The Tennessee Titans’ special teams squad takes us inside the huddle. Then, a college student takes a nasty fall and ends up in the ICU fighting for his life. See a miracle unfold just in time for Christmas.
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- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Gordon] Coming up.
- Merry Christmas, everyone!
- Merry Christmas fromthe Titan specialists.
- [Gordon] The Tennessee Three.
- We're gonna give iteverything that we've got.
- [Gordon] The Titans'special team squad takes us
inside the huddle.
- I trust these two,and they they trust me.
- [Gordon] Then, a collegestudent takes a nasty fall.
- [Man] Caleb was in an accident.
- [Gordon] And ends up in theICU fighting for his life.
- Is Caleb gonna die?
- [Gordon] See a miracle unfoldjust in time for Christmas.
- I can't put it into wordshow much it means to me.
- On today's 700 Club.
(dramatic music)
Welcome to The 700 Club.
President Trump's impeachment by the House
of Representatives cameas no big surprise,
but the next step in the process
has taken an unexpected twist.
- The Senate is preppingfor a trial in the new year.
What could put a hold on the process?
Capitol Hill correspondentAbigail Robertson explains.
- The Senate is preparingfor an impeachment trial
in the new year, but an unexpected twist
could put those plans on hold.
After getting the votes,House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
is waiting to confirm if and when
she will turn the articles over.
- Clearly do you understand when we see
what their process is, we will know who
and how many we want to send over.
- [Abigail] Pelosi claimsshe wants to ensure
there will be a fairprocess in the Senate,
but Senate Majority LeaderMitch McConnell suspects
another motive for the hesitation.
- In fact, the prosecutorsare getting cold feet,
in front of the entire country,
and second guessing whetherthey even want to go to trial.
- [Abigail] President Trumpaccused Pelosi on Twitter
of being afraid topresent it to the Senate.
Senate democrats want fourwitnesses to come forward,
Mick Mulvaney, Robert Blair, John Bolton
and Michael Duffey, witnessesthe White House blocked
from testifying in the House.
- We ask, is the president's case so weak
that none of the president'smen can defend him under oath?
- [Abigail] But McConnellprefers no witnesses,
and hopes to move quicklyacquitting President Trump.
- This particular House of Representatives
has let its partisan rageat this particular president
create a toxic new precedent
that will echo well into the future.
- [Abigail] While enjoying adegree of bi-partisan support
against impeachment,President Trump took heat
from both partiesThursday for taking a shot
at late Michigan Congressman John Dingle.
Recounting a conversationwith Dingle's window,
he implied the World War II vet,
who served 60 years in theHouse, might be in hell.
- Maybe he's looking up, I don't know.
(audience laughing and groaning)
I don't know, maybe.
- [Abigail] A move CBN Newschief political analyst
David Brody warns couldcost Trump in Michigan,
a state he won by .23% in 2016.
- He needs every single vote to win
this battleground State of Michigan.
And let's be honest, if I coulduse this intellectual word,
dumb, dumb comments byDonald Trump, unforced error.
- Congressman Dingle's widow, Debbie,
who now serves in hisold congressional seat,
says as she prepares to spendher first holiday season
without her husband Trump's hurtful words
make her healing that much harder.
Reporting from Capitol Hill,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.
- Well, as we've long suspected,
the whole impeachment seemsto be political drama,
and now it's going to be drama
that's going to be extended.
At the start of this wholething it was just assumed
it would never get through the Senate,
so this is kind of a curve ball.
It will never get to the Senate.
This will be somethingthat will be debated
again and again and again and again,
all the way untilNovember, and then we have
this wonderful thing thatour constitution calls for,
a presidential election, which is where
all of this should be in the first place.
Why the articles of impeachment,
the whole process ofimpeachment has been weaponized
as a political tool, will thatecho in generations to come?
Probably, we've seen extreme partisanship
in our nation today, and whether it's
on the conservativeside or the liberal side
or whatever side, canwe ever come together
and actually govern ourselves?
There's a big ticking timebomb of our national debt
going off, and we'respending time in drama.
We need to deal with these things
and deal with them quickly,but we can't even seem
to get together to have a how do we govern
as opposed to campaign.
In other news, calls forimpeachment kicked off
the democratic presidentialdebate last night,
but the candidates soonturned on each other.
John Jessup has more on that story
from our CBN News Bureauin Washington, John.
- That's right, Gordon,seven democrats running
for president faced offyet again last night.
The "PBS Newshour" politicaldebate came just weeks
before the Iowa Caucuses.
The candidates started in agreement,
calling for the president's removal,
then quickly turned tocontrasting themselves
and diminishing their opponents.
- The mayor just recently had a fundraiser
that was held in a winecave full of crystals
and served $900 a bottle wine.
Think about who comes to that.
Billionaires and wine caves
should not pick the next president.
- According to "Forbes Magazine,"
I am literally the onlyperson on this stage
who's not a millionaire or a billionaire.
(audience cheering and applauding)
This is important, this is the problem
with issuing purity testsyou cannot yourself pass.
- Democrats will debate four more times
between now and the end of February.
