From Tenth Avenue North, singer Mike Donehey reveals how he found purpose for his life. Plus, he was slowly going blind, but today he’s seeing clearly. Experience the miracle on today’s 700 Club.
Read Transcript
- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Woman] Coming up.
♪ I will trust your mercy ♪
- [Woman] From Tenth Avenue North,
singer Mike Donaheyjoins us live and reveals
how he found the purpose for his life.
Then, slowly going blind.
- [Man] I started to get this fog.
- [Woman] And it was only getting worse.
- I might not be able to keep doing this.
- [Woman] So why can he see clearly now?
- I'm 82, and I don't wanna quit.
- [Woman] Today on "The 700 Club".
(dramatic music)
- Welcome to "The 700 Club".
Bombshell proof or a total dud?
Both sides are furiously spinning
Ambassador Gordon Sondland's testimony.
Democrats are claiming awin while Republicans say
the testimony totally exonerates Trump.
So what gives, and wheredo we go from here?
Abigail Robertsonexplains the whole story.
(logo whooshing)
- Today's proceedingswill have a tough time
overshadowing Wednesday's headlines.
Both sides are claiming victory
following Ambassador GordonSondland's testimony.
Republicans maintain hisaccount provides proof
President Trump was notinvolved in any quid pro quo,
while Democrats argue the exact opposite.
- [Gordon] And I'm worried
that the bigger picture is being ignored.
- I think today's testimony is among
the most significant evidence to-date.
- [Abigail] ChairmanAdam Schiff claims this
as a very important momentfor the impeachment inquiry.
- It was the conditioning ofofficial acts where something
of great value to the president,
these political investigations,
it goes right to the heartof the issue of bribery
as well as other potentialhigh crimes or misdemeanors,
but we also have heard for the first time
that knowledge of thescheme was pervasive.
- [Abigail] While Republicansflagged this point
made repeatedly by Sondland.
- [Representative] Thepresident never told you about
any pre-conditions forthe aid to be released?
- No.
- [Abigail] Sondland claims he thought
a quid pro quo existed,
but not in regards to holding up aid.
- As I testified previously,Mr. Giuliani's requests
were a quid pro quo forarranging a White House visit
for President Zelensky.
Mr. Giuliani demanded thatUkraine make a public statement
announcing the investigationsof the 2016 election
DNC server and Burisma.
- [Abigail] He theneventually presumed the hold
on security assistanceplayed a part as well.
- That was my presumption, yeah.
- [Abigail] Sondlandtestified Secretary of State
Mike Pompeo and Vice PresidentMike Pence were involved,
adding Pence shared his concerns
of withholding military aid.
- Everyone was in the loop.
- [Abogail] Prompting thisresponse from the vice president.
- I made no comments in mymeeting with President Zelensky
concerning any investigationsor tying investigations
to U.S. aid to Ukraine,and I have no recollection
of any discussion with Ambassador Sondland
before that meeting.
- [Abigail] Sondland did make clear
he never got a presidential directive.
- My testimony is I neverheard from President Trump
that aid was conditioned onan announcement of elections.
- [Abigail] And recounted on a phone call
with President Trump.
He asked point blank whatTrump wanted from Ukraine.
- He said I want nothing.
I want no quid pro quo,
I just want Selezskyto do the right thing,
to do what he ran on--
- [Abigail] President Trump declared
Sondman's testimony exoneration.
- I want nothing.
That's what I want from Ukraine.
That's what I said.
I want nothing.
I said it twice.
- House Democrats tell methey believe the testimonies
heard thus far will lead to enough votes
to impeach the president.
What's no so clear thoughis what will then take place
when impeachment movesto trial in the Senate.
Reporting from Capitol Hill,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.
- Well thanks Abigail.
David Brody join us now to talk
about the impeachment inquiry
and last night's Democratic debate.
David, you know, Mitch McConnell has said,
"There are plenty ofRepublicans in the Senate."
They aren't about tothrow over their own man
with an election coming up,
and they're talking about the possible
Supreme Court nomination.
The whole thing is anexercise in futility.
How do you read it?
- Well I think a lot ofeyes right now in Washington
are on that red wall we hearso much about in the Senate.
Whether or not there are goingto be 20 Republican senators
who convict President Trumpafter the House impeaches him.
The answer is no.
As a matter of fact, theanswer is a big, flat no.
As a matter of fact, it's abig, bold, big 18-font no.
Maybe one, maybe two,and that's pushing it,
and there are not gonna beany Republicans in the House
that go for impeachment,
and so that's kinda whereWashington is looking right now,
but look Pat, when it comes to
all of this impeachmentsituation, it's funny.
Was there damage yesterday?
Yes, but the question iswas it damage to Trump
or was it damage to Democrats?
Sondland had some bombshellsfor sure, but both sides,
as Abigail was explaining,
are really claiming victory on that,
and I think the wholething ends up being a wash,
and I gotta tell you, you wonderabout the American people.
