Does unrest in Iran signal beginning of the end for the Islamic regime? Plus Scott Ross visits 1st century town of Magdala and synagogue where many believe Jesus preached; and Passages - Christian students visit Israel for a life changing experience.
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(horn blows)
- This week on Jerusalem Dateline.
Major unrest in Iran as many are asking
if this could be the beginningof the end for the regime.
We'll discuss that possibilitywith our CBN News team.
Plus, Scott Ross looksat the first century town
of Magdala and the synagogue
where many believed Jesus preached.
And Passages, Christianstudents come to Israel
for a life changing experience.
All this and more thisweek on Jerusalem Dateline.
(dramatic music)
Hello and welcome to thisedition of Jerusalem Dateline,
I'm Chris Mitchell.
While Washington debates thekilling of Qasem Soleimani,
Iranians are risking their lives
as they cry out for freedom.
Throughout Iran tens ofthousands of Iranians
have taken to the streets to protest
against the Iranian regime.
Some believe the public demonstrations
represent a historic threat
to the 40 year Islamic Republic of Iran.
Here's a look at someof the demonstrations,
what these Iranians are saying.
From Tehran to Isfahan to Hamadan,
Iranians defied their government
and called for it's end.
In Tehran, crowds shoutedfor Iran's Supreme Leader,
Ayatollah Khamenei to step down.
This crowd chanted, dictator,
Iranian Revolutionary GuardCorp you are our ISIS.
The defiance comes just days after Iran
buried it's number twoleader Qasem Soleimani.
Now his posters are beingtorn down in the streets,
taken down from walls.
At Amirkabir University in Tehran,
hundreds of students refused to step
on the American and Israeli flags
and shouted at those who did.
President Trump tweeteddirectly to the leaders of Iran
in both Farsi and English.
"To the leaders of Iran, donot kill your protestors.
Thousands have already beenkilled or imprisoned by you
and the world is watching.
More importantly the USA is watching."
Middle East expert, Walid Phares tweeted
that Trump's message was the equivalent
of President RonaldReagan's telling Gorbachev
to tear down this wall.
But the protestors risked their lives.
These videos show somepeople have been shot
during these protests.
A few months ago, Iranian authorities
killed 1500 Iranians who protested.
- The Iranian populousis very much dissatisfied
with the Iranian regime saying
how come you are ignoringthe 1500 that died
but yet you're mourning this individual,
a person who probablyhad direct involvements
in killing those 1500?
- [Chris] The protests come after Iran
finally admitted it accidentally shot down
a Ukrainian airlinerwith 176 people on board.
For days, Iranianofficials denied any blame
for the tragedy.
In Washington, Democrats are scrambling
to reign in President Trumpwith a war powers resolution
and question theadministration's intelligence
that led to Soleimani's killing.
National Security Advisor Robert O'Brian
defended the President's decision.
- We had exquisite intelligence
and the intelligence showedthat they were looking
at U.S. facilities throughout the region.
(dramatic music)
- In the wake of the killing of Soleimani,
many people are looking atimportance of his legacy.
Many Shi'ite militia groupspoised for military action
through the Middle East.
One researcher has spentyears studying these groups
and has an important messageto the West and the U.S.
Phillip Smyth created theShia Militia Mapping Project
an exhaustive research effortidentifying Iranian backed
Shi'ite militiasthroughout the Middle East.
He says they're anextension of Iranian power.
- They are the spearpoint for the Iranians.
Now we talk about their nuclear weapon
and the nuclear threatthat's coming out of Iran
but this is the real nuclearweapon on the ground.
This is what affects change in the region.
This is what's kept dictators in power
that the Iranians have wanted,for instance, Bashar Assad,
it's the Shia militias that support him.
How do they controlLebanon, Lebanese Hezbollah.
- [Chris] Smyth says QasemSoleimani masterminded
these states within states
and wove them throughout the region
from Iran to Lebanon.
- But he was a guy on the ground who knew
how to build relationshipsand not just that
what made him very importantwas how he was able
to delegate to other commanders.
He knew who the right people were,
who was going to be ideological loyal,
who could be financially loyal.
- [Chris] These militia groups number
as many as 200,000 and pose a threat
to America's number one allyin the Middle East, Israel.
- A massive one, thisis the tip of the spear
for the Iranians in termsof fighting the Israelis.
- [Chris] He says Americans should know
about these groups and care.
- Well, we should carebecause these groups
have been consistentlythreatening the United States
and it's interest in the region.
And ideologically theyhold that the United States
needs to not only be out of the region
but religiously speakingthey view the United States
as what they call (speaksin foreign language),
or the greatest Satan.
And that's a true belief that many
of the hardcore ideolians hold.
That means they wantto take American lives
when they view it asstrategically advantageous.
