Life… it was turned upside down. Lynn was thriving in her dream job. After the recession, she discovered her husband had gambled their money away, and she was left with nothing. Watch her journey back to success and know there’s hope for ... ...
Read Transcript
- [Announcer] The following program
is sponsored by CBN.
(dramatic music)
- Welcome to the 700 Club.
He was plotting that attack for months
with the full intention ofdoing far greater damage.
That's what federalauthorities have discovered
about the Saudi shooter at the naval base
in Pensacola last month.
- Now officials arerevealing the motivation
behind two terror attacks in December.
As Charlene Aaron reports,
both could have been much worse.
- Federal authorities announced Monday
that the Saudi military trainee who killed
three U.S. militarymembers in the Pensacola
naval station shooting in December
had been plotting the attack for months
and intended to do much more damage.
- This was an act of terrorism.
The evidence shows that the shooter
was motivated by Jihadist ideology.
- [Charlene] The killer, Saudi pilot
Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani who was killed
by law enforcement, had been reading
and posting Jihadimessages on social media
just two hours before his deadly rampage.
Investigators say the gunmanintended to kill many more.
He had more than 180 rounds of ammunition
for his hand gun.
The investigation uncovered more concerns,
leading to the deportation
of 21 Saudi students.
Officials discovered atleast 17 of the trainees
had Jihadi literature in their possession.
Others had child porn on their computers.
- I do think it's clear that we have
to improve our vetting procedures.
- [Charlene] Barr is asking Apple for help
getting into the shooter'siPhone to learn more.
This comes as authorities reveal
that a home grown terrorattack in December
also could have been much worse.
Two suspects opened fire on a
Jewish grocery store, killing three.
The U.S. attorney in New Jersey and head
of the local FBI now says a powerful bomb
found inside their van could have killed
or injured people up tofive football fields away.
- We know now that they planned greater
acts of mayhem.
This was, in fact, ahate crime and an episode
of domestic terrorism.
- Police say a detective killed
by the suspects spotted them in a cemetery
right before the attack
and may have altered their plain.
Officials say they had researcheda Jewish community center
in nearby Bayonne as a possible target.
The attack came amidst a rashof anti-Semitic incidents
in the New York area, including an assault
on a Hanukkah gathering that left
five people injured.
According to recent report,
anti-Semitic hate crimesin major cities in the U.S.
are expected to hit an18-year high this year.
Charlene Aaron, CBN News.
- Well, the rise of hatred,
the rise of terrorism,
the Bible talks about a time coming
when that which restrains is taken away.
And we're entering into that time
and this is a time for Christians
around the world topray and we need to pray
for our Jewish brothers and sisters.
This rise of anti-Semitismis absolutely horrible.
We need to pray for thesafety of our cities,
our schools, our synagogues, our churches.
This is a time to pray.
In other news, Europeis moving to hold Iran
accountable for violatingthe nuclear deal.
John Jessup has more on that story
from our CBN News Bureauin Washington, John?
- That's right, Gordon.
European countries areregistering formal concerns
over Iran's decision tostop complying with parts
of the 2015 nuclear deal,
a move that could lead the United Nations
to place sanctions on the Islamic regime.
After the January 3 killing of
General Qasam Soleimani, Iran announced
it will not abide by the deal's limits
on enriching Uranium.
Britain, France andGermany tried to get Iran
to reverse course, but now they say
they have no choice but tomake a formal statement,
which could eventuallylead to U.N. sanctions.
Well, the democratic presidential field
is down to 12, with New Jersey Senator
Cory Booker dropping out Monday.
But only half of those candidates
will take the debatestage in Iowa tonight.
The six candidates include four men
and two women.
It's the last debate before the
February 3 Iowa caucuses.
The latest Monmouth pollshows Joe Biden in the lead
with 24% of potential Iowacaucus goers supporting him.
Senator Bernie Sanders has 18%,
Pete Buttigieg, 17%.
And Senator Elizabeth Warren with 15%.
One topic sure to come up tonight,
Senator Warren confirminga claim from her camp
that Sanders told her two years ago
he doesn't think a womancan win the White House.
Sanders denies the comment.
Well, Louisiana State University
captured the college footballNational Championship
last night with a 42 to 25 win over
defending champs, the Clemson Tigers.
Senior quarterback Joe Burrow threw five
touchdown passes andran for another score,
his total of six touchdowns
and his whopping 453 yards passing
set two records for acollege football title gain.
- Great calls, great coaching staff.
I mean, this was a long time coming.
This, I'm kind of speechlessright now, this was fun.
- Burrow won the Heisman trophy this year
and led the Bayou Bengals to
an undefeated 15-win season.
We'll be back with more ofthe 700 Club after this.
(upbeat music)
- Lynn Keys took onelook at her bank account
and couldn't believe what she saw.
Her husband had gambledaway their life savings.
Lynn was devastated andthen a few months later,
the news got worse.
- [Narrator] Lynn Keyswas making great money
at her dream job.
She and her husbandwere even able to build
a sizeable retirement account.
But when the recession hit,
Lynn's husband was laid off.
That's when Lynn startedlooking at their finances
and noticed they had been bleeding money.
- I ran a spreadsheet of ourlast 18 months of transaction.
It was 14 pages of Facebookjackpot gambling transactions.
- [Narrator] On top of that,
her husband gambled away even more
from their 401K.
- Probably what I can figure out
is about 380,000, gone.
Yeah, my life, my retirement.
I couldn't believe what I was looking at.
I just sat there and stared at it
for like five minutes, like,
this can't be happening.
- [Narrator] The couple divorced.
Lynn lost the home and had to move
into her own apartment.
A few months later, even more bad news.
- So July 14th, I get aphone call from my boss
telling me that I'm laidoff and lost my job.
I'm totally like bawling at that point.
Like rock bottom, bawling,
like what else is gonna happen.
