International evangelist Kenneth Copeland shares his thoughts about the state of our nation. Plus, Christians are under assault. See who's leading the attack and meet one man who's fighting back.
Read Transcript
- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Announcer] Coming up,Christians are under assault.
- Those long-standing Christian beliefs
are actually viewed as a threat.
- [Announcer] Who is leading the attack?
- Thousands of religiousorganizations will face
new lawsuits and new liability,
simply for acting on theirlong-standing beliefs.
- [Announcer] Meet oneman who is fighting back.
- We're undefeated atthe U.S Supreme Court.
- [Announcer] And then,
international evangelist,Kenneth Copeland.
- All things work together.
- [Announcer] What does he have to say
about the state of our nation?
He shares his thoughtson today's "700 Club."
(uplifting music)
(dramatic music)
- Well welcome to "The 700 Club."
Sinister storms, ravaging tornadoes
rip through the deep south,
snow and ice blast the northeast.
At least 12 people are dead as a result.
What's behind this killerweather, and is the end in sight?
Mark Martin brings us the chilling detail.
- Authorities believe the stormspawned possible tornadoes,
which slammed in tobuildings, toppled trees,
and left behind a path of destruction.
One person died when a suspected tornado
hit a Louisiana home.
A man and a wife died when another storm
struck near an Alabama community.
Authorities say the injuredinclude a seven-year-old child
in critical condition.
In Alexandria, Louisiana,crews worked overnight
to remove debris from roadways.
The winds blew apart a church school.
The children evacuatedminutes before the storm hit.
Some cities opened sheltersfor those left homeless.
- Devastation, it's bad.
There's animals out, houses tore down.
- There's houses disappeared.- The barns are gone,
can't even find some of the properties.
Houses that used to be here,
you can't even find them anymore.
- [Mark] Near Shreveport, Louisiana,
two more suspected tornadoes touched down.
- [Man] So a tornado came through.
- [Mark] Meanwhile,other parts of the nation
are dealing with a differentkind of deadly storm.
Snow, sleet, and rain leading to accidents
resulting in the deathsof at least 10 people
over the past two days.
The storm now movingfrom central Pennsylvania
in to Southern new England.
Snow and a glaze of ice ismaking travel very dangerous.
This huge storm system has already dumped
several inches of snow onKansas, Missouri, and Illinois.
Across the northeast,winter weather advisories
are in place.
Mark Martin, CBN News.
- Well it may get colder here.
We've had just delightfulweather here, this area.
I feel a little bit hypocritical
announcing all the terribleweather around the country
and we've been enjoyingthis wonderful weather,
it's gonna get--- It's close to 70 here today.
- Yeah, but--- Not tomorrow.
- Not tomorrow,- It's coming.
- It's colder then, all right.- It's coming.
- In other news, Democratsare marching in lock step
planning to hold theirimpeachment vote tomorrow,
and pressuring the senateto do their dirty work.
John Jessup has more on that story.
- Representatives ispreparing to vote on articles
of impeachment againstPresident Trump Wednesday.
Since Democrats have themajority and the votes,
the question then becomes,what will the senate do?
- It looks like President Trump
will become the thirdpresident in American history
to be impeached by the house.
While President Trump isexpected to be acquitted
in the inevitable senatetrial, the battle is already on
over how that process should play out.
- I'm not trying to hide the fact
that I have disdain for theaccusations and the process,
so I don't need any witnesses.
- [Abigail] Many Republican senators
say they've already heard enough
to push for a short senatetrial with no witnesses,
but add they will take theirqueue from The White House.
- To me, if he wouldwant witnesses called,
I think that that delays it,
there might be somepitfalls associated with it,
because I'm guessingwe'd probably have to let
their witnesses in as well.
If they don't give us any newinformation, what's the point?
So I think largely though, thesenate oughta be listening to
what the president wantsto do through his team
to finally litigate the defense.
- [Abigail] Senate minorityleader, Chuck Schumer,
definitely wants witnesses,specifically, Mick Mulvaney,
Robert Blair, John Bolton,and Michael Duffey,
witnesses The White House blocked
from testifying in the house.
- I don't know what they'll say.
Maybe they'll be exculpatoryto President Trump,
but to not have them isto engage in a cover-up,
is to say "We're afraid."
- [Abigail] On Monday's "Faith Nation,"
veteran journalist, RaySuarez, questioned if Democrats
are ready for a constitutionalbattle with The White House
over witnesses testifying.
- They want the impeachment trial
to be long in the rear view mirror
by the time election day 2020 comes,
but trying to tell thestory of what happened
with the United States,Ukraine, and Russia,
without calling John Boltonis nearly an impossibility,
and Mick Mulvaney whoinadvertently or advertently,
said, yeah, yeah there wasa kind of quid pro quo,
and it happens all thetime in foreign affairs.
- This could put thespotlight on key GOP senators
like Mitt Romney, who has criticized
the president's infamousUkraine phone call,
and Susan Collins, whofaces reelection in 2020.
51 votes are requiredto either call witnesses
in a longer trial, ordirectly move to a vote
on the two articles on impeachment.
