Watch as one woman’s 20 years of pain vanishes in a moment. Plus, neurologist David Perlmutter says the modern world is warping your brain and he’s got strategies to detox your mind.
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(dramatic music)
- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Narrator] Today, Dr. David Perlmutter
reveals how the modern worldis warping your thoughts
and what you can do to detox your mind.
Then, 20 years of pain.
- Sometimes when I would just bend down,
it would aggravate it.
- [Narrator] Gone in a moment.
- And I said God did something for me,
I know God did something for me.
- [Narrator] Her miracle.
- By the grace of God, thepain is gone, I am free.
- [Narrator] On today's 700 Club.
(lively music)
- Welcome to the 700 Club.
After months of political drama,
the Senate trial is finally over.
President Trump is the winner,
acquitted on both articlesof impeachment yesterday,
- There was one surprise thatgave solace to the Democrats.
And the question stillremains, are they really done?
CBN Capitol Hill correspondent,Abigail Robertson,
has the story.
- Republicans are nothiding their happiness
after the historic acquittalof President Trump.
With Senate MajorityLeader Mitch McConnell,
predicting this will play well
for vulnerable GOP Senatorsup for election in 2020.
- Every one of our people intough races, every one of them,
is in better shape today than they were
before the impatient trial started.
- [Abigail] McConnell talk toreporters almost immediately
after Chief Justice, John Roberts,
banged the final gavel ending the trial.
- Donald John Trump B andhe is hereby acquitted
of the charges in said Articles.
- [Abigail] Senator Mitt Romney,
the sole Republican to break ranks,
voted guilty on Articleone, abuse of power.
- I swore an oath before Godto exercise impartial justice.
- [Abigail] President Trumphit back on Twitter saying,
"Had failed presidentialcandidate, Mitt Romney
"devoted this same energy and anger
"to defeating a faltering Barack Obama
"as he sanctimoniously does to me,
"he could have won the election."
Senate Minority Leader,Chuck Schumer, praised Romney
arguing his single vote on the one Article
gave credibility to the proceeding.
- We made the fight for truth
and we made the fight for facts
and it created a bipartisan impeachment
that can never be erasedfrom history, never.
- [Abigail] But RepublicanSenator Lindsey Graham
warns this impeachment processsets a dangerous precedent
for future Presidents.
- This sham process is the lowpoint in the Senate for me.
If you think you've donethe country a good service
by legitimizing this impeachment process,
what you have done is unleashthe partisan forces of hell.
Donald Trump Jr tells CBN News,
he thinks voters see through impeachment.
- This impeachment started theday he beat Hillary Clinton
and has gone on since then.
It has manifested itself a few times.
First it was Russia, then it was this,
then it was that, yada yada yada.
It's just going on forever.
- Although the trial is over,investigations will continue
with talk already of the HouseMajority planning to subpoena
former National SecurityAdvisor, John Bolton.
Reporting from Capitol Hill,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.
- Well, the beat is going to go on
and if you think theacquittal in the Senate
is somehow going to stop Congress
from continuing this kindof thing, think again.
And if President Trump'swins another election,
on all likelihood,
the Republicans aren'tgoing to carry the Congress.
And so we're going to see thisagain and again and again.
Now, has impeachment beenweaponized politically
as it become partisan?
The answer is clearly yes.
What does that mean for thelong-term state of our Republic?
We have to realize, here'sa biblical principle
and we're coming against that.
A house divided againstitself cannot stand.
If we spend all our political energy
trying to go throughimpeachments and hearings
as opposed to actually governing
and dealing with the very real issues
that we're dealing with around the world,
and whether that'sterrorism or viral outbreaks
or international trade orthe state of our economy,
the state of our national debt,
if we're not dealing with these issues,
if we're distracted
with yet another round of political drama,
what's that going to mean?
There's going to be an election
and your voice gets to be heard.
So, make sure that you vote.
In other news, the US State Department
is evacuating moreAmericans from China today.
We're moving them from thecenter of the coronavirus.
John Jessup has more on that story
from our CBS News Bureau in Washington.
- Thanks, Gordon, two more planes
carrying hundreds of Americans
are expected to arrive inthe United States today.
One in Texas and the other in Nebraska.
They'll be quarantine for14 days at military bases.
The US now has its 12th case,
the latest reported in Wisconsin
and the total numberof infections worldwide
is now more than 28, 000,
including a newborn baby in Wuhan, China
diagnosed just 30 hours after being born.
The death toll now exceeding 560,
almost all of those cases in China.
Well, the stock market is bouncing back
after last week's big sell off
sparked by the corona virus outbreak.
