A young Muslim starts having panic attacks and begins to question her faith. Watch what brought her peace. Plus, a prop-plane pilot miraculously walks away from a crash. Then, CBN Partners make miracles possible in China on today’s 700 Club.
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(grand music)
- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Gordon] Coming up, a prop plane crash.
- [Man] I heard glassbreak, I heard metal bend.
- [Gordon] And the pilotwho walked away from it all.
- [Man 2] He just looked like
he just walked out of the flames.
- [Gordon] See hismiraculous story of survival.
- [Woman] His head wasswollen twice the size
and he was burned really really bad.
- [Gordon] Then, a young Muslim
starts having panic attacks.
- [Woman] I thought I was gonna die.
- [Gordon] And beginsto question her faith.
- I felt darkness, like adark cloud over my head.
- [Gordon] Watch what brought her peace
on today's 700 Club.
(grand music)
- Well welcome to the 700 Club.
For today's top headlines,
let's go over to the CBN news desk.
- Gordon, Israeli primeminister Benjamin Netanyahu
will remain the leader of the Likud party
after a landslide victory
in a snap primary election Thursday.
But he still facesserious challenges ahead
as Israel gets ready for an unprecedented
third election in less than a year.
CBN Middle East bureau chief
Chris Mitchell has the story.
- [Chris] In his victoryspeech, Netanyahu thanked
all those who had braved stormy weather
to go out and vote for him.
- (speaking Hebrew)
- [Translator] I fought forthem and they fought for me.
They know that I givemy life for the country
and my victory is their victory.
This is a tremendous victory,because we also overcame
the fake polls and fakenews that is already
trying to dwarf the victory.
- [Chris] Netanyahu won 72.5% of the vote
against his challenger, Gideon Sa'ar.
And Netanyahu won 99 outof 106 polling stations
across the country.
Netanyahu talked about his tenacity
on behalf of Israel ininternational affairs
over the last 11 years.
- (speaking Hebrew)
- [Translator] I stood strong and alone
in opposition to the whole world
against the Iranian nuclear deal
that endangered not only our security,
but also our existence.
- [Chris] And he thanked President Trump
for the historic decisionshe's made regarding Israel.
- (speaking Hebrew)
- [Translator] I'm askingyou to see what we obtained
in just the last three years.
2017, the Americanrecognition of Jerusalem
as the capital of Israel.
2018, the moving of theUS embassy to Jerusalem
and their exit from the nuclear agreement.
2019, American recognitionof our sovereignty
in the Golden Heights.
- [Chris] Netanyahu did notmention his primary challenger.
After it was clear Sa'ar had lost,
he phoned Netanyahu and congratulated him.
He said he and his supporters
would back Netanyahu in theupcoming general elections.
For Netanyahu this wasonly the first hurdle.
He still faces serious legal charges
of fraud and bribery andtwice in the past year,
neither Netanyahu norhis opposition succeeded
in forming a government.
Many think that will be the case again
after the next round of elections.
- So, no matter who wins these primaries,
it seems the resultswill be the exact same,
which is that nobody canstill form a coalition.
In other words, theresults exactly the same
as the previous twoinconclusive elections.
- [Chris] Still, it was abig victory for Netanyahu
and Israelis across the political spectrum
are still hoping thatthe March 2nd elections
will finally lead to a new government.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News.
- Here in the US, a winter storm system
could bring blizzard-like conditions
from the northern plains
to northern New England this weekend.
With heavy snow, ice,rain and strong winds
hitting a large part of the county,
the National Weather Service has posted
winter storm watchesacross western Nebraska,
southeastern Wyoming and parts of Kansas.
As George Thomas reports the storm system
has already hit parts of the western US.
- [George] The wickedweather creating havoc
for post-Christmas day travelersin southern California,
as portions of interstate 5,8, and 15 had to be shut down
after two feet of snowpummeled the area on Thursday.
According to a local TV station
on interstate 5, about 150 cars and trucks
got stuck due to snow and ice.
Drivers had to wait several hours
for snow plows to clear roads.
One driver posting this pictureon his Instagram account
saying, "This storm is truly
"the Grinch that stole Christmas.
"Stuck on the grapevine."
- To go straight forward, Iwas just getting too scared,
but it was horrible, it was crazy.
- [George] Some 62000customers in California
also lost electricitydue to the winter storm.
Meanwhile, the Nevadadepartment of transportation
had to close portions of state route 160
due to dangerous road conditions,
leaving desperate travelerstrying to get home
or to work stranded onthe highway for hours.
- I turned around twice.
I've came over in the past to go to work,
and because of the weather we didn't work,
so trying to get back home.
