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The 700 Club - December 4, 2019

A terrible accident on December 23rd threatens to ruin Christmas with a funeral. Watch a holiday miracle unfold on today’s 700 Club. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Narrator] Coming up.

- He said well, you needto get to the hospital.

- [Narrator] A terrible accident.

- She's been hit by a car andshe's in really bad shape.

- [Narrator] Two days before Christmas.

- They're gonna tellme she didn't make it.

- [Narrator] What broughther back from the brink.

- There's a glimmer of hope.

- [Narrator] Watch aholiday miracle unfold.

- All I care about, she's making it.

- On today's 700 Club.

- Well, welcome to the 700 Club.

No holding back.

The democrats move forwardtoday with hearings

to determine whether to impeach

or not to impeach President Trump.

The President fired back against the sham.

What's in the 300-pagereport released yesterday?

Who does it implicateand when will it all end?

Caitlin Burke has the latest.

- The House Judiciary Committee begins

its hearings today todecide if the charges

in the intelligence committee's report

rise to the level of impeachment.

Legal and constitutional experts

are set to take the stand to discuss

the constitutionalgrounds for impeachment.

- This is the result ofa President who believes

that he is beyond indictment,beyond impeachment,

beyond any form of accountability

and indeed above the law.

- [Caitlin] On Tuesday, theHouse Intelligence Committee

voted along party lines torelease the 300-page report

on its investigationinto alleged misconduct

by President Trump in regard to Ukraine.

The report accuses thePresident of putting

his personal political interests

above national interests

and obstructing justice by forbidding

White House aides to testify.

- This is not about Ukraine.

This is about our democracy.

This is about our national security.

- [Caitlin] The President responded

from the NATO summit in London.

- I think Adam Schiff isa deranged human being.

I think he grew up with a complex for lots

of reasons that are obvious.

I think he's a very sick man.

- [Caitlin] Vice-President Mike Pence,

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

and acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney

are also implicated in the report,

accused of being complicitin the president's push

to withhold military aid from Ukraine

for political purposes.

In a press conference virtually ignored

by the media, Republicansreleased a report

of their own, pointing outthe the impeachment inquiry

didn't meet Speaker Pelosi's criteria

of compelling, overwhelmingand bipartisan.

- They're having one bigproblem and the big problem is

the President did nothing wrong

and they can't prove it.

- It's now up to theHouse Judiciary Committee

to explain whether and how Trump's conduct

constitutes ground for impeachment

and to officially draft the articles.

The full house is expected to vote

on the Articles ofImpeachment before Christmas.

If approved, there wouldthen be a senate trial.

President Trump said he's willing to let

his closest advisorstestify in a senate trial,

where he says the process will be fair,

unlike what he calls thesham process in the house.

Trump's approval ratingshave stayed pretty locked in

and voters' opinions haven't changed

since the start of the hearings.

47% support removing Trump

while 42% are opposed.

Caitlin Burke, CBN News.

- It's amazing thatNadler, who is heading up

the Judiciary Committee said the reason

he should be chair is becausehe favors impeachment.

I mean whoever heard bring the guilty man

and give him a fairtrial and then hang him.

I mean that's the idea.

And it's just amazingwhat we're looking at here

because the processeshave just not been fair.

And as the Republicans pointed out,

the house is doing nothingabout infrastructure,

the house is doing nothingabout military spending,

they're doing nothingabout balancing the budget,

they're doing nothing about helping NATO.

They're nothing about foreignpolicy, absolutely nothing.

And the one bill is on the speaker's desk

that she could get a vote on immediately,

having to deal with thevery important agreement now

to bring Mexico and Canadaand the United States

together on a new trade deal

and those people are doing nothing.

And so they're gonna have to go before

the voters and they said what did you do?

Well, we did nothing.

And, you know,

Representative Scalise made a point,

what are they doing and whatan insane thing is going on.

Well, the impeachment inquiry started

when President Trump wasinvestigating corruption

in the Ukraine.

Now the burning question is who is the

Ukrainian executivewho hired Hunter Biden?

John Jessup has the stunning answer.

- Well, Pat in 2014, Hunter Biden

with no experience in the power industry

landed a very lucrative position

with the Ukrainian energy firm.

Now the Ukrainianbillionaire who hired him

is under investigationand reportedly in hiding.

Dale Hurd has the story.

- Mykola Zlochevsky was once of the most

powerful men in Ukraine.

That was before he fled the country

amidst several allegations of corruption.

And he's linked to the son of

former Vice-PresidentJoe Biden, Hunter Biden.

Zlochevsky hired Bidenas director and head

of the legal departmentat Burisma Holdings,

Urkraine's largest oil and gas producer

and paid him $50,000 amonth despite the fact

that Biden had little to no experience

in the energy sector or Ukrainian law.

But Biden was the face of Burisma

in this company promotional video.

- You didn't have any extensive knowledge

about natural gas orUkraine itself, though.

- No, but I think that I had as much

knowledge as anybody elsethat was on the board,

if not more.

- [Dale] During the impeachment inquiry,

diplomat George Kentsaid Biden's involvement

with Burisma while his fatherVice-President Joe Biden

was negotiating with Ukrainewas a cause of concern.

