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The 700 Club - January 21, 2020

Running your own business can be challenging. Jaime and Jenny often struggled to pay bills on time, so they made a decision that brought abundance and peace to their lives. Find out what they did that you can do too. Read Transcript

(uplifting music)

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

(uplifting music)

- Welcome to "The 700 Club,"

the rules of engagement.

Well, that's what both sideswill be battling over today

as the senate impeachment trial

of President Trump gets underway.

- Even before the gavel strikes,

the two sides are alreadygoing head-to-head

over the ground rules.

George Thomas has moreon this historic day

on Capitol Hill.


- As the senate takes upthe articles of impeachment,

both sides are set tobattle over ground rules

for the trial laid out byMajority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Those rules could see senators

enduring grueling 12-hour long sessions.

McConnell wants to giveeach side 24 hours spread

over four days for opening statements,

with no guarantee thatwitnesses or new evidence

would be allowed during the proceedings.

Senators will then have 16 hours

to question the prosecutionand defense teams,

followed by four hours of debate.

Then a vote to decide ifthe trial should continue.

McConnell's Democraticcounterpart Chuck Schumer

called the rules proposalsa cover up and rushed.

And vowed to press for avote on the senate floor

on the matter of permittingnew witnesses and documents.

- It's clear McConnell is hellbent

on making it much more difficult

to get witnesses and documents

and intent on rushing the trial through.

- And so now it goes over to the senate

and all of a sudden after arigged process in the house,

they're gonna wanna call for a fair trial

and call for more witnesses,

because they didn't dotheir job in the house.

It's not the senate's job to mop up

the mess of the house with this.

It was a witch huntclearly from the beginning.

- [George] House democrats impeached

the president last month on abuse of power

and obstruction of congress.

The president's defense teamreleased a 110-page brief,

saying he did neither andthat the charges against him

do not constitute a crimeor impeachable offense.

Calling on the senate toreject the charges immediately

and equate the president.

- The position is, he didn'tdo any of these things,

that he is innocent as a matter of fact.

- The senators are set tobegin debating the rules

when the trial begins at 01:00 today.

The president himselfis not in Washington.

He is at the Davos EconomicForum in Switzerland.

George Thomas, CBN News.

- Well, the outcome isprobably already predetermined,

but they're gonna argue over the rules

and all of that kicks off today.

If you wanna see itlive, all you have to do

is download the CBN News App.

We're going to gavel-to-gavelcoverage, all live.

And you can stream it to a tablet,

to a smartphone, to a smart TV.

A lot of different ways you can do it,

so download the CBN NewsApp if you'd like to get it.

In other news,

there's one group of lawmakerswho would greatly benefit

from a shorter impeachment trial.

The senators who are running for

the Democratic nomination for president.

John Jessup has more on that story

from our CBN News bureauin Washington, John?

- That's right, Gordon.

The trial is limiting thecandidate's campaign time

less than two weeksbefore the Iowa caucuses.

Senators, Bernie Sanders,Elizabeth Warren,

Amy Klobuchar and Michael Bennet

have been storming the Hawkeye State

in the days leading upto the impeachment trial.

Now they're compelled tostay in Washington at least

when the trial is in session.

And they're required,they're actually forbidden,

rather, from using electronicdevices on the senate floor.


- We've had to, needless to say,

giggle our scheduled very significantly,

because some would be spendinga whole lot of time in D.C.

- Polls show Joe Bidden leading in Iowa

with Warren close behindand Sanders and Klobuchar

within striking distance.

A day of peaceful protestat a gun-rights rally

in Richmond, Virginia Monday.

Authorities had feared violence

with thousands of armedprotestors ascending on the city,

some of them reportedlyassociated with radical groups.

Officials banned weaponson capital grounds.

Those who did go inside,passed through metal detectors

and strict security.

The high turnout was due

to gun control legislation proposed in

the Democratic control of legislature.

- You're not going toprevent drunk drivers

by punishing several drivers.

And unfortunately that's whatRichmond is trying to do.

- Guns are in our veins in America.

You can't just snatch these from us

and think that we're not gonna be offended

or do something about it.

- Officials estimate 20,000people attended the rally.

Only one person was arrested,

a protester who refusedto take off a mask.

Well, in China, the head of

a government expert team sayshuman to human transmission

has been confirmed in the outbreak

of a new Coronavirus.

That raises the possibility of the virus,

that the virus could spreadmore quicKly and widely.

Face masks are becoming commonplace in parts of China.

Six people have died

and nearly 300 have been infected there.

Initial symptoms of the newCoronavirus include fever,

cough, tightness of the chestand shortness of breath.

The Coronavirus family includes

a variety of illnessesranging from the common cold

to other illnesses like SARS

or severe acute respiratory syndrome.

We will be back with more of"The 700 Club" after this.

(uplifting music)

(uplifting music)

- Winters in Wisconsin can be brutal.

For Jamie and Jenny, the coldand snow also took its toll

on their finances.

Jamie was a commercial painter

and the frigid temperaturesmeant little work.

Then one day, Jenny decided

to try something she'd seen on TV

and now Jamie has morebusiness than he can handle.

(gentle music)

- [Reporter] Jamie and JennyUselding have a full household.

With four children, they knowa thing or two about juggling.

- We run around with the kids a lot

with baseball, basketball, some football.

- [Reporter] Jenny works part-time

as an occupationaltherapist and Jamie owns

a painting business.

The Wisconsin winter hasoften made it necessary

for Jenny to juggle their bills.

- The bills come in regularly,but the money didn't always

come in real regularly.

And I just rememberfeeling terribly stressed

about paying the bills.

- Around November whenit started getting cold,

I would drop down to maybe twoor three days a week of work

through at least February.

- I can remember justlying in bed one night

and I knew I had a $700 credit card bill

and it was, I think, due the next day.

I can remember not beingable to sleep for hours.

I knew I would be ableto pay it eventually,

it's just I didn't havethe money at that moment.

I was always looking for away to bridge that gap until

the money did come in.

I hated seeing bills in the mail.

- [Reporter] Then Jennystarted watching "The 700 Club"

and learned about tithing.