- [George] The storm system also brought
torrential rainfall,causing flooded streets
in parts of LA county.
Some commuters insistingon barreling through
the freeway turned riverended up getting stuck
and had to be rescued by emergency crews.
- Pretty bad out there,
like windshield wipers full blast.
- [George] The winterstorm is expected to last
through the weekend across the country,
and be done just in timeto ring in the new year.
George Thomas, CBN News.
- A lot to pray about there.
In other news, Wall Street is looking for
another big day today, as stocks continue
to set new records.
The Dow Jones Industrial is closing
over 28600 on the dayafter Christmas yesterday
and the NASDAQ composite, which is led by
technology stocks closed over9000 for the first time ever.
The S&P 500 is headed towardit's best year since 1997.
Some analysts cautionthat stocks could face
a short term correction early next year,
but many experts believe the market
is on track to more records next year
with the Dow possibly reaching 30000.
A memorial service has been planned
to celebrate the life and legacy
of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke,
founder of Christ for all Nations.
Evangelist Franklin Graham described him
as a man whose heartburned with compassion
for people's souls.
Bonnke passed away on December 7th,
at the age of 79,surrounded by his family.
For six decades, the renownedGerman born Evangelist
crisscrossed the African continent
telling people about thelove of Jesus Christ.
Affectionately known as God's General,
Bonnke spent a remarkable60 of his 79 years
preaching the Gospel.
He was well known for hismassive crusades in Africa
where an estimated 77 million people
gave their lives to Christ.
Those are today's topstories from CBN News.
Now let's go back over to Gordon.
- Well this coming March,
CBN films is bringing you theepic story of Saint Patrick.
This new movie was filmedon location in Ireland
and it features Lord of theRings actor John Rhys-Davies.
Here's a look at the trailer.
(piano music)
- It was not my grace, but God,
who conquered in me andwho resisted them all,
that I might come to the Irish nations
to preach the Gospel.
- The preconception thatwe've got about Saint Patrick
is completely wrong.
(woman screaming)
(people shouting)(intense music)
- [Narrator] Ireland wasa place of barbarians
at the end of the world.
- Get goin' boy.
- [Woman] It is slavery for life.
- [God's Voice] Patrick.
You are to travel to your homeland.
(calm music)
- Patrick.
- Patrick, oh!
- [Father] You're alive, you're alive.
- [Narrator] To hear thecall to go back to Ireland
terrified him.
It was asking a lot ofthis man to do this.
- [Father] This doesnot have to be, Patrick.
- [Patrick] It is the will of God.
Go into all the world.
You preach the gospel.
Who among you heats the call?
- Why would this man put himself in danger
among enemies who do not know God?
- People thought thatthis mission was crazy
that his efforts toChristianize Ireland were
doomed to failure.
- Tell us the secretyou know about Patrick.
- [Narrator] Things in thepast can come back to haunt us.
(epic music)
- Take him.
- It's time to go.
- I'm not finished.
- This movie is coming outMarch 17th, Saint Patrick's Day.
Why are we doing a film on Saint Patrick?
Well, there's a couple reasons.
One, he was one of the greatestmissionaries of all time,
and his methods still work today.
He would go to the villages in Ireland,
he wouldn't talk to them in Latin.
He would talk to them in their language.
He would preach thegospel in their language.
And then another wonderful thing he did,
he wouldn't imposeforeign priests over them.
He would select from his converts,
a priests to lead that congregation.
For that he got introuble with the church.
But he got a lot of favor with God.
And he established monasteriesthat sent missionaries
that develop learning.
If you're from Scotland,
if you're from Ireland,
you owe your salvation to Saint Patrick.
It's the missionaries he inspired
that then went to Scotlandto convert that nation,
and then preserve the gospel,and preserve the text.
The monasteries were famous
for their copying of the textsof the Old and New Testament.
Here's another thing, andwhy he's so important.
It's the first time in history.
Anyone wrote down astance against slavery.
And it was because of his life.
He'd been captured and taken as a slave.
And then he found that people from Britain
were taking his recent converts.
He took a stand against slavery,
he took a stand against sex trafficking,
and so his voice still speaks today.
If you'd like to attend the meeting,
we've got a special website for you.
And here's what we need.
We need to have some pre-sales
of the tickets for this movie.
I know it's a long timebetween now and March 17.
But if you can go to iampatrick.com
Buy your tickets now.
They'll make a veryspecial Christmas gift,
a wonderful stocking stuffer for people.
I hope it inspires a whole newgeneration of missionaries.
A whole new generation
that'll take up the banner of St. Patrick.
You can find out more,how you can buy a ticket,.
You'll help us get more theaters.
You'll help us get more screening dates,
if you do it now anddo it before Christmas.