I had nothing to come home to, nothing.
Just no hope.
- [Narrator] Desperate for help,
Lynn began attendingchurch on a regular basis.
- I figured out thatonly the good Lord above
will give you hope.
And I started reading that book
and started really, really trying to have
a personal relationship with God
for the first time and it was just like
all that anger and sadnessjust, it went away.
- [Narrator] After getting saved,
Lynn's whole attitude aboutmoney changed as well.
She learned about tithing and she
decided to give it a try
and gave off her unemployment checks.
One ministry she supported was CBN.
- I started giving andit's like Lord, okay,
so I'm a little tight here,
but I said I'm gonna giveto this CBN ministry.
Okay, then I'll give $20,
'cause they just help somany people around the world.
I had no idea and youjust see these stories
of people that, you know,
and I'm sitting aroundfeeling sorry for myself
'cause I don't have a good paying job
and these people don'thave water to drink.
My support helps people at least have,
you know, the basic necessities of life.
- [Narrator] After giving faithfully,
even while doing low-paying shift work,
Lynn finally got her dream job again.
Now she gets full benefitsand is able to save.
- Happy tears.
Lots of happy tears.
Me and my girlfriend, we would sit around,
hold hands and pray that we'd get this job
at GE Bank and it wasjust a glorious thing.
It was such a happy moment to, you know,
you get that call.
So we went out and celebrated.
We posted on Facebook.
I mean, it was a very happy moment.
If finally afforded meto be able to, you know,
take weekend trips to the ocean
or mountains and, you know,it's just been a blessing.
- [Narrator] Back onstable financial ground,
Lynn says the Lord isrestoring what she had lost.
- And I totally credit that trusting
the Lord and tithing.
You give and he will give you back
more than you will ever imagine.
Just trusting in him thathe's gonna take care of you.
- Just trust in him.
Here's what Paul said in 1 Timothy.
"Teach those who are rich in this world
"not to be proud, notto trust in their money,
"which is so unreliable.
"Their trust should be in God,
"who richly gives us all we need
"for our enjoyment.
"Tell them to use their money to do good.
"They should be rich in good works
"and generous to those in need,
"always being ready to share with others."
When Lynn put that into practice,
always being ready to share,
she said yes to God.
God watched over his wordto perform it for her.
He will do the same for you.
Well, the Lachmanns werestressed out about money.
Like many Americans, they were living
paycheck to paycheck.
Then one day this couple made a decision
that tripled their income.
- [Narrator] During theirfirst year of marriage,
Josh and Liz Lachmann saved enough money
to move from Indianato Redding, California,
where they enrolled inBethel's School of Ministry,
but before long, theywere running out of money.
- We went with a lot of faith
that God would do great things
and it actually turnedout to be very hard.
I was stressed out about finances
like most of the time.
- Josh kept trying to get jobs
while we were in California
and no jobs were coming.
- We really felt like if we didn't get
financial provision, we'd have to go home.
Down to less than $5 andstarting to get behind
on some of the bills.
When there was income, Josh and Liz
were always faithful to tithe,
a discipline they both practiced
since they were young.
- So it was never a question
of should we stop tithing.
No, we need to like, you honor God first
and then he'll takecare of everything else.
- [Narrator] With only a few dollars left
and bills continuing to mount,
they stayed up all nightpraying for a miracle.
The next day in class,God answered their prayer,
when their teacher, Chris Valeton,
made an announcement.
- Anyone that's gonna go homeif money doesn't come in,
stand up, and so Josh andI, of course, we stood up.
And then Chris felt andasked the other students
to give money to the ones that needed it.
And a bunch of students swarmed us
and then from then on we had more miracles
and just a consistent flow.
Miracles just kept coming.
- I mean, it was adirect answer to prayer.
So we got enough money to encourage us
and to keep going.
- He definitely showed up, yeah.
- [Narrator] They finishedthe year of school
and moved back to Indiana where Josh
got a job in construction.
Still they lived paycheck to paycheck.
Frustrated, Josh turnedto the Bible for answers.
- I'd get verses on financial provision,
write them on 3 by 5cards and memorize them,
meditate on them.
I saw it was his wordand his will to provide
and bless his kids and Istarted to have faith for that.
- [Narrator] So with new confidence,
they once again turned to God for help
when they needed an ideafor a second income.
- And we both kneltdown together by the bed
and we asked God for a second income.
I saw a picture in my mind of a honeybee.
And Josh saw a picture of a honey stick.
And we saw it separately and we'd never
talked about beekeeping before.
- What God was speaking to me
was that was honeybeeswould be a second income.
They began keeping bees and selling honey.
They then moved to the Atlanta area
and Josh added bee removal services.
Soon, the business was thriving.
- At the time I had noidea what it would become.
It almost started like a hobby more
than a second income, but it grew it
beyond my wildest expectations.
- So what happened iswe tripled our income
from what we had before.
- [Narrator] Josh believes their success
stems from their commitmentto trust God and tithe.
One ministry they give to is CBN.
- We know in God's word that it says
give it and it shall be given to you,
pressed down, shakentogether and so for us,
when we give to God andwe look for good ground
where we like, that's agood ministry to give to,
we know we're gonna reap a good harvest.
And when we have access to his generosity
and we can ask for anything,
we end up becoming generous and we end up
seeing that we couldnever out give God, ever.
- [Narrator] As they look to the future,
Josh and Liz believe Godwill continue to provide
as they trust him withtheir lives and finances.
- I'm just confident that he'll provide
and I don't have to worry.
It says seek first hiskingdom and everything
will be added unto you
and I found that to be very true.
- Tithing is fundamental and with that
we learn the generous heart of God.
Generosity is part of the gospel.
For God so loved the world that he gave
and when we get thatand we understand that
and we understand the origin of it,
well, then we're morethan willing to tithe.
