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The 700 Club - December 13, 2019

A routine checkup reveals a baby’s fatal condition and puts his mother’s life in jeopardy too. One family clings to hope while they witness a miracle unfold. Plus, pastor Jane Hamon presents the essential guide to hearing the voice of God. Read Transcript

Christian colleges anduniversities have also faced

a host of religious liberty battles

- [Gordon] Coming up, a routine checkup.

- My heart sank.

- [Gordon] Reveals theirchild has a fatal condition.

- He was such a healthy baby

and all of a sudden he's not.

- [Gordon] And mom's lifeis in jeopardy as well.

- And there's nothing I can do.

- [Gordon] One family clings to hope

for the holidays.

- He said this baby is worth saving.

- [Gordon] And a miracle unfolds.

- I get to remember our savior

who saved my son.

- [Gordon] On today's 700 Club.

(upbeat music)

- Well welcome to The 700 Club.

The countdown to Christmas is on,

and Democrats are in a mad rush

to wrap up their plans to impeach

the president before December 25th.

- Well what surprise move did

Chairman Jerry Nadler make yesterday?

And are more Democrats now expected

to defect to the other side?

Here's Jennifer Wishon from Washington.

- After months of investigations

and weeks of debate,

it seems the number of Americans

who either support or oppose

the Democrats push to impeach

President Trump hasn't changed.

Today, the House Judiciary Committee

is working to advance articles

of impeachment against the president

after committee chairman Jerry Nadler

abruptly postponed a committee vote

late Thursday night.

- Committee is in recess.

- [Jennifer] To send the articles

to a vote in the full house.

That surprise move came after

some 14 hours of oftenbitter partisan debate.

- We have an ongoing crime.

We have a crime in progress.

- It's not just anattack on the presidency,

it's an attack on us.

It's an attack on those of us

who believe in this president.

= this is a constitutional crime spree.

That's why courage is so badly needed

right here, right now.

Our national security anddemocracy are depending on it.

- [Jennifer] Although earlier this year

speaker Pelosi said impeachmentshould be bipartisan,

it appears that opposition to impeachment

is what will have bipartisan support,

with some house Democratsabandoning their own party.

- This impeachment's gonna fail,

the Democrats will pay aheavy political price for it.

- [Jennifer] A number of Democrats

serving in swing districts

fear a vote for impeachment

could cost them their seat.

- I made a commitment to my district

from the moment that this began

that I'm going to focus on all the facts.

- [Jennifer] Senior Democratic aids

tell the Washington Post

the number of Democrats defecting

could range from two topossibly six or more.

- People have to come totheir own conclusions.

- [Jennifer] Even with defections,

the house is all but certainto impeach the president,

after which the Senate is expected

to move quickly throughits trial in the New York.

And despite the president'scall to subpoena

high profile witnesseslike Joe and Hunter Biden,

Senate Republicans maynot call any witnesses.

- There's zero chance the president

obviously would be removed from office.

- And that appears to bethe way Americans want it.

Voters still oppose impeachment

by a slim majority, 50 to 45%.

Americans in swing statesare even more opposed to it,

and get this, independent voters

are strongly opposed to impeachment,

anywhere from eight to 19 points.

So despite their efforts,

this hasn't been the homerun Democrats hoped for.

Jennifer Wishon, CBN News, Washington.

- Well this has been political theater.

And what's the casualty in this?

I think the casualty is how seriously

will the nation take future impeachments

if it's become political theater,

if it's become partisan.

Well then it's not based on violations

of the law, it's based on

your political leanings of the moment.

So given that the Senateis absolutely certain

to not impeach,

will anyone take an impeachment inquiry

in the HOuse of Representativesseriously in the future?

And now what happens?

The Trump administrationis essentially ignoring

what the house is doing.

If the Senate says we're not even gonna

go through a trial on this,

we're just gonna take it to a vote,

well now what happens?

And if, is the house going to come up

with new articles of impeachment?

Are we gonna see yet anotherattempt at impeachment in 2020?

This is, again, political theater.

No one seems to be understanding

what this is doing to that process.

What will it mean for future generations

if you have this kind of thing happening

and it seems to be purelybased on partisanship.

In other news, Britainwill soon be leaving

the European Union.

Boris Johnson's conservative party

has won an overwhelming victory

in the British elections.

John Jessup has the story

from our CBN news bureau in Washington.


- That's right, Gordon.

The conservatives now havetheir biggest majority

in parliament since MargretThatcher in the 1980s.

The win came after PrimeMinister Boris Johnson

campaigned relentlessly tomake Brexit finally happen,

following years of political fighting,

both before and afterthe 2016 British vote

to pull out of the EU.

- This election meansthat getting Brexit done

is now the irrefutable, irresistible,

unarguable decision of the British people.

- Johnson added that leaving the EU

by the end of January,

the United Kingdom will be taking back

control of its laws, borders,money and immigration system.