- [Chris] Based on Smyth's research,
it's clear America, Israel and the West
will be dealing with the Shia groups
throughout the Middle Eastfor the forseeable future.
(dramatic music)
Up next, CBN News Senior Correspondents
discuss the current stateof Iran and it's future.
- [Narrator] Roman soldiersdestroyed the Second Temple
of Jerusalem, centuriesof eyewitnesses say
the Temple treasuressurvived but where are they?
(dramatic music)
- [Woman] They wentfrom Jerusalem to Rome,
Rome to Carthage, Carthage to Byzantium.
- Historians are silent aboutwhat happened to it next.
(dramatic music)
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(dramatic music)
(upbeat music)
- [Wendy] Nigerian Christians are being
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(dramatic music)
- With crippling sanctionsand Iranians protesting
in the streets, could this be the moment
the Iranian regime will fall?
Here's one perspective from Reza Pahlavi
son of the former Shah of Iran.
(dramatic music)
- I think people smell the opportunity
for the first time in 40 years this time,
very different than 2009,even very different from 1997.
The people have had it.
Today's generation of youngIranians cannot take it anymore.
They wanna have an opportunityfor a better future,
they want to be in the pastof modernity and freedom.
The only thing that standsbetween them and the free world
is this regime.
- To discuss more about Iran,
I talk with CBN's SeniorInternational Correspondents,
Gary Lane and George Thomasfrom our CBN News headquarters.
(dramatic music)
- George and Gary thanksso much for joining us
on Jerusalem Dateline.
Gary, first to you, are weseeing an unprecedented protest
there in Iran and could thisbe the beginning of the end
of the Islamic regime?
- Well, Chris I thinkthat's wishful thinking
on the part of many people but in reality
we never thought theBerlin Wall would come down
and I was in Berlin when that happened,
at the time we didn'trealize what was happening.
So could this be thatmoment, it may be up to God
but also a lot of other factors.
Iran is a mess right now economically.
If you look at unemployment, young people,
between the ages of 15 and 24,
it's approaching 30%unemployment for that age group.
Inflation is over 12% and then also
you have the averageIranian's only making $10,000
for their household income
and they're fed up with this regime.
And one of the reasonsis because of corruption.
But people are fed up,they're saying look,
this is a corrupt regime,there's a lot of corruption
and the shooting downof that aircraft liner
that had 82 Iranians on board,
that was the last strawand we've seen these people
out in the streets.
As you say, Chris, unprecedented,
will it lead to a collapse of the regime,
we'll have to wait and see.
- Yeah, George, to you, Garyreferred to President Reagan
when he said Mr. Gorbachevtear down this wall,
the Berlin Wall did fall,what are you hearing
and seeing from inside Iran right now?
- There is an unprecedentedlevel of depression.
This has been an issuethat's been going on
for quite some time.
Some would say for 40years because they realize
what life was like beforethe ruling Ayatollahs
came into power in 1979
but so much has changedin the last 40 years
and it's become morepronounced, I would say
in the last five, six years,
especially in the last three years
as the Trump administration continues
to put the screws, theeconomic, political screws
on the country
but there is a widespreadlevel of depression.
They feel so hopeless about the future,
people are not, theydon't have money to spend,
they don't have enoughmedicine to go to the hospital,
to care for their loved ones who are ill,
they don't have basiccommodities, basic supplies
like oil, flour, other, bread,the sort of basic things
that people take for granted.
So there's this unprecedentedlevel of uncertainty.
- Yeah, Gary you referredto the Berlin Wall.
Many people didn't thinkthat was gonna come down.
Now if the Islamic regime did fall,
are there any viable alternativesto the regime right now?
- Well, one person thatpeople in the West are pushing
is Reza Pahlavi and RezaPahlavi, the 59 year old son
of the late Shah who wasoverthrown of course,
late Shah overthrown in theIslamic Revolution in 1979.
So many people are looking to him
but especially the olderIranians who remember
as George said what lifewas like under the Shah,
it was much better.
- As it does say is thathe made it very clear,
clerics called us weak.
At the Hudson Institutehe said it was time
to stop negotiating with theruling clerics in Tehran.
That it was time the UnitedStates support the people.
So it's all about supporting the people
and allowing the peopleto rise up from within.
So that was a very clearcall by Reza Pahlavi.
- And the thing about that Chris is
he's talking about regime change
and that's one thing that President Trump
has never said that theU.S. intended to do,
he wanted to see behavioral change
from the Iranian governmentnot regime change,
so maybe behind the scenesthey're rethinking that policy.
- Well, George and Gary,there's an unprecedented revival
going on inside Iran right now.
You've reported on that, George,a question to both of you
in our last minute here, howimportant is prayer right now
to the people of Iran?
