A son is flatlining in the ER and no one can stop it. See the survival story that truly is a Christmas miracle. Plus, Kelly Minter shares the details of a Christmas feast that anyone can cook on today’s 700 Club.
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- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Host] Coming up.
- Own started throwing upin the back of my truck.
- [Host] Their son was crashing.
- I looked up at the monitorand there was just a flat line.
- [Host] And no one could stop it.
- And I go, you guys dideverything you guys could.
- [Host] How did this boy survive?
- [Doctor] He was basicallydead for 90 minutes.
- [Host] Stay tuned fora Christmas miracle.
- (crying) Those werethe best text messages
I've ever received.
- [Host] On today's 700 Club.
(dramatic music)
- Welcome to this ChristmasEve edition of The 700 Club.
This year, the Coulterfamily has an extra reason
to celebrate that'sbecause one year ago today.
They witnessed a Christmasmiracle firsthand.
- Two weeks before Christmastheir five-year-old son
was rushed to the ER.
Soon he was placed on life support.
His parents prepared for the worst.
Instead they received thebest Christmas gift ever.
(Christmas music)
- [Mom] It's okaysweetheart, mommy's here.
(Christmas music)
(doctor's shouting)
(EKG beeping)
- [Mom] Owen.
(EKG flat lining)
Owen, Owen!
- Our son Owen wasn't feeling good
and when I touched him he was ice cold.
Be like should we goto the ER now or wait?
- He also turned pale white.
We noticed his ankles wereturning slightly purplish
and at that time Darinand I just sort of looked
at each other and we said let's go.
- As we were drivingOwen started throwing up
in the back of my truck.
That was when the prayer started,
just praying that everythingwas gonna be okay.
- I had suspicions thatobviously this was more serious
than your typical flu.
I had no idea that itwould turn into the next
most traumatic 24 hours of our life.
- We get into the ER, wewere there maybe 10 minutes
and then he said, "Dad, Igotta go to the bathroom."
- He said it again, "Mommy, Ihave to go to the bathroom."
(crying) At that time Ilooked up at the monitor
and there was just a flat line.
(sustained beep)
Everything stopped, Ididn't hear anything.
I didn't see anything, Ialmost felt like I went numb.
(sustained beep)
- And then he would get a heartbeat back
and we'd see it on there,you know strong and regular.
And then it would just belike boom, boom, boom, boom.
And then back to CPR again.
- I fell to my knees andI completely surrendered
and I began to pray.
- 45 minutes went by, then 59minutes, the doctor's with me
and he goes, "You know."
And I go, "Man, I know.
"You guys did everything you guys could."
- At that point, we have onelast sort of ditch effort.
Another physician joins the care team
and he suggests this lifesupport machine called ECMO.
- Said she's doing the functionsof the heart and the lungs.
So that allows to stabilize the body
and let's the heart rest.
We're putting a cannula,a tube in the artery
and on the vein.
- We're already at an hour of CPR.
And then 30 more minutes ofCPR to get the ECMO put on.
- After the surgery had been completed,
the diagnosis ismyocarditis, which is a type
of virus that basicallyattacked his muscular system
and it attacked his heart.
- He's stable at the moment.
We don't know what kind of damage he has.
Everything has basically failed.
He's on a ventilator,his kidneys have failed.
His heart is pumping but very minimal.
- Our main concern becauseof the length of CPR
was that he would have a massive stroke.
Within five minutes thebrain cells will start dying.
- The doctors were justsaying, after 90 minutes
of CPR we've seen aspectrum of he's a vegetable
or you know, they'll be some deficits.
So what version of ourson are we going to have?
- We were really reallyintentional from day one
that we were going to rallyas many people as we could
to pray for Owen andpray for the physicians
and the care team there at Dell.
- By day five, it took amonth of the ECMO machine,
he was stable.
His heart was pumping as best as it could.
If God got us through this right here,
we're praying for 100%that he's going to walk
out of this hospital.
They said, you know what,let's see what he does
without the ventilator.
- Darin stayed in the room with Owen
and I went down to thehealing garden to pray.
(phone chimes)
And Darin said, (crying)
"He's asking for you Kristin.
"He's breathing on his own and he's asking
"for mommy right now."
Those were the best textmessages I've ever received.
- To know that he recognized us
was such a huge win, we bothbroke down in tears of joy.
He's gonna be good. (laughs)
- [Kristin] Ourfive-year-old Owen walked out
fully healed February 7th.
God answered our prayers, he did.