So do it, go to iampatrick.com,and there's a place there.
It will link you to the fathomwebsite, theater websites,
where you can buy a ticket in your town.
Right now we're in over 900 theaters.
We want to take that up andreally cover North America
with this wonderful messageof this great missionary.
And how he changed a nation.
- [Narrator] We'll be back
with more of the 700Club right after this.
- Well in the aftermathof a terrorist attack,
investigators often see horrific scenes.
That's why a special team
of spiritual counselors is on call,
- [Narrator] September 11th 2001.
A day when terroristshijacked four airplanes
to use in suicide attacks,to kill nearly 3000 people.
Those who lived throughit remember the carnage,
like it was yesterday,nearly 20 years later.
- It's chaos initially,
because it was completely unexpected.
- [Narrator] Steve Davis works for the FBI
but not as an agent.
He's an FBI chaplain, andwas first on the scene
after the plane crashed intothe Pentagon on September 11.
- Dealing with people
that were dealing with the unthinkable.
Whether it was the bodiesof children on the plane.
Dealing with human remains,that takes a toll on a person.
- [Narrator] After 19 years on the job,
Davis says he's seen the spiritual battle
between good and evil.
- In federal law enforcement,
you're dealing with peoplewho are intentionally evil.
And that's a whole different breed.
And when you're dealing with people
who are intentionally evil,
you need to be intentionally spiritual
or find some means of neutralizing it.
Because evil is not justtoxic, it's corrosive.
- [Narrator] To help overcomethat evil the department
has 130 FBI chaplains scatteredthroughout the nation.
They're part of a volunteercrisis intervention team
that provides a spiritualfirst aid to FBI agents
often working chaoticscenes with mass casualties,
like the 2017 Las Vegas shooting.
- Talking with the person, helping them.
Just say what they need to say
trying to give them a bottle of water.
If they want prayer, praying with them.
Meeting them where they are.
I mean, that's what Jesus did.
He met us where we are,
and became like us on allthings except for sin.
- [Narrator] Chaplin Davis says
it's all about spiritual balance.
The FBI first added chaplains in 1991.
After employees involved in shootings
and other gruesome investigations
asked for support beyondmental health professionals.
- I will try to go into thelocal Field Office once a week,
and basically be present.
- But it's not just in crisis situations
that chaplains are used.
They are also in every FBI field office
and have the same exactclearance as any other FBI agent.
They provide spiritual guidance
when employees are facing personal tragedy
or difficulties in their private lives.
- Just kind of tend torise the environment
to the fact that there'ssomeone here who cares.
And who cares, not onlyabout the the personnel,
knows what's happening in the field,
but also caring about their family,
and who they are as a person.
- The bureau understands thatall of its employees are human
and have all of the problemseverybody else does.
Plus all of the problemsthat come along with the job
- Chaplains say most oftheir counseling happens
months after a crime scene clears.
They say their rewards comein helping people realize
the difference they are making.
- God is on the side of justice.
And because God is on the side of justice,
those who are in the Bureau,in the Department of Justice,
are enforcing, and arethe peacemakers for God.
- I'm glad the bureau realizes
we have more than just minds and bodies
but we have a heart and human spirit.
It's a calling, no other reason.
There is absolutely no reason
to deal with the stress and the problems
other than a calling and anequipping sense of compassion.
- The FBI chaplains saythe role of law enforcement
has changed so much over the years.
They're taught to uphold the Constitution
and protect America,
which translates intokeeping us free and safe.
A dangerous and stressful job.
Where spiritual support from chaplains
can make a big difference.
John Jessup, CBN News,Reporting in Washington.
- There's a side of the FBI
you won't see on any other newscast.
But here we want to bring you that story
and show you the strugglethat these agents go through.
The FBI certainly has been criticized
and over the past year,
but here to understandwhat they go through
when they're investigatingthese horrific tragedies.
What does that mean?
For them to reach out andsay we need counseling.
We need help.
We need more than justmental health professionals.
We need spiritual advice as to what to do
with the manifest evil we'reseeing on a regular basis.
Realize people can betraumatized in a variety of ways.
You can be traumatized, justhearing about the story.
Imagine if you're onthe scene investigating
and looking at the carnage,what would that do to you?
So let's pray for our FBI agents.
Let's pray for those whoare first responders.
Let's pray for those allwho are trying to protect us
as a culture, as a society.
And what a wonderful thing the chaplains
are volunteering in huge numbers
to say, "Yes, I'll go in there too.
"I'll be with the agentswho are on the front lines."
What a wonderful thing for them to do.
- Well, coming up a young woman
who suffered fromcrippling anxiety attacks.