We've seen polls here Pat.
It's just not moving the needle.
You go back to the1970s and Richard Nixon,
and you have the Saturday night massacre,
and you have the tapes.
You had bombshells, you had smoking guns,
and then public support for impeachment
increased after the hearings.
You don't have that thistime, a big difference.
- Well you know, it'skind of like who cares
about Ukraine for starters,
and this is one call by thepresident to one president,
and the most they can get is he said
would you do me a favor?
That's just not impeachable in my opinion.
- Pat, it's a lot of hearsay.
It's a lot of second-hand,third-hand, fourth-hand.
You got a lot of presumed, I thought,
two plus two equals four, all of that,
but what do you have the actual
President of the UnitedStates saying, and of course,
Donald Trump in that wonderful--
I say wonderful, it'skind of funny actually,
a hand-written notereading to the cameras.
I like how he says, "Arethe cameras rolling?"
Of course they're rolling.
They're always rolling withDonald Trump, and he says,
"I want nothing, I want nothing,"
and going back to RichardNixon, it's interesting.
I mean, look at theapples-to-apples scenario, right?
2019, you have DonaldTrump actually saying
to Gordon Sondland I wantnothing, I want no quid pro quo.
He actually tells someonego and tell the truth
is what he says.
1972, we have the tape with Nixon,
and Nixon telling officials on the tape
that we wants the FBI to stop
the Watergate break-in investigation.
Look, that's apples-to-apples,
and that's why this isgoing nowhere at this point
in terms of public opinion.
They're still gonna impeach him Pat,
at least that's the plan.
- Well David, we've gotThanksgiving coming up.
We've got Christmas coming up.
We've got the Congress certainlywould go into a recess,
and then they come out, andthey've got several senators
who are going to be tryingto get to be president,
and if they have to come fora Senate impeachment hearing,
this whole thing's a nightmare for them.
- Well that's right.
As a matter of fact, thatreally helps Pete Buttigieg
who won't have to be in the U.S. Senate
during any sort of trial,and also Joe Biden.
They can be in Iowa, theycan be in New Hampshire.
This is not good news forElizabeth Warren for sure,
and Bernie Sanders whowill have to both be there,
but look, as it relatesto what the Democrats did
on stage last night, boy that was a,
I'll be honest with you,
I wasn't sure which was more boring,
the Democrat debates orthe impeachment hearings.
I mean, they were really kindagiving a run for their money.
I couldn't decide.
I will tell you onething I definitely came
to the conclusion lastnight after watching that.
Joe Biden was just, Imean it was atrocious Pat.
I mean, his firstquestion, he couldn't even,
he was stumbling throughhis first softball question,
and then it just even, itjust spun out of control,
especially at the end of the debate
where he had gaffe after gaffe.
We've kind of rolled afew together, have a look.
(logo whooshing)
- The only African-Americanwoman that ever been elected
to the United States Senate.
A whole range of people.
My point is--- No, that's not true.
That's not true.(audience laughing)
- No man has a right toraise a hand to a woman
in anger other than in self-defense,
and that rarely ever occurs,
and so we have to justchange the culture, period,
and keep punching at it and punching at it
and punching at it.
- This week, I hear him literally say
that I don't think weshould legalize marijuana.
I thought you might havebeen high when you said it.
(audience laughing)
Let me tell you, because marijuana.
- There's a statementfamiliarity breeds contempt,
and the more we getfamiliar with those guys,
the more contemptible they all are.
Their programs are just ridiculous,
and so going into the election,how can they possibly do it?
They don't have a viable candidate.
- Well, that's why we hear all this talk
about Michael Bloomberggetting in the race.
We've heard Michelle Obama.
We've even heard Hillary Clinton.
I believe that's goneto the oy gevalt level
when I hear that, but thepoint is is that Democrats
are looking for something, anything.
Look, this was Joe Biden.
He was supposed to be the guy,but it's just not working,
and so who has filled some of that energy,
that vacuum if you will?
Well, Pete Buttigieg who is trying to
play that moderate card.
Look Pat, this just in, news flash.
He's not a moderate at all.
He's for the Green New Deal.
He's for partial-birth abortion.
I can go down the--
He wants to abolish the Electoral College,
but he is a very, very good candidate.
He's kinda Barack Obama-ish, if you will,
in terms of rhetoric,playing to the better angels.
He's the guy that Ithink has been actually
their best candidate interms of oratory skills,
but I gotta tell you, this thing,
who knows where this is going,but I can tell you this.
Donald Trump could be thefirst impeached president
to win re-election everin United States history
at this point.
- Daivd, I totally agree.
I think he's gonna coast tovictory when it's all over with,
and this whole impeachment thing,
the American people have had enough of it,
but as I said, familiaritybreeds contempt,
and boy oh boy, they'rejust lathering it on.
David, thank you so much.
- You bet, Pat.
