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"I had a Brain Bleed but Jesus Healed Me!”

Hear from five-year-old Kaylee how Jesus answered the prayers of loved ones and healed her of a dangerous brain bleed. Read Transcript

- She's laying there, she's unresponsive

and you feel this total aloneness.

And I kept praying,"God, just give me peace.

Just give me peace and just be with her."

And I would hold her handand just kind of rub her arm

because I didn't know what else to do.

- [Narrator] MichelleTurley's daughter, Kayleigh,

was a healthy, activefive-year-old full of life

and excited to start kindergarten.

Then one night in 2019 shecomplained of a severe headache,

vomited and passed out.

- I just knew with the mother instinct

that something was wrong andsomething was, not just a virus

or something along that nature

but I didn't know for sure what it was.

- [Narrator] They rushedher to the hospital

and soon found out Kayleighhad an AVM, a tangled cluster

of blood vessels that rupturedresulting in a brain bleed

that could cause paralysis or worse.

- I knew brain bleeds could end lives.

And I didn't wanna lose my baby.

And I remember just sayingover and over again,

"God, please.

Please, please God, please heal my baby.

Don't take my baby."

I called mom and I said,"Call brother Robbie,

call the church, get prayers going."

- The family had alreadybeen much in prayer

and we had prayed, but wegathered again and prayed

'cause we realized atthat moment she really

needed a miracle.

- [Narrator] Her brother,Caisson, remembers the uncertainty

of the moment.

- I was scared of what's gonnahappen because it was one

of the few times I'd seendad almost, dad in tears.

Like, I knew it was not good.

- [Narrator] Kayleigh'scondition was so severe

she was airlifted toArkansas Children's Hospital.

Dr. Gregory Albert was her neurologist.

- Being in the left temporallobe it was pushing on the part

of her brain that would allow her to speak

and to understand speechas well as causing pressure

on the parts of her brainthat allow her to move

the right side of her body.

About 25% of people whohave bleeding from their AVM

end up either dying or having a permanent,

serious neurological problem.

- It was, it's justsomething you can't forget.

It, it hurt.

You feel helpless.

There's nothing you can do.

Just see her like it.

- By the time that theyairlifted her there were people

across multiple statesthat were crying out to God

for Kayleigh, by that point.

- [Narrator] Their prayerswere being answered quickly.

By the time the LifeFlightarrived in Little Rock

the bleeding had stopped.

Still, she lay unresponsive.

- When she was in theICU room I kept thinking,

"How many times have I justwanted Kayleigh to just hush?"

'Cause she is a motormouth, she likes to talk.

And I kept thinking, "How many times

have I told her to hush?"

And I'd give you anything rightnow just to hear her talk.

- [Narrator] The Turley'swaited and prayed as Kayleigh

lay unconscious for days.

And then, a moment of hope.

- We had started seeing some motion in her

that we hadn't been seeing.

She finally looked at meand said, "Mom, I'm hungry."

It was mumbled but to hear hersay that, that meant so much.

And one other thing rightbefore they took her back

for her angiogram, Ilooked at her and said,

"Baby, I love you to the moon and back."

And she said, "I love you the most.

I said it first."

And that's kind of ourlittle saying that we have,

and to hear her say thatit immediately let me know

that it's gonna be okay.

It was such wonderfulwords to hear her say

that after two days now of nothing.

And her to say that it's likeGod's here and God's healing.

It is gonna be okay.

- [Narrator] Over the next few days

Kayleigh's condition improved remarkably.

- I really expected that shewould need to spend some time

on inpatient rehabilitationregaining her strength

and her speech functions,

but those all came back very quickly

and she was able to go straight home

about five days aftershe first arrived to us.

- [Narrator] Still doctorssaid Kayleigh would need

brain surgery to remove the AVM.

Three months later, shereturned to the hospital

for a pre-op MRI.

Her mom prayed for another miracle.

- I felt all alone and Iwent to the waiting room

and I was sitting there andjust prayed, just kept praying

and just kept praying.

I looked up and the doctorand his assistant was coming

down the hallway witha smile on their face

and they gave me this right here.

And I thought, "Yay, it's good news."

And he said, "We got inthere and there was nothing."

He said, "I don't knowif the body absorbed it,

I don't know what happened,"he said, "but something."

And I said, "I can tell you what happened.

God healed her.

She is healed."

- It was surprising to me thatthe AVM was no longer visible

at three months, that Icould not see it on the MRI,

I've not had that happen before.

And it was definitely asurprise, but a happy surprise.

- I told the doctor that Jesus healed me

and I didn't have to have surgery.

- [Narrator] Kayleigh was healed.

Her family remains thankfulfor the care they received

from the hospital staff andthe miracle they received

from the Lord.

- My entire life I've seen Goddo miracles as heal Kayleigh,

heal somebody that there was no way

anything else could have healed they.

- We know that God works miracles.

And in our local church we are convinced

that when we call, God answers.

- Words can't expressthe feeling it is to know

that people across theUnited States was praying.

Thanks is not enoughfor all of these people.

I would love just to be ableto send everybody something

to show the gratitude andappreciation for their prayers.

And I just, every night thank God

just for one more day with my family.

- Hi everyone, I'm gladthat y'all prayed for me

and praise the Lord.

I had a brain bleed but Jesus healed me.

(gentle music)

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