Trump Hits Iran with 'Biting Sanctions' as Furious Iranians Demand an End to Islamic Regime
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- The US sanctionstargeting Iran's technology,
automobile, currency andprecious metal industries.
The punitive measures areexpected to further damage
the countries economy and exertmore pressure on the regime.
(people shouting)
In Iran Trump's strategiesalready having an effect.
A worsening economy has ledto anti-government protests.
A growing number of Iranians are demanding
an end to the regime.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
praised President Trump's decision
calling it an important momentfor Israel and the world.
- I call on the countries of Europe
who talk about stoppingIran to join this move.
The time has come to stoptalking, the time has come to do
and that is exactly whatthe United States is doing.
And that is what Europe should do.
- [Gary] But the EuropeanUnion is unlikely to join in,
it's taking actions to shield businesses
from penalties imposed forviolating US sanctions.
They ensure lucrative oil,banking and investment deals
with the Islamic Republic can move forward
when a tougher set of sanctionstakes effect in November.
President Rouhani denounced the sanctions
calling them psychological warfare,
but he opened the door to direct talks
with pre-conditions, aUS apology and payback.
- If the US government is ready today
to negotiate about paying compensation
to the Iranian nation from 1953 until now
over its meddling in thelife of Iranian people
we are ready for talksto see how they are going
to compensate and pay us back.
- [Gary] President Obama already returned
at least $150 billionfrom a canceled arms deal.
Middle East analyst Robert Spencer,
- It was the Shah's regimethat had made the arms
deal that was canceledand so it did not by right
belong to the Islamic Republic.
- [Gary] And even if the USstands alone against Iran,
Spencer says Trumps approach may be enough
to make a huge difference.
- He has reversed thepolicies of appeasement
that Obama pursued soindefatigably for eight years,
and this could bring aboutthe downfall of the regime
which would be good for theIranians and good for the world.
Gary Lane CBN News.