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The 700 Club - February 07, 2020

A man is brought back to life after dying from a heart attack. Plus, actor Nancy Stafford prepares for her new role in the Oval Office. Read Transcript

- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Gordon] Coming up.

A sudden heart attack.

- [Chuck] And he got to thisspot right here and he fell.

- [Gordon] The type doctorscall, the widowmaker.

- It's a very, very rare thingwhen somebody survives it.

- [Gordon] See how this man died.

- We just need to pray, we need to pray.

- [Gordon] And came back to life.

- He had everybody orchestratedto save this man's life.

- [Gordon] On today's 700 Club.

(dramatic music)

(upbeat music)

- Welcome to the 700 Club.

High alert in Israel.

Terror strikes at the heart of Jerusalem

just days after President Trump announced

his Deal of the Century.

Defense forces andpolice are on the lookout

after three terroristattacks in just 12-hours.

- Three Palestinians havealso died in recent clashes

with Israeli forces.

Chris Mitchell reports from Jerusalem.

- [Chris] From Gaza to Judeaand Samaria to Jerusalem.

Palestinians have rioted and demonstrated

against the White House's peace proposal,

to finally bridge the gap betweenPalestinians and Israelis.

One of the latest terrorattacks took place here,

outside Jerusalem's oldtrain station on Thursday.

A terrorist drove his car intoa group of Israeli soldiers

and wounded 12, one seriously.

Another attack came next toJerusalem's Temple Mount.

Where an Israeli Arab openedfire on police Thursday.

Moments later he was killed.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad,

both of which are backed by Iran,

support these terror attacks.

- [Interpreter] The Islamicresistance movement, Hamas,

blesses this struggle andthese heroic operations

against the Zionist occupation,

its rejection of theso-called Deal of the Century,

and blocking it from passing.

- [Chris] For its part, thePalestinian Authority instructed

its security services not topursue Palestinian terrorists

and even before the releaseof President Trumps plan,

warned Palestinians not to support it.

- [Interpreter] Whoever accepts it,

he will pay a heavy price for it,

Yes, he will pay theprice for accepting it.

He will pay the price of treason.

Accepting this deal is the way to treason.

- [Chris] Israeli PrimeMinister Benjamin Netanyahu

put the blame on PAPresident Mahmoud Abbas,

also known as Abu Mazen.

- [Interpreter] And I want tosay something to Abu Mazen.

This is not going to help you.

Not the stabbings, not the car rammings,

not the shootings and not the incitement.

We will do whatever is necessaryto defend our security,

to determine our bordersand to secure our future.

We will do it with you or without you.

- [Chris] Itamar Marcus whomonitors Palestinian Media,

says the PA is fueling the resistance.

- The PalestinianAuthority wants violence,

It wants terror.

It wants the world to knowthat its people are angry

about the Trump plan.

Whether its people areangry or not we don't know,

we know the leadership is angry.

It could be that thepeople would like peace

but the leadership isinterested in a terror wave.

- Israel's national policespokesman told CBN News

the police don't know yetif these terror attacks

will lead to still,another way of a terror

or simply die down.

Israelis and somePalestinians hope and pray

this won't become a new campaign of terror

in the streets of Jerusalemand throughout the land.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- I doubt there will bea new wave of terror,

at least I hope there willnot be a new wave of terror

because I just don't seethat within the people.

But reading between the linesas to what these leaders

are saying on the Palestinian side.

When they say if yousupport the peace plan,

we're going to consider that treason,

what they're saying iswe're going to kill you.

That is the subtext.

They're calling it treason

but the real threat is they will kill you.

Here's another thing thatthey consider treason.

If a Palestinian Arab sells land to a Jew,

that is called treason.

And the penalty for that is execution.

That is absolute racism butthat's what we're dealing with.

This peace plan, you know,

you can pretty much guaranteethe Palestinian Authority

isn't going to come to any peace table.

And the other part of this is

any leader that then calls for peace,

if that's considered treason,

well they have to be executed too.

This is, Bible's true here,

peace, peace, and there is no peace.

In other news, PresidentTrump says US Forces

have killed another majorIslamic terrorist leader.

John Jessup has that story

from our CBN News Bureauin Washington, John.

- Thanks Gordon.

The president says the US carried out

a counter-terrorism operation in Yemen

that killed Qassim al-Rimi.

al-Rimi is a founder of Al-Qaedain the Arabian Peninsula,

it's long been consideredthe most dangerous branch

of Al-Qaeda because of it's attempts

to carry out attackshere on the US Mainland.

al-Rimi claimedresponsibility for last years

deadly shooting at the Naval Air station

in Pensacola, Florida.

Where a Saudi trainee killedthree American Sailors.

President Trump says the USand it's allies are safer

because of al-Rimis death.

Well the death toll isstill rising sharply

in China from the coronavirus.

Now up to around 640 with morethan 31,000 cases worldwide.

Chinese authorities arelooking into questions

raised by the public,

about a whistleblower doctorwho was threatened by police

after he publicized hisconcerns about the new virus

before he died from it.

Hundreds of Americans, meanwhile,

have returned to the United States

after evacuation flights from China.

- This is an emerging virus

and so we're still learningmore and more every day.

