Multi-platinum selling artist Jaci Velasquez joins us live. Plus, a car wreck leaves one woman barely able to walk. Find out how she’s now jumping for joy on today’s 700 Club.
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- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Wendy] Coming up.
The multi-platinum selling artist
with more than a dozen number one hits
and an armful of Dove Awards.
Christian singer Jaci Velasquez
joins us live in our studios.
Then, a car wreck lefther barely able to walk.
- [Hope] At any moment, Icouldn't put my foot down.
- [Wendy] And decades of pain followed.
- [Hope] It was really bad.
- [Wendy] So how is shenow jumping for joy?
- I knew it, I knew it, I felt it.
- [Wendy] The answer on today's 700 Club.
(dramatic music)
- Well welcome to The 700 Club.
Baby, it's cold outside.
A November to remember.
Record-shattering cold wreaking havoc
across half the nation.
200 million Americansfeeling the deep freeze.
What's worse?
More is on the way,along with dire warnings
of a hybrid storm.
Well what does that mean?
Charlene Aaron has the answer.
- It's an early start to winter
as a powerful blast ofsnow, ice, and bitter cold
blankets half the nation.
That freezing air dipping down south,
including here in Virginia Beach.
It's not even winter yet,
and some areas could see temperatures
dropping to near zero.
The wind chill today is forecast
to reach six degrees in Boston,13 degrees in New York City,
23 degrees in Atlanta, and10 degrees in Indianapolis.
From Monday afternoonto Tuesday afternoon,
temperatures fell dramatically.
Atlanta dropped from 67 to 39 degrees.
New York City droppedfrom 61 to 33 degrees.
Raleigh, North Carolinadropped from 69 to 38 degrees.
Chicago approaching record low numbers
for this time of year.
- Try to keep my face warm.
- [Interviewer] Does it do the trick?
- Not really.
- It's so cold that it's burning my face.
- [Charlene] Snow and whiteout conditions
are wreaking havoc on the roads.
In Ohio, this 50-carpileup on Interstate 80
involving semi-trucks andseveral other vehicles.
Snow delayed or groundedhundreds of flights
across the country.
Snow, rain, and arctic air arenow invading the East Coast,
with more on the way.
- There's gonna be a prettyfierce storm developing
just offshore.
We call these hybrid storms.
They're not tropical ortrue tropical in nature,
but they feed back andacquire very strong winds.
So you folks from Georgia to the Carolinas
to southeast Virginia, this is gonna be
a pretty interestingweekend coming up with that.
- Forecasters say somerelief is on the way,
as temperatures are expectedto warm up next week.
Charlene Aaron, CBN News.
- Well in other news,the wolf is at the door.
The tyrant responsible forthe ongoing slaughter in Syria
is a guest at the White House.
What does the president hope to gain
from meeting with Turkey'sPresident Erdogan?
Efrem Graham has that story.
- Pat, Turkey is slaughteringcivilians in Syria
and cozying up to Russia and Iran,
so why is President Donald Trump
welcoming Turkey's presidentto the White House?
While the president wants to talk trade
and weapons systems, his supporters say
he should call Recep Erdoganto account for his atrocities.
Chris Mitchell reports.
(machine gun booms)
- [Chris] CBN News has learnedthis key city, Tel Tamer,
faces defeat with Turkish-backedforces closing in.
Analysts backed up byinternal sources tell us
it could jeopardize the SyrianDemocratic Forces, the SDF.
That could lead to the escapeof countless ISIS prisoners
and a resurgence of the Islamic State.
When the invasion began,
Turkey promised the US itwould protect civilians,
religious minorities including Christians,
and ensure a humanitariancrisis doesn't take place.
Now, 34 days later, eyewitnesses,
including humanitarian groups,
testify Turkey has broken each vow.
WORLD Magazine's MindyBelz is in the region
and tells CBN News Christianshave been a specific target.
- [Mindy] This is the first time
that it is happening undersanction of a NATO ally.
It seems like a complete betrayal
of our alliances here in this region
and it seems like a betrayal
even of our Christianbrothers and sisters.
- [Chris] CBN News has also learned
Turkish forces are massingnear the city of Kobani.
Dalton Thomas of FrontierAlliance International
met with this Christian leaderin Kobani and heard his plea.
- [Translator] Our lives are at risk.
The reason is because we believe in Jesus.
Christians around the world,
and especially American Christians,
should push their government
to make a decision to protect us
because our lives are truly in danger.
- [Chris] Given that Turkeybasically engineered the crisis
and violated international commitments,
the question remains:Will the White House hold
President Erdogan accountable?
Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.
- And eyes will be onWashington for this meeting.
- If you can imagine, afterthe defeat that the British had
when the prime ministerwent and negotiated
with Adolf Hitler andcame back saying we'd won,
can you imagine if thequeen had then invited
Hitler to the White Housefor joint appearance?
That's sort of like what happened
when we caved in to the Turks.
But what has been pointedout that's very important was
Erdogan's son-in-law and finance minister
is a man named Berat Albayrak.
Now he is a friend of Jared Kushner,
who's pictured in this picture.
Here they are.
There's Erdogan, there's his son-in-law,
and there's Trump's son-in-law.
They call that back door diplomacy.
Now Trump, his name ison a tower in Istanbul
called Trump Towers, and thereis the ribbon cutting in 2012
where Erdgoan is cutting the tape
and Trump is getting aroyalty of $5 million
for a couple of yearsfor the use of his name.
