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The 700 Club - December 11, 2019

One man subjects his life of drugs, booze and porn to a higher standard and the results are life changing. Plus, a sanctuary city for the unborn and other towns are following suit. Read Transcript

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Reporter] Coming up, asanctuary city for the unborn.

- We do not want abortionproviders coming here.

- [Reporter] And othertowns are following suit.

- We have the intent in the future

to go back and prosecute criminally

every abortion which has occurred.

- [Reporter] But what willhappen when the courts weigh in?

- We want Texas to be prepared.

- [Reporter] And how dothey plan to win the fight?

- If we can't do that,

why are we in the battlein the first place?

- [Reporter] On today's "700 Club."

(dramatic music)

- Well, welcome, folks, to "The 700 Club."

The Ice Man cometh, a huge swath of ice

is expected tomorrow night,

stretching from Tennessee to Pennsylvania.

And right now, a bitterblast of Arctic air

is plunging parts of thecountry into single digits.

How long will it last,

and what impact will it make

on holiday travel and shopping?

Whew, wow, big story.

Here's Charlene Israelwith the freezing forecast.

(logo whooshing)

- A powerful blast ofsnow, ice, and bitter cold

is blanketing half the nation.

Here in Virginia Beach,temperatures dropped

30 degrees overnight.

Winter weather advisories are in effect

for over 20 million people.

Early today, snowfalling in the Northeast,

even as far south asAlabama and Mississippi.

This, as freezing temperaturesgrip much of the nation.

- AccuWeather RealFeel temperatures

over the interior for some,down into the single digits.

So definitely want tolayer up and bundle up,

and very cold, as well,

throughout the nation's midsection today,

that frigid blast is also gonna send

AccuWeather RealFeeltemperatures down below zero

for some locales.

Meanwhile, next systemcoming up from the south

could also bring some icyconditions along Interstate 81

toward the higher terrainThursday night into Friday.

Much of the Southeast,it's going to be rain,

some of that ice initiallycould extend as far north

as south central Pennsylvania,

but again, another rainmakerworking its way back

into portions of the Northeast

as we venture into Fridaynight and Saturday.

- [Charlene] Minnesota undera winter storm warning,

where a cold clock isshowing minus two degrees.

The National Weather Service said

the dangerously cold wind chills

could cause frostbite on exposed skin

in as little as 10 minutes.

The wintry weather makingfor a messy commute,

with icy roads causing issues for some.

- It's a sheet of ice out there,

so you're trying to get traction

when you're pushing it up the hill.

So it's like that first snowof the year in Nebraska,

and everybody's struggling with it.

Could probably use a littlebit of salt (laughing).

- [Charlene] Meteorologist Joe Bastardi


- I think there's gonna be alot of snow before Christmas.

You're gonna see awidespread storm next week

put down a lot of snowfrom Kansas and Colorado

all the way into New England,

and then it's a questionof how much cold air

can hang around and whatthe next bunch of storms do.

- Forecasters say these winter storms

could continue through Christmas,

significantly impactingeverything from holiday travel

to shipping for those last-minute gifts.

Charlene Aaron, CBN News.

- Well, in other news,at last the Democrats

have disclosed twoarticles of impeachment,

and guess what, no quidpro quo or bribery charges.

What are they trying to do?

Well, here's John Jessup with that story

and more from our CBNNews Bureau in Washington.

- Pat, the House Judiciary Committee

begins debating on twoarticles of impeachment

against President Trump this evening,

Democrats officially unveilingthe articles Tuesday.

The charges are abuse of powerand obstruction of Congress.

Capitol Hill correspondentAbigail Robertson

has the reaction from the Hill

as well as the president'sstrong response.

(logo whooshing)

- Tensions are high as lawmakers prepare

for a historic vote on thetwo articles of impeachment,

with House Democrats claimingPresident Trump's actions

endanger our Constitutionand our democracy.

- The House Committee on the Judiciary

is introducing two articles of impeachment

charging the Presidentof the United States,

Donald J. Trump,

with committing highcrimes and misdemeanors.

- [Abigail] Democratsinsist pursuing impeachment

is their duty.

- We stand here today

because the president'scontinuing abuse of his power

has left us no choice.

To do nothing wouldmake ourselves complicit

in the president's abuseof his high office,

the public trust, andour national security.

- [Abigail] Fired-up Republicans

quickly offered their rebuttal.

- It is not difficult todefend this president,

but it is very difficultto defend this Congress

on what they have done,

and history will not be kind to them.

- [Abigail] Claimingpresident Trump is innocent,

and Democrats are abusingthe powers of impeachment

because they dislike the president.

- They're not impeaching the president

because they can listan impeachable offense.

They're impeaching him

because they're afraidhe will get re-elected.

- [Abigail] HouseIntelligence Committee Chair

Adam Schiff claims theycan't wait until November

for voters to be the judge.

- The argument "Why don't youjust wait?" amounts to this.

Why don't you just let himcheat in one more election?

- [Abigail] Last evening,the president speaking out

at a rally.

- These two flimsy, pathetic,

ridiculous articles of impeachment,

this is the lightest impeachment

in the history of our country by far.

- [Abigail] With all theturmoil on Capitol Hill,

Senate Chaplain Barry Blackoffered these words of wisdom.

- Bless our lawmakerswith the peace and wisdom

needed to lead in our challenging world.

Give them eyes to discern and understand

the intricate complexityof this turbulent season.

- The impeachment articles now head

to the judiciary committee for a markup

and will likely be on theHouse floor for a vote

by next week.

Reporting from Capitol Hill,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.