We want to do it cheerfully,
we want to do it generously.
Tithing goes all the way back to Genesis.
The first time it was Abraham,
tithe to Melchizedek.
Here's the second time it's mentioned.
It's Abraham's grandson Jacob.
It's from Genesis 28.
"Jacob made a vow sayingif God will be with me,
"keep me in this way that I am going,
"give me bread to eat,
"clothing to put on so that
"that I come back to myFather's house in peace.
"Then the Lord shall be my God.
"And this stone which I have set up
"as a pillar shall be God's house and all
"that you give me I will surely give
"a tenth to you."
Now the original Hebrew,it's a double mention
of the word masar, that's the Hebrew word
for tithing and so it's giving a tenth.
I will give a tenth of it to you.
And it's interpreted by the rabbis
by giving repeatedly and some say Jacob
gave a double tithe.
What is clear from what he lived is that
he tithed on everything.
He tithed on his flocks.
He even tithed on his children.
Levi became a priest.
The whole tribe of priests,
because Jacob fulfilled his vow.
He said I'm going to tithe,
I'm going to tithe repeatedly,
I'm going to tithe on everything.
And the Lachmanns did the same thing.
They asked God for a second income.
They were tithing on that.
Then they got a third income and they
were tithing on that.
They love to tithe becausethey get the principle.
God is generous.
He wants us to be like him.
He wants us to be generous as well.
Now I've got some great news.
We've got a challenge fromexisting CBN partners.
They love giving to CBN.
They want to be generous and they want
to encourage others to be generous.
They will match your givingdollar for dollar $65,000.
- Let's pray.
Lord, we ask for blessing over this
and we ask for blessing over your word
that you would send itinto people's hearts
and you would turn them Lord God,
that they would know justhow generous you are,
how much you want to openthe windows of heaven
and pour out a blessingthey cannot contain.
Speak to your children today Lord.
For we ask it all in Jesus' name, amen.
And amen, $65,000 is the challenge amount.
What are we asking you to do?
Well, we're asking youto join the 700 Club.
How much is that?
Well, it's just $20 a month.
Some of you can join at a higher level.
We have 700 Club Goldfor you at $40 a month.
We also have a 1000 Club.
That's $1,000 a year.
That breaks out to $84 a month.
At whatever level, callus now, 1-800-700-7000
or you can give online
or text CBN to 71777.
Either way, do it now,1-800-700-7000, Terry?
- CBN shows can be seen around the world.
And when we first startednearly 60 years ago,
we had trouble getting oursignal around the block.
So how did CBN become a global ministry.
Well, Pat Robertson reveals the secrets
in his new book, "The10 Laws for Success."
- [Narrator] He founded one
of the world's largesttelevision ministries.
- Welcome folks to the 700 Club.
- [Narrator] Formed aglobal relief organization,
demonstrating God's love in action.
- [Woman] Thank you for helping us.
- [Narrator] Establisheda leading university.
- Graduates, flip your tassels.
- [Narrator] And became a NewYork Times bestselling author.
Now Pat Robertson wants to share with you
significant insightslearned from a long lifetime
in the word of God.
In his latest book, "Ten Laws for Success,
"Keys to Win and Work,Family and Finance,"
you'll you'll discover thelaws that govern success
and how they can work for you.
A real-world guidebook thatcan revolutionize your life.
Call now 1-800-700-7000 or go to
to receive Pat Robertson's latest book,
"Ten Laws for Success."
- I'm excited for you to receive this
because it's filled with principles
from the word of God thatwill impact your life and mind
in godly ways, ways thatare things that I know
you're praying for, hopingfor, needing in your life.
You need to have this and it's
our gift to you when youjoin the 700 Club today.
So there's our toll free number.
It's 1-800-700-7000.
Give us a call.
Just say you want to join the 700 Club.
We'll get this gift outto you right away, Gordon?
- Barbara Kaisman turned $2 T-shirts
into her own fashion line.
There's a simple reason for her success.
It wasn't an eye for design.
It was a heart to give.
- [Narrator] Barbara Kaismanalways dreamed of having
her own clothing line.
- I put my hand to designing in my 30s,
but I could tell it was over my head
and I just could not do it at that age
with a two-year-old.
- [Narrator] She andher husband already ran
a photography business together
and that had financialchallenges of its own.
- When you're self-employed,you don't know
when your next paycheck's coming in.
- [Narrator] There were times the couple
couldn't even pay the rent on their
Chicago loft apartment.
Then the two became Christians
and learned the importanceof giving 10% to God.
- My first thoughts about tithing
was I don't think I can afford it.
- [Narrator] They decidedto give at church anyway.
- It's because we did need help,
we needed supernatural help.
As soon as we started giving,
the Lord blessed.
- [Narrator] Their businessimmediately increased
and so did their giving.
When they needed more money,
they even gave in advance.
- Listen, God, I onlyhave 1,200 in my account.
I need 1,500.
Here's $150 'cause I justknow you're gonna bring it in
and he would.
The Holy Spirit saysBarb, I want you to go
get your tax returns outfor the last five years.
I want to show you what I've done.
He had doubled my income every year
for five years.
I did what he told me todo and when I realized
that I couldn't out give God,
it released me to give asmuch as I wanted to give
and sometimes as much as I could give.
- [Narrator] Meanwhile Barbara's husband
started some other business ventures.
The marriage ultimately fell apart
and the couple divorced.
- Overnight, I was anempty nester, empty house.
I had all the bills topay with one income.
Then God says remember that dream you had
about being a designer.
The time is right.
And I thought God, do youknow how expensive this is?
- [Narrator] Barbara beganrefashioning $2 T-Shirts
and soon her clothing line,Feel Good Fashions was born.
She did well until her appendix burst
and she got pneumonia.
Without health insuranceshe racked up close
to $100,000 in debt, but all the while,
she kept giving.