If Republicans decide to call witnesses,
which President Trump reportedly prefers,
that could open the door
for calling Hunter Biden to testify.
Reporting from Capitol Hill,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.
- Thanks, Abi, and Pat, pollsshare the public divided
on impeachment, entrenchedalong party lines.
- I think they're divided,
and they're also bored to death with it.
Christmas is coming up, and they think,
can't those guys everget their act together
and start doing something,instead all this posturing,
because they know it's futile.
I mean, they know itwill lose in the senate,
so why even waste all this time,
you're just trying to justtrying to hurt the president,
but the polls that Ihave looked at recently
show that he's leadingagainst every single Democrat
who would be against him, sohis chances of being reelected
are very strong, andthis impeachment thing
is not going to make anydifference really at all,
and so it's just an exercise in futility,
and also vetting hatred,it's the Trump's syndrome,
what do they call it, you know? (laughs)
It's a type of psychosis thatpeople have gotten a hold of,
and Adam Schiff seems tobe the poster boy for that.
Trump said he's deranged, wellhe looks that way sometimes.
Well turning from that however,
the stock market hasreally been on a tear,
and those of us who happen tobe deeply in the stock market
are very pleased at the resultsthat are taking place, John.
- Pat, markets appear to be responding
to Washington's positive trade news.
The S&P 500, DOW, and NASDAQ
all closed at record highs Monday.
This on the news of the U.Sreaching a trade agreement
with China this week,
and last week'sannouncement that the house
approved the U.S MCA agreement
between the UntiredStates, Mexico, and Canada.
Stock Watchers also pointto individual stocks
reaching new altitudes as an indication
the market will continue to go up.
One potential drag, though,
Boeing's decision Monday to halt producing
of its 737 MAX Airplanes.
The company says no layoffs are planned,
but the impact still will be felt
in the airline and aerospace industries,
which border the aircraft.
Well turning overseas, Britain'sconservative government
plan to pass legislationaimed at limiting the Boycott,
Divestment, and Sanctionsmovement against Israel.
The new law would prevent public bodies
from working with groupsthat boycott Israel.
Lord Eric Pickle, Britain's special envoy
for post-Holocaust issues,called BDS antisemitic.
This comes after Britishprime minister, Boris Johnson,
won a landslide victory last week.
His opponent, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn,
was accused of being anantisemite, and his party's
manifesto pledges to recognizethe state of Palestine.
The BDS movement, whichaims to force Israel
in to changing its policiestoward the Palestinians
through financial pressure, Pat,
as you know, thrives in Europe.
- Well it's overdue to seethe president has gone against
any school that is teachingthis kind of thing,
and it will withdrawfederal funds from it.
Same thing now in Britain,and I think it's time
that our Israeli friends get a break
from this incredible antisemitism,
but the opposition toBoris Johnson in England
was a strong antisemite,and that's the reason
that he lost so badly, John.
- Pat, along the same lines in belgium,
the United St, the United Nations rather,
has dropped its supportfor a carnival parade
we showed you on this program earlier.
Some of the parade floats feature
giant antisemitic pictures of Jews.
Dale Hurd has the story.
- UNESCO has removed Belgium'sfamous Aalst Carnival
from the UN's cultural heritage list
for its blatant displays of antisemitism.
We showed you a floatin this year's parade
that featured a Nazi styledepiction of greedy Jews
sitting on a pile of money,one with a rat on his shoulder.
Town officials had beenwarned several times
about antisemitic symbolismin previous versions
of the carnival, but failed to take action
on what kind of floats itdisplays were acceptable.
This 2013 float featureda Nazi railroad car
carrying Jews to a death camp.
- We really regret very deeply
that the community involvedhas not addressed this issue,
but we hope that thisdecision will help them
at least in the mitt of long-term
to address this issue appropriately.
- [Dale] The leader of the
Belgium League AgainstAntisemitism, Joel Rubinfeld,
told us he complained about the parade,
but the city said it was only humor.
- But you know, this kindof humor is killing Jews,
meaning Jews have the power,
Jews have the money,Jews have the control,
all this very basic antisemitic cliche.
- [Dale] This has been ayear of increasing awareness
of antisemitism in Europe.
It was a major issue in lastweek's British elections,
after claims of extensiveantisemitism in the Labour Party.
Violent attacks against Jewsin Germany have doubled,
and for the first time since World War II,
Jewish leaders have warnedthat it's too dangerous
to wear the kippah, or Jewishcap, in some parts of Germany.
- I mean, myself, Iwouldn't wear a kippah,
unfortunately, it's not safe.
Maybe I hope that itwill be safe in future,
or maybe it was safe in thepast, but right now in 2019,
no it is not safe at all, unfortunately.
- [Dale] A german magazineeven printed a paper kippah
for all Germans to wear toshow solidarity with Jews.
Dale Hurd, CBN News.
- Thank you, Dale, back here at home,
a whistleblower isaccusing the Mormon church
of allegedly violating federal tax laws,
and accumulating some $100billion in charitable accounts.
That's according to a storyin "The Washington Post."
The complaint charges that
The Church of Jesus Christof Latter-day Saints
has been storing up andreinvesting contributions
meant to be spent on charity.
