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The 700 Club - November 12, 2019

Get a sneak peek of SQuire Rushnell and Louise DuArt’s latest Hallmark movie, “A Godwink Christmas: Two.” Plus, an 80lb addict and a fight against the darkness. See what saved her life on today’s 700 Club. Read Transcript

(dramatic cinematic music)

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Gordon] Coming up, it'sHallmark movie season.

Get a sneak peek at "AGodwink Christmas II."

Then, 30 years afterthey tore down that wall,

why are Germans now tryingto flee their country.

- We didn't have this murder,we didn't have the rape.

- [Gordon] Plus, an 80-pound addict.

- I didn't think I wasgoing to live past 18.

- [Gordon] Her fight against the darkness.

- I was basically on a mission to die.

- [Gordon] What saved her life.

- My body was just like what is happening?

- [Gordon] On today's 700 Club.

(cinematic thematic music)

(dramatic cinematic music)

- Well, welcome to The 700 Club.

Overnight, Israel came under fire.

More than 150 rockets were launched

as Gaza terrorists made an all-out assault

on the Jewish State.

- What provoked the strikeand what might happen next.

Chris Mitchell bringsus this breaking story.

- I'm here in the Israelicoastal town of Ashkelon,

about five miles from the Gaza border

where Islamic terroristshave been shooting rockets

at Israeli towns and citiessince the early morning hours.

So far, more than 150rockets have been launched

at surrounding communities.

That's sending Israelisrunning for shelter.

Israel's Iron Dome interceptedabout 60 of the rockets

but some have caused damage,

and a number of injurieswere reported, but no deaths.

Gaza terrorists unleashedthose barrages of rockets

early Tuesday after Israel killed

a senior Islamic Jihad leader

in a targeted strike overnight.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] In the past year,

this archterrorist was the main generator

of terrorism from the Strip.

He initiated, planned, andcarried out many attacks.

He fired hundreds ofrockets at communities

in the Gaza periphery whosesuffering we haven't ignored.

He was in the midst ofplotting additional attacks

these very days; he was a ticking bomb.

- Israel responded to the rocket attacks

by launching further airstrikeson terror targets in Gaza.

The IDF said Islamic JihadAbu Al-Ata was responsible

for launching rockets at Israel,

sending killer drones, and sniper attacks,

against Israeli soldiers.

They described him as a ticking time bomb

that was planning an imminent attack.

Also overnight, Syrianmedia reported an airstrike

against the head ofIslamic Jihad in Syria.

Israel did not comment on this strike,

but analysts said he was the leader

directing operations in Gaza,

and Islamic Jihad is backed by Iran.

Israel responded to the rocket attacks

by launching further airstrikeson terror targets in Gaza.

Israeli Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu said

the Security Cabinet hadvoted unanimously days ago

to carry out the operation in Gaza.

It was planned to inflict minimum damage

on the civilians in Gaza,

and was intended to save Israeli lives.

He said Israel would do all itneeds to do to defend itself.

The latest round of violencecomes as Israeli politicians

are struggling to form a newgovernment after two elections.

Israeli President ReuvenRivlin called on Israelis

to stand united for securityand put politics aside.

I'm Chris Mitchell,reporting from Ashkelon

near the Israeli-Gaza border.

- And you can be a part ofstanding united for security.

We've set up this wonderfulfund for CBN Israel

where we help victims of terrorism,

and just yesterday we finished delivery

of five tons of fire suppressant

to the areas, the settlements, the cities

that are near Gaza, nearthese rocket attacks,

and you can be a part of it.

How, by giving to CBN Israel.

You can call us: 1-800-700-7000

or you can write to CBN Israel,

CBN Center, VirginiaBeach, Virginia, 23463.

We also have a text; youcan text to CBNIsrael 71777.

In other news, atrocities inSyria are raising questions

about the president ofTurkey's White House visit.

Efrem Graham has more of our top stories

from the CBN Newsroom.

- Gordon, Turkey's President Recep Erdogan

is set to meet with President Donald Trump

at the White House tomorrow.

The visit comes a little more than a month

after Turkey's invasionof northeast Syria.

President Trump has comeunder heavy criticism

for pulling US troops out ofthe area ahead of the invasion.

A bipartisan group in Congresshas tried to stop the visit.

Human rights groups sayTurkey-backed troops

are committing atrocitiesagainst civilians

and targeting Christians in the area.

Hundreds of thousands ofcivilians have fled their homes,

some of them into neighboringKurdistan in northern Iraq.

CBN's Operation Blessingis on the ground in Erbil

working to provide food

and other necessary aid to refugees there.