- Well in other news,Israel is one step closer
to holding an unprecedentedthird election in one year.
Think of that, third election in one year.
John Jessup has more.(logo whooshing)
- Pat, Blue and WhiteParty Leader Benny Gantz
failed to form a governmentbefore last night's deadline.
Avigdor Lieberman, seen as a kingmaker
because of his YisraelBeiteinu Party has enough seats
to give either side a majority,
refuses to endorse Gantz
or Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Efforts to strike acompromise have also failed.
Gantz refuses to form agovernment with Natanyahu
as long as he's facingindictment on corruption charges,
and Netanyahu won't abandonthe religious parties
in order to share powerwith Lieberman, and Pat,
as you were saying earlier,the deadlock leading now
to an unprecedented thirdelection in under a year.
- Well I think thisLieberman has got to be.
Sooner or late, the peoplein Israel will turn on him.
You cannot have one guywith a little splinter
that's holding up the whole process,
and it seems to be justan exercise in egotism,
but this is Israel, but it's just amazing,
but I think that together,
Benny Gantz who I knowpersonally is a very nice man
and a strong patriot and a strong leader,
and Bibi Netanyahu again, I'vemet with a number of times,
and he's a good friend,and I think the two of them
are gonna have to gettogether and form a coalition.
The Israeli people havejust had enough of this,
but that's the scene, but Lieberman,
it's just looking like as Isay an exercise in egotism,
and it turns your stomach tosee one person who would say
I'm gonna hold a whole country hostage,
and what are you asking for?
Well he doesn't really say,
and that's the worst thing of all of it.
Well Terry, whatcha got?
- Well coming up, a liveperformance from Mike Donehey
of Tenth Avenue North.
Where did his band get their name?
You're gonna find out lateron today's show, but first,
the self-described hottestmess in the state of Texas.
How did a paperwork errorset him free from prison,
and why did he beg thejudge to take him back?
Radio host Michael Molthon isin the spotlight after this.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
- He went from building luxuryhomes to being homeless,
and then he served a stint in prison.
How did Michael Molthonwind up with a radio show
that reaches an audience ofmore than half a million?
Charlene Aaron bringsus his remarkable story
from riches to rock bottom,and then better than ever.
(logo whooshing)
- Five nights a week herein this studio in Dallas,
Michael Molthon reachesan audience of people
from all walks of life,
tackling tough topics likedug and alcohol addiction,
an issue he knows all too well.
- Gather round, gatherround, gather round, clowns.
Michael Molthon, M2 the Rock,
coming to you live fromDallas, Texas, D-town baby!
I never imagined in my life,
and what a great feelingit is to help people,
to help save their life.
I get messages every dayon how God is using me
to touch people.
We reach over half amillion people a week.
We have got a lot to talk about today.
- [Charlene] Via hispodcast and Facebook shows
called "M2 the Rock," Molthonshares about his dark past
as an alcoholic and drugaddict and how he went
from building homes to being homeless.
- When I had the home building company
and I was married at the time,
my behaviors were getting worse and worse.
My consequences weregetting worse and worse,
and I will never forget in2009, I got pulled over,
and I got arrested.
I had a large amountof cocaine in my truck.
I was intoxicated, and I was arrested,
and I'll never forget whenthey took me down to the jail,
I had my very first mug shot.
- [Charlene] 26 mug shotslater, Molthon hit rock bottom.
- When I look back, that'show the word powerless,
I'm powerless over this deadly disease.
- [Charlene] Agitated andfacing three years behind bars,
he experienced a spiritualencounter after an inmate
asked him to read to him.
- And I grab this book from agangbanger, a Black Panther,
and he used it as a pillow.
Brand new book, and it wasthe Living Recovery Bible,
New Living translation.
Now, these are black wordson white paper at the time.
THey're not meaning anything to him,
and the next thing I know,four days have passed by,
and I started thinking about this,
and I go four days just wentby, and I wasn't anxious,
I wasn't in fear, I wascalm, and I was at peace.
- [Charlene] Later that night,another life-changing moment.
- I couldn't breathe.
I was like ahh, ahh likethat, and all of a sudden,
I felt all this trash andhatred and anger and resentment
and everything just comingout of my body like flies.
All this stuff was just coming out,
and I just took thisbreath and I just go ahh,
and something magical happened,and I was full of love,
and I was looking around,and I loved everybody.
- [Charlene] That love motivated him
to hold Bible studies behind bars.
- And I started preaching,
and I didn't realize what I was doing,
and I did it at the end of every dinner.
- [Charlene] In 2017, a paperwork error
led to Molthon's accidental release,
so with no money orfood, he walked 300 miles
to ask Judge Jennifer Bennetto send him back to jail.
- I walk in there to turnmyself in, and I'm excited.
I'm like I'm gonna go back to prison.
I'm gonna go do my timeand get this over with
and get this behind me.
I'm in complete acceptance.
God is running the show, right?