- There was thepossibility of a perception

of a conflict of interest.

- And now Hunter Biden is tied

to a businessman suspected of embezzling

government funds on a large scale,

that according toUkraine's chief prosecutor,

who has reopened all pastinvestigations of Zlochevsky

on suspicion of unlawful enrichment,

abuse of power and forgery when he was

Ukraine's ecology minister.

Zlochevsky as a government minister

was also suspected of providinggas production licenses

and permits illegally to his own companies

and there are allegations of tax invasion.

But Ukrainian authorities reportedly

do not know Zlochevsky's whereabouts.

There are reports he'shiding out in Monaco.

- Hunter Biden may believehe's done nothing wrong,

but Mykola Zlochevsky,the man he worked for,

is under criminal investigation,

an investigation that most likely will not

be good for Biden.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- Pat, back to you.

- Ladies and gentlemen, I've been involved

in a number of corporations and I know

what directors are paid forservice on corporations.

And the idea of payingsomebody $50,000 a month

is just undreamed of.

I mean they might get acouple hundred dollars

or so much money foreach meeting they attend

or something, whether you own a bank,

you may get a couple hundred dollars

for a meeting and soforth, maybe a thousand.

But $50,000 a month, it's a bribe.

It's only a bribe and it just smells

to high heaven and thismany who's paying the bribes

is now under indictment for fraud

and they're trying to arrest him,

but he's hiding on Monaco.

And this is Hunter Biden.

If the President wantedto investigate that,

he had a certain right to do it.

Why would we give money to Ukraine

if that kind of rotten stuff is going on?

But that's the truth ladies and gentlemen.

You've seen it here,maybe you haven't heard

it any place else, John?

- Pat, NATO leaders are stressing unity

in the face of global challenges

despite public disagreements on the

summit's opening day,especially President Trump

and French presidentEmmanuel Macron stussed up

when Trump criticized Macron for calling

NATO leadership near brain death.

He then turned to the issue of ISIS

asking if France is willing to take back

French terrorists who had been captured

in Syria and other regions.

- They're mostly from Europe

and some of the countries are agreeing.

I have not spoken to thepresident about that.

Would you like some ISIS fighters?

I can give them to you.

You can take every one you want.

- Now Macron did acknowledgethat some fighters

come from Europe but saidmost come from Syria and Iraq.

Later on, President Trumpaddressed the protest in Iran

and the regime's brutal crackdown.

- The word is that thousands of people

are being killed in Iranthat are protestors.

You're hearing that, too.

Not just fall number, which are bad,

big numbers, which are really bad

and really big numbers.

- Iran's leaders say they are willing

to hold multilateral talkswith the United States, Pat,

if the Trump Administrationwill drop sanctions.

- Well, there's no way in theworld we'll drop sanctions.

Those people are breakingevery law known to man

and they have beenimplicated in the killing

of American troops in Iraq and so forth

and I think it's time, as somebody said,

when the pig begins toscream, turn up the grease

and I think the pig is screaming now

and our sanctions are biting in Iran

and it's time we continue to do that.

That regime has got to go.

Those people need to be set free

and I think everythingthe United States can do

to hasten their departure will be

a blessing for world peace, John.

- Pat, California senator Kamala Harris

is out of the 2020 race for president.

Once considered a front runner,

her bid for the White Housesaw a promising start.

Tuesday she announced she's bowing out

after months of slumping poll numbers

and a campaign oftenoverpowered by rival candidates

like Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg.

Harris remains California's junior senator

at least through 2022.

Well, the Army is forbidding a company,

one year ago, as a nation remember

former President GeorgeHerbert Walker Bush.

His loyal service dogSully stayed with him,

lying beside his casket and staying

with the President's family.

The former president hadwanted Sully to serve

those in need, and he is as he became

part of the team at the WalterReed Army Medical Center.

This week the George H.W.Bush Presidential Library

in College Station,Texas unveiled a statue

to honor the bond betweena president and his dog,

and Sully the VIP, Pat,was there to see it all.

- Well, we're so delighted.

That dog was so loyaland the amazing thing

that he stayed with the President

and laid down beside hiscasket is a beautiful thing

and they made a statue of Sully so.

If we had a hat, our hat would be off

to that wonderful dog.

- No better friend than a dog.

Especially in Washington.

- Well, that's what Truman said.

If you want a friend inWashington, get a do.

All right, what's next.

- Well, still ahead thePalestinian delusion.

Who's been standing in the way of peace

in the Middle East.

Author Robert Spencer reveals the answer.

And the later, a glimmer of hope.

This mom should have died after being hit

by and out of control car.

How did a vision of heavenhelp bring her back to life.

(dramatic music)

- Peace in the Middle East.

For decades, every president's plan,

from Jimmy Carter to BarackObama have failed, but why?

In his new book MiddleEast expert Robert Spencer

takes on that question and his answer

will surprise you, take a look.

- [Dale] For decades,each incoming president

has pitched a plan for peace between

the Israelis and the Palestinians.

All have failed.

From Jimmy Carter's Camp David accord,

to Bill Clinton's 1993 Oslo accords,

complete with this famous handshake.

