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Fighting for Babies Who Survive Abortions: Why Won't House Democratic Leadership Let Born-Alive Protection Act Come to a Vote?

Fighting for Babies Who Survive Abortions: Why Won't House Democratic Leadership Let Born-Alive Protection Act Come to a Vote? Read Transcript

- Withholding medical care for a baby

that survived a botched abortion,

77% of Americans oppose that.

70% of Democrats oppose that.

And yet the Democrats that head

up the House have refused80 times to let a baby

Born-Alive Protection Act come to a vote.

- Congress members held thishearing to highlight the need

to protect these abortion survivors.

A number of witnesses decriedthis modern-day infanticide

and the House leadership'sunwillingness to stop it.

- Babies are born aliveafter some abortions.

And if we can't protect eventhe babies that are born alive,

then we know that theso-called right to choose

for abortion has gonecompletely out of control.

Now it's talking about outside the womb,

not just inside the womb.

- [Paul] House MinorityWhip Steve Scalise.

- There are babies that survive abortions

in many different cases.

We've had witnesses talk about it.

So to have medicalprofessionals testifying

that it's happening,that there are states,

including New York, who ushered in a law

that allowed the baby to bekilled after it's born alive

because you don't have federal protection.

- All babies, whether they are wanted,

whether they are premature,

whether they have a congenitalanomaly, are still people.

And all of them need to be treated

with the same standard of care.

- [Paul] Former abortionist Kathi Aultman,

now a pro-lifer, explained the mindset

of those who let theseabortion-survivors die.

- Because the object of the abortion was

to have a dead baby, notreally to end the pregnancy.

They can be sued.

That baby can sue them later because

of defects from the procedure.

They may not do wellbecause they're premature

and they're gonna to have problems.

The parents could sue.

They have every reasonto get rid of the baby

rather than allow that baby to live.

- [Paul] Former nurse JillStanek found out first-hand

abortion workers were taking babies

from botched abortions offto die at her hospital.

- One night a nursingco-worker was taking a little

abortion survivor tothe soiled utility room.

And when she told me what she was doing,

I couldn't bear the thought

of this suffering child dying alone.

So I cradled and rocked him

for the 45 minutes that he lived.

- In one 11 year period, the CDC reported

143 babies surviving abortion attempts

and the number is far likely higher

because so few of theseincidents get reported.

Now, if a Born-AliveProtection Act should pass,

an abortionist who deliberately kills one

of these babies couldface charges of murder.

Paul Strand, CBN News, Capitol.


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