Now you've got son-in-law Kushner
and son-in-law of Erdogan meeting together
and making deals.
And this man, folks, ladies and gentlemen,
is an absolute butcher.
He wants to set up aMuslim theocracy in Turkey.
He has overrun his military.
He's overrun the civilian legislature.
And he has tried to do all sorts of things
to violate the promises he'smade in relation to Syria.
And Trump's son-in-law,his back door diplomacy
with Erdogan's son-in-law,
and the two of them are meeting together,
and here again is a picture of them.
Family ties.
On the left hand side, you see Kushner.
On the right hand side, yousee a man named Albayrak.
And the two of them, andthere's Erdogan in the middle.
- [Wendy] That's incredible.
- It is incredible.
And ladies and gentlemen,
we talk about all this stuffabout some telephone call
to some Ukrainian.
That is nothing compared to this.
It is nothing compared to this.
And I, frankly, in my heart,am shocked and grieved,
but that's what's going on
and there are the factsand there are the pictures.
It really happened.
- Democrat presidentialcandidate Pete Buttigieg
has introduced a planfor more than $2 trillion
over 10 years in new domestic spending
and middle class tax cuts.
To pay for it, he would change the way
capital gains are taxed.
His plan targets the top 1% of taxpayers,
taxing their assets asthey go up in value,
not the way it's donenow when they're sold
or the owner dies.
He would also raisethe capital gains rates
on the top 1% of income earners.
All that to cover new spendingon housing and child care
over 10 years as well as free college
for families making less than $100,000
and reduced tuition for those families
making less than $150,000.
Pat, Pete Buttigieg alreadyproposed a national ban
on state right-to-worklaws as part of a plan
to double union membership nationwide.
- I think Buttigieg somehow in his heart
really doesn't likepeople who achieve stuff.
But the idea that he wantsto double union membership
and cancel every state right-to-work law,
the states that have right-to-work
are the ones that are prospering
because business wants to get involved
with states that are friendly to business
and are not controlled by labor,
and Buttigieg wants it just the opposite.
Well, it's a big day in Washington.
CBN Chief Political Analyst David Brody
is going to join us from Washington
to talk about all things politics.
And David, let me ask you,
what do you think the president can gain
by meeting with this thug,this Erdogan from Turkey?
- Well Pat, senioradministration officials
basically saying, look,they believe in diplomacy
and the president wants toengage and talk about diplomacy,
and so, therefore,Erdogan has been invited
to the White House to do exactly that.
But the problem is, as you'vepointed out, he's a thug,
and so a thug makes his wayto 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
today in Washington.
Here's the problem.
He's a NATO ally thug.
And so what do you do there,because they need Turkey
to be a cooperativepartner in the Middle East.
They haven't been recently,
but they need that in the long term,
and I think that is partof the strategy here
and there's a lot of other layers.
But look, Pat, ultimately,
we know what happened in northeast Syria,
and that's part of the problem here
because Donald Trump wrote inthat first letter to Erdogan,
he said, look, don't do it,
don't go into northeastern Syria, he did,
and then Trump said in that letter,
if you do it, I'm gonnadestroy your economy.
So in essence, we have a situation
where the president has said that.
Well, the proof's in the pudding.
Let's see what he doesbecause, at this point,
it seems to be the red carpet treatment
at the White House at this point.
- Does Jared Kushner have adisproportionate influence?
I understand that he is on the side
of Salman bin Salman in Saudi Arabia
and they've committed anumber of human rights abuses
and we've given them a pass.
Is that Kushner's doing?
- Well, first of all, let's be very clear.
Jared Kushner has very good relationships
with Saudi Arabia and, ofcourse, the crown prince.
Donald Trump does too.
And of course he was feeted or feted,
what is the word exactly, but anyhow,
that happened in Saudi Arabia
when he went over to theMiddle East a couple years ago
during his first term as president.
So yeah, there's strongrelationships there for sure.
And Jared Kushner has a major influence
when it comes to not just Saudi Arabia,
but all Middle Eastern policies.
The guy is the architect,
or at least part of, one of the architects
of putting some sort ofMiddle East peace plan
together, though that has beenshelved for the time being.
But look, Pat, I thinkultimately this is all about the,
I shouldn't say ultimately, but obviously,
religious, ethnic minorities
and the cleansing thatwe're seeing over there,
the persecution, Christians and others
being targeted over there, that will be
definitely brought up, obviously,today at the White House.
The question is how muchwill it be brought up
and what's gonna actuallyhappen from that.
I think there's a lotof unanswered questions
as to how much.
We know human rights are gonna come up,
but how much is the presidentreally gonna push him on it?
- David, when you look, by the way,
at what's happening in Israel,
Israel took out some highranking Hamas leadership
and then there's been a flurryof arms over there again.
Is that area, do you think,coming close to a war?
- Well I think it kind ofraises a larger picture here,
which is something specifically going on
between Turkey and the United States,
which is this whole controversy
over the S-400 anti-aircraftmissile system.
Of course, Turkey buying itfrom Russia, as you know, Pat.
That's not operational yet,
but the Americans, the United States,
Donald Trump does not like the fact
that Turkey has bought thisanti-aircraft missile system
from Russia, and so thatwill be a major part,
if not one of the key parts,
of the discussion going on today.
And because why don't they like it?