Well here in Washington, sponsors

of a new bill in CONgresswant a federal expansion

of both religious freedom

and LGBTQ rights.

They call it Fairness for All

and say it's a betterdeal for people of faith

than what they call theRadical Equality Act

that the house passed last spring.

Heather Sells brings us a look

at the new proposal.

- The bill known as Fairness for All

expands the civil rights act of 1964

to include sexual orientation

and gender identity.

It also provides exemptions

for religious liberty.

And that's key for people

of faith who have watchedtheir protections decline

while those for LGBTQ people have grown.

In New York, wedding businessowner Cynthia Gifford

had to pay state fines after

refusing a same sexceremony on her property.

- When the governmenttells you what to say

and punishes you if you don't

is scary stuff.

- [Heather] Christian colleges

and universities have also faced a host

of religious liberty battles

so they worked to frame the bill.

- It's very important in America

to be able to teach

and to have policies that reflect

a conservative orthodox

and historical position on marriage.

And we wanna make sure there's no penalty

around those beliefs in the future.

- [Heather] A small group of gay activists

have also pursued the bill.

They say it's a far better deal for people

of faith than the Radical Equality Act,

which house Democrats passedunanimously last spring.

- And eventually both of these sides

and both of these bills are going to

have to start working together

to find something that can actually pass

both chambers of Congress

and be signed by a president.

- [Heather] The bills Republican sponsor,

Utah representative Chris Stewart,

says it's time for lawmakers to resolve

the country's debateover religious liberty.

- I think it's better for us in society

if the courts don't haveto resolve these issues

one at a time, oftenin conflicting findings

and over many, many years

that leads to uncertainty,

and in too many cases strife and conflict.

- [Heather] But conservativesat The Heritage Foundation

and Alliance Defending Freedom

say the religious libertyprotections are weak

and that elevating sexual orientation

and gender identity to a protected class

will harm liberty, privacy and safety.

- There are many of us who believe

that this bill concedes far, far too much

and undermines theinterests of young people

who are suffering from gender dysphoria.

Well if their parents of women and girls

who wanna compete on an equalplaying field in athletics.

- Those backing fairness for all

say people of faith need an alternative

to the Equality Act,

which most believe would severely threaten

religious liberty.

They believe Fairness for All

could lead to a longterm discussion

and solution with the LGBTQ community.

Heather Sells, CBN News.

- Thank you, Heather.

A few months ago the community

of Virginia Beach came together

to raise money for the families

of the victims of the mass shooting

that killed 11 city employees

and a local contractorand wounded four others.

CBN contributed to the fund

thanks to generous donations

from viewers like you.

And Congress just passed legislation

to make sure those giftsare tax deductible.

Here's Abigail Robertson with that story.

- As many different families prepare

to spend their first Christmas

missing loved ones lostin Virginia Beach's

tragic shooting last May,

Congress it giving them a gift

by passing a bill to help provide

financial relief to the victims' families.

- The incredible thing that happened

was the outpouring notonly from Virginia Beach,

but from across the Common Wealth.

- [Abigail] About $4.5 million was raised

in the aftermath of the shooting

to help fund funeral costs

and other financial needs.

But Senator Mark Warner

tells CBN news there was a small problem.

- The folks who originally set up

this very worthy foundation,

by the nature of namingthe actual beneficiaries,

which would be the families

of the folks who were killed,

that it violated certain IRS rules.

- [Abigail] The recently passedVirginia Beach Strong Act

helps ease the tax burden onboth doors and recipients.

- The close to $4.5 million

will now get the fulltax deductibility status

that it deserves.

- [Abigail] Warner says in the future

he hopes there will bemore bipartisan legislation

to address gun violence.

- I do think no matter where people fall

on the political spectrum

we ought to find at least some

common areas to come together.

So if we can even just prevent one

of these tragedies in the future

I think we'll have takena small step forward.

- With the bill passed inboth the house and Senate,

Warner says he's hopeful President Trump

will sign it into law by Christmas.

Reporting from Capitol Hill,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.

- Thanks, Abby.

And, Gordon, that would makea pretty good Christmas gift.

- It would make afantastic Christmas gift.

I encourage the president to sign it also.

Thanks to Senator Warner

and his office for taking the lead

on getting this bill passed.

I do wish there were a broader bill.

And the broader bill would allow

help going to the victims

of so many tragic shootings

that we've had in America.

The problem was local United Way

set up this fund literally within hours

of the shooting,

and named a specificclass of beneficiaries.

Under IRS rules, you can't name

a specific class, it hasto be a general class.

And when you start getting specific

that puts the tax deduction at risk.

Congress needs to step up

and say we want to help the victims

of these shootings.

And we want to assure donors

that their gift is going

specifically to thevictims of the shooting,

that's the intent.

These gifts should be tax deductible.

And this obscurity in the IRS rules

needs to be dealt with.

