Today on the 700 Club, turn your trials into triumphs! Pastor Jentezen Franklin joins us live. Plus, in the fight against America’s number one killer, find out what should you eat and avoid in the battle against heart disease.
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- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Narrator] Today.
- You shouldn't run from your trials.
- [Narrator] Pastor JentezenFranklin live in studio.
- You will become born.
- [Narrator] Turn yourtrials into triumphs.
- Because only then can diamonds be born.
- [Narrator] Plus, fightAmerica's number one killer.
- It's the only diet ever,
proven to reverse heart diseasein the majority of patients.
- [Narrator] What should youeat and what should you avoid.
- You don't know howgood you're gonna feel,
until you give it a try.
- [Narrator] On today's 700 Club.
(upbeat music)
- Welcome to the 700 Club.
It's decision day in the Granite State.
Bernie Sanders is set to score a big win
while Joe Biden is dropping like a rock.
Well the former vice presidentsurvived a poor showing
and who might make asurprise run for second.
Mark Martin has that report.
- As New Hampshire primaryvoters go to the polls,
a new Quinnipiac national poll shows
Senator Bernie Sandersopening up a big lead
over former Vice President Joe Biden.
Sanders jumping four points,
up to 25% among Democratand independent voters,
while Biden droppednine points down to 17.
Sanders, a Democratic socialist,
held a rock concert rallyin New Hampshire Monday.
The senator from neighboring Vermont
easily won New Hampshire four years ago.
The latest polls showhistory could repeat itself.
- If we win here tomorrow,
I think we got a path to victory
for the Democratic nomination.
- [Mark] Biden dropped dramatically
after faring poorly in Iowa.
He has low expectationsin the Granite State
and is trying to look past New Hampshire.
- Stick with me 24 morehours and I promise you,
we're gonna do just fine.
- [Mark] On CBN's Faith Nation,
chief political correspondent David Brody
weighed in on Biden's campaign.
- He knows he's not gonnado well in New Hampshire,
he could finish fifth in New Hampshire.
So he's got all sorts of problems.
Here's his main problem.
He says he's the electable candidate,
he's the guy that can win.
Well you got to start winning states.
You know, you have to win Iowa,
you have to win New Hampshire,or at least do well.
He's not going to do well ineither one of those states.
- [Mark] Criss-crossing New Hampshire,
Senator Elizabeth Warren
is also fighting falling poll numbers.
Mayor Pete Buttigieg andMinnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar
are the biggest surprisesof the 2020 contest so far.
- There is a hole in SenatorSanders' plan, financially,
that's bigger than the entire size
of the United States economy.
I think it's an exampleof the kind of politics
that frustrates people.
Big promises and not a lot behind it.
- As you've probably heard,we're on a bit of a surge.
- [Mark] Meanwhile, Trumpheld a rally in New Hampshire
to quote, "shake up the Dems a little."
His crowd of supporterswaiting in line for hours
in spite of freezing, wet weather.
- Democrats are now the partyof high taxes, high crime,
open borders, late-term abortion,
socialism and blatant corruption.
- And what about billionaireMichael Bloomberg.
He's third in that national poll
and continues pouring hundredsof millions of dollars
into Super Tuesday states,
while bypassing the firstfour February battles.
Mark Martin, CBN News.
- My horseback predictionis that Bloomberg
is gonna be the survivorafter the other ones
kill themselves off.
It's a blood bath.
You shouldn't gloat overthe demise of your enemies
but I do believe that what'shappening to Democrats
is a meltdown, it'sjust, it's beyond belief.
Well on other news,
the death toll has shot to over 1,000.
So when is China now goingto control the coronavirus?
John Jessup has more on that story
from our CBN News Bureau.
- Thanks Pat.
Worldwide, the total numberof cases is now over 43,000
and still climbing.
In China more than 100 peopledied in a 24-hour period.
Authorities there going toextremes to stop the spread.
This video showingofficials forcibly removing
a Chinese couple from their home,
reportedly for refusingto self-quarantine.
And a masked president, Xi Jinping
visited a health center in Beijing,
as citizens still question
the governments handling of the disease.
President Trump reiteratinghis faith in President Xi
after speaking with the Chineseleader over the weekend.
- He feels very confident.
During the month of April,the heat, generally speaking,
kills this kind of virus, sothat would be a good thing.
But we're in great shape in our country.
The 13th US case of the coronavirus
has been confirmed in California.
Well harsh backlash fromDemocratic congressional leaders
and presidential candidates,
over President Trumpsproposed 2021 budget.
Released Monday, the document aims to cut
$4.4 trillion dollars inspending over a decade
and balance the budget in 15-years.
It calls for 5% cuts in allnon-defense agency budget
passed by congress.
Including taking $700billion from Medicaid
and $465 billion from Medicare providers.
It also calls for a 26%cut in the EPA budget.
While there's near universal agreement
the budget won't pass congress,
Republican spending hawkslike Senator James Lankford
and Representative JimJordan say it's a good start.
Economist Steven Moore, aformer Trump campaign advisor,
recently told CBN News,
both parties need to takespending more seriously.
- Republicans wanna spend, you know,
tens of billions of dollarsmore on the military,
then you have got the Democrats
on the other side of the aisle,
if you listen to what they'resaying in the debates,
I mean, they're talkingabout trillions of dollars
of more spending.