- That he was basically deadfor 90 minutes and he was able
to recover to the extentthat he recovered.
He is basically a normal child.
I think that's amazing.
- My heart is strong, Jesus saved me.
- Every day is a dayof praise that the Lord
has given us a miracle.
It's like, man, we got our Owen back.
- Oh, I love that one.
Yeah, go, I love that one.
When I prayed to the Lord thatday, please give me my Owen.
He gave me Owen and more.
I am looking forward to a Christmas
where we are all together.
Being able to not onlycelebrate Jesus' birth
but to being able tocelebrate a second chance
that Owen has been given and gifted.
- God is the god of second chances.
Not just the second chancebut the third chance,
the fourth chance, the fifthchance, as many chances
as you need.
Just take seven times 70,
you get that many chances with him.
He wants to heal, he wants torestore, he wants to revive.
I love to tell peopleyou are never too dead
for a resurrection.
And here Owen, he is dead.
Doctor saying for 90 minutes of CPR.
Should there have been a stroke?
Medically that's what the doctor said,
that's what they were worried about.
Did he need doctors?
Yes, but God answered prayerand he will answer prayer
for you.
If you need a Christmasmiracle, realize that this
is what Jesus came for.
This is why we celebratethe mass of Christ
to recognize that God came from eternity
and he was born in a manger.
And from that manger he grewinto a wonderful ministry.
That for three years he healed the sick,
he cast out demons.
He forgave sins and thenhe went to the cross.
The one who lived a sinlesslife said, "I will go
"and sacrifice so that noone else would have to pay
"the penalty for sin.
"I'll do it, I'll take all on me."
And then the great news,three days later he rose
from the dead.
Now where is he right now?
He's at the right hand of the father
and what is he doing?
He is praying for you.
All we have to do isjoin in with his prayer.
All we have to do is tolook to Jesus, the author
and the finisher of our faith.
Look to him, if you have asin problem, look to him.
If you have a healingproblem, look to him.
If you have any human need,look to him and he will provide.
Now we're going to pray foryou and maybe right now,
Christmas Eve you're in a hospital too.
Maybe right now you havefriends, you have family
that are apart from you.
Maybe right now you have a need
and can Jesus be your answer.
The answer is yes.
We're going to reachout, we're going to pray.
We've got some prayer requests.
Some other people whohave needs of healing.
Here's one healing from MS.
Another one familyrelationships to be restored.
And here's another one,
divine healing of Stage 4 tongue cancer.
May he be healed now.
- Here's some also, salvationof my children, grandchildren
and great grandchildren.
Someone asking for comfortand peace for all who've lost
a loved one.
And then someone to be asking to healed
of painful sciatic nerve.
And then someone needs a $25,000 miracle
but we don't know whatyour miracle is today
but we know who the miracle worker is.
So we want to take sometime to pray for you
as we join hands here
and will you just join with us at home.
- Lord we lift these needs to you,
we list those who have writtenin these prayer requests
for the one with Stage 4 tongue cancer,
for MS, for the one with a $25,000 need,
for one who has need ofsalvation of family, of friends.
For those who need relationships restored.
We just come to you and Lordwe first asked, forgive us.
Forgive us for our doubt.
Forgive us for unbelief.
Forgive us for the timesthat we have not walked
in accordance with your word, forgive us.
We turn from all of that andwe turn to you right now.
And we come boldly to the throne of grace,
asking for cleansing,
asking for righteousness, peace and joy.
Now, Lord God stretch forthyour hand to do miracles.
Stretch forth your handinto hospital rooms,
to hospital beds.
Do miracles.
Lord God almighty, we standin agreement with them
and we lay hands on them now.
And we say, be healed and bemade whole in Jesus' name.
Let your presence be manifest.
Give them vision Lord God tosee you increase their faith
for we ask it in Jesus' name.
They're someone you gotcancer in your mouth
and it's primarilylocated near your left jaw
and it's spread it's in your tongue.
It's in the bone underneathand it goes into your left jaw.
God's healing it.
He's taking it all away.
You actually just feltsomething go through that
and in Jesus' name be named.
All that pain be gone,all that swelling be gone.
All that cancer be gonenow in Jesus' name.
- And there's someone else you have a,
you're under attack.
You have just to your ownsurprise been struggling
with depression, with anxiety.
God is setting you freefrom that right now.
You don't need to be defined by it
nor fearful of it.
For you serve the livingGod just to reach up,
feel that monkey come off of your back
as Jesus gives you abrand new whole beginning.