And what we've had is a whole patchwork

of various bills to claim exemptions

for various shootings.

This shouldn't happen.

It shouldn't have torequire an act of Congress,

it should be these thingsare tax deductible.

If an existing 501C3 organization

creates a special designated fund

for victims of any disaster,

and whether that's ahome fire or a shooting,

anything that has a narrow class

of beneficiaries,

then those gifts should be tax deductible

and it should be specific to the victims

of that tragedy.

So I encourage them,

let's take a look at this

and a bipartisan look at this

and say how can we make this happen?

How can we move forward?

Well this coming March

CBN films is bringing you

the epic story of St. Patrick.

This new movie was filmedon location in Ireland

and it features Lord of the Rings actor

John Rhys-Davies.

Here's a look at the trailer.

- It was not my grace,

but God who conquered in me

and who resisted them all

that I might come to the Irish nations

to preach the gospel.

- The preconception that we've got

about St. Patrick is completely wrong.


(tense music)

Ireland was a place of barbariansat the end of the world.

- Get going boy.

- It is slavery for life.

- [God] Patrick, you are to travel

to your homeland.

- Patrick.

- Patrick.

- [Man] You're alive, you're alive.

- To hear the call to go backto Ireland terrified him.

It was asking a lot ofthis man to do this.

This does not have to be, Patrick.

It is the will of God.

- [God] Go into all the world

and preach the gospel.

- Who among you heeds the call?

- Why would this man put himself in danger

among enemas who do not know God?

- People thought thatthis mission was crazy,

that his efforts to Christianize Ireland

was doomed to failure.

- Tell us this secretyou know about Patrick.

- Things in the past cancome back to haunt us.

- Take him.

- It's time to go.

- I'm not finished.


- This movie is coming out March 17th,

St. Patrick's Day.

Why are we doing a film on St. Patrick?

Well there are a couple of reasons.

One, he was one of thegreatest missionaries

of all time.

And his methods still work today.

He would go to the villages in Ireland,

he wouldn't talk to them in Latin,

he would talk to them in their language.

He would preach thegospel in their language.

And then another wonderful thing

he did, he wouldn't imposeforeign priests over them.

He would select from his converts

a priest to lead that congregation,

for that he got introuble with the church,

but he got a lot of favor with God.

And he established monasteries

that sent missionaries,the devout learning.

If you are from Scotland,

if you're from Ireland,

you owe your salvation to St. Patrick.

It's the missionaries he inspired

that then went to Scotlandto convert that nation

and then preserve the gospel

and preserve the text and the monasteries

were famous for their copying

of the text of the old and new testament.

Here's another thing,

and why he's so important.

It's the first time in history

anyone wrote down astance against slavery.

And it was because of his life,

he had been captured and taken as a slave.

And then he found that people from Britain

were taking his recent converts,

he took a stand against slavery,

he took a stand against sex trafficking.

And so his voice still speaks today.

If you'd like to attend the meeting,

we've got a special website for you,

And here's what we need,

we eed to have some presalesof the tickets for this movie.

I know it's a long time

between now and March 17th,

but if you can go to,

buy your tickets now,

they'll make a veryspecial Christmas gift,

a wonderful stocking stuffer for people.

I hope it inspires a whole new generation

of missionaries, a whole new generation

that will take up thebanner of St. Patrick.

You can find out more,

how you can buy a ticket.

You'll help us get more theaters,

you'll help us get more screening dates

if you do it now

and do it before Christmas.

So do it.

Go to,

there's a place there that will link you

to the Fathom website, theater websites

where you can buy a ticket in your town.

Right now we're in over 900 theaters.

We wanna take that up

and really cover North America

with this wonderful message

of this great missionary,

and how he changed a nation.


- Well still ahead, seven months pregnant

and told to get ready for a funeral.

What did this young mother

and her husband do?

And how did it lead to amiracle on Christmas Eve?

But first, a dire warningfrom a former terrorist

and member of the Ku Klux Klan.

Where does he see America headed?

And how is the internet leading the way?

Find out after this.

(upbeat music)

- A terrorist christened to 30 years

for planting a bomb at the home

of a civil rights leader back in 1968.

So what does this former Ku Klux Klan

member have to say about the hatred

and violence in America today?

And who does he insist must confront it?

Take a look.

- I've heard lots of sermons,

I went to Sunday school regularly.

I even made a profession offaith when I was 13 years old.

- [John] Listening to Tom Tarrants

it's hard to imaginethis soft spoken preacher

once served time in prison

and survived four gunshotwounds in an FBI shootout

before landing a 30 year sentence

for planting a bomb

at the home of a civilrights leader in 1968.

- I hated black people,

I hated Jews, I had liberals,

and on and on.

- [John] That hatred eventually drew him

to the Ku Klux Klan.

- My school had beenselected for desegregation,

and I became very angry about it.