- Tithing is my lifeline.
I don't dare cut it off.
And you know what happened?
God didn't fail me.
- [Narrator] The hospital wrote off most
of Barbara's medical billsand her sales picked up.
- What I sold, I paid offtwo years of credit card
and I was able to buy some furniture.
- [Narrator] Today her business is doing
better than ever.
- Every year it's increased,increased, increased
and it's like mind boggling.
I do the one of a kindshow and in four days
it's like $32,000 I sell clothes.
- [Narrator] Now Barbara donates a portion
of her sales.
One place she supports is CBN.
- I love their water program.
And then I love theirdisaster relief programs
because I think what happens if a tornado
or something like that wiped me out?
I would want somebody to be there.
- [Narrator] Recently Barbara was selected
to be a part of the Fashion Incubator
at Macy's in downtown Chicago.
She encourages others who need God's help
to trust him and give.
- You can have marriages failing you,
you can have your health fail you,
you could lose your job
and if your source isn'tthe Lord, you're in trouble.
Do you believe God'sword enough to try it.
It only takes a little bit of faith,
but you gotta try it
and then give him something to prove.
Test him in this, so he canshow you want he can do.
- It's the only time we get to test God
is with our ties and offerings,
but realize God watches over his word.
He has some wonderful promises for you.
Here from Psalm 91 aresome of the I wills of God.
These are his promises.
"He will call on me,and I will answer him.
"I will be with him in trouble.
"I will deliver him and honor him."
That's what happened to Barbara because
she says I'm all in with God.
I want to follow his way andI want to do life his way.
When you do then the Iwills of God are for you.
This year, this January,if you want to start
saying yes, I want to do it God's way,
give us a call, 1-800-700-7000.
Be a part of everythingwe're doing around the world,
whether it's disaster relief,
whether it's special surgeries,
whether it's water wells,
helping orphans, spreadingthe gospel through Superbook.
This program, all thatwe do around the world,
you're a part of it whenyou join the 700 Club.
So call us now, 1-800-700-7000.
When you call make sureyou ask for Pledge Express.
Electronic monthly giving.
The bank's doing all the work.
We can send as our giftto you, "Power for Life,"
monthly teaching CDsso if you'd like those,
ask for Pledge Express
when you call or give monthly online.
Either way do it now.
Let's go to Wendy at the phones, Wendy.
- Thank you Gordon.
It's a new year and we want you to make
this your best year yet.
Pat Robertson's latest book is called,
"The Ten Laws for Success,"
and it's filled with the winning secrets
that you need for yourhome, work and life.
- [Pat] These laws can bringblessing beyond comprehension.
- [Announcer] Nowavailable, Pat Robertson's
latest book, "Ten Laws for Success."
- [Pat] And I believethese laws can transform
the nation, transform organizations,
transform you and your family.
- [Announcer] Call 1-800-700-700
or go to to receiveyour own copy today.
"Ten Laws for Success."
Fundamental principle of growth
for all situations and for all people.
No matter what your station in life.
End confusion.
Find answers.
Reach your goals.
- [Pat] "Ten Laws for Success.
"Keys to Win in Work, Family and Finance."
- [Announcer] Get PatRobertson's latest book,
"Ten Laws for Success"and start winning today.
Call 1-800-700-7000 or go to
Available now.
- If you've been lookingfor a self-help book
to start the new year, this is it.
"Ten Laws for Success."
10 laws, given by Jesus Christ himself
that if put into practice are as powerful
as the law of gravity.
This is our gift to you.
"Ten Laws for Success,"keys to achieve your goals
and find fulfillment inevery area of your life.
That's what Jesus wants for you.
That's what God has for you.
But it's our job to go into the scriptures
and find out how to do it.
Pat's made it easy in his new book,
"Ten Laws for Success, Keys to Win
"in Work, Family andFinance," and guess what?
It's our gift to you
when you call right now and just say yes,
I want to join the 700 Club.
It's just 65 cents a day, $20 a month
is all it takes to helpso many hurting people
all over the world
and right here at home,
whether it's our military family,
people who don't haveclean drinking water,
people who need life-saving surgeries.
I know you want to help those people
and it only takes $20 amonth, 65 cents a day.
If that sounds likesomething you want to do,
please go to your phones right now.
Our counselors arewaiting to take your call
and even pray with you.
1-800-700-7000 is the number to call.
We're in the middle of a$65,000 challenge right now.
30 minutes left on the clock.
Every dollar that you pledge right now
will be matched dollar for dollar.
You gift will go twice as far.
This is a great thingto do at the beginning
of the year, because as I always say,
you can't out give God.
And God wants to bless you,
but first you gotta let go
of the little that's in your hand.
So, I'm done preaching Terry.
- Thanks Wendy.
Well, Becky watchesthe 700 Club every day.
She's seen stories of people being helped
all around the world.
And after her house wasflooded by a major storm,
Becky got a first-hand lookat this ministry in action.
- I was afraid and I wanted to get out.
I didn't know how highthe water was gonna get.
- [Narrator] Becky and her husband Gary
were jolted away by thesound of their neighbors
banging on the door.
Beaumont, Texas was being flooded by rain
from tropical storm Imelda.
As they left the house, memories
of Hurricane Harvey haunted Becky.
- And I kept thinking,we gotta get out of here.
Because it's gonna be the same way.
And we didn't want to have to be rescued
in a boat and we didn't want to have to go
to a shelter.
I had a stroke afterHarvey, all the stress.
- [Narrator] Thankfully, theydrove to safety themselves
and rode out the storm in an RV.
Days later, when Beckyreturned to the house,
she was heartbroken to discover her walls
had been soaked again.
- You have to tear themout and replace them.
I'm old and my health is not as good
and I would be ready to walk away
and never come back.