- There's someone you're in a hospital
and you're not awake.
You're in a coma and itstarted as a viral infection,
the doctors didn't know how to treat it.
It's now turned intoa bacterial infection,
there's sepsis and inJesus' name be healed.
Be restored, all that infectionleave your body right now.
Immune system respondnormally, be restored,
be rehealed and come toconsciousness in the name of Jesus.
- Someone else with apopping in your right ear.
It's just constant, almostlike that ear is a tunnel
that you can't hear through correctly.
God's setting that now opennow and as it should be
and you'll not have theproblem anymore in Jesus' name.
- Someone else you're in a castliterally from your shoulder
down to your wrist.
You were in an accident,they're worried about how
your elbow's gonna heal andthe bone above the elbow.
God is healing all of it.
And he's knitting the bone together.
You're going to have avery good report about how
all the bone is justmiraculously coming together
and you are healed.
You're not going to have anylingering problems from this
in Jesus' name.
- And a wife crying out for your marriage
which seems so desperate and so unfixable,
but God is coming intomidst of that situation.
Live expectantly and beginto praise him for that.
- Lord we just ask for allthe prodigals to come home.
We ask for anyone sufferingwith drug and alcohol addiction
to be delivered now and be restored.
We ask it all in Jesus'name, amen and amen.
We're here for you and if you need prayer,
we're here for you 24 hoursa day, even on Christmas Eve.
You can call and find someone
that is willing to pray for you.
It's our honor, our privilege to pray.
Give us a call 1-800-700-7000and if you have a miracle
report let us know, allyou have to do is call us.
1-800-700-7000, Terry.
- Well coming up a look atsome cherished Christmas
classic films and some new favorites.
The best part, you canwatch them with every member
of your family.
(Christmas music playing)
- [Gordon] After years ofserving in the Civil War,
an American chaplain named Phillips Brooks
took a much neededsabbatical in the Holy Land.
On Christmas Eve he borrowed a horse
and rode from Jerusalem to Bethlehem.
During the ride heexperienced what he described
as the overwhelming presence of God.
- [Narrator] Beforedark we rode out of town
to the field where they saythe shepherd saw the star.
As we passed, the shepherdswere still keeping watch
over their flocks.
I was standing in theold church in Bethlehem,
close to the spot where Jesus was born.
When the whole church wasringing hour after hour
with the splendid hymns of praise to God.
Forever there will be singing in my soul.
- [Gordon] When Brooks returned home,
he wrote a song about theexperience and three years later
"O Little Town ofBethlehem" made its debut
when it was sung by thechildren's choir at his church.
("O Little Town of Bethlehem" playing)
- We wish you a MerryChristmas from 700 Club Canada.
- Merry Christmas everyonefrom 700 Club Canada
where it snows in the studio.
- Even in the studio.
- Right.
- And we have snow fight.
- Ah, there you go, Merry Christmas Brian.
- Have a wonderful and ahappy new year, God bless.
- Enjoy your holiday.
(Christmas music)
- Christmas movies are a greatway to get in the holiday
spirit from, "It's a Wonderful Life"
to "Miracle on 34th Street."
These films warm theheart year after year.
Efrem Graham has a look at somefamily friendly new classics
that you can find streaming right now.
- Help me, help me to spongeaway the stone of my repent
and I do repent, I do repent.
- [Efrem] Ebeneezer Scrooge inthe Charles Dickens' classic
"A Christmas Carol" beginsour look at five streaming
holiday films.
They're quite a few modernremakes of this movie
available now on Hulu.
- God bless us everyone.
- The interesting thingis on surface it's all fun
and roaring fires andhorse chestnuts and snow
and dances and blind man's bluff.
But the genius of Dickens isthat he transcends all that
and it's really about beinga human being and finding
out what it means to bea human being and that
you can share the world a little bit.
And I think that's why it resonates,
it's why it's still that book gets sold in
its millions around the world.
- [Efrem] Filmmaker BharatNalluri turns the page
on the classic tale.
- Why Christmas?
- Why not?
- Does anybody reallycelebrate it anymore apart
from our clerk?
- [Efrem] With "The ManWho Invented Christmas".
It's the story behindDickens' best selling book
now streaming on Amazon.
- Did you approach thisas an adventure story
in terms of how you wanted it?
- Absolutely, I mean itis an adventure story.
I mean people always forget,it's a big of science fiction.
It's a man who goes, it's"Back to the Future."