- This isn't some heavenly slot machine

where you put in a quarterand hope for the payoff,

no, it is not that way.

It's that consistentlife of saying I'm going

to live it God's way.

- I do like the telethon and I know

that one of the thingsthat stuck in my head was

if you give regularly thenGod gives back to you,

so maybe if I give regularlyon a monthly basis,

maybe our money will come ina little bit more regularly.

- [Reporter] The couple begantithing 10% of their income

and increased their giving to CBN.

Today, they're Chairman Circle members.

- I feel like I have the easy part.

All I have to do is give the money

and then they know what to do with it,

they know where the need is, they know,

they combine everyone's moneyto be able to dig the wells,

to able to fix the cleft palates.

It's a great feeling being able to know

that you are a part of that.

- [Reporter] Soon after, Jennytransitioned to a new job

in the same field, but withmore pay and better hours.

And by the next year, Jamie had all

the business he could handle.

- I'm pretty busy and I keepmy guys busy all winter.

- There's always money in the checkbook.

We never have trouble with people paying.

- [Reporter] Jamie and Jenny say

that if you're in a financialbind, tithing is the key

to a peaceful life.

- If you want financialstability or financial freedom,

tithing is the way to go.

Just give it a try and keep your eyes open

for what God will do for youand it'll come back to you.

Now, life is so much morecomfortable. (laughs)

- Life can be so much more comfortable

when you do it God's way.

Here's the promise from Proverbs 11,

"It is possible to giveaway and become richer.

"It's also possible to hold on too tightly

"and lose everything.

"Yes, the liberal man shall be rich.

"By watering others, he waters himself."

Well, Michael Holmes was down on his luck.

He was unemployed and in debt

with no way to pay his rent.

Michael did have one thing going for him,

he had a dream.

And here's how he madehis dream come true.

- [Reporter] Michael Holmes' dream

was to bring home a six-figure income.

But in 2014 after losing his job,

he was hoping for anything.

Unemployed and in debt,Michael didn't know

how he was going to support his family.

- The rent is due.

The landlord needs the rent.

He doesn't wanna hearthat you lost your job.

Kids who are looking up to you.

So, in my mind, frustration, aggravation,

depression, all those different,

and then of course the feeling of failure.

- [Reporter] Michaelfiled for unemployment.

Though he was a Christian andvolunteered at his church,

he wondered why God wasputting him through this.

- So, here I am, completely just broken:

no where to go, nowhere to turn, no money.

And I'm starting to really ask God,

shouting at God, angry at God like

a little five-year old spoiled kid,

"Come on, God, what's going on?"

As opposed to being more introspective

and just really looking,

maybe there's something I'm doing wrong.

- [Reporter] Michael decided to search

the Bible for answers,

which he says he foundin Malachi chapter three.

- He talks about, "You have robbed me

"of the tithes and offerings.

"Prove me now," the King James says,

"prove me now, herewith,saith the Lord of hosts,

"if I will not open youthe windows of heaven

"and pour you out a blessing,

"that there shall notbe room enough receive."

"Let me get this straight,"

me talking to God, "Idon't have any money,

"we have debts, the landlordwants to kick me out,

"and you want me to give money away?"

And I look in Malachi chapter three

in the New Living Translation, it says,

"Try it, put me to the test."

- [Reporter] Michael tithedfrom his unemployment check.

After a few weeks, he founda new sales job working

as a renovation consultant.

The money started coming in slowly,

but Michael was growing impatient.

- Then I'm like, "Allright, unemployment's almost

"about to run out.

"You said that you wouldopen the windows of heaven

"and pour me out a blessing,

"that there's not roomenough to receive it.

"I don't see any windows opening."

And it got to the point where I was like,

"All right, I quit.

"I'm not doing this.

"I know I said I'mgonna do it and I quit."

- [Reporter] Michaelwent back to the Bible.

He came across Acts chapter five.

- And I believe it was Peter speaking to,

in an essence of fire, and he said,

"You have withheld your,

"you have withheld your moneyin violation of your promise."

The whole day just stopped.

I felt embarrassed.

I felt ashamed.

I felt that I said Iwasn't gonna do it again

and here I am doing it again.

- [Reporter] Michaeldecided to remain consistent

with his tithing.

And soon, he started to see results.

While the first year on the job,

he brought in less than $30,000,

he had more than doublethat the next year.

- I think that if you cantrust God with salvation

and taking you to heaven and healing you,

I think you should be ableto trust him with your money.

- [Reporter] Within five years of tithing,

Michael crossed the six-figure mark he

had always dreamed about.

Today, Michael is quickto tell people about

the benefits of giving.

In fact, he started a blogcalled

He says without a doubt,that God is faithful

to those that trust him.

- There's so much that God wants

to give every single one of his children.

Doesn't matter, male, female,black, white denomination,

but at the end of the day,

there is a level ofobedience that is necessary

for him to do that.

So, I think that if wewould take him at his word

and be faithful to what he's saying,

he'll be faithful indoing what he promised.

- That's the key, there'sa level of obedience.

And when you walk obedientlybefore the Lord your God,

then he watches out for you,

he stands over his word to perform it.

But you can't expectbenefits from him if you say,

"Well, I'm not gonna do it your way.

"I want immediate results," or,

these kinds of attitudesand demands on God

aren't going to get you anywhere.

Because he looks at you and says,

"Well, you're just notready for my blessing."

For Michael, it took five years.

For you, resolve, how long will it take?

At what point in your life will you say,

"I'll be obedient.

"I'll do what God tells me to do."

Now, here's the commandment,

you 'll find it in Deuteronomy chapter 14,

"You shall truly tithe all the increase

"of your grain that thefield produces year by year."

In the original Hebrew it's repeated,

"Tithe, you shall tithe."

It's only in the English theysay, well, it's "Truly tithe".

It's a commandment andGod's underlying it,

"Tithe, you shall tithe."

Michael finally got that.

Now, it was a struggle for him.

Imagine tithing off an unemployment check.

Imagine tithing when you can't pay rent,

you can't pay the other bills.