Working with the KurdishBarzani Charity Foundation,

the ministry has helpedto provide hot meals

to Muslim and Christian refugees.

It's also provided bags of food

to about 160 Christian families.

- We're providing hot meals,

boxes of food for the families,

and the most needed reliefthat they need right now.

Food, shelter is so needed.

These families, they'velost everything again.

- To give to OperationBlessing's Disaster Relief Fund,

simply call 1-800-700-7000

or you can text OBCrisis to 71777.

16 states are underwinter weather advisories

as a major blast of Siberian Arctic air

is pummeling the EastCoast and the Deep South.

As George Thomas now shows us,

the deep freeze is creating chaos

at airports and on highways.

- The Arctic blast isbringing snow, freezing rain,

and record low temperaturesfrom Texas to Maine

making this large swath of our nation

feel a lot more like the middle of January

than the middle of November.

More than a month before the fall season

even officially ends,millions of Americans

like Chicago resident Steve O'Brien

already feeling the powerful arctic blast,

are asking, "It's winter already?"

(ice crunching)

O'Brien had to use anengine cover this morning

to scrape the whitestuff off his windshield.

- There are certainly moregraceful methods out there

but this was just thehardest, straightest thing

I had on me, so I'm like,

all right, that'll get the trick done.

- [George] Up to half a foot of snow fell

across the Chicago area Monday

turning into ice as temperaturesplunged by nightfall.

- It's quite invigorating,to say the least.

You get a little nature facial.

- [Dispatcher] These allcompanies have emergency alerts.

The emergency alert.

- [George] The weather led to problems

at Chicago's airports,

including a plane slidingoff a runway at O'Hare.

- When we first hit theground, I didn't feel

that the plane wasn't actually stopping,

it kept on going; itwas sliding on the ice.

- Fortunately, no one was hurt.

More than 1,000 flights

had to be canceled due to the weather.

Winter Storm Caleb is expected to barrel

through the East Coastand Deep South today,

with much of the areaseeing lows in the 20s,

then through parts of Florida

and the northern Gulf Coast by Wednesday

with lows in the 30s.

And when all is said and done,

the National Weather Service says

more than 400 cold record temperatures

will be shattered by the end of the week.

George Thomas, CBN News.

- Turning now to Washington.

President Trump and theDemocratic-led Congress

are bracing for their biggest showdown yet

as Democrats will take theirimpeachment case public

starting tomorrow withopen televised hearings.

Until now, the investigationhas taken place

completely behind closed doors.

Already, Democrats andRepublicans are disagreeing

on who should be calledas witnesses in the probe.

President Trump is working hard

to reach African American voters,

recently launching a BlackVoters for Trump initiative.

As CBN's David Brody now reports,

being a vocal supporter of President Trump

can come with plenty of criticismfrom friends and family,

but being an AfricanAmerican supporter of Trump

is even more trying.

- I was looking at it from the outside,

but then also having theopportunity to go inside now.

- [David] When I met24-year-old Devinn Smart

outside the White House, onething became perfectly clear:

- I believe that President Donald Trump

is gonna win 2020 by a landslide.

- [David] - It wasn'talways this way; hardly.

He grew up in a familyof die-hard Democrats

and attended an historicallyblack university

in Hampton, Virginia.

While at college, Devinnstarted researching Trump

for himself, and a specificline resonated with him.

- What the hell do you have to lose?

- I was just looking athis different policies,

the things that he saidthat he was gonna do.

I said, okay, I'mstarting to like this guy,

but I was scared to say it out loud

because I knew I was gonna get judged.

- [David] While he didn't vote in 2016,

soon after Trump became president,

Devinn outed himself on Twitter

as a full-fledged Trump supporter,

complete with the MakeAmerica Great Again hat.

- The Democratic Party

has been manipulating the black community

for over fifty years, andI was simply tired of it.

- [David] The insults came quickly.

- I've been called a coon,a bootlicker, a Uncle Tom;

all of these derogatory terms

simply because I support the president.

- [David] And then came more fallout.

Twice he's been asked to preach

at a spiritual revivalconference in Virginia.

And twice he's been disinvited.

- The pastor called me and said,

"Unless you go on your Twitter

"and say that you do notsupport the president,

"I can't invite you here."

I said, "Well, tell me where in the Bible

"does it say that I cannot preach at your church

"because I support the president?"

And he said, "Well, there'sa lot of people at my church

"who doesn't support thepresident, and when I seen that,

"they would be very upsetwith me if you come,

"so I have to take away your invitation."