- [John] In prison Tom began a search

for truth and deeper meaning

that ultimately led him to the Bible.

He became a Christian andacknowledged his sorted past.

- I certainly deserved to die.

I deserved to go to hell for my sins.

But in his great mercy God spared my life.

- [John] Tom's faith grew with the help

of prominent Christians like Billy Graham

and Chuck Colson, founderof Prison Fellowship.

He abandoned his racist ideology,

and after an unexpectedearly prison release,

Tom saw an amazing turnaround,

eventually co-pastoringa multiethnic church

in Washington D.C.,

and leading a global ministry

devoted to making Christian disciples.

- It's not impossible for people

who hold some basic Christian beliefs

to embrace this kind ofextremist narrative that I did.

- [John] Now some 50 years later Tom sees

another cultural collision facing America.

He reveals similaritiesbetween then and now

in his new book Consumedby Hate Redeemed by Love.

- I saw all of this as a kind

of war fighting for God and country.

- [John] A viewpoint still evident today.

- Jews will not replace us.

Jews will not replace us.

- [John] He points toApril's deadly shooting

at a California synagogue as an example

of white nationalismgrowing on the internet,

and how it's worked its way

onto college campuses

and even inside some churches.

- A young man raised ina Presbyterian church,

Orthodox Presbyterian church I should say,

fell into this type of thinking

and put them together.

And then went and shot up a synagogue.

- [John] He calls on churchesto confront this evil

and believes the key to change

is at the core of true Christian values.

- Just teach the Bible.

Teach what Jesus taught

about loving God with all your heart

and soul and mind and strength

and loving your neighbor.

All the different races

and ethnicities andpolitical perspectives.

We're called to love enough another.

- [John] A message and a calling he says

is more urgent now than ever.

John Jessup, CBN News, Washington.

- And we are called to love one another.

We're called to love thestranger in our midst.

We're called to love our enemies.

But let me underline this.

There's is no room invalues for anti-Semitism.

Realize that Christianityis a Jewish religion.

Our savior was born a Jew.

Every single book in the New Testament

was written by a Jew.

And when you get that

and understand that,

we're grafted into them.

We're grafted into whatGod gave to Abraham,

and how God was goingto bless every nation

on the face of the Earth through him.

This is the fulfillment of it.

There is no room at allfor anti-Semitism in that.

There's no room at all for white supremacy

or any kind of racial supremacy

when you look at the book of Revelation,

who stands before the throne?

Every tribe, ever nation,

every tongue will all be one then.

So why don't we do that here on Earth?

Why don't we have God'swill be done on Earth

as it is in heaven?

The name of the book is called

Consumed by Hate Redeemed by Love.

And you can find itwherever books are sold.


- Well still ahead a nightmare scenario.

Getting four young boys ready for bed,

but no problem for this mom.

What's her secret?

Stay tuned to find out.

But first, Christmas isall about a miracle birth,

and boy have we got one for you.

A baby who was supposedto be buried at birth.

What happens instead?

A Christmas Eve miracle.

(upbeat music)

- Well this is our weekendfor the Christmas village.

It will be open tonight, six to nine p.m.

And then tomorrow from noon to nine p.m.

So if you're in the 75 area code or nearby

come, see us and letme underline it is free

and open to the public.

You may have to pay foryour fire roasted brat,

but the food will cost.

We got some free cider for you

and some free cookies.

But it'll be fun for the whole family

and your whole family will be able

to see the live nativity scene.

Every 30 minutes we're goingto be telling the story

of the nativity with live actors,

live animals.

It's all gonna be wonderful.

It's a great thing foryou, your whole family.

So come on out, six to 9:00 tonight

noon to nine p.m. tomorrow, on Saturday.

And be a part of it, enjoy.

- You'll be glad you did.

It's very magically beautiful.

Well prepare yourselves for a funeral,

that's what doctors toldKristy and Jonas Diener.

They also said their unborn baby

would never survive delivery,

and that Kristy's life

was in jeopardy as well.

But the doctors were dead wrong.

- [Woman] When newlywedsKristy and Jonas Diener

found out they wereexpecting their first child

they were elated.

- We prayed and we asked Godwhat we should name our son.

And we both came across thename David, it meant beloved.

- [Woman] Baby Davidwas expected to arrive

just in time for Christmas 2013.

- The idea of having a sonwas so exciting for us.

- The first months of mypregnancy were textbook.

Easy breezy and just a lot of fun.

- [Woman] But before herroutine checkup at seven months

Kristy noticed the baby wasn't

moving around as much as usual.

She was given an ultrasound

and the couple was sent toa waiting room for results.

- My heart sank.

I just knew something was wrong.

- [Woman] The diagnosis was serious.

Baby David had fetal hydrops,

a condition in which fluid was surrounding

his abdomen, lungs and heart.

Only 20% of babies with thecondition survive delivery.

- I felt discouraged becausehe was such a healthy baby

and all of a sudden he's not.