It's a man who goes backin time and meets himself
and becomes a better person for it.
And it was just it was thefirst time it was ever done,
1843, I mean no one had done it before.
Even the "Time Machine"hadn't been written.
No one had even had that
and so for me it's a greatrollicking adventure.
It always has been.
- [Scrooge] Humbug.
- What is?
- [Scrooge] Christmas.
- What about it?
- What is it but an excusefor picking a man's pocket
every 25th of December.
- [Efrem] And we now move
from "The Man Who Invented Christmas" to.
- Hang on Cyrus, Deborah!
- I expected a left turn two deserts ago.
- These wise guys are lost.
That's it, I'm fightingthrough the reigns.
- [Efrem] You might call thisthe greatest story never told.
(upbeat music)
- [Birds] Ohhh.
- [Efrem] "The Star" givesus a look at the very first
Christmas through the eyes of the animals.
- You jump out and create a distraction.
- Hey!
- It's a story we've heard so many times
and so if it was going tobe worth making a movie
about this at all, we had to find a way
to present it in a fresh way.
And that's where wedecided to tell the story
from the point of view of the animals.
- [Efem] Animator TimothyReckart directs the film
and the star packed cast of voices.
- It's the wisemen.
- Hide quickly.
(Camels yell)
- The other way.
- The other left.
(camels crashing)
- Deborah, are you okay?
- [Efrem] IncludingTyler Perry, Tracy Morgan
and Oprah Winfrey as camels.
- The new king's in danger.
- Run for your life!
- Get out of the way!
- [Efrem] "The Star" isstreaming now on Netflix.
- You ever feel like he'strying to talk to us?
- [Efrem] Gina Rodriguezis the voice of Mary.
- Where do you go to playan animated mother of Jesus?
Where do you research?
- There you go, I meanwhere do you research?
You know I grew up withthe nativity story.
So I am very aware of the story,
like it's ingrained in me.
- [Efrem] Alongside "The Star",Netflix is also streaming
new and original holiday films.
- [Boy] I figured if youdonate your old toys,
I'll deliver them for free.
- Tonight.
- [Efrem] In "Klaus" a klutzypostman sets out to deliver
toys to children who'vewritten touching letters
to a rather reclusive toy maker.
- He does through his actionsget these people who all
were so hating of each other to be like,
hey, why do we hate each other?
Why are we fighting all these year.
And we're just the same, we're all.
And I think to me that'swhat it's all about.
- [Efrem] And there's"Holiday in the Wild"
starring Rob Lowe and Kristin Davis
and an endless sea of animals.
- You are coming home right?
- [Woman] This year it's goingto be Christmas in Africa.
- What is Christmas in Africa?
- [Woman] Well, I can'tspeak for the whole continent
but at the elephant orphanage,they celebrate all week
and there is no shopping involved.
- This movie has all ofthe classic hallmarks
of those romantic moviesand you have to start
with them not liking each other.
That's the hardest acting I had to do.
- Ahh.
- Oh, you're coming on this trip too?
- Yep, Derek Collinsworthin case you want to write
my name down on a complaint form.
- Oh, yeah the pilot.
- [Efrem] Efrem Graham CBN news.
- [Derek] Largest game reserve in Africa.
- Well, I love theclassics and I also love
when they give us somethingbrand new we can take
our children and grandchildren to
and know that they're gonnahave a wonderful message.
So, looks like we got a good season.
- Yeah, lots of alternatives,so gather the family around.
Well when Vicky gets togetherwith her great granddaughter,
she knows exactly whatthey'll be watching.
CBN's Superbook.
The animated series isa family friendly way
to teach children the stories of the Bible
and Vicky is quick toadmit that she's learned
a lot from Superbook too.
- [Narrator] Meet Ellorie,she's the pride and joy
of her great grandmother Vicky.
One of their favoritethings to do together
is watch the latest Superbook.
- You're always challenged totry and find a new Superbook
episode, that's our big thing.
Because she's fascinated,she wants more and more.
It gives these kids a hunger.
- [Narrator] One oftheir favorite episodes,
the story of Jonah.
- Jonah, they didn't go to Ninevah
and then he got swallowed bya fish and it was a whale.
And it was very bad.
- [Narrator] Vicky loves thatSuperbook is teaching Ellorie
the stories of the Bible in a fun new way.
- And I make sure that sheunderstands this is the Bible.
These are real stories from the Bible
and they can learn the storyexactly as the Bible tells it
and I think that's whatthe most profound thing
is about Superbook.