Meanwhile, progressivedemocratic candidates
are coming under firefor socialists proposals
like Medicare for all.
Younger generations,including Christians, are open
to considering socialist ideas,
some even asking, "WasJesus a socialist?".
CBN's David Brody brings us the story
of one influentialconservative who's determined
to change young minds.
- What about the people?
- [Crowd] (bleep) you Charlie!
(bleep) you Charlie!
- [David] Charlie Kirkisn't making many friends
on liberal campuses thesedays, and he's okay with that.
Seven years ago hestarted Turning Point USA,
the country's largestconservative student organization.
He shows up regularly on college campuses
to help educate uninformed students.
- Do you think Lenin was a good guy?
- Yeah.- Yeah.
- [Charlie] You thinkLenin was a good guy?
- Yeah, absolutely.
- [Charlie] So themillion people he killed
was like a rounding error?
- He killed millions of people?
- [Charlie] He killed one million people.
- Okay, yeah, I'd liketo see proof of that,
but yeah, sure.
- Well, you could readthe Gulag Archipelago
and first-hand accountsof the mass extermination
that Lenin put in place.
- [David] Charlie Kirk tellsCBN News these campus visits
are true eye openers.
- I went to Brown University recently,
a place that is filledwith atheism, secularism,
leftism, Marxism, all this stuff,
and I said, "Your rights comefrom God, not government."
The place erupted in laughter, not in boo.
- Wow.- Laughter.
- But the rise of socialismis no laughing matter.
Nearly 50% of millennials and Gen Z
would actually prefer tolive in a socialist country.
By the way, have you heardJesus is a socialist?
I don't know if you heard that.
- [Charlie] That's nonsense,I hear this all the time.
- Oh, my bad, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
- I'm happy to debunk that, too.
The fact that Jesus wasanything except the Savior
of the world is preposterous to me.
He's one of the only peopleever in documented history
to have such a widespread impact
outside a political government influence.
So even if you look atNapoleon, look at Muhammad,
Alexander the Great,Julius Caesar, they worked
through the instruments of government.
Jesus was like, "That's not why I'm here."
- [David] The reasonKirk says he's here is
to make sure youngergenerations fully understand
the Judeo-Christian principlesthat founded this country.
He, along with Jerry Falwell, Jr.,
have established the Falkirk Center
at Liberty University to do just that.
- They're not beingtaught true appreciation
for America's role in theentire Christian journey.
America has played abeneficial and critical role
in spreading the gospel in ways that never
could have been imagined before America.
- [David] Right now America is going
through painful moral changes.
Church attendance is down,atheism is on the rise.
- There's a reason why atheism is growing.
Number one, I think it'sa failure of the church.
I think the church hasnot been bold enough.
Number two, I think it's a byproduct
of government getting sobig, replacing the church,
with surrender that terrain, if you will,
to big government programsand status programs.
And traditionally the church was always
the first social safety net.
- [David] Kirk preaches his message
to a robust following on social media,
and his influential organizationhas caught the attention
of President Trump as well.
As a bible-believingChristian, Kirk is determined
not just to spread the good news fight,
but also to engage forcefully
with the other side when necessary.
- The hatred that wereceive as Christians,
it's biblical, it's prophesied,
and you shouldn't tryand make excuses for it.
No matter what, we're gonna be persecuted.
I'm afraid right nowit's coming to a culture
where the likes of whichwe've never seen before,
and we as Christians have to rise up,
we as freedom believers have to rise up,
and I'm just trying to do my part.
- [David] David Brody,CBN News, Washington.
- Thank you, David.
The United States is uppingthe ante against Iran,
Secretary of State MikePompeo announcing new measures
to compel the regime to stopits human rights violations.
Last month Iranian securityforces reportedly killed
hundreds of protestors,including children,
for rallying against higher gas prices.
Pompeo says the United Stateshas been monitoring various
other rights abuses numberingin the tens of thousands.
- Three women handed outflowers on the Tehran Metro
on International Women's Day in March.
They weren't wearing the hijab.
The regime sentenced themto between 16 and 23 years
in prison for propaganda against the state
and for moral corruption.
- Pompeo lists three initiatives
to pressure the regime to change,
re-designating Iran acountry of particular concern
for religious freedom,sanctions against two judges
whose rulings routinelyviolate human rights,
and visa restrictionson officials responsible
for persecuting Iranian citizens.
In Israel, Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu
is facing the most serious challenge
to his leadership in recent memory.
He's not been able to form a government
after two general elections this year,
and now he's under criminal indictment.
CBN Middle East BureauChief Chris Mitchell looks
at the challenges as Israel faces a third
historic election in less than a year.
- [Chris] On December26th, more than 100,000
Likud party members will be eligible
to vote on their leaders.
Gideon Saar is challengingBenjamin Netanyahu,
Israel's longest serving Prime Minister
to represent Likud, aposition that puts the winner
in line to become prime minister.
- Gideon Saar has longbeen known to be someone
who wishes to challengeNetanyahu for many years,
and he is quite popularamongst much of Likud,
but really not enough itseems, according to the polls,
to take out Netanyahu,the incumbent leader
and the Prime Minister.