So it's not or near in Washington
where we have a lot offiscal conservatism.
- And Pat, the totalnational debt now stands
at an astounding $23 trillion dollars.
- You know I've ask yourpeople to give us some numbers
for the next two or three days.
If the interest on our national debt,
goes up a half-a-point,
how's that gonna affect the budget?
If it goes up one point there'llbe more money on interest
that will be availablefor defense, for education
for all the government programs.
You know, whoever youare and wherever you are,
sooner or later the Bible says,
the better is the servant of the lender,
and those lending moneyare gonna start demanding
more interest rates and when they do,
and it's got to come pretty soon,
we won't be able topay off this huge debt.
And they're talkingabout a trillion a year,
I mean this is ridiculous.
A trillion dollar debt, thennext year another trillion,
and the next year another trillion,
and the next year another trillion,
and our debt to GDP is out of control,
we don't have the resources to pay it off,
we'll never pay it off,
and it's not just America, it's worldwide.
So what's blooming down the road?
a massive financial collapse,
it's just a question of how soon.
Japan has warded it off foryears and years and years
and years, but nevertheless,
sooner or later the piper'sgonna call the tune.
And when it does, it's gonnaimpair the standard of living
of every single personon this planet, John.
- Pat, the justice department, Monday,
charged four Chinese military members
with stealing the personal information
of tens of millions of Americans.
Attorney General William Barrsaid the men, all in China,
hacked into the Equifax creditreporting agency in 2017.
Stealing names, social security numbers,
and other personal informationin the companies databases.
Affecting more than 145 million people.
The administration says
it's part of a troublingpattern with China.
- For years we have witnessedChina's voracious appetite
for the personal data of Americans.
This data has economic value,
and these thefts canfeed China's development
of artificial intelligence tools
as well as the creation ofintelligence targeting packages.
- Last week Secretaryof State Mike Pompeo,
warned America's governorsthat China is targeting states
in an effort to expand it's economic
and political influence.
Well the justice department
is also suing the state of New Jersey
over policies protectingpeople living illegally
in the United States.
So-called SanctuaryPolicies make it harder
for federal immigrationagents to do their job.
The suit claims thepolicy break federal laws
by keeping state and local officers
from sharing informationabout criminal suspects
living illegally in the United States.
Well Homeland Security officials
say the number of illegalcrossings at the Southern border
have dropped for the last eight months,
down 90% over last year.
CBN ContributingCorrespondent Chuck Holton,
recently traveled to CentralAmerica to find out why.
- [Chuck] Mass chaos alongthe Mexico/Guatemala border,
as thousands of migrants
faced off with MexicanNational Guard Troops.
This stand-off is a resultof the Trump administration,
pressuring the Mexican government
to stop these waves of illegal caravans
before they get to the United States.
But these Hondurans stillplan on making it to the US
any way they can.
- [Interpreter] The goal isto get to the United States,
if God lets us.
But if it gives usopportunity to work in Mexico,
then we work in Mexico.
- [Chuck] This is a repeattrip for many of these migrants
who say this time,
Mexican authorities aretaking a much stronger stand.
- [Interpreter] They wantto cross by 50 or more
because they are afraid,
and social media are sayingthat they are deporting them.
- So this is the riverbetween Guatemala and Mexico
and as you can see there areboats out there in the water
that are crossing illegally.
But this rivers not verydeep and so you can actually
see some people just wading.
It's almost impossiblefor the Mexican military
to stop people from crossing illegally.
As a matter of fact I wasjust talking to a couple
of soldiers over there that said,
we don't stop anybody from doing anything,
as far as crossing goes.
(vehicle door creaks)
But the Mexican police are instead,
pursuing a different strategy.
- This checkpoint,
just north of the Guatemalanborder in Chiapas state,
shows that the Mexican police and military
are working together totry to find these migrants
that are trying to stillsneak through here,
even though they know thingsare getting more difficult
at the northern border.
And right here they'researching a vehicle,
they just pulled a couple of Guatemalans
off from one of thesevehicles a few moments ago.
And they're here illegally
so they are going to get deported
back to Guatemala in the morning.
And they're not just from Central America.
Here in the border townof Tapachula, Mexico,
there are thousands of migrantsfrom as far away as Africa,
Bangladesh, Pakistan and Yemen.
They're stuck here becauseof Mexico's version
of its own wall,
one made of bureaucracy.
- Every time you go toimmigration, to make a paper,
they give you a different appointment.
An appointment for fingerprint,
an appointment for picture,
an appointment for everything.
And sometime you go, theydon't take you, understand?
They don't want you to be going up there.
- [Chuck] The current situation
has caused smuggling fees to skyrocket.
From about $2,500 dollars a year ago
to upwards of $10,000 dollars today.
And those who attempt toenter the US, and fail,
end up with a debt to the smugglers
they may never be able to repay.
Still, this Haitian migrantis relying on his faith
to get him a piece of the American dream.
- Donald Trump is the president,I respect the president,
but let me tell you,God has a plan for me.
My faith will take me to America.
And I think, Donald Trumpwill never have the right,
even to touch me.
These Mexican troops,however, might beg to differ.
From Tapachula, Mexico,
I'm Chuck Holton for CBN News.