You brought Joy and Chrisand Gizmo in, which brings
it down to their levelwhere they know it pertains
to their own life.
I want to make sure at the endwhat the lesson was learned
whether it's forgivenessand Goliath is bad.
David is good, he was brave.
So you need to be braveand she's learned a lot.
And I've learned a lot (laughs)it's not just for kids.
- [Narrator] Now Ellorie istaking what she's learned
from Superbook and telling other children.
- It's a wonderful thing,it's definitely what you want
for your kids and your grandkids.
It's the legacy you want toleave because that's their
foundation and when you build on that
and she's literally atthree years old spreading
the gospel.
- That's David.
- By being able to shareSuperbook then her friends learn,
they can learn together.
It's really a beautiful thing.
- I love Superbook!
- Well this Christmas you can give a gift
that will last a lifetime.
All you have to do isjoin the Superbook club
and you will receive threecopies of our latest episode,
which is all about the Christmas story,
the promise of a child.
You'll get three copies,one to keep, two to share
with your friend and family.
And then every four weeksyou'll be among the first
in line to receive the newest episodes.
You can join for areoccurring gift of $25.
Our latest release again,the promise of a child,
you'll get three copies of it.
And if you join today asour Christmas gift to you,
we'll send you threecopies of the birth of John
the Baptist as well.
So you get six DVDs,you also get two copies
of the Superbook craft and games booklet
and all of that for a gift of $25.
So, you can go to CBN.com.
There's a place where youcan sign up for Superbook
or you can call us rightnow, 1-800-700-7000.
And all you have to dois say you want to join
the Superbook Club, Terry.
- Well, still ahead the surprising story
behind O' Holy Night.
How did this song earn aplace in broadcast history.
And then later time for a holiday feast.
Kelly Minter has a place at the table
and it's waiting just for you.
So don't go away.
(Christmas music)
- During Christmas Mexicoshares a lot of traditions
with the world.
There's a chance that glassornaments on your tree
are handmade by artisans inthe village of Tlalpujahua.
Close to their the entiretown of Jalisco lights up
reminding us that thegreatest light, Jesus,
was given to the world during this season.
And breaking Christmaspinatas, here they say
that represents the momentpeople decide to break
with sin.
The candy pouring out representsthe riches of God's kingdom
being poured out on us
when we received Jesus.
From Mexico we wish you ablessed and Merry Christmas.
Feliz Navidad!
(Christmas music)
- There are countlesscherished Christmas hymns
but not many of them have changed history.
With its soaring melodyand heartfelt lyrics,
"O Holy Night" is afavorite around the world.
And as a matter of factit was the first song
to be sent out to the world.
Take a look.
(soft music)
- [Narrator] In 1847 theFrench song, "Cantique de Noel"
was co-written by a Jewishcomposer named Adolph Adam.
A decade later the Americanminister John Sullivan Dwight
translated the lyrics into English.
As an abolitionist, Dwightwas struck by the lyrics
of the second verse.
Chains shall he break, forthe slave is our brother.
And in his name, alloppression shall cease.
Almost 60 years later onChristmas Eve in 1906,
the Canadian inventor Reginald Fessenden,
created the world's first radio broadcast.
Mostly heard by radiooperators in cargo ships
in the Atlantic.
Fessenden read the story of the nativity
from the Gospel of Lukeand played "O Holy Night"
on his violin.
Making it the firstChristmas song ever broadcast
on the radio.
- Well we don't wantyou to just know about
"O Holy Night" we want you toexperience the music itself.
So here's a unique renditionof that powerful song
as performed by theacapella group Home Free.
♪ O holy night the starsare brightly shining ♪
♪ It is the night of ourdear Savior's birth ♪
♪ Long lay the world insin and error pining ♪
♪ Till He appeared andthe soul felt its worth ♪
♪ A thrill of hope theweary world rejoices ♪
♪ For yonder breaks a new glorious morn ♪
♪ Fall on your knees ♪
♪ O hear the angels' voices ♪
♪ O night divine ♪
♪ O night when Christ was born ♪
♪ O night divine o night ♪
♪ O night divine ♪
♪ O holy night the night ♪
♪ O holy night the starsare brightly shining ♪
♪ It is the night of ourdear Savior's birth ♪
♪ Long lay the world insin and error pining ♪
♪ Till He appeared andthe soul felt its worth ♪
♪ A thrill of hope theweary world rejoices ♪
♪ For yonder breaks a new glorious morn ♪
♪ Fall on your knees ♪
♪ O hear the angels' voices ♪
♪ O night divine ♪
♪ O night when Christ was born ♪
♪ O night divine o night ♪
♪ O night divine ♪
♪ O night divine ♪
♪ O night o night divine ♪
- Kelly Minter author, chefand noted Bible teacher
is on a mission to help you cook good food
while building community.