And the polls seems to currently suggest
quite consistently thatthe Saar insurgency
will be serious, but it's hard to see
how he can win the primaries.
- [Chris] Saar has warned if party members
don't choose him over Netanyahu,
Israel is headed for aleft wing government.
Israeli expert EugeneKontorovich disagrees.
- All of the polls show that no matter
who wins these primaries,it seems the results
will be the exact same,which is that nobody
can still form a coalition.
- [Chris] "The JerusalemPost's" Herb Keinon
sees politically driventroubles facing leaders
like President Trump andNetanyahu as the new norm.
Kontorovich said there are similarities
and differences in the cases.
- There's a sense in bothcases that the establishment,
the legal establishmenthas not been exactly fair
with both leaders, butthey're also quite different.
Trump is not in fact facing indictment.
As a matter of fact, inAmerica it's quite clear
that you cannot indicta sitting president.
He has to be removed by impeachment first.
He is being impeached, whichis not a criminal proceeding,
where Prime Minister Netanyahu
is indeed facing criminal proceedings.
- [Chris] Kontorovich believesthe U.S. administration
is frustrated with Israel'spolitical stalemate.
- The great shame is thatIsrael is wasting perhaps
the world's most valuablepolitical resource,
which is Trump time.
So Israel now has thesingle most favorable
American administration it has ever known,
which has already changedthe diplomatic map
and the diplomatic rules for Israel
in ways that were unthinkable previously.
- [Chris] Regardless of the primary,
the March 2nd generalelection will make history
as the third time in less than 12 months
that Israelis will votein national elections.
Unfortunately, theprospects of either side
building a coalition government
don't seem any more likelythan the last two attempts.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News.
- Thanks Chris, and Gordon, a writer
in "The Jerusalem Post"called this Netanyahu's
to be or not to be moment.
- Well, I'll be bold enoughto predict Israeli politics,
which is really difficult to do
they have so manydifferent political parties
and different factions, andin that parliamentary system,
how do you get a majority and then
how do you form a government?
Right now they're essentially tied.
A little over 30 seatsin the Knesset apiece.
And Gantz has said, "I'llnever form a government
"with Netanyahu," so what that means is
we're going to continue this stalemate.
So, in the next election, my prediction is
Netanyahu will still lead Likud,
and we'll still end up with a tie.
And what happens then?
Well, what happens is the currentgovernment stays in power.
And under the Israeli Constitution,
even if Netanyahu is under indictment,
even if he's convicted, he is not removed
as Prime Minister until allappeals are finally exhausted.
As I understand their legal system,
that could be five toseven years from now.
So if there's a stalemate,the end result of that is
Netanyahu stays in power.
That's a very unusual outcome,
and they can have three elections a year
for the next five years,and where do they go?
But the bottom line willstill be the bottom line.
Netanyahu stays in power, Terry.
- Interesting system.
Well, up next, 59% of millennials raised
in the church have already left.
Why did they go and howcan we get them back?
Plus, a very merry Christmas greeting
from three Tennessee Titans.
They'll showcase theirgifts as kicker, holder,
and long snapper.
That's coming up later.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
- Well, we live in a toxic culture,
and it's poisoning our youth,
drawing them away from the church.
Studies are showing that now59% of millennials raised
in church have already left.
How can we reverse thistrend, bring them back?
Here's Charlene Aaron with the story.
- The moral and spiritualdecline in today's culture
is on the rise, especiallyamong young people
who don't have a biblical foundation
and are searching for meaning in life.
Examples of the toxic culture abound,
from the growing gender identity crisis
to the lure of drugs, porn,and social media addiction.
- The pressure of sex anddrinking, so many things
they are being bombarded with.
- [Charlene] Pastor BryanCarter of Concord Church
in Dallas says the fightfor America's young people
has never been greater.
- It becomes incrediblyimportant for parents
and mentors and churchesto stay heavily involved
to give those young people safe places,
models, healthy outlets,a place to process
all they're dealing with.
- [Charlene] Studiesconsistently show the number
of millennials in church decreasing.
Barna Research recently found that 59%
of millennials raised inchurch have already left.
It's a trend Pastor Carterand others hope to change.
- The recent studies aboutmillennials and Gen Z
are a bit alarming,because they do indicate
it's the most unchurched generation.
You have a generation of young people
that are basically raising themselves
and discovering theirown spiritual identities.
♪ He loves you ♪
♪ Calls your name ♪
- [Charlene] That's why Carterand his congregation focus
on helping youth relate to scripture,
and even let them take thelead from time to time.
- Psalm 86:11 says, "Teachme your way, O Lord,
"that I may live according to your truth.
"Grant me purity of heart,so I may honor you."
God plays so many roles in our lives,
and to me this scriptureadvises us to look to God
as a teacher and a mentor.
- They want people to beinvolved, to coach them.
It's crucial the churchesbegin to reexamine
how do I disciple this generation well?
How do I help them tocultivate a love for God
and a love for people?