Market Watcher say increasedefforts to contain the virus
and work towards treatments
are restoring investor confidence.
The markets closed up for thethird straight day Wednesday,
the Dow Jones gained more than 480 points,
while the S&P 500 and theNASDAQ hit new closing highs.
Investor optimism may be premature though,
the World Health Organization reports
as of yet there are, "Noknown effective therapeutics
"against the virus."
Well, today is the 68th annualNational Prayer Breakfast
right here in Washington, DC.
3500 people are expected to attend,
among them elected officials, diplomats
and religious and political leaders.
The President and HouseSpeaker Nancy Pelosi
both addressing the Prayer Breakfast,
tune into CBN News Watch
and our faith nation programson the CBN News Channel,
as well as cbnnews.comto see their remarks.
Well, Palestinian leaders are proposing
a UN Security Council
denouncing President Trump's peace deal.
Meanwhile, violence iserupting in Palestinian areas
in opposition to that plan.
As CBN Middle East BureauChief Chris Mitchell reports,
Jerusalem is still one ofthe most contentious issues.
- [Chris] A terrorists rammed his car
into a group of soldiers inJerusalem early Thursday,
wounding 12.
One of the latest attacksin an upsurge of violence.
- There's been an increasing tension,
both at the scene inJerusalem here and in general,
across Judea and Samaria,we've seen a rise in attacks.
- [Chris] Following therelease of the plan,
Abbas rejected Jerusalem as theundivided capital of Israel.
- [Reporter] Shortlyafter it was unveiled,
saying a Palestinianstate without Jerusalem,
I immediately rejected the solution.
I will not have it recorded in my history
and the history of thecountry that I sold Jerusalem.
- [Chris] US Ambassadorto Israel, David Friedman,
explain the Jerusalem part of the deal.
- Jerusalem is an undividedcity within a security barrier
and under the Trump plan,
that undivided city withinthe security barrier
will be 100% under Israeli sovereignty,
with the Temple Mountretaining the status quo.
- [Chris] The Temple Mount isunder Israeli Security control
and Jordanian religious authority.
- Beyond the security barrier,
you're still have municipal Jerusalem
and in that area, thereis territory earmarked
for a Palestinian capital.
Abu Dis is part of that area.
Decades ago, this was to be theJerusalem seat of government
for the Palestinian Authority.
But now Abu Dis', AhmadAbu Hilal, told CBS News
that's a non-starter.
- We refuse that thing.
For me as the Mayor of Abu Dis,
I refuse to be the capital of Palestine.
I'm a part of Jerusalem.
- [Chris] In 1996, thePalestinian Authority broke ground
to build a parliament building in Abu Dis
but the building was never completed.
- They built the parliament
because used Abu Dis as part of Jerusalem.
They have no walls here,now they put in the walls.
- [Chris] Israel built thesecurity barrier in Jerusalem
more than 15 years ago
at the height of thesecond Palestinian Intifada
to prevent terroristsfrom entering the city.
From a rooftop in Abu Dis
overlooking the securitybarrier and Jerusalem beyond,
it's easy to see how thetwo sides were once one.
- We used to walk here,we go into Jerusalem.
Before the wall, everynight we'd been in Jerusalem
and watching the cinema.
- [Chris] Al-Aizariais a mostly Muslim town
in Palestinian Authority area,
just over a mile from Jerusalem.
It's known in the Bible as Bethany,
the place where Jesus raisedLazarus from the dead.
Al-Aizaria Mayor, Issam Faroun,
said the Trump plan missesthe point about Jerusalem.
- The importance of thisarea, Aizadia, Abu Dis
and other villages herehave its importance
because we are surrounding Jerusalem.
Without our Jerusalem,we are nothing here.
- I'm telling you, I hopethe peace is coming back.
That's what we need,everybody needs the peace.
The peace is good for everybody.
- [Chris] But with thePalestinian rejection of the plan,
it's not likely a peace dealwill be signed anytime soon.
Chris Mitchell, CBS News, Abu Dis.
- Gordon, PresidentTrump described his plan
as a Deal of the Century.
Meanwhile, Palestiniansare calling it racist.
- Well, there's no deal here,the good thing about this plan
is I think it's finallyunmasked the charade
that has been going on for 70 years.
And one of the negotiators had the honesty
to actually admit it.
We engage in peace talksnot to end up at a deal
but to give people hope.
And so the idea is, let'scontinue talks forever
because we all know
we're never going to cometo some kind of deal.
So, let's just talk likewe're gonna come to a deal
and give people hope thatwe can come to a deal
and all we're doing iskicking the can down the road.
