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Faith Nation: February 5, 2020


(air whooshes)

- [John] Tonight...

- Donald John Trump be, and he is hereby,

acquitted of the charges in said articles.

- [John] The verdict is in.

The Senate votes on whetherto impeach and remove

the president from the highest

(air whooshes)office in the land.

- [Jenna] This...

- Madam Speaker, the presidentof the United States.

- [Jenna] On the heels of a rousing

State of the Union address to the nation.

(air whooshes)Plus, we preview

tomorrow morning'sNational Prayer Breakfast.

(air whooshes)And the global outbreak,

the coronavirus stillcontinuing its deadly spread.

- [John] All this and more,

tonight on "Faith Nation."

(urgent, inspiringmusic with air whooshes)

- Not guilty.

Tonight, President Trump cleared

on both articles of impeachment.

Welcome to "Faith Nation,"I'm Jenna Browder.

- And I'm John Jessup.

The president acquittedlate this afternoon

on two impeachment counts,48 to 52 on the first charge

of abuse of power.

- And on the second charge, obstruction

of Congress, 47 to 53.

(air whooshes)We have live

team coverage tonight.

CBN White House CorrespondentBen Kennedy joins us

from the North Lawn withthe president's reaction.

- Also joining us, fresh back from Iowa,

CBN Capitol Hill CorrespondentAbigail Robertson

with the tally on the Senate floor.

(air whooshes)- Abigail, where do things

stand on the Hill tonight?

- Well, Jenna, no matterif you politically

support or oppose impeachment,

I think the majority ofAmericans will unite today

that at least it is over,and here are the results.

- Donald John Trump, president

of the United States, is not guilty

as charged in the firstarticle of impeachment.

Donald John Trump be, and he is hereby,

acquitted of the charges in said articles.

- Now, as you pointed to before,

viewers might notice a slightdifference in the vote totals,

48 to 52 on Article One and47 to 53 on Article Two,

and that is becauseRepublican Senator Mitt Romney

broke with his party tovote guilty on the first,

but not guilty on thesecond, citing his faith

as a reason that he couldn'tacquit on both articles.

- My promise before Godto apply impartial justice

required that I put my personal feelings

and political biases aside.

Were I to ignore the evidencethat has been presented,

and disregard what I believe my oath

and the Constitution demands of me,

for the sake of a partisanend, it would, I fear,

expose my character to history's rebuke,

and the censure of my own conscience.

- Now, Romney was just elected in 2018,

so in five years from now,it's not likely this vote

will affect him politically.

Now, the rest of the GOP, however,

is united in condemningthis whole process,

and warning Democrats that this, quote,

"partisan impeachment" hasset a dangerous precedent

for future presidents to come.

Take a look.

- It's never enough when itcomes to President Trump.

(clatter on desk)

This sham process is the lowpoint in the Senate for me.

If you think you've donethe country a good service

by legitimizing this impeachment process,

what you have done is unleashthe partisan forces of hell.

This is sour grapes.

- Tell me that they believe that this

will play well for them politically

in 2020, with Senate MajorityLeader Mitch McConnell

saying today that hebelieves those Republicans

seen as vulnerable in2020 are in a better place

today than they were when this started.

And McConnell also tooka hit on Speaker Pelosi

in his speech on the Senatefloor this afternoon,

condemning her for leading the country

down this impeachmentprocess and calling her out

for tearing up President Trump's

State of the Union speech last night.

- Perhaps she will tear up the verdict

like she tore up the Stateof the Union address.

It's like saying you're so worried about

a bull in a china shop that you wanna

bulldoze the china shop to chase it out.

I hope we will look back on this vote

and say, "This was the daythe fever began to break."

- Meanwhile, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer

responded to today's vote by saying

there will forever be an asterisk

next to President Trump's acquittal,

because he believes thiswas never a real trial

to begin with, but he'sproud of Senate Democrats

for sticking togetherthroughout this process.

- No one had illusions that the president

would be convicted.

But we made the fight for truth,

and we made the fight for facts,

and it created a bipartisan impeachment.

That can never be erased from history.

- Senator Schumer alsopraised Senator Romney

for making that decision tovote with Senate Democrats.

And it's interesting toknow that in the House vote,

it was a bipartisan voteagainst the articles

of impeachment, and here in the Senate,

we're seeing the opposite.

We saw bipartisan support in favor

of impeaching Trump, with Senator Romney

being that sole Republicanto vote with Democrats.

Now, as for President Trump, so far,

he's remained pretty quiet, but announced

that he will address the country

tomorrow at noon with his thoughts on the,

quote, "victory on the impeachment hoax."