How do I help them to havetheir spiritual identity solid
so that they don't run around and try
to find their identityfrom something else?
- [Charlene] Earlier thisyear, CBN News reported
on a camp that does just that.
- [Man] Youth are spiritually hungry.
I mean, they really, really are.
- [Charlene] Alex McFarlandof Truth for a New Generation
says parents and the church community
must be ready to answerthe tough questions
young people have about religion.
- Does truth exist, does God exist,
how can we know God exists?
What about the bible, is thebible true and trustworthy?
And what about Jesus?
- [Charlene] Meeke and WillAddison host a radio show
called Airing the Addisons.
They admit raising kidsto love God can seem
like an uphill battle,but say there is hope.
- I often go, wait a minute, Gen Z'ers,
these people are stilleating at your table.
You haven't lost them yet.
- Even in their schools you'llsee where they have teachers
in the colleges,universities, that are against
what we believe and theywill be really bold about it.
And I think our kids have to be equipped
to withstand that andnot crumble under it.
- [Charlene] This high school senior
attended the camp for two years.
- Especially in a public school,
people around you aren'talways the most Christian-like.
- Meanwhile, church leaders are hopeful
about the next generation as they seek
to lead them in the way.
- They are bold, they are courageous,
they just need to be armed with the truth.
They want to be a light in darkness,
but we need to make sure thatwe pass on that light to them.
- Over time, I think we'll be surprised by
how this next generation takes this faith,
uses technology, and reaches people
that we never could reach before.
- [Charlene] Charlene Aaron, CBN News.
- Well, you have to beintentional with this,
and I encourage Christians,take a lesson from Judaism.
In Judaism children have a role to play,
and they play that roleever Seder service,
every Shabbat, and youneed to involve them
and not just say I'm gonnaleave it to the Sunday school
or I'm gonna hope they getit from osmosis or whatever.
You have to be very intentional.
If you want new leaders,then you have to trust them
with leadership, they need to have a role.
And there's plenty ofwonderful biblical ways
for them to have that role.
The other thing Judaismdoes is encourage questions
so that the questions are answered
and any intellectualobjection to is there a God,
well, let's get that on the table early,
let's answer those questions so that
when they're out in theworld, they know the answers.
They're not sitting there puzzled,
is everything I was brought up with,
everything I was trained, isthat right or is that wrong?
They know the answersahead of the argument.
And the best way to do that is sitting
around the dinner tableand encouraging them,
what questions do you have,
and then being prepared with the answers.
Let's learn from ourolder brothers and sisters
in the faith, they havehad a lot of experience
in maintaining religious tradition
in a very hostile culture, Terry.
- Well, still ahead, the 4:00 AM call
that no parent ever wantsto get, and the fall
that left their son's lifehanging in the balance.
Would he survive or die?
And if he lived, would he ever be normal?
But first, topsy turvy, thelong snappers look at life.
What perspective does it give this Titan,
and what special bond does he share
with his band of brothers?
Find out after this.
(upbeat dramatic music)
- Well, I'm very excitedto bring you the epic story
of Saint Patrick, he is a verypersonal inspiration to me.
I first started reading his writings
when I was a missionaryto the villages of India,
and it greatly inspired me.
This movie is comingto theaters this March.
Tickets to the movie,produced by CBN Films,
they'll make great Christmas gifts.
And if you buy them inadvance, it really helps us
to get additional showings,additional theaters.
So let's take a look at thetrailer for "I Am Patrick."
- [Patrick] It was not my grace, but God
who conquered in me andwho resisted them all
that I might come to the Irish nations
to preach the gospel.
- The preconception that we've got
about Saint Patrick is completely wrong.
(dramatic music)
- [Man] Ireland was a place of barbarians
at the end of the world.
- [Man] Get going, boy!
- [Woman] It is slavery for life.
- [God] Patrick!
You are to travel to your homeland.
(dramatic music)
- Patrick!
- [Woman] Patrick!
- [Man] You're alive, you're alive!
(dramatic music)
- [Man] To hear the call to go back
to Ireland terrified him.
It was asking a lot ofthis man to do this.
- [Man] This does not have to be, Patrick.
- [Patrick] It is the will of God.
- [God] Go into all theworld and preach the gospel.
- Who among you heeds the call?
- Why would this man put himself in danger
among enemies who do not know God?
- People thought thatthis mission was crazy,
that his efforts to Christianize Ireland
were doomed to failure.
- Tell us the secretyou know about Patrick.
- [Man] Things in the pastcan come back to haunt us.
(dramatic music)
- Take him.(dramatic music)
- It's time to go.- I'm not finished.
No!(dramatic music)
- Well, if you've grown upthinking Saint Patrick's Day is
all about shamrocks and wearing green,
this movie will tell you the real story.
It's based entirely on his confession,
what he wrote in defenseof his ministry in Ireland,
as well as a letter to Coroticus,
which is the first time in history
someone took a stand, amoral stand, against slavery
and against sex trafficking.
So that's why Patrick is important today,
to go back and look at what did he do
and how effective his ministrywas, what was the key to it?
And you're going to hearit in his own words,
from his own confession.