Here's the other part ofit, you and I are paying
every time that we kickthe can down the road,
and whether it's direct supportto the Palestinian Authority
or indirect support through the UN
through an agency called UNRRA,
we're actually payingPalestinians to be refugees.
They get a monthly stipendfor their refugee status.
So there's no incentive,zero incentive on their part
to actually form a state
because all of that would then go away.
And they would have to go outand actually build a nation
and build an economy and do these things.
We're paying for this,
we're paying for that canto get kicked down the road.
Now, here's the good thing.
The Trump Administration isfinally saying enough to UNRRA,
we're not going to pay for terrorism
because that's part of this payment.
The Palestinian Authorityrewards terrorists
by giving them a big monthly stipend.
If they're killed in the action,
that monthly paymentgoes to their families.
If they're in prison,
that monthly paymentgoes to their families.
So there's an economic incentive
to go out and kill Israelis,to go out and foster unrest
and terrorism and all these other things.
I think the best thing we can do right now
is get rid of that.
There's no reason for American taxpayers
to support that kind of nonsense.
Let's expose it for what it is.
Everyone says peace,let's negotiate for peace
but there's obviously no peaceand any Palestinian leader
that have actually come toIsrael, sit down make a deal,
form of Palestinian state,
say we're at peace now withIsrael, no more attacks,
none of that anymore,
that Palestinian leaderwill be assassinated.
That's tough to say, it's tough to hear
but that's the reality.
When you look at whathappened to Anwar Sadat,
he, as the president ofEgypt, came to Israel,
spoke at the Knesset, recognizedIsrael's right to exist,
came to a peace deal,received back the Sinai,
received back territory
but said, I want elastingpeace with Israel.
He was publicly executedby the Muslim Brotherhood
at a grandstand reviewing Egyptian troops,
those very troops he was reviewing,
they came and killed him.
Now, that's the realityand we need more and more,
let's face that reality.
And let's call it forwhat it is, it is evil.
- Well, up next, could thetoxic world of technology
be hijacking your brain?
If so, what can you do to detox?
Neurologist, Doctor David Perlmutter,
offers the ultimate brainwashfor health and happiness
and that's just ahead.
Also ahead, surgeons cutinto her sternum with a saw
and 20 years of pain followed.
How did this woman finallyget relief in an instant?
Stay tuned to find out, we'll be back.
(lively music)
- Instant gratification.
Well, that's the kind of world we live in.
We can shop, get the news
and even ordered dinnerwith our fingertips.
At the same time, levels ofdepression and chronic disease
are now skyrocketing, couldthere be a connection?
Well, here's HealthReporter, Lori Johnson.
- [Lori] We all want tolive long and happy lives,
that pursuit resultsin trying to eat right,
exercise and improve relationships.
Unfortunately, thosebest-laid plans often fail.
Before you give up the fighthowever, consider this,
research suggests the deckis stacked against us.
Best-selling Author andNeurologist, David Perlmutter,
says studies show modernculture rewires our brain,
causing us to make poordecisions that make us unhappy.
The good news according to the Doctor,
we can turn things around.
In his new book, "Brain Wash",
Perlmutter outlines aplan to detox the mind
so you can live the lifeGod has planned for you.
- Well, Dr. Perlmutter joins us now.
He's got a best-selling book,
New York Times bestsellingbook, "Brain Wash",
and let's get right into it.
You say our brains are being rewired
and it's these kinds of devicesthat are doing the damage.
How is this working to rewire our brain?
- Well, in a lot of ways.
We know that peoplewho spend a lot of time
on their digital devicesand let's face it,
Americans spend more than six hours a day
in front of one screen or another.
And not only is that damaging to the brain
and keeping us away from really connecting
to those parts of our brains
that allow us to be more empathetic,
more forward-thinking, more understanding.
But it's been said, whenyou're doing one thing,
you're not doing somethingelse, you're not exercising,
you're not participating inrelationships with people,
you're not thinking about your meals
and eating appropriately.
So, our research revealsthat even the inflammation
brought on by the standard American diet,
severs our connection tothis part of the brain
that allows us to be more understanding,
more able to embrace theideas of other people.
We call that cognitive empathy.
- What is it about these devicesthat makes them addictive?
- Well, I think they play into fear.
They play into a notionthat we aren't good enough
and quickly supplied tous responses and actions
that can make us feellike we're doing something
to bring us joy but it's onlyevanescent, it's transient.
And it's not the long-term satisfaction
and joy that we are looking for.
We know that our attention,our eyeballs are valuable
to others when we are online.
Hence the constant clickbait,the advertisements that appear
that somehow miraculously are areas
that we might be interestedin and really takes us off
of the tasks that we wannaaccomplish when we're online.