Back to you, John and Jenna.

- All right, Abigail Robertsonon Capitol Hill, thank you.

Well, the acquittalcomes less than 24 hours

after the president's Stateof the Union, his address

met with thunderous applauseand standing ovations.

- Last night, though, the president also

received jeers from Democratic opponents

on the House floor.

Mr. Trump used the annual address to tout

his administration's record,laying the groundwork

for his 2020 re-election campaign.

He also had a few surprises up his sleeve.

(air whooshes)- With that, let's go to Ben

at the White House for more.


- Well, Jenna, John, President Trump

did not mention impeachment once

in his State of the Union address.

Instead, he touted the economy,

job numbers, and even trade deals.

He talked about his fightfor religious liberty,

and called on Congress toend late-term abortions.

- Madam Speaker, the presidentof the United States.

- [Ben] President Trumpwalked into the same chamber

where House Democratsvoted to impeach him.

He did not shake HouseSpeaker Nancy Pelosi's hand.

- Members of Congress, thepresident of the United States.

- [Ben] Pelosi left off that it was

her high honor and distinct privilege

when introducing the commander in chief.

But despite deliveringthe State of the Union

address under the cloud of impeachment,

Trump did not mention it.

The president's theme wasthe great American comeback,

touting his success since taking office.

- The state of our union isstronger than ever before.

- [Ben] Trump talked aboutdefending religious liberty.

- We don't tear down crosses.

We don't ban symbols of faith.

We don't muzzle preachers and pastors.

In America, we celebrate faith.

- [Ben] He then called onCongress to fight for the unborn.

- I'm also calling uponmembers of Congress

here tonight to pass legislation

finally banning thelate-term abortion of babies.

- The fundamental protection of life

in the United States to end, at long last,

late-term abortion, which, certainly,

we can all agree on that.

- It was shocking to me that Democrats

would not even stand todefend late-term abortions.

That just is very difficult for me

to wrap my mind around that.

- Some of your Democratic colleagues

decided not to show up.

Why was it so important foryou to attend tonight's speech?

- I disagree with thepresident on many things,

but he's still the presidentof the United States,

and I believe it's myconstitutional obligation

to listen to the presidentand to try to make

the best I can to find whatevercommon ground there may be.

- [Ben] Lawmakers found common ground

with a standing ovation forVenezuelan opposition leader

Juan Guaido, a surpriseguest of the president.

- Please take this message back, that all

Americans are united with the Venezuelan

people in their righteousstruggle for freedom.

- [Ben] The chamberwas on their feet again

to welcome back a soldier in a real-time

surprise homecoming, thenapplauded Rush Limbaugh,

who was honored with thePresidential Medal of Freedom.

- Beloved by millions ofAmericans, who just received

a stage IV advanced cancer diagnosis.

This is not good news,but what is good news

is that he is the greatest fighter

and winner that you will ever meet.

- [Ben] The address wrapped up with

the House speaker making it clear

what she thought ofthe president's speech,

while the Democratic response focused

on action to their base.

- We want everyone to havea path to a good life,

whether it's through aunion apprenticeship,

a community college, afour-year university,

without drowning in debt.

We want your water to be clean.

We want you to love who you love,

and to live authenticallyas your true selves.

And we want women to haveautonomy over our bodies.

We want our country welcoming,and everyone's vote counted.

- And as Abigail mentionedlive on Capitol Hill,

President Trump tweeted a short while ago

that he will be making a public statement

tomorrow at noon from the White House,

right here behind me.

It will be the first time we've heard

from the commander in chief on camera

after that impeachment vote.

John, Jenna?

- All right, Ben Kennedyat the White House.

Time now for our "FaithNation" Political Panel.

Joining us tonight, Caitlin Conant,

CBN News politicaldirector, and David Brody,

CBN News chief political analyst.

So, the verdict not guilty, acquitted by

the Senate today, butlike Presidents Clinton

and Andrew Johnson before him, the stain

of impeachment foreverstays with this president.

Caitlin, how does this change things now?

Where does the presidentstand politically tonight?

- Well, tonight, you sawthe president's campaign

put out a statement andsaying the whole reason

they did this is because they're scared

of President Trump beating whoever

the Democratic nominee is in 2020.

I think they're saying,"He's acquitted, it's good,

"we're gonna move on and start fighting

"for the American people."

They're citing strong economy polls today.

But also, they really wanted100% of the GOP senators

to stand with him on anot-guilty vote, and,

as you guys reported earlier,Senator Romney deflected.

So in terms of politics, asyou saw Senator Schumer say,

they're gonna be ableto say, the Democrats,

that they had bipartisan support

that the president was guiltyof impeachment in the Senate.

