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Kevin and Sam Sorbo: Let There Be Light

The Sorbos discuss the DVD “Let There Be Light,” and their other projects that share the message of Christ. Read Transcript

- Kevin Sorbo was filminga scene from Hercules

with his leading lady.

He got so nervous, he forgot his lines.

The actress who took hisbreath away was named Sam.

Soon afterwards, shebecame Mrs. Kevin Sorbo.

20 years later, Kevin andSam are still making movies.

Take a look.

- [Narrator] Kevin and SamSorbo have made a huge mark

on the faith-based moviegenre; writing, directing,

and acting in numerous projects.

Coming soon, Kevin stars inThe Reliant, an action film

about a family holding ontofaith amidst national chaos.

(gentle music)

Next spring, Kevin and Samstar in Miracle in East Texas,

a fun, family movieabout two 1930s con men,

who have their day of reckoning.

- You're both under arrest.

- All rise.

(country music)

- Nice music.

All right, well Kevin andSam Sorbo are back with us.

Guys, welcome back to the show.

- Thank you.

- It's good to be here.- Yeah.

- Well, you guys have both found a niche

in faith-based films.

You're obviously Christians.

I don't think that's abig jump, conclusion.

Have you noticed a differencein the way Hollywood

treats you now that you'vebeen outed as believers?

- Wow, how do I answer that?(Sam laughs)

- We work our own thing andHollywood does its thing,

and sometimes we work together,and sometimes we don't.

- It's interesting whenGod's Not Dead came out,

we went to a screening of Noah.

Somebody asked theproducer than came on to,

we were at the Paramountlot and somebody asked

the producer, do you thinkHollywood would do more,

'cause if you saw Noah, asmy wife says to me halfway

through the movie, she goes,this isn't the story of Noah,

this is Water World meetsTransformers. (chuckles)

- [Reporter] Yeah, it was really crazy.

- If you look at the movieswe do and what Hollywood does,

there certainly is a differenceof what's going on in there.

They hired an atheistdirector to direct that movie,

which I thought was odd.

- The best thing aboutit was Russell Crowe.

- Russell Crowe's great in it, yeah.

- But I didn't really like it.

- Yeah, it didn't do wellafter the second weekend.

After the first weekend, itfell 62% at the box office.

- Once you give up theidea that you're gonna see

a Christian movie, it's sort of fun.

It's like the rock creatures are fun,

and the special effectsare fun, and all of that.

But it wasn't Noah.

- No, and you really can'timprove on the real story.

- Hollywood, I've had agreat run in Hollywood.

They owe me nothing.

We decided to do movies thatwere more family friendly,

faith based combination.

I don't necessarily wanna preachto the choir all the time.

I want the choir tosupport the movies we do,

but I wanna reach out,

I call the agnosticthe independent voters.

I'm tryin' to get them to go alittle bit more to the right.

It's been a fun ride, andwe've been very busy with this,

and as I just mentioned toyou, I got five new movies

coming out over the next year.

They're done.

And that one comes out December third.

- The Reliant.- The Reliant DVD.

- This was kind of controversial.

I mean, they originallygave you an R rating,

and you didn't like that.

- Well, yeah, we kindafought with them saying,

you start comparing toother R-rated movies,

even PG-rated movies, I meanthat deals with the economic

collapse of America, riotshappening, and people go crazy

and my house gets attackedby a bunch of bad guys.

We're a Christian family but we're

a Second Amendment family as well.

When they get fired backwith their own guns, they go,

wait a minute, these guys aren'tsupposed to have guns too.

- [Reporter] There arecritics who felt this movie

glorified gun violence.

- Yeah, and let's startlisting the amount of movies

that Hollywood puts outthere that has gun violence

in every single one of them.

No, it glorifies family morethan it glorifies anyone else.

- [Reporter] And the thingthat'll take down a bad guy

with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.

And words aren't gonna help you then.

- [Sam] Everything was, youcould actually feel like

this could really happenwhen you're watching this.

This wasn't just science fiction.

- You see what's goin' onin the streets even today

and on college campuses whenthese little riots break out

here and there, theseAnitha gangs runnin' around

with ions and masks on.

And you see that happening,so if we ever happen that

in America, who knows whatcould possibly happen.

- I just realized, wedidn't really tell people

exactly what it's about.

What is The Reliant all about?

- It really, it is theeconomic collapse of America,

and riots break out everywhere,

and I'm tryin' to protect my family.

Actually, I'm with my sonand my future son-in-law,

and we're in a hardwarestore and the riots break out

right then and there.

We saw things happeningas we we're goin' to town.

- [Reporter] Yeah, you'restuck in the middle.

