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(dramatic music)
- Tonight...- You're not gonna
buy this election.
- Upping the ante.- He's definitely
trying to buy the race.
- [Jenna] The Democratic candidates
get ready to gamble it out in Vegas.
- [John] This, as thePresident rallies his base.
- It seems to be effective.- And puts a target
on first-time debater, Michael Bloomberg.
- [Jenna] And the coronavirus outbreak
continues to strike, infecting its victims
across the globe.
- [John] Plus...
- Will 10-year-old Americansbe in Iraq 10 years from now?
Unless we get it right.
- [John] Fighting America's forever wars
and how to bring them to an end.
- [Jenna] All this and moretonight on Faith Nation.
(upbeat music)
- Showdown in the Silver State.
Welcome to Faith Nation, I'm John Jessup.
- And I'm Jenna Browder.
2020 Democrats just a few hours away now
from the Las Vegas debate.
Front runner Bernie Sanderswill be center stage,
and the center of attention,Michael Bloomberg.
- His opponents seems tobe training their attention
on the former New York Citymayor for his first debate.
Abigail Robertson has tonight's top story,
including the candidates'latest strategies.
Abigail, welcome.- Thank you.
Well, John, former front runner Joe Biden
continues to drop innational and state polls
after disappointing finishesin Iowa and New Hampshire.
Now Biden's turning to his faith
in hopes of getting a much needed boost.
- [Biden] Faith has gotten me through
difficult times in my life.
- [Abigail] In this latestad, Biden cites faith
as his source of hope for the future.
- [Biden] For me, my religion
is just an enormous sense of solace.
- [Abigail] And he'snot the only candidate
discussing God this week.
- Do you think it isimpossible to be a Christian
and support President Trump?
- Well, I'm not gonnatell other Christians
how to be Christians,
but I will say I cannot find
any compatibility betweenthe way this president
conducts himself and anythingthat I find in scripture.
Now I guess that's my interpretation,
but I think that's a lotof people's interpretation.
- [Abigail] But evangelicalsin the administration,
like Secretary Ben Carson, disagree.
- When you look at peoplewho have been friendly
to the cause of faith based organizations,
there's really not been apresident like this before.
- [Abigail] Telling CBNNews he stands with Trump
because he delivers on pro-life policies
and defending religious freedom.
- They don't pick 'embecause they're a choir boy.
You know, if that was thecase, I would be President.
You know, you need somebody who is
going to really push the envelope,
and be very bold and courageous,
and be willing to fight.
- [Abigail] Tonight,candidates will try to prove
their willingness to fight too.
- To all of those billionaires
who think they can buy elections,
we are a democracy, not an oligarchy.
You're not gonna buy this election.
- [Abigail] And are anxiousto take their first swings
at billionaire Mike Bloomberg,
a newcomer to the debate stage.
- This is about our values,
what kind of a nation we want to be.
- With Senator ElizabethWarren describing the debate
in a tweet as a live demonstration
of how we each take ona egomaniac billionaire.
The latest polls in Nevadahave Senator Bernie Sanders
in a solid lead, but tonight's debate
could be a determining factor
in the tight race for second,
where Buttigieg, Biden, andWarren remain neck and neck.
- [John] All right, thank you, Abby.
- Well, President Trump isalso on the west coast tonight,
campaigning for his reelection.
- His rally in Phoenixhappening at the same time
as the Democratic debate.
CBN White House correspondentBen Kennedy joins us now.
Ben, this looks like it'sbeginning to be a trend
for the President.
- Yeah, John, Jenna, thisis not the first time
President Trump counter-campaigned.
We saw it in Iowa and in New Hampshire.
Trump's telling voters thatDemocrats have embraced
socialist policies, then took aim
at billionaire Michael Bloomberg,
who as Abigail was talking about,
is gearing up for his firstface-off in a Democratic debate.
Trump tweeted, callingBloomberg a pathetic debater
who doesn't respect our great farmers,
adding he's violated campaign finance laws
at the highest and most sinister level.
The Trump campaign even tookout a full page newspaper ad
ahead of tonight's debate.
They slammed Democrats forbig government socialism
in the Las Vegas Review Journal,
adding they will kill Nevada jobs.
The advertisement thentouts the strong economy
for a reason to vote red come November.
Trump's campaign national press secretary
released a statement, in part saying,
"Nevada voters should knowthat it doesn't matter
"which Democrat becomestheir party's nominee,
"because the biggovernment socialist agenda
"will be front and centerno matter who it is."
During the debate, Trumpwill be in Phoenix, Arizona
to deliver a remark at aKeep America Great rally.