So we'll see how that plays out.

- Yeah, David, do you thinkDemocrats will hit hard

on that point, that thiswas a bipartisan vote

because of Mitt Romney?

- Well, insert the laugh emojion the bipartisan vote, okay?

It's one, Mitt Romney, andwe can talk about Mitt Romney

in a moment, we'll set that aside.

So, all right, yeah, it was bipartisan,

but let's use some air quotes on that.

But they'll have a fun time doing that

for about 24 to 48 hours, andthen after that, we move on.

Look, I think the president is extremely

in a much stronger position tonight

than he was beforeimpeachment, when he had

the Gallup 49% approvalrating, he's not guilty.

Oh, by the way, I buriedthe lede, he's not guilty.

And the base is riledup more than they were

even in 2016, according to folks not just

in the White House, butthat are on the ground

in many of these key battleground states.

So, look, Nancy Pelosi wanted this,

at first she didn't want it,

then she wanted it, now she's got it.

- David, there was sometalk ahead of the vote

that there might be some Democrats

who would vote with Republicans.

We didn't see that, they stayedtogether as a solid bloc.

Senator Doug Jones of Alabama was someone

that people were watching pretty closely.

He's up for re-electionin a very red state.

Were you surprised by his vote?

- A little surprised, but ultimately,

look, when you're up for re-election,

you gotta energize thebase, and Doug Jones

needs those Democrats in Alabama.

He's not gonna rely on Republicans.

So I don't think the upside for him

to vote for impeachment,at least politically,

or against impeachment, excuse me,

would have been probably the right move.

So really not surprised, ultimately.

- Caitlin, does this maybesignal that he's resigned

that his re-election bidis gonna be quite hard?

- I think so, and youalso have, right now,

all the Democratic potential opponents

of his who just came out ofIowa with no real results yet.

(others laugh)(laughs) Which they've

been spending the betterpart of the year there,

and the whole point is to get momentum

and to move on and say, "I did well,

"here's why you need to vote for me,

"I'm the person who can take on Trump,"

and that moment was lost.

So (laughs) that is a real boonto the president right now.

- As we look ahead to New Hampshire,

who is best positioned there to do well?

- So, right now, basically,because there was

no real momentum out ofthis, it's kinda like

we're starting at ground zero again,

because you have Mayor PeteButtigieg saying he did great,

you've got Senator Sanderssaying he did great,

you have former Vice President Joe Biden,

who did not do, itappears, as well in Iowa

basically being ableto start fresh and say,

"Here, I'm the guy who cantake on President Trump."

He's changed his stump speech a bit

and is going after Sanders and going after

Mayor Buttigieg, tryingto make this argument

that he is best suited.

And meanwhile, you'vegot Michael Bloomberg,

who's skipped all (laughs)of the early states

and is taking it to allthe battleground states,

where President Trumpis really focused on.

- David, Caitlin justteed me up perfectly.

(Caitlin laughs)So Michael Bloomberg,

some people are saying he wasthe biggest winner out of Iowa

because he completelyskipped the Hawkeye State.

He is going to be on the debate stage

later this month, February 19th,

after last-minute changeson eligibility rules.

What do you make of hisunconventional path?

- Well, it sure is unconventional.

I'll just say this,let's go on the pro side

for Michael Bloomberg,and it's a short pro side.

Biden's not doing well, andthat gives him a vacuum,

gives him a space to maybe perform

and have people take a look at,

Bloomberg is kinda likethe Biden, the anti.

Not the anti-Biden, but theBiden replacement, if you will.

But here's the anti-Bloomberg side,

and it's long, and we've talked about it.

And first of all, you're not gonna compete

in the first four states.

I mean, I would think that would come back

to bite you at some point.

Also, the Democrats whorail against billionaires

are going to elect abillionaire as their candidate?

I mean, someone wake me.

(Caitlin laughs)Caitlin, am I

missing something?

Why in the world would they do that?

Oh, by the way, my bad,a white billionaire,

and there's already a whitebillionaire in the White House.

So I just never see, and, and honestly,

he's not that charismatic, either,

and then he's got somepolicy issues as well.

There's a lot of things there.

- But he does, the one thing I will say--

- Yeah.- He brings is

he does have that straight-talkNew Yorker style--

- He does.- That is very similar

to President Trump.

So, to the billionairepoint, the other day,

someone said, "What would it be like

"for two billionaires torun against each other?"

And he quipped, "Who'sthe other billionaire?"

- [David] Right.

- (laughs) You know?- Yeah, he's got a little

chutzpah.- Exactly.