- Thanks, Abby, Pat, back to you.

- You know, it's amazing they've got

one of the articles asobstruction of Congress.

I mean, for heaven's sakes,Congress hasn't voted anything.

The whole Congress has voted nothing.

Adam Schiff has had thisintelligence committee

out trying to subpoena thepeople from the White House,

and the president says,

"Look, we've got threebranches of government,

"and we're independent,

"and you're trying tobeat up on my people,

"and we don't think we should put them

"in front of your committee."

That's obstruction of Congress, absurd.

Congress has not voted on any of this,

and the big thing is Congresshas not voted impeachment,

and they cannot have impeachment

without the full Congress voting.

It cannot be the Speaker,

it cannot be the intelligence committee,

it cannot be the judiciary committee.

It's got to be all of the House.

The House has got to vote.

It's gotta be the Houseof Representatives,

and if they don't do it,there is no impeachment,

and there are many, many,many, many vulnerable Democrats

who do not wanna go onrecord with this thing.

And some are thinking, "Well, how about

"just a motion for censureinstead of impeachment?"

Well, it'll be a nightmare,but in any event,

they do look like they'vegot together on one thing,

and John has that.

- That's right, Pat, amidthe impeachment drama,

House Democrats struck a tentative deal

to approve PresidentTrump's trade agreement

with Mexico and Canada.

The three nations reachedan agreement last year,

and President Trump's been waiting

for the House to approve it ever since.

He said there's a reasonSpeaker Nancy Pelosi

took this action on the same day

the Democrats announcedimpeachment articles.

(logo whooshing)

- And then an hour later, she announced

that she's going to doUSMCA, you know why?

It's a huge deal, and itplays down the impeachment

because they're embarrassedby the impeachment,

(audience cheering)and our poll numbers

have gone through the roof

because of her stupid impeachment.

- Lawmakers added stronger protections

for workers and the environment.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

and Mexican President Andres Obrador

are expected to sign the deal, Pat?

- Well, I really lookforward to the Senate.

Mitch McConnell is holdingthat up a little bit,

but I think without questionit's a good thing for America.

It's gonna bring a lotmore money to everybody,

and it'll be good for the workers.

But it's nice the Democratsfinally broke that logjam

and just (laughing) to vote.

Isn't that crazy, you'vegot on the one hand,

they're impeaching him,

on the other, they're givinga piece of legislation

that makes him look good, John?

- Pat, federal workerssoon could be funding

Chinese companies aimingto harm the United States,

and the tool that could arm the Chinese,

federal workers' pension plans.

CBN News national securitycorrespondent, Eric Phillips,

has more on this surprising connection.

(logo whooshing)

- This somewhat quiet decision will affect

hundreds of thousands of federal workers,

including our military.

Frank Gaffney leads the Committee

on the Present Danger China.

He charges Wall Street isbehind this underwriting effort

because Morgan Stanley includescertain Chinese companies

in its federal retirement portfolio.

Gaffney says trillions pour into companies

that not only promotehuman rights violations

but also literally fight against us,

like Aviation IndustryCorporation of China.

- Building actual weapon systems

designed to kill Americanservicemen and women,

and for that matter, the rest of us.

- [Eric] Gaffney is speaking out now

because the U.S. government sits ready

to follow private industry.

The board overseeingthe Federal Retirement

Thrift Savings Plan has decided to include

the same companies in its portfolio.

This would affect servicemembers, Congress,

and even the president's cabinet.

- Really, we're talkingabout millions of dollars

that are invested on behalfof federal employees.

- [Eric] Congressman JimBanks is behind legislation

that would prevent thosefunds from being invested

in Chinese companies.

- It's almost hypocriticalof the federal government

to allow for those individuals who work

for the federal governmentto see their money

being invested in companieswho are very much antithetical

to the interests of the United States.

- [Eric] Hank Paulsonserved as Treasury Secretary

for President George W. Bush.

- Decoupling China from U.S. markets

by delisting Chinesefirms from U.S. exchanges

is a terrible idea.

- [Eric] Paulson says the U.S. survived

the 2008 financial crisis

by coordinating with otherkey economies like China's.

He disagrees with the argument

that American investmentand Chinese companies

threatens national security.

- Even as we build a highfence around a small yard

to protect national security,

we must not impair our individual

and shared economic security

and that of the rest of the world.

- [Eric] Gaffney insiststhat outlook is a mistake.

- On the one hand, you havethe financial community,

which pretty much doesn'tcare about national security.

It's all about the money.

On the other hand,

you have the nationalsecurity community guys,

who by and large, with some exceptions,

they don't know anything about finance.

- [Eric] And in between, hesays, lurks a dangerous place

where the Chinese communistparty has learned to thrive.

- It is simply scandalous.

- Gaffney and otherslike Congressman Banks

hope sounding this alarm

will help put a stop tothis type of investment

into the Thrift Retirement Savings Plan.

But it's an uphill battle.

Eric Phillips, CBN News, Washington.

- Thanks, Eric, Pat?

- Karl Marx has said, "Givethe capitalists enough rope,

"and they'll hang themselves."

I mean, this is a profit thing.

Can you imagine takingtax-sheltered investment funds

of American corporations,American workers,

and all the money that goesin by the trillions of dollars

and using that money to buildup the technology companies

of China that are buying weapons

that will be used to kill our servicemen?

I mean, it's insane.

I don't know if you've seenthis on any other TV program,

but we've got, it's sort of an exclusive,

and I think you needto be alarmed about it.

Well, there's somethingelse that happened.

You know, Apple was abig, big, big player.