- Pat, a far cry from where things were
just one year ago.
- You know we have to behonest about what happened.
Obama, let it be knownthat people who came in
of these countries were welcomed here.
We have not fixed their immigration laws,
they're still in a state of flux,
and we've got to determineexactly what we want to do
and then give our militarythe chance to do it.
But just think of a world
where there about sevenplus billion people,
many of them in desperate poverty,
and they want to go wherethere's something good.
Well in going, you'vegot the flower, the cream
of the intellectualelites of these countries
are coming and leaving their country
instead of trying to build up a society.
And it won't work.
And what's going to happen is
it's going to be a massive,and I've said it earlier,
a massive collapse.
What can we do about it?
I've been reading about the work of Truman
and what was called the Marshall Plan.
When he looked at Europe thatwas in a desperate condition,
and they determined they were gonna
put in a huge amount ofmoney to rescue the economies
and indeed, that's what happened.
France and Germany andthose countries in Europe
had a rebound becauseAmerica picked up the tab
and it stimulated their economies.
But what can be done for Central America?
What can be done for India?
What can be done for Pakistan?
We cannot afford therestoration of all the wrongs
that have been takenplace around the world.
And somethings gotta be done
at the highest levels of our government
to say let us help youre-stimulate your economy
so that you could have creativity
so that you could make jobs
so that you can providewealth for your people.
So you can have better agriculture,
better crop of fields and so forth.
And you won't be in such poverty
that your people have to move here.
That's what's gotta be donebut we're talking about, again,
a massive program butif we send technology
into these countries, verypossibly we could help them
but some of these gotta bedone and here in America
we don't have that kind offoresight very much these days.
Harry Truman and GeorgeMarshall and others
were very enlightenedthen as to help Europe
but they don't wanna certainly help India
or help Honduras or Guatemalaor Salvador and so forth.
But that's what's gotta be done.
It's got to be a massive effort
to give the intellectual capital,
to show them where capitalism can work,
where free enterprise can work,
and then help them get into businesses
and productive enterprisesand better crop fields
and all of that sort of thing.
That's what's gotta be done,
otherwise we're gonna be overwhelmed
with a flood of poor peoplewho have left their country,
seeking a better lifeand we just can't afford
to give it to them, Terry.
- Well much more ahead on today's program.
Under pressure, don't give up.
Pastor Jentezen Franklin tellsyou how to take that pressure
and turn it into something precious.
Acres of Diamonds, coming up.
Plus, food as medicine.
One simple change to your dietcan add years to your life.
So what's the secret?
Find out, that's next.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
- What kills more people than smoking?
Believe it or not it's thestandard American diet.
So, what's the healthy wayto eat for 2020 and beyond?
Lorie Johnson has the answer.
- [Lorie] As a young boy, Michael Greger
saw how food can be medicine.
His 65-year old grandmotherfaced death from heart disease.
Then she adopted a plant-baseddiet and lived to age 96.
Now, as a physician, DrGreger cites numerous studies
that back-up his grandma's choice
for helping others fightAmerica's number one killer.
- Not only can heart diseasebe prevented and arrested,
with a plant-based diet,
it's the only diet ever,proven to reverse heart disease
in the majority of patients.
Opening up arteries withoutdrugs, without surgery.
- [Lorie] Every 37 secondssomeone in America dies
from heart disease.
Cardiologists like Dr Deepak Talreja
urge their patients to makechanges before it's too late.
- And we try to push people towards
as optimal a diet as theycan really stick with.
- [Lorie] In short, herecommends eating more plants,
fewer animals.
- Some people are very committed
and they'll fall into a program
where they do 100 percent the right thing.
Some people can't do that,
but if they can do the right thing
70 or 80 percent of thetime that moves them closer
to getting where they'reeither gonna get more committed
or at least get somebenefits from that diet.
- [Lorie] And it's not just heart disease.
Studies show a plant-based diet
can prevent other leading causesof death including cancer.
Case in point, Loma Linda, California,
the American city with themost centenarians per capita.
Also, home to the highest concentration
of Seventh Day Adventists,
a denomination whichadvocates a plant-based diet.
- Adventists have approximatelythe same proportion
that people who die of cancer,heart disease or stroke.
But the age that they getdiagnosed is much later.
- As the name suggests,a plant-based diet,
contains mostly foodsthat grow from the ground.
Also, whole foods, ones that are as close
to their original state as possible.
Plant-based diets offer varying options.
Vegan is 100% plant food.
Vegetarian includes eggs and dairy.
And for those who just can't do without,
Pescatarian allows seafood.
And you may have neverheard of Flexitarian,
but it includes some meat and poultry.
For the last 15 years,dietician Julieanna Hever,
has been teaching people how to switch
to a more plant-based diet,
which she says can reverse Type 2 Diabetes
and high blood pressure.
- It reduces obesity and extra weight.
It reduces medication requirements.
I love to say thatdecreasing your medication,
results are normal.
My clients get off their medications.
- [Lorie] She admitsthere's a learning curve.
- I liken it to learning a new language.
Anything, when you'retransitioning to something major,
like the way you've eaten your whole life,
you just have to learn a few new words,
a few new ingredients,
tie them together in somesentences and paragraphs
and some recipes,
and then if you keep doingit over and over again
you become fluent.