Well look, the F-35 fightersthat the United States have,
those low, observable,low-level, if you will,
fighters that can kindaget under the radar,
well the S-400 can pick up on those
and so that's the last thingthat the Americans want
is for Turkey and Russiato be working together
and for Turkey to have oneof those S-400 systems.
That's where sanctionscould come into play
and that's where Trump couldget real nasty in negotiations.
- Well, back to the domestic politics,
they're starting hearings on impeachment.
Have you been talking to these senators?
Are they gonna stay with Trump on this?
It looks like they were,but is Mitch gonna let that,
those proceedings go forwardif the House votes impeachment?
- Well, there's a sense that,
if it actually gets to a Senate trial,
which, at this point,the conventional wisdom
is that it will, in other words,
the House would impeach the president
and then it would go toa trial in the Senate,
that Mitch McConnell wouldindeed have some sort of trial.
It may be quick, may be,
you know, Bill Clinton'strial lasted three weeks
back in the day.
This would maybe last a day or two,
a couple days at the most.
So I think that's the sense there.
Look, it's all about thatred wall in the Senate.
In other words, there're 67 senators
that are needed to impeach,
excuse me, to convict thispresident in the Senate.
You have 47 Democrats.
It means you need 20 Republicans.
No Republicans are necessarilythere at this point.
Here's part of the problemhere for Democrats,
or at least the fact thatTrump would not get convicted.
Here's the issue, is thatwhat's the smoking gun exactly?
The smoking gun apparentlywas in the transcript.
Well, Donald Trump hasreleased the transcript
and that gun isn't smoking at all.
There's not any smoke in the gun.
And so, unlike RichardNixon back in the day
in the 70s where you had the tapes
and you had the Saturday Night Massacre
and that was going on asthe hearings were going on,
here, everything's out in the open.
We don't expect anymore surprises,
and that's gonna be aproblem for Democrats.
- Well now, Adam Schiff apparently
is not gonna allow the Republicans
to bring forth certain witnesses.
He's very selective.
And the question is whetherhe even is going to permit
vigorous questioning by the Republicans.
Is that your sense of it?
- Well that's right, and that'swhy a lot of folks up here
believe this is just a scam,
a political witch hunt asDonald Trump would say,
because, look, the whistleblower, right,
this all started because ofthe whistleblower report.
And now Adam Schiff says, "Wedon't need the whistleblower.
"We're good."
Look, I mean, Americans didn't fall
off the turnip truck yesterday.
They get this.
They understand that.
How do you not have thewhistleblower testify?
And I understand thatthere's privacy concerns,
but if the whistleblower doesn't testify,
that doesn't seem to make much sense
in Peoria, if you will, Pat,
in other words, out therein the heartland of America.
Look, I think, ultimately,what Republicans are gonna say
on impeachment and these hearings
is to say wait a minute, howcould there be a quid pro quo,
because, this just in,Ukraine got the military aid
and no investigations wereannounced on Joe Biden.
So there is no there there,and I think that's part of it.
Also, this is a game oftelephone regarding impeachment.
In other words, you'regonna hear Bill Taylor
and George Kent andall these guys say that
I heard that the presidentsaid this to someone.
It's a whole big, connected,crazy game of telephone,
and Republicans are gonna say,
"Did you actually hearit from the president?"
and the answer's gonnabe no, and at that point,
Americans may check out on this.
- How do you read 2020?
It looks like the Democratsdon't really have a candidate.
They're looking desperatelyto find somebody
because the current cropis just shooting themselves
all in the foot.
- Well it's interesting.
Elizabeth Warren was rising for a while,
and then people got wordof her Medicare for All
and the fact that, look, middleclass taxes are gonna go up,
and all of a sudden, her pollnumbers started to shrink.
And guess who started to rise?
Pete Buttigieg.
He's number one in Iowa now,
and so we need to watch out for him.
He's very Obama-esque.
He's actually, I'll behonest with you, Pat,
he's probably the bestcandidate of the bunch.
He's young.
He's got a lot of flaws.
He needs help in theAfrican American community
in terms of getting votes.
There's a lot of problems with Buttigieg.
But in terms of being Obama-esque
and in terms of being one ofthe most articulate candidates
and having a temperamentout there, he's pretty good.
As for Donald Trump, look,I've always said all along,
Donald Trump will win unconventionally
and lose unconventionally.
And talk about winningunconventionally, Pat.
He could be the first impeached president
to win reelection.
That's called winning unconventionally.
It would be historic.
It would never have happenedin the history of our country.
- David, thank you.
David Brody.
It's gonna be interesting.
My prediction is the president
is going to win handedly the election
because the Democratscontinue to kill themselves
back and forth, and Joe Bidenis probably the most electable
of the whole group, but he'sgonna have a very hard time.
So it's gonna be,
Trump's gonna win.
- You think it'll be Biden and Buttigieg?
- I think Biden and Buttigieg, B.B.
(Wendy laughs)
I think that'll be the Democratic ticket
before it's over with, I said it before,
and Buttigieg is coming up,but I think that somehow,
they've got a visceral hatred
of successful entrepreneurs in America.
It's just amazing.
And of course, if Biden stickswith the failed Obamacare,
which is, that's what hishealthcare program is,
and those exchanges are failing,
the costs are going up dramatically
for anybody being involved in them.
And the young people don'twant to pay for senior care
and the seniors don't wantto pay for college education.
So it's a mess and the Democratsare gonna have a hard time.