The whistleblower is a formersenior portfolio manager
who worked at Ensign Peak Advisors,
the church's investment division.
Listed as an auxiliary of the church,
it operates as a non-profit organization
to help the church manage its money.
"The Post" reports thewhistleblower is calling on the IRS
to strip Ensign Peak Advisorsof its tax-exempt status,
alleges that it could owethe IRS billions of dollars.
In a statement to "ThePost," the church said
revenues go towards supportingthe church's mission,
and quote, "Investments can be accessed
"in times of hardship."
An award-winning quarterback is sparking
hundreds of thousandsin charitable giving.
Louisiana State University,Joe Burrow's Heisman Trophy
acceptance speech is benefitingOhioans living in poverty.
In his speech, Burrows spoke about poverty
in southeast Ohio, where he grew up.
- And I'm up here forall those kids in Athens,
and in Athens County that, you know,
go home to not a lot of food on the table,
hungry after school.
- [John] And Pat, thatsimple statement led to
thousands of donations tothe Athens County Food Bank,
as well as fundraiserthat's received more than
$260 thousand in donations.
- Well it's amazing thing,he is a remarkable athlete,
he went to Ohio State, he's from Ohio,
and he looked like hewouldn't be able to make it
in the first string quarterback,
so he winds up in Louisiana,and the next thing you know,
he's a Heisman Trophy winner,he's an incredible athlete.
And there's another Louisiana quarterback
that really hit it big lastnight with a record book broken
on a number of majorfronts by Drew Brees, John.
- That is right, Drew Brees,the New Orleans Saints,
set a record with his540th NFL touchdown pass.
The record breaker cameon a five yard toss
to tight end, Josh Hill,in the third quarter.
He breaks Peyton Manning's record,
playing against one ofManning's former teams,
the Indianapolis Colts.
The Saints won that game 34 to seven.
Pat, Brees said that he was disappointed
that he only completed 29out of those 30 passes.
- Well that is another record,and they say he's an old man,
he's 40 years old so--
- He's doing right well. (laughs)
- He's doing exceptionally well,
and he's a wonderfulChristian, by the way,
Drew Brees is a terrificguy, and I'm just delighted
to salute him for that kinda thing.
Well, Terry, what you got?
- Well coming up, a spiritual giant
in the evangelicalworld, Kenneth Copeland.
The international speakerand prolific author
joins us live.
That's later on today's show.
And up next, every human has a conscience,
and government shouldn'tbe messing with it.
So says the strong defenderof religious liberty.
What new hope does he see on the horizon?
Find out after this.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
- How did we come to this?
Hateful and bigots, that's how people
with long-standing Biblicalviews are now viewed
by a very powerful and vocal minority.
Well who's fighting backagainst this dangerous trend
and why does one defenderof religious freedom
see new hope on the horizon?
Paul Strand has the answers.
- As one who argues cases up here puts it,
the heart of religious liberty is this,
every human has a conscience,
and government shouldn'tbe messing with it.
- It's that inner voice that urges us
to choose the good and reject evil.
- [Paul] Luke Goodrichhas fought for this right
before the U.S SupremeCourt, and writes about
the huge challenges toit in "Free To Believe."
- When the government comesin and forces us to violate
our conscience, it's forcingus to against our human nature,
and violating a fundamental human right.
- But as America movestoward a post-Christian era,
issues seen by believers andtheir conscience as wrong
are now exalted, thereforeany opposition to them
is condemned as rank discrimination.
- Now those long-standingChristian beliefs
are actually viewed as a threat.
- [Paul] The biggest current battleground,
homosexual and transgender rights.
- The rapid advance of gay rights
is certainly the most significant
religious liberty threat today.
- [Paul] The government longago said you can't discriminate
based on someone's race or sex.
If the Supreme Court rules sexincludes sexual orientation,
or transgender status, in upcoming cases,
it cold mean real troublefor those with Biblical views
on human sexuality.
You could likely multiply by the thousands
new problems of the kindsuffered by baker, Jack Philips,
who refused to make a cakecelebrating gay marriage.
- Thousands of religious organizations
will face new lawsuits and new liability,
simply for acting on theirlong-standing beliefs
about human sexuality.
- [Paul] At one point, supporters promised
same-sex marriage wouldn't harm anyone.
Depending on how the court rules,
Goodrich points out how thosesame so-called peace makers
could go all out to get their opponents.
- To brand traditionalChristian beliefs about marriage
as a form of bigotry, an thenuse the power of the state
to punish those religiousbeliefs and practices.
- [Paul] On the other hand, Frank Wright
of D. James Kennedy Ministries,
maintains believers back onlyone man-one woman marriage,
because it's healthy for families.
- The Bible says it becauseit's for our welfare,
it's what enables families to flourish.
- [Paul] He saidhomosexuals and their allies
view that approach as bigotry and hatred.
- If they were to cometo me and say, you know,
"Why do you hate me?"
I would explain to them that that I don't.
You and I see thisissue totally different.
I don't hate you, why should I hate you,
or why should you hateme because we disagree?
- [Paul] As for the transgender issue,
the Obama administration mandated
that doctors and hospitals provide surgery
for men who wanted tobe turned in to women
and women in to men.
