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It’s Official: Israelis Head to 3rd Nat’l Elections in Less Than a Year 12/13/19

It's official: third Israeli national elections in a year. Will a coalition finally come together? And a shocking story: Christian refugees persecuted by a UN agency; plus Lebanese businessman donates Hitler artifacts to Israel's Holocaust memorial. Read Transcript

(horn blaring)(upbeat music)

- This week on JerusalemDateline, it's official.

Israelis will be heading to the polls

for a third time in less than a year

to elect a government.

Will a coalition finally be put together?

And the shocking storyof how Christian refugees

are being persecuted by a UN agency.

Plus a Lebanese businessman

donates one of the most unusual gifts

ever given to Israel's Holocaust Memorial.

All this and more, thisweek, on Jerusalem Dateline.

Hello and welcome to thisedition of Jerusalem Dateline,

I'm Chris Mitchell.

For the third time within a year,

Israelis must vote fora national government.

It comes after Israel's parliament

was unable to form a coalition,

and it puts Israel inunchartered political waters.

(upbeat music)

The Knesset had 21 daysto form a government,

but its time ran outon midnight, Wednesday.

The failure by Israel's parliament

comes after both Israeli PrimeMinister, Benjamin Netanyahu

and his chief political rival,

former IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz

were unable to gain a 61-seat majority.

Now, Israelis face electionsagain on March 2nd.

It's the third timewithin a calender year,

and it's possible theresults might be the same

as the previous two elections.

Blue and White co-leader, Yair Lapid

warned Israelis about a bitter campaign.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Man] Keep your childrenaway from the television.

These elections are goingto be a festival of hate,

violence, and disgust,

so they will not see whatthe elected of the nation

are telling them.

- The third electionsprovide an opportunity

for Benjamin Netanyahu

to continue his political career.

He faces three indictmentson charges of fraud, bribery,

and breach of trust.

But until his trial is over,

which could take months or even years,

he can continue toserve as Prime Minister,

and participate in the next election.

One issue most Israelipoliticians can agree on

is how the UN agency called UNRWA

perpetuates the Palestinianrefugee problem.

The CBN Correspondent, Julie Stahl reports

some believe the agency is responsible

for indoctrinating a new generation

to hate Jews and destroy the Jewish state.

(upbeat music)

- [Julie] For 70 years, theUN relief and works agency

has operated refugeecamps for Palestinian's.

- It is about time to shutdown UNWRA.

They are not helping the Palestinians.

- [Julie] Israeli ambassador to the UN,

Danny Danon, tells CBN News,

hatred remains strong dueto shocking incitement

found in the Palestinianauthority school curriculum.

- Today, a Palestinian child,

when he goes to UNWRA school,

he comes out hating Jews,incited, supporting Hamas.

It shouldn't be fundingfrom Western democracies

will support such curriculums.

- [Julie] Israel welcomed the US decision

to stop funding UNWRAmore than a year ago.

Researcher David Bedein hasstudied Palestinian schoolbooks,

and UNWRA facilities for years.

He says while it's not likely

UNWRA will be shutdown,

donor nations should putconditions on their aid.

- Number one, take the school books away.

We have schoolbooks herewhich honor murderers,

and throughout the booksand talk about dying

for the right of return.

Number two, give people theoption to leave the camps.

Number three, there's $1.2 billion

flowing into the UNWRA campswithout any real oversight.

- [Julie] In 1978, Dalalal-Mughrabi led a terror cell

that killed 38 peopleincluding 13 children.

- She's pictured as amurderer in a new school book

for 321,000 children.

Dalal al-Mughrabi as arole model for the children

who are taught theconcept in UNWRA schools

of the right of return by force of arms.

- [Julie] The right of return

refers to the Palestiniandemand that refugees from 1948

and millions of their descendants

be allowed to return to their homes,

most of which no longer exist.

- [Razan] My name is Razan Kuwar,

and I am a refugee fromthe village of Malcha.

- [Julie] Today, Malcha is a busy Israeli

residential and commercialarea in Jerusalem.

Bedein's group recentlyproduced a short film

in Bethlehem's Aida Refugee Camp

just a few miles from Jerusalem.

- [Student] There's notwo-state or one-state solution.

There's only one state, andit will be Palestine forever.

And what was taken by battle

will be re-conquered through battle.

- [Student] We mustconquer our land by force.

This land is our land, thereis no way to divide it.

- The children grew up with the idea

that there is no Israel.

There has to be ignored and or wiped out.

- [Julie] Bedein believes

the seeds of the nextviolent Palestinian uprising

against Israel, have alreadybeen planted in these camps.