Gary, first to you.- Yeah, go ahead Gary.
- It's extremely important,because we see through prayer
that there is change.
As I said earlier, we neverthought the Berlin Wall
would come down but Christianswere involved in that,
there were people in Poland that were part
of solidarity the solidaritymovement in the Church,
the Catholic Churchwas very much involved.
People praying and wesaw that wall come down.
There's power in prayer, yesit can make a difference.
- Go ahead George.
- I was just in Ukraine this past week
a satellite province ofthe former Soviet Union
and the believers I spoke to there
said they never expected it,
they never thought it would ever happen
but behind the scenes, they were praying,
they were praying for 80years, it took a long time
but they believed prayer was the catalyst
that brought down the Berlin Wall
and you can believe itand you reported on it
inside Iran along the wallsof this beautiful nation,
underground believers arepraying for the Holy Spirit
to come and invade their nation
and that there would bea transformative change
in that country.
(dramatic music)
- [Chris] Up next, takea look with Scott Ross
at one of the most importantarcheological finds
in recent history, thefirst century synagogue
where many believe Jesus preached.
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(dramatic music)
- What started as a visionto build a guest house
for pilgrims coming to the Galilee
took an entirely different direction.
After breaking ground,the project turned into
an extensive archeological site
providing a colorful picture of life
at the time of Jesus.
CBN's Scott Ross takes us to Magdala,
the city many believe wasthe home of Mary Magdalene.
- [Scott] Located on the western shore,
the Sea of Galilee,Magdala sits at a crossroad
of Jewish and Christian history.
- Magdala is very significant already
just in general culture oneof the most known figures
of Christian discipleshipis Mary of Magdala.
What's the importance ofMagdala for the Jewish people
it's a first century town anda very significant excavation
in the first centuryfor the Jewish culture.
- [Scott] In 2005, Father Juan Solana
initiated the Magdala Projectto highlight the ministry
of Jesus and an opportunityto honor women of faith.
They broke ground in 2009and what happened next,
Father Eamon Kellydescribes as providence.
- We bought this piece of land and then
to find it in Magdala theland and not just on any hill
around the city of Galileean then you start digging
with two prayers Lord's prayer,
Lord spare us from archeology
'cause it's an expensive hobby
and then a big delay for all the project.
The second prayer was ifyou do give us archeology
give us something good and so we find
this incredible discovery ofa first century synagogue.
- [Scott] Sitting in thesynagogue, Father Kelly
told me about some of the features
that make it so amazing.
- So we're in a very big room
and we see it's organizedwith two rows of seating here
in the central part and wehave another row of seating
here inside the outer walls.
This is a space that's not a family home.
It's a very ornate community room
that has this mosaic and the frescoes
and the mosaic has twoparts, the Rosette mosaic
with the three colorsbut now the specialists
are telling us they're26 colors in the mosaic
and then we have theunending pattern which shocks
some people.
They say this was also inthe temple in Jerusalem.
And then we have the MagdalaStone right down here.
This is the place where we found it.
Now this and the oneout there is our copies.
It's considered and treasuredby many archeologists
on the level of the DeadSea Scrolls in terms
of archeological importance.
- [Scott] Archeologist MottiAviam proposed a theory
of the Magdala Stoneresembling the Second Temple
of Jesus' day.
- And I suggested that what we have here
is some kind of a model symbolicof the temple in Jerusalem.
We have the menorah, we havethe alter, the golden alter,
we have the showbread table and we a scene
into the Holy of Holies.
- [Scott] Because of thecommandment against graven images,
Aviam says the choice wasto portray God symbolically
in a divine chariot.
- As it is in the book of Zachariah
and many other books fromthe Second Temple period,
which gives us adescription of the chariot
in which God is riding.
- So what is thesignificance then of Magdala
going back in biblical history?
- Magdala today gives thelargest view archeologically
of the time of Jesus.
- [Scott] While there'sno physical evidence
that Jesus visited Magdala,
Father Kelly says the signs are there.
- Scott, everyday, everygroup asks me this question
was Jesus here, was he in thissynagogue, was he in Magdala?
And I say we don't knowbecause we lost of the videos.
Jesus was surely present in Galilee
and this is on the pathfrom Nazareth to Capernaum.
There's a port here and he'salways crossing the lake.
This is a mecca for theGalilean Sea of fishermen.
- [Scott] And Magdalathe Duc In Altum Center
is a place for people ofdifferent faiths to worship.
It's Latin name is taken from Luke
where Jesus tells Peterto launch into the deep.
The atrium is designedto honor the Jewish women
who followed Jesus in the New Testament.
Four smaller chapelsinclude mosaics illustrating
biblical events and in the boat chapel
a unique boat shape alteroverlooks the Sea of Galilee.