To calls for a two-state solution

by Presidents George W.Bush and Barack Obama.

- A Palestinian state thatwill live side by side

in peace with Israel.

- Given the demographicswest of the Jordan River,

the only for Israel to endure and thrive

as a Jewish and democraticstate is through

the realization of anindependent and viable Palestine.

- [Dale] Middle East expertand author Robert Spencer

tackles the question of whypeace efforts have failed

and what can be done about it.

In a new book, the "Palestinian Delusion,

"the Catastrophic History ofthe Middle East Peace Process."

- Well, author and Islamexpert Robert Spencer

joins us now.

We welcome him, nice to see you again.

- Great to be here Pat, thank you.

- You know, I was readingin the book of Zechariah

and it said that the land will be desolate

and if somebody walks across it,

there'll be nobody there and we understand

that, you know, the famoushumorist pointed out

the fact that he went andlooked in the early days

and there was nobody living in that land,

it was completely empty.

Where do those Palestinians come from?

- They all came fromthe surrounding lands.

Some as far away as Armeniaand you can tell that

actually from theirsurnames that often give

the indication of wheretheir family is from.

And you're right, they'renot from that area.

I have in the book many otherpeople besides Mark Twain

who went through theland and they didn't see

anybody, there wereJewish populations there

all through history, butthe idea this was Arab land

has no historical basis.

- Well, this whole idea of a Palestine,

was that Roman name, Palestina?

- Yes, actually you know it comes

from the Philistines.

- [Pat] The Philistines.

- The Romans expelled the Jews from Judea

in the year 134 AD afterthe false Messiah Barcopa

and his revolt.

- [Pat] Right.

- And so the Romans to taunt the Jews

renamed the areaPalestine which was a name

they got out of the Old Testament.

And was derived from Philistine

as the Jews ancient enemy.

- So they named it afterthe enemy of the Jews?

- Exactly, just as a way to rub it in

that they were not allowed in that area.

- As Mark Twain said andas we have in the book,

there was nobody thereuntil the Jews came in.

- That's right.

The Arab populationactually increased sharply

once the Zioness project got going

in the late 19th century and Jews started

to move in large numbers into that area.

Arabs moved there, too, because the Jews

brought economic opportunityand financial stability

to the area that hadnot been there before.

- Well, this whole ideaof a two-state solution,

you know, I talked to Yasser Arafat.

I was driving down tomeet Arafat one night

and we went by Raceler'stomb and my driver said

this is a holy site for Islam.

And I thought you're talkingabout the wife of Israel

and it's a holy site.

And the same thing with the claim

of Mohammed to Jerusalem

and you point out thathe said he was sleeping

and he went to Aloxa, whichis the farthest place,

talk about that.

- Well, Aloxa means the farthest

and the thing about isthough that the Aloxa mosque

on the temple mount, which was built

as a triumphal mosque to show Islam's

victory over Judaism, the Aloxa mosque

wasn't built until 60years after Mohammed died.

And so the idea that hewent there is fictional.

He meant some other farthest mosque

that wasn't actually in Jerusalem at all.

Jerusalem was nevermentioned in the Quran.

It's not really anIslamic holy city at all,

except insofar as their claim that it is

allows them to dispute the Jewish claim

to the land.

- Well, they claim hewas flying one night,

his wife said, he may have said he took

a trip to Jerusalem but buthe was lying in bed with Satan

all night long.

They said his hooftouched down on Jerusalem

and then flew off in the heavens.

- From the temple mount and then he met

all the prophets, including Jesus,

who's considered a Muslim prophet

and they all hailed him as another prophet

and then he met Allah himself

and then came back downand flew back to Medina.

- That's fictional nonsense, isn't it?

- Yeah, well, of course, it'scompletely historical fiction.

There's no value, novalidity to it at all.

It's a story that actuallywas invented a couple

hundred years after Mohammed died.

- But they're claimingit's their holy site

and they want is as capitalof the Palestinian state.

- You know, if you go back even 150 years,

as you've pointed outabout how desolate it was,

also you didn't findsome making huge claims

to Jerusalem then either and saying

that it was the massive, inimportant Muslim holy site.

This kind of thing hasonly become fashionable

since the state of Israel was founded

as a stick to beat Israel with.

- Well, what is the solution?

Our presidents have talkedabout a two-state solution

and you're saying it can't happen.

- No, well, it could happen,

but it would just be another Jihad base.

They told us when Israelwithdrew from Gaza

that it would become and instead it just

became a base for more Jihad attacks

as I had predicted.

Now the same thing, ifthere's a Palestinian state,

there would just be another Jihad base.

- They say that the Jews are descendants

of pigs and apes?

- Yeah, that's in the Quran.

- [Pat] It's in the Quran?

- Three times.

- Three times?- Yes, sir.

- Pigs and apes.- Yes.

- Well, pigs and apes canhardly control a country.

- Well, you know, youfind it in the rhetoric

of Jihadis all the time.

If you watch Hamas TV orPalestinian authority TV,

you will see them routinely saying

we're dealing with thesons of apes and pigs.