They're the biggest companyin the stock exchange,

well, it's time forthem to move over, John?

- That's right, move overAmerican technology companies.

The Saudi Arabian oil companyAramco is now number one.

As its stocks began trading today,

it quickly gained 10%,

now becoming the biggestbusiness in the world

in terms of market capitalization,

which is the value of allits total shares of stock.

The biggest U.S. companies are Apple,

valued at $1.19 trillion,

and Microsaft, Microsoft,rather, at 1.15 trillion.

By comparison, Aramcowas worth $1.88 trillion

as it began trading today.

Well, turning to Israel

where the nation's politicalcrisis continues to unfold,

the Parliament began votingto dissolve itself today

and pave the way for anunprecedented third election

within a year.

The move comes after Prime Minister

Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud Party,

and Benny Gantz's oppositionBlue and White Party

failed to form a new governmentafter the last election.

A breakthrough which needs tohappen by midnight tonight,

Israel time, appears extremely unlikely.

Now, to President Trump issuesan executive order today

targeting rising anti-Semitismon college campuses.

"The New York Times" reports

the order changes thedefinition of Judaism

to include nationality.

That means anti-Israel movements like BDS

would be considered aform of anti-Semitism.

Schools who do not addressanti-Israel movements

could lose federal funding

under the Civil Rights Act, Pat, of 1963.

- Oh, I'll tell you, ladies and gentlemen,

federal funding is crucial to colleges.

They've got all kinds of federalinducements for colleges.

They pay for all kinds of benefits,

and if that gets cut off,

these colleges are gonna think hard

before they do this BDS,

like they're doing some wonderful thing.

So I mean, it's a great move

on the part of the president.

It's something that youprobably won't read about.

It doesn't sound like a big deal.

It is an extremely big deal,

and to colleges, theywill start coming up short

because if they getfederal funding cut off,

they will die, they cannot live

without all the benefits thatthey give to their students

through federal funding.

And all that will be cut off

if this executive order goes into effect,

which I think it will.

And I just salute the president for it.

It's long overdue, John?

- Back now to the world of sports.

It's the largest contract ever agreed to

for a Major League pitcher,

the New York Yankees reportedlypromising 324 million

over nine years to HoustonAstros Garrit Cole.

Cole has put togetheran outstanding record

with the Astros.

In a timespan of two seasons,he struck out 602 hitters,

hosting a 2.68 earned run average.

In the 2019 season, he won 20 games

and was unbeaten in his final 21 starts.

He also is Houston's singleseason strikeout king

with 326 punch outs lastyear, an astounding record

and an astounding amount of money, Pat?

- My goodness, I tellyou, the rich get richer,

isn't that the way it is (laughing)?

I mean, why not,

if the Yankees have gotit, I mean, go for it.

I was a great Yankee fan when I was a kid.

They had Joe DiMaggio,

and they had all those great players,

Lou Gehrig and people like that.

And as a kid growing up, I mean,

we all watched the Yankees.

They were the big, theywere America's team.

- How do you sell enough tickets

to pay that kind of salary, $324 million?

- Well, you have a very rich owner

who writes big checks,

- Yeah.- is what it amounts to.

- Well, that's a very expensive arm.

- Yeah (laughing).- Take care of it.

- He is so good, he's awesome.

They say there's neverbeen anybody like him.

He's just an incredible strikeout artist.

Boy, I wonder how much,

they have to insure his arm,though, don't you think?

- I know, right?- Oh, absolutely.

- I mean, the arm's probably,

you gotta insure it for likea billion if he's, anyway.

- Oh, boy, okay.- Awesome.

Well, still ahead, wolfingdown Pepto-Bismol and Tums,

that's how this man coped

with searing stomach pain for years.

So why is he now eating horseradish

straight from the bottle?

You have to see it to believe it.

But first, a differentkind of sanctuary city,

and they're popping up allover the Lone Star State.

Who's reaping the benefitsof this new trend?

Find out when we come back.

(dramatic music)

- Well, they're popping upall over small Texas towns.

What are they, they'recalled sanctuary cities,

but not for undocumented aliens.

They're not what you think.

These cities are safe havensfor the unborn children.

What's behind the new trend,

and how are pro-abortionforces pushing back?

Caitlin Burke takes us toWest Texas to find out.

(logo whooshing)

- [Caitlin] Welcome to Gilmer, Texas,

population just over 5,000,

home of the East Texas Yamboree Festival,

and a safe haven for the unborn.

- This is a pro-life community.

We do not want abortionproviders coming here

or abortion clinics coming here.

- In September, Gilmerjoined a growing list

of Texas town councils

who have signed anordinance banning abortion.

While many of the towns passing the bans

don't currently have abortion clinics,

Katherine Pitcher of Texas Right to Life

says it's about beingprepared for the future.

- Even though abortionsmay not be happening

in these towns which havealready passed the ordinance,

they are still lookingtowards a nation and a state

that is post-Roe versus Wade.

So once Roe versus Wade is overturned,

the most likely thingthat's going to happen

is the Supreme Court isgoing to send the question

back to the states,

which is where the questionwas before Roe versus Wade.

There were states who had abortion legal

and states who didn't.

And so once that happens, wewant Texas to be prepared.

- [Caitlin] If Roe overturned,

these bans would then be enforceable.

The ordinance being pitchedto town councils across Texas

declares abortion murderand bans the procedure

within city limits.

It does not penalize womenwho seek or undergo abortions.