So this is historically accurate,
it's accurate to his confession,
and it's done in docudramastyle so it's good
for the whole family to come see.
You'll help us if you buy tickets now.
You'll help us get additional theaters,
so go to
It'll make a great Christmas gift and you
and the whole family, yourwhole church can say yes,
let's celebrate SaintPatrick's Day by learning
what he did and why he wassuch a force in history.
He converted an entirenation, and then in turn
Ireland sent out missionaries to Scotland.
My ancestors were from Scotland.
We owe our Christianity to Saint Patrick
and what he did and howhe was inspired by God
to go back to the verypeople that enslaved him
and say, "Let's do this a different way.
"I've got some good news for you."
So get the tickets, go to
There's a place where youcan click with your zip code
and you can find where it'splaying in a theater near you.
Terry.- Looks wonderful.
Well, the Tennessee Titans face off
with the New OrleansSaints Sunday afternoon,
with the Titans in thehunt for the playoffs.
And should they need a fieldgoal to clinch the win,
three Titans will join forcesto bring out their big guns.
Recently Tom Buehring talkedwith Tennessee's kicker,
holder, and long snapperabout the special bond
between this band of brothers.
(dramatic music)
- [Tom] They are NFL game changers.
Three teammates aligning precision
to kick past imperfection.
- Merry Christmas, everybody.
- Merry Christmas fromthe Titans' specialists.
- [Tom] As Christmasapproaches, we three kings
are found in these three Titans,
where Nashville findsImmanuel, God with us,
among players who compete asspecial team difference makers
and empathize as brothers.
- We have each other, andwe can lean on each other,
and we're family.
I can't remember thelast time I was at home
on Christmas, becauselike you said, Immanuel,
God is with us and we're together,
and that's something to be thankful for.
I'm Ryan, I'm the kicker.
- I'm Brett, I'm the punter and holder.
- I'm Beau, I'm the long snapper.
- [Tom] So you're the triggerman, it all starts with you.
- I'm usually aiming for Brett's hand.
It's kind of the indicator of when to snap
and where to snap, so I justkeep my mind focused on that
and then when he opens his hands,
you can try and get it inthat spot, they finish it.
The best thing I can doso they don't get hit
or they don't get blocked,I try to protect these guys.
Because I trust thesetwo, and they trust me.
- The view you have looking upside down,
how difficult was that to get used to?
- It's not as bad as you think,
because you're so focusedon whatever you're doing
and wherever you're aiming at.
It is my second world,and I see everything
from a different perspectivethan most people do,
it comes with the job description.
I just kind of roll with it.
- [Tom] The extra point snap's shorter
than the punt snaps, but whatmakes those more challenging?
- Finesse, it's a lot more finesse.
On punts, Brett's a heck of an athlete,
so he can field anythingthat I throw back there
with some speed.
On the field goals, it'sjust a little more precise.
Kinda gotta take some speed off it,
and it's hard to slow it down.
- He snaps really hard,
about broke my thumb his rookie year.
- [Tom] Did you have totell him it's too hard?
- I think in a very kind andgracious way I did, yeah.
- Skill set aside, what qualifiesthe punter to be a holder?
- Honestly, for allthree of us I think it's
the mental aspect, being ableto shake off the bad times,
being able to stay levelheaded in the good times.
The communication that wehave between the three of us
is really, really important.
We talk about what we wannado when we go out there,
the turf conditions or whichway the wind's blowing,
and that will determinehow I hold the ball.
- [Tom] You and Ryan can identify
with the kicking dynamic.
Does it make you a kicker whisperer?
- Understanding kickingand understanding punting,
and I've been around it for so long,
I mean, it happens sofast, a field goal happens
in 1.3, 1.4 seconds.
A punt, I have about 1.25,1.3 seconds to get it off
with a rush, so hey, isthere anything you see
technique wise and littlebits of encouragement
here or there that kind ofhelp us out to go do our job.
- In the NFL, a lot ofthese games are decided
by seven points or less, so a kicker there
is usually really important in the game,
and so there's always thatpressure that kind of comes
with that, and that's definitely part
of playing at this level.
- [Tom] When you look atRyan, you're taking your cue
when he's ready, are youreading him in any way?
- There's not a lot of peopleto understand the nerves
of certain kicks, the pressure of it.
A lot of times he'll say something
before he takes his steps,"Lord, give us peace,"
and I kind of follow that up with,
"Lord, let your will be done,"and just say a little prayer.
- [Tom] How do you manage that?
- One of the bible versesthat I read before every game
is Philippians 4:6 and seven.
"Don't worry about anything,let the peace of God
"which transcends allunderstanding guard your hearts
"and your minds in Christ,"so the Lord doesn't want us
to be anxious or nervous in a situation,
He wants us to come to Him.
Now I'm 11 years in, youstill get a little bit
of those nerves every Sunday.
When you feel that, wealways have that opportunity
to connect to the Lord in prayer.
- Big game, big stagethat demands perfection.
How does He give you thegrace and the strength
to walk through that?
- You know, millions ofpeople watching on TV,
and how we're expectedto be perfect, right?