And I walk in there,and Judge Bennet says,
"Mr. Molthon, there'sobviously someone a lot bigger
"working in your life than me,
"and I'm not gonna get in theway," and she set me free,
and she said I want youto come back tomorrow
with the self-correct program,
and she goes I want youto go pay it forward.
- [Charlene] And Molthonis doing just that
by sharing his storyof freedom and sobriety
with those seeking help for addiction.
- I was the biggest messin the state of Texas.
Today, the judges call meto ask me for my advice.
There are judges in the state of Texas
that have reached out tome that I have personally
helped them with their family members
to get them into treatment, to get help.
There are judges thatfamily members who have
watched this show that have reached out
that are now clean and sober today.
- [Charlene] Judge Bennethas even appeared as a guest,
and the impact of Molthon's work
is reaching around the globe.
- I've been on podcastsall over the world,
but we're getting 'em.
The majority of 'em are fromAmerica, but it's all over.
- [Charlene] In the end, Molthonsays his message is simple:
if God changed him, He can change anybody.
- I don't wake up inthe middle of the night
craving a drink.
The mental obsession of drugsand alcohol has been removed,
and my drug of choice today is God.
I am grateful that through all the pain,
my story and everythingthat I have been through
in my life is that Ifinally understand better
on what forgiveness means.
- [Charlene] CharleneAaron, CBN News, Dallas.
- What an amazing story,but that's God's grace.
God's redeeming grace.
While I was yet a sinner,Christ died for me
is what the Bible says.
While we're all sinners,
all have sinned and comeshort of the glory of God,
but God through His gracereaches down and takes us
to be with Him and His child.
Wonderful, Terry.
- It's quite miraculous to see, too,
how God takes our veryshortcomings and failures
and uses them for something good.
- Amen.- Amazing.
Well up next, failingeyesight put a huge kink
in this active senior's lifestyle.
What got him back on trackand shocked his doctor
at the same time?
Plus Mike Donehey sings "GreaterThan All My Regrets" live.
Get on the backstoryon this hot new single
by the lead singer of Tenth Avenue North.
It's coming up later.(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
Paul Katter has the heart of akid and the body of a senior.
He loves nothing more than barrelling
through the slopes on his snowmobile.
Well not long ago, failingeyesight put a huge damper
on Paul's active lifestyle, but now,
he sees better than ever,
and no one is moreshocked than his doctor.
- [Narrator] There are fewthings 82-year-old retiree
Paul Katter loves doingmore than playing outdoors
in the California mountains.
- My wife tells me the littleboy in me never grew up,
and that's 'cause I've got toys.
I've had toys for years.
- [Narrator] But thereis one thing though.
- I've always done gospel music
within a gospel quartet back in the 60s.
We put three albums outin Hollywood and traveled
in a Trailways bus all overthe west coast and churches.
- [Narrator] He continuedthrough the years,
recording a song or two andsinging in the church choir,
but in 2018, he began havingproblems with his vision.
- About a year ago, Istarted to get this fog,
and they tell me it could be
cataracts coming on or something.
I just felt like there was a lens
that was covering my vision.
I'd accepted it as getting old.
- [Narrator] But over the nextyear, his vision got worse,
and soon, even hisglasses weren't helping.
- Got to the point where when I was
leading worship in church,
I couldn't see the music real well.
I was kinda frustratedand I thought I told 'em,
my worship people atchurch, I says you know,
I might not be able to keep doing this,
and I told the Lord, I says Lord,
if I'm gonna keep doing thiskinda singing and so forth,
I'm gonna have to havea change in my eyesight.
- [Narrator] On January 4th,2019, Paul and his wife Yvonne
were watching "The 700 Club"when Paul heard something
that caught his attention.
- And Terry says there's somebody--
- You have an issue with your eyes.
It's almost like a thin film
that you can't see through very clearly.
God is just removing that right now.
Your vision's gonna be restored to normal.
- I said that was for me.
Wham, just like that, it's gone,
and if God would do somethinglike that for an old man,
I think it's pretty good.
Five days later, I'm finishingup my yearly physical
with the doctor, andhe's looking at my eyes,
and he runs that lightin my eyes, and he says,
"Paul," he says, "haveyou had cataract surgery"
(laughs) and I said no. (laughs)
- [Narrator] Paul was thrilled to get back
to enjoying his toys andlending his voice to praise God.
- Blew me away to think thatGod, you care enough for me
to be able to do this forme so that I might be able
to keep serving You, and that is exciting
'cause I don't wanna quit. (laughs)
I'm 82, and I don't wanna quit. (laughs)
- You know, I think alot of us feel the way
that Paul did.
God would you actually do this for me,
I mean little old me, but He really will.
What a wonderful story,and now Paul continues on
with his heart and passion for Christ.
- God is just doing all kinds of miracles.
Tina, she sent an email, she says,
"Someone rear-ended my vehicle,and shortly after that,
"I started having chronic back pain.