- [Lorie] Dr Greger saysif he can get his patients
to try it for three weeks,they're usually hooked.
- They're going to sleep so much better,
their digestion's better,their periods less painful,
they have more energy.
And in fact, some peoplesay Oh, I felt fine, Doc,
but then I didn't realizeI had chronic indigestion.
I just thought it was normalto feel like this after a meal.
But no, you don't know howgood you're going to feel
until you give it a try.
- [Lorie] Dr Gregerrecommends consuming certain
plant-based foods and beverages each day.
Like berries, leafy greens, legumes,
a tablespoon of ground flax seed,
a quarter teaspoon of turmeric,
mushrooms, green tea, and more.
So while many of us enjoyeating the old standards,
increasing evidence shows ahealthier and wiser choice
involves eating more unprocessed foods
from the ground up.
- The Bible says, Beloved, Iwish that you would prosper
and be in health even as you so prosper.
Lorie is here with some arrayof delightful vegetable soup.
- That's right, nowthis is your soup recipe
and it's 100% plant-based.
- [Pat] That's right.
- I did bring a pictureof all the ingredients
before I made this soup over the weekend,
there are lots of them.
And you see that there'skale and peas and cabbage,
tomatoes, we've got a littlebit of potatoes in there
and if you want the recipefor Pat's vegetable soup
go to our website
- I just was in the kitchen
and I just startedhorse packing that thing
and I said well let's try a little,
give me a pack of frozen spinach,
give me some kale we chopped that up,
but the big thing is, I was inthere with a chopping knife,
you gotta chop the potatoes fine,
so many onions, you put the onions in,
you've got celery,
I have about 20 differentkinds of vegetables
and it's really delicious isn't it?
- It is delicious.
It's the combination and like you say,
the flavor sort of marinate.
You put it on the stove
for any where from like about four hours.
And it's just fantastic.
Now this is my soup,this is the squash soup
that I've been making for years
and everybody loves it.
In fact, when my son was at college,
he called me from insidea grocery store, and said,
mom how do you make thatsquash soup you always make.
(Pat laughs)
So it is very healthy,totally plant-based,
here are the ingredients on your screen.
- [Pat] Well how's it taste, sample that.
- [Lorie] Please feel free to have some.
Turmeric, we know that'sextremely healthy.
And especially combined with a fat,
which in this case, coconutoil, one of my favorite fats
and black pepper makesturmeric absorb into your body.
- What's this on top of the this.
- Those are pepitas which isa fancy name for pumpkin seeds
and I roasted those a little bit.
Do you like it?
- I love it it's delicious.
- Now here's another and thisdoesn't take very long to make
and again, the recipe for the squash soup
is on our website
Here's an old favoritebut never disappoints.
- [Pat] Wow.
- Roasted vegetables and canI tell you how easy this is?
I just chopped up thesevarious vegetables,
threw 'em on a pan with some avocado oil,
which is really a greatoil for high heat, on 425.
And I've got in here,broccoli, sweet potatoes,
red pepper, cauliflower,and here's a fork,
or if you wanna eat withyour fingers that's fine
this is your show. (laughs)
- Fingers are fine with me.
- And again you can mix upthe different vegetables,
you want the cruciferous vegetables,
the broccoli, thecauliflower, Brussels sprouts,
are especially good butthese health experts
that I interviewed said,
really try to mix up and you know,
put some variety in the differentplant-based foods you eat.
- That's very good.
- Don't eat the same ones everyday.
Now this, is a really great crowd pleaser.
These are dates, stuffedwith almond butter,
sprinkled with cinnamon,which is extremely healthy,
and you can see I put it ona special valentines plate
because Pat, you're married,don't forget Valentines day
is in three days (laughs) andso this is a nice alternative
to those really sweet, unhealthy treats
that people often do on Valentines day.
- Dates, all in there thatyou got, what's in it?
- Almond butter.
- Almond butter.
- And then sprinkled with cinnamon,
which cinnamon is really good for you.
- Sweet, nice, it's very good.
- And then again, anotheralternative to sweets, to candy,
these are frozen grapes.
- Wow.
- And so when you'rehaving a sugar craving
and you open the freezer andyou're thinking about ice cream
go for the frozen grapes instead
because they're frozenso it gives you something
to chew on for awhile.
- We use the frozen blueberries,
I get them and they're very nice,
but these are delicious.
- They're great andthey're a great substitute
for real sugar, for candy.
- So you don't put insugar you just freeze 'em.
- No sir, just plain ole grapes.
I brought them at the grocerystore and froze 'em flat.
- I recommend Pat's Minestrone.
I tell you, I labored overthe last part of this stuff
and it's very good.
I had about 20 different vegetables
and I just kinda kept throwing it in,
mixing it up and thenhaving made this stuff
I said let's make a recipe of it
and I didn't go the other route.
- It is so delicious and can I just say,
the people I interviewedfor this particular segment,
they say yes in a perfect worldwe would like our patients
to eat 100% plant-base but a lot of folks
just don't wanna do that.
And so you can add somemeat to these things,
a little bit of chicken,maybe some salmon,
or some grass-fed beef, and they say,
what you should keep in mindif you really want to eat meat
and still try to be plant-based,
think of meat as a condiment,
something small on the side.