Julie Stahl, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- I talked about UNWRAand the Israeli elections

with both CBN Senior Editor, John Waage,

and CBN Middle EastCorrespondent, Julie Stahl

in our studio.

(upbeat music)

John and Julie thanks for being with me

on Jerusalem Dateline.

John, first to you about the elections.

Here we are looking at a third election

within a calender year,

what's your take on this?

- Well, it's somethingthat is a necessary evil

because the electorate haschosen the makeup of the Knesset

three times now.

Well, once in April, once in September,

and it'll be the third timein March, and it's stalemate.

That's what it is.

And I think part of thatis because the whole intent

of the elections in the first place

on the behalf of many people

was to just get a Prime Minister

other than Benjamin Netanyahu.

And they haven't been able to do that,

and so they'll go for round three,

and see if the addition of an indictment

will make a differencein how the electorate

comes out to the polls in March.

- Looking ahead to the third time

do you see any hope fora break in this gridlock?

- I have a gut feeling

that there are going tobe changes this time.

I can't tell you what they're going to be,

but it could be external with Iran

or Hamas or the Palestinians.

It could be internal with something

that we find out about the court system

or the indictment or somethingthat exculpates Netanyahu.

I don't know what it's gonna be,

but I don't think it'sgonna be on dead center

like it was the last two times.

- Yeah, also this weekwe have a story on UNWRA,

and the UN is voting tomaintain UNWRA once again.

What are we finding out about this?

- Yeah, well, you know UNWRAhas been there for 71 years.

Every other refugee in the world

is taken care of byanother UN organization

except this one.

Most refugees are onlyrefugees for a few years,

these refugees have been there,

their children, their grandchildren,

their great grandchildren andare still considered refugees.

They're kept in the camps,

they're forced to stay in the camps,

if they wanna maintain their status.

And I think really there's a cry

to stop the funding of it,

or at least put some, releasesome restrictions on it.

- And it also seems like justone generation after another

indoctrinated into whatUNWRA's been teaching

in their schoolbooks,

that we've heard from David Bedein.

- Yeah, and it's bad and it's negative.

It almost seems, when you listen to it,

it's like wait are we still at that stage?

It's like they've been cut offfrom the rest of the world,

and they're still saying the same things

they've been saying for decades.

I feel bad for those kids

that are being indoctrinatedwith lies, basically.

And really being kind of forced.

If this was happeninganywhere else in the world,

I think they would call it child abuse.

But you know they're being indoctrinated

to kill themselves, to killingother people and it's bad.

- Well, it's a sad legacy of the Israeli,

Palestinian conflict for decades.

Julie, John, thanks for your expertise,

and John we'll see you at thenext election there, in March.

(upbeat music)

Up next, the shockingstory of how a UN agency

is persecuting Christian refugees,

and what some are doing about it.

(tense upbeat music)

- [Narrator] Roman soldiers destroy

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(upbeat music)

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(dramatic music)

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- The rise of ISIS andthe Syrian Civil War

created millions of refugeesthroughout the Middle East.

But as Dale Hurd reports,

Christians are stillvictims of discrimination

and persecution, not by Islamic radicals,

but by a UN agency.

- A UN refugee camp in Jordan,

Christian Syrian refugeestell us they have been blocked

by Muslim UN officialsfrom living in these camps

or getting any help whatsoever.

One of them, Hasan, a Syrianconvert to Christianity

told us in a phone call,

"Muslim UN Camp officialsknew that we were Muslims

"who became Christians,

"and they dealt with us withpersecution and mockery.

"They didn't let us into the office.

"They ignored our request."

Hasan and his family are now in hiding,

afraid that they will be arrested

by Jordanian police or even killed.

There is clear evidence of discrimination

by the United Nations refugee agency

in Jordan against Christians,

and it's part of the reasonthat while tens of thousands

of Syrian Muslim warrefugees have been settled

in the United States and Britain,

less than 1% have been Christian.

And the two governments that could stop

this persecution of Christianrefugees, the US and Britain,

have done little to nothing about it.

Christian refugees in themiddle East had been persecuted,

ignored, and finally forgottenby Western governments,

but a former Archbishop ofCanterbury is saying, "Enough."

Lord George Carey has announced

he's suing Britain's home office

alleging that politicallycorrect officials

have been institutionally biasedagainst Christian refugees.

He also wants to find out

why out of the 60,000 Syrian War refugees

accepted into the UnitedStates and Britain in 2014,

less than 1% were Christian.

Lord Carey's Attorney, PaulDiamond explains the case.

- You have this absurd situation.

