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'This Has Got to Stop. It's Evil': Turkish Military Using Drones to Attack Civilians and Military Targets in Northern Syria

'This Has Got to Stop. It's Evil': Turkish Military Using Drones to Attack Civilians and Military Targets in Northern Syria Read Transcript

- While the Pentagon hasordered the withdrawal

of most US troops inSyria, some will remain

to secure the country'seastern oil fields from ISIS.

Chuck Holton reports the Turkish

military is takingadvantage of the situation

with devastating consequences

for the civilians in that area.

- [Chuck] Turkey and Russianow patrol northern Syria

side by side as TurkishPresident Erdogan moves ahead

to annex much more landbordering his country.

Local Syrians showing their displeasure

with some pelting a Turkish patrol

with rocks near the town of Derrik.

One protester was run over

by a Turkish vehicle and later died.

Turks fired what theyclaimed to be tear gas

to disperse the protests.

The questionable chemical, however,

sent 10 unconsciouspeople to the hospital,

a result rarely caused by tear gas.

Doctors at this hospitalin Tal Tamr have treated

more than 700 casualties so far.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] The Kurdsin this area have faced

so much injustice from this invasion

and we sometimes feel powerlessto stop the bloodshed.

- So this reconnaissance we're doing

of the front line area herejust south of Seri Kani,

shows that this YPG position is surrounded

on three sides at the momentby the Free Syrian Army,

off to the west, to thenorth, and to the east.

But they're not quite asworried about being attacked

from those positions as theyare about indirect fire,

that's mortars and artillery,

because they just had around land back behind them

and they don't know if that'slike a reconnaissance by fire

or if the enemy's actually bracketing

them trying to bomb this target.

The other thing we have to worry about is

what we can hear overhead right now

and that's the Turkish dronescircling looking for a target.

(gunfire rattling)

Many of the wounded atthis hospital are victims

of Turkish drone attacks.

Dave Eubank, leader of theFree Burma Rangers aid group,

has been working in the areafor more than three weeks.

- We are at a mobilecasualty collection point.

We had to hide our vehicles because

of Turkish drone strikes.

In the last three days,26 people have been killed

by drone strikes in this area alone.

- [Chuck] It's clearthese drones are going

after more than just military targets.

Eubanks' own marked ambulancetook a hit November 2nd,

wounding two and killing one

of their ethnic Kachinmedics, 37 year old Zhau Seng.

He died on his babydaughter's first birthday.

But Turkey's president is undeterred,

vowing to continue the fight against

what he calls terrorists,

while local aid groups estimate

more than 300,000 have fled the area.

Meanwhile, medical peopleon the ground have labeled

these civilian dronestrikes as war crimes.

- And so we ask for a stopto the Turkish drones.

Five ambulances havebeen taken out earlier.

And so this has got to stop, it's evil.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] All wewant is to be able to live

in peace like any other nation.

We just hope PresidentTrump will remember us

and maybe then he can dosomething to help our situation.

- [Chuck] Chuck Holton,CBN News, Tal Tamr, Syria.

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