- [Narrator] This is CBN Newswatch.
- And thanks for joiningus for CBS Newswatch,
I'm Wendy Griffith.
Hundreds of Americans arrivinghome from China today,
leaving the Corona virus hot zone
as the number of peopleinfected continues to rise
to more than 24,000 now,nearly 500 have died.
CBN's Health Reporter,Lorie Johnson is with us now
with the very latest, Lorie.
- Wendy, the UnitedStates State Department
chartered two jets from Wuhan, China.
A total of 350 Americancitizens touch down this morning
at Travis Air ForceBase near San Francisco.
The passengers on one of those planes
will remain quarantinethere for two weeks.
The other plane re-fueled
and went on to MiramarAir Base in San Diego
where they will be quarantinefor two weeks as well.
This is the second USgovernment sponsored evacuation
of Americans from theepicenter of the outbreak.
The virus has killed nearly 500
and infected more than 24,000.
The vast majority of casesremain confined to China,
thanks to extreme measurescontaining the spread.
Medical experts preached caution
and that wearing a maskmight not be enough.
- For people who have no symptoms,
the mask will not necessarilyprotect them hundred percent.
- [Lorie] This hospital inChina built in little more
than a week can care for 1000 patients
and Chinese officials areputting drones in the air
to spray disinfectant.
Casinos in the Chinese territory
of Macau closed for at least two weeks.
Off the coast of Japan,
a cruise ship quarantine aftera passenger tested positive.
Meanwhile, in Wuhan,
ground zero for the outbreak,
courageous Christians take the opportunity
to spread the good news of Jesus,
handing out masks alongwith Christian literature.
- They shared the love of Christ
and point to Jesus to bring hope to them
and their families and the whole China
and this is really a breakthrough.
- They really are bravein Communist China,
Christians are oftenpersecuted forcing them
to go underground.
The surgical masks Wendy,
help disguise their identity
when they're out there giving out
the Christian tracks.- Wow, amazing.
Well, we know the Coronavirus can be transmitted
from person to person
but now we're hearingthey're pregnant women
can actually transmit it to their babies?
- It's so sad.
The youngest victim,
the youngest person tohave tested positive
for the Corona virus was born just
this past Sunday in Wuhan
and as it turns out,
his mother had testedpositive for the Corona virus.
And so this being reportedon Chinese state television
just shows that it can be now passed
from pregnant women totheir unborn children.
- Do we know that howthe baby did or is doing?
- He's under observation right now
and being treated, but he's still alive.
- Great, okay.
Well, where are we now with a vaccine?
- There is a race going on right now,
pharmaceutical companiesare literally working 247
to develop a vaccine because of course,
they're humanitarian,
but this is going tomean big bucks as well.
- [Wendy] Right.
- And so there's one in the United States,
and also one in Great Britain
and they are both saying thatthey may have a vaccine ready
within three months, which is astounding.
At that point, they willhave to test it on animals
and then people but usually it takes years
for a vaccine to be developed.
- Three months would be great,
all right.- All right.
So that would be like whenit's ready for testing
but it might be available tothe general public in as short
as a year which again, amazing.
- Okay, well, what level ofrisk do we face here in America?
- The CDC says the risk toAmericans in America is low.
Right now we have 11 confirmed cases,
nine of those cases arepeople who caught it in Wuhan
and the other two are their spouses.
The one case in Seattle,
the very first case everconfirmed in the United States,
that patient has been sent home.
He's been released from the hospital.
- Oh, that's good news.
All right, Lorie, thanksso much for that update.
We appreciate it.
- Pleasure.
- Well, last night PresidentDonald Trump delivered
his third State of theUnion speech to Congress.
On the eve of his impeachmentvote in the Senate,
the Commander in Chief used the speech
to relaunch his 2020 campaign,
highlighting hisaccomplishments in office.
CBN White House correspondent,Ben Kennedy brings us
the story from Capitol Hill.
- President Trump deliveredan uplifting speech,
touting the economy, jobsnumbers and trade deals.
