Dawn Barton found joy during life-altering trials and tragedies, and she encourages others to make a joyful choice in her book, “Laughing Through the Ugly Cry.â€
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(upbeat music)
- Dawn Barton is a joyologist.
She's been able to find happiness
during the worst times andin the unlikeliest places.
So, what's her secret?
It's a lesson she hadto learn the hard way.
- [Narrator] When author DawnBarton says joy is a choice,
she means it.
She has experienced moreheartache in her lifetime
than you could imagine.
The loss of a child, cancer
and her husband's substance abuse.
Yet despite Dawn's difficult journey,
she found God and unexpected joy
in the midst of her pain.
In her book, "Laughingthrough the Ugly Cry,"
Dawn shares personal storieson how to find happiness
and purpose even in your darkest days.
- Well Dawn Barton joins us now via Skype
and Dawn it's great to have you with us.
- Good morning, I'm so excited to be here.
- Well, we have mentionedjust a few of the traumas
you talk about in your book,
things that you've enduredthat would destroy many people.
How do you find joythrough things like cancer
or the death of a child?
- Well, I don't thinkthat when we're right
in the midst of it thatthere's joy, of course
and I don't wanna eversound flippant about that.
But I will say through thetrials of losing a child
and being raped and myhusband's alcoholism
and my sister passing away from cancer,
there were so many unexpected blessings
and unexpected lessonsand I just came to realize
that in it that joy of God and God is joy
and so it just started toshine a little bit more
through each trial that I had.
- How do we position ourselves to be able
to look for those thingsor even recognize them
in the midst of the trial or the trauma?
- Well, I think that thesaying that joy is a choice
sounds so cliche butI truly believe it is.
I think that joy is thefocus before it's a feeling.
And I think when we get up in the morning
and we, excuse me, we put on a shirt,
same thing we have to put on the ability
to focus on joy justlike we focus on peace
or we focused on love
and I think that is truly isas cliched as it may sound,
but it's a choice, it really is.
- Is this, I think somepeople would wonder,
is this a fake it till youmake it sort of approach
or how do you do that?
- Oh gosh, I thinksometimes believe it or not,
it kinda is.
I remember when I lost my child,
I had a faith that wasfragile to say the least
and I broke up with God,
God didn't break up withme, I broke up with God.
And in that season, Godsprinkled people in my life
and I remember trying to acthappy when you don't feel it
and be happy for the childthat I still had at home.
And that was, I thinka little bit of faking
but not what became thisstrained force thing
then became a natural thing
and I think sometimes we just have to,
I remember seasons when Ijust needed to get out of bed.
And so maybe that iskinda faking it but yeah.
- Well, I think it's almostlike what I noticed was
you never let yourself become swallowed up
by the grief of things.
But talk a little bit about grief
because grief is a normalpart of the moving on process,
so how did you deal with that?
- Well, I definitely had hellacious grief
and in and out of it in different seasons.
Sometimes you're driving down the street
and you have to pull overbecause it just hits you
like a ton of bricks.
But I was also proactive about it.
There were times when I, of course,
didn't wanna get out of bed
and there's that moment when you say,
go take a shower today,you have to get up.
And then I had therapyand I got into the word
and this in the seasons
that I finally really came to know God,
I realized that goingthrough my struggles with him
was much different thangoing through my struggles
without him and it was so different,
it was just this difference of a feeling
as if you're almostbeing carried in a sense
versus struggling andtreading water on your own.
And so for me, the griefis getting in the world
and I don't mean to soundcliched and flippant
about anything like thatbecause there is a season
that is so unbelievabley painful
but you do have to at some point
seek help if that's whatyou need and move forward.
- Talk a little bit ifyou will about your cancer
because it was an unexpected occurrence
but you say that it becamea strange, unexpected gift
in what way?
- It really did, at that timemy husband was active duty
with the Navy and he was in Bahrain
so I was at home with a four-year-old
and I had just been diagnosed
with stage three triplenegative breast cancer.
And one of the sweetest,most beautiful things
that I heard is this will bethe worst year of the life
and the best year of your life.
And I thought at the time, no it won't,
it will definitely be theworst year of my life.
But it wasn't because throughthat I came to see God
just shower me with incredible people
who had wonderful gifts of nurturing
and loving and caregiving.
So even though my husbandwas God, my husband (laughs)
my husband was gone, I feltthis overwhelming feeling
of love that just carried me through
and I don't think I wouldhave ever experienced
all those incredible giftshad I not had cancer.
- Yeah, scripture says that the joy
of the Lord is your strength.
How have your joy and yourfaith gone hand in hand?
- Oh gosh, it is my life.
And like I said God is joy, joy is God
and I think that havingexperienced portions of my life
where that faith wasn't there
and then to watch joy and faith
and the things that God has done.
When my husband battled with alcoholism
I was in the season that I believed
there was no way Godcould heal where we were.
There were so much hurt andthere were so much anger,
there was no way.
And then you can seewhere today we had faith
and now there was joy
and that it continues and continues.
- It's an amazing storyand a wonderful book.
I want all of you who are with us today
to know you can readmore about choosing joy
in Dawn's book which isbeautiful, by the way,
it's "Laughing through the Ugly Cry."
And it's available wherever books are sold
but you really do addresssome amazing challenges
and difficulties witha word of encouragement
for everybody.
Thanks for being with us today.
- Thank you for having me.- So good to talk with you.