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The 700 Club - January 6, 2020

An abdominal bleed is healed by a prayer broadcast over the airwaves. Plus, you’re getting hooked on sugar without even knowing it! Discover the ways you can break the habit once and for all on today’s 700 Club. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [John] Coming up, breakingAmerica's sweetest addiction.

- About day 57 I thought I can do this.

- [John] And it's theone packing the pounds.

- And I couldn't stop eating.

- [John] How you'regetting hooked on sugar

without even knowing it.

- I had to start to read ingredients.

- [John] And the ways you can

break the habit once and for all.

- I haven't had sugaror flour in 10 years.

- [John] On Today's "700 Club."

(upbeat music)

- Welcome to this editionof "The 700 Club."

I have a, an important announcement.

My wife Dede and I weregiven the wonderful news

on Sunday of the birth ofour 15th grand-grandchild,

baby Adelaide.

- Congratulations, that is remarkable.

And we should said babyAdelaide has just arrived,

and congratulations on that,

but you have more coming.

- Two more.

So it will be 16 and 17.

The Bible says be fruitful and multiple.

- [Terry] You took that seriously.

- I'll tell you thesechildren have taken off.

This is a marvelous thing.

- It really is, congratulations.

- But anyhow ladies and gentleman

that's my big news.

Well the next thing in the news

is a face off in the Middle East.

Iranian officials are doubling down

on threats of retaliation.

And President Trump's double dare to take

any action against America.

Will Congress try to tie his hands?

CBN Middle East BureauChief Chris Mitchell

reports on this escalating crisis.

- [Chris] Iran's tributes to Suleimani

reached a crescendo when hiscasket arrived in Tehran.

From Baghdad to Beirut,Iran and its allies

are promising revenge and retaliation.

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah,

his terror group can now targetU.S. troops in the region.

Iran has also threatenedto attack Israeli cities.

The Shiite dominated Iraqi parliament

passed a non-binding resolution

to kick the U.S. out of Iraq.

While in Tehran, Iranannounced it will no longer

comply with the restrictions

of the 2015 nuclear agreement.

Trump threatened sanctions against Iraq

if they force U.S. troops out.

Oil prices are up,

and the strategic straight of Hormuz

could be a key target for Iran

to hit the most strategic water way

for the world's oil supply.

In Washington, President Trump

says the U.S. will strike back

in case of any Iranian retaliation.

And he's sending an additional 3500 troops

to the region and deploy missiles

at embassies and U.S. bases.

But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says

the strike on Suleimani put America

at greater risk,

and she's calling for a House vote

to limit the president's military actions

regarding Iran.

On Sunday talk showsU.S. Secretary of State

Mike Pompeo defended the strike.

We would have been culpably negligent

had we not gone after Suleimani

when we had the opportunity.

He was actively engaged

in plotting against American interest.

- [Chris] Retired general David Petraeus

said the strike hit Iran's most

powerful military figure.

- This is bigger than Bin Laden,it's bigger than Baghdadi.

This is the most powerful figure in Iran

for the solidificationof the Shia crescent.

And also the operational commander

of the actions that they're pursuing.

- [Chris] Those plans included building up

Iranian proxy forcesthroughout the Middle East,

including Iraq.

Pompeo says Iran wants to turn the country

into a Vassal state.

And the Obamaadministration's nuclear deal

helped them do it.

- The Iranian government

is trying to basically

take over Iraq's political system.

Iran is bribing Iraqi politicians.

To the Iraqi people,

do not allow your politicians

to turn Iraq into a proxy of Iran.

- While many are mourning Suleimani,

others in Iraq and Iranare celebrating the death

of who many consider the mastermind

of terror throughout the Middle East.

Despite the talk of war,

some are asking if this is the time

for diplomatic overtures to Iran.

Yet in the meantimethis heightened security

in major U.S. cities andconcern about cyber attacks

on key infrastructure throughout the U.S.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- I wanna make one thing very clear.

We struck Suleimaniand it was a wise move.

But the Iranians are gonna strike back

at the one who is responsible,

they've now put thetarget on the president.

I'm so sorry he's put himselfso much into the action

because he is now a target

and I would certainly callin the secret service.

I would call on all the peoplewho surround the president,

his advanced team andeverybody that goes with him

to redouble your efforts

because he is now a target.

And the Iranians will not stop

until they bring down theman who is responsible

for killing their hero.

This man was a thug.

He was a viscous person.

It was a wise move to do.

And certainly we don't need Congress now

trying to interfered with theforeign policy of America.

At the same time, I would call strongly

on the secret service toredouble your efforts,

especially in these rallieswhere the president's

out and very exposed.

He himself, if he canlimit his engagements

because he's going to be the target.

And the Iranians will not stop

until they have hurt the president.