The scheme is set up tohelp Syrian refugees,

and the people most in need,

Christians who have been genocided.

They can't even get into theUN camps to get the food.

The Muslim UN guards willblock you getting in there,

they'll laugh at you, and mockyou, and you threaten you.

- [Dale] Another Syrian refugee, Timothy,

who told us he became a Christian

after seeing Jesus in a dream,

said he was also blocked fromentering the refugee camp

by Muslim UN officials.

- [Timothy] All of the United Nations,

most of them, 99%, they are muslims,

and they were treating us as enemies.

- So, many Muslim officialshave blocked away,

laughed at these people, threatened them,

said, you shouldn't have converted.

You're an idiot for converting.

You get what you get.

Words to that effect.

- [Dale] Lord Careysays, by doing nothing,

Western governments are complicit

in what he calls the steady crucifixion

of Middle East Christians.

- No simple measures are taken

by both the British andthe American government.

Be simple just to open up

a refugee camp for religious minorities.

For Christians, yes, itis, whatever they are,

and they'd be safe, but no one does that.

- [Dale] Christianrefugees who have managed

to make it to Western countries

are increasingly beingdeported back to Muslim nations

where they face grave danger.

Swedish attorney Gabriel Donner

who represents Christian asylum seekers

says Sweden is now deporting up to 1/3

of Christian refugeesback to Muslim nations

where they're likely tobe imprisoned or killed.

One of those Christian refugees

now facing imminent deportation

is Iman Amir-Ourang from Iran,

shown here with members ofhis church in a foot washing.

He says, Swedish officialseither did not understand

or care about the evidenceof his Christian faith.

- So many atheists living in Sweden

or are from Sweden,

so they can't believe insomebody that believes in God

just because they don'tbelieve in our Lord.

They don't trust anybody else

to believe in the Lord either.

- They don't understandthe message in the Bible.

It's just completely alien to them.

- [Dale] President Trumptold CBN News in 2017

that Christian refugeeswould be given a priority,

but Muslim governmentsofficially classified Christians

as security threats

causing their asylum applications

to Western nations to be rejected.

"The UN's refugee agency did not respond

"to our request for answers."

Lord Carey has publiclyappealed for financial help

in his suit against theBritish home office,

which has already threatenedthe 84-year-old church man

with all court costs if he loses.

Meanwhile, the home officeis spending a lot of time

and money on the resettlementof ISIS children.

Dale Hurd, CBN News, London.

(upbeat music)

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- Last year, Guatemalabecame the second nation

after the United States tomove its embassy to Jerusalem.

It's president elect visited Israel,

and he vows to continueGuatemala's long history

of standing with the Jewish state.

(upbeat music)

In 1947, during an historic UN vote,

Guatemala voted alongwith the United States

to support the establishmentof a Jewish state.

Guatemala's presidentelect, Alejandro Giammattei

says his country willcontinue to stand with Israel.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Man] For us in Guatemala,Israel means a lot.

And we are gonna defend Israel justice,

even Israel has defended us.

We're gonna be allies all of our lives

because we're United by the same faith

that leads us to believe in the same God,

and we will be on par withIsrael defending them.

The enemies of Israel are our enemies,

and the friends of Israel are our friends.

- [Chris] The Presidentelect delivered an address

at the friends of ZionMuseum in Jerusalem.

- He has a compassion.

He has a conviction for the Jewish people

and for the nation of Israel,

and for the promises in the Bible.

And he's acting thatout in a beautiful way.

- [Chris] Israel was Giammattei'sfirst international trip

in his new role.

For Israelis it means a lot.

- This is extremely important to Israel

because unfortunately, as you well know,

we can count our friendsprobably in our hands.

Guatemala has always been asteadfast friend of Israel

from the beginning of the establishment

of the state of Israel.

- We do have friends around the world

where we speak about our enemies,

but we are grateful to our friend,

to President Giammattei from Guatemala,

who came here and said,

not only I will standwith you in Jerusalem,

I will help you to bringmore embassies to Jerusalem.

- [Narrator] As soon as he is inaugurated,

Giammattei plans to designate Hezbollah

as a terrorist organization.

- The president declaredtoday, and he says also

that the enemies of Israelare the enemies of Guatemala,

and the friends of Israelare the friends of Guatemala.

So, he's also working very hard

to be able that in thefirst month of his mandate,

he will be able to havea more active role,

so we can be able to help Israelin anything that they need

in these terrible timesthat they are living

in the world with antisemitism.

- [Chris] Israelis hope moreLatin American countries

will follow Guatemala's lead

to move their embassies to Jerusalem.