- So the criminalprovisions of the ordinance,

the reason that's agood deterrent currently

for an abortion providermoving into city limits

is the ordinance goesinto effect immediately,

and so what the city is saying is,

"Past this date, we are going to,

"we have the intent in the future

"to go back and prosecute criminally

"every abortion which has occurred

"since the ordinance passed."

- We've been silent too long,

and if we, under municipal law,

can do what we're doing, let's do it.

If at anything, you'rejust making a statement,

making a stand, and if we can't do that,

why are we in the battlein the first place?

- As town councils across Texas consider

the Sanctuary City forthe Unborn ordinance,

pro-life activists hope the local support

will get the attention of the state.

- So what we saw in thislast legislative session

is that any effective changefor the pro-life cause

is going to come from the citizens.

Our elected officialsrespond most to citizens

using their voices.

- [Caitlin] There havebeen no legal challenges

to the bans yet, butthere has been pushback.

Over the summer, the Austin City Council

approved $150,000 to cover costsfor women seeking abortions

who live at least 100 milesfrom an abortion facility.

And pro-choice groups,NARAL and the Lilith Fund,

recently placed a large billboard

outside of the first cityto pass the abortion ban.

It reads, "Abortion is freedom."

Still, one by one, morecities are getting on board,

enthusiastic to make astand for the unborn.

- We talk about giving human rights

to Happy the Elephant.

That's an article in New York.

"Orangutan with Human Rightsto Begin New Life in Florida."

What does that say about the unborn child,

when we're gonna give animals more rights

than that unborn child?

I personally cannot be a part of that

without standing up and saying something.

- [Caitlin] Caitlin Burke,CBN News, Gilmer, Texas.

- The local government code, and.

- You know, Roe versusWade was a put-up job

by the ACLU and others,

and it was called Blackmun's abortion

because Justice Blackmunwrote the decision.

And it was based on theGriswold versus Connecticut case

which declared a right to privacy,

and the right to privacywas found in an emanation

of the, what, the 14th Amendment, I think.

And the Justice Douglaswanted to make sure

people in Connecticut could get condoms.

They had a law prohibitingthe sale of condoms,

and so he said, "Well,there's an emanation."

It's like the emanationout of a solar eclipse,

and that emanation is somethingthat we need to determine,

grants a right of privacy.

There's nothing in the Constitutionthat says such a thing,

but nevertheless, Griswold was decided.

And then Griswold became the linchpin

for the Roe versus Wade thing,

and so it's, quote, settled law.

Well, it was a phonydecision to begin with.

The lady who was the plaintiffhas recanted the fact.

She says, "I didn't wanna do it."

It was a phony case,

and as I said when Roeversus Wade was decided

that they have taken what is considered

the police power of the state,and they federalized it.

They took its state power,

under the Constitution,the states have the right

to determine about abortionand all the rest of it.

But this federalized something,

and it's been a causeof dissent ever since

because it was taken over by the courts

and was never debated by the states.

Now, if Roe versus Wade is overturned,

it means it'll go back to the states.

It doesn't mean that abortionwill be legal or illegal.

It'll mean that the statesthemself can decide.

So these towns in Texas aregetting ahead of the curve,

and they think, and I reallybelieve the time has come

for a case to come up

that will cause theoverturn of Roe versus Wade.

It was a terribledecision based on bad law,

and all this emanationstuff is just nonsense.

But it was a Yale professorwho was on the court

who decided that his buddies

should be able to buy condoms.

I mean, that's whereit came from, honestly.

- I had no idea, I had no idea, wow.

- Well, the Griswold versusConnecticut, that was,

and they talked aboutemanations and penumbras,

a penumbra, did you ever hear, a penumbra?

- Mm-hmm.- Well, I mean,

there ain't no penumbras.

There's nothing in theConstitution about any penumbras.

But they found penumbras and emanations,

and out of the penumbras and emanations,

we've killed about 50 to 60 million

unborn babies in America.

So if it goes back to the states,

it's where it should have beenbefore it was federalized,

that's what'll happen,

and so those Texas guys aregetting ahead of the curve.

All right, is it, that little lesson,

will that help anybody?

- Yeah, I mean, it's justamazing, to get the backstory is--

- A penumbra and an emanation,

a penumbra and an emanation brings you

(Wendy laughing)60 million unborn babies.

All right, Wendy, you got the next one.

- Still ahead, meet a self-confessed

world class party animal

and the manager of a pro skateboard team.

How in the world did he wind up

in the Garden of Gethsemane,

and what happened tohim once he got there?

But first, years on anemotional roller coaster

that dropped straight to his stomach.

One man who suffered searing pain

is now eating hot and spicy chili jam,

so what gives, find out after this.

(dramatic music)

(jazzy Christmas music)

Well, searing stomach pain,

even after eating the blandest of foods,

Greg Clark lived with it every single day.

At night, it robbed him of sleep.

Then one day, Greg took a leap of faith

and downed a spoonfulof straight horseradish.

What happened next,nothing short of a miracle.

- [Reporter] Greg Clark had always dreamed

of owning and operating his ownbeachfront motel in Florida.

But after 15 years of unrelenting work,

Greg's dream started tofeel more like a nightmare.

- The revenue was going down,the overhead was going up.

I had never really experienced

such stress levels in my life.

- [Reporter] The stressdamaged Greg's health, too.

He suffered with dailysearing stomach pain.

- It was not too sharp to begin with,

but then it really got severe.

Some of the foods that I did avoid

was definitely spicy foods.

- [Reporter] Greg wasself-employed with no insurance

and never saw a doctor for the pain.

- We did not have the ability financially

to even go down that road.

