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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - November 14, 2019


- We're gonna take time to answer

some of the email questions you sent in,

and Pat this first onecomes from Khan who asks,

"Is it a sin to buy a lotto ticket?"

- You know it's not,but I think it's a sin

for the state governmentsto train their people

to expect a big payofffrom some lucky draw,

when that's not the way you gain money.

You gain interest and increase

little by little by littleand that's how you get money.

And this other is so phony.

It's not a sin to buy one.

If it's kind of a kick, you get a lottery,

and you put it down and if you hit,

well good for you if you don't,

but if you expect something for it,

if you begin to think, "WellI'm gonna hit the jackpot

and I'm hoping for thatand I'm praying that God

will give me a great," that'snot the way you get wealth.

It doesn't work that way.

It works slowly, slowly and themiracle of compound interest

is how you gain money.

And you give it by giving, giving, giving,

and God will open the windows of heaven.

Not by buying a lotteryticket, but it's not a sin

to go buy one.

Hey I've got a lottery ticket,

I spent five bucks and I didn't care.

That's okay, all right.

- Okay Judy wants to know,

"Can a person who has known the Lord,

turned their back on Godand dappled with atheism,

ever be forgiven?"

- I think if you come back to the Lord,

all manner of sin andblasphemy may be forgiven,

but you know the Bibledoes talk about people

who do to spite to the blood of Christ

and they turned it back on the Lord

and turn against Him and you know,

such people it's really hard

to bring them back to repentance.

But if somebody wants tocome back to the Lord,

then obviously your heart is still tender

and God is very forgiving.

God wants you to be saved.

He doesn't want any to perish,

but all should come to theknowledge of the truth.

That's what the Bible says, all right?

- Okay this is Brett who says,

" I've been wondering fora while if Adam and Eve

went to heaven or hell.

They disobeyed the Lord and ate the fruit

of the tree of knowledgebecause they were deceived.

I've heard that God does not condemn us

for sins committed because of deception."

- Well, you know, why do youworry about Adam and Even,

whether they're in heaven or not?

I mean come on.

I mean, did they make it or not?

They got kicked out of the garden of Eden,

that we do know.- That's sufficient.

- Yeah and they're subjectto death because of it,

but you know just assin came into the world

through one man even soredemption came to the world

through the son of God.

God redeemed the sin of Adam and Eve,

and all that other stuff, I don't know.

Don't speculate, spend yourtime on stuff like that.

It's a waste of time.

Spend your time on what doesGod want me to do today.

How can I please him today.

What are the rules of living today,

not what happened to Adam and Eve, okay?

- Good answer.

Okay, this is Alyssa who says,

"I got angry with God earlier this year

because I didn't understandwhat was going on in my life.

I think I went too far

and I believe the HolySpirit departed from me.

I no longer have dreams from God

or answers to even simple prayers.

I've asked for forgivenessand I keep asking

for the Holy Spirit to come back.

I'm at a loss as to how toget back in right standing

with God."

- You read the Psalm andDavid had sex with Bathsheba,

they had a baby, hegot her husband killed,

he did bad stuff.

And he writes in the Psalms,

"Restore unto me the joyof my salvation" and quote,

"Take not your Holy Spirit from me."

So apparently he lost his joy,

but the Holy Spirit stayed there

and I think the same with you, you know?

You have questioned God's goodness

and you've lost your joy.

What you need is to get backto the place you were before,

ask God to forgive you

and then set you back on the course.

But the Bible says very clearly,

He wants your consciencecleansed from dead works

that you might serve the living God.

That's the word of God, all right?

- Yeah, this is Ann who says,

"Pat, my fiance and Iare partners with CBN

and a number of other ministries.

We are not wealthy, butlove to help others.

We give as members and to helpbeyond our membership amount,

we consider our tithe.

We will figure our incomeand tithe accordingly,

sometimes waiting fromone payday to the next,

to be able to send more.

In doing this, are we tithing properly,

or should we be givingimmediately to our church

to stay within God's will?

We love being blessed to help others,

but don't want to takecontrol away from God."

- Paul said, "I'm not asking you to give

what you don't have, but your willingness,

God loves a cheerful giver."

God's not some accountantsitting up in heaven,

countin' on like a ledger sheet.

I mean it's out of your heart

and he will bless you accordingly.

And you're giving unto the Lord

and He will bless you accordingly,

but he's not asking you togive what you don't have.

You're giving out of what He's given you.

And He's returning that portion,

so you're doing reallygreat and God bless you

and I appreciate youbeing a partner in CBN,

and don't worry aboutthe accounting terms.

God's not gonna holdyou responsible on that.

It's what's in your heart that matters.


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