And if all they can stand on
is that we tried to impeachthe president and failed,
what a ridiculous platformgoing into the 2020 election.
- Well coming up, likeSix Flags in the sand,
Saudi Arabia is pouringbillions of dollars
into amusement parksand other mega projects.
Could a new vision for the country
lead to a new Middle East?
And then, Jaci Velasquez asyou've never seen her before.
This living legend rocketed to fame at 16.
What happened when everything in her life
came crashing down?
Find out later on today's show.
(dramatic music)
(tense music)
- Well if this cold weather
has you dreaming about your next vacation,
would you consider thegolden sands of Saudi Arabia,
complete with a SixFlags-like amusement park
costing at least $500 billion?
That's right.
The desert kingdom isundergoing radical economic
and social changes.
The big shocker.
They want you and me andWendy to come as tourists.
Not on your life.
Chris Mitchell tells us about it.
- The major challenge facing Saudi Arabia
is implementing Vision 2030.
It's an ambitious planto change Saudi Arabia
from an oil-based economy
to one based on business investment,
technology, and tourism.
CBN sat down with Saudi Arabia's minister
of economy and planning,Mohammad al-Tuwaijri.
Can you describe forus what Vision 2030 is?
- Vision 2030 is basicallyunlocking this potential
of Saudi Arabia.
Diversifying away from oil.
Having a sustainable, growing economy.
Engaging the private sector.
Creating sustainable jobs for the locals.
But also having a regional responsibility
and a global responsibility asa good citizen of the world.
- [Chris] Dr. YonatanFreeman of Hebrew University
says Saudi Arabia can learn from Israel.
- And I think SaudiArabia is asking Israel,
"What's your secret?
"How could you be sosuccessful internationally
"using your own mind and notsome sort of natural resource?"
So I think what Saudi Arabiais going to learn from us
is how do we move aheadwithout being dependent
on just one natural resource?
- One main focus ofVision 2030 is tourism.
For the first time in its history,
Saudi Arabia is allowingtourists from nearly 50 countries
to apply for visas beginning this fall.
- Tourism is one pillarwhere it ticks all the boxes.
It ticks the diversification box.
It ticks the jobs box,balance of payments,
meaning people will comeand spend money here.
- One tourist attraction forpeople coming to Saudi Arabia
would be here at Al Ula.
It's the southern capitalof the Nabatean people
and a UNESCO heritage site.
It was part of the ancient trade routes
more than 2,000 years ago.
Amer Madani is the CEO ofthe Al-Ula Royal Commission.
- A place that hasn't beenvisited, hasn't been studied,
and we are committedto fully understand it,
preserve it, and share it with the world
through an interpretation strategy
that turns Al-Ula into a one, large,
engaging, living museum.
This is basically the largestliving museum in the world.
- [Chris] But in additionto economic changes,
there are dramatic changes in society.
(fans shouting)
One major change in Saudi society
can be seen here at this soccer match.
Just more than a yearago, for the first time,
women were permitted to attend games
of the most popular sport in the country.
The stadium includes this family section,
where husbands with their wives,
mothers with theirchildren, or single women
can come and enjoy the game.
(singing in foreign language)
It's another barrier brokenas part of Vision 2030.
- In the end, what we're seeing
all over the Muslim and Arabworld is that, more and more,
the local population wants their countries
to push for increasing the welfare
of those citizens in their countries
to be more open to the outside world.
- [Chris] But the changescome with challenges.
- One thing that SaudiArabia has to make sure
is that, the more theyopen up, it doesn't cause
too much of a challengeby those who are opposed
to any sort ofrapprochement with the West,
rapprochement with otherreligions like Christians.
So one of the things that theregime has to be certain about
is that they do it gradually.
- [Chris] And the threat of Iran
overshadows this economic revolution.
On September 14th, Iran targeted
Saudi Arabia's main oilprocessing facility.
It cut Saudi's oil productiondrastically for weeks.
But the vision expectsto change Saudi society,
cut dependence on oil,
and offer a new Saudi Arabia to the world.
Amr Ahmed Banaja is the CEO
of the General Entertainment Authority.
- Which has a very exciting mission,
which is to basically buildan entertainment sector
in Saudi Arabia.
- Banaja works on long-termentertainment projects
like Qiddiya, a Six Flags amusement park
to be built just outside of Riyadh,
the Red Sea Project, developingSaudi Arabia's coastline,
and Neom, billed as a city of the future.
Neom, located here on theshores of the Red Sea,
is the largest megaproject in the world today,
with an estimated cost of $500 billion,
and it's the centerpiece ofSaudi Arabia's Vision 2030.
And all part of what Saudi is now opening
and offering to the world.
- I think that there's a lot to discover
about Saudi Arabia and thediversity and colorfulness.
I think people think of this Saudi Arabia
as hot, camels, sand.
I think this is a very monotonic view.
I encourage everybody tothink about Saudi Arabia
the way they think about the US.
California is nothinglike Florida, you know.
Utah is nothing like Kansas.
So there's a lot of beauty and details
I think the world will come to see
the largest living museumin the world being unveiled.
- [Chris] Whether or not Saudi Arabia
can achieve Vision 2030 or not
will deeply affect thefuture of the Middle East.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News,Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
- Isn't that fascinating?
You know, the group called the Wahabis,
a very extreme Muslim sect,linked up with the Al Sauds,
the Saudi royal family, some decades ago
and they have pretty muchcontrol of the religious life,
and they have religious police
that are policing the way people dress
and the way they act and so forth.