And this is something thatif it's not taken literally,

although it is by many,

it is taken as meaning that we're dealing

with moral degenerateswho are the worst enemies

of the Muslims as the Quran also says.

- So, in terms of globalJihad, they will never

allow the Jewish state to exist.

- Well, that's exactly right, Pat.

There's no, as long as thereare believers in Islam,

they're gonna be someMuslims who think that

there's no way that Israelcould be legitimate,

that it must be destroyed.

It's on Muslim land.

All these things are basedon Islamic teachings.

So the only thing Israel can and must do

is remain strong in the face of that

and lay claim to what it has a right to

by international law.

- Well, if there's a total Jihad going on,

then there cannot be a two-state solution.

- No, it would just beto diminish and weaken

ultimately to destroy Israel.

- That's the only reason?

- That's the only thingit would accomplish.

- What's wrong with theUnited States foreign policy.

Why don't they recognize this?

- Because they don't study Islam,

because they don't nowanything about Islam.

And because if you read the leaders,

like you mentioned Arafat,and all the others,

they all say it's all about Islam,

but that's the one thingthat our foreign policy

establishment has never acknowledged

as having anything to do with this.

- Well, it's supposed to be gradual

and little by little bylittle we'll take it over.

- That's the idea.

- Yeah.

- Well, I mean, is Trumppart of the delusion?

I mean it goes back toJimmy Carter and others?

- It goes back to JimmyCarter and goes through

Obama, but I don't think Trump shares it,

because he's the first one to recognize

that Jerusalem is Israel's capital

and move our embassy there.

That was immenselyimportant because remember,

that it was in the 90s that Congress

passed a bill saying that we were going to

recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

But successive presidents set it aside

because they were afraidof terrorist attacks.

So the terrorists weresetting our foreign policy

and Trump was the firstone to stand up and say

no, we're not going toaccept violent intimidation,

we're going to do what's right.

- Well, how about this Jihad.

They're moving againstAlsisi in Egypt and others.

I mean, the Muslim brotherhood is still

pretty strong, isn't it?

- Very strong, absolutely because it says

that we are carrying out what's written

in the Quran and Suna and that resonates

with many Muslims.

So it's not a movement that's just

going to pass, as longas there are believers

in the Quran, they'llbe movements like that.

- What are you advising?

If you were to sit downand write out a paper

for an American president,what would you tell him to do?

- Well, that's the paperthat I wrote for him.

And I hope he reads it, but in short,

one of the main things,one of the big mistakes

that Israel made was torecognize the Palestinian people

who don't actually haveany historical ethnic

linguistic, no existence at all.

They were made up in the 60s by the KGB

and Yasser Arafat.

The story is all in the book,

in order to become a propagandapoint against Israel.

Israel needs to roll that back

to claim it's rights tothe West Bank and Gaza

as under internationallaw, they're the only state

that owns that landand to call upon Syria,

Lebanon and Jordan to letin, which they don't know,

the Palestinian Arabswho are the same as they

are culturally, religiously,linguistically, everything.

And invite them to eitherbe loyal Israel citizens

or if they're not gonna beloyal to the Israeli state,

then they can immigrate toone of those other states.

- Well, that Anwar is,you know, the nation's

worst agency, they have kept alive

this so-called rate of return and they,

what do they have over 500,000.

- Yeah, it's a big joke.

I mean it would be a jokeif it weren't so serious.

The problem is that whatthey do is you can pass on,

they pass on refugeestatus to not just the

Palestinians who left the Holy Land

in the 1940s, but to their children,

their grandchildren,they great-grandchildren.

My grandparents camefrom the Ottoman empire.

They were exiled for refusing to convert

from Christianity to Islam.

And so they were refugees,

but my parents were not refugees

and I'm not a refugee, butif we were Palestinians,

I'd be a refugee.

Is that the way it is?

- It's absolutely ridiculous.

- Shouldn't we cut off funding?

I think Trump's trying to cut off funding

for that organization.

- He's cut it off andthat's another great thing

that he's done.

He cut through all the foreign policy

establishment nonsense.

- Well, how about the go, and I mean he's,

you know that's a place of contention

and he said it belongs to Israel now.

- And he's right becauseyou know throughout

human history Pat, whenan aggressor nation

attacks another nation and loses,

they lose territory and it's a matter of

this national security of the nation that

was victorious and wasattacked in the first place.

This has been recognizedall over the globe

for century after century,except in the case of Israel.

But Israel, I'm sure you've been as well,

but I've been to by Lake Tiberias

and you look up at the Golan Heights and

I've been at the Golan Heights also,

but the Syrians used tostand on the Golan Heights

and shoot down at Israelis.

Now it's a thriving area.

Israel needs the Golanfor its own protection.

- Well, it's a dilemma.

I don't know.

I just don't know if there are people

in the state department that understand

what it is because there's been

tremendous opposition against Trump

and there was this fear of the Muslims.

I mean should we be afraidof the Islam or should we

deal with it as a hustle of power?

- We have to recognize what it's all about

and then deal with it realistically.

Fear is ultimately counter productive

and what we need is a realistic assessment

of what it is.

Right now in the State Department,

and the Palestinianproblem is a quintessential

example of this, we havefantasy based policy making.