- For us to take what feelssometimes inaccessible
and be able to bring it downwhere absolutely anybody
can cook, anybody can starta little bit of a garden.
Anybody can have people over to your home.
- [Announcer] In her book"A Place at the Table"
Kelly shares tasty and healthy recipes
for the holidays and beyond.
(upbeat music)
- Merry Christmas to you all from India.
- CBN's Teleguso.
- [All] Merry Christmas!
- Christmas is a time offeasting but no matter
how much your friends andfamily eat there are always
a ton of leftovers, thegood news Chef Kelly Minter
has a way you can giveyour supper a second life.
- [Announcer] Kelly Minter author, chef
and noted Bible teacheris on a mission to help
you cook good food whilebuilding community.
- For to take feels sometimes inaccessible
and be able to bring itdown where absolutely
anybody can cook, anybodycan start a little
bit of a garden, anybody canhave people over to your home.
- [Announcer] In her book,"A Place at the Table"
Kelly shares tasty and healthy recipes
for the holidays and beyond.
- Kelly Minter is here with us now.
Merry Christmas to you.
- Merry Christmas to you.
- Thank you.
What are some of yourfavorite Christmas traditions
growing up?
- Well, it's so funnywe make homemade pizza
on Christmas Eve, whichis not very Christmasey
but our family has got intothis where we all bring
ingredients we like and we'vebeen doing this for years
and years and we roll out the dough.
- How fun.
- And we just go pizza Christmas Eve.
- Everybody does their own thing.
- Yeah, we all like different things.
So we make a ton of pizzas.
- That's kind of whatthe holiday is supposed
to be about, though getting together
and just enjoying.- Exactly.
- The time, what makes theholiday so special to you Kelly?
- Well obviously we havethe friends and the family
and the relationshipsthat you don't always get
the opportunity to seeeveryone and so it's so
nice to be able to be togetherwith nieces and nephews
and in-laws and parents andgrandparents and all of that.
And then of course, it is someaningful because of Jesus.
I mean really it does give usa time in the year to pause
and for a while now,especially at least a month
and really think aboutall that he's done for us.
- It's like the commondenominator for everybody
in the room hopefully.
Well, I know that you're new cookbook,
"A Place at the Table".
I love the title of that.
Is filled with mealsthat you enjoy the most.
What's your, do you have a favorite?
- I love the sun dried tomato pasta.
It is just so easy, it'sonly seven ingredients.
Some sun dried tomatoes, somefeta, pine nuts, black olives.
It's not difficult but it's really good
and it's colorful and I lovepasta and I know that carbs
are just getting a bad wrap right now.
(Terry laughs)
But in moderation Ilove the bolognese sauce
that we have in there too.
So it's just comforting tome and it's not too difficult
to put together.
- They are as festive, it'slike a food celebration.
Your pictures show that in the cookbook.
It's a wonderful cookbook.
- Thank you.- Let's look at
what we're preparing here today.
You have some, what is this called?
- Yes, this is the butternutsquash and sausage risotto.
- I love butternut squash
and now they even chop itfor you at the grocery story.
- I know right.- I'm like could it
get any better?
- Exactly, you bring up a great point here
because the risotto, we'lltalk about the risotto part
in a second because ittakes a little bit of focus.
So what I like to do isget my, fry my sausage
and get my butternut squashroasted and out of the way.
- [Terry] And you drainthis after you fried it?
- You can drain it alittle bit but the fat
makes the risotto taste really good.
So you can drain ityes, but I like to leave
a decent amount in there.
So you just kind of,obviously you're going to fry
your sausage up.
You get that, I set thataside and then the butternut
squash you can buy it cubed you're right.
The butternut squash used to intimidate me
but I didn't realize youcould take a little peeler
and it's not very difficultand you can chop it up.
You put that in the oven justkind of toss it in olive oil,
salt and pepper, put it in theoven, roast it for about 425
or something for about 20-25 minutes.
Maybe you toss it in the middlejust make sure it doesn't
burn and then I do exactlythat I set that aside.
And then you got the risottoand people can get intimidated
by risotto because youhave to sautee the onion
and the butter, add therice, kind of toss it
and then you have to justtake one cup of broth
at a time and you haveto continually stir it
until it absorbs that broth,then you take another.