That's got to be relieved.
If they want people tobegin to visit that country
and live freely, they've gotto take off those restrictions.
And the Wahabis probably don't want that,
and so there'll be an internalstruggle of great magnitude.
But the royal family there,I mean, sooner or later,
the population is going to say,
"Well, we really thinkthat the king's nice,
"but we need a democraticform of government."
If they start getting that,it'll tear up Saudi society,
but it'll be interesting.
They wanted to bring out thatAramco on a public offering
and they were initiallyvaluing it a $2 trillion.
Then they said no, it'sreally a trillion and a half
and then they said no, maybe one trillion,
and then the Iranians started blowing up
some of those oil fields andthere was a significant drop
in revenue in the big corporation,
and that has hurt the stockprospects and investors say,
"Well look, sure, we wantto put money into this IPO
"because what if there's another war
"and they lose resources again?"
So they've got a struggle,but my hats off to 'em.
If they try to do it, God bless 'em.
It would be a wonderfulthing for the Middle East
if Saudi Arabia made some changes
just like were being suggested.
Well one of the most popularsingers, a few years ago,
was a young lady whoreally could belt a song.
Her name was Jaci Velasquez.
Wendy.- And guess what?
She still can.
And she's gonna sing for us today.
- Okay.- Jaci Velasquez live.
She's recorded award-winningalbums, starred in movies,
and been featured on morethan 50 magazine covers.
And now, she's openingup a side of her life
you've never seen before.
What secrets has she been keeping?
Plus, our most popular segment on YouTube,
Your Questions, Honest Answers.
Dale asks: Can my loved oneswho are in heaven hear me
if I speak to them or seeme down here on earth?
Pat will tell it like itis in just a few moments,
so don't go away.
(uplifting music)
(inspirational music)
Jaci Velasquez had numberone hits, platinum albums,
Grammy nominations, and almost as quickly
as she shot to stardom, she lost it all:
her record label, herreputation, even her marriage.
Take a look.
- [Andrew] Jaci Velasquez's singing career
skyrocketed to stardomwhen she was only 16.
Everything she touchedseemed to turn to gold,
until it all came crashing down.
- [Jaci] Soon after sudden famein music, my career stalled,
my young marriage failed,and I felt like the story
of my life was broken and useless.
Life was not going how I had planned.
- [Andrew] In her book, "WhenGod Rescripts Your Life,"
Jaci shares her journey of ups and downs,
letting you know that,no matter what your life
looks like now, God cantake your broken pieces
and repurpose them intosomething beautiful.
- Jaci Velasquez is here with us now,
and welcome back to The 700 Club.
- Thank you so much.
I'm glad I get to talk to you this time.
I love that I get tohave these experiences
and meet new people and just have fun
with you.- Well, I don't always get
to meet someone when I'vejust arrived in the morning,
and I had a hat on, a flannel shirt on,
and you said, "Where's your flannel?"
- Well, I mean, you lookedso good in it though.
It worked.- Oh, well you're very sweet,
very sweet.
Well you had a platinum album, Jaci,
when you were just 16 years old.
What was that like for you?
- It was surreal.
I kind of felt like aCinderella kinda thing,
just having that experience, where people,
you know, people enjoyed the music
and they're actually buying the record.
I mean, I never would'vethought in a billion years
that that would've happened.
- I remember your first album so well,
and "On My Knees" wasone of my favorite songs
that you did.- Really?
- I'm sure so manypeople remember that one.
Everything was going great for you.
You had success, your musiccareer was taking off,
you had a record label.
But behind the scenes,things were unraveling.
What was happening?
- I think I was young and given a lot,
there was a lot on my plate, so just,
sometimes with the success,
there comes a lot ofyes people, if you will.
Like, "Whatever you say.
"Okay, you're right, whatever you think."
And then you start believingthe yeses after a while,
so instead of really seekingout the wisdom of the elders,
and then when you do see out that wisdom,
sometimes we're stubborn in our youth
'cause don't want to listen to it
'cause we think we know better.
But, you know, I think that, for me,
I had chosen to do a filmcalled "Chasing Papi"
back in, like, 2000.
It was originally supposedto be a PG-13 film,
but thankfully, the director was willing
to take a bunch of the scenes away
that I felt uncomfortablewith and it became a PG film.
But it was on 20thCentury Fox, so it wasn't,
it still wasn't a Christian film.
- [Wendy] Right.
- It was about three girls
who all found they weredating the same guy.
- [Wendy] It's funny.
It was pretty funny.- It is funny.
It was totally a rom-com,but it did create some--
- Your fans, a lot of them,
didn't like that you were doing something
that wasn't totally Christian, right?
- The fans and some of theindustry as well just didn't,
like a lot of peoplekind of canceled events
that I was on.- That really,
really hurt you, didn't it?
- Oh, that was, it wasvery difficult for me
'cause I felt like, hey, Ithought we were a community
and now I'm an outsider kind of feeling.
- And at the same time, yourfirst marriage had unraveled.
- Well, actually, theway it went down was,
I made poor mistake bychoosing to do the film,
but we all make mistakes.
The problem was I tried to go in there
and fix the mistake that I had made
by making another mistake.
So at times, I think, in life,we try to DIY our mistakes.