It doesn't have anythingto do with reality

and the primary aspect ofthat is that our approach

to this conflict does not recognize

the Islamic imperativesthat the Palestinians

are working from.

- One last thing.

You pointed out that Mohammeddidn't hesitate to lie

when he was dealing with people

and is that part of Islam state craft?

- Oh, yes, sir.

That's the Treaty of Hudaibiya,

which was the treaty Mohammed concluded

and it mandates thatyou can break the treaty

when you no longer need it

and that's what Mohammed did

and so it is the pattern ofall Islamic treaty making.

When Yasser Arafat concludedthe Oslo agreements,

he went back and peoplewere angry with him

because it was unfavorableand he said don't worry.

This is like Hudaibiya.

In other words, we're gonna use it as far

as we can for our own advantage

and break it when wedon't need it anymore.

- Hudaibiya.

- Hudaibiya.

- And that's the pillar oftheir negotiating posture?

- Yes, sir, if you look in Islamic law,

they'll say the Treaty of Hudaibiya is

the example we mustfollow to make treaties

and it was a disadvantageoustreaty for the Muslims,

but we only entered intoit because we needed

it at the time for protection and then

when we built up our strength,

we break it.

We broke it and that's what we can do

in any case with treaties.

- Is the nation of Israel ever going to be

able to make a deal with the Palestinians?

You know they used tobe under Jordanian law.

Maybe wouldn't that be better if

they were Jordanian citizens.

- Well, yeah, they're Jordanians.

It's exactly the same people,

and so yes, the Jordaniansshould take them in.

There's already a Palestinian state.

It's Jordan, as well asthe Syrians, the Lebanese.

It's all the same people.

The Arabs of the region.

But no, there's no agreement that Israel's

gonna be able to meetwith the Palestinians

that would ensure Israel's survival

as a Jewish state.

Only one that would be astep toward destroying it.

- Ladies and gentlemen,"The Palestinian Delusion,"

I wish those in the State Department

I quote foggy bottom would read this

and begin to order ourforeign policy in accordance.

Robert, thank you somuch for being with us.

- Thank you, pleasure.

- Pleasure, God bless you.

All right, Wendy, what's next.

- All right, fascinating, well up next

a holiday in heaven.

A woman in the ICU has a vision of life

beyond the grave.

What did she see there?

And what brought her backfrom the brink of death.

Then the Christmas special once called

too crazy to work, now it's on tour

in its 20th year.

Andrew Peterson takes us behind the scenes

of his Passion project.

What surprises does he have in store?

Stay tuned.

(upbeat music)

- Two days beforeChristmas Denise Dickerson

was helping a family whosecar was stuck in the snow.

At the same time, another car was speeding

over a hill.

Within seconds, Denise was pinned against

her trunk, losing bloodand fighting for her life.

- I called and called,text messages, nothing.

Finally decided there'sgotta be something wrong,

I'm gonna get in my work truck.

- [Narrator] December 23, 2011.

It had been a couple of hours

since Guy Dickerson talkedto his fiance Denise.

After leaving her son'shouse, she had stopped

to help a family whose car was stranded

on the highway.

- About 1:30 in the morning.

I'm panicking.

- [Announcer] Beforelong, he came to the scene

of an accident.

Her car was spun out in a ditch

and the back end of it was smashed.

There was a highway patrolman there.

I pulled over and he's like this is

an accident, you need to go on.

And I was like, that's my fiance's car.

And he got a funny look on his face

and he said well, you needto get to the hospital.

She's been hit by a car

and she's in really bad shape.

- [Narrator] Guy prayed as he made his way

to the hospital.

- Let her be okay, let her be alive.

- [Narrator] Then hecalled Denise's son Kyle.

Just two years earlier, his brother Cody

had been killed in a car accident.

- I immediately got worst case scenario.

She's in an accident,I think, I don't know.

I'm gonna lose somebody else in my life.

- [Narrator] Now at the hospital,

Guy got to be with Denise.

He learned that as she left the car

to help the family, anout of control vehicle

crashed into her, crushingher from the waist down.

- So I went in and talked to her,

I was like you doing okay?

I'm okay, I just don't understand

why my legs hurt.

Well, honey, you've been hit by a car.

- [Narrator] But herinjuries were more extensive

than they let on and soonthey were on a Medevac plane

headed to Northwest Hospital in Amarillo.

Dr. Toby Risko and his team were waiting

when they landed.

- She had multiple long bony injuries

that had been basically crushed.

She had multiple fractures in her pelvis.

All those things you could lose your whole

entire blood volume prettyquickly with those injuries.

In my opinion she was very near death.

- [Narrator] Denise wasplaced in a medically induced

coma and rushed into surgery.

She was still there whenKyle and her parents arrived.

- She was in surgery for hours and hours.

Every time a nurse or a doctor walks in,

my heart drops because I'm like oh,

here they go, they're gonna tell me

she didn't make it.

I'm saying God, I'vealready lost my brother.

I don't think I can take losing my mother.

- [Narrator] They spread the word asking

people to pray.

- People flooding her Facebook.

We're praying for you, our whole family's

praying for you.

It was incredible to see

and that did help me make it.