I think in some sensethat can be stressful
to a lot of people, but Ithink through Christ we know
that we're only made perfect through Him.
We're gonna give iteverything that we've got
with the abilities that He's given us.
We're gonna pour ourheart and soul into it.
And with that being said,I think that allows us
to go out and be free and handle some
of those perceived stressful situations.
- Christmas season, Immanuel, God with us.
Tell me about this relationship
and how empathy comes tolife in standing with someone
in both the big and the small.
- He's my brother, Imean, we've been together
for as long as we have,it ain't no accident.
These two helped me find my faith.
I mean, that's huge, I cannever repay them for that.
- Knowing that in this Christmas season
that Christ came to give everybody joy
that can't be robbed issomething really, really special.
In Ecclesiastes, ifsomeone's alone as a brother
and no one's there to helphim out, what good is it?
To be able to do life withthese guys, it's awesome.
- With it being Christmastime,I think that's something
that's on a lot of ourhearts and minds right now.
We go through stuff justlike everybody else does,
and I think it's importantto have that empathy
and be in there for each other,
and that's something we'reall really thankful for.
- Our best games, ourworst games, or anything,
we're always gonna have each other.
Christ is at the centerof our relationship,
being best friends, andwe pray before every game.
That's just one of the manythings that makes us who we are.
Merry Christmas, everybody.
- Merry Christmas.- Merry Christmas.
- That is an amazing bondand special relationship
that they have with each other.
Makes is a little more funto watch them play now,
doesn't it, after hearingwhat they have to say?
- How it's all choreographed--- Yep.
- But even more importantly,how it's all prayed over
before they do it.
- Absolutely, and as they do it.
Well, still ahead, a young man sustains
a traumatic brain injury.
How bad is it, and whyis his mother devastated
after he wakes up from a coma?
Watch a Christmas miracle unfold later
on today's 700 Club.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN Newsbreak.
Fo parents, it's alwaystough caring for sick kids,
but especially during the holidays.
That's why one hospitalsecurity guard in Missouri
is working to help bringa little bit of joy
to families with kids in the NICU.
For the past six yearsAnthony Cook has traded
his security uniform forsomething a little more merry
and bright, a Santa suit.
He visits babies in theNICU, posing for pictures
that families can alwayskeep as a memento.
31 years ago Cook's daughterspent time in a similar unit.
He wants to give back bybringing a little hope
to those families, adding that he knows
exactly how they feel.
In Costa Rica, CBN's Operation Blessing
is helping a selfless motherget the medical care she needs.
Marlyn's daughter Jenniferwas born with cerebral palsy.
While she always makessure her daughter receives
the treatment and care she needs,
that means Marlyn doesn'talways get the resources
to take care of herself.
However, thanks to ourcompassionate partners,
Operation Blessing was ableto care for Marlyn's health
through a free medical brigadeheld in Grecia, Costa Rica.
Operation Blessing'smedical doctors took care
of Marlyn's dental problemsand gave her critical
health screenings to ensurethat she'd be healthy
for her daughter.
You can find out moreabout Operation Blessing
by visiting
Gordon and Terry will be back with more
of The 700 Club right after this.
(dramatic music)
("Jingle Bells")
- Crafting custom ice skates,
that's what John Harmata has been doing
for four decades in hisshop, and he loves it.
John also wanted to be partof something much bigger
than he could ever accomplish by himself,
and he's been doing thatfor 35 years, take a look.
- [John] I make skaters better skaters.
- [Reporter] For nearly40 years, John Harmata
has been making skaters better
by crafting custom fitice skates in his workshop
and store in Downers Grove, Illinois.
- The reason I think that Godblessed my business so much
is simply because of two things.
One, the law of reciprocity.
It is the one time in thebible where the Lord says,
"Go ahead, challenge me,
"and see if I don't come through for you."
And number two, because of His grace,
His ever loving grace.
- [Reporter] One day years ago
John started watching The 700 Club.
I was channel surfing oneday and came across Pat
on TV on The 700 Club andjust started listening.
And as I listened more and more,
I became more intrigued with his message.
One of the first thingsI did do was go out
and buy Pat's book, "The Secret Kingdom."
Mainly what I liked aboutthe book was Pat's chapter
on the law of reciprocity andhow the more that you give
and give freely, the morewill be returned to you
10-fold, 20-fold, a hundred fold.
- [Reporter] Though he wasalready tithing to his church,
John decided he wouldalso start giving to CBN.
- I believe in what they are doing,
and I wanna be a part ofsomething much bigger than
what I could ever imagine doing myself.
The 700 Club does so manythings, Orphan's Promise,
Superbook, I mean, they'reall over the world.
And to know that I have a small
but very important rolethat I play in that
is just heartwarming.
- [Reporter] John says hisfavorite part of giving
to CBN is seeing how it changes lives
through things such ascleft palate surgeries.
- After the surgeries,when you see the smiles
on their faces, and even a bigger smile
on their parent's faces, andtheir grandparent's faces,
and it's just so appreciative.
They don't even have to say anything.