- [Woman] Imagine you seea car about to hit you.
That's not slowing down or trying to stop
it was just like that, but all the time.
- [Woman Newsreader] Hear howshe found peace overnight.
- Giselle Katree suffered fromdebilitating panic attacks.
As a result she lived in fear.
Her situation at homeonly made things worse.
Giselle tried finding peacewithin her Muslim faith.
Instead she found it in aplace she didn't expect.
- Everything that we did andeverything that we believed
built on that foundation of knowing
who we are as Muslims in America.
- [Narrator] Giselle Katreegrew up in a family who demanded
strict adherence to theQuran and Islamic faith.
For her it was the only wayto earn her parents love.
- I believe that staying true to Islam
was something that my parentsand I would bond over.
If I did, as they requested for me to do,
like going to the mosque with them,
and participating in Ramadan fasting,
it would bring us closer.
- [Narrator] But none of those things
brought Giselle's family closer together.
In fact, her parents fought constantly.
- Sometimes I would wake up
and I would have to leavethe house with my mom
in the middle of the night.
I could go to bedthinking everything's fine
and wake up the nextmorning and it was disaster.
- [Narrator] As for Giselle,
her prayers to Allahoffered little comfort.
- Allah seemed just really distant from me
and didn't really feel asthough I was being listened to.
I felt more of like I wasgoing through the motions,
not really feeling anythingin return from God,
any love, or support, or hope.
I wanted that peace thatpeople keep talking about,
that Islam represents.
And I didn't ever feel that
- [Narrator] When Gisellewas a senior in high school,
her father ended the marriage,
and her mother started a new family.
- After I went throughall that with my family,
I just felt like I wasn'tworthy of any affection or love.
And so I looked for it formy parents and didn't get it
and it kind of was a reminder,
Hey, Giselle, you're not that great.
If you were great your familywouldn't have left you behind.
The thought of the future,even the thought of tomorrow,
the very next day, wouldjust bring me into a panic,
because I just never knewwhat was going to happen.
- [Narrator] Duringcollege she started working
part time at a private school.
By then Giselle's anxiety
was triggering debilitating panic attacks.
- Imagine you see a car about to hit you
that's not slowing down or trying to stop.
It was just like that, but all the time.
I thought it was going to die.
My heart rate would just increase.
I would start sweating.
And just I felt darkness likea dark cloud over my head.
- [Narrator] During those times,
it wasn't a law that gave Giselle comfort.
It was the schools administrator,
Connie who was a Christian.
- Whenever I would havepanic attacks at work,
she would pray with me.
I would feel a lot of peace.
And I never felt that way
when I finished prayingmy Islamic prayers.
I was like, What is Miss Connie doing?
What does she have that I don't have?
Whatever it is I want it.
- [Narrator] Connie invited her to church.
But what Giselle saw and heard there
wasn't what she expected.
- During that service Ilearned about atonement,
how Jesus died for our sins.
As a Muslim, I didn'treally even understand
why Jesus had died.
It was just kind oflike, maybe this is true.
It was kind of like something,
it gave me something extra to think about.
Parts of the Quran were already wrong
about what Christians believed.
It wasn't representingChristianity, and it's truth.
It just made me questiona lot, a lot more.
- [Narrator] Gisellewrestled with her doubts.
A few days later,
she had the worst panicattack she'd ever experienced.
- I was like, maybe I shouldtry what Miss Connie did,
maybe I should try try praying.
So I started off, youknow, praying like she did.
I tried to model her prayer
and say some of the wordsthat I remembered her saying.
When I did that, I remember
seeing this huge flash oflight in front of my face
and it was kind of likewhen you close your eyes
and you look at the sun, that orange glow,
and feeling an overwhelming
huge wave of just peace and love,
and I fell immediately asleep
and sleep was the last thing on my mind.
- [Narrator] When shewoke up the next morning
Giselle opened a Bibleshe had received as a gift
and began reading it front to back.
- What I found in therewas just so much peace
and Isaiah 49 it mentionshow God is so loving
that even if a motherforgets about their child
or abandoned their child, thatGod will never abandon you
and that your name is written on his hand.
And I very much identified with that.
And knowing that God loved me
and cared about me in that way.
That was something unique to me
that I had never even hadany sort of inkling about.
So God really showed upwhen I needed him the most.
- [Narrator] Over the next few weeks
Giselle studied and compared sources
until she was convinced thatJesus is the Son of God.
- I really came to the knowledge of,
okay, Jesus claimed to be God.
And if this is true, whatare the implications of that?
The resurrection isn't justmentioned In the Bible,
the crucifixion isn't justmentioned in the Bible.
There's historical accountsoutside of the Bible
that really resonated with me.