- [Terry] How many cupsare you putting in?
- [Kelly] Five cups.
- [Terry] Five cups.
- So it takes about 20 minutes.
This is not the time to text people.
So I had a friend come over the other day
and I said, listen I'm inthe middle of the risotto
just don't talk to me
and it's not hard but you justdon't want to get distracted
and it'll burn.
But it's nice and therapeutic.
You literally are just doing this.
And as soon as it absorbs everything
and you feel good about it,then what we're going to do
is we're going to justadd the sausage here
to the risotto and thenthe butternut squash
and then, see here it saysI'm not going to go yet.
And then the Parmesan.
We have a whole beautifulthings of Parmesan
and you can just dump that all in there.
- Really, the whole thing.
- Dump the whole thing in there.
I think it's about half a cup.
- [Terry] Everything in me says stop.
- Says stop but Paremesan's a hard cheese
so you're okay, it's not too bad for you.
I try not to completelyruin the butternut squash.
I try not to completely smash it.
And then you when it's hot.
- [Terry] Also I think itblends in there pretty quickly.
- [Kelly] Yes, yes.
- 15-second rule.
- There we go, there we go.
So you just get that nicely mixed.
- And this is what you windup with, it's beautiful.
- Set it aside, and it's justgreat and I like this too
because sometimes afterthe holidays you're so full
and you can just have thisby itself or if you want
to serve it as a side youcan do that as well too.
- Sure, so let's move downhere because this is something
I did this year, when youhave so much leftover turkey
or ham, soup is on themenu right. (laughs)
- Yes, exactly.
- What do you have here?
- So this is, I hateto use the word carcass
but the turkey bones and the carcass
is really what makes a great broth.
And so this is turkey soup with rice.
Obviously you got yourcarrots, celery onion
and the leftover turkey.
This is great, I makethis every single year
and especially after thatholidays it's a way to
not lose the extra meat andthe bones make a good broth.
- And then you have whatyou call Christmas rice.
- Yes, so wonderful for Christmas Day
because it's festive, it's colorful.
You've got driedcranberries, dried apricots.
It just kind of makes a nice spin on rice.
And then after the holidays all of us
probably will have extra rice around
and it's nice to putsomething special together.
- Way to utilize it, sure.
And this is so beautiful,a charcuterie board.
- Yes!
- Yes, that you have, I meanI tried this once. (laughs)
It didn't look like this.
Tell me the secret todoing this correctly.
- [Kelly] Well to me I use,again, after the holidays
if you have cheese or youhave a pear or an apple
or grapes or something youcan put all this together.
If I'm doing it from scratch, again,
it's all about layering.
So you might have some height here.
You can spread your crackers around,
a few little ramekins orsomething for the dipping
and really there's no wrong way to do it.
It is nice to have a nice big,
it doesn't even have to be this big
but a nice big woodenboard and just create.
- Short little apples.
- I know.
- How wonderful is that?
- I know it's beautiful but I love this
because it's great for the dayof or if you have leftovers.
- Beautiful, beautiful display.
I want to mention you can getthe recipes for everything
that you've seen today andthat we've talked about
by getting Kelly's cookbook.
It's called "A Place at the Table".
Beautiful pictures, wonderful copy inside
and it's availablewherever books are sold.
So if you miss getting it for Christmas
there's always New Year right. (laughs)
- There we go.
- Thank you, it was wonderful to have you.
- Thank you so much Terry.
- Well, still ahead what really happened
in that stable the nightthat Jesus was born?
Author Ace Collins separatesthe fact from the fiction
of the nativity scene.
(uplifting Christmas music)
♪ Joy to the world the Lord is come ♪
♪ Let earth receive her king. ♪
- [Reporter] While mostChristmas carols focus
on the story of the nativity in the past.
One well known hymn encourages Christians
to look forward to the future.
- There is one Christmas carolthat is unlike all others.
That song, "Joy to theWorld" is not about the first
coming of Jesus.
That hymn is about thesecond coming of Jesus.
- [Reporter] "Joy to theWorld" was originally
part of a book of poems written
by the great English hymn writer
Issac Watts in 1719.
Based on the 98th Psalm,the poem was never intended
to be a Christmas song or anykind of song for that matter.
And Watts never knewthat he had just written
one of his most famous hymns.
A century later a Boston musicteacher named Lowell Mason
discovered the poem and set it music.