So, 40% of our waking hours
are spent in front ofone screen or another.
It is not only distracting
but it's keeping us in this mindset of,
as you saw in the setup,instant gratification.
And instant gratification takes us away
from long-term planning,better decision-making,
where we think about thelong-term consequences
of our actions right now.
- Do you think most peoplewho use these devices
are even aware that they're being rewired?
What would it be assigned for them to say,
you might wanna takea closer look at this?
What behaviors should--
- By and large, people arehaving their attention captivated
and we created somethingcalled the Test of Time, T.
How much time are you gonna dedicate
to what you want to explore online?
I, is it intentional, what is your goal?
M, is it mindful, do you remainon top of what's going on?
And finally, E, is it enriching?
We all know that you can beresearching something online
to learn something andnext thing you know,
some pop-up ad comes and were taken away
and that's damaging to your brain.
Again, that is locking youinto the area of the brain
that is much more impulsive,much more narcissistic
and keeping you away fromagain, this ability that we have
of looking at another person's opinion
and being with that opinion.
We have this thing called social media
where we go on sites thatonly cater to our opinion,
our frame of reference, our point of view.
And it's clear that we needto be able to participate
in being with otherpeople's points of view
if we're gonna move forward.
- All right, well, now thatwe've diagnosed the problem,
what's the cure?
What do you recommend in the book
that people should do to say,
okay, let's take some conscious decisions.
How do I get untangled from that?
- Well, in addition to, as Imentioned the Test of Time,
we know that we canreestablish our connection
to that part of the brain
that allows us to be more thoughtful,
more appreciative ofother people, for example.
And it turns out thatprayer and meditation
are ways of re-establishingthe functionality
of that part of the brain, wecall it the prefrontal cortex,
that allows that to happen.
So, we can restructure, rewire our brains
to allow us to be the people we could be.
- How much time do yourecommend someone start?
- In 12 minutes, the research,the hard scientific research
shows 12 minutes a day.
The other big player thatwe really should talk about
is so pervasive in America,is lack of restorative sleep.
That very next morning whenyou've not had a good night
of restorative sleep,
you are locked intothat part of the brain,
called the amygdala, thatis much more impulsive,
much more self-centered and distances me
from being able to appreciateyour point of view,
for example.
We live in a time, is very clear,
where there's great divisiveness,
people cannot share the opinions of others
or at least be with them andexperience what it's like
to view the world throughanother person's perspective.
In recognizing how that isthreatened by this process
of inflammation, inflammationbrought on by our diets,
by our lifestyle or lack of exercise,
severs our connection tothat part of the brain.
So, we can reestablish.
- What can I do from a dietary standpoint
to get rid of that kind?
- Well, again, it'sall about inflammation.
Inflammation, the same inflammation.
That's the cornerstone ofthings like heart disease,
diabetes, cancer and even Alzheimer's.
Is the inflammation
that is keeping us fromaccessing that part of the brain.
This is a diet that's lower in sugar.
This is a diet that's lowerin refined carbohydrates
and highly processed, we callthem ultra-processed foods.
We all know what makes for a good diet.
The problem is our decision-makingis really leveraged
by that part of the brain as well.
Making good decisions requiresthat we bring back online,
this prefrontal cortex,
and we do so by gettinga better night's sleep,
by eating this lower inflammatory diet.
- Well, how importantis gut bacteria to this?
- Gut bacteria critical,
I've been on the programbefore talking about that.
And what a sobering notion it is
that these trillions ofbacteria living within us are,
as I mentioned, regulating inflammation.
Playing the key role ininflammation in our bodies,
and as such, the bacteriawithin us, it's a stretch,
but they play a role in whether we connect
to the part of the brainthat enhances our impulsivity
and self-centeredness
versus allowing us to connectto that part of the brain
that allows us to think about others,
think about our futuresand make better decisions.
- Well, if you're sufferingwith anxiety and stress
and you're overstimulated
and you're having trouble sleeping,
I recommend this new book,it's called "Brain Wash",
it's available wherever books are sold.
You've got the remedy right there,
all you have to do is lookat your diet, your exercise,
the amount of time you pray,meditate on scriptures,
all of these thingswill help you reconnect
with that area of the brainthat will bring you peace
and that's a good thing.
All right, thank you,thank you for the book.
Terry over to you.
- Well, still ahead,
celebrate St. Patty'sday like never before.
We'll tell you how andgive you a sneak peek
of the new film, "I am Patrick."
But first, open-heart surgerysaved this woman's life
but it left her in pain for 20 years.
What two words finally set her free?
The answer after this.