- [David] Although thepastor hung up the phone,

Devinn still remains dialed in for Trump.

He says he's not been disappointed:

An historically low unemploymentrate for African Americans;

a ground-breaking prison reform law;

and allocating a recordamount of federal money

to historically black colleges.

And those achievements, by the way,

may be just paying political dividends.

In 2016, Trump won eightpercent of the black vote,

but a new poll now shows himwith almost double that: 15%.

- That is the loudest I've everheard anything in this room.

(crowd cheering)

- [David] Devinn came tothe White House in October

as part of the Black Leadership Summit.

As a Christian, he experiencedsomething pretty cool.

It started when talking toa friend before the event.

- She said, "I would loveto pray at the White House."

So at the end, me and her both said,

"Hey President Trump, can we pray?"

And he pointed at me andhe said come up and pray,

but she had just told me

that she had a dream aboutpraying at the White House.

I looked at her, I said, "Go ahead."

- [David] And so she did.

- God, protect us.

God, protect our president

as he's going through so much right now.

- [David] Devinn wentthrough a lot as well

for publicly supporting the president.

He tells me many more likehim are still out there

but they operate in stealth mode.

- Blacks for Trump, I like those signs!

- I had over 100 messages on my Twitter

of people saying, "Devinn,I support the president,

"but I'm not as strong as you

"to come out and say it in public."

I have a lot of people whosupport President Donald Trump,

but they just, they won'tsay it, it's secret.

And they're going to vote for him in 2020.

I'm telling you they are.

- [David] The Trump Campaignis sure hoping Devinn Smart

is brilliant in his prediction.

David Brody, CBN News, Washington.

- This coming March, CBN is bringing you

the epic story of St. Patrick.

The brand-new movie wasfilmed on location in Ireland,

and it features "Lord of theRings" actor John Rhys-Davies.

Here's a first look at the trailer.

(waves rushing)(seagull calling)

(cinematic piano music)

- [Patrick] It was not my grace, but God,

who conquered in me andwho resisted them all,

that I might come to the Irishnations to preach the Gospel.

- The preconception thatwe've got about St. Patrick

is completely wrong.

(woman screaming)(door crashing)

(dramatic cinematic music)

Ireland was a place of barbariansat the end of the world.

- [Man] Get goin' boy.

- [Woman] It is slavery for life.

- [God] Patrick!(Patrick gasping)

You are to travel to your homeland.

(dramatic cinematic music)

- Patrick.

- Patrick!- You're alive, you're alive!

- [Man] To hear the call

to go back to Ireland terrified him.

It was asking a lot ofthis man to do this.

- [Man] This does not have to be Patrick.

- [Patrick] It is the will of God.

(dramatic cinematic music)

- [God] Go into all theworld and preach the Gospel.

- Who among you heeds the call?

- Well, why would thisman put himself in danger

among enemies who do not know God?

- People thought thatthis mission was crazy,

that his efforts to Christianize Ireland

were doomed to failure.

- Tell us the secretyou know about Patrick.

- [Man] Things in the pastcan come back to haunt us.

(dramatic cinematic music)

- Take him.

♪ This is the perfect ♪

(coins scattering)

(metal scraping)

- Now, it's time to go.

- I'm not finished.


- Again, the filmfeatures John Rhys-Davies

and it looks quite good, Gordon.

- Well, it is quite good.

Having looked at the initial cuts of it,

this is going to be a wonderful film.

It'll show you things aboutPatrick that you didn't know.

We celebrate St. Patrick's Day

on March 17th here in America,

and many of us don't know the real story,

how he was one of the greatest

missionary church planters of all time.

He single-handedly converted

an entire nation of pagans to the Gospel,

and did so heroically.

And what you may not know isthe first time a Christian

ever wrote against slavery,

and that's because Patrickhimself was a slave,

was delivered from that,only to return again

to preach the Gospel to thevery people who enslaved him.

If you want to getadvanced tickets of this,

this is a two-night onlyFathom Event, March 17 and 18,

and we've got a website foryou where

We also have on the Fathom Events,

you can see a theater near you,

so, boy, you can't,

I'm not sure you can readthe I Am Patrick website

on that graphic, but

You can go there and find

how you can get advanced ticket sales.

Do it now and we've got wayswhere your whole church can go.

You can have groups that go

and celebrate St. Patrick'sDay in 2020 the right way

with the real story of his life.

It will inspire you.

My hope is it will inspire

a whole new generation of missionaries.

Terry?- Looks wonderful.

Well, still ahead,

the sequel to a modern-dayChristmas classic.