He talked about his fightfor religious liberty
and called on Congress toend late term abortions.
- Madam Speaker,
the President of the United States,
- [Ben] President Trumpwalked into the same chamber
where House Democratsvoted to impeach him.
He did not shake HouseSpeaker Nancy Pelosi's hand.
- Members of Congress,
the President of the United States.
- [Ben] Pelosi left offthat it was her high honor
and distinct privilege
when introducing the Commander in Chief.
But despite delivering theState of the Union Address under
the cloud of impeachment,Trump did not mention it.
The President's theme wasthe great American comeback,
touting his success since taking office.
- The state of our union isstronger than ever before.
- [Ben] Trump talked aboutdefending religious liberties.
- We don't tear down crosses,
we don't ban symbols of faith,
we don't muzzle preachers and pastors,
in America we celebrate faith.
- [Ben] He then called onCongress to fight for the unborn.
- That's why I'm also callingupon members of Congress
here tonight to passlegislation finally banning
the late term abortion of babies.
- The fundamental protectionof life in the United States
to end at long last late term abortion.
Well certainly we can all agree on that.
- It was shocking to me thatDemocrats would not even stand
to defend late term abortion.
It's very difficult for meto wrap my mind around that.
- [Ben] Some of your Democraticcolleagues decided not
to show up.
Why was it so important foryou to attend tonight's speech?
- I disagree with thePresident or many things,
but he's still the Presidentof the United States
and I believe it's myconstitutional obligation
to listen to the President andto try to make the best I can
to find whatever commonground there may be.
- [Ben] Lawmakers found common ground
with a standing ovation forVenezuelan opposition leader,
Juan Guaido, a surpriseguest of the President.
- Please take this message back
that all Americans are unitedwith the Venezuelan people
in their righteous struggle for freedom.
- [Ben] The chamberwas on their feet again
to welcome back a soldier
in a real time surprise homecoming.
Then applauded Rush Limbaugh,
who was honored with aPresidential Medal of Freedom.
- Beloved by millions of Americans
who just received a stage fouradvanced cancer diagnosis,
this is not good news.
But what is good news is thathe is the greatest fighter
and winner that you will ever meet.
- [Ben] The address wrappedup with a house speaker making
it clear what she thoughtof the President's speech.
- Unbelievable.
I mean here,
while the President issaying God bless America,
Nancy Pelosi is right behindhim tearing the speech up.
And that to me exemplifiesthe Democratic party
that we're dealing withhere in Washington DC.
- The President now prepares
for the outcome of the Senate vote
on two articles of impeachment.
It appears the vote willfall down party lines,
which means Trump will be acquitted.
Ben Kennedy, CBN News, Capitol Hill.
- Thanks, Ben.
And joining us now is Dan Gainor
of the Media Research Center.
Dan, good to see you.
- Good to see you as well.
- I know you were watching last night,
what do you believewill be remembered most
from last night's address and why?
- Well, unfortunately probably
what should be remembered is how inclusive
and how upbeat the speech was.
Even CBS News was outthere saying this was a
more stately presentation for Trump.
But I imagined Nancy Pelosiripping up the speech
at the end.
Bitterness and failure willprobably be remembered.
- I think you're right.
Well, did the Presidentmiss an opportunity perhaps
by not accepting SpeakerPelosi's handshake?
And do you believe her speechripping moment was from anger
or do you think that was pre planned?
- I think a lot of things inWashington are pre planned.
I have no doubt that was,
and the left and the mediain this country basically,
declared the President atraitor for three years
then they went out a bogus impeachment
that is in the processof failing as we speak.
I don't really expect.
I expect the President to lead
but I don't expect him to be
abnormal and shake hands with somebody
who's tried to do that to him.
I think that would have been bizarre.
- And you know, he didn't shake hands
with the Vice President
and he was turning,
so he may not even have seen it.
We haven't heard from the President yet.
So we'll have to waitand find out how the rest
of that story goes.