"I'd almost be in tears doing," my chores.
And one day, she waswatching this program,
and Terry, you had a wordthere is a young woman
with chronic back pain, andGod is healing everything
that causes pain, and she said,
"I was thinking that's for me.
"I'm the young woman, I've gotback pain, and sure enough,
"God healed me," and Ihaven't had a problem since.
- Well this is Anna.
She lives in Urbana, Ohio.
She was quite concerned because her doctor
found a lump on her breast.
Later, she was watchingthis program, and Pat,
you prayed this word of knowledge.
"There is a woman who thinksshe may have breast cancer.
"You've done some exploratory work.
"You've found a couple of lumps.
"Just touch your breast with your hand,
"and the power of God will gointo that part of your body.
"Whatever's there will becompletely healed in Jesus' name."
Anna claimed the healing.
When she returned to herdoctor, the lump was gone.
- Praise God.- Hallelujah.
- Folks, you know God, I just wanna say,
God is all-powerful.
I was reading day in Romanswhere it said about Abraham
he was fully persuadedthat what God had promised,
He was also able to perform.
God is able, He has all power.
If you just understood the power of God.
He created everything,and all He's gotta do
is speak the word behealed, and you're healed.
There's not one person whocame to Jesus who asked
for healing who was turned away,
not one single case in the Bible.
Now what are your need are?
Terry and I are gonna pray for you,
and we're gonna believeGod, and all I ask you to do
is to say yes God, I receive it.
Just don't fight Him.
Don't think of all the reasonswhy you oughta stay sick.
Now can be the day of salvation.
Now can be the day of your deliverance.
Father, I join with Terry,and we believe God right now,
and I confess that You are all-powerful.
Nothing is impossiblewith the god we serve.
Somebody's right wrist, you'vegot problems with your wrist,
and whatever that is that's messed up,
the Lord has just touched it,
and that arthritis or whatever
is gonna be completely gone, Terry?
- Now someone else, you havean issue with your chin.
I don't know if you've had a fall
or I don't know what it is,
but it's jarred your jaw so badly,
you can't close your mouththe way you normally do.
God is establishingjust a complete healing
of that for you right now.
You'll be able to open yourjaw wide, chew your food,
no problems any more in Jesus' name.
- You've got a swellingtongue, it really hurts,
and it's inflamed.
Just put your hand over your mouth.
In the name of Jesus,touch, be healed, amen.
What else?
- Someone else with a stomach issue.
I don't know if it's cancer,
but you've lost all abilityto digest your food well,
but there's also a lot of pain for you.
Put your hand on your stomachright now as we're praying
as Jesus begins to healall of that for you
from the very beginningof it to the end of it.
Today is your day, amen.
- Right now, God is settingpeople free from fear.
Perfect love casts out fear,
and we command a spiritof fear to loose you now
in Jesus' name, touch,be made whole, amen.
Well wherever you are,let us hear from you.
We're here to pray for you.
We're here to rejoice with you,
and especially, we love tohear the answers to prayer.
So the telephone number is toll free.
It doesn't cost anything.
Just pick up the phone, call.
Somebody's at the phoneright now who'd love
to talk to you, love to hear the good news
that you've been touched by God.
1-800-700-7000, Terry?
- Well still ahead, Pat takes the hot seat
as you fire your questions.
Bruce asks, "When theunsaved pray to our Lord,
"does He hear their prayers?"
Your questions and some honestanswers waiting in the wings,
plus Tenth Avenue North'sMike Donehey joins us live.
Do you know what his latest project is?
Well here's a hint: it's not a song.
The answer is coming up.(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN News Break.
Americans may be divided by politics,
but a majority say theysupport religious freedom.
That's based on a newstudy by the Becket Fund
that shows Americans strongly support
the free expression of all faiths.
According to the Becket's first annual
Religious Freedom Index,
Americans prefer a hands-offgovernment approach to worship
and support a culture of accommodation
for religious beliefs and practices.
Well attorneys for aChristian businesswoman
have filed suit in federalcourt to challenge a law
forcing her to promote same-sex weddings.
The woman specializesin photography, editing,
and blogging about weddings.
In filing the suit, ADF SeniorCounsel Kate Anderson said,
"Artists shouldn't be censored, fined,
"or forced out of businesssimply for disagreeing
"with the government's preferred views."
Well you can always getthe latest from CBN News
by going to our website at
Pat and Terry will be back with more
of "The 700 Club" right after this.
(dramatic music)
(upbeat music)
- They're the band with a name that sounds
like an address, Tenth Avenue North.
Over the years, the grouphas produced seven albums
and 22 singles, and nowlead singer Mike Donehey
has a new release, and guess what.
It has nothing to do with music.
(logo whooshing)
- [Narrator] The leadvoice of the popular band
Tenth Avenue Northbelongs to Mike Donehey,
songwriter and the band's founder.
As his lyrics attest, hethinks deeply about faith
and the Christian life.