- And the chief executiveof the Japan Olympics

is also reportedly worriedabout the possible impact

the virus may have on this summers games.

Well here at home, the Democraticpresidential candidates

are making their final pitchesto voters in New Hampshire

before next Tuesdays primary,

including another debate tonight.

Vermont Democratic SocialistSenator Bernie Sanders

and former South Bend,Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg

lead the pack in new polling

after both apparently basically tied

in Iowa after the debaclein the caucuses there.

But not on the campaign trail yesterday,

former vice president Joe Biden,

even though he trailed in Iowa

and is running fourth inthe polls in New Hampshire.

Well some congressionalDemocrats are determined

to keep investigating President Trump

even after his acquittal inthe Senate impeachment trial.

The president took a victorylap after that historic vote

and he also spoke at lengths yesterday,

about his administrations accomplishments

in a different area,supporting religious freedom.

Mark Martin has more.

- For the first time sincehis exoneration by the Senate,

President Trump discussed his impeachment

but his troubles withDemocrats may be far from over.

- This is what the end result is.

(crowd cheers)

- [Mark] The presidentsays it hasn't been easy.

He even apologized to hisfamily for having to endure

what he calls, "the rotten ordeal".

Now Democrats areplanning their next moves.

House Judiciary Chairman, Jerry Nadler

says lawmakers will likelysubpoena John Bolton

to learn what he wasprepared to tell the Senate.

And other high ranking Democrats

say the Ukraine story isn't over.

Meanwhile some Republicansare going on offense.

Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson

are looking into possibleconflicts of interest

by Hunter Biden in his Ukraine dealings.

And the treasury departmenthas complied with their request

for information about hisgovernment sponsored travel

and protective detail he received

while his dad was vice president.

(crowd applauds)

And while the headlines focused

on the presidents impeachmentstatements Thursday,

he also used the stage atthe National Prayer Breakfast

to tout his work toprotect religious liberty.

- In America we don't punish prayer.

We don't tear down crosses.

We don't ban symbols of faith.

- [Mark] It was a proofof performance speech

that demonstrates why he enjoys

high approval among evangelicals.

- To protect faith communities,

I have taken historic action to defend

religious liberty includingthe constitutional right

to pray in public schools.

(crowd cheers)

- [Mark] From criminal justicereform to executive action

on the Johnson amendment,

the president listedpromises he's made good on.

- I also recently took executive action

to stop tax payer dollars

from going to colleges and universities

that spread the poison of anti-Semitism

and bad things about Christianity.

(crowd applauds)

- [Mark] And he reminded the crowd,

no president has done moreto protect the unborn.

- And we're pursuing medical breakthroughs

to save premature babiesbecause every child

is a sacred gift from God.

- Protecting religiousfreedom is a top priority

for evangelicals and thepresident made clear,

it's a priority for him too.

One his administrationis following through on.

Mark Martin, CBN News.

- Thanks Mark and Gordon,

as Mark just hit on in that report,

the president still enjoys high approval

from conservative evangelicals.

- Yes he does but hedoesn't enjoy high approval

in the US House of Representatives.

I predict we'll have investigation

after investigation after investigation,

they're just going to keep on coming

and not recognize that it'sactually hurting everything.

When you look at what it's done,

the current impeachment,

I think the casualty was Joe Biden.

Here he was, just a few months ago,

a front runner for the nomination

and now he's running a distant fourth.

Will they wake up to the fact

that it's actually time to govern?

And you may not like theguy in the White House

but you still have to govern the nation

and that means you have toget some things done, Terry.

- Well still ahead on today'sprogram, "Pain to Power",

how did this son of a teenage prostitute

become a sought after speakerfor Fortune 500 companies.

Plus, a death on a softball field.

One player has a heartattack during a game.

How was he brought back to life?

And then later,Hollywood's Nancy Stafford,

gives us a sneak peek at herupcoming romantic comedy.

Don't go away.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Some people who were borninto terrible circumstances

are able to overcomethem, other's are not.

So what makes the difference, take a look.

- [Narrator] Ron Archer isa speaker in high demand

by Fortune 500 companies andchurches around the country

where he tells his story

of overcoming a difficult childhood.

Ron was a trick baby.

Born to a 17-year old prostitute,

who's pimp had tried multiple times

to abort her unborn child.

Born premature withmultiple health challenges,

Ron survived only to besexually abused as a young child

and bullied by his classmatesfor his severe stutter.

He tells his personalstory and shares how anyone

can overcome life'sobstacles in a new book,

"What Belief Can Do: How Godturned my Pain into Power

"and Tragedy into Triumph

"and how he can do the same for you".

- Well author and speakerRon Archer joins us now,

he's got a great new book,

"What Belief Can Do", I wasreading it, and just amazed,

that you are what you are today.

- By the grace and mercy of God sir,

that I was reached bythe gospel and learned

that if God be for you,who can be against.

No matter where you start, nomatter where you come from,

God is able.

- But you had your part of it

because it doesn't just take that message

it takes you looking at, believing it,

saying I can make it.- Yes.

- Where did you find that

because you look at the circumstances,

your birth, your early childhood.

- Yes.

- Your problems in school,

everything was sayingyou're not gonna make it.