- Even when it violatedtheir religious beliefs
and their medical judgment,and if they didn't do that,
they would be deemed to be discriminating,
and would be subject togovernment penalties.
- [Paul] Abortion is anotherbattleground where supporters
try to demonize those whocan't and won't back it.
- If you, as a Christian,whether you're a doctor
or an employer, if you oppose abortion,
you're somehow denying healthcare to women
and discriminating against women.
- [Paul] Goodrich fought for both
the Little Sisters of thePoor, and Hobby Lobby's
pro-life stand before the Supreme Court.
- The government was trying to force them
to provide abortion causing drugs
in their health insuranceplans, or in their business,
even when their conscience told them
you can not participate in an abortion.
- [Paul] The court ruled in favor of both,
and Goodrich says believers can take hope
in how often their conscienceright win like that in court.
- We have a 90% win rate,and we're undefeated
at the U.S Supreme Court.
- [Paul] He warns,however, Christians need to
prepare for defeat and learnhow to show Christ's love
even to a culture that's turningmore and more against them.
- Much of scripture iswritten to Christians
who are facing suffering andpersecution for their faith,
and as Christians, we needto recall those teachings,
and let those influence us.
And it's not just about winning,or fighting a culture war,
it's actually more about being like Christ
in the midst of these conflicts.
- What Goodrich hopes for is a government
that just leaves religionalone as much as possible.
For instance, in public schools,
it shouldn't force students to pray,
but it can allow a time wherethey can pray if they want.
It shouldn't build a crosson government property,
but it could let one stand.
In other words, governmentshouldn't oppose
or promote religion, itshould just let it be.
Paul Strand, CBN News, reportingfrom the Supreme Court.
- Well the book is interesting,
called "Free to Believe TheBattle of Religious Freedom,"
Luke Goodrich, it's availablewherever books are sold,
"Free to Believe," Terry.
- Well up next, she wasa senior account exec
at one of the world's largest PR firms,
so why one earth did shewalk away from it all?
The answer's coming up.
Plus, he's half of thecountry duo, Branch & Dean,
what's behind their hit song, "The Dash?"
Dean Scallan shares the inside story,
and that's later on our program.
(dramatic music)
(holiday music)
- Stunned, that's howNicole Hayes' colleagues
reacted when she walked away
from her high-paying executive position.
After all, it was 2008, and the country
was going in to a recession,
so why did Nicole walk away,
and why has she never looked back?
Well you're about to find out.
(dramatic music)
- And they're like, you know, our country
is going in to a recession, doyou think that's a wise idea?
I think some of them were stunned.
- [Narrator] It was September 2008
when Nicole Hayes left her jobas senior account executive
at one of the largestPR firms in the world.
- But for those whoknew me, like they know
that I felt that the Lord's leading,
and so I said yes, this is what I feel
the Lord is putting my heart to do.
(upbeat music)
- [Narrator] For Nicole, thatmeant leaving the comfort
of a good, steady paycheck,and striking out on her own
as an independent PR and media consultant
for small Christian-owned businesses.
- I never looked back,and God has continued
to provide and provide.
I've never had to market myself,
the work has always just come.
- [Narrator] The move alsogave her the flexibility
to pursue another passion on the side,
giving Christians a voice in the media,
even when it's unpopular to do so.
In 2013, she started"Voices Against the Grain,"
a blog and podcast thatespouses Christian viewpoints
on social and political issues.
- Is there a way thatwe can provide the world
solutions to issues of our day
through a Biblical worldview?
And the answer is yes.
There was an opportunityto hear testimonies
from believers who wereadvancing God's kingdom
in what I call ado your own thing society.
- [Narrator] Then Nicoledecided she wanted
to take those Biblicalsolutions to the public sector
by working with non-profits.
For her, that meant going back to school
for a masters in public administration.
It was then a representativefrom Regent University
spoke at her church.
- My impression was this was a school
that was grounded in Biblical worldview
and that's something I was seeking.
- [Narrator] So in the fall of 2015,
Nicole enrolled in Regent'sonline masters program.
- Mine was a concentration in non-profit
and faith-based management,but it also allowed you to see
how do non-profits, andhow do local governments
work together to solveproblems for their citizens,
and how do you run a non-profiteffectively and ethically?
- [Narrator] And althoughher courses were online,
Nicole wasn't alone.
Through discussion boards,she quickly discovered
a vibrant, close-knit community.
- I felt connected by the fellowship,
sharing about who weare, where we're from.
Each week about the particularclass topic or discussion,
and we're also encouraging one another.
- [Announcer] Nicole Diane Hayes.
(audience cheers)(uplifting music)
- [Narrator] After earniNgher masters in 2017,
Nicole started lookingfor a full-time job.
Then she got an email from a stranger
asking to use a photo from her blog.
- I said, "Sure," and Isee in his signature block,
Christian Medical and Dental Association,
so I'm like, who's that?
- [Narrator] The ChristianMedical and Dental Associations,
or CMDA, is a non-profitorganization that equips, educates,
and empowers healthcareprofessionals and students
to be a voice for Christianvalues in their field.