- [Narrator] Becky's cousinknew Operation Blessing
was in Beaumont during Harvey.
She told Becky we came back again
to help families recover after Imelda.
- And before the day was over,
you were here.
And today you're here.
God is taking care of me.
He is taking care of me.
He is taking care of me.
- [Narrator] Our crew of volunteers
cut out the water soaked drywall
and removed the wet insulation before
mold had a chance to set in.
Then we hauled all thatdebris out to the road.
We found out Becky has beena 700 Club partner for years.
She was overjoyed whenCBN's Operation Blessing
came to her rescue.
- I watch it every day on TV and I know
they do great thingsfor people everywhere.
People that aren't as blessed as we are,
'cause they don't have water
and they don't have thingsthat we take for granted.
Thank you for everybody that gives
so Operation Blessing cango and help other people
and now I know they came and helped me.
And I don't know what Iwould do without y'all.
- If you're a 700 Club member,
you were there for Beckyand you've been there
for thousands of others.
We want to say thank you.
To those of you who haven'tever joined the 700 Club,
today's a great day to do that.
It's 65 cents a day, $20 a month to become
a 700 Club Member.
If you're already a general club member,
why don't you go up to the Gold Level.
Let me show you your options here.
That's a gift of $40 or more a month
or you could jump upto the 1000 Club at $84
or more a month.
We have had lots of 1000Club members yesterday
going up to the 2500 Club level.
That's $209 or more a month.
Founders join us at $5,000 a year
or Chairman's Circle peoplecome in as they're able
with gifts of $10,000 or more a year.
Together we can do amazing things
and we invite you to be a part of that.
Our number's toll free, it's so easy.
1-800-700-7000, just call and say
I want to join the 700 Club, Gordon?
- Mr. Lee walked formiles looking for water.
The only source he couldfind was filthy pond.
He tried to boil the water to purify it,
and when that didn't work, he asked
a witch doctor to help.
- [Terry] Mr. Lee's wish was simple.
He wanted fresh water for his family,
but all he had access to was dirty water
from a pond miles away.
- And there was alwaysa layer of white ash
when we boiled it and it caused things
like kidney failure.
- [Terry] After the Lee's oldest daughter
died from drinking the water,
the couple knew theyhad to build a cistern
to collect fresh water sotheir younger daughter,
Lee Wa, wouldn't die, too.
But that meant Mrs. Lee had to leave home
and work in the city to helpraise money for the cistern.
Meanwhile, Mr. Lee stayedhome to work on the farm
and tried to protect LeeWong from getting sick
from the bad water.
- I went to a witch in the village
and I prayed with theMongolian gods for help
to keep Lee Wa healthy,but she still got sick.
- We didn't have muchmoney to go to the doctor,
so a lot of times I didn't tell my dad
my stomach hurt.
I just tied a rope around my stomach
to put pressure on it andmake the pain go away.
It felt like someone wascutting my body with a knife
and everything got fuzzy.
I miss my mom so much.
I said, "Dad, take me to the hospital.
"I think I'm going to die."
- [Terry] Lee Wa's intestines were blocked
like her sister's had been.
She got better, but refused to drink
the bad water after that.
When a local pastor heard about the Lees,
he contacted CBN.
We built the Less a cistern
and gave them a water filter.
Now Mrs. Lee doesn'thave to stay in the city
to help raise money for a cistern.
She's back home with her family.
- I still remember the first time
I drank the new water.
I said, "Dad, is there sugar in here?"
- Now we have clean water to drink
and our souls are clean,too, because of Jesus.
He touched the hearts of the CBN donors
to help strangers like us.
So now I believe in him.
Thank you.
You changed our lives.
- That thank you goes to you.
You changed their lives.
If you're a member of the 700 Club,
you're part of that.
You're part of changinglives around the world,
whether that's helpingpeople very tangibly
with disaster relief, with surgical help
or with clean water, orhelping them eternally
to give them the gospel.
Let's preach the gospel around the world,
not in English, but in their own language.
We're doing it becausepeople like you care enough
to give and when we all join together,
wonderful things can happen.
Now I've got some great news.
Some partners from Kentucky and Tennessee
want to add $42,000 to the challenge,
take it up to 107 and let's pray.
Lord, for the partnerswho made it possible,
increase them, as they haveincreased this challenge.
We ask for the 30, 60, 100 fold increase
that comes from you.
And for those watching right now,
just instill in thema heart of generosity.
We ask it all in Jesus' name.
Amen and amen.
107 is the challenge amount.
Get the red number up.
We're more than halfwaythere, 50,000 to go
with 22 minutes and 57seconds on the clock.
What are we asking you to do?
We're asking you to join the 700 Club.
How much is that?
It's just $20 a month.
So call us, 1-800-700-7000.
When you call, ask for Pledge Express.
It's electronic monthly giving,
the bank is doing all the work.
You can sign up on
or you can text us.
Text CBN to 71777.
Either way, do it right now.
Wendy, over to you.
- Thank you Gordon, well,if you want to build a home,
a factory or the next wonder of the world,
you'll need to start with a blueprint
and probably some very skilled builders.
But if you want to build a life filled
with unprecedented success,
you're gonna need this,
Pat Robertson's latest book.
- [Announcer] Your life needs a direction,
a blueprint for success.
In his book, "Ten Laws for Success,"
Pat Robertson draws froma well spring of wisdom
acquired from a life rooted in God's word.
Discover how to bring youfamily economic success,
build unity to achieve your goals
and grow in perseveranceto reap it's rewards.
Get Pat Robertson's latest book,
"Ten Laws for Success"and start winning today.
- The law of use, the law of reciprocity,
the law of miracles.
There are 10 laws given by Jesus Christ
in the Bible that Pat discovered and wrote
down for us.
This is such a great resource.
You'll want to read this over and over.
I'm so excited about it.