But your organization points out a number
of negative media reactions to this speech
but did you see any bright spots?
Well, lemme just say I thinkCBS was the bright spot.
I think that was really,
when a major network is basically saying
this was not the kind of speech
that they've grown toexpect Trump to give.
It was all fire and brimstone.
It was a lot of,
we've done this togetherand honoring our heroes
and it was particularlya very strong attempt
to reach out to minority groups that,
Brigadier General, the Tuskegee Airmen
who fought in three different wars.
Honoring him and his great grandson,
who wants to go into the space force.
I thought that was a wonderful moment
and to see some peopleweren't even standing
and applauding him, itwas just shocking to me.
- And also not havingany sympathy it seemed
for Rush Limbaugh andhis cancer diagnosis.
- Yeah, that's that'sjust a level of despicable
that I know we're in anera where everybody fights
but no one's cheering for cancer,
no one wants someone elseto die or get really sick.
And it seems like you wouldwant someone to be honored
but they consider Rushthe enemy in many cases
and so that's how he treated it.
And then of course many
of the Democratic Congresspeople walked out in the middle
of the speech.
- All right, Dan Gainor,
we always appreciate your insights,
especially on a big nightlike we had last night.
Thanks so much.
- Thank you.
- Well, for more politicalnews and analysis,
be sure to catch FaithNation this evening.
You can watch it right hereon the CBN News Channel.
In other news is warmerweather on the way?
The groundhog Punxsutawney Phil,
didn't see a shadow on Sunday
and is predicting an early spring
but what are weatherpatterns actually showing?
Accuweather Meteorologist, Justin Povick,
brings us a look.
- The spring season not too far away,
going to see a delayed start
to that warning herethroughout the Northeast
as well as the Great Lakes.
So bit of a chilly startto the spring season
and it will be active as weslide our way point south
into the southeast.
Especially along and southof the Mason Dixon line
but still some bouts of chill
and some cold as we gothroughout the first half
of the spring season.
Meanwhile, a pretty activesituation going on over
the southeast where wewill see activity in terms
of severe weather potentialfrom the Tennessee Valley
to the Gulf Coast.
Very active conditionshere as we work our way
through out spring season
and continued warm throughoutthe Sunshine State.
Quite a few storm systems making their way
throughout the northern tier states
will cause conditions toreally start to pick up
as the spring season wears on especially,
from western Kansas andNebraska on northbound.
Meanwhile, dry and hotconditions will be felt
and seen again throughoutWestern portions of Texas.
Severe weather throughoutthe Archlitects as well
and points off to the east throughout
the mid Mississippi River Valley.
Stormy start to the springseason over the Northwest
and then drying out but continued active
as we talked about the interior Northwest
and Southern Californialooking not only warm
but dry as we talkedabout the spring season
the stormiest of the conditionsover northern California
early on in the season.
- All right,
well, dozens of people havebeen killed after avalanches
in Turkey rocked the mountain side.
Rescue teams were working
to recover two missing peopleafter an avalanche hit,
when a second avalanche thenfell burying the workers
in the snow trapping them.
At least 33 people werekilled and 53 injured.
Major recovery operations are underway
as authorities warn of apossible third avalanche.
30 others have beenbrought to safety so far.
Coming up why one organizationsays Christian parents
should pay closer attentionto what their kids watch on TV
and how it directly impacts their future?
(tense music)
(upbeat music)
- Now having sex before youare married is a bad idea.
- [Man] Don't tell methere's no such thing
as garden violence.
- That just depends on yourdefinition of when life begins.
- [Narrator] Watch Dan andDale tackled trending topics
that test your faithon the next Faith Wire.
Monday night at 9:30 pm.
The Global Lane,
takes you around the worldproviding facts over fiction.
- What might rising trade andgeopolitical tensions mean
for you on the home front?
- [Narrator] With over45 years of experience,
award winning journalist, GaryLane, brings you the truth
from a global angle.
- What about the issue of immigration?