- [Reporter] Instead, he managed the pain

with over-the-counter antacids.

- I started eating copiousamounts of Pepto-Bismol and Tums.

It was quite an ordeal.

- [Reporter] Greg's wife,Sharon, says the burning pain

ruined Greg's sleep for years.

- He would get up inthe middle of the night,

I knew that his stomach was upset.

He would get out ofbed, he would come back.

It was sometimes more than once a night,

a couple of times a night, he would be up.

- Every morning, I would wake up,

but I was not rested.

- [Reporter] But with a motel to run

and a grueling daily schedule,

he never caught up on sleep.

- If something had to bedone and it had to be done,

regardless of how I felt,I would get up and do it.

During the course of a day,

there was a lot of repair work to be done

(saw buzzing)

'cause it was an older motel,

and my day seemed to get(laughing) longer and longer

because I was fatigued.

- [Reporter] For years,Greg felt like his prayers

about his pain went unanswered.

- And I prayed how I couldbe delivered from this pain

as well as my emotions.

That was really somewhat out of control.

- [Reporter] One day, Greg,

a regular viewer of "The 700 Club,"

was watching the show.

- They had reached thetime in their program

that Pat and Terry were gonna pray.

- Someone else with stomach issues,

you're having such aproblem with digestion,

various foods that you're--

- Yes, Lord.- just simply not able

to eat anymore, butright this moment, today,

God is touching and healing you.

You've had this for a while,

but you're gonna find youcan eat anything you want.

- Thank you.- You'll not have the problem

- Thank you, Lord.- again in Jesus's name.

- And when she said that, I believed it.

I just got up, went to the refrigerator,

and took a small spoon of horseradish.

And I said, this is the test.

- [Reporter] For the next several days,

Greg took a leap of faithand tested the spicy foods

that would normally cause him pain.

- And I'm not saying anything to anybody.

I just know that I have no discomfort,

I am sleeping through the night,

I am taking no Pepto-Bismol,

and I just said, I'm healed, I'm healed.

- [Reporter] After thesale of the beach motel

back in 2014, Greg retired.

Now that he's pain free,he says he has the energy,

time, and restored healthto fully enjoy life.

- Greg can eat anything he wants,

spicy, whatever he feelslike, it's awesome.

- Today, I feel the best I have ever felt

in my entire life health-wise.

I thank the Lord tremendously

for what he has done for me my whole life,

but especially becauseof this stomach healing,

and I feel like a brand new man.

- And he is a brand new man

because God sent his word and healed him,

and he wants to do that for you today

if you're watching,

and you need a healingtouch, well, get ready.

God is going to bless you.

And we've got some prayerrequests that have come in

on our ornaments, Pat.

- Yep, yeah.- So here's one,

"that I live an uncompromisedChristian dating life."

That's a great prayer.

"To be free of my wheelchairand walk again," amen.

- Yeah.- And a five-year-old

to be healed of a tumor.

We'll definitely pray for those.

- Well, here's some that I can, again,

these little ornaments we've given to you,

you can pop these out,send them back to us,

beautiful pictures,

and then you have ornaments for your tree.

So it's something thatwe wanted you to have.

Peace, safety for Israel.

Somebody's got, they needfinances to repair their home.

Somebody has got skincancer and needs healing.

So we're going to pray for you, why not--

- Yeah.- Why not today be the day

that you receive your healing?

Why not, let's move into that right now.

God is totally able,

that man with that stomach disorder,

one word, and he was set free.

Just all God's gotta do is speak the word,

speak the word, and myservant will be healed.

Just speak the word.

We're gonna join hands,we're gonna believe God.

Father,- Thank you.

- I join with Wendy right now.

Let the anointing of theHoly Spirit come upon you.

Somebody, it's not skin cancer,it's psoriasis right now.

When they, whoever, receivea healing right now.

That psoriasis is going,your skin will be clear

as a baby's, in Jesus's name, Wendy?

- There's someone else,

you also are havingproblems with your stomach,

and it actually might be your intestines,

and just lay your hand onyour stomach right now.

You're gonna feel the healingpower of God go through you,

and that pain is leaving, in Jesus's name,

thank you, Lord.

- Oh, there's a lady, Linda, maybe,

who's got a lump in your right breast,

and you've been concerned it's cancerous.

It's not cancer,

but God's gonna takethat lump away right now

so you won't have to worry about it.

Just touch that area inthe name of Jesus, touch,

thank you, Lord.

- There's someone right now,

you've got your hand on your knee.

You've had knee painfor many, many months,

and God is touching you, this is your day.

You are gonna be healed

and you are gonna be able towalk normally, in Jesus' name.

- May the Lord grant youthe desire of your heart.

The desire of your heart,whatever you desire,

may the Lord grant youthe desire of your heart

in Jesus's name, receive an answer.

- Yes.- Amen.

- Amen.- And amen, yes, ma'am.

- All right, well still ahead,

we've got your questions andsome honest answers from Pat.

Paul says, "Why is living together sin?

"Didn't King David andothers have concubines?"

How will Pat respond to that question?

Stay tuned to find out,

plus, he rolled withsome of the biggest names

in the music biz.

Now, Ryan Ries hangs with The Whosoevers.

Who are they, find out, coming up.

(upbeat music)

(dramatic music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN news break.

A new study out of the Cincinnati

Children's Hospital Medical Center

revealed that young kids aregetting too much screen time,

and it's having negative impacts.

The American Academy ofPediatrics created guidelines

for parents to reference.

Their recommendations include

avoiding screen media completely

for children under 18 months old,

restricting use to one hour a day

for children ages two to five,

and placing consistent limitson time and types of media

used for children above six years old.