They see it as a win win.

- It's actually amazing what can happen

from an embassy being here.

I can tell you what's going on

with the American embassy being here.

There's so much more trade,

there's so much more conversations

of how we can add value to each other,

spread technology andknowhow with each other.

The same is happening with Guatemala.

Any country I believe that decides

to become Israel's friends

move their embassy will only benefit,

and of course we benefitfrom the friendship,

and from trade ties,

and from everythingelse that comes with it.

- [Chris] Jerusalem, DeputyMayor, Hassan-Nahoum,

says Guatemala's move is a sign,

more nations around the worldare recognizing Jerusalem

as Israel's eternal capital

(upbeat music)

Coming up, Israel's YadVashem Holocaust Memorial

receives an unlikely giftfrom an unlikely businessman.

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- Israel's Holocaust Memorial,Yad Vashem received a gift

of artifacts associated with Adolf Hitler

from a very unlikely source.

CBN Middle East Correspondent,Julie Stahl has that story.

- [Julie] Businessmen Abdallah Chatila

is a Lebanese bornChristian from Switzerland,

Israeli president ReuvenRivlin recently honored Chatila

for purchasing hundredsof thousands of dollars

worth of items connected to Hitler,

and giving them to Israel.

- What you have done, it's so simple.

You have said to thewhole world, never again.

- [Julie] Rivlin said theact would convey the legacy

of the Holocaust to the next generation.

- There's something thatshows the whole world

how to fight fascism,

how to fight the gloriousness

of people who are holding hatred

and incitement against other people.

- [Julie] The gift comesas Chatila's own country

is dominated by Hezbollah,

which calls for Israel's destruction.

- We think that you have done something

towards the whole humanity

and we appreciate that very much.

- [Julie] Chatila boughtthe items at an auction

to keep them out of the hands of Neo-Nazis

who would have idolized them,

instead, he planned to destroy them.

- And during the 24 hours

that it took before the said happen,

I said to myself, I said,I cannot destroy something

that doesn't belong to me.

Even though at the beginningI did it for humanity,

I believe that the Jewishpeople are the only one

that have the right to decidewhat to do with the items.

- [Julie] Chatila says he'sbeen threatened for his action.

- I got a few messagessaying that I was a traitor,

saying that I help the enemy,

and also some message of people

warning me not to go back to Lebanon.

- We heard about the auction,

and we understood thatsomeone has to stand up

to make sure that this kind of collection

would not come to the wrong hands

as it was said correctly,

because it might havebeen personality worship

among the seekers of Neo-Nazism,

and followers of Nazism today,

and all kinds of anti-Semites

- [Julie] Chatila originally approached

the Jewish organization, KerenHayesod United Israel appeal,

who then donated the itemsincluding Hitler's top hat,

and a silver plated editionof Hitler's mind comp,

to Yad Vashem.

- And when I receive messages

that saying that thereare kids and grandkids

of Holocaust survivors,

I felt shiver in my hands,and I understand how important

this is for the Jewish people.

Clearly I would like thatthis message goes beyond,

that's the Jewish work.

Justice is important,

and doing the rightthing is very important.

- [Julie] Julie Stahl,CBN News, Jerusalem.

- For many Christians, theplace to be for Christmas

is Bethlehem and the Holy Land.

This year Israel is expectingan influx of Christians

from all over the world.

(upbeat music)

Israel is prepared to welcomearound 165,000 visitors

to the Holy Land this Christmas season.

Christmas is already infull swing in Bethlehem.

Hundreds of people recentlypacked the birthplace of Jesus,

for the annual ChristmasTree Lighting celebration.

The event took place in frontof the Church of the Nativity.

The spot many Christians believe,

is the place where Jesus was born.

On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day,

Christian pilgrims will get the chance

to travel the Bethlehem from Jerusalem

using a free shuttle service

offered by the Israeli tourism ministry.

The tourism ministry willalso help Christians celebrate

the miracle of Christ's birth

by hosting its annualpre-Christmas reception

for Israeli Christians and church leaders.

Ambassadors and leaders ofChristian organizations in Israel

and other dignitaries

are expected to attend the celebration.

The tourism ministrysays 55% of all tourists

who visited Israel in2019, were Christian.

If you can ever come toBethlehem at Christmas time,

it can be quite an experience.

Well, that's all for thisedition of Jerusalem Dateline.

Thanks for joining us.

Remember, you can followus on Facebook, Twitter,

Instagram, and YouTube.

I'm Chris Mitchell, Merry Christmas

and we'll see you next time

on Jerusalem Dateline.

(upbeat music)

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