Then it's back to Las Vegas for the night.
John, Jenna.
- And Ben, here in the Beltway,we all have been hearing
the reports of a possible shake-up
at the Department of Justice
in Attorney General WilliamBarr considering stepping down.
What have you heard about that?
- Yeah, John, the DOJ were very quick
to squash those rumors, saying it is just
flat-out not true, addingthe Attorney General
has no plans to resign.
It comes after PresidentTrump defied Barr's request
to stop tweeting about theongoing Justice Department cases.
In fact, before boarding AirForce One to the west coast,
Trump admitted that he doesmake Barr's job harder,
but has no plans tostop using social media,
'cause he says he needs tolet the American people know
exactly what he thinks.
- He does care, and heappreciates his service
and respects his opinion,
and they have a good working relationship.
As you saw, the Departmentof Justice issued a statement
that the Attorney General'snot going anywhere,
and so they'll continue to work together,
and look, the President--- He says he has
no plans to resign, not that he's not
going anywhere.- The President does--
The President and the AttorneyGeneral actually do agree
that there have been some grave injustices
throughout the federal government.
- Now, President Trump pushed back
from here at the WhiteHouse that he intervened
in the most recent DOJcase about Roger Stone,
saying there is a differencebetween public commentary
and explicit orders, addingthat despite his back and forth
with his Attorney General on this issue,
Trump said he has full confidence in Barr,
and he again, as you guys heard,
will remain as Attorney General.
John, Jenna.
- All right, Ben Kennedy atthe White House, thank you.
- Well, here now, CBN ChiefPolitical Analyst David Brody
for tonight's FaithNation political panel.
David, about that event in Phoenix tonight
with President Trump.- Yeah.
- I wasn't here yesterday,but I was watching.
I heard you use thephrase troller-in-chief.
- So you were watching.- I was watching.
Is he taking trollingto a whole new level?
- Oh, yeah, he is, for sure.
But it's interesting, he leaves Nevada
and goes over to Arizona,
because Arizona's a key swing state.
You know, Nevada, to adegree, but he needs Arizona,
and that's why he's there tonight,
and we're gonna hear alot of immigration talk,
you can be sure, so he wantsto generate some headlines
and ruin the Democrats' parade, for sure,
and it's gonna be quite a parade tonight.
- Well, yeah, tonight we'reall watching Michael Bloomberg.
This is his first debate.
What are you expecting?
You know, this David,really is the first time
that the playing field will be level
among all of the candidates,all there on stage,
all having to answer tough questions
and field attacks from their opponents.
- Yeah, it's gonna be one onfive if I do the math right,
or whatever it is, however manythere are on stage tonight,
but yeah, they're allgonna be against Bloomberg,
and this is gonna be really interesting,
but I think what's interesting here is
the other candidates, Biden, Buttigieg,
Klobuchar and Warrenhave a decision to make.
Are they gonna try to ding Bloomberg
and they're gonna let Bernie skate free?
Because he's the front runner right now,
so they have to figure this out.
But look, the truth of the matter is this.
They need to stop Bloombergbefore they can get to Bernie.
You can't get to Berniebefore you stop Bloomberg,
'cause Bloomberg is on a roll now
with all these millions of dollars in ads
that he's putting across the country.
- But that doesn't necessarily mean
that they can give Bernie Sanders,
who is as you justmentioned, surging the polls,
a free pass.- Right, no they can't
give him a free pass,so they have to kinda
thread the needle here andkinda basically go after both,
but I think what's gonna be interesting
on the debate stagehere is how much Bernie
specifically is gonna get dinged
by these other folks tonight,because I think to me
that's gonna be very, very important,
'cause here's the truth,can we just get down
to the brass tacks here?
Okay, here's the truth, Bernie'sgonna become the nominee
unless some of these moderates--
I say moderates, now they'veconvinced me they're moderates.
They're not moderates,they're on the left.
Sorry, they're on theleft, but they're moderates
compared to Bernie because, you know,
Bernie makes everybodylook like a moderate.
Here's the point, theyall need to figure out
how they're going to stop Bernie.
If they all coalesce together,
and a lot of these folksget out of the race,
then Bernie will have a problem,
'cause it could just beBernie versus Bloomberg
or Biden, whoever it is.
- David, do you thinkany of these candidates
will get out of the racefor the betterment of,
maybe not themselves, but the party,
if they really want to beat Donald Trump?
- Not after Nevada, but afterSouth Carolina, I think--
Remember we talked aboutthat, that February 29th
to March 4th, that'sthe time that Buttigieg,
Klobuchar, Warren, whoever it is,
probably those three, Biden as well,
they're all gonna have a decision to make,
and here's the decision.
