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The 700 Club - January 20, 2020

When Jamal lost his job, he had to work part-time jobs and still couldn’t provide for his family. Then a financial challenge and a step of faith turned into an amazing monthly income. Are you up for the challenge? Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

(dramatic music)

- Welcome to "The 700 Club."

A brazen and unlawful attemptto overturn the 2016 election.

Well, that's how PresidentTrump's defense team

describes the Articles ofImpeachment against him.

- Meanwhile, some senatorssay if the Democrats

have their way on witnesses,

the trial could drag on for months.

Dale Hurd has the lateston the impeachment trial.

- We now have the president'sfirst formal response

to the House's impeachment effort.

In a six-page letter hislegal team has branded it

a poisonous partisanshipand a lawless process.

President Trump blasted the Democrats,

telling a Texas audience hisAdministration has achieved

what no other Administrationhas achieved before.

- And what do I get out of it?

Tell me, I get impeached,that's what I get out of it.

(audience laughing)

By these radical leftlunatics, I get impeached.

- [Dale] A member of thepresident's legal team,

constitutional scholar Alan Dershowitz,

believes the Democrats'case against the president

is basically dead on arrival in the Senate

because the House charged the president

on a non-impeachable offense.

- You have lot of evidence,disputed evidence,

it could go both ways, butthe vote was to impeach

on abuse of power, which is not

within the constitutionalcriteria for impeachment.

- Abuse of power is at the center of

what the framers intended animpeachable offense to be.

- Half of Americanpresidents have been accused

by the political enemiesof abusing their power.

The framers didn't wannahave that kind of criteria

in the Constitution becauseit weaponizes impeachment

for partisan purposes.

- [Dale] While the ideaof instantly dismissing

the impeachment articles is off the table,

Dershowitz says there maybe no need for witnesses

if his opening argument succeeds.

Some Senators say openingthe door to more witnesses

could stretch the trial outto as long as two months.

- I think it's certainly possible

that this trial couldlast one to two weeks.

On the other hand, if theSenate makes a decision

to go down the road ofadditional witnesses,

that could extend it to six,eight weeks or even longer.

So I think there arereally two paths here.

- While Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

is still drafting the ground rules,

GOP Senators are consideringa kill switch option

should the impeachmenttrial spiral out of control.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- Well, the high drama onCapitol Hill starts tomorrow,

Tuesday, at 1:00 PM, and you can tune in

and watch all of theimpeachment and all of the trial

on the CBN News app.

You can download theapp so you can have this

on your tablet, yoursmartphone, your smart TV,

or any of the devices listed

at the bottom, Amazon Fire, Roku.

You can watch the CBN News Chanel.

So do it now and be a part of it.

Well, in other news, Virginia's governor

has declared a state of emergency

as thousands of gun rightsactivists are protesting

at the State Capitol.

Charlene Aaron has more of our top stories

from the CBN News Room, Charlene.

- Gordon, the protestorsare coming to speak out

against state Democrats plans

to pass gun control legislation.

Governor Ralph Northamdeclared a state of emergency

days of ahead of today's rally,

temporarily banning gunsfrom Capitol grounds.

Law enforcement officersare fearful about violence,

with reports that white nationalists

and extreme militia groupsare planning to attend.

Northam and the Democrats proposed several

gun control measures after a mass shooting

at Virginia Beach's municipalbuilding last March.

Gun rights supporters pushed back

against the Democraticbills, moving more than 125

of the state's cities andcounties to call themselves

second amendment sanctuaries.

- Well, freezing temperaturesin the Northeast today

after a major storm swept coast to coast.

At least two people diedand hundreds of miles

of highways were closed.

The storm dumped more thana foot of snow in Minnesota,

more than 1,300 flights were canceled

and temperatures aresupposed to warm up Tuesday,

but there's anothercross country storm set

to hit the Northwestmid-week that promises

to bring more rain and snow tothe Northeast by the weekend.

The stage is set for the Super Bowl.

The Kansas City Chiefs willplay the San Francisco 49'ers

for the NFL Championshipon February 2nd in Miami.

This will be Kansas City'sfirst Super Bowl appearance

in 50 years.

The Chiefs fell 10 pointsbehind early in their game

against the TennesseeTitans, but came back

behind quarterback Patrick Mahomes,

who threw three touchdownpasses and scored

on a dazzling 27 yard runthat put the Chiefs ahead

late in the first half.

The Chiefs went on to win 35 to 24.

Meanwhile, in San Francisco, the 49'ers

were never seriously challenged,

cruising to a 37 to 21 win over Green Bay.

And we'll be back with more

of The 700 Club right after this.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Jamal and Natasha Miller are rock star

millennial entrepreneurs.

They're running a seven figure company.

But just a few years ago theywere living on food stamps.

That's when Jamal hearda message about money

that led to an amazingreversal of fortune.

- [Reporter] In 2011Jamal Miller met Natasha

through Facebook, nine monthslater, the two were married.

And their love story went viral.

The couple startedblogging about their lives

and Christian relationshipthrough their website,

Married and Young.

Meanwhile, Jamal was working in ministry,

but soon got what he thoughtwas a better job offer

in a different part of the country.

- I took a positionsomewhere outside of Chicago.

I left my home church,and within nine months

we knew that we had steppedoutside of God's will.

- [Reporter] The Millersdecided to return to Chicago.

Jamal lined up a new job, butthat one then fell through.

- We hit rock bottom, andI remember at this point

I did not know, I was like,"God, why is this happening?"

- Seeing him struggle,it kind of was like,

okay, what are we gonna do now?

- [Reporter] With no consistent income

and their first child on the way,

Jamal took part-timejobs wherever he could.

- I was driving Uber, driving Lyft.

I would come home, I wouldwork from 8:00 to 1:00,

take a break, and then from 2:00 to 9:00

or 2:00 to 10 every day Iwould work our online business.