- Yes.

- What got to you?

- The importance of havingpeople who care about you

and give you hope and possibility.

A teacher, a widowedneighbor, and a great pastor.

Those three people touchedmy heart, my hands,

my habits to believethat if God be for you,

who can be against you,

and I began to understandthat the Word of God

can change your life ifyou're willing to have grit

and grace and you have a responsibility

to apply the principlesof what you believe,

and those beliefs become a reality.

And that transformed mythinking and my belief system

that I wasn't here by accident,

I wasn't just some serendipitous thing,

that I was here by divine designto shine and I believed it

and that belief transformedhow I looked at myself,

that attitude determines your altitude.

I don't care where you started in life,

if you can believe whatGod says about you,

that in this world youwill have tribulation,

but be of good cheer forI have overcome the world.

And I worked at it.

The main thing I did sir,

I memorized 2,000 scripturesas a child, 2,000.

And when I did that I developeda photographic memory.

So I went from being a poorstudent to an excellent student

because of the memorizationof the Word of God.

And so I could study Aristophanes,Euripides, Cleanthes,

Pericles, climb the Acropolisthat made their Parthenon.

My academic powers grewbecause of my memorization

of the Word of God.

- All right I'll just tell the audience.

When you hear the voice today.

Just imagine he as a great school student,

having a stutter.

- Severe.

- And not being able tocommunicate in class.

(Ron grunts)

And then this wonderful angel

called Mrs Spears.- Glory hallelujah.

- Comes into your life.

- Yes, made me cry, becauseshe was from Mississippi,

she said, "Hi baby, Goddon't make no junk."

She said something thatwas profound to me,

she said, "God uses greatly,

"those who've been wounded very deeply."

Now I stuttered so bad that Ilearned to be quiet in school

I wouldn't answer questionsbecause I was embarrassed.

My classmates had a poem about me.

"His name is Renardo, he is a retardo,

"he sits on the steeple

"and when he talks hespits at the people."

So because of that I was soashamed of how I was stuttering

and I couldn't communicate well,

but Mrs Spears taught me howto focus on the word of God

and had me read something inthe Bible that transformed me,

"Before I formed you in yourmothers womb, I knew you.

"And before you cameforth, I set you a part

"to be a messenger unto me."

I said I cannot speak if I'm only a child.

But God said, "Do not saythat, I've touched your mouth."

So I worked on, everysingle day, by myself,

reading the Bible, here's the key,

over annunciating theinconsonant sounds of my words,

I would talk like this tomyself, fast, duck, bird,

to gain a cadence so I wouldn't stutter,

and over time that becamea gift and not a curse.

- She's the one that first told you

that Moses had a stutter.

- She sure did and I said what?


And if God can use him,there's hope for me,

if you believe.

- Yeah if God can use someone like that

and say I'm gonna make youthe leader of a nation.

- Yes.

- Now she was a Christian.

- She was.

A Gideon, an auxiliarywoman, with a Gideon Bible.

- When she started out mentoring you.

- Yes.

- Teaching you.

- Yes.

- And walking you through,

she didn't preach thegospel to you at all.

- No what she did.- Why?

- She wanted to connect withmy pain so she loved me.

'Cause she knew that myfamily was unbelievers

so we didn't have a Christian background,

she didn't wanna turn me off.

So she wanted me to understand

what love was and what care was.

She taught me that every human being

has a tattoo across their foreheads,

MMFI, Make Me Feel Important,

and she made me feel important by saying,

"If you can change you, youjust don't change yourself,

"you'll change your mom,you'll change your sister,

"you'll change your grandparents,

"you will change your entire family,

"you are like Joseph.

"He was put in prisonhe had these problems

"but God elevated him to use his gift

"to set his family free."

She said, "That will be you."

She gave me hope andsomething to believe in.

- Your family was actuallyagainst Christianity.

- Oh totally.

- Your grandfather was--- Oh he was rough man.

- You know missionarieswent to Africa with Bibles.

- (laughing) You read the book!

- They got people to pray.


- He was hard core man.

- When they opened theireyes they had the Bible

and the missionaries had their land.

- Yes.

- He viewed Christianity asa tool of White oppression.

- Yeah of course.

And so I knew.- You said of course but?

- Yeah of course becausethat can be a narrative

in the Black community.

And many get like, you know,

some of their more radicalextreme views of Christianity.

So I knew that just doctrineand pedantic numeral equation

and academic jargon wouldnot have convinced my family

to believe in God.

I had to have a life.

I had to have a life thatwas a light of success

and glory that Gods radiantsuccess would come through me

academically, athletically,professionally.

So by age 28 I made a milliondollars, they're like,

there's something about this Jesus thing.


- Was it worth it?

- Yes sir.

- All right you had a pastorthat was a big influence.

- Woo!

- And I love his stories.- And I joined,

oh man, I joined the GoodShepard Baptist Church

because of a widowedwoman in my community,

who lost her husband onChristmas eve to murder,

she took me to churchevery Sunday, Dolores,

and I went to her church,

not knowing that the manup there was a Marine.

And his whole idea was,I'm not gonna hug you,

I'm not gonna cuddle you,

but if you keep your nose clean,

shut your mouth and follow,you'll learn something.