I want you to have it, too,
and the only way to get it is to go
to your phones right nowor to log on to
and say yes, I want to join the 700 Club.
1-800-700-7000 is the number to call.
And again, just long onto and say yes,
I want to help you guysdo what you're doing
all over the world, it's amazing.
And you're right, it is truly amazing
when we all come togetherat just $20 a month,
65 cents a day.
We can change the world.
And this book will change your life.
So it's a win, win.
You join the 700 Club,
We'll send you "Ten Laws for Success,"
and we will both win, so please go
to your phone right now, Gordon.
- Dr. David McDonald runs his own
medical practice in Virginia.
He's also helped treat patients in China,
India and other places around the world.
And that's because David is a CBN partner.
- [Narrator] As a doctor,David McDonald's passion
is helping people, whichis why he and his wife
Joanna are CBN partners.
- We'd see these storiesabout another well
being put in or another family having
a surgical procedure and so I thought,
wait, this is practical giving.
We joined at the lowest level
and then as we watched more,
we felt compelled to keepincreasing our giving.
Even through some very tough times
and God was faithful.
- [Narrator] One particularlytough time came in 2003
when David had an illness
and was unable to work.
- My health went southreally quick and bad.
So I couldn't make a living.
We're having a hard time paying rent.
Through that season,especially because of my wife,
we continued to give,
even though it wasn't easy at all.
- [Narrator] The couple kept giving.
Even with six young children to care for.
By 2006, David had finally recovered.
He then got a job as a medical director
of a correctional facility and was later
able to open his own practice.
- We just kept on being faithful
and then as I would seestories about people
who were increasing their giving
as they started comingout of the wilderness,
I thought, well, we can do that, too.
I mean we could double what we're giving
and then I thought, oh,we would double again,
you know, as time went on.
- [Narrator] Now members of the 1000 Club,
the McDonalds encourage others to give.
- I've tried to out give God a few times.
You can't do it, you can't.
- You can't out give him,
even during the tough times.
When you honor your vow to tithe.
God will stand by his word to perform it.
I've got some wonderful news.
A 2500 Club member fromChickamauga, Georgia
says I want to increase this year, $3,101.
- [Terry] Yes, thank you, mercy.
- That goes into this.
Red number taking us down to 27,000
on $107,000 challenge.
Be a part of it, be a part of everything
we're doing around the world.
Call us right now.
- Well, whenever she went to find food,
Nora had to dodge a hailstorm of bullets
and rocket fire.
Like millions of others, she was caught
in the crossfires of the Syrian civil war.
Her family later escaped toa refugee camp in Lebanon.
Now Nora has no troublegetting her next meal
thanks to Orphans' Promise.
- [Narrator] Nora's village was caught
in the middle of the Syrian civil war.
Food ran out everywhere and her family
was forced to wander the dangerous streets
searching for anything to eat.
- Our house was hit byrockets and gunfire,
so we couldn't go back.
No place was safe.
And we went days without food.
When we did find food, my mom gave it all
to me and my brother and sister
while she went without.
- We were separated from my husband
and to this day, I don'tknow what happened to him.
There was no food and missiles flew
over our head constantly.
We would have died if we stayed there.
My only choice was to takemy children into Lebanon.
- [Narrator] Nora's familysoon met Heart for Lebanon,
a partner of CBN's Orphans' Promise.
We started giving themlarge packages of food
and hygiene products inour monthly distributions.
- Receiving the food packagesis the best thing ever.
It lasts through the whole month
and we really enjoy it.
- This food means the world to us.
In Lebanon, we're not allowed to work.
So these packages are all we have.
- [Narrator] Nora and her siblings
attend our Hope Center,
a Christian school thatteaches Syrian refugee children
math, Arabic, English and science.
They also learn aboutJesus through Superbook.
- I love the Superbook episodes
and seeing the miracles of Jesus,
like him feeding the big crowd
with five pieces of bread and two fish.
Or when he saved Peter from drowning.
I pray to Jesus all the time and I've
asked him into my life.
- I'm so grateful for this school
and what my kids are being taught.
I can see the positiveinfluence it has on them
and I'm very supportive Nora learning
more about Christianity.
These are good people.
- [Narrator] Nora's mothersays she feels secure
knowing that her children are getting
a good education andthat she can feed them.
- There are no words toexpress how I truly feel.
Thank you for taking care of my children
and giving them hope.
- I tell my mom everytime we sit down to eat
that this is a miracle from Jesus.
I am super thankful to you for giving
us this food and for allowing me to go
to this amazing school.
I will study hard to make you proud.
- What an opportunity wehave to make a difference.
My heart goes out to these people.
They run from their homes,
they're forced to leave their countries,
they can't work in the refugee camp.
Their children don't have school
unless organizations like oursmake it possible for that.
We want to say thank you 700 Club members.
These people are indesperate circumstances
and you are making a difference.
Will you go to your phone now and call.
Either join the 700 Club ifyou've never done that before
or increase your levelof membership if you can.
These camps are, there'sso much need there
in many places around the world and you
and I really can touch lives.
By the way, when you join,
here's another way youcan make your giving
go even further.
It's to use Pledge Express.
That's electronic monthly giving.
It means your bank does all the work,
it saves you the hasslein having to remember
to do any of this, it'sdone automatically.
You can stop it any time you want,
but it saves us some administrative costs,
so we can put even more of your gift
right into the lives of people like Nora
and her children and whenyou use Pledge Express,
we want to say thank you by sending you
"Power for Life" teachings.
You'll get one every month.
They're bless you whileyou're blessing others.
- All right, we've got some great news.
Some partners from North Carolina
want to add 53,000, take it to 160,000.
Let's pray, Lord we askfor blessing over this.
We ask for blessing for thepartners from North Carolina.
We ask a blessing foreveryone watching right now.
Bless them, encourage them, speak to them.