(lively music)
Open-heart surgery savedNancy Bradley's life,
but it brought her a world of pain.
For 20 years she suffered,but she never lost hope
that one day she'd be healed.
How did it finally happenwhen she least expected it?
Take a look.
(calm music)
- The doctor said that Iwould need open-heart surgery
and that it would be five bypasses.
- [Narrator] It was 1998when Nancy Bradley learned
that all five majorarteries entering her heart
were blocked.
The news left her and herhusband, Omar, reeling.
- At seven o'clock, I had the stress test
and by 11 o'clock I was in surgery.
- I was shocked that it was that serious
because she had never slowed down,
she just complained to beingshort of breath a little bit.
- [Narrator] The surgery was successful
but recovery was a different story.
To access her heart,
surgeons had to cut intoher sternum using a saw.
- I was in the hospital for nine days.
I came home on the ninthday and I was really sore.
They had me wired together.
- [Narrator] As weeks,months and years past,
the pain persisted.
- It should have gone away
but some people never recover from that
because that's a sensitivepart of the body.
- I had a huge sensitivityin the sternal area.
I couldn't pick up anythingand if I squeeze something,
it centered right into the sternal area
and cause that to hurt, just ache.
Sometimes when I wouldjust move or bend down,
it would aggravate it.
- [Narrator] The paincontinued for 20 years.
With flare ups so agonizing,
Nancy often turned to theLord asking for relief.
- [Nancy] I'd say God, I giveit to you, I give it to you.
I need your touch, I needyour help and you know Lord,
I'm trusting for thisbelieve in the name of Jesus.
- [Narrator] Through theyears, Nancy and Omar,
have found encouragementwatching the 700 Club.
- When I listened to the 700 Club,
one of the greatest things that they do
is when they have a word of knowledge,
when they pray for someone
or when they bless somebody in some way.
That to me is so encouraging, so helpful.
- [Narrator] Then in July 2019while watching the 700 Club,
Nancy heard a word thatwas not only encouraging
but life changing.
- Gordon had a word of knowledge.
There's someone that hadhad open-heart surgery
and they were havingproblem in the sternal area.
- There's someone you've hadrecurring pain in your sternum
from open-heart surgery andit just never seems to go away
and you're not even asking for relief,
but God sees your pain right now
and he's saying, be healed
and that entire bone be restorednow, cause no more pain,
no more discomfort in Jesusname, be healed and be set free.
- I kinda jumped out of mychair and I said, that's me.
I know it's me, God did something for me,
I know God did something for me.
- And I said, is it bothering you now?
And she said, no, I don't hardly feel it.
- By the grace of God, the pain is gone.
I do not have the pain and Iam so grateful for what he did.
Because I can lift now and I am free.
- [Narrator] Freedom from decades of pain
has given Nancy anewfound sense of living.
She exercises and walks moreand she continues to live life
that testifies of God'shealing power and love.
- I try to live for Him everydayand ask for his blessing
that I would be a blessing to others
because he's such a blessingto me and I'm so grateful.
- I don't know about you
but I'm just here rejoicing with Nancy
that that 20-year pain is gone, done.
God did something for her becauseHe is the Lord our healer,
His faithfulness knows noend and he knows your name.
And so today we wannapray with you and for you
and I know that many of you have needs,
you've been lifting up,
be encouraged by the factthat she was faithful
for a long time, why was there that gap?
I don't know, I don'tquestion God in those things.
But I know he's real, I know he loves you
and I know he understands your need.
Gordon didn't know Nancy,still don't know Nancy.
(both laughing)
- I know her a lot better now.
- That's great.
Well, this is Ruby, Rubylives in Calexico, California.
She was in a serious caraccident just a year ago.
It left her with a brokenright shoulder blade,
her ribs were broken.
One day she decided towatch a recording she had
of the 700 Club from five years ago.
On this show, she heard you, Gordon, pray.
God is healing a long time injury,
God's healing right now.
You even mentioned it was a scapula.
Ruby knew God could heal anyone
and by faith received her healing.
She felt a touch on herribs and she was healed.
- Spirit of God knows no time or distance.
Here's Valerie from Wheatley, Ontario.
She was in an accident,she suffered lingering pain
in her right shoulder for an entire year.
Watching the 700 Club, Terryprayed a word of knowledge
for her exact condition,
even mentioning it was due to an accident.
Terry went on to say, "Someonehas curvature of the spine
"and pain and God is healing."
Well by faith, Valeriereceived both words,
she received it all, was instantly healed,
the pain in her shoulder andher back has not returned.
God does miracles and Jesus is passing by.
Realize that in him, we liveand move and have our being.