- [Narrator] As the night wore on,

Guy tried to preparehimself for the worst.

- I told God, you know, if you want her,

I'm okay with it, youknow, I'll understand,

that's your will.

That's an awful hard prayer to make.

Really hard.

- [Narrator] At 8 o'clock that morning,

they had their first updateon Denise's condition.

There's a glimmer of hope,

which is more than I had the whole night.

We have your mother stabilized.

We have her vital signswhere we want them.

He said by no means isshe out of the woods yet,

he said but the odds are getting better.

- [Narrator] Christmas day came and went

and Denise continued to get stronger.

The doctors had to amputate part

of her left leg.

But it was soon clear she would live.

- Thank God that she's pulling through.

I don't even care abouther foot being gone,

I don't care about anything.

All I care about she's making it.

- It's a big answer to prayer,

big answer to prayer.

- Several days later, theybrought her out of the coma.

- I walked up to kiss her and there

was something different.

There was a glow about her.

And with the tube still in, I leaned over

and I told her you're different.

- [Narrator] Denise said that's because

she had seen a vision of heaven.

- Just instantly I said I saw Cody.

And he looked at me andhe said I love it here

and I'm so happy, butyou can't come right now

because Kyle needs you.

God knew what I needed.

I needed him to tell me he's okay.

Now it's time to get on with it.

- [Narrator] In the weeks that followed,

Denise underwent more surgeries

to repair the damage to her legs.

But as she started the longroad of physical therapy,

she felt God had put anew purpose on her life.

- He allowed it to happen

so that I could get the closure I needed

and because other people needed me.

And so he needed me to be a bolder witness

and boy did he wake me up.

- [Narrator] Denise's recovery surpassed

all the doctors' expectations.

- As a doctor there's things I can do

to stabilize people and get bones

in the right place,

but God's the one that heals them, not me.

- Absolutely.

He had his hand in every step.

- [Narrator] 11 months after the accident,

Denise walked down the aisle

at her and Guy's wedding.

- I went from, you know, saying a prayer

of here she is Lord,take her if you need her

to God saying here's your bride.

That was awesome.

God is good.

- God is good all the time.

Think of that.

To have that horrible accident,

but she saw Jesus.

She went to heaven, she saw the Lord

and the Lord spoke to herand the Lord touched her

and she came back a different person.

You know that's what life is all about

and it's what Christmas is all about.

God Almighty entered into this world

to bring a knowledge ofhimself to human beings.

And people like Denisehave been touched by God

and her body isn't quitelike it was before,

but most of it has been healed

and the most important thing is her spirit

is totally different.

Now we're going to pray for you.

I know there are people in this audience,

you'd like to see Jesus,you'd like to know Jesus,

you'd like to come into his presence.

Well, we want to prayfor you and I ask you

if you would just pray with us

at this point in time.

I can't promise you're gonna go to heaven

and meet Jesus right now.

That is something beyond our ability,

but I do think that we can speak the word

and you can come andbe set free from things

that are problems.

So Wendy and I will join hands right now

and we're gonna pray for you.

Father, we thank you forthis marvelous testimony

of this woman who wasso incredibly damaged

and yet survived having seen you.

And Lord, we ask thatyour presence will come

into the life of people who are watching

this program right now.

Let your power come into their lives.

Somebody, you've hada vehicle of some kind

roll over the top of you and your ribs

are crushed and God Almightyhas put his hand on you,

I almost feel like the hand of God,

there's a healing takingplace in your chest right now.

In the name of Jesus, Wendy.

- There's many people, you've been

in a season of mourning,

a season of sorrow and sadness

and the Lord is sayingthat season is now over.

I am restoring your joy says the Lord,

so just know that thisseason of mourning is over

and just start rejoicing in Jesus' name.

- Again, a revelation of the Lord.

I believe God is gonna revealhimself to people right now

and you've been praying forthe anointing of the Lord

and God is going to give you a revelation.

What a wonderful giftat this Christmas time.

And Lord, for those in this audience,

whatever they're praying for,

let your power reach out and touch them,

do miracles in the lives of this audience

in Jesus' name, amen.

- Amen.- And amen.

- Wow that was a great story.

- It's marvelous.


- I'm still thinking about that.

- Okay.

- We've got these wonderful.

- [Pat] Yeah, let's talk about that.

- Ornaments and people have been putting

their prayer requests on the back,

so please, you'llprobably be getting these

in the mail if you haven't already

and we're hanging these on our tree

and we will be praying for you.

So please be sure to send those in.

- These are beautiful thing, by the way.

On one side, you've gota Christmas ornament

and on the back sidethere's a prayer request.

So we've got prayer requests here

and these beautiful things.

I mean it's just a gorgeous picture.

- [Wendy] I think it'smother Mary and baby Jesus.

- [Pat] It is, but it's a classical.

- [Wendy] Painting.

- [Pat] Painting, andI'm not sure who did it.

But it's really a lovelything and somebody says

I want healing from multiple sclerosis.

Somebody else is askingfor wisdom and protection.

And somebody else is askingfor a $25,000 miracle

and somebody says childhood abuse.