We ask it all in Jesus' name, amen.
160,000 is the challenge amount.
14 minutes, 17 seconds.
Red number is 54,000, socall us now, 1-800-700-7000.
Well James Pogey was injured serving
his country in Afghanistan.
He lost his left leg andthe use of his right arm.
Every day was a struggle around the house,
until this former Marine got a homecoming
he never expected.
- [Narrator] U.S. Marine James Pogey
had an important job in Afghanistan,
getting helicopters and their crew
in the air and back safelyin the middle of war.
When he was deployed, James left behind
his wife Stephanie and son Logan.
Stephanie remembers her constant concern.
- I thought about him24/7, all day, every day.
It was very stressful.
- [Narrator] One nightwhile James helped bring
in a damaged chopper,he was hit in the head
by flying debris.
- And I ducked and it clipped me,
I went down, but in that moment,
it wasn't something bad just happened.
It was this helicopter can't land.
So you're not worried about yourself.
You have to get the helicopteron the ground safely.
- [Narrator] Months later,muscle tremors started
that progressed to blackouts and seizures.
He was diagnosed with severe nerve damage
and spinal cord compression.
James lost partial use of his arm
and after multiple surgeriesover several years,
the nerve damage cost him his leg.
Stephanie faithfully stood by him
while they navigated their new norm.
- In sickness and in health, right.
That's what we're all about.
- Right.
- [Narrator] Even withStephanie's devoted help,
maneuvering through their split-level home
was nearly impossible for James.
- [Stephanie] He wouldhave to crawl everywhere,
he was constantly falling downstairs.
The doorways were too narrow.
His chair wouldn't fitthrough any of them.
It didn't work at all.
- [Narrator] James andStephanie's situation changed
when CBN's Helping the Home Front
teamed up with Operation Finally Home,
who builds custom housesfor disabled warriors.
The first step was a surprisegroundbreaking ceremony.
- The kids are like, arewe part of this parade.
- I don't know what's happening.
- I guess we're part of it.
No way, nuh-uh, not us.
- [Narrator] Then Homes byDesign started building.
Before the house was complete,
the community was invited to write
messages and post theminside the framework.
The Pogeys came to see the progress.
- They're so heartwarming
and everybody thanking him for his service
and wishing our family good luck.
We can't wait to be home.
We're home, but wecan't wait to stay home.
- [Narrator] Soon the house was complete.
Volunteers helped interiordesign Tiffany Nimans
with the finishing touches.
Then it was time towelcome the Pogey's home.
- [Woman] Surprise.
- It's so perfect.
- [Woman] What do you think?
- Oh, my God.
It's beautiful.
- [Woman] What do you think?
- Oh, my God.
It's so pretty.
- [Narrator] The Pogeyfamily is now settled in
to their brand new home.
- People keep telling methat I'm a hero, I'm not.
They are.
The real heroes are the people
who give us something towake up for every day.
CBN, Homes by Design,Operation Finding Home,
even down to the people who gave a dollar,
they're the real heroes.
- That thank you goes to you.
If you're a member of the 700 Club,
for that family you're the real hero
because you came to themin their time of need.
We have a special program called
Helping the Home Front where we reach out
to active duty military families
who have need.
We want to be there, we want to help them
in their time of need, and we want to do
that very tangibly.
You're part of that.
Call us, 1-800-700-7000 andsay yes, I want to join.
If you're already a 700 Club member,
consider going to 700 Club Gold.
That's $40 a month.
We also have a 1000 Club.
That breaks out to $84 a month
and it all adds up to $1,000 a year.
2500 Club is 2,500 a year.
Founder $5,000 a year
and then Chairman's Circle$10,000 or more a year
at whatever level.
Call us now, 1-800-700-7000.
Let's go to Wendy at the phones, Wendy.
- Thank you Gordon.
Well, let me ask you,do you want more success
on your job?
In your relationships?
How about in your financial investments?
Well, we'll show youhow to get all of that
and more in Pat Robertson's latest book,
the "Ten Laws for Success."
- [Announcer] A dynamic newbook from Pat Robertson,
"Ten Laws for Success,Keys to Win in Work,
"Family and Finance."
- [Pat] I believe these laws can transform
the nation, transform organizations,
transform you and your family.
- [Announcer] Learn how to grow in
your skills and talents.
The connection betweenservice and greatness.
The incredible powerof unity and much more.
Get Pat Robertson's "Ten Laws for Success"
and start winning today.
- Start winning today,I love that tagline.
Well, "Ten Laws for Success" is really
a real world guidebook that can
revolutionize your life if you put these
practices into practice,
if you put these laws into practice.
You know, Jesus wrotethem and they're as good
as the law of gravity and we want you
to have this book because
it is life changing andit's a brand new year
and we want this to beyour best year ever,
so please go to your phones and ask for
"Ten Laws for Success."
What we're asking you to do in return
is join the 700 Club.
It's just 65 cents aday, $20 a month to join
and help so many hurtingpeople all over the world
and here at home.
We are in the middleof $160,000 challenge.
With seven minutes, 57seconds left on the clock.
Every dollar that you pledge
right now will be matcheddollar for dollar,
so your gift, no matter what it is
will go twice as far andhelp twice as many people.
So please, we need your help.
Go to your phones right now.
- Well, in many parts of the world,
medical care is hard to find.
In Barundi, a mother gavebirth to premature twins
and there were no nearby hospitals
equipped to take care of them.
- [Narrator] When Vialettewas only six months pregnant,
she gave birth to premature twins.
- They weighed only 2 pounds.
The other hospitals had no facilities
to care for them, so I wasrushed here by ambulance.
On the two-hour ride here, I feared
my babies would die.
I prayed to God for a miracle.
- [Narrator] Operation Blessing provided
this hospital with solar panels
to power the hospital 24 hours a day.
That guarantees warmthand live=giving oxygen.