♪ So if I fall and if I fail ♪
♪ I will trust your mercy isgreater than all of this ♪
- [Narrator] In his first book,
cleverly titled "FindingGod's Life for My Will,"
Mike uses humor andvulnerability to tackle
the questions we all haveabout God's plan for our lives.
- And now, here's MikeDonehey of Tenth Avenue North
singing "Greater Than All My Regrets."
(audience applauding)(acoustic guitar music)
♪ Ooo, ooo, ooh. ♪
♪ When the past it comes to haunt me ♪
♪ It tells me what I've done ♪
♪ It reminds me what's gone wrong ♪
♪ When my sins are laid before me ♪
♪ My Lord, you take them on ♪
♪ Yes my Lord, you take them on ♪
♪ So if I fall and if I fail ♪
♪ I will trust your mercy isgreater than all of this ♪
♪ And if I bend and if I break ♪
♪ I'll trust the hands that hold me ♪
♪ Are greater than all my regrets ♪
♪ You are greater than all my regrets ♪
♪ You are, you are ♪
♪ Father, I know I break your heart ♪
♪ When I choose my way,when I doubt your love ♪
♪ But you take me as I am, a child ♪
♪ Yeah, you whisper in my earlet's get up and try again ♪
♪ So if I fall and if I fail ♪
♪ I will trust your mercy isgreater than all of this ♪
♪ And if I bend and if I break ♪
♪ I'll trust the hands that hold me ♪
♪ Are greater than all my regrets ♪
♪ You are greater than all my regrets ♪
♪ Ooo ooo, oh oh ♪
♪ Hallelujah, you are right here with me ♪
♪ Hallelujah, you have always been there ♪
♪ Hallelujah, you willnever stop chasing me ♪
♪ You are chasing me, yeah ♪
♪ So if I fall and if I fail ♪
♪ I will trust your mercy isgreater than all of this ♪
♪ And if I bend and if I break ♪
♪ I'll trust the hands that hold me ♪
♪ Are greater than all my regrets ♪
♪ You are greater than all my regrets ♪
♪ Ooo, ooo, ooo ♪
(audience applauding)
- Well while Mike ismaking his way over here,
I want you to know thatthe song you just heard
is called "Greater Than All My Regrets."
It's from Tenth Avenue North's latest CD
called "No Shame," and Mikeis now a first-time author.
He's just released a book called
"Finding God's Life for My Will,"
Both are available nationwide.
Great to have you with us today.
- Glad to be here.
- Love the book, love the title.
I mean, the journey you wenton to writing all of this
is one that I think lots of people are on,
almost a fear of doing the wrong thing,
taking the wrong step,but a lot of people then
have regrets about things in their lives.
How did this song come about?
- Yeah, this song is justan honest piece of regret
that I dealt with, andregret is sort of that voice
that says hey, that mistake you made,
God can't make your life beautiful again,
and for me it was we cut back our touring
almost in half a couple years ago
'cause I have four daughters.
- Say no more. (laughs)- Pray for me.
But always, people arelike you praying for a boy,
and I'm like no, Godgives girls to a family
that already has a man.
- [Terry] Whoa, I like that.
- That's how I come backat it, but to be home more,
we had to cut our touring in half,
and I just had a lot of regretthat I didn't do that sooner.
- Really?- You know?
- [Terry] Looking back onwhat you might have missed.
- 'Cause God came through right,
and I went why was I soscared to make that decision?
Why was I so precious,
and I was crying on my kitchen floor,
and I felt like God just whispered to me.
He said, "Hey Mike, I'mgreater than all your regrets.
"Let's get up and try again,"
and He kinda sounded likeBob Ross when He said that.
(Terry laughing)
You know Bob Ross, the painter?
- Yes. (laughs)
- You know what he usedto say 'cause all this,
we look at regret like a painting,
and we have this paint strokeon our canvas and we go oh,
if only I could just take that off
and start a brand new painting,
and what Bob Ross usedto say when he painted,
he goes, "Remember inart, there's no mistakes,
"just happy little accidents,"
and I felt like God said to me, He goes,
"You need to stop tryingto erase what's been past,
"and you need to letme embrace your past."
- And so often, also God teaches us things
that we absolutely needto know and keeps us from
repeating the samefoolishness down the road.
You really struggled with,as the title of your book,
I love it, "FindingGod's Life for My Will,"
you were on a desperate search to find
God's will for your life.
How did God turn that aroundin your heart and mind?
- Well yeah, in the book, Italk about how I struggled,
is this girlfriend of mine thewoman I'm supposed to marry,
and I was paralyzed with fear of going
what if I make the wrong decision,
and I just ruin my whole life?
So God, is she the rightone, is she the right one,
is she the right one, and God goes,
"Hey, how would you treat her is she was,"
and I went oh, so this isn't about you
changing my circumstance.
This is about you changing me.
