoes that hit Nashville.
It's just an awful human tragedy.
Well, if you've ever lived,
as I have for a short time, in New York.
I've lived in almostevery borough over there.
I've lived for a while in Manhattan.
I lived in Staten Island.
I was there for a time in Brooklyn.
And I think I was, I livedfor some time in Queens.
I'm not exactly a native New Yorker,
but I've sure--- But you know the landmarks,
right?- I've been there,
and one of the big, biglandmarks down 5th Avenue
is St. Patrick's Cathedral.
So Terry's gonna tell us about the origin
of America's great cathedral.
- Well that's gonna be coming up.
St. Patrick's has played host to popes,
to presidents, and countless Americans
looking for solace in troubled times.
How does this landmark tellthe story of Manhattan?
And then later, nerve damage in the brain.
It meant one teen couldn't smell or taste.
What finally knocked some sense into her?
Find out, that's later on today's program.
(tense music)
(dramatic music)
- Well it's calledAmerica's Parish Church.
St. Patrick's Cathedralhas stood at the heart
of New York City for more than 140 years.
But like the city itself,time and circumstance
have changed St. Patrick's entire look.
CBN's Gabe LaMonica bringsus the fascinating story
of this magnificent cathedral.
- The iconic cathedral of New York
wasn't always in the heart of the city.
In fact, the history ofSt. Patrick's Cathedral
nears the history of New York City itself.
(church bells ringing)
Before the sound of traffic locked horns
with the music of church bells
and before the building topssoared above its spires,
St. Patrick's Cathedral wasthe only skyscraper in town.
(projector clicks)
When Irish immigrants laidthe cornerstone in 1858,
(projector clicks)
they set in motion a buildingthat would span generations.
- Immigrant, Irish laborers
with no machines, no electricity.
- [Gabe] To tell the storyof America's great cathedral,
we have to begin here in Little Italy,
where the Old St. Patrick's was built
some 50 years before its successor.
- Now this is considered old New York,
but at the time, again,anything north of Wall Street
was you're on your own out there.
- [Gabe] Father Brian Graebe is the pastor
of the Basilica of St.Patrick's Old Cathedral.
This is where MichaelCorleone became The Godfather
in that infamous baptism scene.
- [Priest] Do you renounce Satan?
(ominous organ music)
- Oh!
(gun blasts)
- [Gabe] But before this neighborhood
became known for its Italian roots,
the Irish were the largestimmigrant group here.
- [Brian] They wanted to puttheir stamp on the diocese
and so what better way to do that
than the iconic Irish saint.
- [Gabe] When finished, old St. Pat's
was the largest indoor space in New York,
standing in a dangerous placefor Catholics and immigrants.
- Is this it, Priest, the Pope's new army?
- [Gabe] Nativist gangsin nearby neighborhoods
like those depicted in MartinScorsese's "Gangs of New York"
led the bishop to take extra precautions.
- There's a tunnel underground
that leads from the bishop'shouse into the cathedral.
That's how unsafe it was considered,
that just walking acrossthe street into his church,
the bishop was takinghis life into his hands.
- [Gabe] The wall builtto protect the church
from anti-Catholic riotsstill stands today.
- See, it runs the length.- The perimeter.
Yet for all the protectionprovided by this wall,
it couldn't stop thedevastation of a massive fire
after the Civil War.
- [Brian] The cathedral had to be rebuilt
almost from scratch.
- [Gabe] That's when Italian Catholics
left patrons of theirown in the windows made
for the Apostle of Ireland.
- An Irish saint,
but with Italian saintsin the stained glass.
- [Gabe] Now completewith Our Lady of China,
a Vietnamese and even a Spanish mass.
- It's really a great melting pot
right here, yeah.- Something else.
Those who first came to thelower east side of this island
can still be found resting in the tombs
beneath old St. Pat's.
- We can go inside.
Let's do it.- That's what we're about
to do?- Absolutely.
- [Gabe] Inside thecatacombs lie the remains
of a Civil War generalcomplete with an altar
where Father Graebe still serves mass.
- Members of the general'sfamily were buried down here.
- [Gabe] That's not theonly Civil War connection
between these two cathedrals.
It all started with a manthey called Dagger John,
an Irish immigrant whobecame the first Archbishop
of New York.