So people are sending in prayer requests

and if you've gottenthis, please fill it out

and send it in to us.

We'd love to receive it for you

and this is a beautiful thing.

These things you can hangon your Christmas tree,

break them loose and on theback is a prayer request

and the other thing you can send in to us.

- I love it.

Well, still ahead, acountry music Christmas.

The stories of Christ's birth with a

distinct national flair.

Andrew Peterson shares the heart behind

his holiday favorite.

Why does it still give him goosebumps?

And then later, Patweighs in on the issues

that matter to you.

Janie asks what is the unforgivable sin.

I've been sinning a lot and want to know

if I've committed it.

Another hard hittinground of your questions,

honest answers coming up, don't go away.

(dramatic music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN Newsbreak.

Fewer Americans are giving to charity.

Between the year 2000 and 2016,

the number of adults who give dropped

13% from 66% to 53%.

The drop reflects 20million fewer households

giving to charity.

That's according to analysisfrom Indiana University.

Researchers believe onefactor driving those numbers

is a drop in church attendance.

Studies show there arefewer religious people

in the United States with the number

of Atheists and agnostics increasing.

Well, the White House unveiled

its 2019 Christmas decorations.

First Lady Melania Trump announced

the spirit of America is the theme

in her media preview.

The official White HouseChristmas trees takes

its place in the blue roommeasuring over 18 feet tall.

Other decorationsinclude children's games,

handmade flowers,American flag themed trees

and a massive gingerbread house made

from 200 pounds of gingerbread dough.

This is the Trump family's third Christmas

spent in the White House.

- Well, you can always get the latest

from CBN News by going to our website


Pat and Wendy will be back with more

of the 700 Club right after this.

(dramatic music)

- For years, Andrew Peterson held onto

a crazy idea.

He wanted his songs to tell a whole story,

but he didn't know what story to tell

until he went to an eyeopening Christmas concert.

Behold the Lamb of God was born.

And now this amazing concertis celebrating 20 years.

Take a look.

- What if there was one night of the year

when the audience could come and get away

from Santa Claus andremember just how amazing

the story is that God put on flesh

and dwelt among us.

- [Narrator] 20 yearsago, Dove award nominated

singer songwriter AndrewPeterson had the idea

to create a Christmasconcert that tells the story

of Jesus from the OldTestament to his birth.

♪ So sing out with joy ♪

♪ For the brave little boy ♪

♪ Who was God but hemade himself nothing ♪

While touring constantlyas a young artist,

Andrew came up with the idea for the

Behold the Lam of God tour.

- The beginning of the tour was during

one of the most difficultseasons of my career.

In some ways my marriage, too,

like we were just young parents.

We had kids in diapers,

we were trying to makethe music thing work.

We didn't really understand at the time

how crazy it was that we were traveling

as much as we were, but it was in

the middle of that seasonthat we did the first tour.

The first tour was reallyshaky and then we decided

to try it again the next year and kind

of augment it a little bit and fill

in the blanks and finish the songs

that hadn't been finished yet and I had

no idea back then that that tour

was gonna be a gift that we keep on giving

for the next 20 years.

♪ He had Solomon by dead Uriah's wife ♪

♪ Solomon well you all know him ♪

♪ He had good old Rehoboam ♪

♪ Followed by Elijah who had a son ♪

- [Narrator] Andrew and friends performed

the Christmas tour for several years,

but the label didn't to record the album.

- I was trying to convince them,

hey I've got this idea for an album

that's all, it's all Christmas songs,

but it starts in the Old Testament

and they're not standards, they're new

and they have dobros and hammer dulcimers

and electric guitars and it's not gonna be

just me singing.

It's other voices singing songs,

he can we record it

and it's like no surprise in hindsight

that they were like that sounds crazy.

I don't think so.

- [Narrator] Without thesupport of the label,

he borrowed the money to produce

the Behold the Lamb of God album.

As audiences grew, Andrew dreamed of doing

the Christmas show atthe Ryman Auditorium.

- If you don't know aboutthe Ryman Auditorium

in Nashville, it was built as a church

more than 100 years ago,

like a revival halland right in the middle

of downtown Nashville and then it became

the home of the Grand Ole Opry so all this

country music history here

and gospel music history, and so it's just

when you walk into the place you can feel

the, it's like all that music has seasoned

the wood in the room or something.

So we love this auditorium and back

at the very beginning of this tour,

me and the guys were like man,

wouldn't it be amazingto do this show there

in the city that we love,

in this venue that is so significant.

And I think it was fiveyears into the tour,

it grew enough to where we were able

to pull the trigger and now it's hard

to imagine not doingthe show at the Ryman.

After 15 years, all ofus walk into the room

with this like goosebumpy kind of awe

that we get to play there.

♪ Hallelujah ♪

♪ Christ is born ♪

- [Narrator] To commemoratethe 20th anniversary,

Andrew and friends recorded a new version

of the album and are grateful to tour

the month of December.

