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Is There a Diamond in Your Rough?

Author and pastor Jentezen Franklin shares how to dig deep and uncover your hidden potential while discovering God’s best for your life. Read Transcript

- [Narrator] New YorkTimes bestselling author

and Pastor Jentezen Franklin says

that it's time to open your eyes

and see what's right in front of you.

- I'm telling you, that youshouldn't run from your trials.

You shouldn't run from them,

for in them you will learn more,

you will become more,

you will do more.

Stay right there where you're under heat

and you're under pressure

because only then can diamonds be born.

- [Narrator] In his newbook Acres of Diamonds,

Pastor Franklin shares how to dig deep,

uncovering your hidden potential

and discovering God's best,

right where you are.

- Well, Jentezen Franklinis here with us now.

Jentezen, it's so good to have you here.

- It's great to be here, thank you.

- Awesome.

Well, you got the newbook, Acres of Diamonds

and oftentimes our culture isalways on to the next thing.

We're always lookingto the next best thing

but you say we need tostay right where we are,

talking about that?

- Yeah, the whole premise of the book

is around a true story of theworld's largest diamond mine

and how it was discovered.

What happened was a manwas working on this farm

and he got weary from the hard work,

plowing the fields and working the fields.

And someone told him that

they were discovering diamonds in India

and all he had to dowas just go over there

and pick them up and bring them back

and he'd be amazingly wealthy.

So he did that, he sold the farm,

went off in search of fortune,

never found it, took his own life,

left a note saying thereare no diamonds anywhere

to his family.

But the man who boughtthe farm in South Africa,

took the same plow, the same fields

and there were diamonds inthose fields in the rough

and it was the world'slargest diamond find

and the Queen of England gotthe diamonds in her crown

from that very place.

And the point is, it's possible

that you could be livingin acres of diamonds

and not know it.

And by that when I talkabout diamonds I talk about

the joys of life, the joys of marriage,

the joys of family

that just because things don't look good

on the surface right now you're not

to give up and walk away.

But sometimes themiracle is in making sure

that we dig in our own yard.

The grass is not alwaysgreener on the other side.

- Yeah, amen to that.

Well, what are the secrets to contentment?

Because it's hard.

Coming from a millennial,

we're so quick to look to social media,

"Oh, their life's so much better."

But what are some of thesecrets to being content?

- Yeah.

I think it's a determinationin your own mind,

to say, "I'm gonna be planted.

"I'm gonna be plantedin some relationships."

There're power relationships

that if you disconnect from

your life will never be asstrong as it would have been

if you would have stayedconnected with those people.

And also, there's powerfulplaces that God assigns us to

and in those moments whenwe feel like quitting,

when we feel like giving up,if we will learn to be planted,

stay there.

For me success in our ministry in Georgia

is a four letter word, stay.

He said in Psalms 23,

"He leads me beside the still waters

"and makes me to laydown in green pastures."

And one time the Lordspoke to me and said,

"If you lay down, I'll green it up."

- [Anchor] Wow.

- I just kept wanting to jump the fence

because the grass lookgreener somewhere else.

I had an opportunity,

I had a guy in SouthernCalifornia to call me,

right after we'd been at ourchurch for about two years

and all kinds of challenges,

needing to buildbuildings and the pressure

and financially tryingto get all that done.

And right in the middle of that

a very successful pastorcalled me and said,

"I'm retiring, I've gota brand new building.

"I've got an amazing Orange County,

"would you come takethis church, it's ready,"

but I heard the Lordsay stay where you are.

And to make a long story short,

if you lay down he'll green it up.

He makes you to lay down.

So, get planted and makesure that you don't walk away

from that marriage, or that family,

or that relationship that isfull of acres of diamonds,

if you can withstandthe heat and pressure.

- I love that.

Well, you have a chapter in your book

called Hell in theHallway and you talk about

God oftentimes he closes a door.

- [Jentezen] Yeah.

- And when that happens,

sometimes it's hell in the hallway.

So what advice do you giveto people to not lose heart

if that's the case in their life?

- I think we've all heard that saying

that when God closes onedoor, he opens another.

And that's true and we think is instantly

but it's not and when I'vehad him close one door

and then no other door open

and that's when it's hell in the hallway

and that's what we talk about.

And I think that the key tothat situation is understanding

that God is working in that season

when it looks like nothing is happening.

When it feels like nothing is happening,

something is happening.

God is doing something powerful

and we grow the hard places oflife lead to the high places.

And when you begin to understand

that God's timing is not like our timing,

the greatest miracles thatGod will do in your life

are in the most inopportune times.

When you feel like your timing is,

I should have been married by now,

I should have had babies by now

or I should have reachedthis zenith in my career,

but God's timing is not our timing.

And what he teaches us inthat hallway is to trust me.

- Amen to that.

We could keep talking to you Jentezen,

you're so encouraging.

To learn more, be sure toget Jentezen's new book.

It's called Acres of Diamonds,

discovering God's best right where you are

and you can get it in stores nationwide.

Thank you so much

for being here.- Thank you.

- [Anchor] It's always a pleasure

having you.- Thank you very much.


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