Because he spoke, theworlds came into being,
you came into being, Hebreathed life into you.
And just what he did
when he was walking throughIsrael 2000 years ago,
he is still doing today becausehe is the same yesterday,
today and forever, you can count on him.
So when you do what theydid in the Bible days,
you get same result.
So as Jesus was passing by ablind man, blind Bartimaeus,
Bartimaeus just started crying out,
"Son of David have mercy on me."
He kept crying out, hewould not be silent,
he would not be still,people told him to be still.
He said, "Uh-uh, I'm getting my miracle."
Now for Nancy, she wasn'teven looking for a miracle,
she wasn't even prayingbut Jesus spoke to her
and called her out,called out her condition.
And he'll do that for you.
What he did for Zacchaeus,
Zacchaeus was up in on tree looking,
but Jesus went to him, called out for him.
So either way, andrealize it's either way,
you can cry out like blind Bartimaeus
or Jesus can call for you.
And the wonderful thing, both work.
So let's do that, let'scry out, let's ask,
but there's also receive
and the purpose of the word of knowledge
is to give you faith to believe
that Jesus will do it for you.
So, let's have thatfaith and let's believe.
Faith is an action, Jesus looks for faith,
the eyes of the Lord go to and fro
over the whole world looking for it.
So right now, let's show offour faith, that we believe,
we pray, we ask, He responds.
Let's pray.
Lord, we just ask for the people right now
and in an act of faith,we lay hands with them
on that area of thebody that needs healing.
And we claim your wonderful word,
that when two or moreagree touching anything,
it shall be done for themby my Father in heaven.
These are your words and whenyou promise, you deliver.
So Lord God Almighty,we believe in your word,
we believe in you, webelieve in your sacrifice,
we believe that by yourstripes we are healed
and restored and made whole.
And in Jesus name, we sayto our bodies, be healed.
You are healed now and therighteousness of Christ
and the righteousness ofthe anointing is filling me
to overflowing, driving at all pain,
all infirmity now in Jesus name.
I receive all the promises of God
for they are all yes andamen in Christ Jesus.
When I receive Jesus,I receive everything.
Now Lord, stretch forth your hand,
do miracles and wonders today.
There's someone, you'repraying for your sternum,
you're encouraged by the story of Nancy,
and your problem is based on your genetics
that somehow rather yoursternum is curving inward
into your body, God is able to move that,
he's able to even changehow your bones grow.
So in Jesus name, behealed and be set free.
There are others who are saying,
my problem is from surgerytoo, can you pray for me?
And yes, let's pray for you too.
Be all that pain be gone now.
In Jesus name, breathefreely, breathe openly,
and realize all of it hasleft you in the name of Jesus.
- There's someone else, it'sthe arches of your feet,
both your feet are affectedby whatever this is
but your right foot especially,
has been very painful this last year
and it makes wearing yournormal shoes uncomfortable,
just your whole gate has been changed.
God's healing that for you right now.
Not just in your right footbut in both of your feet.
Your arches are made whole in Jesus name.
- There's someone, you've been diagnosed
with chronic inflammation
and it just seems likeyour body's consistently
and constantly fightingsome kind of infection
or inflammation, you've tried the diet,
you've tried the exercise,
you've tried everythingyou know how to do.
And right now in Jesusname, in Jesus name be heal,
let your body no longerwar against itself.
All inflammation be gonenow, all stress, all anxiety,
all sleeplessness be gone now.
Be healed, be restored, be set free.
- There's someone else here,
I don't know if you're on dialysis
or you've just been told you need it
but God's healing your kidneys for you.
Just even though there is somekind of a genetic condition
involved in that, all that's not in order
is being set in order
and you will be freefrom that in Jesus name.
- Lord, we thank you.
We thank you for all thatyou have done for us.
Your sacrifice for us, yourpeace that you give to us,
your righteousness that you give to us,
your healing that you give to us.
We thank you for all of it in Jesus name,
amen and amen.
If you've been healed, let us know.
Let us share your story withpeople around the world.
Call us, 1-800-700-7000.
If you need prayer, we're here for you.
We believe in prevailing prayer,
the prayer that gets an answer,
the prayer that doesn't give up,
the prayer of blind Bartimaeus,
you can pray that same prayerand pray that same way with us
24 hours a day, seven days a week.
All you have to do iscall, 1-800-700-7000.
- Well, still ahead, a baby'slife is in constant danger,
but her mother has no way
to afford the life-saving brainsurgery her daughter needs.
See how this mom turns to prayer
and then see the miracle thatfollows, that's coming up.
(dramatic music)
- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBS Newsbreak.