- [Terry] No writing on the wall. (laughs)
- And the thing is like with marriage,
I know a lot of guys whoprayed and prayed and prayed
and said is this the right one,
is this the right one,is this the right one,
and then they stopped prayinghow should I love this woman
every day now that she is the one?
So my book is like quitobsessing over what the plan is
and maybe let God invade your plans.
Like quit going God,change my circumstance,
and maybe for a second go okay God,
what do you need to change in me?
- In your book, over and over again,
you kind of stop in themidst of these moments
of contemplation andquestion and even regret,
and it's in that place of stopping
and just connecting withGod that He speaks to you.
When we're agitated likeyou're talking about,
either through regret or tryingto figure everything out,
we don't realize He's it, He's the answer.
He's the source, He's the goal.
- Yeah, this might sounda little provocative,
but I wrote this book when I realized
I need to stop blackmailing God.
So many of us, we come to God
so God will give us this thing,
and God's going, "That's idolatry.
"I want to be the thing, right?
"I want to become the treasure,not give you a treasure
"so that you forget me."
- What's the subtitle of your book,
His presence is the plan?
- Yeah, that's it.
You ever been driving,and you have a friend
in the passenger seat who'sgot all the directions?
Maybe they've got 'em printed out,
and they don't tell you the next turn
until it's almost toolate, and you're going
this would be so much easierif you just plugged it
all in like buy me a Tesla,
like let it auto-driveme all the way there,
and I said that to God.
I said God, why don't youjust give me a 10-step plan.
Give me the whole picture.
That way I'll know what'scoming, and God said,
"I can't do that."
I said why not?
He goes, "'Cause then you'dstop listening to my voice."
- [Terry] Yes.
- And I've realized, it'staken me a long time,
and I'm still realizing this,
that God's not reallyafter performance from me
as much as He's after intimacy with me.
- [Terry] Absolutely.
- And so He kinda wantsme to lean in and go
being with you is whatthis drive is all about,
not getting there.
- And in a crazy, mixed-up world
with so much clamoringaround us, being with Him is,
has to be very intentional, doesn't it?
- It's no mistake Hesays to Mary and Martha.
He goes, "Hey Martha, thanks.
"You're doing a lot of great stuff for me,
"but Mary's chosen what is necessary,"
and it's almost offensive in an
accomplishment-driven culture,
in an accolade-driven culture,to go the necessary thing
is to be intimate with God.
I actually have a chapterin the book called
"Prayer is Wasting Time onGod" 'cause in our culture,
if you actually just stopand are just with God,
you can feel like oh, Ishould be doing something.
- Actually it takes awhile to enter into that
because we are so used to thefray and to the craziness.
- Totally.- Yeah.
Being with God is what it's all about.
It's what this book is all about,
and I think you'd really enjoy it.
It's called "FindingGod's Life for My Will."
The subtitle is "HisPresence is the Plan."
You can't miss the message.
It's clear and it's in here.
It's available wherever books are sold.
Highly recommend it.
Thank you for your music.
Always a message, always wonderful.
- Absolutely, thanks for having me.
- Great to have you here.
Well when we come back,
your questions and some honest answers.
Kimberly wants to knowdo we have one angel
assigned to watch over us by God,
or is there more thanone angel assigned to us?
You're about to find out; stay tuned.
(upbeat music)
- You know, Thanksgivingis almost upon us,
and we've got Christmas coming up,
and I wanna tell you, some years ago,
I was thinking of people who were hurting,
and we'd sit down to turkey and dressing
and pumpkin pie and all thatstuff that goes along with it,
and we think there arepeople who are hungry.
People haven't got enough food to eat,
and how can we enjoy this without thinking
that we can help somebody else?
So I told my wife, I saidlook, figure out how much
we're gonna spend on holiday,maybe on Thanksgiving meals.
How much you're gonnaspend the grocery store,
and give me that number, andwhat I'll do is write a check
to Operation Blessing so that they in turn
can take it out into the neighborhood,
and actually at that time,
we were getting about a four-to-one match
'cause we had otherchurches working with us,
but we wanted to help people,
and it has become a holiday tradition,
and I commend it to you.
You say well I'm alreadya 700 Club member.
Well that's fine, God bless you,
but what I'd like you to dois to do something special
for this holiday season forThanksgiving and Christmas,
and these letters are in themail to our mailing list.
Thanks to the Lord for the holiday,
and what we'd like you to do,
figure out how much you'regonna spend on all that turkey
and dressing and cranberryand all the stuff you eat,
and write a check for thatamount to Operation Blessing.
Give thanks, special gift, 1-800-700-7000,
and if you would put it in theenvelope that's here for you,
and it'll be easy to open this up.
Maybe I can open it up,here we go, and inside,
there's a card that talksabout the Thanksgiving,
and then there's a special reply card
that you can indicatehow much you wanna give,
and there's an envelope herefor you all ready to go.
All you have to do is just put it
in that envelope right there.