And there's nothing I can do.

- [Woman] They rushed to see a specialist

where David was also diagnosed with SVT.

His heart rate was irregular

and reaching a lift-threatening280 beats per minute.

Kristy was admitted tothe hospital for treatment

and close monitoring.

- It almost sounded like a helicopter.

It was going so fast and we prayed

and as soon as it would jump

back into the high rhythm

we'd pray for it to go back lower.

- And I couldn't sleep, I couldn't rest,

I couldn't do anything butjust sit there and pray.

Lord, convert his heart rate.

- [Woman] Five days later baby David

was then diagnosed with a disease

that elongated his heart muscle

called restrictive cardiomyopathy.

The doctors said in a matter of days

Kristy would have an early labor

and the baby would not survive.

Kristy was also at riskfor mirroring syndrome,

a condition in which her heart could fail

along with her son's.

- And so, Jonas, thefirst thing that he did

was he started to pray.

And the first words out of his mouth

were God you are good.

And so that's what we had to cling to

was God you're gooddespite our circumstances.

- [Woman] Doctors said therewas nothing more they could do.

They stopped Kristy's medication

and released her.

David was not expectedto survive the weekend.

The anticipation of delivery passed

as the couple began to plan

for their baby's death.

And so Jonas called a funeral home

and was ordering a casket,

but we still clung to hope.

We knew that God was bigenough to heal our son.

The question is, is he gonna heal him

with a miracle or is hegonna heal him through death?

And so every time he kicked

I had no clue if it was gonna be the last.

- [Woman] As Kristy and Jonaslooked to God for strength,

family and friends held on to hope.

- We would send out updates on baby Diener

and the prognosis andpeople would share it.

And I would get countlessFacebook messages

or emails or text messages saying

hey, my church is praying for you.

- Even when my wife andI couldn't say anything

or do anything, there were people

around us who were praying,

and we felt those prayersfrom all around the world.

- [Woman] At each check upDavid's condition had worsened.

But he was still alive.

- With each appointmentthey were surprised

that he was still alive.

They've never seen ababy with this much fluid

that wasn't a stillborn.

- [Woman] Nearly twoweeks after the Diener's

were first told theirchild would not live,

at Kristy's 23rd week appointment,

the ultrasound technician was astonished.

- I didn't even wanna look at the screen

'cause I was preparing my heart

to deliver a baby that wasn't alive.

And she kept on askingme what's your name?

What's your date of birth?

When's the due date?

And she said I have to go get the doctor.

- Dr. Mowise looked at us

and he said divine intervention.

That there was something that had happened

outside of their control.

Even though they had stopped

treating David medically

the fluid around his head, heart and lungs

started to dramatically disappear.

- He said this baby is worth saving.

I was like really?

He's healed?


- December and Christmas was coming

and so was our son.

- [Woman] The prayers didn't stop

and day by day David's health improved.

At 32 weeks there was no morefluid around his abdomen.

- And his heart even changed shape.

It was no longer elongated.

It was what a normal baby'sheart should look like.

I'm a nurse and so I know that him having

this miraculous thing done

it could only point to God.

- [Woman] On Christmas Eve 2013

the couple received the gift

they had been praying for.

David William Diener was born.

- Just the joy in Jonas and my heart,

we were ecstatic.

- [Woman] After only 18 hours in the NICU,

Kristy and Jonas wereable to bring David home.

- Walking him through the door

and just being like we're home now

and we're a family.

- [Woman] Today David is healthy

and his development is right on track.

These days he's busy being a big brother.

Kristy was able to have more children.

- He loves his little sisters

and he'd do anything for them.

He loves dinosaurs.

He loves Mickey Mouse.

Loves Christmas.

- [Kristy] So Christmas eve will always be

really special in my heart

because I get to remember our savior

who saved my son.

- David wouldn't be here

if it wasn't for God intervening

through prayer.

And prayer has everything todo with why David's here today.

- Merry Christmas.

- That is a miracle.

And I hope it gives hoop to those of you

who are getting bad reports

or simply overwhelmedwith your circumstances.

God is able, he is good.

What she said was so powerful

about you know this babycould be healed either way,

through a miracle or healed through death.

- Which is an amazing statement of faith.

- Oh goodness, yeah.

- Yes, in heaven there's no more tears,

there's no more sickness.

So if God takes him to heaven

then I know he's healed there.

What an amazing statement of faith.

And let that be your confession of faith.

Lord, I believe in you.

I trust you.

You know so often whenthese things happen,

and that couple could have done this,

they could have said whyis this happening to me?

We're living life right,

everything's great.

We're caring for other people.

Why is this happening to us?

They didn't do that.

They didn't complain.

What they said is God we trust you.

And you can heal our child here

or you can heal our child in heaven.

Either way it's okay with us.

What an amazing thing.

Let that be your prayer.

Lord, I trust you.