Imagine tithing in that environment.

And then he says, "Well, Ididn't get an immediate result,

"so I'm gonna stop."

And then he's challenged on that

and then finally he says, "Okay, God,

"I'm going to do it your way."

And you see the increase.

It took time, it will take time, because,

is your heart ready for it?

Are you ready to finallysay, "God, I'm all in?"

So often we can trust God with our sin,

so often when we needhealing, we can trust him

and come to him for healing.

But what about your entire life?

What about your future?

What about your money?

What about your family?

Are you all in?

And that's the test, if you will,

"Test me in this andsee if I will not open

"for you the windows of heaven."

For Michael, the windows opened.

His dream came true.

He's now making a six-figure income,

he's gone from unemployment to that.

It was all because he faithfully tithed

and he made a determination,"I wanna do it God's way."

Now, I've got some wonderful news.

Some existing CBN partnersfrom Texas and Georgia

are combining and saying,

"We wanna challenge others to give."

They will match your givingdollar for dollar, $95,000.

Let's pray, Lord, we askfor blessing over this.

We ask for blessing for peoplewho are making resolutions.

And, Lord, my prayer forthem is they would resolve

to do it your way.

- Yes, God.

- They would resolve,your way is the best way.

So, Lord, sink it deep into their spirits,

into their hearts, into their lives.

Your heart is to bless your children.

Your heart is to be our alland all, to be our provider.

Lord, let our heart turn to you

and turn in obedience to your word.

We ask it in Jesus' name--

- Amen.- Amen and amen.

95,000 is the challenge amount.

What are we asking you to do?

Well, we're asking youto join the 700 Club.

How much is that?

It's $20 a month, 65 cents a day.

We also have 700 Club Gold, $40 a month.

1000 Club, $1,000 ayear, that's $84 a month.

We have higher levels at 2500 Club.

Founder, $5,000 a year.

And then Chairman's Circle,$10,000 or more a year.

At whatever level, be a part of it.

Call us now, 1-800-700-7000, Terry?

- Well, I'm excited to tell you

that when you become a CBNpartner, we have a gift for you.

It's Pat Robertson's latest book called

"Ten Laws for Success."

And inside this, you'llfind keys to security

and success in your work,your family and your finances.

Here's what actor KevinSorbo has to say about it.

- Hi, I'm Kevin Sorbo.

And I wanna tell youabout a phenomenal book

that I just read.

"Ten Laws for Success" by Pat Robertson.

See, I firmly believe itcan transform your life

and the lives of thosethat you care about.

In this book, Pat sharesthe supernatural secrets

he's discovered and shows you the way

to a rich and fulfilling life.

- [Advertiser] In the book"Ten Laws for Success,"

Pat shares biblical life principles

that can put you on a path

to purpose, fulfillment and achievement.

Call 1-800-700-7000 or go to

to receive your own copy today.

"Ten Laws for Success."

- This dynamic book

is a must-read for anyone

who wants to achieve their goals,

build a solid financial foundation

and grow in their relationship with God.

I highly recommend thatyou get your own copy

of Pat Robertson's latestbook, "Ten Laws for Success.

God Bless you.

(uplifting music)

- This is filled withnot just Pat's thoughts

and wise council, it's biblical principles

that he's called out and showed us how

to apply them to our lives.

We want you to have it.

We think it will make a big blessing

in your walk with the Lord,in your life in general.

You call now, join the 700 Club.

If you haven't joined before,65 cents a day, $20 a month.

But lots of club levels Gordonjust ran through with you.

If you're not sure which one you want,

when you call, the personwho answers the phone

is happy to talk to youabout those options.

But call now, and when you do,

we're gonna send "Ten Laws forSuccess" out to you, Gordon?

- Well, best friends Bev

and Charlotte share almost everything.

That's why joined forcesto make some extra money

when the economy crashed.

The friends turned tothe Bible and learned

to pray for witty inventions.

And that prayer led to $4 million

a year in revenue business.

- [Reporter] Bev andCharlotte are best friend

who've been described as acouple of grannies on steroids.

Both their families weredoing okay financially,

until 2008 when the economy crashed.

Bev's husband Larry nearly lost

his general contracting business.

- We were in debt to the point

where were in probably100,000 plus our house.

- [Reporter] Charlotte'shusband Bob also got hit hard.

His tile fitting and installations clients

were slim to none.

- Credit cards alone, ourdebt was over $30,000.

- Things had gotten sobad that people showed up

to repossess the car.

- The bank showed up and they

were taking pictures ofthe outside of the house.

- When you don't know when it's gonna end,

you can be very terrified.

- [Reporter] Through itall, both couples continued

to tithe through theirchurch and give to others.

- We don't tithe to get,

we tithe to honor God with our substance.

We recognize the fact that what we have,

whether it's much or whether it's little,

that we owe it to him.

- [Reporter] Charlotte and Bev teamed up

to sell homemade herballotions, soaps and tees

to supplement their incomes,but nothing took off.

Then they decided to prayfor witty inventions.

- We got the idea forpraying for witty inventions

right out of the word that says,

"he'll give us witty inventions." (laughs)

- [Reporter] In 2009during a church service,

Bev says God gave her anidea for a sugar-free candy

that is actually good for teeth.

I am praying and singing andI get the complete recipe

for Ice Chips candy.

I mean, I knew how to makeit, I knew how to pour it,

it was all there.

- She came up to meafter the church service,

one of the churchservices and said, (gasps)

"I just got the whole recipe on how

"to make that xylitol candy."

And I went, "Oh, okay."

- So, by the end of the following week,

we had already made thecandy, people were sampling it

and they loved it.

- [Reporter] Their husbands retrofitted

their garages into kitchens

as Bev and Charlotte began to make

and sell their Ice Chips candy.

By 2011, sales were around $200,000.

Then a year later, theygot their big break

when they made it onto "Shark Tank."

After the show aired, sales skyrocketed.

- We used to say, "Just go jump off

"the cliff and believe,"

because we knew God was gonna be there

and God was gonna catch us.

Not because God is a piggy bank,

but because God is faithful

and we did what he told us to do.

