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Spiritual Encouragement When She Needed It Most

Joyce has been encouraged and given hope from The 700 Club since the 1970s. Grateful for the love she received in her times of need, she’s taken action to help many others in a powerful way. Find out what she does and find encouragement for ... Read Transcript

- [Narrator] RetiredV.A. nurse, Joyce Mack,

has been an avid viewer of"The 700 Club" since the 1970s,

when she'd tune in to hearPat Robertson's insights.

- It kinda taught mehow to read the Bible,

what I was to look for in the Bible.

He always went intodetail about what it meant

or what a word would mean.

(gentle music)

- [Narrator] Joyce alsofollowed "The 700 Club"

for another, more personal reason.

She often called the 24-hour prayer center

to pray for her husband, Otto,

a veteran of two wars who wasbattling PTSD and alcoholism.

- I would just wake up and be upset.

They're the only people I know I can call

at three o'clock in the morning.

(phone rings)

- [Narrator] During someof their hardest moments,

talking with the CBN prayerteam gave Joyce hope.

- We would pray about Otto's drinking.

We'd pray about being patient.

We'd pray that Godwould answer the prayer.

I usually slept better, (laughs) yeah.

- [Narrator] Those prayers were answered

when a friend led Otto to accept Christ.

He immediately stopped drinking,

and he and Joyce had a freshstart in their marriage.

- He was able to love more.

Every day we read the Bible together.

Every day, Otto insisted on that.

- [Narrator] Grateful forhow CBN had helped her,

Joyce decided to become a CBN partner.

- They have this passion

to have everybody know about Christ.

I always feel this when they go on there

and really preach your need for Jesus.

And I like that.

- [Narrator] Otto passed away in 1991,

but Joyce still supports CBN,

and she's grateful that "The 700 Club"

continues to help peoplelike her around the globe.

- [Joyce] Whether it's justto touch or to cry with them,

or just whisper that God loves you,

they're spreading the gospel.

I think that is the mostwonderful thing in the world.


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