- You thought you couldget your reputation back
by getting married and being--- And within,
and, you know, seeming like, hey,
- The perfect Christian woman.- she's safe.
She's safe, she's grown up.
So, I DIYed one mistakewith another mistake
and then got divorced a yearand a couple months later.
And then after that wholeordeal, I decided to run away.
The only problem with running away
is you still take you with you.
- Right.
Well how did God rescript your life?
Your book is called, and I love this title
'cause it's so true, "WhenGod Rescripts Your Life."
How did God turn it all around?
- Oh, my goodness.
How hasn't He turned it around?
I feel like He'sconstantly in the business
of rescripting our storiesand rescripting our lives.
Sometimes it's based on thepoor choices we've made.
He is going to redirect the path
and make lemonade out of lemons.
- Romans 8:28.
All things work together for good.
- Who are in Christ, yes.
Also, at times, we havethis idea, this concept,
and this plan, these dreams,
that at times we confusewith God's calling.
Our dreams, God's calling.
Our vision, God's calling.
So I think a lot of times, like for me,
He rescripted some of mychoices, poor choices,
and He also rescripted someof the things in my life
that I didn't really see coming,
like our oldest son, Zealand.
He just turned 12.
He is on the spectrum for autism, but--
- [Wendy] And this wassomething you didn't script.
You didn't script havingan autistic child.
- [Jaci] That's not the plan I had.
I mean--- But you,
let's just back it up.
You did get remarried
- I did.- in 2006.
- Yes, oh yes, lemme back that.
Okay, so in 2006, the boy that I had dated
prior to making the movie, who told me no,
- To not,- don't make this movie,
- To not make the movie.
- ends up calling me while I'm in Florida
after I'd just comeback from running away.
So I was living in England, I came back,
and he called me, andabout four months later,
five months after he flew to Nashville
to take me on a date, we got married
- You realized he was the one.- in 2000--
He was always the one, butI was so stubborn, ugh.
Youth is wasted on the young.
- Anyway, Zealand
- Yeah, Zealand is our,- is your 12-year-old
autistic child.- our big boy.
- He's doing well?
- He's doing very well, andit's a part of the story
that I didn't see coming 'cause I,
when he was in my belly, Iprayed for 10 fingers, 10 toes.
I got them.
Perfect 10 fingers, perfect 10 toes.
And, you know, at 19 months old,
they were like, he...
We saw that he wasn'tmeeting the milestones
other kids his age were meeting.
So that's not the script thatI would've had for my son
or that I pictured for our lives,
but that's the script that God had for us.
- [Wendy] And your other son is how old?
- He is 10.- And what's his name?
- [Jaci] Soren.- Okay,
we don't want to forget him.
- He's so cute.
He is so cute.
He is the little brotherto the coolest big brother
and he's the coolest little brother ever.
- I love it.
Well your last album was called "Trust,"
and that's also a theme,really, throughout your life,
throughout your CD.
What have you learned about trust, Jaci?
- I've learned that trusting is hard.
Trusting is hard because,you know, you look at,
like in your marriage, youhave to trust each other.
Relationships, it's hard to trust.
But I do know that we servea God who is faithful,
and the core, that key wordin the word faithful is faith.
So we have faith that He is faithful.
He keeps His promises.
In the Bible, He made over 7,000,
and He keeps every one of them.
Sometimes those promises lookdifferent than what we think,
and sometimes He shows up.
He's like the cable guy sometimes.
He shows up when He feels like showing up.
He just gives us like a window.
- Right.
- And so He's going to keep His promise.
He's going to show up in His timing
and it's gonna be perfect.
And that is what, howI've learned to trust.
It is not easy, but it is so necessary.
- Well, we're so glad thatyou still love singing
because you're gonna do thatfor us in just a minute.
And we are actuallygonna let you go on over
to the set there to getready to sing for us.
We've only just scratchedthe surface of Jaci's story,
and for more, be sure to geta copy of her brand new book.
It's called "When GodRescripts Your Life,"
and it's available in stores nationwide.
It will so encourage you.
Jaci's latest album is called "Trust."
It's available wherever music is sold.
And now, without further ado,
here's Jaci Velazquezsinging "Great Are You Lord."
(gentle guitar music)
♪ Oh, oh ♪
♪ You give life ♪
♪ You are love ♪
♪ You bring light to the darkness ♪
♪ You give hope ♪
♪ You restore ♪
♪ Every heart that is broken ♪
♪ Great are You Lord ♪
♪ It's Your breath ♪
♪ In our lungs ♪
♪ So we pour out our praise ♪
♪ We pour out our praise ♪
♪ It's Your breath ♪
♪ In our lungs ♪
♪ So we pour out our praise to You only ♪
♪ You give life ♪
♪ You are love ♪
♪ You bring light to the darkness ♪
♪ You give hope ♪
♪ Oh, You restore ♪
♪ Every heart that is broken ♪
♪ Great are You Lord ♪
♪ It's Your breath ♪
♪ In our lungs ♪
♪ So we pour out our praise ♪
♪ We pour out our praise ♪
♪ It's Your breath ♪
♪ In our lungs ♪
♪ So we pour out our praise to You only ♪
♪ All the earth will shout Your praise ♪
♪ Our hearts will cry,these bones will sing ♪
♪ Great are You Lord ♪
♪ Oh, oh ♪
♪ All the earth will shout Your praise ♪
♪ Our hearts will cry,these bones will sing ♪
♪ Great are You Lord ♪
♪ All the earth ♪
♪ Will shout Your praise ♪♪ We will shout ♪
♪ Your praise ♪♪ Our hearts will cry ♪
♪ These bones will sing ♪
♪ Bones will sing ♪♪ Great are You Lord ♪
♪ It's Your breath ♪
♪ In our lungs ♪
♪ So we pour out our praise ♪
♪ We pour out our praise ♪
♪ It's Your breath ♪
♪ In our lungs ♪
♪ So we pour out our praise to You only ♪
♪ Yes, great are You Lord ♪
♪ You are so good ♪
♪ Yes ♪
♪ Great are you Lord ♪
(upbeat music)
- [Wendy] Still ahead,
get ready for another round
of Your Questions, Honest Answers.