- I was actually the one that went

to the state aid office,and feeling ashamed, like,

"God, I know that wedon't have a lot of money,

"but there's people in herethat don't have anything."

- I felt like I was beingstripped of my manhood

and I was not able tofulfill my duties as a man.

- [Reporter] In yearspast Jamal and Natasha

had been faithful tithers,but as their money woes grew,

Jamal decided to cut back on giving.

- It actually shocked me to see my husband

close his heart off to giving.

- Because I was like, "God, not everything

"is picture perfect rightnow, you understand."

- [Reporter] After months of scraping by,

Jamal heard a message from hispastor he knew was for him.

- And he said that, "Many of you need

"to break the spirit of control off of you

"in regards to money."

I was like, "Oh my gosh, this is me."

And his call to action was to sow a seed

of a thousand dollars.

- [Reporter] Thatthousand dollars was half

of the Miller's remaining savings.

Jamal called Natashaand told her he wanted

to give that money to God.

- As I was shocked, I began to see a Jamal

that was filled with faith,and immediately my faith

attached itself to hisfaith, and we did it.

- [Reporter] After givingthe $1,000 to their church,

the Millers recommittedto tithing regularly.

And at that time Jamalprayed an unusual request.

- "God, if you're gonna bespecific about the amount

"of money, I wanna bespecific about my request,

"that I will get an idea,that I will get something

"that will position usas a family to be able

"to create real wealth thatwill last for generations."

- [Reporter] After thatprayer, the Millers say

God directed them torefocus on their website.

- It all came together andwe said, "Let's teach people

"how to truly becomethe one worth marrying

"to where when they meet theirspouse, they will be whole."

- We kind of just beganto really put God back

in the driver's seat, ourprayer life began to increase.

- [Reporter] Their smallblog and video webinars

began getting tons of traffic.

Jamal and Natasha turned Married and Young

into an online ministry program,

and the results have been amazing.

- We went from making aninconsistent amount of money

every month to now making aguaranteed $20,000 every month.

From a course to a conference

and now a full-blown membership site

inspiring thousands ofcouples to truly invest

in themselves before they get married.

- [Reporter] Today, Marriedand Young's ministry

has transformed into the One University.

The Millers have written a book that was

on Amazon's Hot New Releases list.

And they've even beenfeatured in

has rock star millennial entrepreneurs.

Jamal and Natasha, withtheir two daughters,

Harvest and Melody, creditGod for their success

because of theirfaithfulness through giving.

- Tithing has opened up doorsthat man could never open.

The favor that has been released upon us

has been insurmountable.

- This is the way thatwe believe that the Lord

is calling us to change the world.

It's to be extravagant givers.

- You can be an extravagant giver.

God loves a generous soul.

He is generous Himself.

For God so loved the world that He gave.

And when you realize that when you start

that life of giving, that generosity,

you're becoming more and more like Him.

Now, here's Jamal, he'srunning into hard times,

and believe me, this is tough,

when literally you're down to food stamps,

and then he hears a message on tithing

and he realizes, "I'mnot doing it God's way.

"I've withheld, and Ishouldn't live life this way."

He commits himself to tithe,he commits himself first

to make a large gift, and then he commits

to regular giving, and thenhe does something unique.

He says, "God, you'vebeen specific with me

"as to what you want, youwant 10%, you want a tithe,

"now I'm gonna be specific with you

"and I'm going to havesome specific prayers."

His prayers follow the Wordof God, and yours can too.

Here it is from Proverbs chapter 13.

"A good man leaves an inheritance

"to his children's children."

So what Jamal's prayingis he's praying scripture.

He says, "Lord, I wantgenerational wealth.

"I want wealth that will goto my children's children."

And that's a wonderful thing,God wants you to have that.

And then in James chapter one he says

if you need ideas, I'll give them to you.

"If any of you lackwisdom, let him ask of God,

"who gives to all liberally."

And that can also be translated largely.

So here's Jamal, first he says"I want generational wealth,

"I wanna leave an inheritanceto my children's children,"

and then he says, "Lord, I need an idea.

"I need you to show me theway to go, I need wisdom."

When you do the same thingand you pray the same way

you will get the same result.

It starts first withobedience to say, God,

I wanna live life your way.

When you do it His way, that'swhen the blessings come.

Chanel Stewart made one simple change

and then watched her business grow

from having zero clients tobeing forced to turn ones away.

In fact, her financialturnaround was so drastic

even her ex-husband took notice.

- [Reporter] Randall andChanel Stewart married

when he was 18 and she was17 years old and pregnant.

At the time, both wereoptimistic about their future.

- I just felt like,wow, this is my chance.

I'm grown up now, I can start a new life.

But things quickly wentthe other direction.

- [Reporter] Randall joined the Air Force

to provide for their family,

but soon they started havingcommunication problems.

- When Chanel wanted to discuss a matter,

if it angered me, I justwanted to be left alone.

- I believe that both of uscame in with woundedness.

Both have us have fatherwounds and being rejected,

and so we brought thisbaggage into our marriage.

- [Reporter] The couple grew distant.

At times there was physical abuse.

Then in 1993 they filed for divorce.

Chanel became a single mom trying

to make a living as a hairstylist in someone else's salon.

But between that and some other odd jobs,

she struggled to pay the bills.

- I would go in this salon,and sometimes sit six

or seven hours and do no one's hair.

Having my lights get cutoff, I felt horrible.

I felt like I had failedand that I failed in

even the career that I sopursued all those years.

- [Reporter] During thistime she had a co-worker

who was a Christian.

One day Chanel asked togo to church with her.

- I was sick of the life that I had,

and she was like, "Sure,"it was almost like

she was waiting on me to ask her.

- [Reporter] A month later

Chanel surrendered her life to Christ.

She began gettinginvolved in Bible studies,

and she also started tithing.

- By this point and timeI may have been doing

a couple of clients, not even a day.