- Their mission is to transform doctors
transforming the world, and I love that.
I said, wow, I said, they'renot ashamed to share Christ
with people who have not heard about him,
who have not heard thegospel, and I loved that,
and so I didn't see a jobposting on their website,
but I felt lead to send in my resume.
- [Narrator] Just one weeklater, Nicole's leap of faith
turned in to an offer tostart a new chapter of CMDA,
in Washington D.C where she already lived.
Still wanting to do her freelance work,
she prayed about the opportunity.
- God, if this is of yourwill, please confirm it for me.
If it's not, shut itdown, like shut the door,
and everything just keptgetting green light,
at green light, at greenlight, at green light.
- [Narrator] Nicole decidedshe could do both, so in August
2018, she stepped in to herleadership role with CMDA.
Her chapter works withstudents at four universities
across D.C and Maryland.
- I'm grateful God hasput me in a position
to mentor our young people,
to mentor our healthcare professionals.
I really love the heartof our young people.
- I know why God doesdifferent things with my life.
- [Narrator] Looking back on her journey,
Nicole is thankful toGod for all the people
and experiences he put in her path,
including Regent University.
- From start to finish,
Regent does everything in excellence.
There's just a Godly spiritamong folks at Regent,
and I could not have askedfor a better experience,
and you will not be disappointed.
- [Narrator] And for thosestill seeking God's direction
for their lives, Nicole has advice.
- All those questionssometimes we all have
about what is the rightpath, what is my purpose?
You gotta actually seekthe one who made you.
Most certainly, His plans for us
are far greater than we couldever imagine for ourselves.
- What a marvelous story.
Now listen, for thefourth consecutive year,
Regent School of Businessand Leadership online MBA
has ranked among the topfive best of the MBA programs
in the state of Virginia,and if you wanna know
something more aboutit, it's 1-866-910-7615,
or you can go,
and learn more about thismarvelous business program.
- Yeah, wonderful, shereally, it's wonderful to see
that she has taken this program of hers
out in to the academic worldand is making a difference.
We really need that, it's been outdated.
- Well it's nice that there'sa school that can help her,
and all right.- Yes, indeed,
Regent's such a beautiful school.
- So we go, what's?
- Well coming up, we've got 16 years ago,
Dean Scallan was a strugglingmusician in Nashville,
but today, he's part of thecountry music duo Branch & Dean.
What's the secret to his success?
Take a look.
(soft music)
- [Narrator] Dean Scallon,half of the country duo
Branch & Dean, co-wroteand sings a hit song
called "The Dash."
He says that one little line,
seen between the years on gravestones,
represents an entire lifetime.
- It's what you're gonna dowith that dash that matters,
that's what matters.
I'm gonna spend my dashtrying to help people,
and I wanna spend my dash serving God,
because there is no better way.
- [Narrator] Dean movedto Nashville 16 years ago
to start his career in the music business.
Back then, when he'd takea break from writing songs,
he would sometimes watch t.v.
- The only program thatI really got was CBN,
and on one of the threechannels that I got.
I give to CBN because there'sbeen some of those times
of despair where I havenowhere else to turn,
and I wanted to get asclose to God as I could,
and CBN was a source for that,
so anybody that preaches Jesusis someone I wanna support.
- [Narrator] Deanstruggled to make ends meet
during those first few years in Nashville,
but he continued to tithe.
- It was so hard here.
We had good things going on,
but just the money wasn'tcoming like it should,
and I just said, all right God,
I mean I'm down to fumes here,
so I did the only thing I knew to do,
I put it all on the plate.
- [Narrator] After he gave to his church,
a family member had heardthat Dean was in need
and decided to help him out.
- And the next week, Igot a check for 20 grand,
and it just started escalating from there.
- [Narrator] Dean has continued
to tithe faithfully over the years.
Recently, he became a memberof CBN's Founder's Club.
- And the ore I've ever given,
the more he's always come back.
Tithing is a measure of faith,
and it is about believingthat God can give you
the tools you need to be prosperous.
I believe that.
- [Narrator] In addition tobeing a writer and performer,
Dean also produces for other artists
at his company, Straight Shooter Music.
- I'm so happy about it,and I wake up every day
loving what I do, and trying to be better.
And I do that to glorify God
'cause he's given me everything.
- [Narrator] As God has blessed Dean,
he in turn gives to others.
- For people out there who are trying,
who are wondering if they should give,
if what dos it even mean.
Try God, that's all, that'smy challenge to you right now,
try it, I say try to have somefaith, try God, try giving.
- You won't regret it.
CBN was here for Dean when he had a need
and needed prayer and encouragement,
and then he's turned aroundand is now, through CBN,
helping other people all around the word.
That's what happens whenyou join "The 700 Club."
it's just 65 cents a day, $20 a month,
but when you do that, you'rehelping people in need
both here at home and in countriesthat you may never visit,
but what an opportunitywe have from the comfort
of our living rooms to really touch people
whose lives are in need.
Listen, we're asking youto join with us today.
Our number's toll-free,couldn't be easier to do this.
It's 1-800-700-7000.
Just call and say, I wannajoin the "The 700 Club."
