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Cat and Dog Theology - The Superbook Show

Joel and Morgan explain how our favorite pets can teach us a lot about our relationship with God. Read Transcript

- Hey all you cool cats and top dogs.

- Welcome to The Superbook Show.

- Did you know that youcan learn a whole lot

from your canine and feline furbuddies?

- Like the fact that dogswere the first animals

to be domesticated.

Also, they're known as man's best friend.

- Yeah.

And.- And

the fact that cats were worshipedas gods in ancient Egypt?

- True and they obviously never forgot it

but I had somethingelse in mind, remember?

- Oh, right.

America's two favorite pets can teach us

a lot about our relationship with God.

(air whooshing)

- Cat and dog theology,it's a thing and a book too.

- The book is called,Cat and Dog Theology,

by Bob Sjogren and Gerald Robison.

Let's see what we can learn.

- If our dogs could speak human to us,

here's what they'd say,

you pet me, you feed me,you protect me, you love me!

You must be


- Our cats on the other hand would say,

you pet me, you feed me,you love me, you protect me.

I must be God.

- Big difference.

Dogs have masters and exist to serve us.

- Doesn't look so goodfor cats here though

because they treat us like staff

and expect us to serve them.

- Which, of course, begs the question,

do we want to serve Godor want him to serve us?

- Jesus said, the greatestamong you must be a servant.

So one point for dogs.

(upbeat music)

- One point.

And now to the issue of character.

- To illustrate, here's a snippet

from a cat's and a dog's diary.

You first.

- 8:00 AM, dog food, my favorite thing!

1:00 PM, played in theyard, my favorite thing!

7:00 PM, got to play ball,

my favorite thing!

11:00 PM, got to sleep inthe bed, my favorite thing.

- Day 983 or my captivity.

My captors dine lavishly on fresh meat

while I am fed some sort of dry nuggets.

Today, in an attempt to disgustthem, I vomit on the carpet.

I decapitated a mouse

and laid it's headless body at their feet.

- Okay, okay!

Okay, enough.

Easy to see the difference.

- Dogs have an attitudeof gratitude and joy.

- Cats are indifferent and show contempt.

I sure would not wanna treat God that way.

- Me either.

Psalms 100, verse two, says,worship God with gladness.

Come before him singing with joy.

Two points for dogs!

One more thing we can learn from our pets.

Joel, how would you rateyour pup on obedience?

- He loves to obey andeven when he doesn't,

he looks kinda repentant, you know,

like, tail tucked between his legs,

like a downcast look, he's like.

He knows what he's done wrong.

- And what about when youcall your cat to come inside?

- She comes in if and when she wants

and then she sits inthe doorway for forever

before she makes the decision.

And grooms herself.

- Jesus says, if you love me,

obey my commandments.

- Rats, dogs, three.

Cats, zero.

But I have to say, whenit comes to my cat,

it's all about her.

- Which is an important question for us

and our relationship with God.

Is it all about him or is it all about us?

- Do we love God for who heis or are we more concerned

with getting treats, Imean, blessings from him?

- Are we grateful for hisgoodness or do we complain

when life isn't perfect?

- Seems like we should be more like dogs

in our relationship with God.

- Yeah, it does seem that way.

- But I still love my cats,

like, a lot, like more than life itself.

That's okay, right?

- Cats?



Oh, brother.

His word is forever alive.

(air whooshing)

Disclaimer, we don't hate cats.

This is just a fun way toillustrate some important truths.

- God loves all this creations,including cats and dogs

and we should too.

- And we wanna remindyou that clicking like

and subscribe is a loteasier than hurting cats.

- And we encourage you tobe like a dog on the bone

by downloading the freeSuperbook bible app.

- And, by the way, we justwanted to let you know

that we think you are the cat's pajamas.

- See you soon!

(air whooshing)

- Cats.


I don't know.

- Go.

- Hey all you cool cats and top dogs.


What?- Again.

- Cat and dog theologies, it's a thing.

- You can see me adjustingmyself right now.


- Sorry, I know, okay.


That's a weird noise.

- Okay.- It was like.

- Go.


- Dogs have an attitudeof gratitude and joy.

- Dog.


- He's like, yes,

dogs do.- Dogs!

- They do!- Can we take it over

or do you want me to start

from the beginning?- They don't puke on your rug!

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