- Well I'm sure he looksdown from heaven and says,
"I had the right idea."
- [Gabe] Bishop John Hughes'vision of a new cathedral
in uptown Manhattan becameknown as Hughes' Folly.
When the Civil War delayed construction,
Hughes was sent as anemissary for the North.
- So Abraham Lincoln usedhim or asked him for his help
in going through parts of Europe
to convince some of theEuropean governments
not to aid the South during the Civil War
but to stay with the Union.
- [Gabe] Sadly, Archbishop Hughes
never saw his vision through.
- [Robert] He died before the war ended,
yeah.- When the new St. Patrick's
was completed, they movedthe archbishop's body
from these crypts to this resting place,
underneath the altar ofthe building he started.
- So these are, all ofthe bishops of New York
are all buried here.
- [Gabe] Monsignor Robert Ritchieserves as the rector here.
- The cardinal did the work upstairs.
- [Gabe] If a cathedralis a prayer sung in stone,
then this one is a place forall Americans to come together.
When popes visit Americanshores, they come here.
(speaking foreign language)
And from the assassinationof President Kennedy
to the World Wars and 9/11,Americans look to St. Patrick's
for strength in the face of tragedy.
- When 9/11 happened, again,
the cathedral was filled with people
crying and praying overthe terrible tragedy,
and during the months after the incident,
funeral after funeral after funeral
took place here at St. Patrick's,
so it was, again, a unifying place
for the people of New Yorkand the people of America.
- From the original St. Patrick's
that survived anti-Catholicriots and a massive fire,
to the new St. Patrick'sthat's some 140 years old,
the church has become anational rallying point.
That's why they call it America's Parish.
Gabe LaMonica, CBN News, New York.
- Isn't that interesting?
- Stunning cathedral.
- Oh, it's fantastic.- It's really beautiful.
- We've got the NationalCathedral, took forever.
Those things, in the old days,
they used to spend 100years building them.
I mean, it was...
- They don't make them like they used to.
- Amen.
All right.- Well, all Christians
of Irish descent owe a debtof gratitude to St. Patrick
because, without him, Irelandmight never have become
a Christian nation.
The true story of how this young man
answered the call of Godand dedicated his life
to sharing the gospel istold in a new docudrama
from CBN Films called "I Am Patrick."
It will be in theatersfor two nights only,
March the 17th and the 18th.
Tickets are on sale now.
You make sure to reserve your seats today.
We want you to be sure to havean opportunity to see this.
Go to IAmPatrick.com forshowtimes and locations
and then you can purchaseyour tickets as well.
Well still ahead on theprogram, coming to her senses.
See the miracle that let one girl
taste and smell for thefirst time in her life.
And then, a tree falls in a man's yard
and it winds up saving his house.
How did that happen?
Find out coming up.
And of course, later,we have your questions
and some honest answers.
Frances asks: Pat, can youtell us what's happening
in the world today with Bible prophecy?
That'll be a short answer.
Pat weighs in on that and more,
so don't go away.- How many hours do I got?
(Terry laughs)
(dramatic music)
(inspirational music)
- Well you can't sayOlivia had a sixth sense.
In fact, she didn't even have five.
She was born without theability to taste or smell.
Olivia dealt with thisfor years until, one day,
she was healed in an instant.
(soft music)
- [Narrator] At firstsite, one would think
that Olivia Harriger isjust your normal teen
who loves her dog.
But there's an exception.
See, for most of her life,
she hasn't been able tosmell or taste anything.
- I didn't really realizethat I couldn't smell or taste
just because that was justhow things were for me.
People would always say, "Ohwow, this smells so good,"
or "Oh, this smells really bad."
I just wanted to know what that was like.
- [Narrator] Olivia also had asthma.
Her parents, Will andAilie were so focused
on managing thosesymptoms, they had no idea
their daughter could not smell or taste
until she was about five.
- We would start talking about,
"Can you smell that, can you taste that?"
She's like, "I don't knowwhat you're talking about.
"I don't smell anything."
When you've never smelled anything,
you don't know you'renot smelling anything.
And we didn't realize at firsthow much she didn't taste.
And so, all she wouldeat was mac and cheese.
- I just really liked the texture,
and that was kind of my only critique
about food was texture.
Just give me my mac and cheese.