He was called "The Hawk", he was a Marine,

he went to Moody Institute,

he had all these Bibleseverywhere in his office,

and I looked at him andsaid, that's who I wanna be.

I wanna have discipline,focus, intelligence,

and reaching the laws for Christ,

so he became, you become what you behold.

And I beheld him and he loved me so much,

he saw the gifts in me, at 16,

he gave me the evening service to preach

and develop my skills.

- Oh wow.- Yeah he trusted me.

- He was also a real theologian.

- Oh yeah he was deep, oh yeah.

I mean it was like going to seminary.

You had a outlines, exegetical,hermeneutical, apologetical,

it was all there at every sermon.

So Pastor Hawkins was aman of extreme intelligence

and he wanted you to learn.

He would say, don't say amen,

'til you know whatyou're saying amen about.

I don't want you clapping

'til you know what you're clapping about.

Know the truth and thetruth will set you free.

So his scholarly pastoralshipmade me a scholar.

I wanted to learn like him,

the Greek, the Hebrew, the Aramaic,

understand hermeneutics next to Jesus.

And he demanded, so when I would preach,

I would spend a week on the floor,

'cause you could have get up there,

and not have your stuff together.

You had to be sound, doctrinally,

use examples, berelevant, and be prepared,

or you would neverpreach again this church.

So his discipline approach to manhood,

developed me and I've...

He's the most important person in my life

of what I became as aspeaker and as a preacher.

- All right.

Good underline for Ron's book,

it's called "What Belief Can Do",

it's available wherever books are sold.

And let me tell you, pleaseinvest in the next generation.

Be a Mrs Spears, be a Pastor Hawk,

be someone who says I'm going to give

to the next generation.

If you wanna hear more about Ron's story

you can also just type RonArcher into any Google search

or any Bing search andyou'll come up with a video

of his life that's hadover 9 million views

and I encourage you to do it.

But get the book, "What BeliefCan Do", Terry over to you.

- Coming up later a modern day fairytale

starring Nancy Staffordand Corbin Bernsen.

Get an exclusively look atthe new movie "First Lady".

But first, a sudden collapse.

One man falls face first on the ground,

he wasn't breathing and had no pulse,

and a 90% blockage in his heart.

So what saved his life?

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Well there may not havebeen an angel in the outfield

but there was a next best thing.

Ken Davis suffered awidowmaker heart attack

during a softball game.

Even before the paramedics could arrive,

he was surrounded by a teamwho immediately took action.

- [Narrator] It was the bottomof the 8th in the over 50s

softball league semi-finalchampionship game.

Ken Davis hit a line-drive to left field

that he thought he could stretch

into an inside-the-park home run.

- [Chuck] He was runningfrom third to home,

and there was a play at home,

and he end up getting thrown out,

and he was walking over to the dugout

and he got to this spotright here and he fell.

- [Narrator] Ken, who had alwaysbeen the picture of health,

now lay motionless aspeople sprang into action.

- And they rolled him over.

He had scratches here andscratches on his face,

so we thought he busted his nose actually,

because there was bloodall around his mouth.

- [Narrator] When theyrealized he was unresponsive,

two of the players,

a retired firefighter andretired EMT, started CPR.

- I turned to a buddy ofmine, Rick Harder, and I said,

We just need to pray, we need to pray.

- [Narrator] Two calls went out.

One to 911, the otherto Ken's wife, Vickie,

who was in Tennessee visiting family.

Not recognizing the number,she let it go to voicemail.

But moments later, somethingtold her she should check it.

- The voicemail said,"Hi, this is Gene Smith.

"I am with the softball league

"and it appears that yourhusband is having some issues.

"It appears to be hisheart, I'm so very sorry,

"911 has been called and theambulance is on their way."

- [Narrator] Although 900 miles away,

Vickie and her family did what they could.

- We just prayed, askedthe Lord to keep him safe.

I have a choice right now.

I have a choice to believe itor I have a choice to worry,

and I'm going to make a choice right now

to believe that he is okay,

we've asked God the Father.

And so, when I verbally madethat conscious decision to say,

I am gonna believe God, Iimmediately felt peaceful.

- [Narrator] Meanwhile, first responders,

of the Brevard CountyFire Rescue were enroute.

Based on the initial report,

they felt there waslittle reason for anyone

to hold on to hope.

- He had died at that point

and there was resuscitationattempts being performed.

Typically, when we go to a CPR in progress

or cardiac arrest, again, theoutcome's typically not good.

- [Narrator] Back at the field,over 10 minutes had passed.

Despite the heroic efforts,Ken still wasn't responding.

- I was just prayingwhatever the Holy Spirit

put on my heart to pray

and just was lifting up,

everybody that was working on him

and just was praying that the EMTs

and the fire department andwhoever would get here quick.

- [Narrator] Then, someonearrived with an AED machine

they found on the otherside of the complex.

They quickly hooked Kenup and shocked his heart.

They got a pulse.

Moments later the firefighter EMTs arrived

as Ken was just coming to.

- He was responding whenwe got there on scene,

and he had stable vitalsigns at that time.

- We started IVs.

We started cardiac monitoring.

We didn't want him to goback into the arrhythmia

that had caused him tobecome unresponsive.