- [Reporter] All theirdebts had been paid off.

And the company that started in a garage

is now operating out of21,000 square foot facility.

It's revenues have grownto $4 million a year.

And these grannies on steroids thank God

for making it happen.

- God's kinda sneaky like that.

He's got things planned, he's got it.

He has a way out.

And we can relax knowing that he's on it.

He knows exactly where you're at,

exactly what has to happen and when.

- One of the reasonstithing is so important,

because it is a biblical principal.

And by following and being faithful

to that biblical principle,

you have everything togain in the blessings

that come with it.

- By following biblical principles,

you have everything to gain.

They don't tithe to get,they tithe to honor God.

And here's the promises, theybegan to search the scripture,

here's the promise they use,

it's from Proverbs chapter eight,

"I wisdom dwell with prudence,and find out knowledge

"of witty inventions."

So, they read that in theoriginal King James version.

They read that and say, "Well,God's got some inventions

"for us, let's ask him."

And here's a scripture you can use.

You could ask God for anything,

I call it his phone number.

You'll find it inJeremiah 33, verse three,

"Call to me and I will answer you

"and show you great and mighty things,

"which you do not know."

Realize, God wants toreveal things to you.

He's got lots of ideas.

He's very creative.

He has solutions for you.

All you have to do is ask.

And when you ask, makesure you're being obedient,

make sure that you're following his way,

doing it his way.

When you do these things, what happened

to those wonderful coupleswill happen to you.

Bev and Charlotte, let their testimony

be an inspiration for you.

What started out as, we need extra income,

we're in deep debt, we'vegotta find a way out.

Turned into a wonderfUl success,

because they asked God for an idea.

So, say, "God, what do you have for me?

"What are the good worksyou have for me to do?

"Let me walk into them."

We've got a challenge before us.

And then we got 70, weget the red number up,

77,000 against $95,000 challenge.

32 minutes, 51 seconds.

Join with us, call us, 1-800-700-7000.

Let's go to Wendy at the phones, Wendy.

- Thanks, Gordon, well,in these uncertain times,

one thing remains unchanging:

the biblical laws thatgovern the universe.

In Pat Robertson's latest book,

he gives you the keys to finding security

and success in your work,your family and your finances.

And as our special gift to youfor joining "The 700 Club,"

we'll send you a copy of"Ten Laws for Success."

Take a look.

- [Advertiser] He founded one of

the world's largest television ministries.

- Welcome, folks, to "The 700 Club."

- [Advertiser] Formed aglobal relief organization

demonstrating God's love in action.

- [Translator] Thank you for helping us.

- [Advertiser] Establisheda leading university.

- Graduates, flip your tassels.

(audience cheering)

- [Advertiser] And became a New York Times

best-selling author.

Now, Pat Robertson wants to share

with you significant insights learned

from a lifetime in the word of God.

In his latest book, "Ten Laws for Success:

"Keys to Win in Work,Family, and Finance."

You'll discover thelaws that govern success

and how they can work for you.

A real-world guidebook thatcan revolutionize your life.

Call now, 1-800-700-7000

or go to to receivePat Robertson's latest book,

"Ten Laws for Success."

- The law of greatness,the law of miracles,

the law of change, just three of the laws

that you'll learn about in Pat's new book,

"Ten Laws for Success."

We want you to have it,

because it will revolutionize your life.

It has keys to achieve yourgoals and find fulfillment.

And the best part is,this is not manmade wisdom

that Pat put together, theseare the words of Jesus,

this is all from the Bibleand it works every time,

just like the law ofgravity works every time.

How do you get it?

Great question, just go toyour phones and say yes,

I wanna join the 700 Club.

1-800-700-7000 is the number to call

or you can log on to

Our beautiful, colorfulcounselors are standing

by right now to take your call

and I'm gonna be joining them in a minute,

so look forward to talking to you.

We are in the middle of a$95,000 challenge, I believe,

with 30 minutes left on the clock.

Every dollar that you pledgeright now will be doubled

and matched dollar for dollar.

Your gift will go twice as far

and your blessing will be twice as big.

At least, that's whatI like to say, Terry?

- Well, when you become a CBN partner,

you're helping people all over the world.

Like this little babyin China named XiRan.

She began having trouble breathing

and doctors said she would likely die.

- [Reporter] Mrs. Gengalways loved flowers

and started calling the baby in her womb,

her little TaiYanGhua,which means Gerber daisy.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Mrs. Geng's Translator]I knew she'd be bright,

vibrant, cheerful and beautiful,

just like a daisy in the sun.

- [Reporter] But XiRan wasborn with a hole in heart

that only got worse as she got older.

And Mrs. Geng refused to believe

that her daughter had a problem.

- [Mrs. Geng's Translator]She looked fine.

She seemed to have good weight on her,

so I thought she was strongand everything would be okay.

- [Reporters] It turned out that

the weight Mrs. Geng saw was swelling,

caused by problems pumping blood.

Soon, XiRan startedhaving trouble breathing

and doctors said she would likely die.

- [Mrs. Geng's Translator]Her lips turned purple

and she cried all the time.

I kept saying, "You will be fine.

"And soon, we would gooutside and see the flowers."

- [Reporters] But then XiRan got sick

and was hospitalized.

And since she was soweak, all doctors could do

was give her medicine,but none of it helped.

- [Mrs. Geng's Translator]Without surgery,

she'd just get weaker and weaker.

I was really afraidwe're going to lose her.

I wished my husband was there with me,

but he was in the city makingmoney to support our family

and trying to save for surgery.

- [Reporter] XiRan had beenin the hospital three weeks

when CBN heard abouther critical condition.

We quickly set up heartsurgery for the baby

and stayed with Mrs.Geng so she wouldn't have

to be alone during the operation.

- [Mrs. Geng's Translator]I was really touched.

My baby's health is moreimportant than anything else.

- [Reporter] Doctors repairedthe hole in XiRan's heart

and today she's the healthylittle girl Mrs. Geng

always believed she'd be.

- [Mrs. Geng's Translator] She's cured.

I can take her out to play anywhere.