Do you want Bernie Sanders tobe the nominee of your party
or do you want to continue to run a race
that you're eventually gonna lose anyhow?
So they're gonna have to make a decision,
but it's coming quicklyin the next couple weeks.
- You mentioned Biden twicein the last couple of minutes.
- Yes, I'm sorry about that.- But we're hardly
talking about him anymore.
Is there anything that hecan do to save his campaign
or resuscitate his campaign.
- It's done, it's over.
This is all window dressing at this point,
so enjoy Biden on the stage, you know,
and he'll have a couple moredebates, and that'll be it.
He's just done, he's just done.
- So you don't think he'll be saved
by South Carolina or Super Tuesday.
- Not at all, not at all.
Look, if you're trying torun a faith commercial,
as Abby was talking about,because now you have to do it
because it's South Carolina,that's not a good sign.
Here's the other problem.
Michael Bloomberg is out with an ad today,
and you know what the ad is?
It's just Joe Biden talking howwonderful Mike Bloomberg is.
So Joe Biden is in Mike Bloomberg's ad
talking for one minute abouthow great Bloomberg is.
- Yeah.- That's not good.
- David, do you thinkthere's some bad blood
between Biden and Bloomberg?
Because they're both kind of playing that
I'm the most electable candidate.
- I don't think there's bad blood.
I mean, I think they respecteach other, for sure.
I know Biden respects Bloomberg.
As a matter of fact, justwatch Bloomberg's ad.
You can see Biden respectinghim for a whole minute.
But they realize that someone has to be
the alternative to Bernie,and that's gonna be
coming out on stage tonight.
- All right, we will see, David Brody,
thank you very much.- Thanks, David.
- You bet.- Meanwhile, new cases
of the coronavirus appear to be slowing.
The numbers still staggering, though.
China has announcedmore than 1700 new cases
and 136 new deaths, bringing the totals
to 74,000 infections and 2000 deaths.
Among the latest to die,the 51-year-old doctor
in Wuhan, China, who was leading the fight
against the virus there,
and in Japan, the quarantineon a cruise ship is ending.
More than 500 new cases of the virus
were diagnosed on the ship, thelargest number of infections
in one place outside of China.
Those who have not beendiagnosed with the virus
are being allowed to leave,
but face quarantines intheir home countries.
- Well, the swarm oflocusts ravaging Africa
is now heading into SouthSudan, the East African nation
already suffering from widespread hunger.
Right now more than 5 1/2 million people,
nearly half of the population,
already lack adequatefood due to civil war,
droughts and flooding.
In neighboring Kenya, the government
is enlisting young peopleto fight the plague,
training 600 cadets how to identify
and eradicate the locusts with pesticides.
The United Nations and local authorities
are also asking for moreaircraft to spray the bugs.
The swarm could increaseup to 500 times by June,
putting tens of millions of people at risk
of food shortages.
- [Jenna] Fighting forever wars.
Coming up, why some saythe U.S. is stuck in them
no matter who's in the Oval Office.
(dramatic music)
- Well, having sex beforeyou're married is a bad idea.
- [Man] Don't tell me there'sno such thing as gun violence.
- That just depends on your definition
of when life begins.
(dramatic music)
- [Announcer] Watch Dan andDale tackle trending topics
that test your faithon the next Faithwire,
Monday night at 9:30.
(dramatic music)
- [Announcer] The Global Lanetakes you around the world,
providing facts over fiction.
- What might rising tradeand geopolitical tensions
mean for you on the home front?
- [Announcer] With over45 years of experience,
award-winning journalist Gary Lane
brings you the truth from a global angle.
- What about the issue of immigration?
- [Announcer] World newsanalysis you won't see
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- [Announcer] Watch The Global Lane,
Thursday night at 9:30.
(upbeat music)
♪ And where there's joy there's action ♪
♪ It's like a great attraction ♪
♪ That starts a chain reaction ♪
♪ But with a little more satisfaction ♪
♪ I love the way the joy ♪
♪ Makes me move ♪
♪ Yeah, I got the joy ♪
♪ I dance around because I know it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I move around because I got it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy's in the heart ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I dance around because I know it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I move around because I got it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy's in the heart ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy's in the heart ♪
♪ Joy ♪
- Welcome back, tonight, newinsight into what might keep
the United States in the Middle East
fighting what some call forever wars.
- An intelligence expert telling CBN News
it has less to do with who's in power
and more with who's talking in their ear.
CBN National SecurityCorrespondent Eric Philips
joins us with more, Eric?