- It is unusual to have a patient

that had a cardiac event and to have them,

you know, completely conscious.

- [Narrator] They quickly stabilized Ken

and sent him in an ambulanceto the nearest hospital.

After a barrage of tests,

doctors still weren't sure what was wrong

and scheduled an exploratorysurgery for the next day.

Finally, Ken was able to call Vickie.

- It was it was a greatrelief to hear his voice,

to know at least that he was conscious.

'Course I was crying,and he was emotional.

- I told her I was fine,and I told her I loved her,

and she loved me.

- [Narrator] Vickie caughtan early flight the next day,

arriving at the hospital

just minutes before Kenwent in for surgery.

- I immediately walked in theroom and gave him a big hug.

Saw him there, coursehe had tubes all over

and his face was a wreck.

That is when it really hit me like, Wow.

This was truly, truly a miracle.

- [Narrator] In surgery,Ken's cardiologist

discovered the problem.

A 90% blockage in his left main artery,

also known as the widowmaker.

Two stints restored blood flow.

- It's a very, very rare thingwhen somebody survives it.

And he, at that moment, said,

"You are lucky to bealive, you are a miracle."

- This was a God thing.

He had everybody orchestratedhere to be able to do the work

to save this mans life.

- I really believe thatthis was a miracle.

I mean, there was no way that,

without the actions ofthe people on the field,

the experience they had,

and the miracle of justhaving all those guys

there that night praying.

There were just so manymiracles all around.

I'm just thankful that,

that those miracles were in place.

- As I look back on the incident,

I completely see God inevery step of the way.

- [Narrator] Ken was put on medications

and released a few days later.

He still enjoys an active life

and is quick to shareGod's miraculous power

whenever he can.

- God is always in control.

He's going to work through people

and he's going to put thepeople in the right place.

There's a purpose for us being here.

There's a purpose for me being here now.

You just can't take life for granted.

There's always somethingthat's going to happen

and God's in control.

- And here's the assurancewhen it does happen.

You know that he will beyour very present help

in time of trouble.

For Ken, he got a lot of help,

'cause he needed a lot of help.

There were people on the ground

who knew how to use these machines,

the machine was there for them.

And they also knew how to pray.

And against all odds, whatshould have been the widowmaker,

turned out to be lifegiving support for him,

until he could get the help he needs.

That's what God wants to do.

All we have to do is believe in it.

All we have to do, make it very simple,

just have the faith of a little child.

So often we wanna make it so complicated,

what do we have to do, whatkind of ritual do we have to do,

do we have to live the right way,

all of these formulas, all of this, no.

Daddy has spoken, I believe it.

When you go to a little child

and their father haspromised something to them,

the child doesn't just question it,

well what do I to,

what hoops do I haveto jump through get it.

No, daddy's promised, I believe.

And Jesus talked about that.

If you have the faith of a little child,

you can enter the kingdom,

that means the dominion, of God.

Now, in the dominion ofGod, think of Heaven.

In Heaven is there anybody sick?

Anybody have a widowmaker?

Anybody have problems, pain, infirmity?

Anybody lonely?

Anybody like that at all?

Well in Heaven, no.

And that's where Gods will is being done.

And we're instructed by Jesus to pray

that Gods will would be doneon earth, as it is in Heaven.

We're going to pray.

And we're going to praythat specifically over you.

Before we pray we want to encourage you

with some other peoplethat have gotten miracles,

and here is Sarala fromHollywood, Florida.

She had pain everyday inher toes and other joints.

She could hardly walk around her house.

Terry said, "Someone hasa condition in your toes.

"It's so painful you can barely walk.

"You'll know this is youbecause it's been recurring."

Well by faith she claimed her healing,

she can now walk around,

and she's completely pain-free.

- [Terry] Amazing, God is amazing.

Well this is Don wholives in Depew, New York.

A few years ago he wasoperating a snowplow

and hit a curb.

He injured his neck, the painwas sharp and debilitating,

it was on the right sideof his face, below the ear,

radiating up into theskull and down his neck.

The pain was getting progressively worse.

Don saw numerous doctors,

had various treatments andmedications but nothing worked.

He was watching this programone day and Gordon he heard you

give this word of knowledge, you said,

"You have nerve pain on theright side of your face,

"that goes up into the upperright part of your skull."

Don was surprised that youdescribed his condition exactly.

He called the prayercenter to claim his word.

Over the next week the painfaded and it has never returned.

- Hallelujah.

God wants to do miracles.

God wants his will done onearth as it is in Heaven.

That's why you and I were created

so that we could bring his will,

we could bring the kingdomof God right down here.

Let's pray, let's believe,

and let's trust that God will do it.

Lord we lift the needs to you right now.

Everyone who is suffering with pain,

everyone who has disease,

everyone who has any problem,whether it's financial,

with their marriage, with their family.

Lord God for those who are lonely,

for those who are depressed,

we come into agreement overthem and we declare to them

that the kingdom of Heaven has drawn nigh,

that the will of God wants toburst forth into your life.

And under his will there is no disease,

there is no separation from him,

there is no sin, thereis no unrighteousness,

there's only righteousness,peace, and joy in his Spirit.