- [Narrator] Then, one ofthe several specialists
they had gone to discoveredthat Olivia's olfactory nerve
was not connected to her brain
and there was nothing thedoctors could do to fix it.
But the family focusedtheir prayers elsewhere.
- And you realize, wow,she can't smell or taste,
but I was not prayingfor healing for that,
still praying for thehealing of her asthma
and thinking I know that God can heal this
'cause I've seen it in my own life
and I know that He will heal it.
- [Narrator] That'sbecause Ailie was healed
of terrible migraines in 2004through a word of knowledge
while watching "The 700 Club."
- God is healing that headache now.
It's being lifted off of you now.
In the name of Jesus, it'snot ever gonna come back.
- [Narrator] Olivia knew this,
which made her believe all themore she could be healed too.
- When I was younger, Iwould look up the segment
that she was in to watch it
because I just thoughtit was so interesting
and so astonishing that God could do that.
- [Narrator] Althoughasthma and olfactory issues
kept Olivia playing certain sports,
they didn't keep herfrom being extraordinary.
- Olivia has alwaysbeen using those things
to push her forward and topush her to do other things,
specifically writing.
God has really giftedher with a true gift.
- I guess I was just really sympathetic
for other people's struggles and I wanted
to convey those feelings in fiction,
so I started writing storiesand I really loved it.
- [Narrator] The years went by,
more mac and cheese was consumed,
and then in 2017, theday after Thanksgiving,
Will and Ailie werewatching "The 700 Club"
as they did so many times before.
- It was the ThanksgivingDay show, and I'd recorded it
and was watching it andall the sudden Terry said,
"Well, somebody's olfactorynerve is being healed."
- Someone else, I don't understand this,
but you have some kind ofan olfactory nerve damage.
You can't smell so youcan't taste your food well.
But God is restoringthat joy to you again.
Just receive it in Jesus name.
- And I was like, "Huh."
- And I was like, "Oh my goodness.
"That's amazing!"
- So I called Oliviaand said, "Hey Olivia,
"come here for a second."
And she came in and goes, "What?"
I said, "Watch this."
And so we watched itagain and she goes, "Huh,"
and then just walked out,
didn't say anything, nothing happened.
- And as I was leaving I was like,
"What if that was for me?
"What if that wasn't justfor some other person?"
And so my dog happened to be right there,
and I remembered my momwas always complaining
about his stench and so I smelled him,
and I was like, "Oh yeah, he stinks."
And then it kind of hit me, "Oh wait!
"I can smell!"
- [Narrator] With new found senses,
Olivia went on to explore thewonder of smell and taste.
- I would smell a lot of things
and I ate a lot of leftoversfrom the day before
and found that the foodthat I hadn't liked,
just the day before, that Iactually really enjoyed now.
- We were just so excited.
I mean, it was such asuper joyous occasion.
And the Lord just really reminded me
how thankful we need to be inevery instance of our lives.
He saw us and He saw something
we didn't even think neededhealed and He healed it.
- [Narrator] Since then,a new medication came out
that successfully treatedOlivia's specific type of asthma.
With a grateful heart,Olivia expresses the joy
of one who has truly tastedand seen that God is good.
- After the healing, shejust had a confidence
and she had a confidence in the Lord
and confidence in what He had done for her
and confidence in sharingthings with her friends
and a lighter countenance.
- Just experiencing that for myself,
it really just strengthened what I know
about Jesus' healing, that He really does,
and that He can really do it for anyone.
- And will do it foranyone, including you.
I think of how Olivia used tosee that segment of the show
and say, "Well isn't thatwonderful, that God does that
"for other people,"- That's right,
- but He wants to do it- that's right,
- for you.- amen.
Terry, here's another one.
This is Mary, who livesin Lewisville, Texas.
She had damage to her feet for a year,
and one day she was watching
and you said, "Somebodyhas neuropathy your feet.
"It's just like pins.
"Right now, in Jesus' name."
And Mary said, "That's me,"and her neuropathy is gone.
She is completely healed.- Wow.
- What else do you have?- That's awesome.
This is Tammy.
She lives in Sandusky, Ohio.
She suffered terriblyfrom a kneecap issue.
Pat, she heard you praya word of knowledge
for a knee several weeks ago
but didn't notice adifference after praying.
However, during a second word of knowledge
on a different show, Tammy believed again
and she was healed.