- That's a good point.

- Real quickly here, whatabout Pete Buttigieg?

We're still waiting for the numbers

to kind of really funnel out.- Mm-hm.

- If he wins Iowa, is there anything

that he capitalize there on?

- I think so.

I mean, he's gonna claim victory in Iowa.

He's going into New Hampshire, where,

basically, it was tight there, too.

So if he does well in New Hampshire,

we'll see what it lookslike the later early states,

but there's plenty of time.

- He's their best candidate,folks, he really is.

I mean, he's the better-angels,Obama-type 2008 candidate.

He's young, he's got other issues,

he has to go back, he needs more than 0.0%

of the African-Americanvote, but that would change

if he won New Hampshire,

for sure.- Exactly.

- In South Carolina, all of a sudden,

people wanna back a winner,

and it changes, so we'll see.- Mm-hm, mm-hm.

- All right, David andCaitlin, thank you very much.

- Thank you, guys!- Thank you.

- Thank you, guys.

(air whooshes)

- [John] Coming up, a big breakthrough

in the struggle tocontain the coronavirus.

That story, next.

(urgent, inspiring music)

(aggressive blues-rock music)

(indistinct shouting)


- Now, having sex beforeyou're married is a bad idea.

- [Man] Don't tell me there'sno such thing as gun violence.

- That just depends on yourdefinition of when life begins.

(aggressive blues-rock music)

- [Announcer] Watch Dan andDale tackle trending topics

that test your faith onthe next "Faithwire."

Monday night at 9:30.

(aggressive blues-rock music)

- [Announcer] The "Global Lane"

(air whooshes)takes you around the world,

(air whooshes)providing facts over fiction.

- What might rising trade and geopolitical

tensions mean for you on the home front?

- [Announcer] With over45 years of experience,

award-winning journalist Gary Lane

(air whooshes)brings you the truth

from a global angle.

- What about the issue of immigration?

- [Announcer] World news analysis

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on the "Global Lane."

(air whooshes)

- [Announcer] Watch the "Global Lane,"

Thursday night at 9:30.

(upbeat dance music)

♪ And where there's joy, there's action ♪

♪ It's like a great attraction ♪

♪ That starts a chain reaction ♪

♪ Movin' on more satisfaction ♪

♪ I love the way ♪

♪ This joy makes me move ♪

♪ I got the ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I'm dancin' 'round because I know it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I'm movin' 'round because I got it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy is in the heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I'm dancin' 'round because I know it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I'm movin' 'round because I got it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy is in the heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy is in the heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

- And welcome back.

Tonight, a breakthrough in the race

for a vaccine to combat the coronavirus.

Scientists in the UnitedKingdom may be close

to a vaccine that couldbe tested on animals,

according to Sky News.

By reducing a part of thevaccine development time

from two to three years to just 14 days,

the vaccine will be toolate for this outbreak,

but critical if anotherone's on the horizon.

To date, the virus haskilled around 500 people

and infected more than24,000, most of those cases

confined to the epicenter in China.

- To Election 2020.

With the race now in full swing,

evangelical voters areback in the spotlight.

As CBN News first reported,the Faith and Freedom Coalition

is beginning a huge digital voter campaign

to educate more than20 million evangelicals

about President Trump's record.

The president will needanother heavy turnout

from evangelicals to win re-election,

and last night, in his State of the Union,

he had several linesdirected right at them.

- In America, we don't punish prayer.

We don't tear down crosses.

We don't ban symbols of faith.

We don't muzzle preachers and pastors.

In America, we celebrate faith.

- And David's back withmore on this story.

David, $50 million to reach22 million evangelicals.

What does this digital campaign entail?

- Mm-hm, text messages, emails.

22 million, to be exact,not just evangelicals,

but conservativeCatholics, by Ralph Reed's

Faith and Freedom Coalition organization.

As a matter of fact, they expect to reach

4 million just in the next five days,

trying to capitalize offof the State of the Union

and some of what we just heard.

So this is a big deal.

They're gonna need all hands on deck.

And Ralph Reed has proven, you know,

he was a Bush operative, and we know him

pretty well here, so he knows how

to run the game on theground, and that's exactly

what they're gonna do,even more than 2016.

- David, we know that in2016, President Trump,

he got 81% of the white evangelical vote.

- Mm-hm.- He needs to get

at least that in 2020.

What's your sense?

Can he get there?

- Yeah, so, Ralph Reedand others are saying

that 81% is really the floor.

In other words, he has to get to 81%

even to have a chance.

A lot of folks believe he needs

to be at about 82, 83% for sure.