Well, First Lady Melania Trump

teamed up with the U.S. Marine Corps

to give back this holiday season.

The First Lady handed out toys to children

and bags bearing the slogan

of her signature childwelfare initiative, Be Best,

as part of this year'sToys for Tots campaign.

The annual tradition involves

collecting and distributingtoys to less fortunate children.

Mrs. Trump greeted visitors,made brief remarks,

and sat with the children asthey made Christmas cards.

Well, you can always getthe latest from CBN News

by going to our website at

Pat and Wendy will be backwith more on "The 700 Club"

right after this.

(dramatic music)

(upbeat music)

- Ryan Ries worked hard as the manager

of a professional skateboard team,

and he partied even harder.

For 10 years, he traveled theworld, living the high life

until he made an unexpectedtrip that almost took him out.

(logo whooshing)

- [Reporter] From world-classpartier to a man on a mission,

Ryan Ries was living for himself

until he almost died.

- One of our team writers found me,

and I wasn't responding.

They thought I was, like, dead,

like I was on my way out to die.

My heart was gonna stop.

- [Reporter] As co-founderof The Whosoevers,

Ryan and his team focuson reaching students

overwhelmed by brokenhomes, depression, anxiety,

self-harm, and suicide,empowering them with hope

and helping them find theirtrue purpose in Christ.

- Please welcome to the show Ryan Ries,

Ryan, it's great to see you.

- Thanks for having me on the show.

- You obviously ran witha pretty wild crowd.

How did you first get into the rave scene?

- Yeah, when the rave movementfirst started in Hollywood

in the early '90s, my friend just decided

to take me out to one ofthose underground parties.

I went, it was so unique and so different

than anything that was out of that time,

and I just dove right in and experienced

that crazy birth of the rave movement

in Los Angeles (laughs).

- Well, at the height of your career,

you were the manager ofa pro-skateboard team.

- Yeah.

- What was life like at that point?

- Yeah, it was interestingbecause I was managing

the number one skateboardteam in the world,

and I was also doinglarge-scale music festivals.

So I'd be on tours with bands,

getting 'em to wear our products.

We were working with the biggest rock

and hip hop bands on the planet

as well as touring with thenumber one skateboard team.

So it was, I mean (laughing),

you have everything you ever wanted.

- Right.- You're skating the most

exclusive spots, surfingspots, seeing the whole world,

traveling nine months out of the year.

But I was trying to numb this pain

from a bad relationship when I was young.

I went through a divorce.

I got my wife pregnant three times,

she aborted the kids,

and I was trying to feel this empty void

with drugs and alcohol to numb the pain,

relationships and careers.

So one side, I was living my dream,

but I was like the walking dead,

I was a dead man walking,I was empty, and, yeah.

- Well, what happenedto you in Panama City?

- Well, basically what happened is

in the last skateboard tour,

I was on my, did nine days ofcocaine, Xanax, and alcohol.

- [Wendy] Nine days of cocaine?

- And alcohol and Xanax.- Okay.

- And I OD'd for thethird time in my life.

- Wow.- And I'd already lost

16 to 17 friends to suicide anddrug overdose at this point,

famous musicians, famous artists.

- [Wendy] Right.

- Professional skateboarders.

And I just really didn'tcare if I lived or if I died.

I remember the enemy Satan

would give me thoughts ofme OD-ing in a hotel room,

so I thought my destiny was that.

- Wow.- And that happened.

I came out of it the next day.

My parents prayed for me 'cause they heard

that that happened tome from a skateboard--

- [Wendy] Your parents are Christians?

- My parents are Christians.

My dad's actually apastor of Calvary Chapel

in Diamond Bar in Los Angeles.

He was one of the guys that came out

of the Jesus People Movementin Chuck Smith's church,

so he's there, but--

- But you're not at this point.

You're not there yet.

- No, I wanted nothingto do with Christianity.

I didn't want nothing to do with ministry,

I didn't want nothing todo with anything with God.

I wanted the lust of theeye, the pride of life,

the lust of the flesh, Iwanted the things of the world.

- And you actually thoughtyou would go out in a blaze

and OD and that would be it.

- Yeah, I was totally deceived in that,

and that's exactly what happened.

My parents heard about thisencounter, they prayed.

By God's grace, I came out of it,

and I took a plane home,

and I remember I actuallystole the Bible from a hotel,

it's called the Gideon Bible.

(Wendy laughing)Stole the Bible.

- You know that's oneof the Ten Commandments,

thou shalt not steal, right?- I know.

(Wendy laughing)But you know what,

stealing that Bible was thebest decision of my life.

- Wow.- Not only does it get me

free Bibles now, but(Wendy laughing)

it changed my life 'causethe Bible's the DNA

of Jesus Christ,

- Yeah.- and it started

transforming my life.

I remember landing and I felt peace

for the first time in my life.

In the airplane, in LosAngeles, I went home,

I woke up the next morning,

and I heard this small,still voice singing

"This is the day the Lord has made.

"I will rejoice and be glad in it."

I've heard that song sinceI was in Sunday school

when I was, like, in first grade.

- [Wendy] I love that song.

- And that shows that, inPsalms it says that, you know,

the word of God never comes back void.

Boom, I knew God was real.

- Well, Ryan, how in theworld did you wind up

in the Garden of Gethsemane,

and what happened to you there?

- I was, like, God, what areyou gonna do with my life?

I do music festivals, I work with bands,

I manage a skateboard team.

Where do I fit into this whole God plan?