And knowing that thereis history behind it
tells me that there's truth in that.
And I just said, God,I accept that you are
who you say you are.
I accept that you're Jesus,and I accept that you are God.
And I am sorry for thethings that I've done
that I've hurt your heart.
I'm just so glad
that you've brought me tothe knowledge of who you are.
And I accept you as my God.
And that was the day that, after that,
never again, panic in anysort of way, never again.
- [Narrator] Today, Giselle shares
her new faith with confidence.
- I want everything that I do,and I say to represent Him,
and that gives me such anamazing purpose in life
because I'm God's representative here.
I get to be his hands andfeet and show other people
what God's like and justlike Miss Connie showed me
the love of Jesus through her actions
and through her prayers with me.
I can now do that for other people.
Giselle also says,
knowing God cares for herhas changed everything.
- Instead of me beingfearful for tomorrow,
I embrace it, and I am running into it.
I can no longer think that I'm worthless.
Because if my name iswritten on God's hand
as Isaiah 49 mentions,
then that means that hecares immensely about me.
He's always thinking about me.
So I need to always think about him.
- He is always thinking about you.
He has many thoughts, the psalm says,
Many Lord are your thoughts towards us.
They're more than can even be numbered.
He loves you that much.
He loves you infinitely.
And he's loved you somuch he went to the cross
Scribed your name inhis palms on the cross.
And he said, I'll do it for you.
Now some of you likeGiselle, you're going,
Well, how do I know?
How do I get proof of it?
She went on a journey to proveto herself intellectually
that Jesus lived in history.
She wanted referencesoutside of the Bible.
But what all started that washer direct encounter with him.
When she says, "Well, I'll pray the way
"that wonderful woman at workprays, I'll pray that way.
"I'll try to remember her words.
"And then I'll close my eyes."
And Jesus showed up and gave her the peace
that she was looking for
Here she is in themiddle of a panic attack.
She prays, Jesus comes,and she falls asleep.
Next morning, she wakes upand starts on a journey.
I need to find out what this is.
And is it true?
But it's started with that experience.
So for you, if you want the experience,
you can hear about Jesus,you can read the Bible
you can have all these other things.
But until you have thatexperience, and you know him,
and you know it's realbecause you just felt it.
You just saw it.
You just heard it.
He wants to show up, theBible even promises it,
I will manifest myself to you.
He wants to, he wants you to know him.
Not some faraway thing
or not something you reador hear from somebody else.
A direct relationship with him.
How do you get it?
Well, you asked for it.
What does Giselle do?
She prayed.
I'll pray this way.
And here's a prayer for you,
Jesus, if you're real, if you're there.
Could you show me?
Could you show up for me?
If you're my savior.
If you're my Messiah.
Could you do it for me?
And if you pray that with allof your heart, he'll answer.
So if you want to do thisright now, don't turn away.
But right now, have anencounter with a living God,
who wants to come and be your all in all.
If you have a sin problem,he'll take care of that.
If you have a physical problem,he'll take care of that.
If you're having panicattacks, he'll take care of.
All you have to do is come to him and ask.
So let's do that.
Bow your head with me.
Let's pray a very simple prayer
and let Jesus do all the rest.
What he's done for others,he will do for you right now.
Let's pray.
That's right, just sayhis name, say it out loud.
Jesus, I come to you.
And I've seen what you'vedone for other people.
I hear that you can bring me peace.
I hear that you can forgive me,
that you can heal me,
that you can set me free.
So Jesus,
I ask right now thatyou come into my heart.
I ask that you show up for me,
that you be my savior,
my Messiah.
And Jesus.
If you do this, I want to follow you
all the days of my life.
Hear my prayer, forgive meof anything I've done wrong.
Set me free.
For I ask it in Jesus name.
Father, for those who just prayed,
I pray a baptism in your love.
Let your love surround them,fill them to overflowing.
Let them know that you arethe Savior of the world.
I ask it all, in Jesus name.
And amen.
If you prayed with me,
there's one more thing I want you to do.
I want you to let somebody else know.
All you have to do is pick up a phone
and call us 1-800-700-7000
when you call, I've got something for you.
It's absolutely free,it's called A New Day.
In there's a CD teaching.
What do you do now?
How do you live the Christian life?
What do Christians believe?
Phone calls free packets free,
no financial obligation atall you have to do is call us.
We'll be glad to send it to you.
So call right now.
1 800 700 7000.
Terry, over to you.
- Well, coming up later, a survival story.
After a plane's engine blows in midair.
Hear how one man walkedaway from a fiery wreck.
That's later on today's show.
- Welcome back to the 700 Club.