So just let that break through your heart

and into your spirit.

Let you be filled with joy unspeakable

and full of the glory of the Lord.

Let all pain, let all infirmity,let all wasting diseases

go from you now, in the name of Jesus.

And as God stretches forthhis hand to do wonders,

let us just thank him, thank him.

Now in your thanking him, askhim now for your infirmity.

Just cry out to the Lord Godalmighty we're in his presence

ask him for what you want

and he will deliver thepromise to you today.

There's someone, you've gotdetached retina's in both eyes.

And you've been seeing flashes

and now you're starting to see dark areas,

and you're very concerned about blindness.

God is healing yourretina's now, in Jesus name.

He's able to remake them, reattach them,

in Jesus name be healed.

He made eyes so that you could see

and so be healed andsee now in Jesus name.

There's someone, you have agrowth inside your ear canal,

and it's interfering with your hearing,

it's interfering with your life,

it's causing tremendous pain for you,

and in Jesus name that growth be gone,

and dissolve now and goaway and never come back.

Let everything be healed andrestored in your inner ear,

let everything with yourhearing be normal now,

in Jesus name, Terry.

- There's someone, a man,you're in the hospital,

sitting, I mean you're thepatient, you're in bed,

you're waiting, procedures to be done

for some intestinal problem that you have.

And you're watching this program,

and you're kind of cynically waiting

for your condition to be named.

God, I'm not naming yourcondition, but God is healing it.

And he want's you to know ithas nothing to do with words

that are identifying your condition,

it's his power and hismercy and his grace.

Just lift up your hands and receive that.

Now your intestinal issue is healed

and you will not have problems again.

- There's someone, you're in a hospital.

You have a halo brace

that is literally screwed into your head

and you have a broken neck.

And God is able to healand he's able to restore,

he's able to take away all of that pain,

all of that bulge, all of thatproblem from it right now,

and may that pain in theback right-side of your neck

be healed and go awaynow, in the name of Jesus.

Let all numbness andtingling leave your body now,

let every nerve berestored and healed, now,

in Jesus name.

Just begin to raise your hands to him.

Begin to praise him for what he is doing

because he is doing awonderful miracle for you.

Now Lord we pray for everyone

and we declare over them your word.

That you forgive all our iniquities

and you heal all our diseases,

we claim that and we ask for restoration

for everyone watching right now,

be healed and be set free,

in Jesus name, amen and amen.

If you have been touchedby God, let us know,

give us a call 1-800-700-7000.

And it's our honor, our privilege,

to pray through the victory for you.

We believe in prevailing prayer

and that's why we have a prayer line,

it's available 24-hoursa day, 7-days a week.

Our honor, our privilegeis to pray with you.

So call us 1-800-700-7000, Terry.

- Well still ahead a baby isborn weighing just two pounds.

See how partners like you gaveher the help that she needed.

Plus a different kind ofrace for the White House

and this one doesn't have to worry

about the results from Iowa.

Nancy Stafford takes us inside

the family friendlymovie about a president,

a king, and a First Lady caughtin the middle of them all.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Welcome back to Washington

for this CBN News Break.

New reports out of Nigeriaindicate Muslim Fulani herdsmen

have launched more deadly attacks

against Christian villages.

Morning Star News reports atleast 32 people were killed

and a pastor's house and church building

were burned down in twonights of attacks last week

by Islamic militants.

Well CBN's Operation Blessingis feeding hungry children

with healthy sustainable meals.

Operation Blessing donatedover 30 varieties of seeds

to a school in Malinalco, Mexico.

Two students there, Ilene and Terry,

gave OB staff the grand tourof their brand new garden.

They proudly showed off their vegetables

including beets, lettuce, and arugula.

They eat fresh vegetablesat school every day

and take the rest home to their families.

Thanks to it's generousdonors, Operation Blessing,

is continuing with thesefood projects in Mexico

and around the world.

You can find out moreabout Operation Blessing

by visiting

Gordon and Terry will be back

with the more of the 700Club right after this.

(dramatic music)

(upbeat music)

- The president may have the west wing

but the east wing belongsto the First Lady.

A brand new movie starring Nancy Stafford

centers around the fight for that office,

at least until an unexpectedoffer rolls around.

- A woman I once knew.

She's quite the character.

What hasn't been done shewill do what has been done.

She will do better.

- What kind of presidentdoesn't have a First Lady?

It's plain un-American.

- She's an ex-First Lady, that's all.

She doesn't get a do overjust because her husband died.

- You just saved our jobs.

- It looks like you have a second chance.

- Okay you say he's only a bodyguard,

then why is the state department here?

- I think it's safe to say thatnone of us saw that coming.


(playful tinkering music)

- Well Nancy Stafford is here with us.

Well welcome back to the 700 Club.

It's been awhile--- Oh it has.

- Since we've been together here.

- Good to see you again.

- Thanks you too, it lookslike such a fun movie.

I wanna ask you, inthe role that you play,

as the First Lady,

every First Lady to me seemsso distinctly different.

Did you have one that was a favorite

that you kind ofpatterned your role after?

- That's a great question Iactually took bits and pieces

of attributes of theFirst Ladies I most admire

and made a composite character.