- What's goin' on, we'restuck in the middle.

And we just try to get outta Dodge.

And I get to

my family.- The action's incredible.

- It was intense, there's no question.

- Well next year you'llboth be in a movie together.

It's called Miracles in EastTexas, a mostly true story.

Tell us about that, Sam.

- Go ahead.

- It's inspired by the truestory of the East Texas

oil strike, which was thebiggest oil strike in the history

of the world.

It's off of that oilstrike is how Hunt created

his empire basically, his oil empire.

- [Kevin] Story of Lamar Hunt, yeah.

- [Sam] Overnight, hebecame the richest oil man

in the history of the world.

But this is a romantic comedy.

We're in festivals right now.

We're winning best romanticcomedy, best narrative feature,

best faith film.

- Judges favorite, audience.

I love the fact they can'tpigeonhole where it is,

'cause I look at thislike a Blind Side movie,

where people of faithlooked at Blind Side,

said this isn't a Christian movie.

People out there wanna fix it.

Nah, it's a sports movie.

It's about this kid that got a good break

with a Texas family.

So I wanna do movies like that,that reach across the aisle.

We're supposed to harvest, right?

And that's what we'retryin' to do with the movies

that we're making.

It's a wonderful movie.

It's a true story.

And you mentioned the music,all the music is pre-1930s.

I got to drive around in a 1928 car.

It was awesome.

We shot up in Calgary inthe same location they shot

Unforgiven and Lonesome Dove.

It was just a wonderful, Idirected it, Sam produced it.

- You know that old adage,

leave it better than how you found it?

I think that's what we'recalled to do in the world.

So we're trying to leave theworld better than we found it.

And I would encouragepeople who are in the arts

to consider what they're doingand what they're pouring in

to the culture, and if itwill be for the betterment

of the culture, or for the despair, right?

So that's what we're trying todo is make films that uplift

and inspire and encourage people

and bring hope.- That's so good.

Well, you two have beenmarried for 20 years now?

- 22.- I think it's 22.

- 22 years.- She's giving me

one more year, I think.- One more year.

- That's practically unheard of.

- Well, 10 years in Hollywoodis a golden anniversary,

so we've done pretty well.- Exactly.

Tell us your secret.

- [Kevin] I just say yes.


I just agree with everything she says.

- [Reporter] So that's themoment where you forgot

your lines, and it was just.

- That was, yeah, it was,and I'm good at my lines.

I'm gonna hit my mark.

It was a weird day and I looked Mike

- I thought he wasterribly unprofessional.

- I looked at MichaelHirst, who plays the oldest,

my side-kick in all the episodes,

I'm like, Michael, help me.

- He goes, buddy, you're on your own.

He said, I can't help ya here.

- You guys don't just havemovies, five coming out, right?

- Yeah, five coming.

- You have a devotional also.

- We do.- Which is right here.

- Please.- Yes, let me pick this up.

- Along with the book for the movie.

- (laughs) Oh the movie, right.

Share the Light and a devotional,and this is for anybody.

- Yes.- Oh, yeah.

- Let There Be Light was aChristmas movie that we did,

and we're encouraging people to watch it

again this Christmas.

- [Kevin] Please, go to

if you want an autographed copy.

- It's uplifting, it's inspiring.

You will love it.

We keep getting messages frompeople, emails from people,

who are watching the film again this year,

and saying, we love the filmagain, and it meant something

different to us this yearthan it meant last year.

- You know what's amazingabout doing these movies,

I've had so many people, I usedto be Hercules or Andromeda.

Those were my two big series.

I get stopped most of thetime now by people saying,

please make more movieslike Let There Be Light,

God's Not Dead, Sour Surfer.

Those people say, I'vehad people come up to me

that were Muslims, and saidyour movies have made me

become a Christian.

- Oh my goodness.- It's incredible to me.

And the first time it happenedto us about five years ago

at the airport, four yearsago at Salt Lake City.

And I get more and moremessages like that too

at my fan site.

- It doesn't get better than that.

- It's unbelievable what's going on.

- That's what it's about, right?

We wanna inspire people.

We want people's lives to be better.

- And they are because of you guys.

Thank you so much for what you're doing.

Please come back.

- Thank you.- I will.

(laughs)I got a wonderful documentary

about John Lennox thatwe have to talk about.

- Okay great, thanks guys.

Well, The Reliant releaseson DVD and digital one week

from today, but you canpre-order it now and be

on the lookout for Miracle in East Texas,

which is coming to theaters next year.

Kevin and Sam, God blessyou guys, keep doin' it.

- Thank you.- Thank you so much.


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