The death toll is at 28 in the Philippines
following typhoon Phanfone,and is expected to rise.
A disaster agency spokesman also said
at least 12 people are still missing.
Phanfone winds gustedup to 124 miles per hour
and plowed through thecentral Philippines Thursday,
damaging villages andareas known for tourism.
The storm hit on Christmas Day
and forced 10s of thousands
living in coastal and lowlying areas to evacuate
and spend the holidayin evacuation locations.
It also hit Boracay Island,which is a popular resort area,
drawing more more than amillion tourists a year
CBN's Operation Blessing
has helped a poor farmingfamily in Honduras,
it can be very difficult for them
to get the seeds and tools they need
for proper harvests andfood for their families.
Santos was once a struggling farmer,
but Operation Blessinggave him and his community
a wealth of seeds to plant
including carrots, cucumbers,radishes, and beets.
Santos also received fumigation pumps,
fertilizer and critical tools he needed.
These gifts allowed him to harvest
many more vegetables thanhis family could eat,
so he could sell the surplusat the local farmers market,
giving him a new income.
Thanks to it's faithful partners.
Operation Blessing isproviding livelihood programs
like this in Hondurasand around the world.
You can find out moreabout Operation Blessing
by visiting their website at ob.org
Gordon and Terry will be back with more
of the 700 Club, right after this.
(serious music)
- Mr Way tried to saveevery penny he earned.
He even started begginghis neighbors for cash.
His two daughters neededhelp that he couldn't afford
and he knew that time was running out.
- [Narrator] Tang andJa are daddy's girls,
- [Translator] They're treasures,
like precious pearls to me.
- [Narrator] The sisters dress alike,
wear their hair the same
and give their father a lot of attention.
But through the years,
they've required a lotof attention themselves.
Like their mother, both girls are deaf.
- [Translator] The doctor saidthey started losing hearing
in their inner ears when they got the flu.
And it just got worse and worse.
- [Narrator] The twowere always in danger.
- [Translator] And as muchas I tried to draw pictures
and explain things,they didn't understand.
Once Ja jammed some scissorsinto electric kettle,
and could have been electrocuted,
I had to go everywhere with them,
so they wouldn't get lost or hit by a car.
And there was only a smallwindow of opportunity
to help them before theycould be permanently deaf.
- [Narrator] Mr Way saved up all his money
and bought Ting and Jasecondhand hearing aids.
But it wasn't long beforethey used hearing aids broke.
So the girls went backto living in silence.
- [Translator] Other kidslaughed and pointed at them,
and called them dumb.
I secretly wished that Icould give them my ears.
Even if each girl only got one
it would be better than nothing.
Mr Way only makes $15 a day.
So he asked everyone heknew to loan him money
to help his daughtershear, but no one would.
I felt like a fool.
I had heard a little bit about God,
because my mom is a Christian.
So I whispered in my heart,
God of heaven, can you help me?
Then, not even a weeklater, I heard about CBN
- [Narrator] Mr Way contacted CBN
and soon Ting and Ja got whatthey call their new ears.
Now my daughters can hear everything.
We also paid for thesisters language training.
- [Translator] They're not in any danger,
and no one laughs at them.
Their personalities are so different.
I know it was God who did this for us.
And it was all right on time.
Thank you to all the goodhearted people at CBN
who gave my girls new ears.
You changed their lives.
- Now I marvel when we'reable to do something
that is life changing like this.
How the expressions on thechildren's faces change.
How their level of energy and their joy
and just ability to live full out,
absolutely becomes expressive.
We want to say thank you 700 Club members,
because what you'vedone for the Way family
is just one family that you've touched,
but there's been thousands.
And you're doing it all around the world.
It's an amazing thing to know
that when a family isexperiencing some kind of loss
or some need that they simply can't meet,
because they just don't have enough money.
You and I have an opportunity
to step right into the midst of that
and make a huge difference.
These little girls will goto school, they will grow up,
they will have jobs,they will have families,
they will have friends, theywill be accepted socially.
And it's because of yourkindness and generosity.
For those of you whoaren't 700 Club members,
what does that look like?
Well, it's a commitment of 65 cents a day.
$20 a month.
That doesn't seem likea lot, but you know,
when thousands of us link arms together,
we can make a difference in the world.
And I'm telling you abouta general membership,
some of you might alreadybe 700 Club members.
Go up to the next club level, will you?
When you call our toll free number,
they're happy to walk you through
what the club levels and your options are.
Our number is toll free,it's 1-800-700-7000.
And by the way, when you call today,
making whatever pledgeyou determined to make,
would you do it using Pledge Express,
that's electronic monthly giving,
it means your bank does all the work,
I think it's pretty wonderful.