In the meantime,

we're looking at possible attacks at one

of our carriers.

It they try to block offthe Straight of Hormuz,

they could sink a few ships,

who knows what they're gonna do.

They could throw mines all over that area

and blow up shipping.

They have a whole arsenal of trouble.

And we should respond to cripple

their oil supplies as much as we can.

But nevertheless I justwanna say that again,

we need to redouble our efforts

to surround the Presidentof the United states

with secret service, with advanced people,

with all is needed, including military,

to make sure that he's kept safe.

Joining us now fromWashington is John Hannah

of the Foundation forDefense of Democracy,

who also served as vicePresident Dick Cheney's

national security advisor.

John, you were at theWhite House during 9/11,

what do you think are the next steps

the administration should take?

- Well thanks for having me, Pat.

Listen< this is a biggamble by the president.

Potentially big pay offs.

He took really the greatest

terrorist mastermind in the world

off the battle field.

Suleimani will be very,very difficult to replace

for the Iranians.

It's a terrible blow for that system

and their entire national security policy.

I also think that it couldreassert U.S. deterrence

in the Middle East.

It is a tremendous shockto the Iranian system.

They thought Suleimani was untouchable.

There has been escalation with Iran

for the past 40 years,

but over the past six months

it's become particular acute,

with attacks in the Gulf on shipping,

the shoot down of a U.S. drone,

the attacks on the Saudioil facilities in September.

These were all met witha minimal U.S. response,

real U.S. restraint.

But now with the attackson our contractor in Iraq

that resulted in his death,

as well as then the attack on our embassy

in an attempt to humiliatethe United States.

The president of the United States

said enough is enough,

and he went just not one rungup the escalation ladder,

he went several up it,

killing really the second

most important person in that regime,

something that I think theIranians never expected.

My guess is that they'reterribly unsettled right now.

They don't know exactly what to do

and what this president is capable

of if they again accidentally cross one

of his red lines that could bring

the full wrath of American military power

against Iran itself

in a way that would threaten the survival

of that regime, which isof course their highest

order of priory.

So I think right now the United States

has got to batten down the hatches,

prepare for the worst obviously,

but continue to makevery, very clear to Iran

that while we've got things

that we need to worry about here

they've got much more to worry about

if they continue to push

and prod and threaten Americans

and American interest in the Middle East

and around the world.

- John, the president said

we're not calling for regime change,

but actually regime change is what

the people of Iran want.

They don't like the (mumbles),

that theocracy that'sin place is dictatorial

and they really are laboring

under the goad of their leaders.

Shouldn't we go for aregime change in Iran?

- Well I think if we hadthe instruments to do it

I think that's the obvious out come.

That's the way you actuallysettle this 40 year

war between the United States

and the Islamic Republic of Iran

is that you get rid of this regime

and have a regime that actually

will allow the Iranian people

and Iranian culture

and civilization to thrive.

These are, it's an incredibly old

and talented culture and civilization.

Iranians thrive anywhere around the world,

except in Iran itself.

That's of course the great tragedy

because of this totalitarianIslamistic regime

that they toil under.

I do think the UnitedStates has to do much more

to support human rights,

not only in Iran but inIraq as well and Lebanon.

These are Iran's twogreat imperial outposts,

where since October we've also seen

massive demonstrations against a corrupt

pro Iranian political class.

We've seen Iranianconsulates burn down in Iraq.

And then of course in November we saw

perhaps one of thegreatest uprisings inside

of Iran itself against this regime

since the 1979 revolution,

where they had to kill almost 1500 people

in a matter of days or even just a week.

Something the Iranians havenever had to do before.

They're under huge pressure

as a result of American sanctions.

So this strike against Suleimani,

something they didn't see coming

that has really thrown them off balance,

couldn't come at a worsetime for the Iranian Republic

because its legitimacy of this regime

has never been more in question

from the Iranian people themselves.

- John, if we put sanctions on Iran

and we bomb their (mumbles) for example,

of all his refineries there,

that hurts the Iranian people though.

I mean how do you get to the regime,

the leadership, without hurting the people

who really want to get rid of them?

- There's no questionthat this has got to be

an important prong ofAmerican foreign policy

even as we're bearingdown on this regime, Pat,

we've got to have humanitarian exceptions

in treasury department licensing

that allows critical medicines

and food to get in to the Iranian people.

At the same time, you've got to say

that these are the most effective,

crushing and punishing sanctions

the Americans have ever imposed on Iran,

and yet as we saw in November

who the Iranian people are not blaming

the United States fortheir horrible situation.

They know that the cause of their misery

and their pain and their suffering

is this Islamist regime in Iran

that has so brutally ruled

over them for 40 years.