Ralph Reed even saying he can get to 85%.

I don't know about that.

But, yeah, he's gonna have to do well.

We know there's a lot of venom

on the left for this president,

and so, that's gonna be the challenge.

Can he get to that 81% number?

But it's not just that 81%number, 'cause remember,

that's evangelicals who are actually

showing up to the pollsand voting for Trump.

They need to get more people actually

to the polls, kind of abigger aggregate number,

and that's what someof what they're trying

to work on on the groundright now is all about.

- David, talk a little bit about the signs

that the White Houseunderstands and appreciates

that they can't take thisvoting bloc for granted.

- Oh, I think they 100% understand that,

and we've seen Evangelicals for Trump,

we saw, right after the first of the year,

they had this big Evangelicals for Trump

rally in Miami, Paula White was there,

they were praying forhim, the whole thing.

Look, they understandthat without evangelicals,

it's a one-term presidency.

I mean, that's the bottom line.

And let's please understand that 80%, 79%,

if we talk about, will not do the trick.

So, in other words, they neednot just all hands on deck,

there could be no mess-upshere by the president

or anybody on the ground.

- [Jenna] Okay, David, great reporting,

thank you.- Thank you, thanks, guys.

- [Jenna] We'll be right back.

♪ I got the ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I'm dancin' 'round because I know it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I'm movin' 'round because I got it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy is in the heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I'm dancin' 'round because I know it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I'm movin' 'round because I got it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy is in the heart ♪

(air whooshes)

- [Announcer] "On the Homefront."

(air whooshes)- Thanks for joining us

for CBN's "On the Homefront,"where we highlight

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military do to defend our country.

CBN honors the men andwomen in our military

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It partners with churchesacross the country

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- [Announcer] "On the Homefront,"Tuesday morning at 10:30.

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- Well, tomorrow is the 68th annual

National Prayer Breakfast right here

in Washington, D.C.

3,500 people are expected to attend,

and among them, elected officials,

diplomats, and religiousand political leaders.

- Including PresidentTrump, who will speak

less than 24 hours after his acquittal.

This is a long-running tradition.

Every president since Dwight D. Eisenhower

has addressed this influential crowd.

This is an especially important speech

for President Trump, given his

staunch support among evangelicals.

- Well, FBI Director Christopher Wray

was back in the hot seat today

as he testified on Capitol Hill.

The bulk of the hearing was rehashing

what went wrong in the lead-up

to the Russia investigation, and what's

been done to correct it.

- But the House Judiciary chairman

took it a step further, asking about

any so-called impeachmentpayback investigations

that could be coming down the pike.

- Has the president, the attorney general,

or any other administration official

asked the FBI to open an investigation

into Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, John Bolton,

or any member of Congress?

- Mr. Chairman, I haveassured the Congress,

and I can assure the Congress today,

that the FBI will only open investigations

based on the facts, and thelaw, and proper predication.

And no one has asked me to open

an investigation based on anything other

than the facts, the law, and proper

predication.- Thank you.

- [Jenna] And Director Wray insisted

that most of those involved in the lying

to obtain FISA Court search warrants

in the Russia investigationare no longer with the FBI.

He says those who remain arefacing disciplinary action.

(air whooshes)

- [John] Coming up, what got lawmakers

on both sides of the aisleto rise to their feet

during last night's Stateof the Union address?

(urgent, inspiring music)

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- Finally tonight, while today's headlines

may focus on the political divide

from last night's address, darkened

by an impeachment trial,lost in the shuffle

is the story of an American hero.

- Now, the president singled out

100-year-old CharlesMcGee, one of the last

surviving members of the Tuskegee Airmen.

- But sitting behind Iain tonight

is his greatest hero of them all.

Charles McGee was born inCleveland, Ohio, one century ago.

Charles is one of the lastsurviving Tuskegee Airmen,

the first black fighter pilots.

(audience applauds and cheers)

- [Jenna] McGee flew 409 combat missions

in Korea, Vietnam, andWorld War II combined.

The president also recognized McGee's

great-grandson for his dream of someday

entering the newly created Space Force.

- Jenna, two things.

One, McGee looks great for 100 years old.

- No kidding, I'll have what he's having.

- And two, it's been a big week.

He racked up the frequent flyer miles.

He was at Super Bowl LIV--

- Yeah.- Presented the coin

for the coin toss forthe Super Bowl, and now,

he's a brigadier generalat the State of the Union.

- He's a national treasure.

- Absolutely.- It was neat

to see him last night.

- Well, thanks forwatching "Faith Nation."

- Have a great evening.

(urgent, inspiring music)


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