♪ Behold the Lamb of Godwho takes away our sin ♪

♪ Behold the Lamb of Godwho life and light in me ♪

- The personnel on the tour,

there's a core that hasbeen mostly the same

for all these 20 years and all year long

we're all running around like crazy

with family and kids andcareers and everything,

but like amazingly, I just can't even

really believe it, butamazingly in December,

this same core groupof people kind of stop

everything else and go the gospel is so

important to us thatwe are gonna put aside

everything else and just be together again

and remember the fact that this community

exists because of Jesusand then we're gonna

tell people about it.

- I love it.

Well, Behold the Lambof God is on tour now

and you can go to to see

if it's coming to a city near you.

If you can't make itto one of the concerts,

be sure to check out the full length album

and you can find thatwherever music is sold.

It looks just like this.

- Well, still ahead, thealways unpredictable,

your questions, honest answers.

John asked do you goto the grave or heaven

when you die.

Pat tackles that andmuch more, stay tuned.

(upbeat music)

Welcome back.

I hope you're ready for some great answers

to some pretty cool questions.

Let's start with Janie.

She says please explainthe unforgivable sin.

I can't fall asleep.

I'm mad because I've been sinning a lot

and I want forgiveness.

I've been meditating onGod's word and music,

but something keeps tellingme there's no hope for me,

God hates me and Jesus is a liar.

Please help me, I'm only 14.

- Well, you know,

when I came to theLord, I was on a retreat

and I was a sleep and it came to me

that I had committed the unpardonable sin

and this awful thought came and I thought

all the stuff that I've nowgiven my life to the Lord,

it's all a lie.

I mean it really was a terrible feeling.

And when I get throughI said all right, Satan,

if I'm going to hell, I'mgoing there praising God

because I believe in Jesus, he's my Savior

and if I have to go to hell,

I'll still be praising Jesus

and that was the answer that he wanted

and that defeated Satan.

You know, the unpardonable sin,

the only unpardonable sin is failing

to recognize Jesus as Savior.

That's what's unpardonablebecause there is no

salvation in anybody except Jesus.

So, if you turn your back on Jesus,

but it's not of the question you've

been committing adultery,you've been doing

any of the this stuff,you've had an abortion

or what have you, none ofthose things are unpardonable.

The only thing unpardonableis that you don't

come to the source ofsalvation, okay, all right.

- Great answer.

All right, Joan says thebook of Revelation says

that when God returns, he will call you to

come up from the grave.

This is confusing as we are told that

you go to heaven when you die,

so you would not be in the grave,

just your remains.

Is this why they saymay you rest in peace,

that you and your soul are in the grave.

I think about this everyday as I'm getting older.

- All right, well, I'm getting older, too,

let me tell you.

We have a body, we have a spirit

and the body and spirit come together

in what's called our nefesh or soul.

Now when you die, yourbody goes into the ground

and dust you are and dust you will return,

but the spirit goes to be with the Lord.

Or it's going to go toa place of you know,

torment called Hades.

So that's the way it isand so at the resurrection,

the bodies are gonna comeback and we will have

a resurrected body andthose who know the Lord,

the spirit will turn and be united

with a resurrection body just like Jesus

had a new body.

But those who are in hell will also have

a body, but it will bein torment for the rest

of eternity, so thatis the answer to that.

- To be absent from the body

is to be present with the Lord.

- Well, that's what Paul said.

To be absent from the bodyis present with the Lord.

So, you know, I'm a straightbetwixt two Paul said.

There's no intermediateground, no, you know.

- [Wendy] Purgatory.

- Purgatory, you're eitherwith the Lord or you're not.

All right, next question.

- Amen.

Rae says I have a new boyfriend who wants

me to live with him.

I've already had sexin my lifetime so will

I go to hell if I have sex with him and/or

live with unmarried.

- Sweetie, let me tell you,

hell isn't dependent on your sex life,

it really isn't.

But the truth is, it's a sin

and you know, you will not achieve heaven.

The Bible says there'sseveral classes of people

who will not go to heaven

and fornicators are among them.

So I know your body wants to unite in

a relationship and today's it's no problem

including to the morays of the present,

but the Lord says don't do it

and if you're asking me a question,

the answer is don't do it.

If your boyfriend loves you,

then he will want to getmarried and make it legal

and if he doesn't, thenleave him alone, okay.

- Good answer, good advice.

- All right, Anita writes in hello,

I wanted to comment on your opioid program

that you've been wonderfully covering.

As far as the church isconcerned, I actually know

personally pastors who are strung out

on opioids and they will not step down

as they don't believe it's a problem.

I had one pastor get madat me for saying something.

I think this is a hugeproblem with pastors

and how do we help them?

- Well, I think you'd help the way you'd

help any other addict.

You see this opioid thing.

I mean Oxycontin and oxycodone are given

as pain killers andpeople start taking them

and the withdrawal from the is really

more difficult thanwithdrawing from heroin

and cocaine or any of those hard drugs.

So somebody, you saythey're hooked on opioids,

it's a terrible addictionand it's been put upon people

by people like the cyclers and others

who have been pushing these pain killers

and so pastors, everybody, I mean,

taking them and they need help.

It's a very difficult withdrawal.

Well, today's Power Minuteis from the book of Romans.

Now may the God of hope fill you with all

the joy and peace inbelieving that you may

abound in hope.

With Wendy and all ofus, I'll see you later.



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