And if you make most of yourplate vegetables or fruits,
then you can buy healthier types of meat.
The grass-fed beef which a lot people say
oh it's too expensive but ifyou're only eating a little,
you can afford it.
Same thing with the chicken,
you wanna get the kind of chicken
that has no antibiotics ever
that's the key word, ever.
- So is that the free-range or what?
- It's so confusing when yougo into the poultry section
in the grocery store, thereare so many different choices.
Look for no antibiotics ever.
Ideally, pasture raisedchicken, is the best,
but that's a little bit hardto find and quite expensive.
No antibiotics ever is okay.
- I worked on the farm wherethe chickens just ran around
in the barnyard andscratched and got their stuff
and then when we wantedto take the chicken
we threw some grain for them.
- Yeah that's the best way.
- That's the good kind of chicken.
- That is, that's the best way.
- But they shoot thesethings full of antibiotics.
- Too often.
- It's terrible.
- Too often but not everybody
so look for the no antibiotics ever
and when it comes to seafood,
try to get the wild caughtas oppose to farm raised.
That's a little bithealthier these experts say.
- They load the antibiotics into the fish
and those salmon, don't theyhave antibiotics in them?
- Yes, in many cases.
And so the wild caught and you can buy
fairly inexpensive wild caught fish.
- You can get drug resistance
from eating all those antibiotics?
- Yes and a lot of our healthexperts are saying that
it does a real numberon your gut bacteria too
so be careful when you're buyingmeat and fish and poultry.
- Those things can actuallykill the gut bacteria
that's keeping you healthy.
- A lot of the folks I've interviewed,
the gut experts say yes, be wary.
So when you're thinking aboutgoing to a plant-based diet
a lot of folks are like ohno I don't know what to do,
there are couple ofcookbooks that we have,
the two experts I interviewedin the story that we just saw,
each one of them has acookbook, Julieanna Hever's.
- [Pat] How not to die (laughing).
- Don't you love that title?
"How Not to Die" (laughs)that says it all,
and the other one is "TheHealthspan Solution",
both cookbooks, fantastic.
All the plant-basedrecipe's you can handle.
- Well you'll love my minestrone
and the recipe I think is on
- It is indeed.
- You got pictures,
are there pictures ofme and Terry making it?
- If you search on Google,which is what I did.
I searched on Google,'cause I wanted your recipe,
Pat Robertson's vegetable soup,
and up came a video ofyou and Terry making it
in the CBN kitchen afew years ago (laughs)
and it is such a funny video,watching the two of you,
in the kitchen together.
- Well we had fun, Ihad a red apron I think.
- Yeah, you were justthrowing stuff in the pot
and that's what's so great about cooking
is you don't have to be precise.
- That's right, well Ididn't write the recipe,
I made it up then I said let'sput that on a piece of paper.
I like this idea, your frozengrapes, they're delicious.
- They really are andthey're especially good
for folks like me who getthese intense sugar cravings
and that satisfies the sugarcravings without eating.
- These are even better.
Lorie you are a wonderand ladies and gentlemen
we want you to behealthy and be in health.
Beloved, I pray that you will prosper
and be in health evenas your soul prospers
and this is the way, plant-based.
All that fat beef iscausing heart disease,
high blood pressure, indigestion,and all the other stuff.
Including obesity.
- It's part of our culture as well.
I mean this is how we grew up,
I use to eat beef fivedays a week growing up.
You know there's meatloaf,steak, hamburgers,
just a different form of red meat.
So this is actually quite a shift
for folks who grew up eating meat,
that was the centerpieceof the meal, every night.
- Or a big steak, I meanyou can't fake steak,
that's the advertising, I understand.
This is much better, try it.
It's not fanatical (chuckles)it's really good stuff.
Okay, Lorie thank you so much.
- My pleasure.
- God bless you.
- God bless you.
- Terry what you got next?
- Well coming up,
the unbelievable sceneinside one woman's house
after it was hit by a tropical storm.
What did she see as thewaters reached her knees?
But first, unleash your hidden potential.
That's the secret to abetter you, what is it?
Pastor Jentezen Franklin has the answer
and it's not what you might think.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
- Heat and pressure.
Nobody likes their feetbeing held to the fire
but guess what?
That can be a good thing, take a look.
- [Narrator] New YorkTimes best-selling author
and pastor, Jentezen Franklin,
says that it's time to open your eyes
and see what's right in front of you.
I'm telling you that youshouldn't run from your trials.
You shouldn't run from them,
for in them you will learn more.
You will become more; you will do more.
Stay right there where you're under heat,
and you're under pressure,
because only then can diamonds be born.
- [Narrator] In his newbook, "Acres of Diamonds",
Pastor Franklin shares how to dig deep,
uncovering your hidden potential
and discovering God'sbest, right where you are.
- Jentezen Franklin is here with us now
and we welcome you back to the 700 Club.
- Thank you.
- I love "Acres of Diamonds"
because whether we like it or not,
the pressure, the tension, the heat,
is coming to all of us (chuckles) so,
start if you will, by telling us the story
of Russell Conwell.
- Yeah he was an amazing man.
He went to the Middle East,
to tour the Middle East in the 1800s
and he had an Arab guide who told stories
by the fire at night.
And one of the stories that he told,
he took it back and putit in a little booklet
and it sold seven million copies.