I abandon myself to you.

No longer my will be done,

your will be done.

I trust your will.

It will be perfect

and you will work allthings together for my good.

I trust you.

I believe in you.

We're going to pray.

Before we pray we'vegot some prayer requests

that have been written in to us.

Here's one to be healed from depression

and schizophrenia.

Here's one to be delivered

of new age and Hindu beliefs.

What do you have?

- I have someone sayingI need to be healed

of severe bone infection.

Please to be healed of kidney problems

and bladder cancer.

And that my elderly parents

would accept Jesus.

And I would just like to add, Heather,

a friend who has metastatic bone cancer

and needs prayer.

- All right.

Lord we just lift up Heather to you.

And we rebuke cancer, in Jesus' name.

Cancer is illegal inthe kingdom of heaven,

and so we just declarethat over Heather's body

and ever bone cell, everybone cell in her body.

Lord you speak health to all our bones

and we speak health to Heather right now.

Be delivered of this.

And be healed now, in Jesus' name.

For those who have written in,

for those who have depression,

Lord God give them your light.

Give them joy, righteousness, peace,

and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Lord pour out your compassion over them,

let them know.

For anyone who is not in their right mind,

you restore sound minds.

That is your will.

You have not given us a spirit of fear,

but a sound mind.

Lord, let there be sound minds

in your body today.

That is your will.

And so we receive it right now.

For anyone struggling with unbelief,

for anyone struggling with new age

or any other thing thatis not part of you,

Lord God we just rebukeall of those thoughts,

all of those ways right now,

all of those rituals.

In Jesus' name be delivered of that

so that your consciencemay be clear to serve

the living God.

Terry, God spoken to you.

- Lord, I just pray that there would be

peace in families this Christmas.

There are some of you

who are just in familiesthat are so troubled.

And God I just ask youthat the peace of God,

that your sweet spirit

would come and breathe life into families

now that are struggling together.

- Lord, let your peace reign on earth.

We pray for our nation.

We pray for our president.

We pray for our senators.

We pray for every member

of the House of Representatives.

Lord God let us be one nation indivisible.

Speak peace Lord God.

Let there be peace on Earth

and good will towards men.

We receive it, Lord,

because we pray it in your name.


- Amen.

- And amen.

If you need prayer we're here for you.

All you have to do iscall us, 1-800-700-7000.


- Well coming up later,

are you longing to hear from God?

Well listen up,

author and pastor Jane Hamon joins us live

to talk about hearing the voice of God

and understanding what you hear.

You don't wanna miss it so stay tuned.

(upbeat music)

- Welcome back to Washington

for this CBN News Break.

Israeli police are nowfollowing Jewish groups

to pray on the temple mountaccording to the Jerusalem post.

That would change what'scalled the status quo agreement

between Israel's government

and the Islamic group thatcontrols daily activities

at the location where thefirst and second Jewish temple

stood in biblical times.

The status quo agreement

does not allow non-Muslims

to pray on the Temple Mount,

but official said he was unaware

of any change,

but warned that any change

could lead to a strong reaction

from Arabs and Muslims.

Some Jews and Christians believe

a third temple will bebuilt on the Temple mount

before the coming of the Messiah.

Well CBN's Operation Blessing is helping

a domestic violence victim in El Salvador

get a fresh start.

Iris is a mother of two whosuffered violent attacks

from her ex-husband,

who often beat and verbally assaulted her

in front of the children.

Iris finally ran away with the kids

to start a better life,

but she often struggledto put food on the table

as she and the children went hungry.

Then Operation Blessing

gave Iris a new micro enterprise

selling vegetables and french fries.

Iris and her children now have a safe,

stable new life.

Operation Blessing andit's faithful partners

are providing livelihoodsfor struggling families

in El Salvador and all over the world.

You can find out moreabout Operation Blessing

by going to

Gordon and Terry will be back

with more of today's 700Club right after this.

(upbeat music)

(instrumental Christmas music)

- Now Jason and instrumentalneed all the help they can

raising four boys, especially at bedtime.

And that's why theylike Superbook so much.

At the end of a long day

the whole family winds down

with a Superbook episode.

And guess who gets to choose the episode?

Take a look.

- [Woman] Jason andRachel Oyer have four boys

so life happens in warp speed.

But there's one thing that Samuel, Levi,

Benjamin and Matt will sit still for,


- They're the ones who arelike we love Superbook,

it's awesome.

- Bedtimes routine candefinitely be crazy at times,

but one thing that we hadbeen doing for a while

is whoever, brush your teeth,

put your pajamas on, taken their shower,

the first one down would be able to pick

the Superbook episode.

- We could just unwindaltogether from crazy.

I wanna end the day well with my kids.

This is the last thingthey're gonna think about

before they go to sleep.

- [Woman] The boys, rangingin age from four to 10

are eager to tell you abouttheir favorite episodes.