You don't have to have envelopes or stamps
or even remember to do anything.
It's all done for you.
You can stop it whenever you want.
But it does save us someadministrative costs
so that even more of your gift
can go right into the lives of children.
Like the Way children that you just saw.
Our way of saying thank youfor using Pledge Express
is to send you thesePower for Life teachings.
You're going to get oneof them every month.
We think they'll be agreat blessing to you,
as well as a reminder thatyou are making a difference
every single day, somewhere in the world
if you've joined the 700Club, so do that now.
- Well up next.
First responders arrive onthe scene of a plane crash.
- I would have never said that anybody
would have walked away from it.
He was walking over to us,which I thought was miraculous.
He just looked like he justwalked out of the flames.
- [Narrator] Meet themiracle man who walked away
from this crash, and hear hisincredible story of survival.
(serious music)
- Chris Hall's prop planewas about 500 feet in the air
when it burst into a fireball.
Rescuers assume thatnobody could have survived
and then they saw Chris walkingright through the flames.
(Engine noise and radio chatter)
- [Narrator] It was 7:45am
Chris Hall was taking hisnew plane for a test flight
to the Brownwood RegionalAirport in Texas.
- [Chris] Sweet little flight, no wind.
And as I was making my descent,
I felt a little bump in the seat.
And I know Holy Spiritsaid Chris, you lost power.
I reached down to shovethe throttle forward
to go full power andnothing, I had nothing.
The engine went quiet.
- [Narrator] Chris triedto restart the engine
but it wouldn't turn over.
What he didn't know was thathis fuel pump had failed.
- [Chris] When I dipped below the horizon
and I realized I was going to crash.
I said out loud, "Here we go."
And I was talking to the Lord.
- [Narrator] Chris's friendFloyd was on the tarmac
when he saw the explosion in the distance.
- It was at least four to 500feet the air, huge fireball.
As I begin to run towards the crash site
I was also praying.
And I said, you're not,Chris is not finished.
You're not finished with Chris
- [911 Operator] Brownwood nine one one.
- [911 Caller] Hiya, we'reat Brownwood airport.
There's been an aircraft thathas gone into the ground.
- [Narrator] EMS Stephenstone responded to the call.
- We saw the black smoke coming up.
I would have never said that
anybody would have walked away from it.
- [Chris] When I pushed the door open.
I heard glass break.
I heard metal band.
That's when everything went orange.
- He was walking over to us,which I thought was miraculous.
He just looked like he justwalked out of the flames.
- [Narrator] Chris was quickly transported
to the nearest hospital.
He called his wife,Dot, from the ambulance.
(mobile ringing)
- He said I crashed my planeand I'm not hurt very bad.
His ambulance driver
grabbed the phone away from him and said,
"Miss Hall, Chris ishurt really bad and we're
going to be care-flightinghim to Parkland Hospital.
- [Narrator] As Dotrushed to the hospital,
she called their son.
- We were both praying thatno weapon formed against Chris
will prosper, and thathe will live and not die,
and that his body would be totally healed.
- [Narrator] When Dot arrived,
doctors were preparing to intubate Chris
and admit him to ICU.
- His hand was swollen twice the size
and he was burned really, really bad.
So to see Chris like, that was very hard.
- She said, Hi, babe.
And I was just like, it waslike a voice from heaven.
I was that happy that she was there.
- [Narrator] Chris wasstabilized and found to have
no broken bones or internal injuries.
The concern was the amount of skin grafts
required to heal the secondand third degree burns
covering over 20% of his body.
- Doctors took me out in the hallway
and I asked them, "Whatare we looking at?"
They said, you're goingto be here for months.
I just thought, God's bigger than that.
And so I just took off bymyself down the hallway
Just said, "Lord, you knowwhat do you say about this?"
And I just felt like he spoke to me
and said, "Two weeks, you'llbe here for two weeks."
- [Narrator] Dot, theirsons, family members
and several close friends prayedfor Chris's full recovery.
- We would lay our hands on Chris
in ICU and we wouldsay, "Chris be healed."
- Oh, it felt awesome to havepeople agreeing in prayer.
I was laying there.
The only thing that I hadwas the presence of God.
I didn't have anything else.
- [Narrator] Two weeks to the day,
doctors permitted Chris to leave.
- It felt amazing to me to know
that God had heard my prayers.
As we were driving up the driveway.
I lost it.
I knew I was home.
And that was, it still touches me.
- [Narrator] After threemonths of treatment,
Chris was back on his feet.
Today, he and his wife,Dot, Minister at churches
around the country and sharetheir story of answered prayer.
- There's nothing Chris can't do today
that he's always been able to do.