- Vialette and her babies have been here
about two months andthey are still so tiny.
They'll probably behere another two months,
then the babies will be strong enough
to go home.
- I still don't know if they will survive,
but if I stayed at the first hospital,
they both would have died because they
had no incubators.
- [Narrator] Sadly, afterthey went home healthy,
one of Vialette's babiesgot sick and passed away
before they could getback to the hospital.
While Vialette washeartbroken about her loss,
she was still grateful to God
for the life of her daughter.
Vialette came back to the hospital
to show us how healthy and strong
her baby has grown.
- I named her Antia, whichmeans God has gifted us.
She's truly a gift from God.
Although one of my babies went to heaven,
I have one here on earth.
It is a miracle just to hold her.
Antia has grown so strong.
Without this hospital and the doctors
who helped us, shewouldn't be alive today.
Thank you for taking such good care of us.
May you continue to helpmore babies like mine.
- 700 Club members, youhave a hand in Antia's life
and in her future.
God's got great plans for her, we know.
Will you go to your phone right now
and make sure that babies like this,
that families like this have the health
and the hope that they need.
Our number is toll free,it's 1-800-700-7000.
Just call and say I wantto join the 700 Club.
If you're not sure of the club levels,
whoever answers the phone will gladly walk
you through that.
Then will you ask if you can do it
using Pledge Express.
We appreciate that.
It helps us put even more of your gift
right into the lives of these people
who are in need and also want to say
that when you call, ifyou have a prayer need.
Ask, somebody's happyto pray with you here,
but we'd love to hear from you, Gordon?
- Talia didn't want to go to school.
She was constantlyteased in the classroom,
but Talia's life changed after watching
CBN's Superbook and thelives of the children
who bullied her changed as well.
- [Narrator] 11-year-oldTalia had trouble fitting in.
- They called me names andso I called them names, too.
We started saying meanthings to each other.
It hurt me so much.
- [Narrator] Taliastarted skipping school.
She told her mom she wasn't feeling well.
- She went from being a happy kid
to feeling sick all the time.
She lost interest in everything.
- [Narrator] One day her aunt invited her
to a summer kids camp atchurch in the Philippines.
There, Talia watched CBN'sSuperbook for the first time.
- I saw in the episode thatJesus gave his life for us.
I never knew that before.
- [Narrator] Talia prayed tobecome a Christian that day
and got emotional as shetalked about what happened.
- God loves us so much.
He gave us everything.
Jesus gave his life for me.
Jesus forgave my sins.
- [Narrator] And through the Superbook app
that she downloaded, Talia learned about
the power of forgiveness.
- I said sorry to my neighbors
for calling them names.
And I forgave them, too.
I invited them to Sunday School
to watch Superbook with me.
One girl, Venice, camewith me and I invited
my mom to come to church with me, too.
- [Narrator] Talia's mom has now prayed
to become a Christian, as well.
- I thank the Lord for changing our lives.
- When Jesus came intomy life, he gave me hope.
Now I have a lot of friends
and I'm doing well in school.
Superbook showed me that God loves me
and that I should love my neighbor.
- Superbook, taking the gospel,
taking the stories of the Bible
to the children of the world.
Here's Talia, she's being teased,
she's being bullied,and then Superbook shows
her that God loves her and that she
should love others.
And she takes thatmessage to the very people
that are bullying herand it changes things.
It changes the entire classroom.
Realize we can change a generation.
How, by preaching the gospel in a way
that they love to hear.
We're now in over 50 languages
and we get a broadcast map.
There's all the different places
where we're showing Superbook.
It's all because people likeyou care enough to give.
If that's you, call usright now, 1-800-700-7000.
Say yes, I want to join the 700 Club.
We got some great newsfrom Smithville, Tennessee.
2500 Club member coming in at 2,600.
Here from Jackson,Missouri, a 2500 Club member
increasing to 3,000 andthen from Wichita, Kansas,
a 1000 Club member goingto Founder Club, $5,800.
We're going way over thetop on $160,000 challenge.
Two minutes to go, call us right now.
- Well, Iris took hertwo children and ran,
but her escape from her abusive husband
came with a cost.
As a newly single mom, she struggled to
put food on the table,until she met a team
from Operation Blessing.
- [Narrator] For years, Iris was beaten
and insulted by her husband.
Their children were caught in the middle.
- My children cried when they saw
what he did to me.
(man yelling in foreign language)
it got so bad one day,
I grabbed my childrenand took them far away
from that awful situation.
- [Narrator] A judgeawarded Iris sole custody
of her children.
- I tried my best to provide for them,
but I could never find a stable job.
It hurt when they asked me for food
and I didn't have anything to give them.
- [Narrator] When a community leader told
Operation Blessing aboutIris and her children,
we helped her establish not one,
but two small businesses.
We gave her vegetablesto sell from her home
and set up a small kitchen for her to make
and sell french fries.
- Now, everything is different.
We have a safe place to live,
plenty of food and we are very happy.
It feels so good knowing that
there are people in the world
willing to take their own money
and give it away just to help my family.
They don't even know us.
All I can do to say thankyou is pray for them.
If I could meet the people who helped us,
I would give them all a big hug.
- Thank you so much for seeing the need
and meeting it.
This is Orange, Texas, somebodyhit new partner, $2,508.
Taneytown, Maryland, 2500Club member up to 3,120.
West Palm Beach, Florida someone lifting
from the 700 Club to 2500 Club, $3,360
and Coraopolis, Pennsylvaniaa one time gift, $5,000.
- Fredericksburg 4,800,Bonita Springs 4,800.
St. Louis 3,000, PointClear, Alabama 5,000.
All goes into this challenge.
We've more than exceeded it 215.
Here's a word from John,
"Ask and you will receive,that your joy may be full."
We'll see you tomorrow.
(gentle music)