More than 12 million viewers watched

Hallmark's "A GodwinkChristmas" last year.

What's in store this year for part two?

But first, the BerlinWall fell 30 years ago,

so why do so many Germans still feel

like they're living in a fascist state?

Hear their jaw-droppingreasons when we come back.

(cinematic thematic music)

(dramatic cinematic music)

- Well, the fall of the Berlin Wall

is one of the most iconicevents of the 20th century.

Last Saturday, the world celebrated

the 30th anniversary of thereunification of Germany.

But today, Germans areanything but united.

Why are so many of themfleeing the country,

and whey do some of themwant to rebuild the wall?

Well, Dale Hurd explains.

- When it happened 30years ago, it was amazing.

The Berlin Wall was suddenly coming down.

The Cold War would end,

and Germans would again be one nation.

But what has Germany become?

Not what some had hoped.

And proof of that can be found in Hungary,

about two hours west of Budapest,

at a place called Lake Balaton.

So why are we doing a story

about the 30th anniversary ofthe fall of the Berlin Wall

from a lake in Hungary?

Because this is where alot of Germans have fled to

who are fed up with AngelaMerkel's new Germany.

(speaking in foreign language)

The Lake Balaton region is full of Germans

who have moved here forall sorts of reasons,

but a local real estate agent told us

the biggest reason ismigrant crime in Germany.

- At the moment, ourclients is 80% Germans,

and the main reason is theimmigration problem in Germany.

- [Dale] Agent Laszlo Kozma says

the number of Germansmoving to Lake Balaton

spiked immediately afterChancellor Angela Merkel

allowed over a millionmostly Muslim asylum seekers

into Germany whileHungary turned them away.

- Yes, yes, yes, this is the reason.

They would like to escape to Hungary

and live here permanently.

- Germans like Gerhardt Boehm

who told us he would never move back.

He feels safe in Hungary.

Kozma says there currentlyaren't enough properties

in Lake Balaton for all the German buyers.

The German establishmentcontinues to push the narrative

that Germany has never been safer,

even though it was learnedthat the number of Germans

murdered by migrantsdoubled last year from 2017.

We're told the crime ratein Germany is at a new low

which is interesting because concern

about crime among Germancitizens is rising.

German police recently discovered

that two of the Syrian refugeesit welcomed into the country

used to run a prison in Damascus

that tortured thousands of people.

This is all part of the reason

that less than half of East Germans

say reunification has been a success,

and polls have shown some

would even like torebuild the Berlin Wall.

- It's getting worse than East Germany

because we didn't have this.

We didn't have this murder,

we didn't have the rape, rapists.

- [Dale] But speaking out too forcefully

about migrant violence willget you in trouble in Germany.

German evangelist and author Heidi Mund,

herself a former East German,

thought that International Women's Day

would be a good time tospeak about the danger

of migrant crime to German women.

Only the police preventedher from being attacked

by West German leftists,

who spat on her andcalled her obscene names.

That's why some Germans

call today's Germany East Germany 2.0,

because just like in East Germany,

certain ideas are enforced,

either by society or the government,

and those who deviatefrom political correctness

could lose their jobs,

or even face criminal action by the state.

Germany's crackdown onso-called online hate speech

has even been copied by dictatorships.

Famous German pastor Theo Lehmann

was persecuted in the old East Germany,

and sees similarities to today's Germany.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] It's extremely annoying

that nowadays again youhave to measure every word

because later someone couldcome and criticize it.

That hurts any free discussion,

and it's an incredible fearthat is everywhere in society.

Nobody dares to speak up anymore,

'cause you are always in danger

when you say something thatis against the mainstream.

You could be called a racist or a fascist

without any discussion.

These labels are put on you right away.

- [Dale] Of course, all ofGermany is not crime-ridden,

but this website lists

more than 75,000 migrantcrimes since 2015.

A German citizens' grouphas been demonstrating

in cities across Germany withwhat it calls Lines of Horror.

Every piece of paper is a violent crime

committed by a migrant.

The leader, Robert Vogelmann,

says he welcomes true refugees to Germany,

but not criminals.

- Yes, refugees welcome from war,

and people who needhelp, but no criminals.

And our government don'tcontrol, not control,

don't control these people.

- [Dale] The Berlin wallwas a wall of oppression,

but 30 years after it came down,

increasing numbers of Germans

are fleeing to a country with a wall,

a wall that has made it muchsafer than Germany: Hungary.

Robert Vogelmann told us hehas a message for Americans,

and for President Trump:

- Build a, build a, build a wall.