So if I would have made $25 that day,

I was giving God 10% of that $25.

- [Reporter] Soon afterward Chanel noticed

she was getting more clients.

- My business began to grow.

And then all of a sudden italmost seemed like rapidly.

My business went fromnot doing anyone's hair

to me turning clients away at times.

- [Reporter] Chanel kept in contact

with her ex-husband Randall.

One day he noticed thechange in her business.

- Just seeing Him growher business that quick

just from that act ofobedience was amazing to me.

She just went up to the shop every day,

and so the only thingthat she had changed was

she just started tithing.

- [Reporter] Randall gavehis life to Christ as well

and soon afterward heand Chanel remarried.

Randall started tithing too.

- Baby, you wanna do this or what?

I was like, "Okay, baby,when the check come in,

"just take it off the top."

And God has been faithful.

- [Reporter] Soon the couplesaw even more blessings

in their lives, Randall got a new job.

With that came a 10% salary increase.

They also were able to buy a new home.

- I never had a job wherethey offered me more

than I was already making.

So I just give all the glory to Him.

- I said, "Thank you,Lord" probably on a daily,

because it's amazing to methat He has even allowed us

to obtain the things that we've obtained.

- [Reporter] Chanel isno longer styling hair.

Instead, she can be a stay-at-home mom.

She and Randall are thrivingin every area of their lives.

They encourage others to give in faith

so they can be blessed too.

- God says, "Test me in this and see

"don't I open up the floodgates of heaven

"and pour you out ablessing that you don't have

"room enough to receive."

I know for certain that Hewill move on your behalf

just by that simple step of obedience.

- It's a honor to be obedientto Christ in my giving.

I love it, and it's not justabout the material things,

but it's just an honor to give and to obey

and to serve Christ even in my giving.

- Let Chanel and Randall'sstory inspire you

to realize that when you put God first,

these wonderful things will happen.

Here's Chanel and she'sworking as a hair stylist

and she doesn't have any clients.

The only thing that changesis she starts to tithe

and then the clients start to appear.

It amazes her ex-husband, it amazes her,

and let it amaze you as to what can happen

when you put God first.

Here it is from Proverbs chapter three,

"Honor the Lord with your possessions,

"and with the first fruitsof all your increase

"so you barns will be filled with plenty

"and your vats willoverflow with new wine."

I've got some wonderfulnews from CBN partners

from New Jersey, want tochallenge others to give.

They will match your givingdollar for dollar, $76,000.

Let's pray, Lord, we ask forblessing over this challenge.

We ask for blessing for the partners

who have made it possibleto issue the challenge

and we ask for blessing forthose who respond to it.

Encourage them, Lord God, be with them.

Let them know that you have their future.

We ask it all in Jesus'name, amen and amen.

$76,000 is the challenge amount.

What are we asking you to do?

Well, we're asking youto join The 700 Club.

How much is that?

Well, it's $20 a month,and that breaks out

to 65 cents a day.

Some can join at 700 ClubGold, that's just $40 a month.

1,000 Club is a thousand dollars a year.

That breaks out to $84 a month.

At whatever level, call us right now

and say yes, I wanna be a part of it.

Your giving will beautomatically matched up to

and including $76,000, so callnow 1-800-700-7000, Terry.

- Well I am excited to tell you that

when you join The 700 Clubour way of saying thank you is

to send you Pat Robertson's latest book.

It's called "Ten Laws for Success,

"Keys to Win in Work, Family and Finance."

Here's what actor KevinSorbo has to say about it.

- Hi, I'm Kevin Sorbo,and I wanna tell you

about a phenomenal book that I just read,

"Ten Laws for Success" by Pat Robertson.

I firmly believe itcan transform your life

and the lives of thosethat you care about.

In this book Pat sharesthe supernatural secrets

he's discovered and showsyou the way to a rich

and fulfilling life.

- [Announcer] In the book"Ten Laws for Success"

Pat shares biblical life principles

that can put you on a path to purpose,

fulfillment, and achievement.

Call 1-800-700-7000 or go to

to receive your own copytoday, "Ten Laws for Success."

- This dynamic book isa must read for anyone

who wants to achieve their goals,

build a solid financial foundation,

and grow in their relationship with God.

I highly recommend thatyou get your own copy

of Pat Robertson's latestbook, "Ten Laws for Success."

God bless you.(dramatic music)

- You're not just gonna enjoy the book,

you're gonna be blessed by the book,

because these are biblical principles

that Pat is teaching all of us.

They'll change your life ifyou apply them to your life.

So when you call now and join The 700 Club

at any level we're gonna sendyou "Ten Laws for Success"

as our way of saying thank you, Gordon.

- Millions of Americans areliving paycheck to paycheck.

For a time, Brianna Jaycouldn't even manage that.

Her bank account was overdrawn

and she couldn't afford a decent meal.

But all that changed whenBrianna heard a message

from her pastor, and now she wants

to share that message with you.

- [Reporter] Introducing Brianna Jay.

She's a co-leader of thesingles ministry at her church.

She has a heart formillennials and she uses

her YouTube channel toreach as many as she can.

- I just wanna teachpeople the Word of God

in a way that they've heard it.

I wanna let people know that it's time

to go to another level inyour walk with the Lord.

- [Reporter] Brianna alsoworks as a customer service rep

at a bank, but before she started giving,

she struggled with her finances.

- It was still living lifebroke, paycheck to paycheck.

Not even paycheck to paycheck,paycheck negative account

then paycheck, you know what I mean?

The hardest part was just not being able

to afford groceries, I wouldjust eat Ramen noodles.

And I'd be so grateful if I got to work

and somebody would offer me something.

I would just try not to look so hungry,

you know what I mean?

But yeah, I used to eat Ramennoodles for lunch and dinner.

- [Reporter] Her pastortold her how tithing

blesses others as well as those who give.

- It affected me because I was a leader

at the church at the time,I was over a ministry.