Her doctor confirmed herkneecap is back in place.
She no longer needs surgery.
The doctor is amazed.
Well good for you, Tammy.
- Terry, you know,- Good for God.
Thank you, Lord.- When we see what God,
ladies and gentlemen, I stand in awe
of the power of the God- Amen.
- who's our creator.
And Terry and I sit her on this program
and the Lord speaks to us andit's the word of knowledge.
It's one of the manifestationsof the Holy Spirit
and it's just one of those things.
And people all over this audience
and around the world are beingtouched by the power of God.
Now we're gonna pray for you right now.
And God is no respecter of persons
and I want you, wherever you are,
to reach out as we pray together
and we're gonna believe God for you.
Let's just ask God to doa miracle in your life.
- Yes, Jesus.- Father, I join with Terry
and we pray together.
Thank you, Lord.
There's a guy named Mark.
You've got what's called a fatty liver.
Your liver's not performing as it should
and you've got like a jaundice,
you've got various types of situations
that's caused by that fatty liver.
God is healing that and cleansing it
and you are going to be completely whole,
in Jesus' name.
- Someone else, youhave a blood situation.
I don't even know what youcall it, but there's something,
it's an illness, I'mgonna say, in your blood
that's just causing havocwith other parts of your body.
God is healing that for you right now.
What you haven't been able to manage
with medications andtreatments is now being made
completely whole for you by God.
- Ernie, I think you'vegot what's tinnitus.
You're having a ringing in your ear.
Just put your hand on that ear.
In the name of Jesus, touch him.
You're completely healed.
- Yes, someone else, you haveissues with your stomach,
with digesting your food.
Some of you, have had had ulcers
in the lining of your stomach,
many issues with the stomach.
Be healed right now.
Just believe God for this.
Lift up your hands and receive it
and it's done in Jesus' name.
- There's a woman, Ibelieve the name is Agatha.
You've got a big toe.
Somehow it's been out of joint.
I don't know what exactly it is,
whether it's kinda like oneof those bunions or what.
Whatever it is, you mightwant to touch your foot.
In the name of Jesus, completely heal.
That toe will be back in position
and there won't be any more suffering.
Now Father, there'rethose in this audience
who are fearful, there'rethose who have been afraid
of this coronavirus, there'rethose who are suffering,
those who've lost loved ones,those who've lost finances
and they're crying out to you.
Lord, hear the prayer of your people.
Even as they call out toyou, answer their prayer.
In the name of Jesus, do miracles.
Thank you, Father.
Thank you, Lord.
- Amen.- Amen and amen.
Now look, we'd love to hear from you
so if you don't mind, please call in.
And if you've received ananswer, let us hear about it.
We love to share these.
If you want further prayer,there're folks on the phone.
They love the Lord and they love you.
Pick up the phone.
They'd be glad to prayfor you, to hear your joy
or hear your sorrow.
Toll-free, no money, just call.
Somebody's here for you.
- Well still to come,
Pat weighs in on theissues that matter to you.
Paul wants to know: Whatare the signs of knowing
if something is God's planor if it's God's will?
We have another round of your questions
and some honest answers,and that's coming up
so don't go away.
(dramatic music)
(tense music)
- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN Newsbreak.
The US military is drawingdown American troops
in Afghanistan.
It is the next step inthe Trump administration's
peace deal with the Taliban.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is praising
the Afghan government forreleasing Taliban prisoners.
There's still a long road ahead though
in forging a lasting peace,as the Afghan government,
the Taliban, and other factions
still need to reachagreements of their own.
Well as winter comes to a close,
a spectacular scene in the sky.
The final full moon of thewinter season is a supermoon,
when it's closest tothe Earth in its orbit.
That means the moonwill appear much larger
and brighter than normal,
and the best time to seeit is right after sunset.
Tonight is the last chanceto see the current supermoon.
Some Christians call thiswinter's last full moon
the Lenten moon for the seasonof Lent right before Easter.
Well you can always getthe latest from CBN News
by going to our website at CBNNews.com.
Pat and Terry will be back
with more on "The 700Club" right after this.
(tense music)
(dramatic music)
- Well you've sent in some email questions
and it's time to ask Pat forsome honest answers on these.
Pat, this is Frances, who says: Hi, Pat.