We'll tackle your emailslater on today's show.
(dramatic music)
- Welcome back to The 700Club for this CBN newsbreak.
Islamic Jihad firing morerockets at southern Israel today.
Israeli communities within 25 miles
of the Gaza Strip are shut down.
More than 250 rockets have been launched
at Israel since Tuesday morning.
About 90% were interceptedby Israel's Iron Dome,
but a few got through, causingdamage, but no fatalities.
The attacks started afterIsrael's assassination
of senior Islamic Jihadofficial Abu al-Ata.
Israeli jets responded to the attacks.
More than 20 people havedied, most of them militants.
Protests in Hong Kongare heating up again.
Police firing tear gas at protesters
who littered streets with bricks
and disrupted morningcommutes and lunch breaks
during an especially violent day.
The anti-governmentdemonstrations have been going on
for five months.
The vandalism escalatedagain in recent weeks,
both from protesters andpro-Beijing supporters.
The protesters' demands include
democratic changes inHong Kong's government.
Remember, you can alwaysget the latest from CBN News
by going to our website at
Pat and Wendy are back withmore of today's 700 Club.
It's coming up right after this.
(dramatic music)
(inspirational music)
- Welcome back to The 700 Club.
It's time for your questionsand honest answers from Pat.
Let's start with Dale's question.
Dear Pat, I have loved oneswho have gone before me
and I know they are inheaven with the Lord.
Can they hear me if I speak to them,
or can they see me down here on earth?
- You know, that's aninteresting question.
Jesus told a story abouta rich man and a beggar,
and the beggar wound up in Abraham's bosom
and the rich man wound up in hell.
And one of them said to Abraham,
"I've got loved ones.
"Let me please go and warn them
"about the torment that's in store."
And Abraham said, "Between us and them
"is a great gulf fixed
"and they can't go from them to us
"and we can't go from us to them."
And I really believethat gulf is still there.
I think it's closed.
I don't believe you could be talking
to your loved ones in heaven
and they can't be talking to you.
But I think that storypretty much establishes it.
All right.
- All right, here's one from Burbeth.
Hi Pat.
What causes aneurysms?
I was diagnosed with ananeurysm in my brain.
- Well, I want to say, clearly,I'm not a medical doctor,
but from what I gather,an aneurysm is caused
by weakening of the arterial walls
and an aneurysm is a littlebubble that breaks off.
The way you avoid stuff like that
is to live a life where yourdiet and your supplements
and all the rest of them lead to health.
The veins and arteries arejust part of your whole system,
and if they are healthy,generally speaking,
you won't have an aneurysm,
but some of this has to do with genetics
and there's so much else that I,
but certainly, blood pressurehas a lot to do with it.
And I'm a great fan of dark chocolate.
Dark chocolate will loweryour blood pressure.
- I just bought some darkchocolate covered almonds
- Well I don't know about
- yesterday.- the almonds part of it.
You can get that 82% chocolate
that's got almost no sugarand it's mostly chocolate,
and a little cube ofthat a couple times a day
will actually help loweryour blood pressure.
And blood pressure, it's like a balloon.
You keep blowing it up andif it gets weaker, it'll pop,
and that's what we're talking about.
All right.- Sounds delicious.
Jill says: Dear Pat, my twin sister's life
was taken 18 years agoon our 40th birthday.
A man she knew thatshe considered a friend
began to stalk her and planned out
how he would take her life.
If he couldn't have my sister,then no one else could.
I have prayed about this for years,
and God told me I need to forgive him.
I've prayed for forgiveness for this man.
Do I also have to go beforehim and forgive him in person?
- I don't think so.
The Lord said, "When you stand praying,"
He's talking about how to have miracles.
And if you want to have miracles,
He said, "You stand praying,if you have ought against him,
then forgive as your heavenlyFather might forgive you."
Now, the Bible also says
that when you bring your gift to the altar
and you remember that somebodyhas got ought against you,
go to that one and get itright and then give your gift.
But the fact that you harborin your heart animosity,
then it's between you and God.
You forgive.
You don't have to go to the person
and ask for any kind ofreconciliation unless you want to,
but boy, that's a tough one.
- [Wendy] That's tough.
- And you give that up andthe Lord will bless you.
All right.
- He will.
All right, April says: Ibelieve in the Holy Spirit
and the gifts and I found a church online
that believes the same.
I decided to watch some of their sermons.
During worship, the pastorstarted speaking in tongues
and was inviting everyoneelse to do the same.
When I read I Corinthians 14,
I started to think thatwhat he's doing is wrong.
Am I wrong, or is it okay?
- No, you're absolutely scriptural.