When you do, we wanna say thank you
by sending you Pat's latest,it's "The Transforming Word,"
he reads from the book of Proverbs,
verses of wisdom, favor, and anointing.
We want you to have this,think it'll be a blessing.
In fact, Debbie from Shreveport, Louisiana
said it was for her.
"The Transforming WordVolume III is so powerful,
"I've been incrediblyblessed and encouraged
"listening to these inspiring words.
"I truly feel the presence of God."
And I know that's what you had in mind
when you put all of this together, so.
- That's right, that's right.
- That's our way ofsaying thank you to you
for caring about other people.
Well coming up later, what'sahead for America in 2020?
What about the deep politicaldivide in our country?
And will we see revival in our nation?
Kenneth Copeland shares his insights
on these pressing questions,and much more after this.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN News Break.
More than 2600 evangelicals are calling on
their state's governors toopen their borders to refugees.
Coalition is led by thefaith-based agency, World Relief.
This comes after an executiveorder from President Trump
that requires approval fromstate and local politicians
to allow refugees to be resettled.
World Relief says thatonly 17 of the nation's
50 state governors have signaled
that they will allowrefugee resettlement so far.
Well a new study revealsvaping or using e-cigarettes
increases the risk ofrespiratory diseases.
The American Journalor Preventive Medicine
published the study afteranalyzing e-cigarette use
and respiratory diseaseduring a three year period.
The study suggests long-termvaping causes diseases
like chronic obstructivepulmonary disease,
chronic bronchitis, and asthma.
Experts analyzed over 30,000adults in the United States,
while research being doneaims to measure the impact
of e-cigarette use on the lungs, heart,
blood vessels, and the brain.
Well you can always getthe latest from CBN News
by going to our website at
Coming up after the breakon today's "700 Club,"
Kenneth Copeland joins us live.
(dramatic music)
(soft music)
- Study new, my dears, ofconcepts never heard of before.
2020 will be a year of greatchange for our country,
and that's what KennethCopeland sees coming
for the year ahead.
What else could the future hold?
Take a look.
- [Narrator] PastorKenneth Copeland has been
a leading voice inevangelicalism for 52 years.
He's internationally known as a speaker,
an author of more than 100 books,
and for his t.v ministry,"Believer's Voice of Victory."
- All things work togetherfor the good of them
that love God calledaccording to His purpose.
That'd be, that'd be you.
- [Narrator] In recent years,
Copeland has given much thoughtto the state of America,
and what the future mayhold as a consequence.
No matter what transpires,
His motto "Jesus isLord" remains unchanged.
- Well please welcomeback to "The 700 Club"
my dear friend for manyyears, Kenneth Copeland.
Kenneth, God bless you.- Pat, thank you, sir.
I've got something for you.
- What's that?
Oh my, oh my, look at that!
That's a flying hospital.
- Yeah, number one of firsttime anybody ever did this.
This has been on my deskfor something like 30 years,
and I wanted to bring it back home.
- It's beautiful, thank you!
- [Kenneth] And just to bless you with it.
- [Pat] There was L-1011,and equipped for a hospital.
- [Kenneth] Yeah, it's just marvelous,
what a fabulous airplane.
- Oh it was and--- And--
- Thousands of people got healed.
- Oh my, and for thepeople that don't know,
this had never been done before.
- [Pat] That's right.
- And Pat Robertson, who else, you know?
The great innovator, but ithad never happened before,
and the operating tables had to collapse,
and they were strapped downin case of turbulent weather
in place for doctors and nurses,
it was a fabulous airplane.
- [Pat] Well it went around the world
and thousands of people got,- This is it.
- Kenneth, that is so beautiful.
- And Gloria and I were pleased to present
to Kenneth and Gloria Copeland
Operation Blessing International,
thank you for your support.
And I really wanted to writeup here, "Back to you, Pat."
But I didn't wanna mess it up.(both laugh)
- Well I appreciate it, Godwhat a nice Christmas present.
You know, I remember, youand I were flying together,
and I was a lousy pilot, youwere an experienced pilot,
and we were in that airplaneand the thing started to shake,
and I was thinking I've got the controls,
and you said, "You see that shake?"
I said, "Yes, Kenneth."
He said, "Well let hershake, that plane knows more
"about flying than you do."
(Kenneth laughs)Remember that?
- Yes, I do, very well.
- That plane knows more than you do.
Fortunately, I didn't killmyself and you were a good pilot,
but you know, you had a callto go be Oral Roberts' pilot,
and you were a student at the ORU,
and you were told you couldn'tgo to the eighth floor
and you did it, so tell me about that,
that was kind of an interesting--
- Well there was a sixth floor, and--
- [Pat] A sixth floor?
- And I'm 30 years old, so Gloria said
I was the oldest freshman in the world,
and so I didn't look like a student,
and I got away with it, you know,
but I walked through thedoors, the Lord said go on up,
I said to Lord, I can't go up there,
do you know, that's theVatican up there, I can't.