He gave the speech 6,000 times
and took the resources andfounded Temple University,
where there's 40,000 students.
This all came from one story
and it's a story about acres of diamonds,
and quickly I'll sum it up,
but what happen was there was a farmer
by the name of Ali Hafed,true story, in South Africa.
And he had a farm andhe worked, and he worked
and he worked and one daya stranger came through
and said it's a shameyou have to work so hard
if you just go to Indiathey're discovering diamonds
and you can become fabulously rich.
So he left the farm andthe plow and the family
and said when I come backyou'll sit on thrones
you'll be so wealthy.
He never found the diamonds
but the man who bought the farm,
took the same plow, took the same fields,
took the same ox, and he beganto dig up these black rocks
and sure enough they werediamonds in the ruff,
it became the worlds largestdiamond find till this day,
the famous Golconda diamond mines,
where the Queen ofEngland gets the diamonds
for her crown, they camefrom that diamond field.
And the point is this,
that man who ended his life,
he actually took his life in Spain
because he couldn't find any diamonds,
never realized that he wasliving in acres of diamonds.
And I think a lot of peopleare always looking out there
where the grass is greener.
If I had that marriage, if Ihad that husband or that wife,
or that job or that opportunity,
I could really have a happylife and they fail to realize
that right where God has them,there's acres of diamonds
but it does include heat and pressure.
- So Jentezen how do we developa spirit of contentment?
Because, you know, withcontentment comes peace of heart
and peace of mind, joyin the moment, I mean,
so that we can live inthe moment and not always
once I get there it's allgoing to be wonderful.
- Yeah and part of it I thinkis learning to appreciate
where you are right now.
You know Jesus died on the middle cross,
and there were two thieves on both sides
and I think Jesus representslife's greatest treasure
but for you and I, besides Jesus,
the greatest treasurewe have is right now.
If we're not careful we'lllet the thief of yesterday
steal the joy of right now,
or the thief of someday,steal the joy of right now.
I'm blessed right now, we'renot in the hospital right now.
- [Terry] Amen brother.
- We have health, wehave all that we need,
and why probate yourpraise when you get this
or you get that, then I'll be happy,
when right now is one ofour greatest treasures.
- But one of the things youtalk about a lot in the book,
and I think it's the questionthat everybody has is,
that's wonderful for you and I right now,
we got up, we're healthy, we're here,
we're doing somethingwe enjoy but what about
when you're in the midst ofcrisis because it's coming?
- Absolutely.
- Everybody's storm.
- And I think that's wherethe diamonds are born.
- Yeah.
- You cannot have adiamond, all a diamond is,
is carbon deep in the earth
and the thing that makes it a diamond
is the atoms bond when intenseheat and pressure comes
so it takes the trials,it takes the loneliness,
it takes the pain,
it takes the suffering,to bring the diamonds.
And I know in the ministrythat God gave us, you know,
if I had walked away,
there were times whenit was so much easier
and I had an invitationone time to leave my church
and go to a church that was a mega church,
that the pastor was ready to retire
and I was in that struggle season
and we were just a few hundred people
and I wanted to leave you know,
we were having all kinds of--
- Please God.
- Yeah, the pressure,
the heat of building a ministryversus there's a building,
it's ready, it's paid for, go get it.
But the Lord wouldn't release me.
Sometimes success is afour-letter word, stay.
- Yeah.
- Stay.
- Boy that's true, you talkabout it in marriage too.
There are times for all ofus, a marriage over the years,
where you think, I'm out of here. (laughs)
- Yes, exactly.
- But stay is what brings the goodness.
- It really is and youknow, my wife and I,
when we first got marriedI remember thinking
if she would just be more like me.
(Terry laughs)
If she would just be more like.
- I think we all think that.
- We wouldn't have anyproblems, what is her problem.
And you learn that throughthe heat and the pressure
the ups and the downs,
the times where you love each other always
but you can't stand each other sometimes,
that now 32-years later,
five children and fourgrandchildren, when I hold,
I was with my granddaughter yesterday,
that's my acres of diamonds.
I'm so glad I didn't walk away,
I didn't say the grass isgreener on the other side.
Sometimes it's because it's abusted septic tank over there.
(Terry laughs)
You better dig in your own backyard.
- [Terry] Yes.
- Dig in your own yard.
- And giveth the easy wayis hardly ever God's way.
- That's right.
So true.- You talk about Joseph
in the book and one of thethings that always strikes me
about his story, I justthink it's an amazing story.
Someone who endured throughunfair things happening
over and over again andyou never hear it said
that he ever complained about anything.
- So true.
- So you talk about having the vision
for where God's taking you.
- Yeah.
One of the stories that I tell,
the true stories in the book,
is an amazing story about aguy by the name of Steve Wynn.
You mentioned Joseph and he had a dream.
Well Steve Wynn, of course,
is a famous developer in Las Vegas,
he's built all of these famous hotels,
Bellagio and we could go on and on.
But he loved art and hebought a Picasso piece of art
and put it in the lobby andit was called "La Reve",
which means in French, "The Dream",
and here's what happened.
A man came along, hepaid $50 million for it.
and a man came along and six years later,
wanted to buy it for $139 million.