I love "The 700 Club."
Can you tell us what's happening
in the world today with Bible prophecy?
- If I had about 24 hoursto discuss it, Frances,
I could do a better job.
There's certain signs.
The Apostle Paul said thisday won't take you unaware.
It'll come like the birth pangs
and there'll be no escape.
You read all the way back into Daniel,
there'll be a time of tribulation
and we're gonna have a time of suffering.
I don't know when that'sgonna be or how it's gonna be,
but Jesus said therewere gonna be earthquakes
in various places, therewere gonna be famines,
there were gonna be plagues,
there were gonna bewars and rumors of wars.
And then he said, "Whenthis gospel of the kingdom
"is preached in all theworld for a witness,
"then the ends are gonna come."
I think we're very closeto fulfilling that.
He also said, "Jerusalem will be trodden
"underfoot of the Gentiles until such time
"as the time of the Gentiles to fulfill."
Well Jerusalem has been underthe heel of the Babylonians
and foreign powers, theRomans, et cetera, et cetera.
And in the Six Day War,
the Israelis took control ofJerusalem for the first time.
So all these prophecies havebeen lining up, one by one.
Is it gonna be tomorrow,it'll be next year,
it'll be five years from now.
Nobody knows the day or the hour.
Anybody tells you they do,
they're not in accordance with the Bible.
I don't know.
Jesus himself said, "I don't know the day.
"Neither the angels don't know it.
"It's in the Father's planwhen He's gonna come back."
But we look and see, it'sgetting closer, period.
All right.
- This is Paul, whosays: What are the signs
of knowing if something is God'splan or if it's God's will?
- Well folks, the Bible says:
He that has by reason ofuse has his senses exercised
to discern good from evil.
And you want to know what God's will is?
There's no substitute
for just practicing the presence of God,
living with God, seeing if whatHe tells you comes to pass,
seeing if your inner thoughts
are in accordance with the scripture.
God won't do anything that's contrary
to His written word, so that won't happen,
but you'll get leading.
And it's just amazing.
If you open your heart to the Holy Spirit,
He will speak to you.
And Jesus said, "I'mgonna send you a guide
"who's gonna lead you into all truth."
So the Holy Spirit will do that.
You just need to be open to His leading.
There're voices of the devil.
There're voices in yourown mind of what you want.
George Muller said, "Ihave no mind of my own
"in the matter."
He took his own will out if it
and he said, "I wantto do what God wants."
That's how you know.
You've gotta be totally openthough to doing God's will.
All right.
- This is Jerry, who says:Pat, is there prophecy
yet to be fulfilled?
With everything going in our world,
how does it all fit inthe book of Revelation?
- Well Jerry, I just wentthrough a group of things
that have been fulfilled.
Is there anything else?
I was at the Museum of theBible several months ago
and I would learn that theBible translating group
got together and they saidthey'll have a fragment
of the Bible available by about2036 or something like that.
We're very close to having that.
CBN now is taking thegospel all over the world.
We're broadcasting all over the world.
The gospel is going outthroughout the world.
And that, in my opinion,is the major sign,
so it's getting close.
All right.
- This is Michele, who says:Pat, does the Lord feel sorrow
with everything happeningin the world right now?
- Of course he's sorrow.
Think of Joseph Stalin.
He caused the starvationof 20 to 30 million people.
Mao Zedong, the same thing.
The people in Cambodia
who were killing people right and left.
World War I and World War II.
There were at least 50 millionkilled during World War II.
There was the Holocaustwith six million Jews.
You know God's grieved at this,but this is what sin does.
It isn't God that's causingthis stuff, it's sin,
and human beings,unfortunately, have free will,
fortunately or otherwise,and their free will,
when they're given overto selfishness, to greed,
and to Satan, they do horrible things
because we have the abilityto be like the angels,
and that power that we have been given us,
when it's turned againstGod, can do horrible things.
So we have now bombs thatcan destroy civilization.
We've come across with thebrilliance God's given us.
So, does it grieve God?
He's not surprised.
He knows the end from the beginning,
but sure, it grieves Him.
All right.
- This is Britt, who says:There is a popular teaching
that you must go to the courts of heaven
and put a restraining order on your enemy.
My understanding is that Matthew 16
and Matthew 18 tell usthe keys of the kingdom
are to bind and loose on earth.