That has completelymismanaged that economy

and spent the wealth of the Iranian people

not on advancing Iran's own,

their own well being,

but on these wrecking death

and destruction and havoc

across the Middle East

against not only Americans,

but against Israelis.

And of course Arab's themselves have been

one of the greatest victims,

particularly sine the genocide in Syria,

which no one was more responsible for

than Qasem Suleimani.

- John, about the sanctions,

Pelosi is saying well the president

is exceeding his authority,

we need to put congressionalstrictures on him.

Is what they're doing in any,

is that wise or is it even constitutional?

- well listen, Pat, I'm one

of those people who believewhen the American Congress

and executive branchoperate in coordination

in a bipartisan fashion,whether domestically

or particularly international,

America is absolutely at its strongest.

So I think the presidentneeds to do his best

after he's taken this kind of action

and given the risk that we're facing

to as frustrating, asdifficult as it can be

to actually reach out

to CONgress and try and inform people

about what his strategy is going forward,

how he's going toactually protect Americans

from the Iranianretaliation that is coming.

At the same time, listen,there is so much hatred

and polarization against the president

that there are democratswho are going to posture

and scream from the rooftopsagainst his president,

but whether they're actually prepared

to take any responsibility to actually

interfere with American foreign policy

at such a critical and dangerous time,

my entire experience withthe American Congress

unfortunately is that they're not prepared

to actually carry that weight

of responsibilty on their shoulders

for the consequencesof any serious action.

- John, thank you somuch for being with us.

John Hannah.

- Thank you, Pat.

- A tremendous word.

You know, ladies and gentleman,

I heard the other day

that Pelosi and her crowd have actually

gone to a federal appeals court

to see if they couldn't add other items

in the impeachment vote.

And yet they refused to passthat vote onto the Senate.

They said we just have to hurry.

This president is so dangerous to America,

we've got to hurry

and get this impeachment through.

So once they've gotten it through

then they stalled.

They said well yeah,

but we gotta find out

what the Senate's gonna do first.

And now they're trying to add other items.

As one commentator said,

it's like you got anindictment for manslaughter

and no you want to addanother one for murder.

- Like many have saidthat should the president

win the next electionthis will just go on.

There will be more accusations.

- Well, I don't think there's any question

at this point in time that he'sgonna win the next election.

I think it would befunny to think that crowd

is that they're against him.

They're all fighting

and they talk about socialism,

you just can't have that.

Well an example of what asocialist government can do

or country is Venezuela.

Venezuela's dictator has tried to

take over the national assembly.

So who's now in control ofthat country's legislature?

John Jessup has more.

- Thanks, Pat.

A tumultuous day in Venezuela Sunday

as dictator Nicholas Maduromoved to take control

of the country's legislatureknown as the national assembly.

Forces loyal to Maduroblocked assembly leader

Juan Guaido and hisfollowers from entering

the legislative palace tovote for Guaido's reelection.

Even pushing him back ashe tried to climb a fence.

Maduro backers thenelected their own candidate

to lead the legislature.

Guaido supporters later met at the offices

of an opposition newspaper

to vote him in.

The United States and dozensof foreign governments

recognize Guaido as Venezuela's leader,

but an uprising last year failedto push Maduro from power.

Well Australia's government says

it will pay "whatever ittakes to help communities

"recover from the deadlywildfires ravaging the country."

Prime Minister Scott Morrison warned

the fires are still burning

and that they'll beburning for months to come.

2000 homes have already been wiped out,

and at least 25 people have been killed

as the fires have scored so far

an area twice the sizethe state of Maryland.

The total cost of the fires is expected

to be well into the billions of dollars.

Pat, Australia in much need of relief.

- Well, it's an ecological nightmare.

I read that 100 million animalshave died in those fires.

Now it's up to as much as a billion.

- Half a billion at least.

Now a billion?


- Yeah>

oh yeah 100 million to a billon.

It's, I know those koala bears

and all those kangaroos,

it's an incredible thing.

And it's very shocking as to what happens.

But let's pray for them.

It looks like it's gonnaget a little bit cooler.

And they need rain desperately.

The Australian navy's beenpicking up people on the coast

who are in danger.

It's one of the mostawful ecological disasters

that I have seen in my lifetime.

Well, there was a meeting in Florida,

in Orlando to mourn the passing

of a dear, dear friendof mine, Reinhard Bonnke.

John has more on that matter.

- That's right, Pat.

Christian leaders met there inOrlando, Florida this weekend

to remember the life

of Evangelist Reinhard Bonne

who died December 7th.

The service was alsoa passing of the torch

to the next generation.

CBN president and CEOGordon Robertson was there,

and he shared how God changedthe course of his life

when he attended a Bonnke crusade in India

in 1994 with Pastor John Jimenez.