- Yeah.- And I was in the Garden

of Gethsemane, I went outthere with the lead singer

of P.O.D., my homie,

and I was just in the Garden, I said,

God, I don't want my life anymore.

I want your will to be done.

Not my will, thy will be done."

And I prayed and I said,God, if you will use my life

in any capacity, then I'll follow you.

You just open the doors.

If you want me to tell my story,

then please contact me,

have someone contact me.

And in Israel the next day,

I got a phone call froma pastor from Las Vegas

that heard that I was saved, and he says,

"I want you to come shareyour testimony at my church."

And literally, I was like,God, I was just joking.

I don't wanna be on the stage.

I build stages for people to perform.

I don't wanna, like, go up and speak.

- Right (laughing).

- And I just stepped out bythe simple step of faith,

like Peter stepping out of the boat.

He didn't know that he'dbe living the impossible,

walking on water, unlesshe stepped out by faith.

And yet the other disciples,the 12, or the 11,

were scared to do anything.

- And you were in Israelfor a gig, for a show?

- I was there just to tour the Holy Land

- Oh, you were on a tour.- to see what's up with Jesus.

- (laughing) Okay.

- And I ended up going anddoing that speaking engagement,

and that was the birth ofThe Whosoevers Movement

without having any name.

- Right, so how long is that?

You co-founded The Whosoevers movement.

What is it, and who are The Whosoevers?

- We co-founded it 11 years ago

with the lead singer of the band P.O.D.

When we were in Israel,

he says "I have this idea, aname called The Whosoevers.

"I see it like a worldwide movement."

Now, what I do is I helpbuild brands and, you know,

all that backend stuff.

So I got the name, we put it together,

and we started touringtowns and had testimonies

after that speaking engagement in Vegas,

which was done with theguitar player from Koryn,

lead singer from P.O.D.,Lacey from Flyleaf

lead singer, and myself.

And that birthed the movement.

From there, we starteddoing music festivals.

We started touring all over the world.

I do a radio show at L.A.

It's like 110 stationsfrom L.A. to New York City,

a live talk show thatpeople could call in,

and now what we're doing

is we're touring the public school system,

middle schools and highschools around the world.

- You could probablyrelate, then, to Kanye West

and his transformation andwhat he's going through.

- Yeah, interestingly enough,I talked to my friend, and he,

'til the other day, hewas the one that actually

is the guy that pointedhim to go to church

and connect him with his pastor at church.

- Yeah.- out in L.A.

And yeah, we gotta pray for Kanye

because Hollywood andall that's a crazy place,

and there's a lot of yes men.

He needs to get someone that's legit

that can disciple him

and help him produce fruit in his life.

But it's authentic, and it's amazing.

- Well, Ryan, today you aremarried, you've got kids.

And there's a whole other story.

I wish we had more timeto talk about that,

but God bless you.

Things are going great for you.

There's your beautiful familyand your wife right there.

- Well, actually, Ihave triplet daughters.

- What?- Yeah, because

what got aborted, Godended up giving me back

the two identical twins and a fraternal.

- Oh, my goodness.- And that's exactly

what I lost in my previous marriage.

So that's all God's grace,

and I have a boy that's now two years old.

- A modern-day Job.

- Two months old.

- A modern-day Job.

The last chapter.- Oh, yeah?

- (laughing) Thank you so much.

- Thank you.- What an inspiring story.

Well, coming up,

informative, entertaining,and always unpredictable,

Your Questions, Honest Answers.

Olivia asks, "How do youcontinue to love someone

"when they treat you horribly?"

Pat tells it like it is

(logo whooshing)right after this.

(dramatic music)

- First, the bed, then the kitchen,

then the whole house was flooded.

Nine-year-old Davidthought he was going to die

when 12 months worth ofrain fell in just six hours.

Take a look.

(sobering music)

- [Narrator] When we arrived

at Sinaloa Mexico just after the flood,

people showed us what happened

when 12 months' worth of rain

fell in just six hours.

(water rushing)

(children shrieking in foreign language)

CBN's Operation Blessing wasone of the first on the scene,

unloading and providingemergency supplies,

water, and hot meals.(people chattering)

That's where we met nine-year-old David.

(children chattering)He lives with his mom,

a single parent.

The night of the flood, he toldus he thought he would die.

- My bed was suddenly covered by water.

Then the kitchen,

then the whole housewas flooded, everything.

- [Narrator] So in addition to providing

food and water for the kids,

we also showed themepisodes of "Superbook."

During that first episode,

David learned how another kid named David

faced a giant and won.

He prayed to receiveJesus as savior that day.

- I felt happy because I talk with Jesus.

And I ask him to protect us.

- [Narrator] The next day,David set his needs aside

and helped OperationBlessing to deliver supplies

to those cleaning up after the disaster.

Then we brought Davidand his mom a surprise,

a new mattress to replacethe one ruined in the flood.

(people chattering)

- I was so happy when I sawyou bring the new mattress.

(child shouting in foreign language)

Thanks for helping us (laughing).

- Isn't it marvelous thatyou can help somebody?

And you say, "Well, I can't go to Mexico."

No, "I can't go to India,I can't go to China.

"I can't go to Africa, I can'tgo down to Latin America."

But we can, CBN and Operation Blessing

operate all over the world,and we help thousands.

As a matter of fact, Operation Blessing,

if you can believe it,

ministers to about 300million people a year

with food and clothing and medicine

and all the other things they need.

You know, that's whatthe Lord wants us to do.

If we will serve him,

the best way we can serve him

is by looking after his people.