- Jenna and John, well,the latest development
is a tentative peace dealbetween the U.S. and Afghanistan
that the Taliban says could be signed
by the end of the month.
While one Middle East expert says
this effort is weak, headmits it's past time
for U.S. troops to go.
- Will 10-year-old Americansbe in Iraq 10 years from now?
Unless we get it right.
- [Eric] Middle East intelligence expert
Michael Pregent says it's thesame story in Afghanistan,
where the U.S. has beenfighting for 19 years
across three presidential administrations,
and Pregent tells us the main problem
isn't necessarily in the Oval Office.
- It's not the decision makers that are
keeping us in these forever wars.
It's the experts that are advising them.
- [Eric] And those advisorstend to stay around,
outliving terms of elected officials.
Pregent saw this duringa Pentagon briefing
the day after the U.S. killed
Iranian general Qasem Soleimani.
- There were several peoplethat should not have been
in that room that were--
There was experts that were actually
advocating for theirown business interests.
They're advocating fortheir own portfolios.
They're advocating for their contracts,
and I've started a group called
Veterans Against Forever Wars,
where we're gonna startvetting these experts
that are briefing the U.S.government to see whether or not
they have business interestsin these countries.
- [Eric] Pregent also offered insight
into President Trump'scommunication strategy,
especially on Twitter.
For example, after Iran threatened revenge
for Soleimani's death,a presidential tweet
threatened Iranian cultural sites.
That drew massive criticismbecause such an attack
would violate international law.
Pregent says the tweetcarried a deeper purpose.
- Because they moved their nuclear program
into what they consider protected areas,
which are cultural sites,so that was a message
to Tehran, not a message toD.C. or our European allies.
That first message the President sends
is for the Iranian audience, the regime.
- [Eric] Pregent says thePresident will typically follow up
with a message intendedmore for the people,
as he did in this tweet.
"To the leaders of Iran, donot kill your protestors.
"Stop the killing of yourgreat Iranian people."
And it's all an efforton the President's part
to try and garner support from civilians
at home and abroad, as theso-called forever wars rage on.
John and Jenna.
- [John] Thank you, Eric.
When we come back, how technology
is normalizing surveillanceas our privates lives
increasingly go digital.
Stay with us, you're watching Faith Nation
on the CBN News Channel.
♪ Yeah, I got the joy ♪
♪ I dance around because I know it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I move around because I got it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy's in the heart ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I dance around because I know it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I move around because I got it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy's in the heart ♪
- [Announcer] On The Homefront.
- Thanks for joining usfor CBN's On The Homefront,
where we highlight what the men and women
of America's military doto defend our country.
CBN honors the men andwomen in our military
with an initiative calledHelping the Home Front.
It partners with churchesacross the country
to meet the needs oftheir military families
from repairing homes towiping out medical bills
for wounded veterans.
- [Announcer] On The Homefront,Tuesday morning at 10:30.
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- Welcome back, tonight new technology
is normalizing the waypeople spy on each other.
- That's right, and as moreand more of the details
of our private lives end up in texts,
on social media, and in photos,
it's also leading to more and more people
snooping on cellphones.
In a new survey by WhistleOut,
a company that studies cellphones,
half of the 1600 Americans participating
admitted to snooping on a partner's phone,
and that included checkingtexts, social media and photos,
and in a smaller studyby the Washington Post,
owners of surveillance cameras,
like Ring and Nest, saidthey monitored neighbors,
housekeepers, and babysitterswithout telling them.
- Very interesting, welljoining us now from California,
Sherri Riggs, social mediamanager at WhistleOut.
Sherri, thanks so muchfor your time today.
- Yeah, of course, thanks for having me.
I'm excited to talk aboutthis study with you.
- Yeah, so Sherry, why arepeople spying on each other?
- Well, there are a few reasons,but our study found that
people are mainly snoopingon their partners' phones
due to suspicions, so thosesuspicions could be cheating,
talking to an ex, browser history,
or maybe even inappropriate photos,
anything along those lines,but 31% of people in our study
say it's okay to snoop if you'resuspicious of your partner.
- With more and more of our private lives
becoming digitized, how much is technology
normalizing the way peoplekeep tabs on each other?
Is this becoming more common?
- Well, I wouldn't say it'snecessarily normalizing it,
but it is making it easier to maybe access
your cellphones or now weeven have smart watches
and tablets, laptops, smart TVs
that are all connected to our phones,
to all of our information,
so it's making it easier for loved ones
or even strangers, potentially,
to look up our information andsee what we're doing online.