Because it was released at Christmas time,
it quickly became a holidayfavorite and went on
to become the most publishedChristmas carol in America.
- Joy to the world the Lord has come,
let Earth receive her king.
Let every nation prepare him room
and heaven and nature sing.
He rules the world with truth and grace
and makes the nations provethe wonders of his majesty.
It's about when he comes again finally
and rules in power and justice and mercy.
♪ And wonders and wonders of his ♪
♪ Joy to the world, to the world ♪
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- Well no matter the shapesize or form most nativity
displays feature the basics.
The wisemen, the shepherds, Mary, Joseph,
with baby Jesus resting in a manger.
But how accurate is this depiction?
Wendy Griffith talked withauthor Ace Collins and found out.
(Christmas music)
- Ace, I jus love nativityscenes and this one in front
of us reminds me so muchof the one that we had
in my house growing up as a child.
When did people startdisplaying nativity scenes?
- They probably started making carvings
in the 3rd or 4th Centurybut the first nativity scene
that we really look at asbeginning what we look at today
was started by Francis of Assisiabout eight centuries ago.
He used them as teaching tools.
As a matter of fact, heincorporated live animals
and actors and even had songs.
It was part of an hour ortwo-hour long pageant if you will,
where he brought the manger scene to life
for the very first timeso people could really
understand what happened onthat first Christmas night.
- Now the night that Jesus was born.
We know he was born in a manger.
How accurate is a nativityscene like this one?
- We honestly don't know.
We know that there had tobe animals 'cause the city
was full and peoplebrought the animals in.
They were probably inside thestable, not on the outside.
We do know the shepherds arrived,
one of the things thatwe also know is the magi.
The visitors from the East.
The kings did not come to the manger,
even though we always see them.
- The kinds weren't at the manger?
- They came many many months later
and visited Mary and Joseph in their home
and spent the night with them.
So, we know that mostof the nativity scenes
are not accurate but I don'tthink that is as important
as it is to realize thatprobably more than anything else,
these little nativity scenes put the focus
back on the reason for the season.
And it really shows us that God came to us
as a common man, so thatwe could all relate to him.
- Well thank you forwatching today's show.
We'll be back tomorrow witha special Christmas edition
of The 700 Club.
We leave you with a holiday favorite.
Here are the Gettys performing
"God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen".
(rock guitar music)
♪ God rest ye merry gentlemen ♪
♪ Let nothing you dismay ♪
♪ Remember Christ our Savior ♪
♪ Was born on Christmas Day ♪
♪ God rest ye merry gentlemen ♪
♪ Let nothing you dismay ♪
♪ Remember Christ our Savior ♪
♪ Was born on Christmas Day ♪
♪ To save us all from Satan's pow'r ♪
♪ When we were gone astray ♪
♪ Oh tidings of comfort and joy ♪
♪ Comfort and joy ♪
♪ Oh tidings of comfort and joy ♪
♪ In Bethlehem, in Israel ♪
♪ This blessed babe was born ♪
♪ And laid within a manger ♪
♪ This blessed Christmas morn ♪
♪ The which His Mother Mary ♪
♪ Did nothing take in scorn ♪
♪ Oh tidings of comfort and joy ♪
♪ Comfort and joy ♪
♪ Tidings of comfort and joy ♪
♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ From God our heavenly fatherthe blessed angel came ♪
♪ And unto certainshepherds brought tidings ♪
♪ Of the same ♪
♪ Heaven in Bethlehem wasborn the son of God by name ♪
♪ Tidings of comfort and joy ♪
♪ Comfort and joy ♪
♪ Tidings of comfort and joy ♪
♪ The shepherds at those tidingsrejoice in much in mind ♪
♪ And left the flocks offeeding in tempest storm ♪
♪ And wind ♪
♪ And went to Bethlehem straightway the son of God to find ♪
♪ Oh tidings of comfort and joy ♪
♪ Comfort and joy ♪
♪ Tidings of comfort and joy ♪
♪ Oh to the Lord say praisesso you are in this place ♪
♪ And with your love of brother ♪
♪ Each other now embrace ♪
♪ This holy tide ofChristmas never sadly face ♪
♪ Tidings of comfort and joy ♪
♪ Comfort and joy ♪
♪ Tidings of comfort and joy ♪
♪ This holy tide of Christmassaw matter that we face ♪
♪ Oh tidings of comfort and joy ♪
♪ Comfort and joy ♪
♪ Oh tidings of comfort and joy ♪
♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