I don't have to worrythat she would be tired.

She can jump and run andplay with other children.

Now, she's happy and carefreeand has hope for the future.

I think the loving people

from CBN were angels sent from God.

- That's you, 700 Club members.

We wanna say thank you,

because without you,

Xiran would probably not be alive today.

You're doing serious work in the lives

of people with great needall around the world.

And that's why we havea challenge right now.

We're asking you to helpus expand our reach,

be able to touch morepeople, reach more lives,

and all of it with themessage of God's love.

One of the ways you can do that

is by increasing your membership.

Maybe you're already a 700 Club member,

go up to 700 Club Gold.

That's a gift of $40 a month.

Some of you who are Gold members,

would you go up to the 1000 Club

and 1000 Club membersjump to the 2500 Club.

When we all give and whenwe all link arms together,

we can make a huge difference.

So, help us in this challenge right now,

because when you call,every dollar you give

will be matched dollar for dollar, Gordon?

- Well, Grant served his countryfor six years in the army.

After his service, hegot a great job in IT.

But just before his start date,

Grant was blindsidedby his worst nightmare.

- [Reporter] Serving as anIT specialist in the army,

Grant Moore says his time as

a solider helped himunderstand the role of being

a good husband to Kayla and father

to his eight-month old son Josiah.

- It made me feel more part of a team,

that I was making more of a difference.

And there was nothingmore than being honored

to serve your own country.

- I'm very proud ofhim for what he's done,

because not everybody can do that.

So, it's him not putting himself forward,

but putting his countryforward and what he's doing.

- [Reporter] Grant had served six years

when he decided to leavethe army and pursue

an IT career as a civilian.

He quickly got what hethought was a great job offer,

that is until thecommunications company pulled

the offer just days before his start date.

- Everything I worked hard to get,

it just got swept from under me.

It created more of a dilemma for me.

And a nightmare, yeah, it was a nightmare.

My worst fear is, not beingable to support my family.

- [Reporter] As he looked for another job,

Grant and Kayla quicklystarted falling behind.

- What are we gonna do?

Are we gonna have enoughmoney to get baby food,

clothes, food for us?

I wasn't working, I wasgoing to school full-time.

So, it was like, if I'm not working,

he's not working."

I just didn't know how we'regonna get through this.

- [Reporter] The couplestood on their faith

that God would provide.

- Just pray and pray and pray and believe

and believe and believe.

I know that the same Godthat brought you out before

is gonna bring you out again.

- [Reporter] It was thenthat Helping the Home Front

got a call from LighthouseChristian Fellowship

and we arranged to help immediately.

- Hello.

- How're you doing, Pastor?- Hi.

- Come on in.

- [Reporter] Within days,Pastor Ken Friendly invited

the couple over.

He told them CBN was paying for their rent

and monthly bills whileGrant looked for a job.

- Wow, yay. (pants)

Wow, I'm speechless.

- And in addition to that, today,

you guys are going shoppingfor groceries, diapers.

- My God, babe.

- [Ken] Baby stuff, yeah, today.

So, wow.

(group laughs)

Is that a game-changer for you?

- We're gonna see betterdays and we're gonna be able

to actually go groceryshopping and give food.

(group laughing)

This is like, oh, my God,he heard our prayers.

- [Reporter] The family went shopping

to stock up on what they needed.

CBN did as promised and paidfor their monthly expenses

until Grant landed a job in IT.

- You guys really, really,really have blessed us.

Just to know that people out here love

and actually care,

(inspirational music)

it's the biggest thatI've ever had in my life.

- You can be a part of it.

That biggest "Biggest breakI've ever had in my life,"

goes to you.

That thank you

goes to you if you're amember of the 700 Club.

If you're not a member, join with us,

call us, 1-800-700-7000.

Say yes, I wanna be a part of it.

It's $20 a month or 65 cents a day.

We also have 700 Club Gold, $40 a month.

1000 club is a $1000 ayear, that's $84 a month.

At whatever level, do it now, 23 minutes,

36, 35, 34 seconds on that clock.

Red number is 55,000,that's how much is left

to match on this $95,000 challenge

and we're taking the red number down,

because from Lumberton, Texas,a 1000 Club member saying,

"I'm going to 2500 this year."

(lively music)(Terry clapping)

That goes into that red number,down to 52,000, 23 minutes.

Call us now, let's go to Wendy.

- Thank you so much, Gordon.

Well, are you striving ratherthan thriving in your work,

your family life or yourfinances, maybe all three?

In his latest book,"Ten Laws for Success,"

Pat Robertson shares thesame principles with you

that he's learned aboutsuccess, just watch.

- [Pat] These laws can bringblessing beyond comprehension.

- [Advertiser] Now, available,Pat Robertson's latest book,

"Ten Laws for Success."

- [Pat] And I believe theselaws can transform the nation,

transform organizations,transform you and your family.

- [Advertiser] Call 1-800-700-7000

or go to to receiveyour own copy today.

"Ten Laws for Success."

Fundamental principles ofgrowth for all situations

and for all people, no matterwhat your station in life.

End confusion, find answers,

reach your goals.

- [Pat] "Ten Laws for Success:

"Keys to Win in Work,Family, and Finance."

- [Advertiser] Get PatRobertson's latest book,

"Ten Laws for Success"and start winning today.

Call 1-800-700-7000

or go to

(uplifting music)

Available now.

- Well, if you're lookingfor a self-help book

to start 2020, this is it, right here.

Pat Robertson's new book,"Ten Laws for Success."

The spiritual secrets that bring blessing

and favor into your life.

You'll wanna read it overand over, it is so rich.

And I want you to have it,because it blessed me so much,

I want you to receive the same blessing.

And, how do you get it?

You just go to your phonesright now and say yes,

I wanna join the 700 Club.

The number is toll-freeand it's 1-800-700-7000

or you can log on to

That's a great way to give.

What we're asking you to do is say yes,

I wanna join the 700 Club at$20 a month, 65 cents a day,

that's all it takes to help

so many hurting people all over the world

and right here at home.

Trust me, I am talking onthe phone with some people

that are really givingout of their poverty.