It's even postage-paid, canyou believe that? (laughs)
- [Terry] We're here to help. (laughs)
- You don't have to lookfor a stamp all right,
but please do that and let's help people
that won't enjoy theholiday as much as we will
because we're gonna have a great time.
It's gonna be a wonderfulThanksgiving, and anyhow.
- Great!- Okay.
- Time for some questions, you ready?
Okay, this first one Patcomes from Bruce who says,
"When the unsaved pray to our Lord,
"does He hear their prayers?"
- Listen, God hears everybody's prayer.
He hears the prayer, butthe Bible says if I regard
iniquity in my heart,
the Lord will not hear what I'm praying.
If I'm looking at iniquity,
If I'm deliberately committing sin,
and I know it's there,
then don't think I'm gonnago before God and say
oh God, I love you and all that
because He will not hear that
because He knows it's hypocritical.
That's what he's talking about.
He doesn't receive willinglythe prayers of the hypocrite.
You remember the Phariseethat was praying?
He said, "God, I'm so gladI'm not like other people.
"I give a tenth of what I've got.
"I tithe, I go to thesynagogue, I do all this stuff,
"and aren't you lucky you've got me,"
and this other guy'sover there, and he says,
"God be merciful to me, a sinner,"
and Jesus said that's the man
that's going home acknowledged.
He's gonna be justifiedbecause he acknowledges
I am a sinner, and I thinkthat's the whole idea, all right.
- This is Kimberly who says, "Hi Pat.
"As a Christian, I believe God is with us,
"and I believe in angels.
"Do we have one angel assignedto watch over us by God,
"or is there more thanone angel assigned to us?"
- I think the Bible saysthat they're the heirs,
ministering spirits to lookafter the heirs of salvation.
I don't know anything inscripture that indicates
each one of us has gotour own special angel,
but the angels are to lookafter the heirs of salvation,
so there's a group of ministering spirits,
huge numbers of them, that are sent by God
to look after the heirs of salvation,
but whether there's a personalangel for every one of 'em,
I know nothing in scripturethat indicates that, all right.
- This is Lisa who says, "Hi.
"I love your program, especiallythe prayers and miracles
"that happen because of the prayers,
"but it's always prayer for illnesses
"and the symptoms due to illnesses.
"Do you pray for innerhappiness for others?
"Does God ever give youwords for people who need
"inner peace and healing from depression?"
- Of course we do.
You know, God is interestedin what's going on.
We pray for people who'vegot all kinds of needs.
It isn't just physical.
The physical has a kindof, well it's more dramatic
and stands out in people's minds,
but the inner peace isprobably more important,
and mental conditions are so important,
so the answer is yes, all right.
- Yeah, this is Daniel.
We've had this question before Pat.
I don't think it's uncommon,
but "What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
"I'm so afraid of blasphemingthe Holy Spirit, it scares me.
"What can I do?"
- This is a toughie.
Jesus said all mannerof sins and blasphemies
will be forgiven the sons of man
except the sin against the sprit.
Now regrettably, (laughs) it'sthe aorist tense in Greek,
and that means do it one time.
It's not an ongoing thing,but I just don't believe
that the Lord is sayingI'm gonna condemn you
because one time out ofyour mouth came something
that was unkind to the Holy Spirit,
and I think the ultimate sin of blasphemy
against the Holy Spirit is,
well they said Jesus had an unclean sprit,
but I think it's rejecting the fact
that He is sent by God,
that He is the anointed of the Lord,
that His death and resurrectionis what brings us salvation.
I think that's the ultimatesin against the sprit,
so I wouldn't spendyour life worrying about
have I said something bad one time.
I did say from the Greekit's aorist is one time,
but I just don't believethat's what the Lord intends.
I don't think it comportswith anything else
we read in the Bible, all right.
- Okay, Diana says, "Who should I pray to?
"Do I pray to the LordGod or to the Lord Jesus?
"Do I pray to God when Ineed prayer for a relative's
"job situation, or do I pray to Jesus?"
- Well you know, youpray in the Holy Spirit
under the authority ofJesus to the Father.
That's the hierarchy.
Oh God, I ask you to delivermy friend who is sick,
and I'm praying in thepower of the Holy Spirit
in the name of Jesus.
It's like a power of attorney,
and that gives us accessto the throne of God.
- And so often, using the wordof God when you're doing that
seems to be the key, the catalyst.
- Absolutely, you prayGod's will because you know
that you have faith becauseHe's already said it.
Well today's PowerMinute is from Psalm 20.
May He give you the desire of your heart
and make all your plans succeed.
What a wonderful Psalm.
Well tomorrow, a younghusband and father struck down
by a deadly strain of malaria.
Why are his doctorsbaffled, but he's not dead?
Thank you for being with us.
For all of us here at CBN, we love you.
We thank God for you, andyou can turn in tomorrow
for another edition of "The 700 Club."
God bless every one of you, bye bye.
(uplifting music)