So I took the vivaciousnessand the feistiness

of Barbara Bush- Barbara Bush.

- (laughs) You knew exactly.- I knew who you

were talking about. (laughs)

- And the grace and dignityof Laura Bush and her humor.

And even the compassion of Michelle Obama.

- Yes absolutely.- And our current First Lady

Melania, her dignity and grace,

and tremendous strengthunder great pressure,

so she's a composite ofa lot of First Ladies.

- Fun, what a fun role.

- Oh my goodness,

who wouldn't wanna playFLOTUS for Heaven's sake.


- So take us into the movie,

we just saw little snippets of it there.

But, your husband is president.

He dies while in officeand then what happens?

- [Nancy] His dying wishis that I would help

our current vice president inhis bid for the presidency.

Mainly in an effort to besure that our ditsy opponents

do not completely destroy theintegrity of the position.

So I run alongside of himas a non-spousal First Lady.

- Oh.- Yeah.

- [Terry] What was thehardest part of your role?

- The speed probably,with which you shoot.

This is an independent production,

beautifully done by the wonderful

writer, director, producer, Nina May.

But when you're doingindependent production

it's very fast so it was probably,

and I was in almost every scene.

- [Terry] Know your lines,

be on time.- Know your lines.


That's right.

But it was a delight, everyday was just absolutely a joy.

- This is not a political movie

even though we're talkingabout political scenarios here,

but it really is a romantic comedy.

So where does the romance come into that.

- Ah, you're exactly right.

It's set in the world ofpresidential politics,

completely non-partisan, non-political.

But, the prince of my youth.

I had fallen in love as a teenager

when my father, who ran the CIA,

took me to a European country.

- [Terry] (laughs) What a life you've had.

- [Nancy] I'm telling you.

Well you know, First Ladies.


But interestingly it's sort of the story

of the Prince and the Pauper.

So the young prince of this land

disguised himself as his valet.

So he could see if he couldwin my heart as a real person.

Which he did and then years separate us

and now the prince of my heart,

who's now literally a king,

comes back into my lifeto try to win my heart.

- There's another factorat play in this performance

and that is the boomersversus the millennials.

How does that play out?

- Well these opponents of ours

that we're trying to keepout of the White House,

are influencer types,selfies who wanna, you know,

paint the White House pinkand they are the millennials.

So it's a clash of generations,

boomers and traditionalistsand millennials,

but also a clash of agendas,

a clash of priorities and values,

and even though it's not a faith film,

it's full of kingdom values.

You know Kate is a womanwho has tremendous integrity

and self-sacrifice and grace,

and also I love the fact that the king,

you know those of us who have eyes to see,

the king who has disguised himself again,

to come in as a commoner.

Reminds me so much of our savior you know,

the Lord, our king of kings, left Heaven,

and he became one of us, sorry.

- [Terry] It's okay I doit all the time. (laughs)

- But when you realizethat he, and it indicates,

he tells Kate as Jesus tells us,

I see you, I haven't forgottenyou, and I've come for you.

- And is that, you saythat the movie brings hope,

is that the underline message?

- Yes I think it is.

- He does see us, we have value.

- Yes, second chances,

it's never too late for a second chance.

And it's a message of hope again

and all the family can see it.

It's a wonderful Valentine's day release

for a date night.- That's when it's out.

Romantic comedy release on Valentines day

doesn't get any better than that.

- Yes isn't it great?

- How did you get into thewhole family value genre,

that we'd like to see more of it.

- Don't we ever.

So we're hoping this does well

so we can do more ofthis kind of thing, PG.

As an actor, you know, for 150-years,

when I was doing showslike Matlock and others,

it was an era where it wassafe, it was wholesome,

values that were uplifting and ennobling.

And then television changed.

And I turned down morework than I accepted,

for many, many years.

Not because I had agents fire me

and say you don't wanna work,

and I said you have no idea,

I can't do that work.

- [Terry] Good for you.

- I began to just find these smaller films

that were either faithor wholesome family films

and now there are more and more of them.

And I am just determined to be a part,

not only now as an actor,

but also, now as a beginning producer,

shepherding through the pipeline,

worthy projects that willennoble and uplift audiences.

You know, audienceswant this kind of movie,

whether you're believers or not,

you want to leave a theaterfeeling better about yourself,

feeling like somethingto aspire to and laugh.

- That's my criteria forwhether I go or not, seriously.

- Yes.

Now in the midst of the hubbub of life

I wanna leave betterbecause I saw what was done.

And I agree with you,

one of the ways that wehave to let Hollywood know

that we want these moviesis by going to see them.

- Thank you, that is how you vote.

So opening weekends are veryimportant for box office

because it tells Hollywood,Oo yes we want more of that.

And we so appreciate you,and you informing audiences

about projects like this.

- Well and we appreciate your stand

for what's wholesome and goodand righteous in Hollywood,

not easy I'm sure but thank you so much

for being with us today andletting us know about this.

Hey be sure to get out there and watch it.

The movie is called "First Lady".

It sounds like it's a wonderful night out

on Valentine's day with thatspecial person in your life.

It hits theaters one week from today,

so check your local listings

or you can go to tosee if it's playing near you.

Great to see you.

- Good to see you Terry.- Thank you.