- I saw 300,000 people,

which for Reinhard was a small crowd.

300,000 people there and literally half

of them gave their heart to Jesus Christ.

As they were doing that,

John Jiminez leaned over tothis rebellious preacher's son

and said you can do that too.

At the point in time of my life

where he said that to me,

everything within me laughed.

You have got to be kidding.

But I wanna lean over this podium into you

and say we're here tonight, today

to pass the torch,

and I want to assure youthat you can do it too.

- Bonnke's ministry recorded an amazing

77 million salvations in hisdecades as an Evangelist.

And, Pat, I like what Gordon said there,

God can use anyone.

- Well, as I said in my letter to him,

about every hundred yearssomebody comes along,

as the Lord has unlimited,

and there has never beenanybody like Reinhard Bonnke,

I mean never.

The number of people I one meeting he had

one million decisions, in one meeting.

In Nigeria he had fiveor six million people

in the audience,

and the anointing of the Holy Spirit,

miracles, this man was incredible.

He was a dear, dear friend, we miss him.

But in the whole century

there's never been anybody like him.

I mean you can think aboutAmericans doing this,

but nothing like Bonnke.

So our hearts go out to his family,

his loved ones,

and Danny Kolenda who is his successor.

I just pray for Christfor all nations (mumbles),

might prosper and be blessed.

As, as Gordon said, thetorch is now being passed.


- Well still ahead in the news,

a stunning transformation.

Believe it or not,

this woman once tippedthe scales at 325 pounds.

So how did she lose so much weight?

Find out her one secret.

And then, sharp pains and severe bleeding.

An ovarian cyst had this woman in agony.

Then a message comes for her twice.

What was it and how didit lead to her healing?

(Upbeat music)

- Molly (coughing), Molly Carmel

once weighed in at 325 pounds.

Then she ended what is calledthe abusive relationship

that caused her to be morbidly obese.

What was it?

and why is it being blamedfor a killer epidemic

that's sweeping across America?

Lorie Johnson has the answer.

- [Lorie] Like millions

of Americans Molly Carmel spent years

trying different diets withoutever seeing true success.

At one point she tippedthe scale at 325 pounds.

- I had to get into the shower.

I stopped wearing underwear completely

because back in those days

I didn't know where to buy underwear

that would fit me.

I stopped wearing shoes that tied

'cause I couldn't tie my shoes.

And it was as,

and I couldn't stop eating.

And I couldn't stop eating.

- [Lorie] In an act of desperation,

Molly underwent bariatric surgery,

but even that didn't stick.

- The only thing worsethan being morbidly obese

is gaining weight backafter being morbidly obese.

- [Lorie] Life completelychanged for Molly

as she read studies onmice addicted to sugar.

She learned consuming the sugar

rereleases dopamine into the brain

and how that feel good chemical

triggers memory, desire and behavior.

The research really clicked when Molly saw

how giving into cravingsmeant it would take

even more sugar to achievethis same level of pleasure.

- Reading research that really,

it described me.

I was like oh.

- [Lorie] Knowing processedflour effects the body

just like sugar, Molly determined many

of her diets failed because

they allowed some flourand sugar consumption.

- Yeah they are big into moderation,

which I think is like,

I think it's impossible for so many of us.

If I could, let me tell you something,

if I could moderatethat's what I would do.

- [Lorie] For the first time in her life

she decided to give up sugarand flour for three days.

- And when I started to have the detox

I was like uh-oh.

- [Lorie] But she pushed through.

- I decided to continue onfor like three more days.

About day 57

I thought I can do this.

- [Lorie] She lost theweight and kept it off.

- I mean I haven't hadsugar or flour in 10 years.

- [Lorie] Now Molly helps others

at her Manhattan weight loss clinic

and in her book "Breaking Up With Sugar,"

in which she compares theaddiction to a bad relationship.

- I mean think about,

think about an abuser.

It's like oh you think youcan get on without me huh?

You're a nothing, you're a nobody, right?

And if you're an outside perspective

you're watching that movie,

you're like get out of there girl,

yo;ure fine.

You're amazing.

- Ditching sugar and flourinvolves the big ticket items

like cake and cookies,

but also lots of processed foods

you might not expect.

- Sugar is a tricky,tricky, tricky little abuser

because it really is everywhere.

I gave up Ketchup.

I gave up Teriyaki sauce.

I gave up a lot of salad dressings.

I had to start to read ingredients.

- [Lorie] If sugar orone of its many aliases

is in one of the first four ingredients,

just say no.

Molly says after awhile it becomes easier.

- I travel and I go out to dinner,

and I order in.

And I live a big, abundant life.

- [Lorie] The hardest part is enduring

the headaches, depressionand other withdrawal effects

that can last for days or weeks.