So how I can be overa ministry at a church

and not live what the Bible says?

I decided I needed to start tithing.

- [Reporter] After Briannamade that decision,

she saw immediate blessings.

- I'd been at my job probably a year,

over a year and a half,yes, and I received

four pay raises withouteven being there a year.

My tithe then was $90, and my tithe now

has pretty much doubled, soI'm doing great (laughing).

And I'm not ashamed to say that.

I know that doesn't sound like a lot

to some people watching that,but to me it's everything

to go to over, I'm makingso much more money now,,

and although I haveworked hard and I've done

what I needed to do on myjob, the favor on my life is

what really has done it.

- [Reporter] Whether it'swith her YouTube followers

or just hanging out with afriend, Brianna loves to share

what God is teaching her about giving.

- He's shown me that when you rely on Him,

you could do such more with His hands

than you could do with your own hands.

Now yes, you may be making a lot of money,

you may be making a small amount of money,

whatever it is, God can use it and do

so much more with it than you ever could.

- Here's a promise fromMatthew chapter six.

"Therefore do not worry,saying, What shall we eat,

"or What shall we drinkor What shall we wear?

"For your heavenly Fatherknows that you need

"all these things.

"But seek first the kingdomof God and His righteousness

"and all these thingsshall be added to you."

Here's Brianna, she'sworking in a ministry

and she says, "I need to startapplying God's principles.

"I need to do it God's way."

When she did it His way, wonderful things

started happening to her.

And you can experience the same blessing.

He's no respecter of persons.

What He's done for othersHe will do for you,

because He watches overHis Word to perform it.

We've got a wonderful challenge before us,

let me get the red numberup, we've got 67,000 to go

against a $76,000 challenge.

Call us now and be a part of it.

When you call make sure you're asking

for Pledge Express, that'selectronic monthly giving,

bank doing all the work, and we can send

as our gift to you Power forLife monthly teaching CDs.

So if you'd like those,ask for Pledge Express

when you call or go to,

or you can now text us, text CBN to 71777.

Let's go over to AndrewKnox at the phones, Andrew.

- Thank you so much, Gordon.

Well, it's a new year, and we want you

to make this your best year yet.

Pat Robertson's latest book is called

"The Ten Laws forSuccess," and it's filled

with the winning secretsyou need for your home,

your work, and your life.

- [Pat] These laws can bringblessing beyond comprehension.

- [Announcer] Nowavailable, Pat Robertson's

latest book, "Ten Laws for Success."

- [Pat] And I believe theselaws can transform the nation,

transform organizations,transform you and your family.

- [Announcer] Call 1-800-700-7000,

or go to to receiveyour own copy today.

"Ten Laws for Success,"fundamental principles

of growth for all situationsand for all people,

no matter what your station in life.

End confusion, findanswers, reach your goals.

- [Pat] "Ten Laws forSuccess, Keys to Win in Work,

"Family and Finance."

- [Announcer] Get PatRobertson's latest book,

"Ten Laws for Success,"and start winning today.

Call 1-800-700-7000 or to go

Available now.

- Well, with a start of anew year what better time

than to search out revelations from God

on ways to operate in the kingdom of God.

What truths are revealed through Jesus?

Pat Robertson will let us knowin "The Ten Laws of Success."

We encourage you to get a copy.

You can call 800-700-7000or go to

You might wanna text us aswell, that's another option

to give, text CBN to 71777.

However you decide to become a partner,

you're part of this challenge.

It's a $76,000 challenge.

We would love you to be a part of it.

And for those of you who have called

and become partners with CBN,we wanna thank you so much.

We certainly appreciate all you're doing

for so many around the world.

Give us a call, 800-700-7000.

Terry, over to you.

- When Mrs. Tau's son got sick,

she felt death closing inon him like a black hole.

Her daughter became sick as well.

The entire family wasin danger all because

they had no clean drinking water.

Chau Yen always lookedforward to the rain.

- It makes me happy.

Usually during the dry season I had wait

at least two months to take a shower.

My skin got itchy, I smelledbad, and I felt dirty.

- [Terry] That's becausethe only water Chau Yen

and her family had tobathe with or drink came

from a pond that was hours away.

- There were worms and leaves in it,

and it made all of us sick.

My daughter got so badthat she couldn't sleep.

I remember one time she was rolling around

in her bed sweating, she said, "Mom,

"I have a worm in my stomach."

- [Terry] The bacteria inthe water was even more

of a problem for ChauYen's little brother.

- My son was severelymalnourished, and I was afraid

if my boy kept drinkingthat water he would die.

- [Terry] So the Tau's spent all they had

to buy fresh water for their children.

- I couldn't resist taking a sip,

but I know my brother neededit a lot more than I did.

I hope it's what make him better.

- [Terry] But after threemonths, the fresh water ran out

and the Tau's son ended up in the hospital

with severely inflamed intestines.

- I thought about the bills,about the dirty water,

and about my sick son, I felt cornered.

- I felt death closing in on my son

like a black hole ahead.

- [Terry] Mr. Tau contactedhis village chief,

who put him in touch with CBN.

We quickly paid forthe boy's medical care.

We also made sure that there'dbe no more close calls.

So we built the Taus a cistern

and gave them a water filter.

- You have rescued mychildren from disease.

My son is healthy, hecan drink clean water,

and I don't have to worryabout his intestines

getting infected anymore.

- Now we don't have to worryabout being dirty and sick.

No more showers in the cold rain.

I love this water.

- I learned it was Godwho helped us through CBN.

He gave us hope and new life through you.

- Often when people aregiven clean drinking water

they ask if there's sugar in it

because it tastes sosweet to them compared to

what they have to drinkwhen they can only go

to dirty swamps and rivers and streams.

We say thank you,everybody needs cleanwater

to be able to survive.

700 Club members, you'redoing that regularly.

Join The 700 Club, 65 cents a day,

$20 a month makes you a member.