Why I said that, but anyway,
and I punched the, I couldn't do it,
I punched the fifth floor,and the door opened,
and it was just a big empty room,
and this is the ORU's first year,
and it's now the library and all that but,
and I just didn't a, Ijust pushed that cigarette
and finally I did, and Iwalked up to Ruth Rook's desk,
'cause I didn't know who she was.
I had no idea what I was gonna say.
And I just walked up there and I said,
"I'm a commercially ratedpilot, and I know this ministry
"has an airplane, and Ineed all the help I can get,
"thank you very much."
I wanted out of there so bad.
I turned around, Pat, Oralhad walked up behind me,
and I didn't know he was there.
I literally did this.
I turned around.
He said, "I'm Oral Roberts."
I said, (mumbles).(both laugh)
He might as well have said,"I'm God, who are you?" (laughs)
He said, "I understand you'rea commercially rated pilot."
I said, "Yes, sir."
"Can you handle our airplane?"
And I said, "Yes, sir."
He said, "Two weeks ago, Istarted to hire a new copilot,
"but the Spirit of God said,no, there's a student coming
"that I want to have thejob, and you're my man."
- God had spoke to him, a student?
- [Kenneth] Two weeks before.
- And you were it.
- And just a couple of days before,
I said, "Gloria, what are we gonna do?"
I said, "If I gotairport and get me a job,
"I don't have time to go to school.
"If I go to school, I hadn'tgot time to go get a job.
"What am I going to do?"
- [Pat] And the Lord provides.
- But see, He's already working on my job,
and so I was in two ofthe last tent meetings
that they had, and it startedjust a lifelong relationship
with him that lasted until he went home
to be with the Lord.
- Well you learned about miracles, though,
under Oral's teaching.- Oh yeah,
and I had the opportunitythat they kept giving me
different jobs, and thefirst I was driving his car,
and then they assignedto the invalid room,
and that's where people that were just so,
crowd, people that arereally sick, big crowds,
make 'em nervous, and hewould give the invitation,
and minister to the peoplethat answered the invitation.
He would stop on his way back,
they had a small little tablewith a curtain around it,
and he had all of hispartners on microfiche,
and he would lay his hands on his partners
and pray in the Spiritthere for a few moments.
Well they'd call andsteal told me, he said,
"You're gonna have aboutfive to seven minutes
"outlying his message,then you be prepared then
"to help the people and prepare them
"to have hands laid on them."
This is the first I wasin the invalid room.
Well he walked in there, andI stepped back out of the way,
he caught me by my coatand pulled me over to him.
He said, "Now, you'regonna do the praying,
"and you're gonna do thelaying on 'em hands."
I felt all the color was leaving my face.
I never done anything like that.
- And the seriously ill, youwere among the hopeless cases.
- And he said, "But don't touch 'em
"'til you're ready to release your faith."
I was studying at thetime under Kenneth Hagin,
listening to his tapes onthe power and authority
of the name of Jesus, and I thought,
my point of contact release to God,
I'm gonna touch them in the name of Jesus.
The first person we cameto was on an old army cot.
She was, and had a nursestanding there by her,
and he was an elderlywoman, you could tell,
but her little tummy'sall pooched out had there,
had a belignant cancer in her stomach,
and it was just a few steps there to her.
We walked over, I said,"In the name of Je,"
and just I touched her, hewas standing right here.
"Oh, you foul, uncleanspirit, in the name of Jesus,
"whose I am and who Iserve, take your hands
"off God's property."
I mean all the hair stoodup on the back of my neck,
and I just kinda tookthe air out of the room.
She took a couple of deep breaths
and blew that tumor out- Come on, Ken,
blew the tumor came out?- On the ground.
- Came out of her mouth, justblew it out on the ground.
- Wow.- That was my introduction to.
(Pat laughs)
- All right, let's talk aboutwhat the Lord showed ya,
that's awesome.- Oh praise.
- What's he showed youabout a miracle, man?
- Well, Pat, I pray aboutthe country every year,
as you do, but thisone was very different,
and very special, itcame in different parts.
I've never had that happen before, ever.
I've been doing it for a long time,
and that of course 2020yields itself to vision.
There's nothing wrongwith that, it's fine.
And the very first thing that happened,
the scripture there in the book of Acts
where Peter quoted Joel.
- [Pat] Yeah, in the latter days.
- So this is is that which wasspoken by the prophet Joel.
It shall come to passin the last days of God,
I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh,
your sons and yourdaughters shall prophesied,
your young men shall see visions,
your old men shall dream dreams,
and on my servants and handmaidens,
I'll pour out in those days of my spirit,
they shall prophesied, I'llshow wonders in heaven above,
and signs in the earth beneath,blood, fire, vapor of smoke,
the sun shall be turned in to darkness
and the moon in to bloodbefore the great and notable
lay of the Lord come,and it'll come to pass
whosoever shall callupon the name of the Lord
shall be saved, and hesaid this will be a year
when dreams and visionsare greatly increased,
and he said you're gonnasee sons and daughters,
he said there's gonna bean outstanding outpour
in my spirit that hasn'thappened since the '60s and '70s.
- Praise God.
- It's coming, it actuallyis here, and he said,
it's just gonna explodeamong our young people.
- [Pat] Wonderful.