- It's a real thing,

and it passes.

You wanna know the way it passes though

so we don't go back to the sugar.

- [Lorie] So while not everyonefeels controlled by sugar,

Molly Carmel believes many do.

- I think there's a part

of our country that is sodeeply giving up on themselves

and so deeply hopeless.

- [Lorie] And says if she cankick the habit anyone can.

- I just wish people would look...

- Lorie Johnson is here to tell us

about this sugar addiction.

Sugar's in everything, isn't it?

- It really is.

In the processed food.

And food manufacturers,

this is not a coincidence.

They put it in there,they sneak it in there

because they know it is addictive.

You're gonna eat more and buy more.

- Certainly ketchup isloaded with it, what else is?

- So many things.

Sugar is found in processed form

in processed foods in 60 different ways.

There are 60 different names for sugar.

And if you wanna know all the names

they are in this book"Breaking Up With Sugar."

Many of them end in ose, o-s-e, dextrose,

maltrose, fructose.

Also look out for the word syrup.

All the different syrups, that's sugar.

And even natural thingslike honey and agava,

that's sugar.

- I was, been concerned about

high fructose corn syrup,

which I think has a different chemical

rather than just plain old sugar.

Have you found something about that?

- It is true.

It is, your body doesmetabolism is differently.

Many doctors say it hasa more serious effect

on your body than regular sugar.

And it can lead to fatty liver disease.

This is the, fatty liver disease

is what a lot of alocholics have,

but now people who eat a lot

of high fructose corn syrup

get the fatty liver disease too.

So it's processed in yourliver in a detrimental way.

But it's not just high fructose corn syrup

because now the manufacturers are like

ooh people are afraid ofhigh fructose corn syrup,

so let's just call it corn syrup instead.

Or let's call it something else.

So they end up getting the sugar in there.

- You say fructose, (mumbles).

- Maltrose, dextrose,all the different syrups.

There are all kinds of,

but there are 60 differentaliases for sugar.

And again they're all in here,

but look out for OSE and syrup.

- White bared metabolizesas sugar, doesn't it?

- Absolutely.

Because in the grinding process,

so we're talking about flour,

not whole grains.

For example, you eatoatmeal every morning,

oats are fine becausethey're the whole grains.

But when you grind up grains

all the good stuff is taken out

and what's left is starch.

And starch is just likesugar in your body.

So, again, when you're reading the labels

of processed food,

if you see the word starch,

tapioca starch, potatostarch, corn starch,

that's flour.

- Wow, it's all in there.

- Yeah so look out for the word flour

and then flour has a bunch of aliases too.

- You remember when they hadsomething called cyclomates

and they banned that 'cause they had,

one rat someplace got some cancer,

but they opened up the doorto something called Equal,

which I think is really bad.

- I'm glad that you brought that up

because artificialsweeteners are just as bad

as sugar, if not worse.

And we've talked about this before,

about the detrimentaleffect artificial sweeteners

have on your gut.

Sugar is bad for your gut,

artificial sweeteners are even worse.

Plus, they put that tasteof sugar in your mind.

And this is so much,

an addiction to sugar is so much

about what's going on in your mind.

And the dopamine.

And your desire for more.

And so artificial sweeteners do that too,

so you have to reallystop eating those too.

- Well, You know, we talkedabout the better gut,

but in your gut, ifyou have the wrong kind

of little critters down there,

they'll demand more of this.

So isn't that addiction sort of (mumbles).

- Exactly, yes it is.

And I love how you do this

because it's all combined, yes.

And so so many of the things we talk about

for building a better gut arethe same thing with sugar.

So, so many people havefailed on their diets before

because these diets will allowfor a little bit of sugar

or a little bit of flour.

And you see these frozen meals,

they've got the sauces, they're all sugar.

But just a little bit,

and people who are addicted to sugar

can't have just a little.

They don't do moderation

so a little leads to a lot.

And so it's better to just go cold turkey.

- It starts with a little baby.

You think I'll like a sweet something

so the baby will want sweet.

So we put salt and sugarinto all these cereals

and all these things,

and these babies, theyget fat from the get go.

- It's true.

And you know a lot of these parents

have the best intentions.

And so knowledge is power.

And understanding,

that's what's so great about this

is understanding what sugar

and processed flour do to our brains

and our bodies,

that is, that is the first step.

And we need to understandthey're very, very unhealthy.

We're trying to bless people

by making them chocolate chip cookies,

you know our kids come home

and we give them cookies and milk.

But actually if we understand

what that's doing to our children,

it's very bad.

- Well, again, back to this gut thing,

most of these artificial sweeteners

will destroy the gut flora.

- Terrible, yes.

They're absolutely awful.

They cause bad bacteria to grow.

And they inhibit the goodbacteria from growing.