- I've told a lot about Elijah and Noah.


All the rest of the prophetswere worshiping bear,

but Elijah, he was trying to make everyone

worship to God.

God made a fiery pit

and it blasted wide open.

It was super good.

- I learned that God loves us so much.

It also makes me feel likeI wanna be a missionary

when I grow up 'cause of all the people

that don't know God.

- [Woman] Rachael home schools all

of her songs and Superbook

is a vital tool for teaching them

life changing spiritual principles.

- It's something that canchange their daily life.

You want them to be able tostand up to peer pressure

and not give in to something

you know is a bad choice for them.

When difficult things happen,

to be able to push through

and not to give up.

Superbook brings allthose things together.

- It's just nice to havesomebody on your team with you

who wants you to succeed.

They want you to raise yourchildren to know Christ.

- And we want children allover the world to know Christ.

We're now in over 52 languages.

We're preaching thegospel through Superbook

and it's a great gospel presentation.

It's a great Evangelistic tool.

It's also a great discipleship tool.

And here's the best part,

you can be part of it.

You can be a part of notjust helping your own family

but helping families around the world.

Join the superbook DVD club.

Now if we've got a specialoffer for you right now

because it's Christmas coming up.

We've got The Promise of a Child

that's a wonderful Christmas episode.

And if you're a memberof the Superbook club

you'll get not only one copy

you'll get three copies

for a gift of $25 or more.

When you join the club,

that means you'll be first in line

to get new Superbook episodes.

As we finish out season five,

you'll be the first to get not one copy,

you'll get three copies fora recurring gift of $25.

So if that's you, if youwanna be a part of it,

be a part of the production cost,

translation costs, distribution costs,

join the Superbook DVD club.



- Well up next, if you're a believer,

God is speaking to you.

But can you hear him?

And do you understand what he's saying?

Author and pastor Jane Hamon talks about

the power of discernment after this.

(upbeat music)

- Well how do you hear the voice of God?

Well that's a question weoften get in our email box.

People want God to speak to them

and they want to be able to discern

his will for their lives.

Take a look.

- [Man] Prophetic leader Jane Hammond

and her husband Tom pastor Vision Church

at Christian International

in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida.

For more than 30 yearsthey've invested in people

and building the kingdom.

Jane says we're livingin such critical times

that it's important for you

to walk in greater spiritual authority

by learning to discern God's voice.

In her book discernment,Jane draws from scripture

and personal experience as she teaches

how to navigate life with victory

as you learn to discern the voice

of the Holy Spirit.

- Well please welcome back to The 700 Club

our dear friend, Jane Hamon.

Jane, it's always apleasure to have you here.

- Thanks, Gordon, it'sgood to be with you.

- All right let's get right into it,

'cause I hear this a lot.

How do you hear the voice of God?

I don't know how

or I don't hear his voice.

And then you get well ifI do start hearing voices,

does that mean I'm going crazy?

- Right. (laughing)

- How do you do this?

How do you get into it?

- Well it's interesting,

in Psalms 85, verse eight

it actually says I willhear what the Lord God

will speak.

And what I began to study

that's a very interesting Hebrew word,

it's the word (foreign language).

And (foreign language) means to discern,

but it also means to listen intentionally

and to hear intelligently.

And so I think sometimes wethink we don't hear God's voice,

but do we actually take time

to listen intentionally to hear what it is

that he's saying?

Prayer should be not just a one way street

but a two way street,

where we talk and then we listen.

- Yeah and I thinkthat's part of the Greek,

there's a dia in there which

is also the Greek word for two way street.

- That's right.

- It's a way.

- That's right.

- What should we be expectingwhen we're looking for it?

Because it's been my experience God speaks

in a variety of ways.

- [Jane] He does.

- And it really, really god me

when I found out that God couldspeak to me through my wife.

That was (mumbles).


And then God could speakto me through my parents.

And then he started speakingto me through my children.

And that was, how many different ways

does God have to speak to us?

- Well I think that it's infinite.

I think that as we havespent the last 35-40 years

activating people tohear the voice of God,

I think that there's three primary ways

that people tend to hear God's voice.

They either hear something audibly,

and I don't always mean justlike in their natural ears,

but in the ear of their spirit.

They may hear words.

They may see pictures.

Or they may actually geta sense or a feeling.

So seeing, hearing, sensing or feeling

I think are some of the initial indicators

of how God speaks.

Of course I love the factthat God speaks in dreams.

God speaks in visions.

God speaks through others.

God obviously speaks through his word

when it jumps off the page

and becomes revelation to us.

- How do you test it?

To know that it is God

and it's not just yourself,

it's not just your own self talk,

but this is really God.

How do you know?

- I think that's a very important thing.

I think that we've got tounderstand Ephesians 117

it says may God give you the spirit

of wisdom and revelation.

And so the number one thing is

that we've gotta goback to the word of God.

We've gotta find out number one,

is what we're hearing biblical?