Like they say a picturesays a thousand words.
- [Reporter] Like many business owners,
John has seen ups anddowns, but through it all,
he has continuallyincreased his giving to CBN.
- CBN is worth every penny, nickel, dime
and dollar that you couldever wanna put into it.
I would encourage everybody to just give.
Give what you can and give beyond that
and just watch what happens.
- And watch what will happen to you.
The principles are simple,they're laid down by Jesus.
You can go read them in your bible.
All you have to do is open it up
and start reading and you'll see give,
and it will be given unto you,
heaped up, pressed down, shaken together,
running over, will bepoured into your lap.
Now, some call this a prosperity gospel.
I don't call it that, I callit the gospel of generosity.
You can give without loving,
but you can't love without giving.
And when you get onthat and you understand
that it's fundamental to the gospel,
God so loved the world that He gave,
when you get that deep in your heart,
well then yes, wonderfulthings can happen.
And it's amazing whathappens when you put it
into practice to say, I'mgoing to find ways to give,
I'm going to invent new ways to give.
I wanna be part of something bigger.
And when you join The 700 Club,
you are part of something bigger.
You're part of preachingthe gospel around the world.
We're seeing incredible audiences,
and many people don't know,90% of our audience now
is outside the United States.
It's not an Englishprogram we're broadcasting,
we're producing Christian television
in their own language,in their own country,
showing them what Jesus can do for them.
Testimonies from right where they live.
And you're a part of thatwhen you join The 700 Club.
So if this is you, let'srealize it's the giving season,
it's Christmas, call us, 1-800-700-7000.
When you call, make sureyou ask for Pledge Express.
That's electronic monthly giving.
You know your gift's going to be automatic
every single month, and we save so much
we're able to send as ourgift to you Power for Life
monthly teaching CDs.
So if you'd like those,
ask for Pledge Express when you call.
We also have a new thingwhere you can text to give.
All you have to do is text CBN to 71777,
and that will take you to a donation page
where you can give.
Either way, do it now, 1-800-700-7000
or text to 71777, text CBN, 71777.
Do it now, 1-800-700-7000, Terry.
- When we come back, thestory of a Christmas miracle.
Plus, we're gonna be praying
for your needs, so stay with us.
(soothing music)
("Hark the Herald Angels Sing")
- The countdown to Christmas was on
when Dan and Debbie Fergusonlived their worst nightmare,
a 4:00 AM call tellingthem their son Caleb was
in the hospital.
Would he survive, and if he did,
would he ever be normal again?
Those questions hauntedDan and Debbie long
into the holidays.
- I think Christmas meant alittle bit more that year.
The presents weren't the main thing.
Celebrating what Christ did for us
and at the same time thankful for the ways
He's blessed us this year.
So it was different than anyChristmas we'd had before.
- [Reporter] And a Christmasthe Ferguson family
will never forget.
It all began that November in 2016
with an early morning phone call.
(phone ringing)
- [Dan] The call wokeus up around 4:00 AM.
It was the hospital telling us to get
to Tallahassee as soon as possible.
Caleb was in an accident.
- [Reporter] Caleb was Danand Debbie's 18 year old son,
a freshmen at Florida State University.
- The phone call madeit sound like we needed
to get to the hospital quickly
in case we had to say goodbye.
- [Reporter] It happened around 1:30 AM.
Caleb was riding his skateboard back home
from the school librarywhen he took a fall
and hit his head on the concrete.
When EMTs arrived, he was unresponsive
and bleeding from his ears and nose.
- [Man] Caleb's life wasdefinitely in jeopardy.
- [Reporter] Dr. Lawson wasthe neurosurgeon on call.
- Aside from the traumaticbrain injury that he had,
there were several othermedical conditions going on.
He had rhabdomyolysis, apossibility for kidney injuries,
fevers, it looks like a pneumonia.
So he had a bunch ofmedical issues going on
in addition to his traumatic brain injury.
- [Reporter] Four hoursafter getting the news,
Dan and Debbie arrived atTallahassee Memorial Hospital.
They found their son ina medically-induced coma.
- I just asked Dan, I'mlike, "Is Caleb gonna die?"
'Cause it was so uncertain,we just didn't know.
- That's when I got scared.
That's when the fear and the enormity of
what possibly could happenreally kind of sunk in.
- [Reporter] Over the next couple of days,
doctors monitored Caleb closely.
If his brain continued to swell,
he would need surgeryto reduce the pressure.
- A few days later hispressure actually went higher.
He had a couple of othermedical issues going on
that prevented us fromoptimizing his brain pressure,
so we needed to sedatehim even more heavily.
- [Reporter] UsingCaringBridge and social media,
Dan and Debbie keptfriends and family updated
on Caleb's condition.
People around the world werepraying for his healing.
- There were times wherewe would say, "Okay,
"this is happening right now.
"He's having a procedure right now,"
and they would pray and theprocedure would go beautifully.
- [Reporter] However, Dan admits
that their faith was tested.
- There were times whereI was angry and wondered
where God was, why wasn'tHe doing something quicker?