So artificial sweeteners,actually studies have shown

that people who eat and drink a lot

of artificial sweeteners gain more weight.

- Yeah.

Well, Lorie, I tell youit's ground breaking.

This book is called"Breaking Up with Sugar."

now this woman had bariatric surgery.

- Yes.

- what else did she, shereally went through (mumbles).

- She did every diet under the sun,

and I'm sure a lot of our viewers

are like yeah me too.

So she finally just gave up.

She even had bariatric surgery

and then gained the weight back.

So then she saw that there is such a thing

as a sugar addiction.

And that's what this is all about.

And more medical doctors

and people who are health experts

are embracing this idea

of a sugar addiction and treating it as

you would treat any other addiction.

Which means, weight one, don't have any,

but number two, if you do have some,

don't completely give up and binge.

Don't go on a bender, likeif you're an alcoholic.

So get back on the wagon.

- What do we eat?

- Well you eat anything,

you could have, like I said,

the whole grain, the quinoa,

weight bread, I don't knowif you're familiar with that.

- [Pat] I eat it all the time.

- Good, well that's goodbecause it has no flour

and it has the whole grain.

So whole grains are fine,the quinoa and the oats.

and then you can still have sugar,

I mean you can still have fructose,

which is the natural sugar in fruits,

as long as you're eating the whole fruit.

No juices.

If you combine the sugar with fiber

then it's okay because what happens is

the sugar is slowly digested rather than

making it have that giant insulin spike.

- This woman actually had headaches

when she gave up sugar?

- Thank you for bringing that up.


That's detox.

That's withdrawal.

And a lot of people throw in the towel

when they start going thoughtthe detox and withdrawal.

If you're addicted to something,

when you give it up it's gonna hurt.

But push through.

A lot of people are likeoh it really bothers me

giving up sugar, so I'mgoing to go back to it.

If you push through the pain,

just know that there's a lightat the end of the tunnel.

One day soon you will stop craving it.

That's the hope, that's the goal.

It does happen, you'llstop craving the sugar

if you go without it.

- Wow.

Ladies and gentleman, the book is called

"Breaking Up With Sugar."

That was the abusing boyfriend.

- (laughing) I love that.

I love that.

- I broke up with her,I told her to go away.

- [Lorie] We are nevergetting back together.

- Well thanks, Lorie.

Terry, what you got next?

- Well up next, a medicalmiracle in just one week.

She had a three centimetercyst on a Friday.

Seven days later it was completely gone,

but she wasn't surprisedwhen she heard the news, why?

You'll see when we return.

(upbeat music)

- A voicemail from the doctor

with the results of an ultrasound.

Most people would be clawing their nails

just listening to the message.

But not Maryellen.

She already knew what it said.

How did she know?

You're about to find out.

- I'm Maryellen, and Thanksgiving 2018

I started having severe abdominal cramps,

specifically on my left side.

It progressively gotworse through the night.

I went to bed and I justlaid in bed thinking

what is wrong with me?

I had bleeding and sharppain in my left side.

I tossed and turned all night.

So I went to the doctor the next day.

And he sent me down for an ultrasound

and that said it was mostlikely a cyst on my ovary.

He sent me home and said we'llhave the results next week,

but just try to put a heating pad on it

and take Advil.

I went home.

That same day I am laying on the couch,

I have a heating bad on my abdomen.

I'm praying to God pleasemake this pain go away.

And I happened up on "The 700 Club."

And Terry came on with a word

of knowledge that there was a woman

with severe bleeding and abdominal pain.

And I was thinking that sounds like me.

Maybe that's for me.

And then I thought to myself wow,

if they ever said left ovary

then I'd know that was me.

- Someone, you've got extremepain in your left ovary

and God has healed that.

He's able to take away the cyst.

He's able to take awayall the issues with it.

And he's able to completelyheal, completely restore.

- And I just gasped that I said

that is for me,

I can't believe he just said that.

That is for me.

I took the heating pad off

and I said I don't feel it.

That pain is gone.

Thank you.

Thank you, Jesus.

Thank you for taking that away.

The results from my tests,

which I had done on Friday,

the day after Thanksgiving,

showed I had a three centimeter cyst

on my left ovary.

So when I went to my followup visit,

the doctor did another ultrasound

and called me,

and left a message on my phone

saying "Maryellen, thatcyst has been resolved."

- [Doctor] Your ultrasound was normal,

so that cyst has resolved.

- But I already knew that.

It happened for me,it'll happen for anybody.

All you gotta do is ask.

I think that's the key,

is you gotta ask to receive.

And boy I was asking that day.

And I really, God heard me.

And sent me that specificmessage just for me.

- You know Gordon and Terrydidn't know that dear lady,

but when you talk about the left ovary

and that was healed,

that's God.

