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Severe Bleeding Relieved With a Prayer

Mary Ellen’s pain was caused by a cyst and bleeding in her abdomen. Then she heard a prayer on The 700 Club, and her pain was suddenly lifted. Read Transcript

- I'm Mary Ellen, and Thanksgiving 2018,

I started having severe abdominal cramps,

specifically on my left side.

It progressively gotworse through the night.

I went to bed, and Ijust laid in bed thinking

what is wrong with me?

I had bleeding and sharppain in my left side.

I tossed and turned all night.

So I went to the doctor the next day,

and he sent me down for an ultrasound

and said it was mostlikely a cyst on my ovary.

He sent me home and said, "We'llhave the results next week,

"but just try to put a heatingpad on it and take Advil,"

and I went home.

That same day, I'm laying on the couch.

I have a heating pad on my abdomen.

I'm praying to God to pleasemake this pain go away,

and I happened upon "The 700 Club,"

and Terry came on with a word of knowledge

that there was a womanwith severe bleeding

and abdominal pain, and I was thinking

that sounds like me.

Maybe that's for me.

- Your hand on your abdomen.

- And then I thought to myself wow,

if they ever said left ovary,then I know that was me.

- Some woman, you've got anextreme pain in your left ovary,

and God has healed that.

He's able to take away the cyst.

He's able to take awayall the issues with it,

and He's able to completelyheal, completely restore.

- And I just gasped at that.

I said that is for me.

I can't believe he just said that.

That is for me.

I had took the heating pad off,

and I said I don't feel it.

That pain is gone.

Thank you, thank you Jesus.

Thank you for taking that away.

The results for my testwhich I had done on Friday,

the day after Thanksgiving,

showed I had a three-centimetercyst on my left ovary,

so when I went to my follow-up visit,

the doctor did anotherultrasound and called me

and left a message on myphone saying Mary Ellen,

that cyst has been resolved.

- [Doctor] The ultrasound was normal,

so that cyst is resolved.

- But I already knew that.

If it happened for me,it happened for anybody.

All you gotta do is ask.

I think that's the key isyou gotta ask to receive,

and boy, I was askingthat day, and I really,

God heard me and sent me thatspecific message just for me.

(uplifting piano music)

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