- When the gospel's proclaimedup there at the microphone,
it looks like Jesus is preachingagain to us from the boat.
Imagine you're havingliturgy here and prayer
and the boats are going by,it allows people to get into
the moment of the gospel happenings.
- [Scott] And downstairsis the encounter chapel
where Father Kelly says he believes God
is healing divisions between Christians
and the Jewish community.
- This is part of the roadof the first century port.
So you know the names ofany first century fisherman?
So who walked on this street?
- Yes.
- Now if Jesus came to Magdala,I say he was more often
on this street than hewas in the synagogue,
in our synagogue.
- [Scott] Magdala is staffed in part
by international volunteers.
- Sometimes you realize youknow very little of your faith
so this helps you to go deeper inside
and really to live all the things
that you can find out in Israel.
- I've never been in the Holy Land before
so it was taking a huge risk.
It was very surprising to seehow what we think about Israel
the Holy Land and cominghere and seeing the reality.
- [Scott] And that guesthouse for pilgrims,
it opened just recently.
- What's the vision for the future now?
- We had to make quite a few adjustments
because of the archeological discoveries
which enriched the site immenselyenriched it with meaning
and then by finding the synagogue
a huge increase of theJewish/Christian dialogue.
And also the Christianto Christian encounter
because here we have a placewhere we were not divided.
So we're probably going to continue
taking this to the future.
I think we'll all besurprised as we are everyday.
- [Scott] Scott Ross, for CBN at Magdala
in the Galilee Israel.
- If you'd like to know more about Magdala
and an incredible one andhalf million piece mosaic
of the Galilee in the time of Jesus
you can log onto
(dramatic music)
Coming up, see what happenswhen some Christian students
come to Israel for the very first time.
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(dramatic music)
- Hundreds of AmericanChristian University students
embarked on a recent journey to Israel
for a unique learning experience.
It's part of a programto increase their faith
while also introducing them to a modern
and vibrant Israel.
CBN Middle East Correspondent,Julie Stahl has that story.
- [Julie] It's called Passages.
- As a Christian, your whyis rooted in your faith
and your faith is rooted in Israel.
(drum music)
- [Julie] This big event in Jerusalem
with Israeli musicianscelebrated the fourth anniversary
of this unique educational program
for American Christian students.
2016 Passages was born to giveyou the religious political,
social leaders of tomorrow an opportunity
to come to Israel to ignite your faith,
to connect with the valuesthat the United States
shares with Israel and to strengthen
your leadership journey.
- [Julie] Former IsraeliKnesset member Michael Oren
talked about their connection to the land.
- Your faith gives you a part of this land
the land of Israel.
It gives you a part of this sacred city.
- [Julie] Current US Ambassador to Israel,
David Friedman told CBN News
the trip is invaluableat this time in history.
- So to bring these kids here for 10 days
to show them, especially Jerusalem
but all the rest of theparts of the country,
it's very, very powerfuland very important.
- [Julie] Passages wasstarted by Christian leader,
Robert Nicholson, anOrthodox Jewish Israeli
with Kidron.
- As I began to becomemore and more attached
to Christianity I began tosee that many people my age
and younger were actuallygoing the opposite direction.
I knew that this encounterwith the land of Israel
would be a remedy.
- [Julie] Participants travel the land
for nine days visitinghistoric biblical sites
and seeing the modern state.
- With Passages, theyoffer something unique
by diving deep intogeopolitics of the land,
trying to provide diversity of narratives
so that students comeout of the trip realizing
that the media isn't allthat there is to this story.
- [Julie] CBN News spenta morning with students
from the University ofAlabama visiting Jerusalem's
City of David.
- As Christians it'simportant for us to understand
what's going on in the world
so we're getting to hear lotsof different perspectives
on that and just become educated
from a first hand perspective.
- [Julie] Student leaders Carter Helm
and Emily Bernard told us aboutthe value of their visits.
- My first tour of Israel hada great impact on my life.
It changed the way I read the Bible,
it changed my prayer life, itchanged the way I think about
culture and Judaism and theHebraic roots of my faith.
- [Julie] By the endof this year, Passages
will have brought 10,000students to the Holy Land
as part of this programleaders call a game changer
in relations between faith and nations.
Julie Stahl, CBN News Jerusalem.
- As we've heard, formany of these students
coming here to Israelcan be life changing.
If you'd like an experience like theirs
please join me later this year
from June 12th to the 20th
for an exclusive tour calledIsrael Through the Eyes
of a Reporter.
If you'd like to know more
you can go
or call 800-929-4684.
Well, that's all for thisedition of Jerusalem Dateline.
Thanks for joining us.
Remember you can follow us on Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram or YouTube.
I'm Chris Mitchell,we'll see you next time
on Jerusalem Dateline.
(dramatic music)