If you're already a member,go up to the next Club level

because you can make atremendous difference.

When we all do as much as we can,

we can touch and change the world

with the love of Christin very practical ways.

Our number is toll free,it's so easy to do this.

You call 1-800-700-7000 and just say

I wanna join The 700 Club, Gordon.

- All right, one yearafter a Cat-5 hurricane

flooded their home, Micah and Courtney

still can't live in it.

Even worse, insurancewon't pay another cent.

This hard-working militaryfamily didn't know

where they were going toget the money to rebuild,

until they got a hand upfrom Helping the Homefront.

- [Reporter] Special opsmedic Micah has seen his share

of combat on thebattlefield in Afghanistan.

His wife Courtney is extremely proud

of her husband'sdecorated military career.

- It definitely takes a specialperson to be willing to go

knowing I might not come home.

Yeah, I'm definitely veryproud of what he did.

- [Reporter] In October 2018the family faced a war zone

at their own home whencategory five hurricane Michael

pummeled Panama City, Florida.

Floodwaters rose to theceiling of their house,

destroying everythingexcept the home's framework.

- You think it's gonna be a couple months

and they'll get you back in your house,

but as you can see, down to the studs.

So did not expect this.

- [Reporter] In fact,it's been nearly a year

since the family of five evacuated.

They've been living in this30-foot camper ever since.

- There's been some real trying times

where God has really had to work on us

and teach us some hard life lessons

and teach us to lean on Him

when we're pretty much out of strength.

- [Reporter] Then another blow

to an already difficult situation.

Their insurance companytold them their policy

had reached its limit and the family

would be responsible forthe remaining repairs

that would costs thousands of dollars,

money they didn't have.

Their pastor, AndyLambert, asked them over

to get an update on the situation.

- Insurance company is nowlooking at our claim saying,

"You guys are completely maxed out.

"There is no more money to give you guys

"to replace that brick.

"There is no more money to give you guys

"to replace the electrical."

- I have no idea where it's coming from.

I do know that we servea big God and a good God,

and I know, I know that He will, He'll,

He will supply it, He will.

- [Reporter] The coupledidn't know that Pastor Andy

with First Baptist Church Panama City

had already contacted CBN'sHelping the Homefront.

- This organization,Helping the Homefront,

is gonna step in and they're gonna pay

for the electrical work thatyou haven't been able to do.

- Awesome, thank you.- Wow, thank you.

- They're gonna take it one step further

and they're gonna takecare of that brickwork

so it can be done right.

I mean, you brought upa pretty big number.

- Thank you.

- Very grateful, we had no idea

where it was gonna come from.

Oh man, very thankful.

- Yeah, Helping the Homefronthas been an organization

that really, it does representthe body of Christ caring

for military and veterans whoare in dire circumstances.

- Yeah, thank you.- Thank you very much.

- [Reporter] A few weekslater contractors started

on the work the coupleinitially couldn't afford.

- CBN providing this is definitely

something I did not expect at all.

I'm very thankful that there are people

who are willing to come alongside CBN

and be partners with them togive other military members

and veterans gifts like this.

This is such a great, such a great gift.

- You can be a part ofit, you can be a part

of Helping the Homefront, which is helping

active duty military families.

You can be part of Orphan's Promise,

which is helping orphansin over 50 countries

around the world.

You can be part ofSuperbook, which is preaching

the gospel to children, sharingthe stories of the Bible.

You can be part of CBN International,

which is also preaching thegospel doing testimony shows

and praying in their local language.

You can be a part of all of it, how?

Join The 700 Club, bea part, 1-800-700-7000.

Say yes, I wanna join.

It's just $20 a month,that's 65 cents a day.

When you call, ask for Pledge Express,

that's electronic monthly giving.

The bank is doing all the work.

And we can send as ourgift to you Power for Life

monthly teaching CDs,so if you'd like those,

ask for Pledge Express when you call.

Let's go to Wendy at the phones, Wendy.

- Thanks, Gordon.

If you wanna build a home, a factory,

or the next wonder of the world,

you'll need to startwith a blueprint, right?

Well, if you wanna build a life filled

with unprecedentedsuccess, you'll need this,

Pat Robertson's latest book.

- [Announcer] Your life needs a direction,

a blueprint for success.

In his book, "Ten Laws for Success,"

Pat Robertson draws froma wellspring of wisdom

acquired from a life rooted in God's Word.

Discover how to bring yourfamily economic success,

build unity to achieve your goals,

and grow in perseveranceto reap its rewards.

Get Pat Robertson's latestbook, "Ten Laws for Success,"

and start winning today.

- You know, God loves you,He wants you to have success.

He wants you to win,and we wanna bless you

with Pat's new teachingcalled "Ten Laws for Success,"

the secrets that govern the success

of every person on the planet.

This could be an amazingyear, a turnaround year,

and I believe God wantsto move in your life

in unprecedented ways, but youneed to take a step of faith.

This book will help you getthere, "Ten Laws for Success."

The best part is theseare the words of Jesus.

This is not just manmade wisdom.

This is not your average self-help book.

These are the laws that Jesus wrote about

in the Bible and Pat breaksthem down beautifully.

We want you to have it, it'syours when you call right now

and just say yes, Iwanna join The 700 Club.

1-800-700-7000, or youcan log on to

It's just 65 cents a day,yep, I'm not kidding,

65 cents a day, $20 amonth is all it takes

to become a CBN partner and to help

so many hurting people all over the world

and right here at home.

We're in the middle ofa $76,000 challenge,

21 minutes left on the clock.

Every dollar that you pledge right now

will be matched dollar for dollar.

And remember, as I alwayssay, you can't out give God.

Please take that step of faith.

I know some of you are saying right now,

"I really wanna do this,Wendy, but I'm afraid."

Don't be afraid, kick fear to the curb.

This is your year, go to yourphones right now, Gordon.