Is it really necessary Igo to the courts of heaven
to prohibit something?
- There's nothing in the Bible- Never heard of it.
- that talks about courts of heaven.
Somebody's just come up with a teaching
like that in some church.
That's not in the Bible.
But look, the rabbis, here's the deal,
they would give rules and say,
"Okay, you're supposed to fast
"and tithe your mint andcumin and that kinda stuff."
Now that would be binding.
They'd bind those rules.
And Jesus told His disciples,
He said, "Okay, I'm gonna give you
"the keys to the kingdomand you can bind."
You can set up in your church,
you can determine what is the rules
that people should follow.
And there're also what rulesthey don't have to follow.
That's loosing.
So that's what binding and loosing means.
I'll give you the keyand I'll let you do it,
but He's given to thechurch, overall church,
and the church has exercised that.
They have church councils.
They decide what is thecanon and the scriptures,
they decide what.
You remember Paul said, I'vebeen talking to the Gentiles
and the council got together.
they said, "You tell 'em tostay free from immorality
"and for eating food with blood in it,
"and that's all they gotta do."
All right, that's what God gave us.
He gave the church theability to bind and loose,
and then what we do willbe ratified in heaven.
So it's an awesome responsibilitywe have as Christians.
- Mm-hmm.- All right.
- Thank you.
- Thank you very much.- And thank you all
for your questions.
We love hearing from you.
Up next, could God be speaking to you
and you're just not hearing it?
How can you find out what He's saying?
Well we'll get that answer after this.
(uplifting music)
(upbeat music)
Well we've heard that Godworks in mysterious ways
and Perry Hohman knows that to be true.
Whether it's a surprise phone call
or a felled tree, Hohmansays we need to make sure
we trust God along the way.
- [Andrew] Author andbusinessman Perry Hohman believes
that God communicates in several ways,
and Perry wants to help you learn
how to discern what theLord is saying to you.
This big, huge holly treethat was in our back yard,
and all of a sudden, it fell down.
No reason for it to fall down.
Didn't make any sense for it whatsoever.
That tree is next to ournext door neighbor's house.
Now you could not seeour garage from there.
When that tree came down,we had a house fire.
Our neighbor would've never seen it.
He came running over inthe middle of the night,
pounded on the door thatwe had a house fire.
We all got out in justa matter of minutes.
- [Andrew] In his new book, "Trust God,"
Perry shares personal stories
and gives practical suggestions
to help your trust in God grow
and your relationship withGod to get even stronger.
- Well Perry is with us now
and we welcome you to "The 700 Club."
- Hi, Terry.
Thank you.
- That story about the felledtree and the house fire
is so typical of life, isn't it?
Something happens, andvery often, not always,
but very often, we complain
and we moan and groan about something
when, in fact, God was intendingto use it for our good.
You've had other instancesin your life like that.
Can you share one of them
with us?- I have, sure, sure.
You know, I think a lot of times,
if people just look around,
God is talking to us all the time.
And many times, we just haveto keep our eyes, ears open
- Yes.- and see how God
communicates to us.
And that's what the book,"Trust God's" about.
It's just learning tounderstand how God talks to us.
And He does it througha lot of different ways.
He does that through inspirations.
He does that through other people.
He does that through events.
So I've had many instances
where I just can't explainhow things happened,
and perhaps somethingnegative were to occur.
I've had where, I was inthe process of losing a job.
And I was young, family was young
and had a lot, we have five children,
and I just stopped and prayed.
And I got up early in the morning
and, about a week later,
I had a call from an old acquaintance
and told me about this job opportunity.
I interviewed for it and I've been working
for the same company for 25 years.
- Your book is full of that wisdom,
and I'm wondering if you'vealways had this in your life
where something happens and, in our flesh,
we would immediately havea response or a reaction,
but you seem to have learnedto stop for a moment,
invite God into that moment,
and it changes things, doesn't it?
- It really does.
And I think that's theencouragement for folks today.
It's to stop and spend some quiet time.
- Yeah.- And to just pray
and let God just talk toyou through different ways.
And when you do that, you'regoing to see His direction.
And you just have to keep an open mind
'cause God is very creativein how He responds.
- How did you learn to do that
on a regular basis in your life?
You said you've got five children.
You have a busy job.
