Senate Democrats Block Bill Protecting Babies Born Alive from Botched Abortions
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- In this heated election year,
senator majority leader, Mitch McConnell,
wants to put each senator on the record
for what Republicans say areextreme views on abortion.
- They're trying to defend something
that's fundamentally indefensible.
- Senator Ben Sasse tells CBN News
his Born-Alive AbortionSurvivors Protection Act,
does exactly that.
- This bill is really simple.
It says that if a babysurvives an abortion,
she has a fighting chance at life,
and we have the obligation to make sure
she gets the same care thatany other baby would get
at that gestational stage.
- [Abigail] And is needed for this reason.
- Right now all that's really prohibited
is if a baby survives an abortion,
you can't take a pillowand put it over her face
and smother her to death butyou can walk away from her
and put her on a cart andwheel her down a hallway
and put her in a closet andleave her to die of exposure
over six or eight or ten hours.
- [Abigail] But Democratminority leader Chuck Schumer
tells CBN News, this law already exists.
And calls the bill extreme and dishonest.
- [Abigail] On theBorn-Alive Abortion Survivors
Protection Act, Senator Sasseargues that this is needed
because under the currentlaw, while you can't outright
kill a baby breathing outsidethe womb, you can neglect it.
What is your response to that?
- We voted on thisbefore, it was defeated.
And there's a law in 2002that is on the books.
- Current law.
- Current law that coverseverything Sasse is talking about.
It's a play to the hard right base.
The American people don't support it.
- [Abigail] Three Democratsjoined Republicans
to vote on the bill that protects babies
born alive after botched abortions.
Democrats Joe Manchin and Bob Casey,
also joined most Republicans
on the bill prohibiting abortions
after five months of pregnancy.
But Republicans Susan Collinsand Lisa Murkowski did not.
- We know at 20-weeks,the science is there,
if not earlier, that there'spain capability of a fetus.
- Republicans believe bringingDemocrats out in the open
on abortion will help them in 2020.
Democrats believe these votes cater
to the GOP's hard right base
and argue the Americanpeople will see through that.
Reporting from Capitol Hill,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.