That's what God did.

- This is Tammy.

She lives in Hendersonville, Tennessee.

She was really hurting.

She had terrible neck pain.

It was hurting badly,

but she had faith thatGod could heal anyone

of any condition.

She was watching "The 700 Club" one day,

and she hears you say"you've got a neck muscle

"that is ore and stiff.

"You can hardly move your head.

"She touched her neck and thepain immediately was gone."

- [Pat] Wow.

Well here's one, Shannon,

who lives in Jacksonville, Florida.

She was experiencing pain from her ear

all the way down through her throat.

And you Terry had a word

of knowledge describing her situation.

"you have recurring strep throat.

"This cutting feeling is going."

Shannon said that's for me.

Now she's pain to swallowand all the pain's gone.

- Praise the Lord.

Let's pray.

God is so good, so specific.

- Amen.

- And so good.

- Thank you, Father.

Lord, I join with Terryand we pray together

for the people in this audience.

Lord, many of them are suffering.

Many of them are in despair.

Many of them are not surewhat the future holds.

Many of them are praying aboutthe situation in the world.

God, great peace havethey that love thy love.

Nothing shall offend them.

And may the peace of God,

that passes understanding,

keep their hearts andminds in Christ Jesus.

Thank you, Lord.

Somebody named Maryanne,

you've got a swollen tongue.

And right now just putyour hand over your mouth.

In the name of Jesus thatswelling will go down now.



- There's someone else, youhave a condition on your scalp.

You don't have it onthe rest of your body,

just on your scalp,

but it's scaling.

Your skin scales often.

So it's not so much that it'sable to be seen by people,

it's it's unsightly because

of all of the skin that is

constantly on your clothing from it.

God is healing that condition for you.

You've had it for years,

but it will be gone now in Jesus' name.

- There's somebody you havewhat's called a prolapsed uterus

and God is just strengthening right now

the uterine walls.

And all those organs are going back

exactly where they're supposed to.

There's a creative miracletaking place in your life,

thank you father.

- Somebody else, you haveissues with your circulation,

and you'll know this is you because

the bed of your nails

is almost a blueish color.

God is healing thatcirculation issue for you.

Any swelling you've had in your ankles,

your sense of, you're cold all the time.

You're being healed ofthat in Jesus' name.

- Somebody's praying about money.

I think it's $11,500

and you've just cried out to the Lord,

you've just got to have this.

And God is gonna supply you the need.

Just receive it in the name of Jesus

and it shall be yours.

Now Father, for those in this audience,

whoever they are, may thepeace of God descend upon them.

And once again we pray for our country,

we pray for our president.

We pray for the world situation.

Lord, protect your people.

Thank you, Lord.

Thank you, Lord.

The Bible says neither your silver

or your gold should live in the day

of God's wrath.

Seek righteousness, seek humility,

you may be healed inthe day of God's wrath.

May the Lord cover you withhis anointing in Jesus' name.


- [Tarry] Amen.

- And amen.


- Well, still to come we'vegot your email questions.

Kelly says "my husband spendsour savings on alcohol.

"Is it a sin to savemoney from him secretly?"

Stay tuned for your questionsand some honest answers

when we return.

(upbeat music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN News break.

Islamic terrorist brieflyoverran a key military base

used by America counterterrorist forces in Kenya

before dawn Sunday.

The attack by members of Al-Shabaab

based in neighboring Somalia,

killed one American serviceman

and two defense contractors.

American aircraft andvehicles were also destroyed.

Five of the attackers were killed.

Kenya is a key base forfighting Al-Shabaab,

which is linked to Al-Qaeda.

Well children in theAfrican nation of Benin

celebrated this past Christmas with CBN.

Superbook clubs fro across the country

met in Cotonou to attendthe Christmas celebration

which was broadcast across Benin.

The children showcaseddancing and singing,

and participated in anation-wide Bible verse contest.

The winner took home aspecial Gizmo trophy.

More than 500 children

participated in this holiday celebration.

Well you can find out more about

what CBN is doing around the world

by going to

Pat and Terry will beback right after this.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Well it's time for someof your email questions,

and Pat, this first one comes from Kelly

who says "I try to savemoney for emergencies,

"but I do so by hidingit because every time

"my husband finds moneyhe spends it on alcohol.

"He will go searching throughthe house until he finds some.

"Is it a sin to have secret money,

"or should he know where all of it goes?

"We can't save our finances

"when he spends what extrawe have on his pleasures."

- Well, that's a difficult question.

You know, you and yourhusband should be as one,

that's what the Bible says.

But he isn't responsible.

He's supposed to be the leader,

and he's supposed to be thehigh priest of the family,

but he's abdicated that.