So what I'd like you to do

as this end of this year comes around,

say, "Look, I know thebirth of Jesus is coming up,

"and I'm gonna give a lot ofpresents to a lot of people.

"But how about giving the best gift

"to the one whose birthdayis being celebrated?"

Give it to Jesus.

And I'd like you to considerjoining "The 700 Club."

It's just 65 cents a day.

We're not talking about big dollars.

We're talking about $20 a month.

But $20 a month times 12, that's $240.

And if a billion people do that,

that's a lot of money.

See, if 100,000 do it,it's a lot of money.

We can help a lot of people.

And for those of youwho join "The 700 Club,"

I wanna give you something.

It's called "The Transforming Word."

Now, these are the tremendous verses,

my lifetime prayer requests that I said,

God, I want wisdom, I wantfavor, and I want anointing.

That's what I wanted.

I want wisdom, I wantfavor, and I want anointing.

And God's granted that request.

He's still doing it becauseit's a lifetime prayer request.

These are proverbs, verses ofwisdom, favor, and anointing.

We'll send this to you as our gift

when you join "The 700 Club."

So pick up the phone, callin 1-800-700-7000, Wendy.

- I have Barbara from Opelousas,

I'm not I'm saying that right, Louisiana.

Anyway, she says, "I've reallybeen uplifted by the CD.

"I am getting strongerin faith and courage

"and learning to dealwith problems and finances

"as I get closer to Almighty God."

Thank you, Barbara fromOpelousas, Louisiana.

- Okay, well that's a good praise,

down in the bayou (laughing).

- Yes, well, let's startwith some emails from--

- [Pat] All right, let's do it.

- Paul's got this question.

"Why is living together sin?

"Didn't King David andothers have concubines?"

(logo whooshing)- Let me tell you something.

You might not believe it,but you're not a king,

and kings had harems in those days,

and we don't have harems today.

You probably couldn't takecare of 'em if you had 'em.

- [Wendy] Yeah (laughing).

- You know, I mean, you really couldn't.

I mean, one wife's enough,for heaven's sakes.

You're gonna have three orfour or a thousand of 'em, no.

But look, the Bibletalks about sin, it says,

"Whoever joins yourbody to another person,

"You become one flesh with 'em."

You join your body to a prostitute,

you become one flesh with her.

And the Bible says fornication,

sex outside of marriageis considered fornication,

and that is considered a sin.

There are a lot of othersins that, you know,

on a scale of one to 10

that probably are a whole lot worse,

like being resentful andslander and things like that,

but nevertheless, yousay, "Why is it a sin?"

Well, 'cause the Biblesays it is (laughing),

and God wants to bring up children.

He wants to have Godly offspring,

and he's ordained family,a husband and a wife

in love with one anotherwho'll bring forth children

and bring up Godly offspring.

That's what God wants.

He doesn't want you wasting your substance

on something else, all right, all right.

- Amen, Olivia says, "Hi, Pat.

"I have a rough family life

"because of my brother's mental health.

"It's hard for me to loveand forgive him all the time

"because he continuesto do the same things.

"How do you continue to love someone

"when they treat you horribly?"

- Oh, real simple on that one.

You say, "Look, he's got a sickness."

It's like he's got a broken leg.

And if my brother had a broken leg,

and he's hobbling around on crutches,

you wouldn't say, "How canI love somebody like that?"

You just do it.

The same thing with a mental problem.

If they have a mental sickness,

just ignore some of theawful things they say

because they're sick, and pray for them.

That's what you wanna do, all right?

- All right, Michael says,James, in James 5:16, it says:

"Therefore, confessyour sins to each other

"and pray for each otherso that you may be healed."

I don't understand the rationale

after having confessed our sins to God

to then also confess themto one another to be healed.

Only God can forgive sins.

- Oh, you're exactly right.

Speaking of, with between you and God,

God is the one who forgives sin.

You remember Jesus and"Why do you call me good,

"only God's good?"

You know, but look, the wholeidea of accountability groups

is a good thing.

I think the whole ideaof unburdening yourself

to somebody you can trust is a good thing.

I think Alcoholics Anonymous has got it.

If you have a problem with alcoholism,

you need somebody who'swalked that path with you,

and you need to pair up with 'em,

and he needs to understandwhat you're going through

because he can tell youwhat he's been though.

So that kind of thing is a good thing,

but the idea of having, you know,

a whole group, you know (laughing),

a lot of people just don't wanna reveal

some of their innermost secrets,

and that's okay, youdon't have to, all right?

- All right, this viewer says,

"Hi, Pat, recently, Iwas at my friend's house,

"and she and I were talking about God.

"My friend said, 'Howcan we be happy in heaven

"'when our loved ones are in hell?

"'How can be truly be happyif someone we love is in hell

"'while we are in heaven?'"

- That's a speculative question

that will leave when you get to heaven

because in heaven, you'll bein the presence of the Lord.

There'll be such glory, there'llbe no sorrow, no sickness,

no regret whatsoever.

The former things have gone away,

all things have become new.

You'll be in the presence of God Almighty,

and his love will so fill you(uplifting music)

that you won't beworried about this other.

Well, we leave you with this Power Minute

from the book of Isaiah.

"When the enemy comes in like a flood,

"the Spirit of the Lord will lift up

"a standard against him."

Well, tomorrow, we're gonnatalk about holiday weight gain.

Laurie Johnson has the way to eat healthy

and still enjoy Christmas.

So from Wendy and all ofus, this is Pat Robertson.

Thank you for being with us.

We'll see you tomorrow, bye bye.

(inspiring music)



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