- And he said there's gonna bea lot of dreams and visions.
I said, well I'm a oldman, I qualify for that,
so now I mean, it's justprobably two night sleep.
I've never experienced this before.
I dreamed I was in an airportto go to Nashville, Tennessee,
and I didn't need to go.
When the airplane was close to boarding,
I decided to go to the restroomand I didn't need to go.
I went to a restroom andasked if they had a restroom
I could use, and a young man said no.
I said, aw come on man,and I peeled off a bill
from a wad of money I had in my pocket.
Another young man was withus, and went with him.
They took me to therestroom, I decided to go in,
I decided to give theother young man a bill,
I noticed the billshad no numbers on them,
and Mac, I mean Pat, Ithought in this dream,
Mac Goldberg, and course,Mac's in heaven now,
and it said, MacGoldberg, who's in heaven,
was someone in the airport, and I thought,
Mac can hold that airplane for me,
and I jumped out of bed, andran and grabbed my notepad
and wrote it all down, just quickly
so I didn't lose any of it.
More confusion is comingin our financial system.
Who knows what money is worth?
But those who have gone before us,
the great cloud of witnesses led by Jesus,
are by intercessionholding things together
until the great changes come.
- [Pat] Until the great changes.
- Now.
- But what's that?
- I said, Lord, I knowthere's more to this.
2020 is wonderful and all that,
but I just, I didn't hear anything.
And then (laughs) I, wellfirst let me back up.
This happened on October the first,
I'm a little ahead of myself.
During our victory-thon,and we'd never had
a telethon or anything like that,
and they had a setbrought there in our home
which is just a littleways from the sanctuary,
and they had it there so I could butt in
as many times as I wanted to,
and I'm just sitting therewatching what's going on,
and suddenly, the Spirit ofthe Lord just came on me,
and I didn't know thecamera was still hot,
it just began to kind of flowout, I just spoke it out.
October the first.
Those politicians thatrefuse my call to unite
and become the United States of America
and not just America,
those politicians that refuse to listen,
those politicians thatcontinue the pathway of hate,
I will remove them from their place,
I will remove their influencefrom the record book,
and I remove theircandle in their families,
and I will remove them from office,
and put somebody in there that will.
That's what the Spirit of God is saying.
Well I thought, well,glory to God, that's it.
And I got it.
- [Pat] All right.
- Not quite.- Oh not quite,
that's just the warm up.- Now,
I'm on my way to heNavajo Indian reservation
where I've had ministrythere for a lot of years,
nearly 50 years.
And I'm just sittingthere on the airplane,
and it happened again.
And this is the reason I'm saying
this is a really special year,
'cause it just kept comingin pieces like that.
So October the 13th, wonderfuland magnificent changes
in the kingdom of God in the earth,
changes that will comebecause of insights,
ideas, and concepts directlyfrom Jesus to His church
by His mighty Spirit.
Glorious concepts of how His laws work,
the laws governing increaseand financial prosperity,
the laws of the Spiritthat release miracles
and divine healings, andmanifestations of His mighty power
on the earth, new conceptsof His love, His very person
for He is love, insightsin to the true power
and the strength of his joy.
It will be days of politicalchange, great victories,
and great defeats, for theSpiritual enemies of God
and the enemies of Hispeople shall be crushed.
Spirits, not flesh andblood, because you know,
sixth chapter of Ephesianssays we wrestle not
with flesh and blood, withprincipalities and powers.
- That's right.
- But there are those on bothsides of the political divide
who refuse to listen tothe Lord advocate general
of the church, theirdreams shall be dashed,
their desires shall be wounded,
they will be removed fromtheir offices and replaced,
some by the ballot, some by tragedy,
some who in despair will quitand go do something else.
This is the purpose, excuseme, this is my country,
saith the Lord Jesus, it wasfounded by people who loved me
for the soul purpose oftheir love and desire
to worship me and toworship the Almighty God,
I will never forget that.
Change, 2020, the year ofchange and manifested power,
saith the Lord.
- That is powerful.
I mean, people are just excitedabout hearing those words.
- It's the most detailed,for instance 2019,
in 2018 rather, we wereworking on our yearly calendar,
and I said, now, this you needto change that a little bit
because 2019 will be theyear of abundant harvest,
and there it was!- Yes indeed, for all of us.
- And that's the way it hasnormally come over the years.
But Pat, the intercession of God's people,
the supplication in theircrying out for this nation,
and your ministry and yourpowerful, powerful words
that come out your mouth, andI can tell most of the time
when it's just right thereyou're being a prophet of God
and it's right on the momentand it's very powerful,
and all of these thingshave come together.
- [Pat] I love it.(soft music)
- And it's taking place right before us.
- I love it.
Kenneth, they're playing thesong that says it's all over,
but thank you, my dearbrother, I love you.
- I love you, man.
- God bless you.- God bless you, sir.
- Thank you.
Kenneth Copeland, a dearfriend, wow, what a word!
You've heard it here on "The 700 Club."
Phew, well that's all the time we've got,
and I appreciate my dearfriend being with us,
and Lord willing, we'll be withyou the same time tomorrow.
See you then, bye bye.(dramatic music)