And it's just someamazing stories of people

that wanna help even thoughthey don't have a lot.

And you know, but when you do that,

God says get ready, I'm gonna bless you.

So, if that's you, please,

go to your phones right now, Gordon?

- Richard and Debbiewalk five miles a day,

they eat right and enjoya vibrant lifestyle.

But the main ingredient to their recipe

for healthy living might surpriseyou, it's healthy giving.

(inspirational music)

- [Reporter] Everyafternoon, CBN partners,

Richard and Debbie Sodders exercise.

It's part of their new routine

to improve their healthin their retirement years.

- I can walk two to three miles.

I feel 100% better, it's just remarkable.

- We eat a lot of organicfoods, mostly everyday.

- [Reporter] In addition toexercising and eating right,

Richard and Debbie saythe most important part

of a healthy lifestyle is giving.

- I think that God blessesthose who bless him.

And by giving, you're sowing the seed,

especially at "The 700 Club"for all over the world.

And that's a blessing, not only to us,

but also to others.

- [Reporter] That's a big reasonwhy they partner with CBN.

- We need to help other people

that's not near asfortunate as what we are.

- I love Operation Blessing.

I love when the doctors goand do all of the cleft lip

for these small childrenwho were made fun of

and even ostracizedfrom their communities.

That changed their life as well.

When they go to communities,

like in Guatemala andactually drill a well,

so people people have fresh water

and don't have to walka mile for fresh water.

I love the fact that Ican say I'm part of this.

- [Reporter] In 2016after praying about it,

the Sodders increased their giving to CBN.

- It just made us feel so good,

that we are giving more to CBN,

which in turn, they help out

so many people around the world.

- [Report] Richard andDebbie say they're spending

their golden years getting healthy.

And because of CBN, they'rehelping others do the same.

- We had a lifestyle change.

It's not just for the good of us,

it's for the good of everybody.

- It is just amazing.

They don't help just herein the United States,

they're worldwide andthey do bless everyone

they come in contact with.

And I just would encourageothers to join the 700 Club.

- Join with us, join ineverything we're doing

around the world, how do you do that?

You call us, 1-800-700-7000.

Say yes, I wanna be amember of "The 700 Club."

You can also go to

or you can text now, CBN to 71777.

Keep in mind, when you givemonthly on the internet,

you're automaticallyenrolled in Pledge Express.

That's electronic monthly giving

where the bank is doing all the work.

You can ask for it when you call though,

ask for a Pledge Express, 1-800-700-7000.

29,000 on that red number, we'retaking the red number down.

Here from Lubbock, Texas,

a 700 Club Gold member goingall the way to 2500 Club.

- Really, yay.- $2800 dollars.

(Terry clapping)(audience applauding)

That takes us to 26,000,17 minutes on the clock,

call us now, Terry?

- Well, imagine this, fivehours a day, everyday.

That's what it took for amother in Kenya to fetch water.

What's worse, the watershe was fetching was filthy

and drinking it madeher whole family sick.

- [Reporter] Purity is hermother's little shadow.

She follows her around everywhere she can.

But each day, her motherleft their mud hut

and walked long distanceson her own to fetch water.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] It tookme five hours everyday

to bring home dirtywater that made us sick.

- [Reporter] Elephants andother animals defecated

in the water.

- [Translator] Because of the elephants,

I also walked my daughtersto and from school.

It took so long, I could not work.

At times, it was hard tofind and prepare food.

- [Reporter] Then Operation Blessing built

a preschool close to their home

and invited Purity to attend.

She and all the childrenhere receive free meals

and a good education.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Purity Translator] I love coming

to school with my friends.

There are so many things to play with.

I eat vegetables and riceuntil my stomach is very full.

We learn about Jesus too.

He lives in my heart andwe pray to him everyday.

- [Reporter] We dug a well at the school,

so Purity's mother nolonger walks long distances

to fetch dirty water.

We also gave their familyone goat, two chickens

and vegetable seeds.

- [Translator] OperationBlessing gave us classes

on how to start small business.

My goat multiplied andlater became 10 goats.

I planted tomatoes and sold them too.

With all the money I made,we built a timber home

and moved out of our mud hut.

- So, from one goat and couple of chickens

and some seeds, they wereable to multiply that

and build a house.

That's amazing, that's a success story.

- [Translator] Our lives arecompletely different now.

My husband and I still grow vegetables

and raise goats.

We sell the goat milkto make even more money.

We have enough to provide our children

with all their needs.

I thank God for sendingyou into our lives.

May God enlarge your territories

and may you continue to help others.

(inspirational music)

- It's wonderful, isn't it?

I love when I see a family that's gone

from such deep need to thriving.

And that's because of yourkindness and generosity.

Now, Purity is gonna grow up

in a completely different way.

She's gonna be educated, sheunderstands the love of God,

she's not gonna bewalking five hours a day

to get dirty water, you made that happen.

We wanna say thank you.

That's why so many peopleare calling right now saying,

"I wanna be a part of makinga difference like this."

And you know, PledgeExpress is another way

that you can do that when you call

and make your pledge today.

Say you wanna do it using Pledge Express.

It's electronic monthlygiving and it puts even more

of your gift right into thelives of people like Purity

and her family, Gordon?

- All right, some partners from California

wanna add 39,000 to the challenge,

that takes us to 134.

Lord, we ask for blessing for the partners

who made it possible toissue this challenge.

We also ask for blessingfor everyone watching

and responding right now.

Speak to them, Lord, for we ask

it in Jesus' name, amen and amen.

134 is the challenger now.

We get the red number up,51,000 to go, 14 minutes

on the clock, call us now and say yes.

Well, Yosef says theproudest moment of his life

was when he cheated the Angel of Death

in the Dachau concentration camp.

Yosef lived on to fight

in Israel's War of Independence in 1948

and later, testified inthe Nuremberg trials.

Well, today this 90-yearold hero lives in Israel

where he recently suffereda serious infection.

- [Report] When Yosef Kleinman holds

the same stripped hathe was forced to wear

as a boy Auschwitz, memories of life

in the Nazi concentrationcamp come flooding back.