- All right, I've got some wonderful news.

Some partners from Illinois and Indiana

are joining together adding$50,000 to the challenge.

That takes us up to 126, and let's pray.

Lord, we ask for blessing for the partners

who made it possible toincrease this challenge,

and ask for the blessingthat comes from you,

that 30, 60, hundred fold increase.

Bless your people, Lord, for we ask it all

in Jesus' name, amen and amen.

126,000 is the challenge amount.

That read number is now big, 74,000

with 20 minutes and 20 seconds to go.

Call us right now, 1-800-700-7000.

More than a third ofmillennials are living

with their parents, mainly because

they can't afford to live on their own.

But not Jordan and Erin Zitoun.

They're already successfulreal estate brokers

who never worry about adownturn in the market.

That's because they'vediscovered a financial strategy

that has multiplied their profits.

- [Reporter] Jordan and ErinZitoun work hard and play hard.

They stay fit, love a good meal,

and like many millennials,they go online a lot

and stay connected through social media.

But both admit they need to be careful

because it's easy to getsucked into a selfie mindset.

- There's just a lot ofpeople just trying to get

and gather and absorb as much as they can

for self interest and tolook good as far as outfits

or where they live or what car they drive.

Everyone's hyper competitive

and everyone's trying to get ahead.

- [Reporter] The Zitoun's try hard

to stay focused on other things.

- We prioritized whenwe first got married,

God is number one andthen family number two

and then our jobs and career number three.

- [Reporter] And whilethey're very successful

real estate brokers,their goal isn't to build

a big bank account so theycan buy things for themselves.

Instead, they choose toinvest in promoting God

and giving to others.

- I believe that's whatthe Lord put me here for.

- [Reporter] The Zitoun'stithe to their church

and are CBN partners.

They increase their givingto CBN on a regular basis.

- I made a covenant inmy heart with the Lord

that I would give 5% more a year.

And in doing that it waskind of a step of faith

and I realized He really is my provider,

so I can trust Him withthese extra little bits

every month and every year.

- [Reporter] Since giving more,they've seen their profits

consistently increasefor the past six years.

Jordan and Erin credittheir success to God

and encourage others to put God first

in their lives and give.

- We're not any differentor any more special

than the guy next to us.

I think we've just found thiskey to the kingdom in a way

to partner with God and whatHe's doing on the earth.

- I think it's about yourheart posture towards the Lord

and towards the thingthat you're giving to.

- [Reporter] The Zitoun'sespecially like giving to CBN

because of how CBN uses social media

to share stories of God's love.

- I repost them on my Facebook,

and it's just a nice toolthat the Lord's using nowadays

to plant seeds in peopleand just reach out to them.

- I just know in my life that the Lord,

He's filled me with thislove and His Spirit,

and it just makes me come alive.

I know that God reallyis everything in life,

and so if I can partner with God

in bringing that samemessage to millions of people

across the world throughwhat CBN is doing,

then what an amazingopportunity and a privilege.

I would encourage othersto be partners with CBN

because it really has broughtso much blessing to our life.

There's honestly no betterorganization out there

to give to as far as Christian ministries.

- Join with us, join ineverything we're doing

around the world, go tothe phone and call us.

1-800-700-7000, say yes,I wanna join The 700 Club.

If you're already a 700 Club member,

consider going to 700Club Gold, $40 a month.

Thousand Club, a thousand dollars a year.

2,500 Club is 2,500 year.

And then Founder, 5,000 or more a year.

At whatever level, yourgiving's automatically matched

because we're in a wonderful challenge.

That red number is coming down.

Here from, Marlow, Oklahoma,here's a Thousand Club member

going to 4,800, they'redoubling their giving this year.

And that is wonderful.

- That is wonderful, thisis Lititz, Pennsylvania,

someone going up, increasingto $2,700 a month.

Thank you, appreciate that.

Well, we want you to meet Brenda.

She is a mother to 90 orphans in Uganda.

She was once an orphanherself living on the streets.

So when Brenda was diagnosed with cancer,

she worried about what wouldbecome of her children.

But not anymore, thanksto Orphan's Promise.

- As the rain falls in Uganda,

Brenda and her 90 childrentake shelter in their new home.

Orphan's Promise helped them move here

after their previous landlordgave them an eviction notice.

- The old house was really run down.

The landlord was a Muslim and didn't like

that we were praying andsinging gospel songs.

At times we only had one meal each day,

or nothing at all.

- [Terry] Brenda was used tohaving hardship in her life.

When she was young shelost both her parents

and lived on the streets.

- I don't want any child to go through

what I went through.

- [Terry] With the helpof Orphan's Promise,

Brenda provides childrenhere with a safe home,

three meals per day, and anopportunity to get an education.

- Seeing them happy brings me so much joy.

On Sundays we sit under the tree

and talk about God's goodnessand what He has done for us.

- [Terry] All of thewonderful work Brenda does

almost came to an end whenshe got breast cancer.

- I had painful headaches andfelt sick most of the time.

When the doctors told me I had cancer,

I didn't even know what that was.

They said I needed immediate surgery,

but there was no way I could afford it.

- [Terry] When we learnedabout Brenda's illness,

we covered all her medical bills,

including multiplesurgeries and chemotherapy

and radiation treatment.

Today she is cancer free.

- Nothing is impossible for God.

Because you saved mylife, you saved the lives

of all my children too.

Without you they'd allbe back on the streets

and have no one to take care of them.

Now I can give them a life I never had.

Thank you, CBN, andthank you CBN partners.

May God bless all of you abundantly.

- [All] Thank you, CBN!

- That thank you goes toyou, 700 Club members,

because you savedBrenda's life, literally.

And today her home andher children are secure

and happy and filled with hope.

We're asking you to make that possible

for people all over the world,

meeting their needswhatever they might be.

Also right here at home.

You do that by callingour toll free number.