Paul said, "If you'reall speaking in tongues
"and an unbeliever comes in,he'd think you're all crazy."
He said, "I'd rather speakfive words in my understanding
"than 1,000 words in tongues."
Tongues are to edify your own spirit.
You're praying to God in the spirit.
And unless it's somebodywho's got an interpretation,
you don't bring messages in tongues
without an interpretation.
Maybe you can interpret your own.
If everybody in churchis speaking in tongues
all at the same time,the apostle Paul said,
said an unbeliever comes
and he'd mostly think you're all nuts.
And that's exactly what
- That's true.- should happen
and that church shouldn't allow it.
All right.- That's true, yeah.
Well that's it.
And you've got a story for us.
- Oh, my goodness.
That was so quick.
Thank you for all those questions.
Well Hope was a prisoner in her own home.
Her right hip kept locking up.
With every excruciating step she took,
she was terrified that she might fall.
Hope suffered this agony for 18 months,
and then, one day, Hopewas healed in an instant
right in her living room chair.
- [Andrew] For decades,
Hope Cuellar dealt with limited mobility
in her left leg afterinjuring it in a car accident.
But when her right hip started locking up,
she became almost totally immobile.
- My good leg was my right leg.
That one did all the work.
And then, all of a sudden,
one day, I couldn't move it.
It was very painful.
Scary, because my doctor took an x-ray
and he said it was bone on bone.
- [Andrew] Steroid injections helped,
but when they wore off, the pain returned.
- I couldn't walk.
It just hurt so bad.
I couldn't even leave my house
unless I had help from somebody.
It was really bad.
I would walk and be afraidthat, at any moment,
I was going to freeze and Icouldn't put my foot down.
It was my pain, my hurt.
Nobody knew.
It was just me.
- [Andrew] For a year and ahalf, Hope prayed for healing.
One day, it came while shewas watching The 700 Club.
- Someone else has problemswith your right hip
and it's just not moving properly
and it's very painfuland you walk with a limp.
God is healing you.
He's restoring.
He's making everything new again.
- I jumped up and I said,"That's me, that's me!
"Heal me, Jesus, please heal me.
"In Jesus' name."
I felt the warmth come inmy arm all the way down
and I was crying and I was crying
and just accepting the healing.
I knew it, I knew it, I felt it.
The pain is all gone.
I can walk and put one little foot
in front of the other andthat's all because of Jesus.
He loves us.
- [Andrew] At her next appointment,
Hope told her doctor shewas done with steroid shots.
- I said, "Because Jesushealed me, I'm walking."
She just smiled.
I don't know if theybelieve all that, but hey,
God was there before they were. (chuckles)
It's true.
And God will help anybody that asks
because He loves us andHe is there to help us.
We just have to ask and believe.
- You read the creation story
and it says: God said, "Letthere be," and there was.
The Word of God is spoken,
and Jesus Christ iscalled the Word of God.
In the beginning was the Word
and the Word was withGod and the Word was God.
And so that spoken wordmakes something happen.
It's amazing.
You say how does it happen.
Well Gordon didn't know Hope.
He didn't know about her hip.
But God did and God revealed it to him
and he spoke it out, spoke the Word,
and the Word brought healing.
Now we want to pray for you
and we'll share some of these things
that have happened already
and then we want to pray for you.
And here is Rachel, wholives in Temple, Georgia.
She woke up on a Monday morning
with terrible shoulder pain.
It wouldn't go away.
Next day, Rachel was watching The 700 Club
when Wendy prayed, quote,
"There's someone suffering withtendonitis in your shoulder.
"God's healing you."
Instantly, the pain left.
Rachel hasn't had any trouble since.
That's the Word.
What do you got?- Praise God.
All right, Mary of Canton, Ohio,
developed painful sores on her legs.
She and her churchmembers prayed together,
asking God to heal her.
Then one day, Mary waswatching The 700 Club
when you gave a word of knowledge, Pat,
saying, "Someone has sores on your legs.
"They're like ulcers.
"Lay hands on your legsand you will be healed."
The sores began to disappear.
When Mary followed up with her doctor,
he confirmed that she is healed.
- God is able.
There's nothing impossible with Him.
Hitherto you've asked nothing in my name.
Ask, and you shall receive,that your joy may be full.
Wendy and I are gonna join hands.
We're gonna believe God for you right now.
Father, in Jesus' name, we thank you
for these wonderful examplesof your healing power.
- Thank you, Lord.
Yes, Lord, there's somebody
with just debilitating arthritis.
It's just so bad that you can barely move,
you can barely get around
and you can't do anything on your own.
God has heard your prayers and your cries
and He's touching you.
You're being healed, in Jesus' name.
- Somebody has emphysema.
I want you to touch your chest right now
and the power of God is going through you.
Your emphysema is completelyhealed, in Jesus' name.
Amen and amen.
- [Wendy] Thank you, Lord.
- Let us hear what God's done for you.
We'd love to have you call
and we'd love to haveyour prayers requests.
Anything we can do, we're there for you.
Today's Power Minute is from Psalm 91.
For He shall give Hisangels charge over you
to keep you in all your ways.
Well tomorrow, a star wide receiver
of the Los Angeles Rams.
Cooper Kupp reveals wherehe really gets his strength.
That's on tomorrow's 700 Club.
So for Wendy and all ofus, this is Pat Robertson.
Thank you so much for being with us
and I'll be seeing you tomorrow.
God bless you.
(inspirational music)