Your life is full like everybody else's.
Where do you plug in thatquiet time with the Lord?
Because it makes all the difference.
- It really does.
I like to get up in the morning
and I like to just spend some quiet time,
maybe five minutes before I get going.
I'll read some different,
I'm on a number of different
email strings that come,- Like devotionals.
- they'll give mesomething to think about.
I'm ironing my shirt in the morning
and I'll listen to a video
while I'm ironing.- Oh, that's good, Perry.
- But I enjoy it.
It gives me something tothink it while it's quiet.
And I'll look out a window
and just kind of reflect a little bit.
And then when I'm driving in the car,
sometimes I just turn off the radio
and think.- So I'm sure
one of the things people would ask
is how do you know it'sGod when you hear from him?
Because, of course, we talk to ourselves
and our minds kick in with something
not always godly.- Not always, that's right.
And there's a lot ofnegative voices out there,
as we know.- Yes, there are.
- There are and--- And so how do you know
when it's God saying, "Perry,I want to speak this to you
"right now."- Yeah,
and sometimes you don't know,
and I think you pray overit and you think about it.
And sometimes, you just,
a lot of times, I'll just envision,
as you and I are talking here today,
I may envision that I'mhere talking with God
and how am I supposedto address this issue?
I may have a business issue.
I may have a social issue.
I may have an issue withone of our children.
And I just stop and think a little bit,
"How would you want meto respond to this?"
And so I just stop and reflectand I wait for some wisdom,
and Terry, sometimes,you just get people that,
you know, a friend or maybesomebody you don't know,
they something to you andit makes you stop and think
and rethink things through.- Yeah.
- I've had my children,when they were younger,
say many things to me before
and it made me stop and think,
"Now there's no way theywould've known that,"
and it makes me stop andreflect and think that way.
- Sometimes, Perry, alsoGod asks us to do things
that we don't feel equipped for
or that we've nevereven contemplated doing.
Writing the book was kindaone of those things for you.
- Yeah.- Tell us about
the dream that you had that initiated
all of this.- No question.
At the time, I workedfor L.M. Sandler & Sons,
a big real estate anddevelopment company, great folks,
and we were really busy, wehad a lot of things going on
and the real estatemarket was in disarray.
And we had five childrenat the time, all young,
and they were all in sports,activities, so my life was just
- Crazy.- fully packed.
And I woke up in a dream andit was about writing a book.
I thought, "Oh my gosh.
"I've got way too muchstuff going on here.
"I'm not a writer.
"I'm not a theologian.
"That's not my background."
And I thought, "God, is thisreally what you want me to do?"
So I thought about it and I prayed over it
and I just said, "If this is something
"you really want me to do,
"I'm gonna need to havea stronger signal."
So about two days later,
the title of the book camein a dream and I thought,
"All right, I better get on it.
"I better get going here."
- But it took some time,
and I think that's somethingimportant for people to know.
When God assigns you to something,
it's not always immediate.
Sometimes He's askingyou, "Begin the process,"
and He walks you through it.
It was actually 10 years
- 10 years, it was.- in you getting to this.
- And so I didn't have a lotof time, but I'd wake up early.
I got inspired to wake up in the morning,
spend maybe an hour here or there,
and it was always wonderfulbecause I would wake up
and I would just say a prayer,
"What do you want meto write about today?"
And I'd sit in silence for a little bit
and then the inspirations that would come
would just always be
very self-satisfying- Yes.
- to see how God communicates to you.
And I would just write, but it took time.
Throughout the course of those events,
you incorporate stories andthings along those lines
to help bring out those points.
- Well He says we'll find Him
when we seek Him with all of our heart.
And this is a great book tohelp you in that process.
It's called "Trust God" andit's available nationwide.
The author is our guest, Perry Hohman.
Thank you for being with us
today, Perry.- Thank you, Terry.
I really appreciate that.- A wonderful
message, yeah.- Thank you.
I hope your viewers outthere just reach out,
spend a little bit of quiet time
and ask God- Amen.
- how they can helpthem become His conduit
for the people in their lives
and make lives better.- Amen.
Pat, over to you.
- That's wonderful advice.
I appreciate your guest.
Well Today's Power Minuteis from the book of Isaiah.
Your ears shall hear aword behind you, saying,
"This is the."