So he decided to sell it and he said
I'm gonna have this huge celebration
to say goodbye to The Dream,
so invited all of the wealthy people in,
and they come to Vegasand he has an eye problem,
and he had the paintingon an easel, true story,
and when he turned to saysomething, his arm, he stumbled,
and his arm went throughthe painting and he tore it.
Of course, the investor saidit's not worth anything,
The Dream is torn, The Dream is tattered,
The Dream is destroyed.
But he went and found an art surgeon,
took him a year to repair it,
and the amazing partof this story is this,
that when he put it back up for sale,
the same man who said itwasn't worth anything,
bought it for $155 million,$18 million dollars more.
- Wow.
- And the point is when yourdreams are tattered and torn
there's still acres of diamonds,
really, you'll be morevaluable after you go through
what you've been through.
- Well the book is richwith wonderful advice,
information, scripture, youwant to get it it's called
"Acres of Diamonds:Discovering God's Best Right
Where You Are" and you canget this in stores nationwide,
I highly recommended.
Thank you.- Thank you.
- It's always wonderful to have you.
- Wonderful to be here, thank you.
- Well still ahead, a minnowswimming in her kitchen?
Really, that's what a womansaw after torrential floods
flooded her house.
How could she ever save her home?
Plus, get ready for a viewer favorite,
we've got your questionsand some honest answers
and it's just around the corner.
Sarah says, my husband andI have a trip abroad planned
in three weeks.
Should we cancel our tripdue to the coronavirus?
- Pat's gonna take that on andmore, later on today's show.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
- And welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN Newsbreak.
A heart warming storyout of Arlington, Texas
is gaining attention.
The school principalsays she found her faith
after God called her to donate a kidney
to a father of three of her students.
She told the Dallas Morning News,
"I'm not the type of personwho hears the voice of God
"but I just felt calledto give him my kidney.
"I did not want to, it was noton my list of things to do.
"So, I just kept thinkingthat someone else would give
"him a kidney and that it would work out,
"but I was the person to do it."
The surgery happened lastmonth and was a success.
The two reunited afterwardwith an emotional hug.
Well Batman and Superman and Black Panther
join forces to surprise patients
at Norton Children's Hospitalin Louisville, Kentucky.
The team of super heroessaid their mission last week
was to wash windows and put a smile
on the faces of children.
The crew from Pro Clean International
puts on capes and masksseveral times a year
before scaling the hospital walls
for dozens of children and their families.
You can always get thelatest from CBN News
by going to our website at
Pat and Terry will be back
with more of the 700Club right after this.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
- A little while ago we weretalking to Lorie Johnson
about a diet that maybehad a few fish in it.
Beth Baker had fish in her kitchen,
and she wasn't getting ready to cook.
A tropical storm dumpedwater into her house
that rose to her knees.
Beth was desperate for help
when she received anunexpected text and soon after,
Operation Blessing cameto take care of the fish.
- There was a loud boom, a lightening,
and it scared me it woke me up
and the kids were already awake.
I heard them screaming for me to come.
- [Narrator] A few years ago,Beth and her husband Albert,
adopted their two grandkids as their own.
When Tropical Storm Imeldaslammed South East Texas,
Beth and Albert's main concern
was their grandchildren's safety.
- I ask them are theyokay and they said yes.
So when I walked in the hallway,
I noticed there was morewater all over the ground.
And by the time I got on thephone and called my husband
it had already come up like
two or three inches in the house.
And I started looking down at the floor,
and there's minnowsswimming in my kitchen.
It was up to my knees bythe time I got to the truck.
- [Narrator] They drove toAlbert's sister's house,
and safely rode out the storm.
A few days later, Bethreturned to their home.
- I had people tell meit's just material stuff.
It's not the material stuff,it's the stress and the pain
of having to walk through it over again.
- [Narrator] With no insurance,
Beth was scared they'd go through
the painful recovery alone.
That's when she got an unexpected text.
- My fourth-grade teacher for Caitlyn,
texted me and asked if I needed some help,
three or four hourslater someone showed up
at my house with an applicationto Operation Blessing.
- [Narrator] A few days later,
a team of volunteersarrived at their house,
ready to help the familyget back on their feet.
- I became overwhelmedwhen I seen you walking up,
that's why I started crying,I was like, thank you!
You guys came in and rescuedme, that's what you did.
You helped me pack up my house,
get that stuff put it in the shed.
They checked the walls,they saw where it was wet
and they cut out everybit that needed cut out.
Pulled the sheet rock and insulation
and cleaned all that up.
Tore the refrigerator apartto get it out the door.
Checking everything to make sure
that it's a safe environment.
- [Narrator] Now Beth and her family
are ready to move forward, andthey know they're not alone.
- You coming out and takingyour time, and your donations,
and your work, shows us that we do matter.
Thank you so much foryour help, thank you.
- Ain't it great that wecan help people like Beth.
I just can't tell you what it does.
You know the Bible saysit's more blessed to give
than to receive and it's honestly true.
There's a much greaterfeeling of giving to somebody
than it is to get a gift.
And the fact that we couldhelp somebody like Beth
who's just devastated, noinsurance, her house all flooded,
and here we can go in therewith our team of volunteers,
and Operation Blessing personneland a little bit of money
and restore her andgive her back her life.
How do you participate, Iknow you wanna do something,
well how do you do it?