- [Narrator] World News analysis
you won't see anywhere else
- And it's all righthere on the Global Lane.
- [Narrator] Watch the Global Lane,
Thursday night at 9:30 pm.
♪`Joy ♪
♪ And where there's joy there's action ♪
♪ It's like a great attraction ♪
♪ That starts a chain reaction ♪
♪ Moving on more satisfaction ♪
♪ I love the way that joy makes me move ♪
♪ I got the ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I dance around because I know it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I move around because I got it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy is in the heart ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I dance around because I know it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I move around because I got it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy is in the heart ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy is in the heart ♪
♪ Joy ♪
- The Oscars are this weekend
and movies are on the minds of many.
So what should Christians consider
before buying a movieticket or watching one?
The founder of the biblicallyresponsible investing company,
Timothy Plan, recently attendedthe 2020 Movie Guide Awards
and Art Ally joins us nowwith advice for Christians.
Welcome Art.
- Thank you, Wendy.
Thanks for having me.
And I did that incredible event,
I think it's betterthan the Academy Awards.
- (laughs)
Well, it certainly looked like it.
Well, the Movie Guide Awards, as you know,
celebrates films and TV shows
that have a redeeming quality to them.
They're not all overtlyChristian, of course
but before we get intoadvice for Christians,
give us a quick rundown
of what happened there when you attended?
- Well, Ted Bear who's headed that up,
has been a friend for 25 years.
When Ted was on the radio in Atlanta
and moved 20 some years ago to Hollywood,
I called him and said, "Man are you nuts,
"you're moving into thedarkest city in America?"
Because back then
there was nothingredeeming about any movie
that would come out.
And yet he was the light in the darkness.
And the thing that pleasedme more than anything, Wendy,
was his announcement that fromzero when he moved out there,
last year 62% of all themovies that came out,
had some kind of a familyfriendly, spiritual
or at least redeeming quality to them,
what a change it's been.
And nothing impacts as you well know,
our culture as much as entertainment.
- Well, isn't that interesting,
but what should Christians consider before
they watch a movie or a television show?
- Well, unfortunately,
Christians have a lot of lip service
and just their beliefs are notimpacting the way they live.
So they watch what they wanna watch.
But if they really areserious in serving the Lord
and following what he wants usto do, they will be careful,
on what they watch
and what they allow tocome into their home.
And it's not just television,
it's is movies in themovie theaters as well.
And I'll tell you whatMovie Guide is one of
the best resources in Americafor parents to subscribe to.
And it really does guide theminto what to stay away from
and what is probably pretty good.
- Art, Timothy Plan pioneered
biblically responsible screens,
what are they and what is the goal?
- Well we did and we are notin the entertainment business.
I have a lot of friends that are.
We are in the investing business.
We are a mutual fundfamily and we have 12 funds
and four exchange traded funds as well.
And we drew a line in thesand, 25 years ago, Wendy.
When I was becoming increasingly aware
of what some of these corporations
are funding beneath the radar.
Whether it be abortion or pornography
or non traditional married lifestyles
or anti family entertainment
and a number of other screens.
My clients really foundthat reprehensible,
which caused me to reallysearch the entire industry
to find something that woulddo some biblical screening
and there was nothing out there.
I did not want to do this.
- [Wendy] Yeah.
- However it needed to be done.
My wife concurred, we launched it
and we went through,
eight years of pain and suffering
because nobody was thinking inthose terms about investing.
One example,
well two really, if I've got a second.
One if you're pro life
and if you're a Christian,you are pro life.
How much money do youwanna invest in abortion?
And why would you wanna take God's money
that is entrusted to you
and invest in companies that are funding
the very things that are thatare destroying our culture?
The other thing is,
a number of ministries
and parachurch ministriesare starting to watch
what some of these corporations do.
And in the cross hairs,for example, and I don't --
- Art I'm so sorry, we're out of time
and the producer says we've gotta wrap.
But thank you so much.
This is amazing informationand you're exactly right.