Evangelist FranklinGraham is going to court
to fight for his religiousrights in the United Kingdom.
Graham's preaching engagements there
have been canceled at various locations
because of his biblical viewson sexuality and marriage
after pressure from LGBT activists.
A Graham spokesperson told CBS News,
that since the original venues
have broken their legal contracts,
the association willpursue appropriate actions
based on grounds ofreligious discrimination
and free speech.
Well, Tim Tebow recently hosted
more than 100, 000 peopleat a special event.
Tebow says he wants to makesure everyone is valued
for their God-given worth.
He told Fox News, "I believea catalyst for doing that
"is Night to Shine.
"Our worldwide prom forpeople with special needs,"
saying, because hisorganization goes out of its way
to make the biggest mostspecial night of the year
for people with special needs
because they're worthit and they're special.
Global Night to Shineevents are set for Friday.
Well, you can always getthe latest from CBS News
by going to our website at
Gordon and Terry will be backwith more of the 700 Club,
right after this.
(dramatic music)
(lively music)
- Heaven Light is a littlegirl with a glow about her
that matches her name.
Her mother is devoted to her.
But not long ago, HeavenLight was in constant danger
every single day.
- [Narrator] When HeavenLight was two months old,
her mother found a bump on her head.
As time went by, it grew bigger
- [Translator] When she plays,
I make sure when she does nothurt herself or bump her head.
She often touches her head and says,
"Mommy get this off."
I realized how dangerous it was
and went all over to find out.
- Plates in her skull didn'tfuse the way they should have.
So she's had fluid from her brain
accumulate here just under the skin.
Left untreated over time,
her brain would eventuallystart to grow through that hole
and she'd probably developmental disabilities.
- [Translator] When I learnedHeaven Light needed surgery,
I lost all hope becauseI couldn't afford it.
I worried for her future
because daily activitiesare dangerous for her.
I prayed God would make a way for us
because there was nothing I could do.
- [Narrator] Heaven Light'smother kept searching for help
and learned about a ArushaLutheran Medical Center,
a hospital supportedby Operation Blessing.
We soon arranged and paidfor Heaven Light's surgery.
- [Translator] She recovered completely.
I am so relieved and at peace now.
Afterward, she felt her head and said,
"It is gone now," and smiled.
She will be able to go to school safely,
she can interact andplay like other children.
Thank you to everyone whohelped make this possible.
You have changed our lives.
- The everyone she's talkingabout is you 700 Club members,
we wanna say thank you,Gordon was just saying,
isn't it a privilegethat we get to do this,
that we get to touch andchange lives like this.
And it happens when weall link arms together.
So we're inviting those of you
who haven't yet joined the 700 Club,
to join with the rest of usbecause we really are out
to change the world and it's happening.
And we can go evenfurther and do even more
when more of you call and say,"I wanna be a part of that."
It's 65 cents a day, $20 amonth to join the 700 Club.
Will you go to your phone and call now?
Our number's toll free,couldn't be easier.
It's 1-800-700-7000.
Just call and say, "Iwanna join the 700 Club."
We have several levelsthat you can join at
but a basic membership, 65cents a day, $20 a month.
We can all do that.
When you call, by the way, oneof the things we're gonna do
as a thank you for caring about others
is to send you Pat's latest book,
it's called 10 Laws forSuccess: Keys to Win in Work,
Family and Finance.
Pat has called, out of the Word of God,
the principles of God thathe's explained for all of us,
so we can live full of him, full of power,
full of all kinds ofopportunity like you just saw.
This is our gift to youwhen you join the 700 Club.
We'll get it out to you right away.
So, please call now.
- Up next, he was kidnappedby pirates and enslaved
and that's just the beginningof his epic adventure.
The true story of St. Patrickis coming to the big screen
and we'll tell you allabout it right after this.
In the 1500 years since hebrought Christianity to Ireland,
legends about St. Patrick have flourished
mixing truth, myth and allegory.
But the real story ofhis life is epic in scope
and far more fascinatingthan any fairytale.
It's also the subject of an upcoming movie
called "I Am Patrick", let's take a look.
(dramatic music)
- [Man] It was not my grace,
but God who conquered in meand who resisted them all.
That I might come to the Irishnations to preach the gospel.
- The preconception thatwe've got about Saint Patrick
is completely wrong.
(people screaming)
(dramatic music)(doors banging)
- [Man] Ireland was a place of barbarians
at the end of the world.
- [Old Man] Get going, boy.
- [Woman] It is slavery for life.
- [Man] Patrick.
(breathing heavily)
- [Man] You are totravel to your homeland.
(uplifting music)
- Patrick.