- Sherri, you said that 31% of people
think it's okay to snoop around.
For those people who do think it's okay,
are they the ones whoare doing the snooping,
or are they the ones whoare getting snooped on?
- They are the onesdoing the snooping, yeah.
We found that of the peoplewho say it's okay to snoop,
48% of women think it's okay,
and about 31% of men think it's okay
to snoop if you'resuspicious of your partner.
- So what happens in these relationships
after people look or snoopon each other's phones?
What's the fallout?
- Yeah, so there's a fewdifferent things that can happen
with this fallout.
We actually found that60% of people who snoop,
nothing really happensto the relationship,
but there is about 40%that end in breakups
or arguments over snooping.
- Are those marriages orjust dating relationships?
What kind of relationshipsare those breakups?
- Yeah, so these breakups canbe anything from marriages
to short-term relationships.
We asked people, anybody whohas been in a relationship,
and we didn't really specify marriage
or dating for this question.
- So Sherri, your studydealt with phone snooping,
but what about those whospy on their neighbors
or people around them with cameras
that are installed at their homes
and different things like that?
- Right, well technology iskind of a double-edged sword.
It can be great for us, itkeeps us and our families safe,
and our property safe, but it can be used
to potentially spy on other people
or put back on ourselves.
They can be hacked and stuff like that,
so it's hard to say
with technology, which way it goes.
It can be used for or good or bad.
- Sherri, we only have a few seconds left.
What was the general takeawayof this study for you all?
- The general takeaway is that
you need to be reallycommunicative with your partner
when it comes to your cellphone
because you can avoid these fights,
you can avoid these breakups
if you have solid rules set
with looking at each other'sphones and stuff like that.
- Really good advice.
Sherri Riggs with WhistleOut.
Sherri, thanks for being with us today.
- Thank you so much.
- Still ahead on Faith Nation,
vandals won't stop thenation from celebrating
the 400th anniversaryof the Pilgrim's arrival
on Plymouth Rock.
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- And finally tonight,Massachusetts is gearing up
to celebrate the 1620 Mayflower landing.
- And the 400th anniversary.
This though, as Plymouth Rock,
which marks the Pilgrims'arrival in America,
was found vandalized this week.
The iconic Bay Staterock was among several
historic landmarkscovered in red graffiti,
but that is not stopping the celebration.
CBN Senior Washingtoncorrespondent Paul Strand
has the story.
- [Paul] Plymouth, Massachusettsand its Pilgrim reenactors
are going all out this summer
for the Pilgrims' 400th anniversary.
- Historic tours, seminars, workshops,
a dramatic musical, and actually
reenacting the landingin front of Plymouth Rock
on Tuesday, June 30.
- [Paul] Paul Jehle of thePlymouth Rock Foundation
will even preach an old Pilgrim sermon.
He points out they were fervent disciples,
dedicated to the God of liberty,
who promised his truthwould set them free.
- Internal liberty, liberty of conscience,
freedom from sin.
That's why they said that Godbegan to reform their lives
by his grace, and this wasthe most important thing
that the Pilgrims began with,because they were a remnant
as part of the great revivalknown as the Reformation.
So here they were at thepeak of that revival,
and they were very conscious of this.
- [Paul] While God gavethem spiritual liberty
on the inside, on the outside they were
persecuted in England andgranted no religious liberty.
They saw potential for thatliberty in the New World.
After storms blew themto an isolated coastline,
the Pilgrims had to come up with their own
form of government, andgave the future America
civil liberty in the formof the Mayflower Compact.
- Because it was thebeginning of self-government
here in America, bottom up liberty.
When you read theMayflower Compact it says
in the name of God, amen.
We whose names are underwritten,
the subjects of the king.
So it's God, to the people,and then to the king.
- [Paul] Jehle saysthat order of authority,
God over the people, thepeople over the king,
was the order presented for all of America
in the Declaration of Independence.
It was one gift of many from the Pilgrims.
- [Jehle] Whether it's economic liberty,
civil liberty, religiousliberty, self-rule,
Thanksgiving, the ideaof giving thanks to God
even in the midst of suffering.
- [Paul] Jehle says fans arewelcome at the end of June
to come to Plymouth andcelebrate the Pilgrims
and what they gave America.
Paul Strand, CBN News, Washington.
- 400 years in the making.
- Yeah, it's quite a milestone.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, I'm sorry to see that,the Plymouth Rock vandalized.
That was a shame this week.- The show must go on.
- The show goes on, the party goes on.
- That's right.- Well, thank you so much
for joining us tonight.- We'll see you
back here tomorrow.(upbeat music)