- There's no question but whatthe hand of God was on Chris,
- Believe God before the fire.
Don't wait till somethinglike this has to happen
to get you to believe.
- There is a word for all of us.
Believe God before the fire,
so that when the fire happens,you can walk through it
knowing your dad walksthrough it with you.
Boy, that is the story oftremendous survival, healing
and a great word that Godhas allowed to go forth
from that healing to the multitude.
So I hope you're hearing it today.
I don't know what your prayer need is.
But I know that thereare many, many of you
who are watching us today who have needs
in various aspects of yourlife and God knows your name.
You know, we talked about that earlier
is your name carved inthe palm of his hand
and so he knows what you need,
but we want to encourageyour faith further
with some additional reports.
Gordon, this is Andrea wholives in Las Vegas, Nevada,
she injured her rightshoulder playing badminton
with her granddaughter 10 years ago.
But recently that pain became intense.
And then one day whilewatching this program,
she heard you say,
"You have problems withyour right shoulder,
"it's a variety of things.
"Damage from an injury,
"damage to the ligaments,damage to the joint,
"damage to the nerve."
Her pain the left immediately.
She was completely healed.
She can now spend timewith her grandchildren
and she is absolutely pain free.
- There's another one.
Rand, from San Diego, California,
had balance problems last December.
It became so bad he wentto the emergency room.
The problem continued and then one day
He was watching the 700Club, just this past May.
But Terry said, "You havea really unstable walk
"because of a condition you have.
Well Rand claimed the word
and then he got up and began to walk
without any imbalance, or any dizziness,
and he's had no trouble since.
And God is our very presenthelp in time of trouble.
You can rely on him.
You can rest in him.
If you have the faith tobelieve your sins are forgiven.
You have all the faith youneed to believe for healing,
for rescue, for every human need.
He wants to supply it.
Now, here's the key.
You don't have to bargain with him.
You don't have to beg him,when you do those things.
All it's showing is howmuch you don't believe.
So here's what you need to do.
You need to look to the cross.
Look to Jesus, He is the author
and the finisher of your faith.
Now, he said on thecross, "It is finished."
That means he paid everything.
He fixed this broken world.
And by his stripes, we areredeemed, and we are healed.
So look to him.
Don't look at your own faith.
Don't look at what you'll do for God
if he does these things for you.
Don't look at any of that.
Look to Jesus and realize
what he accomplished onthe cross is for you.
And all you have to do is enter into that
Now here's the prayer for you.
And Jesus gave us this prayer.
That we would pray
that God's will would be doneon earth, as it is in heaven.
Now in heaven, there's nobody sick.
There's nobody lonely.
There's nobody poor.
There aren't any tears.
That's God's will.
So let's pray right now
for his will to be done in your life,
in your life, as it is in heaven.
Let it be done on earth for you.
Lord, we lift those who have needs.
We lift those who needhealing in their body.
We lift families that need restoration.
We lift finances that need.
You supply every need accordingto your riches and glory.
So Lord God Almighty
stretch forth your hand to do miracles.
Miracles, Lord God.
We ask for an abundance ofmiracles for your children today.
Let your stripes, let thathealing come to your children.
For we ask it in Jesus name,
There's someone with aburning scalp condition.
I don't know if it was fromsome fire or what it is,
but God is just doing atremendous miracle for your skin,
and all of that pain isleaving you right now.
In Jesus name, you justfelt it lift off of you.
You've been restored,
you've been healed, you've been set free.
There's someone else
you've been diagnosedwith a bulging vein artery
in your in your brain.
And God's able torestore the artery walls,
he's able to restore everything
concerning that and thatheadache just left you now.
In Jesus name be healed, be made whole.
- There's someone else, youhave a wound in your arm
that is not healing andthere's a lot of concern
about infection setting in there.
God's going to right now
begin to heal that arm, itwill be completely whole.
Someone else you have a very odd scenario
like you've for some reason
you've lost all of your ability to taste.
Like your taste buds havejust been turned off.
Well God's changing that for you,
you're going to be ableto enjoy eating again.
Just receive that gift todayas that process begins.
- Someone else with deeppain in your abdomen
from gallstones and agallbladder condition
and God has just healed that.
He's taken away all thepain, all that infection,
all the stones.
Now in Jesus name begone, and be made whole.
- Someone else suffering from rosacea
and the there are other sideeffects from that as well.
But God is healing you of it all.
Receive that today in Jesus name.
- Someone else with nervedamage in the eyelid
above the right eye, God'shealing you right now.
In Jesus name, open youreyes and receive it.
Well if you have had ahealing, give us a call,
let us know, 1-800-700-7000
Here's a word.
Be still and know that I am God
I will be exalted among the nations.