Is it consistent with what God is saying?

Is it what God is saying to your life

for this season of time?

And can you actuallysubmit it to other people

and get their input,

because through themultitude of counselors

there's always safety.

- Yeah, get two or three witnesses.

- That's exactly right.

- Get confirmation.

- That's exactly right, yes.

- Particularly-

- And we have horror stories

of people that don't do that.

You know, people that justget what we call a wishon,

you know wishful thinking

and calling it God.


- Well what do you with that?

'Cause I think that's,

how do you restore that?

'Cause I run into that.

I got this word or I did this

and now I don't trust anything anymore.

How do you restore?

- My father-in-law, Dr. Bill Hamon,

does a great teaching.

He says that we've gotta get the word,

the will and the way.

And so what we've gotta do

is we've gotta find out

is it the word of God?

Is it God's will for our life?

And is it the way?

And typically what happens

is that well meaningChristians usually miss it

somewhere along the way.

They find out that it is in the word,

it is God's will,

but the way is God's timing,

how the money's coming, the partnerships

that need to take place.

And so just perhaps maybe people

that are watching today maybe

people that are watching today

maybe have made some mistakes

in implementing

the way of the Lord

and bringing the word of the Lord to pass.

My encouragement to them

would be forgive yourself

for the mistakes you've made in the past,

and let's hear the voice of God,

and let's do it again.

- All right.

Let's turn to your book, Discernment,

'cause I think this is absolutely needed.

There are books on prophecy,

there are books on wordof knowledge, healing,

but the discerning of spirits,

and that's a specificgift that you were given.

It was actually prophesied over you

that you would have this.

- Yes it was.

- You would have this.

How did it first manifest for you?

- Well I think that from the beginning

of my prophetic journey

I would have different sensing.

I actually as a child Iactually saw demonic things

in my room even before I was saved.

I became very aware of the angelic realm.

Demons and angels is a part of discerning,

understanding what's taking place

in the spirit realm around us,

but then I would also begin to understand

that there would be times thatI would interact with people

and people that seemed tohave everything together

and something inside of me would say

everything is not as it seems.

And I would think Iwas just being critical

or judgmental.

And so I was taught if youcan't say something nice

then don't say anything at all.

And so I never reallysaid anything to anybody

about what I was sensing

or picking up in the spirit.

And until we started havingsome different things happen,

and my father-in-law would say

"well why didn't you say something?"

And so I had to learnhow to process this gift

with wisdom and revelationso that I didn't shoot 'em

and tell God they died.


And make sure that I was walking in love,

making sure that I waswalking in the spirit

of God because it is a gift

of the Holy Spirit.

Gifts are given to build,

not to tear down.

But they're also given as a protector,

protection from the body of Christ.

- And you need to have the gift of wisdom.

- Absolutely.

- To the gift of discernment

and how to do it soyou're not tearing down

and you are building up.

- Mm-hmm.

- For you, how did it manifest?

you'd get this sickfeeling in your stomach?

- Depending on what it wasthat I was picking up on.

If something was unclean or out of order,

sometimes it would be a sick feeling.

Sometimes it would be justa very uncomfortable feeling

where I could kind of see

the motive behind the smile, if you will.

And I just had to learnhow to process that

with love and with prayer.

And also understand that I had the freedom

to talk to my spiritual leaders

about the things that I was picking up.

God gave me two of themost mercy motivated men,

my farther-in-law and my husband

to help me grow in this gift.

And at one point, becauseit had been prophesied

over me, bishop Hamon laid hands on me

and activated this giftto a full function.

And then it was like I went to church

and it was literally like aveil had been pulled back.

And I saw everythingand heard conversations

and saw all kinds of.

And I went back to him

and I said you put your hands back on me

and take this gift back,

I don't want this operating in my life.

- Let's get granular

because the discernment is thoughts,


- That's exactly right.

- Motivations, as well as angels,

as well as the demonic.

And when you opened yourself to that

it can actually getuncomfortable to be around

certain people becauseyou're going wait a minute

what you're telling me

is not really what's in your heart.

- Right.

And so what I've had to learn to do

is I've had to learnhow to utilize this gift

to bring people into freedom

because that's what thegifts are given to do.

To give people an opportunity

to choose freedom, to choose life.

And also if somebody actuallyis a wolf in sheep's clothing,

to know that and be able to,

again, give them the choice for freedom,

and then if not then to protect the body.

- Not choice but to protect the flock.

- A choice to protect the flock.

- And the Holy Spirit willalways help you with that.

- [Jane] That's right, that's right.

- Jane's latest bookis called Discernment,

the Essential Guide toHearing the Voice of God.

It's available wherever books are sold.

Here's a scripture for you from Amos.

Surely the Lord God does nothing

unless he reveals his secret

to his servants the prophets.

For all of us here, Merry Christmas.

We'll see you again.

God bless.


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