Join The 700 Club now, 1-800-700-7000.

And by the way, we're in themiddle of this challenge.

That means every dollar you pledge

will be matched dollar for dollar.

But here's another way thatyou can make your giving

go twice as far, and thatis by using Pledge Express.

It's electronic monthly giving.

It means your bank does all the work.

You have no hassle, don't have to remember

to have stamps or envelopes onhand, it's all done for you.

You can stop it when you want to,

but it does save someadministrative costs for us

so we can put even more of your gift

into the lives of people likeBrenda, making a difference.

We're gonna say thank youfor using Pledge Express

by sending you a Power for Life teaching.

You'll get one every month,and we think you'll love it.

So call now, say Iwanna join The 700 Club,

and I wanna do it usingPledge Express, Gordon.

- After her husband wasrandomly gunned down

while deliveringnewspapers, Corey was forced

to choose between paying the electric bill

or buying groceries.

- [Reporter] Corey York and her son Hunter

share a special bond.

- He's smart, he's polite,he's not afraid of life.

Even those he's a fighter, he's kind.

- [Reporter] Corey and Hunter have been

through a lot together.

Corey became a single momafter losing her husband

in a drive-by shooting.

- They emptied the clip into his vehicle

while he was throwing the newspaper

to supplement our income.

- [Reporter] After her husband died,

Corey found a job manufacturingairplane and auto parts,

getting up every morningat 3:00 to go to work.

Even with the steady income,she found herself choosing

between buying groceries orpaying the electric bill.

- Yeah, I'm working, butbased on what you get

as an income as a single parent and having

to run a household, Ididn't have anything.

- [Reporter] On top ofthe financial struggle,

Corey knew she needed emotionaland spiritual support.

- You're trying to graspfor anything that you can

to hold onto, and it'slike, there's nothing else.

I need a mentor, I need toget plugged in somewhere,

I don't know.

- [Reporter] Then Corey foundout about Operation Blessing

partner Hill Country Daily Bread.

- It really is a blessing in a box.

You're gonna get some frozen meat.

You do get rice or you're gonna get pasta.

It lasts, you know, youcan make a full meal

and feel normal and feelfull and feel content.

Have a breath of justsaying, okay, we can eat,

now we can pay electricity.

- [Reporter] Corey alsofound a faith-based mentor

she so desperately needed.

- As soon as I met Lilyit was instantaneously,

"Let's pray, what you got going on?"

- [Reporter] MinistryDirector Agnes Hubbard says

the work they do wouldn't be possible

without the support of Operation Blessing.

- The partnership that we have

with Operation Blessing is vital.

we match the spiritual, the relational,

and the resources together to form this

sort of envelope of carearound people in need.

- It makes a huge differencein a single mom's household

to have a stable, reliableplate on the table

and be thankful for that.

- We couldn't affordto do what we do today

without Operation Blessing.

So please give, give generously.

It directly impacts the life of people

in the United States, all over.

- Don't hesitate, thereturn is astronomical.

Thank you, just to hear that people

actually really wanna helpother people, it's awesome.

- To hear that peopleactually wanna help people,

what a strange world we live in.

But realize that Christiansare known for their generosity.

They're known for helping,they're known for giving.

And I believe in the gospel of generosity.

God wants us to be generous.

He was generous, He gave themost precious thing to us,

His only begotten Son.

Now, you can give without loving,

but you can't love without giving.

And when you show your love very tangibly

to say here, we want to help you.

If you've got more month than money

and you're lackinggroceries, we wanna help.

That's what Operation Blessing does,

and we do it every single day,

every single week, every single month.

We're shipping truckloadsof food to food pantries,

to ministries, to churches,so that they can help people

in real need that don'thave food on the table.

We wanna be there for them.

You're a part of that,and you make that possible

when you join The 700 Club.

If you're not a member,call us, 1-800-700-7000.

Say yes, I wanna join.

Let's go to Andrew at the phones, Andrew.

- Thank you, Gordon.

Do you want more successin your workplace,

in your relationships, evenyour financial investments?

We'll show you how toget all of that and more

in Pat Robertson's latest book,the "Ten Laws for Success."

- [Announcer] A dynamic newbook from Pat Robertson,

"Ten Laws for Success,"keys to win in work,

family, and finance.

- [Pat] I believe these lawscan transform the nation,

transform organizations,transform you and your family.

- [Announcer] Learn how to growin your skills and talents,

the connection betweenservice and greatness,

the incredible power ofunity, and much more.

Get Pat Robertson's "Ten Laws for Success"

and start winning today.

- One of the reasons Ilove this book so much is

the kingdom of God isoften counterintuitive

to the way we think we need to operate

in our relationships, our workplace,

setting goals and dreams andthen reaching accomplishments.

A lot of times our fleshwants to operate one way

and Jesus says, "No, the kingdomof God operates this way.

"This is the way to achievesuccess in the kingdom of God."

Pat Robertson breaksall that down for you.

It's yours as a gift whenyou join The 700 Club.

But, of course, the greatestgift will be knowing

you are helping people around the world

by being a CBN partner.

There's many ways you can joininto this great challenge.

You can give us a call, 800-700-7000.

Or you can visit ourwebsite,

Or perhaps the easiestway, text CBN to 71777.

However you do so, we havea great challenge going on,

$126,000, we would lovefor you to be a part.

And for those of youhave partnered with us,

we thank you so much, we greatlyappreciate all you've done.

And maybe this is the dayyou're a 700 Club member

and you say it's timeto increase my giving

to 700 Club Gold, that's $40 a month.

And, of course, we will rushout Pat Robertson's new book.

Give us a call, 800-700-7000, Terry.

- When you join The 700Club, you are literally

helping people all over the world,

like a little boy fromTanzania named Alia.

He wasn't able to run and play

like the other children in his village.

In fact, he could barely even walk.

- [Reporter] Alia is a happy little boy,

but walking has always been a struggle.