I think my faith that God was with us
during that time was pretty constant,
and I would say that I felt Him near.
- [Reporter] By the secondweek, Caleb's brain pressure
had normalized, but doctorswere still concerned.
- We were fairly confidenthe was going to survive,
but I was not very confidentin how he might do.
There was a lot of uncertainty.
How bad is his brain injury gonna be?
Is he gonna be able to go back to college?
Is he gonna be able to talk?
- When you as a dadwant to help your child,
and you can't do anythingbut sit there and watch,
it's very helpless, and it was exhausting.
It was discouraging for us.
- [Reporter] Slowly theybrought Caleb out of his coma.
A brain scan showed no major damage,
but he could barely move his limbs.
- They didn't know ifhe had a spinal injury,
and thinking about Caleb possibly
being wheelchair bound was devastating.
- [Reporter] Fearing the worst,
Caleb's family and theirchurch continued to pray
as Caleb worked and fought toregain his motor functions.
Eventually he was transferredto Brook's Rehab Facility.
- They were thinking that hewould have some side effects.
Could have been that wereally had to work a lot
with his fine motor skills.
He had a hard time withany kind of just touching,
bringing his hand up to touch his nose.
It took a lot of effort,and oftentimes he would get
about halfway and thenhe'd just drop his hand.
He couldn't do it.
- I'm not the giving up kind of person.
I wasn't gonna let this determine the way
I was gonna live my life.
- [Reporter] As Calebpushed through rehab,
cards and prayers of encouragementcontinued to pour in.
- I would get five, six,seven, 10 letters a day
from people back homesending me stuff like,
"I'm praying for you," "We've been here
"with you this entire time,"
"You're gonna make an awesome recovery,
"God's with you, has you in His hands."
That's when the turning point was.
- [Reporter] Doctorssaid he would be in rehab
at least six weeks, Calebwas released in two,
just in time for Christmas,his favorite holiday.
With a little more outpatient therapy,
he made a full recovery.
- Being able to come homeand be with my family
during Christmas and goingto the Christmas service
and just being able to be there,
knowing that it couldhave been a possibility
that I wouldn't, I could have died,
I could have not been able to remember,
I could have been alive butI could have been not myself,
being able to walk around and see things
and do things, I can't put it in words
how much it means to me.
- So when we saw him backin followup in the office,
he was doing great.
In fact, he was planningto go back to college
later that year.
It looked like he madea complete recovery.
- Immanuel took on adifferent meaning in that
just because He arose,His Spirit's still here,
and through that wholeprocess I felt God's presence.
I don't know how people can walk through
this kind of situationwithout having an assurance
that you're not walking through it alone.
- God didn't promise thatthings would be easy for us
in this life, He said,"You're gonna face trials
"and hard things, butin the midst of that,
"I'm gonna be with you."
It just to me showed me the power of
what the church can do aswe come together and unite
on one purpose and pray together
and ask God to do something.
And God did a miracle for us.
- He is a good, good Father.
We wanna take some timetoday to pray for you.
We have prayer requests that have come in.
Many of you have prayersthat are still unanswered
that you're asking God for,and we wanna stand with you.
Here's somebody saying, "I need prayer
"that my home sells quicklyand for a good price."
Someone else saying, "Ineed my marriage restored."
Another request, "For myheart to be healed physically
"and emotionally," and for "protection
"and safety for policeand first responders."
- This is one to be healedof Lou Gehrig's Disease, ALS,
to be healed of thyroid cancer,
healing from Parkinson's Disease,
and then a prayer for allpeople who are homeless
and alone this Christmas season.
Let's realize that Godis with us right now.
In Him we live and moveand have our being.
And when two or more aregathered together in His name,
He promises that He'sthere in the midst of us.
So let's seek His presence.
From His presence flow allthese wonderful benefits.
And you heard it againand again in that story,
I felt God's presencein the middle of this.
I knew He was with us, I knewHe was gonna see us through.
Let's pray and realize Hispresence is right there for you.
Lord, we lift those rightnow who are suffering
from incurable diseases, forthose who have afflictions,
whether it's cancer or ALS or Parkinson's.
Lord God Almighty, stretchforth your hand to do miracles.
We are gathered togetherright now in your name
and we ask for the anointing to come.
We ask for that tangible manifestation
that you are there, thatyour righteous right hand
is upholding us and youwill see us through.
Lord God, do miracles,heal those who are sick,
be with them.
Terry, God just gave you something.
- There's someone, you have an eye injury
or you've had some kind of aprocedure done on your eyes.
So concerned about the outcome of that.
God is going to completelyheal you in that regard.
Your vision will be perfect.
- There's someone, you'vealready had an x-ray
and it showed spots on your right lung
at the back of the lung,and God has healed you.
He is setting you free from that.
You're going to be completelyrestored and made new.
In Jesus' name, amen and amen.
If you've been healed, let us know.
If you need prayer,call us, 1-800-700-7000.
Here's a word from Isaiah.
"For unto us a child isborn, unto us a Son is given.
"And His name will becalled Wonderful, Counselor,
"Mighty God, EverlastingFather, Prince of Peace."