- [Yosef's Translator] It was chaos

as my family left the train.

My father was dehydrated,so I helped him walk.

Then a guard separated us into two lines.

I went to the right to life

and father was sent left to death.

- [Reporter] Yosef saw theblack smoke of the chimneys

and a fellow prisoner toldhim that was his family.

Yosef was processed into the camp

where he received a jacket with a number

and later came face toface with the man known

as the Angel of Death.

- [Yosef's Translator] JosefMengele was personlly selecting

all the boys to work in the Dachau camp.

I wasn't big enough to be selected,

but when Mengele wasn't looking,

I slipped into the older-boys group.

That is the proudest moment of my life,

knowing that I cheated the Angel of Death.

- [Reporter] Yosef wasthe youngest survivor

to be liberated fromDachau by the Americans.

He made his way to Israel where he fought

in the 1948 War ofIndependence and he testified

in the Nuremberg trials.

Now, he's almost 90 and lives in Jerusalem

with his wife.

The years and the physicaltorment of the camps

are catching up to him.

- [Yosef's Translator] I had heart surgery

and lost a lot of weight, my jaw shrank

and my dentures wouldn't fit properly,

causing sores in mymouth and an infection.

It was a nightmare, because I couldn't eat

and it brought back memories

of not having food in the camps.

- [Reporter] Yosef doesn't have much money

and dentures are expensive.

So, CBN Israel bought him a brand new set.

We even got him his favorite snacks

to enjoy with his new teeth.

Thanks to the new dentures,his infections are healed.

He's eating well and recovering quickly,

making him and his wife very happy.

- [Yosef's Translator] I am so grateful

for all that you have done.

It's wonderful to be ableto eat again and be healthy.

- [Reporter] Thanks to CBN Israel donors,

Yosef can enjoy a better quality of life

and that helps keep thetrauma of Auschwitz at bay.

- [Yosef's Translator]It's a great feeling

to know that as I get older,I can look to you for support.

Thank you for everythingthat you have done for me

and other Holocaust survivors.

- Just imagine, Holocaustsurvivors thanking you,

because you cared enough to give,

you cared enough to send someone to them

in their time of need.

That's you if you're amember of the 700 Club.

If you're not a member, join with us,

join in everything we'redoing around the world.

We're helping people in Israel,

we're helping people inAfrica, India, China,

Philippines, Indonesia,throughout Latin America,

you are part of all of itwhen you join the 700 Club.

So, be a part, 1-800-700-7000.

If you're already a member, consider going

to 700 Club Gold, $40 a month,

1000 Club, $1,000 ayear, that's $84 a month.

At whatever level, do it now.

Let's go to Wendy who'sbeen on the phones.

- Gordon, I just talked tothe most delightful lady.

Her name is Pam, she's from Indiana.

She's been a CBN partner for15 years, but guess what?

She wanted to give a specialone-time gift just for telethon

and I told her we so appreciate that.

She also credits her Christianity

to her 90-year old mother, so,

who is still going strong by the way.

So, Pam, thank you so muchand God bless your mom.

Well, what if someonecould hand you a blueprint

for success in life, for satisfying work,

a loving family, and successful finances?

In Pat Robertson's latest book,

you can discover all thatand much more, take a look.

- [Advertiser] Yourlife needs a direction,

a blueprint for success.

In his book, "Ten Laws for Success,"

Pat Robertson draws fromwellspring of wisdom acquired

from a life rooted in God's word.

Discover how to bring yourfamily economic success,

build unity to achieve your goals

and grow in perseveranceto reap its rewards.

Get Pat Robertson's latestbook, "Ten Laws for Success"

and start winning today.

- God loves you and he wants to bless you.

He wants you to win and we want you to win

with Pat's new book,"Ten Laws for Success."

The secrets that governthe success of every person

on the planet.

This is our gift to youwhen you call right now

and say yes, I wanna join the 700 Club.

It's a toll-free number, 1-800-700-7000

or you can log on to

What we're asking you todo is to give $20 a month,

that's just 65 cents a day,to become a CBN partner.

That's all it takes

to help so many hurting people all

over the world and right here at home.

If that sounds likesomething you wanna do,

let me just tell you,you can't out-give God.

So, if you're on thefence and you're saying,

I wanna do it, but hey,I'm a little scared.

Don't be afraid.

God promises if you givewhat's in your hand,

he'll give you what's in his hand

and his hand is a lotbigger, right, Terry?

- Absolutely, well, thisnext story is so troubling:

rats, cockroaches, frogs, snakes,

that's what a single momand her two children had

to live with in theirdilapidated shack in Peru.

But even more dangerous was

the threat of rising flood waters.

(gentle music)

- [Reporter] Diablo andhis sister Chantal live

with their mom in a rentedshack in the middle of

an Amazon tributary in Peru.

Their house, which is supposed to float,

now floods every time it rains.

But it's not just thefloodwater they fear,

this is eight-year old Diablo.

- [Diablo's Translator] We saw big rats,

cockroaches and frogs.

One time, we found adangerous snake in our house

and I got bit on my arm by a rat.

- [Chantal's Translator] I don't like it

when the frogs come in.

I didn't want to live there, because

it always filled with water.

- [Reporter] Moira is a single mom.

She's been forced to raise her kid here,

because her income was solimited after she escaped

from an abusive husband.

- [Moira's Translator] I feel guilty for

the kind of father theyhad, but God is good.

I knew he would provide.

- [Reporter] Finally, theirhouse flooded so badly,

they could no longer live there.

- [Moira's Translator] I had no options.

I couldn't move to the city,because land is so expensive.

I didn't know where to go.

- [Reporter] When Operation Blessing heard

the family was homeless,we gave them some help.

First, we built them a new safer house

that sits high above thewater during flood season.

Then, we gave them furniture and beds,

so Moira and the children no longer have

to sleep on the floor.

- [Moira's Translator]Everything is so beautiful.

I never imagined I could beso excited about anything.

- [Diablo's Translator] I am so happy

that I have a house now.

Thank you to everyone forgiving us a safe place

with no rats and snakes.