- Well up next, a miracle baby.

Why this mother says her daughter

is truly a gift from God, when we return.

(soft gentle music)

- Well after Valentine's day

there's this thingcalled St Patrick's day,

and we're opening a wonderfulmovie about his life.

St Patrick in his own words,

the entire film scriptis based on his writings,

his confession and what'scalled "The Letter to Coroticus"

and you'll learn about the real St Patrick

and how he changed the whole nation.

We have two dates forthis, it's March 17 and 18.

You can go and get yourtickets online right now

by just going to

and they'll be a place therewhere you can click on it

and put in your zip code andyou can find a theater near you

and you can order tickets in advance.

If we have enough advance sales,

we'll get extra show dates.

So please do it, be involved in this.

Let's vote with our pocketbooks.

If you want more Christianfilms in the theater,

this is a good way to do it.

So go to, Terry.

- We can see it twice right?

Just asking.- You can see it

as many times as you want.


- Just wondered.

- Actually you can, you can see it twice,

I know, 17th and 18th.

You can go both nights.

- Okay.

- Are you going both nights?

- Pat, well I might, Imight have to babysit

for one of my grandkids

and then let them takemy granddaughter so yeah.

- You and Drew will both switch.

- We'll flip, we'll flip families.

Well in many parts of the world,

medical care as you canimagine, is hard to find.

In Burundi a mom gavebirth to premature twins

and there were no hospitals nearby

that could take care of them.

- [Dan] When Violette wasonly 6-months pregnant,

she gave birth to premature twins.

- [Interpreter] Theyweighed only two pounds.

The other hospitals had nofacilities to care for them,

so I was rushed here by ambulance.

On the two-hour ride here, Ifeared my babies would die.

I prayed to God for a miracle.

- [Dan] Operation Blessingprovided this hospital

with solar panels that powerthe hospital 24-hours a day.

That guarantees preemieswarmth and life-giving oxygen.

Violette and her babies havebeen here about two months,

and they are still so tiny.

They'll probably behere another two months,

then the babies will bestrong enough to go home.

- [Interpreter] I still don'tknow if they will survive,

but if I stayed at the first hospital

they both would have died,because they had no incubators.

- [Dan] Sadly, afterthey went home healthy,

one of Violette' babiesgot sick and passed away

before they could getback to the hospital.

While Violette washeartbroken about her loss,

she was still grateful to Godfor the life of her daughter.

Violette came back to the hospital

to show us how healthy andstrong her baby has grown.

- [Interpreter] I named her Antia,

which means "God has gifted us".

She's truly a gift from God.

Although one of my babies went to Heaven,

I have one here on earth.

It is a miracle just to hold her.

Antia has grown so strong.

Without this hospital andthe doctors who helped us,

she wouldn't be alive today.

Thank you for taking such good care of us.

May you continue to helpmore babies like mine.

- That little girl is alivetoday because of your kindness

and your generosity 700 Club members.

We wanna say thank you.

You're doing this kind ofwork all around the world.

Every single day.

To those of you whohaven't joined the 700 Club

can I tell you it's just $.65 cents a day,

$20 dollars a month,

and you can be a partof that kind of impact.

You know together we really can touch

and change the world for Jesus.

So will you call and join now?

Our number's toll freeit's 1-800-700-7000.

When you call and join today

we wanna send you Pat'slatest book it's called

"Ten Laws for Success",biblical principle's applied

to life circumstances.

How do we take all of thatand make it work in our lives.

Pat writes here for you

and we're gonna send it to you right away,

so give us a call,

you'll be changing thelives of other people

and I believe biblicaltruth will change yours.

Time for some email.

- All right.

- Ready?

First one comes from Heather, Gordon,

who says on Thursdaysshow Gordon spoke about

the need for the United States

to stop the funding ofPalestinian terrorists,

specifically those stipends

paid by the Palestinian Authority

to families for the killing of Israelis.

I thought the Taylor ForceAct was signed into law

a couple of years ago, what happened?

Thank you for your faithful insight

regarding the Middle East.

I learn so much from Gordon's commentary.

- Heather, the TaylorForce Act is in place

but unfortunately thePalestinian Authority

has not stopped paying for terrorism.

In 2019, according tothe Palestinian Watch,

the Palestinian Authorityspent $149 million dollars

on salaries, other benefitsfor convicted terrorists

and their families.

This is absolutely appallingand it's still going on,

they are still supporting terrorism.

So that means everdollar that goes to them,

a portion of it goesinto this terrorist fund.

So the Taylor Force Actwas a good first step

but everything coming in from the EU,

everything coming in from Great Britain,

everything coming infrom the UN and the US,

still funds a portion of thePalestinian Authority's budget,

all of that needs to be considered.

In Trumps Deal of the Century,here's a line from that,

that the Palestinian Authoritywould completely cease

making prisoner and martyr payments.

Let's hope that thatpiece still goes through,

but they are absolutely insistent.

They are going to support terrorism,

they're gonna pay anyone whogoes out and kills Israelis.

Well we need some good news,

so here's some good news from John 16,

"Ask, and you will receive,that your joy may be full."

Ask today for the peace of Jerusalem.

God bless you, we'llsee you again next week.

(upbeat music)


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