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Favorite Episodes: Sloth and Sloths

Morgan shares her favorite Superbook Show episode. Read Transcript

- Hello, "Superbook Show".

My name is Morgan Martin andI'm one of your co-hosts.

One of my favorite episodesthat we released so far

has to be the Sloth and Sloths.

One because sloths are so cute

and two, it's a reallyvaluable life lesson

to take into consideration

whether you're beingslothful in your spiritual

and physical life or not.

I feel like in timesthat we're in right now,

it may be easier than other times

to kind of slip into a lifestyle of sloth

rather than spiritualfervor, pursuing God,

staying in the world, worshiping with him.

It's been a huge source of inspiration

for me to draw from as of late,

because my normal routine'skind of been all shaken up.

I find myself wanting to eat ice cream

and watch my favoriteTV show in the mornings

rather than waking up

and reading the Bible like I normally do.

So that episode hasbeen such a huge source

of inspiration for me todraw from in this time.

And I hope it is for you guys too.

Hope you're all doing well.

- Welcome to the "Superbook Show".

- Today we're on locationat the Virginia Zoo.

- And we'll be learningabout sloth, both the.

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