- [Chantal's Translator] Myhouse is beautiful, thank you.

- Changing lives, that's whatyou do, 700 Club members.

And we are so grateful to you

for partnering with us in that.

Go to your phone and call right now

if you haven't called yet today,

because this challenge is big and it means

when you call, every dollar you give

will be matched dollar for dollar.

We mean to meet this, so help us.

We have just minutesleft and we're asking you

to be a part of it, Gordon?

- Okay, we're taking the red number down,

Fairmont, West Virginia, 2500Club member increasing, $4200.

And here's another 2500 Club member

in Bismarck, North Dakota, $4200.

That takes us down to 14,000.

Five minutes on the clock.

Be a part of it, callus now, 1-800-700-7000.

Well, Sasha was bulliedat school repeatedly

by a girl named Anastasia.

Then one day, she decidedto invite Anastasia

to her home to watch a cartoon.

And before long, these twogirls became best friends.

- [Reporter] Sasha lovedeverything about going to school,

except for one thing:

a girl named Anastasia who bullied her.

- [Sasha's Translator] She called me names

and wanted to fight.

I was so offended,

but I was also afraid of her.

- [Reporter] Anastasia on the other hand,

believed it was okay topick on smaller girls.

She told us she'd been bullied herself.

- [Anastasia's Translator]I pushed other kids around,

because I wanted them to feel the pain

that I had felt.

- [Reporter] One day,the bullying got so bad,

that Sasha came home crying.

She told her mom everythingthat Anastasia had done to her.

- [Translator] At first,I wanted to run there

and fight for my child, but then Sasha

and I decided to pray for her.

- [Sasha's Translator] My momsuggested that I invite her

to my house where we'llhave a Superbook club.

- [Reporter] At first, Anastasia refused,

but later decided to come.

That day, they watchedthe "Superbook" episode,

"He is Risen!"

- [Anastasia's Translator] When I saw they

were nailing Jesus' hands

to the wood, I felt very sorry for him.

I wanted to save him.

After watching, I prayed andasked Jesus to forgive me.

- [Translator] After weprayed together with her,

we began to see big changes in her life.

- [Anastasia's Translator]Before, I got angry, now,

I don't do that, becauseGod changed my heart.

- [Reporter] Anastasiastopped bullying Sasha

and the two became friends.

- [Sasha's Translator] We play together,

we're good friends now.

- [Anastasia's Translator]The "Superbook" cartoon

changed me, I now knowthat God can help me.

I learned that being kindis better than being mean.

- [Sasha's Translator] I wantto say thank you to everyone

who helped make suchgreat cartoons, thank you.

- And that thank you goes to you if you're

a member of the 700 Club.

There're children all aroundthe world thanking you

for producing, for distributing,

for translating thesewonderful Bible stories.

We got a broadcast map.

I can show you all theplaces where "Superbook"

is currently airing,

broadcast on streaming.

Lot of different waysyou can get "Superbook."

Now, the Superbook App.

It's all made possible,because people like you

cared enough to give, so thank you.

Thank you for what you're doing to train

a whole generation of children worldwide

in the stories of the Bible.

When we do these things, weget incredible results, Terry?

- Well, Omar and Dua are Syrianrefugees living in Jordan.

They're also the parents ofa little girl named Maria.

They had no idea where toturn for the medical help

that Maria needed.

And at one point, they fearedtheir daughter would die.

- [Reporter] Maria'sparents narrowly escaped

the war in Syria and fledto Jordan when she was born.

They felt blessed to have their new baby,

but something wasn't right.

- [Dua's Translator]She wouldn't stop crying

and her diaper was always dry,because she wasn't urinating.

This went on for days and I was so scared,

because I thought that she would die.

- [Omar's Translator] Living as refugees

in Jordan is so hard,

because we are not allowed to have jobs

and I had no money to take mybaby to a doctor for a test

or to pay for an operation.

I didn't know what to do.

- [Reporter] Anotherrefugee told Maria's parents

to take her to Mercy Medical Clinic:

a Christian outreach supportedby Operation Blessing.

The free clinic treatshundreds of Christian refugees

and Muslim refugees likeMaria's family every week.

Doctors discovered aurinary tract obstruction

that needed immediate emergencysurgery at a hospital.

Operation Blessing covered theentire cost of her surgery.

- [Dua's Translator] After the surgery,

Maria became more comfortableand happy for the first time.

Seeing her smile, relieved my worries

and brought us so much joy.

- [Omar's Translator]When the surgery was done

and I saw my daughter's face

and everything was okay, I cried.

It was like a mountain hadbeen lifted off my back.

- [Reporter] Maria ismore than a year old now

and completely healthy.

- [Omar's Translator] I can't describe

how grateful I am for you.

What more could anyone possibly do for me

than to save my daughter's life?

- [Dua's Translator] Thank you so much

for everything you have done.

Without you, my daughter would be dead.

May God give you the abilityto keep helping others in need.

- The life of refugees is so hard

and because of you, we'reable to reach into the lives

of many, many of them everyday.

We say thank you.

Listen, here's some peoplewho are making a difference.

This is Afton, Oklahoma,2500 Club member joining.

And then Elizabeth Town, Kentucky,

a 2500 Club member saying,"I'm giving $3,060."

Thank you to both of you.

- Okay, we're going over thetop on this challenge here.

Locust Grove, Virginia,2500 Club member doubling,

Founder, $5,000.

La Grange, Kentucky, $4,800.

(audience applauding)(Terry clapping)

Tye, Texas, 2500.

(audience applauding)(Terry clapping)

And then right here inVirginia, Quinton, Virginia,

$3,000, someone increasing.

(uplifting music)- [Terry] Thank you.

- All that went into this challenge.

And, I think we're out oftime, but we have a challenge.

And against that you gave $162,000.

(audience applauding)

We leave you with thesewords from Deuteronomy 28,

"All these blessings shallcome upon you and overtake you,

"because you obey the voiceof the Lord your God."

Resolve this year, you will obey

what God tells you to do.

God bless, we'll see you again.

(uplifting music)

(bells jingling)



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