- Patrick.
- [Man] You're live, you are alive.
- [Man] To heed the call
to go back to Ireland terrified him.
It was asking a lossof this man to do this.
- [Man] This does not have to be Patrick.
- [Patrick] It is the will of God.
(dramatic music)
- [Man] Go into all theworld and preach the gospel.
- Who among you heeds the call?
- Why would this man put himself in danger
among enemies who do not know God?
- People thought thatthis mission was crazy.
That his efforts to Christianize Ireland
were doomed to failure.
- Tell us the secretyou know about Patrick.
- [Man] Things in the pastcan come back to haunt us.
(dramatic orchestral music)
(breathing sharply)
- Take him.
(horse neighing)
(dramatic orchestral music)
- Now's time to go.
- I'm not finished.
(crying out)
- On Saint Patrick's Day,
you can actually see hisstory in his own words.
We've taken the tack,let's limit ourselves
to what Saint Patrick wrote about himself.
And there's two writings.
One is his confession
and the other is his letter to Coroticus.
So we based the film entirely
on what he wrote about himself.
We're not getting intothe myths, the legends.
We're showing you SaintPatrick in his own words.
And it's a wonderful story,
I hope it inspires peopleto become missionaries,
I hope it inspires youto be a better Christian.
It's something for theentire family to go.
I hope churches go
'cause it will inspirea whole new generation.
Here's a man who changed the nation.
And boy, do we have nationsthat need changing today?
And how do we inspire ourselvesto say, we can do this.
Patrick overcame incredibleodds everything was against him.
He was preaching to pagans,
his life was in dangerliterally on a daily basis.
But he persevered and he changed a nation.
So, if you wanna see his story,
all you have to do isgo to,
we're in now over 1000 theatersthrough out of America,
all you have to do is totype in your zip code,
you can find a theater near you.
They're just going tobe available two days.
So it's March, 17th, Saint Patrick's Day
and the next day, March 18.
We've only got two showings of it.
So, go to,get your tickets now.
Our last film sold out, Idon't want you disappointed.
So, get your tickets now, youcan have the wonderful story
of how Ireland became a Christian nation.
We'll be back to answeryour email questions
right after this.
(lively music)
- Many of you send in questions
you'd like to hear answered on the show.
So, we wanna do that rightnow as we look at your email.
Gordon, this first onecomes from Roger who says,
"How do we reconcile thegift of the word of knowledge
"with the biblical admonitionagainst being a medium."
- Roger, the two have nothingto do with each other at all.
The Bible condemns thosespirits that peep and mutter
and mediums, what they're claiming
is they're in contact with the dead.
They're not in contactwith the dead at all.
They're in contact withwhat the Bible calls,
familiar spirits.
And these are demonic entities
that want to bring confusion to you,
they want to lie to you, theywant to peep and mutter to you
And it's all designed to be a counterfeit
for what God wants to bringyou which is His Holy Spirit.
A pure spirit that edifies,that builds you up,
that exhort you and here'swhat the great thing
that the word of knowledge does,
it brings healing to people,that is not demonic at all.
Jesus had this whole comparison
between what is of God and what is not,
that's where we get thehouse divided against itself.
Where people were accusingJesus of casting out demons
by the spirit of Beelzebub,don't confuse the two.
When you see salvations,when you see healings,
when you see peopleedified, exhorted, built up,
encouraged in their faith,
that is a pure word from theHoly Spirit, hold on to that.
Bible also says, let's test the spirits.
Let the prophets prophesy andthe others judge so test it.
Does it agree with Scripture?
Do you see the same evidence in the Bible?
A lot of different tests to apply to it,
but the biggest one is, doesit exhort, does it build up
does it edify and does it encourage,
does it bring the love of God?
If those things are happening,then it's wonderful.
- Well, I'm gonna jump down tonumber three for time's sake.
Is obedience necessary for salvation?
Julie asks, how obedient do wehave to be to get to heaven?
- All right, bring you up short scripture
from Matthew chapter five.
Unless your righteousnessexceeds the righteousness
of the scribes and Pharisees,
you will by no means enterthe kingdom of heaven.
Now, that seems to be impossible.
But here's some encouragementfrom the book of Jude.
To him who was able tokeep you from stumbling
and to present you faultlessbefore his presence of glory
with exceeding joy.
To God our Savior who aloneis wise, be glory and majesty,
dominion and power, He makes us perfect.
He makes us more righteousthan the Pharisees.
By all means, obey, obey, obey,
but confess your sins before Him.
Here's a word from Psalm 42,
"The Lord will command hisloving kindness in the daytime
"and in the night, Hissongs shall be with me."