- When he was a baby,his legs were bowed out.

We thought he would outgrowit, but as he got older,

it became worse.

With every step he takes, he is in pain.

- [Reporter] He often watches hopelessly

as other children play and run around.

- He cry out, "Come backand play where I am."

He knows he is not like them.

He point to his legs and ask, "When will I

"be able to walk and run like they do?"

The hospital told us he needed surgery,

but there was no way we could afford it.

There were days I went inside the house,

locked myself in, and criedout to God to help my son.

- [Reporter] When his momlearned about Plaster House,

a ministry supportedby Operation Blessing,

she reached out to us.

We visited their homeand soon arranged for him

to get the surgery he needed.

- One of the many benefits ofhim getting this surgery now

when he's so young,it'll heal really well,

and pretty soon he's gonnabe able to go to school

without anybody ever teasing him,

nobody giving him a hardtime, and he'll be able

to run around and playwith all the other kids.

- [Mother] I knew Godwould hear my prayers.

- [Reporter] After a successful surgery,

Alia and his mom went toPlaster House for his recovery.

Now that the casts areremoved, he's up and running.

- The day his casts cameoff, he was very excited

and wanted to walk immediately.

All his pain is gone,now every time he sees

other kids playing, heruns to them to play.

Surely it is God, He blessedyou so you can bless us.

Thank you, may God continue to bless you

so more mothers andchildren may be helped.

- This precious boy'slife is forever changed

by your generosity, helpus do that for others.

Call our toll free numberright now, 1-800-700-7000.

Say you wanna join The 700 Club.

If you're willing, do itthrough Pledge Express

and make your giving goas far as it possibly can.

You are making a difference in the lives

of other people, Gordon.

- All right, we're hearingfrom Lubbock, Texas,

a Thousand Club member saying,"I wanna increase this year,

"I'm going to $2,500."

That takes us down to 4,000,we wanna go way over the top

on a $126,000 challenge.

Be a part of it, take that rednumber all the way to green.


Jason and Rachel needall the help they can get

raising four boys, especially at bedtime.

That's why they like Superbook so much.

At the end of the day thewhole family winds down

with a Superbook episode chosen by the boy

who's the first to shower,put on his pajamas,

and then brush his teeth.

- [Reporter] Jason andRachel Oyer have four boys,

so life happens at warp speed.

But there's one thing that Samuel, Levi,

Benjamin, and Matt willsit still for, Superbook.

- They're the ones who werelike, "We love Superbook.

"It's awesome."

- Bedtime routine candefinitely be crazy at times,

but one thing that we havebeen doing for a while is

whoever brush your teethand put their pajamas on,

taken their shower, the first one down

would be able to pickthe Superbook episode.

- We could just unwindall together from crazy.

I wanna end the day well with my kids.

This is the last thingthey're gonna think about

before they go to sleep.

- [Reporter] The boys, rangingin age from four to 10,

are eager to tell you abouttheir favorite episodes.

- I talk a lot about Elijahand the prophets of Baal.

All the rest of the prophetswere worshiping Baal,

but Elijah, he was trying tomake everyone worship to God.

God made a fiery pitand it blast wide open.

It was super good.

- I learned that God loves us so much

that it also makes me feel like I want

to be a missionary when I grow up

because of all the peoplethat don't know God.

- [Reporter] Rachel homeschools all of her sons,

and Superbook is a vitaltool for teaching them

life-changing spiritual principles.

- It's something that canchange their daily life.

You want them to be able tostand up to peer pressure

and not give in to something you know

is a bad choice for them.

When difficult things happen,to be able to push through

and not to give up.

Superbook brings allthose things together.

- It's just nice to havesomebody on your team with you

who wants you to succeed.

They want you to raise yourchildren to know Christ.

- You can be a part of takingthe stories of the Bible

to the children of theworld, that wonderful family,

all because you cared enough to give.

If that's you, call usnow, 1-800-700-7000.

We wanna go way over thetop on this challenge.

We've got less than two minutes to go.

Call and be a part of it.

Here, Taneytown, Maryland,2,500 Club member saying

"I wanna give more, 3,300."

And then Kewaunee, Wisconsin,a Thousand Club member

going to $4,000, thattakes a green number.

We've got a green numbernow, 14,000 above that 126.

We wanna take it evenhigher, give us a call.

1-800-700-7000, Terry.

- When you support CBN,you're answering prayers

from people that you've never met,

like this family in Cambodia.

They prayed for a safe andsturdy home, and they got one,

thanks to viewers like you.

Vanna is a widow from Cambodia.

She lived in a tiny thatched hut

with her two year olddaughter and her mom,

who's also a widow.

One day a typhoon hit.

- There was a storm and the wind blow

a big part of the roof away.

Vanna works in the ricefields to earn a little money

for food, but repairing the house

and the roof was not possible.

- Whenever it rained, the water poured in.

Sometimes we got sick fromthe leaky walls and roof.

- [Terry] Vanna andher mom are Christians,

so they prayed that God would help them.

Their pastor reached outto CBN's Orphan's Promise.

We quickly provided thefunds to build a new house

for them to live in.

- It has sturdy walls and a door.

We never had that before.

And the roof doesn't leak or blow away.

- God answered my prayer.

- Thank you all for helping us.

I feel so much moresecure, we are so grateful.

- Making a difference iswhat 700 Club members do.

Here's someone fromMartinsburg, Pennsylvania,

lifting from the ThousandClub to the 2,500 Club.

Thank you, and from Timonia, Maryland,

2,500 Club member saying,"I'm going up to 3,000."

Thank you.

- I've got Manchester, Tennessee, 3,300

and then Huntsville, Alabama, 3,900.

Green number's way up,126,000 against that,

and you gave 159, we got another one.

Franklin, Tennessee, 2,500.

Dotswell, Virginia, 2,500.

God bless you, we'llsee you again tomorrow.



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