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- Well, it's time for someof your email questions,
and Pat, this first onecomes from Kelly, who says,
"I try to save money for emergencies,
"but I do so by hiding it
"because every time myhusband finds money,
"he spends it on alcohol."
"He will go searching through the house
"until he finds some."
"Is it a sin to have secret money
"or should he know where all of it goes?"
"We can't save our finances when he spends
"what extra we have on his pleasures."
- That's a difficult question.
You know, you and yourhusband should be as one,
that's what the Bible says,but he isn't responsible.
He's supposed to be the leader,
and he's supposed to be theHigh Priest of the family,
but he's abdicated that.
And so what you're looking at
is somebody who has walkedout of his anointing,
walked out of the gift,
walked out of the privilegesthat he should have,
and as far as I'm concerned,
he's no better than a little child.
He's not living like aman, a responsible leader.
And so, it's no sin at all tokeep money out of his hands
'cause all he's gonna do is drink it.
What he needs to do,
there needs to be somekind of an intervention,
it's real apparent he's an alcoholic,
and he needs some peopleto come and help him.
So not only should youkeep money away from him,
you should also get people to help him.
And he needs to get deliveredfrom this problem, all right?
- This is Tara who says,
"About a year ago, I was in a car accident
"which resulted in significantdamage to my right leg."
"It was wounded in such a way
"that caused me constant, significant pain
"which doctors said they could not heal."
"I was in a wheelchair
"and could not bear anyweight on the damaged leg."
"Six weeks ago,
"I elected to have myleg amputated at the hip,
"and the procedure wascarried out last Friday."
"I hope that eventuallyI'll be able to walk again
"with a prosthetic."
"However, I just heard from a friend
"who said that any type of self-mutilation
"is against God's word,
"even if it would potentiallyhelp my mobility."
"Did I do something wrong?"
- I don't think so.
You did the best you could do medically,
but that's a major step, you know,
to have an amputation of this nature,
but you can get a prosthetic.
But I, there's no sin in that.
I mean, you had medicaladvise, the best you could do.
I mean, if for example, it was gangrenous,
if you had a gangrenous legthat was going to destroy you,
you'd have to get rid of it.
I mean, to stop the-
- It's not self-mutilation anyway,
that's a medical procedure.
- Yeah, exactly.
Self-mutilation is scarringor cutting yourself.
That's a different matter, all right?
- Okay, this is Lolla who says,
"I'm scared I won't make it to heaven."
"I've done wrong and confessed my sins,
"but I went back to it."
"This time around,
"I'm scared to tell myparents what I've done."
"I know we are in the end times
"and don't want to be too late."
"What should I do?"
- I guess you weretalking about a teenager.
I don't know what you're doing,
probably not as bad as you think.
You know, the Bible says,"All sins will be forgiven,"
except the one that, you know,rejecting the Holy Spirit,
but in terms of thestuff that you've done,
it's a sex sin or it's some disobedience,
or you done something,you stole something,
just confess it to the Lordand get on with your life.
Don't spend all the time.
You've gotta believe God, you know?
God said, "If you confess your sins,
"he's faithful and justto forgive us our sins
"and to cleanse us fromall unrighteousness."
Now, do it.
Confess it and then receivewhat God's word has said
and believe the Bible, all right?
- Okay, this is Linda who says,
"Can you give a biblicalreference to answer this question,
"if a person is sexuallyunfaithful in their marriage
"and is forgiven by the spouse
"who wishes to save their marriage,
"would the innocent spousebe guilty of adultery?"
If they left, I guess she's saying.
- Well, I think you're guilty of adultery
because you committed adultery.
- No, she's saying the innocent person.
The person who's sexually unfaithful
is forgiven by the spouse,
but the unfaithful personwants to save their marriage,
would the innocent person
be guilty of adultery if they left?
I mean, technically they have grounds.
- This is a very complicated question.
- It is very complicated.
- So another words, youcommitted the adultery,
in a sense are you saying,
I know you told by this it was her.
So you did it and now you want to split,
you want to get out of the marriage.
The answer is, you haveno ground to do it.
The fact that you broke the marriage
doesn't give you theground to get out of it.
So you asked me and I thinkthat's the answer, okay?
- This is Michelle who says,
"Pat, can you help giveus parents of prodigals
"a word of wisdom and encouragement
"for this holiday season?"
- I don't know what kind (laughs),
this is really hard, you know.
- Well keep on keeping on.
I mean, prayer.
- Well, I know but I mean,
encouragement thisholiday season to keep on,
you know, there's perseverance,
and you know, the bearing up,
and perseverance leads to endurance,
and endurance leads to hope.
There's a wonderful Greekword called hupomone,
they call it an onimonipia,hupomone's got (breaths out),
I'm struggling under it.
So, you're under a burden andyou just keep on carrying it
because the Lord will come alongside
and help you carry the burden.
The Bible says, "There'sno temptation taking you,
"but such is common in man,
"but God is faithful
"who will also give you a way of escape."
- It's hard when your childrenare in the far country.
Everything in you wantsto bring them back.