$20 dollars a month isa 700 Club membership.
That's $.65 cents a day is all,
that's almost nothing in today's world.
And some can do 700 Club Gold,
some can do--
- $1000 Club membership, $2500 Club.
- All the way up and down the line.
But whatever, we are reaching out to help
the poor, the needy, theoppressed, all over the world.
We can't do 'em all butwe can do one at a time
and with that we have the joy of the Lord
and the blessing of the Lord.
Those who take care of the poor,
the Lord will take care ofthem in time of trouble.
Now our telephone number is on the screen
it's 1-800-700-7000, it's easyto remember, 1-800-700-7000.
And for those who give, Iwanna give you a special gift.
It's a book that I was privilege to write,
the Lord just turned looseand created the juices in me,
and this has to do withthe laws of the kingdom.
The "Ten Laws of Success:
"Keys to Win Work in Family and Finance".
- Can I tell you what William said
because I think this is so great.
He lives in Savannah, Georgia, he said,
"Ten Laws for Success is one of the most
"to-the-point, informational,and educational books
"I have ever read.
"I cannot put it down and will continue
"to reread it and liveby it, thank you Pat."
- Well that's what we were looking at,
it's a compendium, it's a short book.
But it'll give you thelaws, it'll make your life,
it'll turn your life around.
And we will send this to you as our gift
when you join the 700 Clubso pick up your phone,
if you would, dial 1-800, it'sa toll free number, 700-7000
and say you can count on me.
So please right now, callin, and we wanna rush you,
a copy of the "Ten Laws of Success"
and I hope it will be a blessing.
- Oh I know it'll be a blessing.
- Okay what else.
- Time for some questions and answers.
- Let's go for 'em, okay.- You ready?
- Okay this first onecomes from Sarah who says,
"Pat my husband and I havea birthday trip planned
"to the UK in threeweeks, for three weeks.
"I have total faith that the Lord will
"protect us and guideus but this coronavirus
"is a worrying issue.
"I know we're not going to China
"but the flights are transcontinental
"and there's more that is not known
"than known about this virus.
"I do not want my senseof self-preservation
"to keep me from puttingmy total trust in God.
"We never hear anything about
"the airlines procedures of disinfection.
"Masks are useless.
"I feel the situation is so much worse
"than we are being told,
"any Godly advice for me on this?"
- The Godly advice is don't fear.
You know, the terror that stalks by night,
disaster that goes by in the day,
a thousand will fall at your hand
and ten thousand your right hand
but it won't come by you.
God's gonna look afteryou so don't hesitate.
I wouldn't fly to Wuhan if I were you.
I'd stay out of China.- Stay in the UK.
- Stay in the UK but you'renot gonna catch this thing.
God's gonna look after you, okay?
- This is Mary who says "Mygrandchild asked me if demons
"can be saved, can they?"
- Oh I don't reallyknow why it's important
to a grandchild to know that,
but the answer is no, they can't be.
They have had absoluterevelation of God Almighty
and they knew exactly who God is,
they knew exactly what he's done,
and there's no forgiveness for Satan.
He hates God and the demons hate God
and they're rebelling against God
but to my knowledge you cannot commit
a salvation for fallen demons, all right.
- This is an unusual one,this is Lucas who says,
"Is it wrong if I am notafraid of demons or Satan?
"Sometimes I end upfeeling guilty when I taunt
"and mock them because Iconstantly feel them around me
"and in my presence andI just get angry at them.
"I want the evil things of theuniverse to leave me alone.
"What Bible verses are mostrecommended to use in prayer
"in order to banish sinful entities?"
- Well let me tell you something.
The Bible, at least some ofthe apostles will say that
you don't use a toningaccusation against Satan
you just don't do that.
And the one thing I wanna tell you,
don't try to play head games with Satan,
he beat Eve at it and he'llbeat you at it so don't do it.
Don't argue with him anddon't make fun of Satan
because Satan is a very powerful spirit
and what you need to do is use the word,
all power in heaven and earthis given unto me said Jesus,
give all authority and go therefore
and you can heal thesick, cast out demons,
freely you've given,freely you'll receive.
Do it with the word in your mouth.
I speak the word, a man shall eat good
by the fruit of his lips.
How do you do it?
I bind you Satan and theforces of evil, period.
But do not mock Satan,do not mock anybody,
that is not smart.
Just take authority, youknow, when Jesus met Satan,
and he's the Son of God, hedidn't play head games with him,
he immediately just used scripture.
It is written, it iswritten, it is written.
And he quoted scripture andthat's what you do with a demon,
you quote scripture andtake that authority.
All right anything else, one more.
- Yes, Dennis wants toknow, is it wrong for a wife
to keep her last name after she marries?
- It depends on your own position
and what you think is important,
I'm glad my wife took my name.
- That's a good name.
- Well you keep your stage name.
- Well I do for privacy for my family.
- Okay.
- At school with mychildren or when we're out
I'm my husband's wife. (laughs)
- Well a last name's no sin.
Well today's PowerMinute is from Psalm 91,
"For He shall give Hisangels charge over you,
"To keep you in all your ways."
Thanks so much for being with us,
for Terry and I, this is Pat Robertson,
we'll see you tomorrow, bye bye.
(upbeat music)