We should be putting ourmoney where our mouth is.
Art Ally, the founder of Timothy Plan.
Thank you so much foryour insights and time.
- Okay, thanks, Wendy.- My pleasure.
Up next,
how one pro life activistis encouraging children
to join in the fight for life.
♪ I got the joy ♪
♪ I dance around because I know it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I move around because I've got it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy is in the heart ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I dance around because I know it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I move around because I've got it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy is in the heart ♪
- [Narrator] On the Homefront.
- Thanks for joining usfor CBN's on the Homefront,
where we highlight what the men and women
of America's military doto defend our country.
CBN honors the men andwomen in our military
with an initiative calledHelping the Homefront.
It partners with churchesacross the country
to meet the needs oftheir military families
from repairing homes, towiping out medical bills
for wounded veterans.
- [Narrator] On the Homefront,Tuesday morning at 10:30 am.
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- The author of a new book wants children
to learn to speak up for life.
Bethany Bomberger, wrote Pro-life for Kids
to get families talking about the issue.
As Charlene Aaron foundout the author hopes
to start a movement.
- The book Pro-Life Kidsis aimed at children
from kindergarten to fifth grade
and teaches that everyhuman being has value,
including the ones not yet born.
- Bethany Bombergersays she wrote the book
to encourage parents toget their kids involved
in this key issue.
- I believe that we can empower children
to stand up for what is right and good
from a very young age andchildren are naturally pro life.
And I believe that as aChristian mama and a educator,
that it is my job to fosterthat natural inclination.
- [Charlene] Endorsed by leading activists
such as Alveta King
and former Planned Parenthooddirector Abby Johnson,
Pro-Life Kids illustrates the history
of today's abortion culture.
- We can look at history
and see the what happened during slavery
to see what has happenedthrough the Holocaust
and this is actually whatis happening in our current
to our current society today,
this is the effect of abortion.
One group of human beingsis deciding another group
of human beings is notworthy of their life
because of their size,their level of development
or their degree of dependency.
- [Charlene] She says kidsare embracing the lesson.
- We're getting videos of children
who are reading this and it isa catalyst for conversation.
It is allowing there to bediscussion about something that
we have really been silenton with our children.
But if we don't teach them abroken world will reach them.
10 years ago, Bethany andher husband Ryan began
the Radiance Foundation,
a nonprofit that educatespeople on social issues,
such as abortion, adoption and poverty.
- The Lord has allowed usto just get many responses
from I wanna say thousandsof people across the globe
who there's been a spark.
I need to rethink aboutwhat I thought things before
or they said, I've beenso silent, I'm pro life.
I believe that a babyin a womb has a right
but your ministry has allowedme to rethink how quiet I am.
- [Charlene] They also highlight
the importance ofsomething called factivism.
- My husband Ryan Bomberger,
coined the phrase lessactivism, more factivism
because what we're seeing in society today
is a lot of activismwhich is an emotional,
it's an emotionallysupported, emotionally driven,
want to change things.
But factivisim says we are humans
and there is an emotional side to us
but we have to marry ouremotions with the facts.
- [Charlene] Meanwhile,Bethany hopes her book
will help raise the nextgeneration of pro life warriors.
- It's really a jump offspot to either take it deeper
or to just keep it a simple message
but it will lay afoundation with our children
that every life regardlessof size is important.
- [Charlene] Charlene Aaron, CBN News.
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- And finally, Tim Tebowrecently hosted more
than 100,000 people at a special event.
Tebow says he wants to makesure everyone is valued
for their God given worth.
He told Fox News quote,
"I believe a catalyst for doing
"that is our Night to Shine,
"our worldwide prom forpeople with special needs,
"because we have decidedto go out of our way
"to make the biggest, themost special night of the year
"for these people with special needs
"because they're worthit and they're special."
Global Night to Shineevents are set for Friday.
That's gonna do it for thisedition of CBN Newswatch.
We hope you'll join us next time
and from all of us here,
have a great day and God bless you.
(intense music)