And so what you're looking at is

somebody who has walkedout of his anointing,

walked out of a gift,

waled out of the privilegesthat he should have.

And as far as I'm concerned

he's no better than a little child.

He's not lining like a man,

a responsible leader.

And so it's no sin atall to keep money out

of his hands 'cause allhe's gonna do is drink it.

What he needs to do,

there needs to be some kind

of intervention 'causeapparently he's an alcoholic.

And he needs some peopleto come and help him.

So not only should youkeep money away from him,

you should also get people to help him.

And he needs to getdelivered from this problem.

- This is Tara who says "About a year ago

"I was in a car accident which resulted in

"significant damage to my right leg.

"It was wounded in such away that caused me consent

"significant pain which doctorssaid they could not heal.

"I was in a wheelchair andcould not bear any weight

"on the damaged leg.

"Six weeks ago I electedto have my leg amputated

"at the hip and the procedurewas carried out last Friday.

"I hope that eventually

"I'll be able to walkagain with a prosthetic.

"However, I just heard from a friend

"who said that any type of self mutilation

"is against God's word,

"even if it wouldpotentially help my mobility.

"Did I do something wrong?"

- I don't think so.

You did the best you could do medically.

But that's a major stepto have an amputation

of this nature.

But you can get a prosthetic.

There's no sin in that.

I mean you had medical advice,

the best you can do.

I mean for example if it was gangrenous,

if you had a gangrenous legthat was gonna destroy you

you'd have to get rid of it.

I mean to stop the gang-

- It's not self mutilation anyway,

that's a medical illness.

- Yeah, exactly.

Self mutilation is scaring,

you're cutting yourself.

That's a different matter.

- Okay this is Lolla who says

"I'm scared I won't make it to heaven.

"I've done wrong and confessed my sins,

"but I went back to it.

"this time around I'mscared to tell my parents

"what I've done.

"I know we are in the end times

"and don't want to be too late,

"what should I do?"

- I guess you're talking about a teenager.

I don't know what you're doing,

probably not as bad as you think.

You know, the Bible saysall sins will be forgiven

except the one that'srejecting the Holy Spirit.

But in terms of thestuff that you've done,

if it's the sex sin or some disobedience,

or you've done something,you've stole something,

just confess it to the Lord

and get on with your life.

Don't spend all the time,

you've gotta believe God.

You know God said ifyou confess your sins,

he's faithful and just to forgive our sins

and to cleanse us fromall unrighteousness.

Now do it, confess it,

and then receive what God's word has said

and believe the Bible, all right?

- Okay this is Linda who says

"Can you give a biblicalreference to answer this question?

"If a person is sexuallyunfaithful in their marriage

"and is forgiven by the spouse,

"who wishes to save their marriage,

"would the innocent spousebe guilty of adultery?"

If they left I guess she's saying.

- I think you're guilty of adultery

be you admitted adultery.

- She's saying the innocent person.

The person who's sexually unfaithful

is forgiven by the spouse,

but the unfaithful person

wants to save their marriage.

Would the innocent person be guilty

of adultery if they left?

I mean technically they have grounds.

- That's a very complicated question.

- It is very complicated, yeah.

- So in other words youcommitted the adultery,

I know you (mumbles),

so you did it and now you wanna split.

You wanna get out of the marriage.

The answer is you have no ground to do it.

The fact that you broke the marriage

doesn't give you theground to get out of it.

So you ask me and Ithink that's the answer.

- This is Michelle who says

"Pat, can you help give us parents

"of prodigals a word of wisdom

"and encouragement forthis holiday season?"

- Um, I don't know what,

(laughing) this is really hard.

- Well keep on keeping on.

I mean prayer.

- Well I know, but I mean encouragement

this holiday season to keep on.

You know there's a, there's perseverance

and, you know, the bearing up

and perseverance leads to endurance.

And endurance leads to hope.

There's a wonderful Greek wordcalled (foreign language).

I'm struggling.

So you're under a burden

and you just keep on carrying it

because the Lord will come alongside

and help you carry the burden.

And the Bible says there's no temptation

taking you (mumbles)

but God is faithful who will also

give you a way of escape.

- It's hard when your childrenare in the far country.

Everything in you

wants to bring them back.

- That's right.

All right well thoseare a little bit complex

questions, they weren't quiteas easy as some of them.

Well today's PowerMinute is from Psalm 81.

For he shall give hisangles charge over you,

to keep you in all your ways.

Well tomorrow New YorkCity pastor, Justin Bieber,

the one he turned to for marital advice,

Brother Tim Keller,

is gonna talk about themost important thing

you can do for your marriage.

So for Terry and all of us,

this is Pat Robertson.

Lord willing, I'll see you tomorrow.

Bye bye.

(upbeat music)


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