Build a wall, yes.

Build a big, big wall.

- [Dale] Dale Hurd, CBN News,

reporting from Germany and Hungary.

- Now there's echoes of this

in our current political discussions,

and it's the same thingwhere, if you come out and say

we actually need to enforceour immigration laws,

then you're at risk of being called racist

or some kind of white supremacist,

or the new one making the rounds,

these are just dog whistles

and you're just sending messages.

It's become this incrediblepolitical football,

and it's all designed togain votes in an election.

And what I'm interested in iswill people actually govern?

There's a reason we callit illegal immigration,

and unfortunately today,

you can't even use thatterm illegal immigration.

Do you come into the country legally?

Do you go through the background checks?

Are we filtering for criminals?

Are we trying to figure outwhat's best for America?

If you hold to these things,

and you say we actuallyneed to enforce the laws

that are already on thebooks, you're in danger today.

You're going to be called racist,

and then they're gonna say,

"Well, you're just doin'the dog whistle thing."

No, if you don't like the law,

there's plenty of avenuesto change the law,

but we haven't seen that.

We haven't seen any kind ofconstructive immigration reform

because everyone is so busy campaigning

and they've been campaigning for years

as we have these elections,

and instead of saying, okay,well, the election's over,

somebody won, now let's govern,

let's figure out how to govern the nation.

No, everybody gets gearedup for the next election

and it's this huge political football.

From my point of view, it's gotta stop,

and if you're not willingto enforce the law,

then you need to do whatever you can

in an election cycle to change the law,

but you campaign onthat, you don't campaign

and say well youropponent is somehow racist

because they want to enforcethe laws that are on the book.

That is my position,

and it's what part of illegal immigration

don't we all understand?

- Well, I couldn't agreemore; I think lots of you do.

Well, coming up later,a story about true love

ripped from the pages of real life.

Go inside Hallmark's movie"A Godwink Christmas II"

and see why some things

just can't be chalked up to coincidence.

But next, a vow neverto turn into a junkie,

but it's one she brokeover and over again.

How did this 80-pound emaciated teen

end her cycle of addiction?

(dramatic cinematic music)

Mariah sold her body for drugs.

Eventually, those drugstook such a toll on her,

she could no longer sell herself.

At one point, she wastedaway to just 80 pounds,

and Mariah thought thenext step was death.

- All I saw was death;there was no future for me.

There was no hope for me.

That's the only thing Icould see was just death.

I didn't think I wasgoing to live past 18.

I was a very, like, lively,fun-loving, happy child.

I normally say something kind of humorous,

like I had a checkered past.

Our family just kind of left the church

and kind of slowly left God.

I just kind of just left Him as well.

- [Announcer] As a pre-teen,

Mariah was verbally abusedby someone she loved.

- I didn't realize howpowerful words were.

That actually was when I hadmy first suicide attempt.

I started to cut myself,started to throw up my food.

That's kinda was my reality.

I was put on a lot ofpsychotropic medications

that really, looking back, Ican see really messed with me,

really messed with my mind.

The best way to describe it

was just like this slow darkcloud just came over me.

- [Announcer] Mariahbegan drinking alcohol

and smoking weed, then shemoved on to other drugs,

and, by 16, was doing cocaine.

- The following year,after I tried cocaine,

I was 17 years old and I had an abortion,

and after that, I would say

I was basically on a mission to die.

- [Announcer] Mariahspent the next few years

in a drug-induced haze.

She ended up in jail formultiple DWIs and stealing money.

- When I was in jail, it wasa good time for reflection,

but, again, they allow youto be on pharmaceuticals,

so, again, I still hadthat something to numb me.

Sometimes, I would even be like drooling

'cause of how much pharmaceuticalsthey would put me on.

- [Announcer] At 18,

Mariah began sellingherself to pay for drugs.

- After I began prostituting,

everything just becameblack and dark and empty.

All during this time, I'mrunning away from home,

I'm still going into the psych wards,

in and out of psych wards,

so all during this time, fromadolescence to, you know,

before my last rehab,I'm all over the place.

After a while, you know,

people start introducing heroin to you.

I said I'm just gonna sniffit, I'm never gonna shoot it,

like, I'm not gonna turn intoone of those junkies, no way.

But guess what happened?

I was living in like the side of a garage.

This john was coming in to purchase me,

and at this point I looked,

I had track marks everywhere,I just looked disgusting.

I was maybe 80 pounds.

And he just said, I'm not paying for this.

That was the moment for me.

I can't even prostituteanymore to feed this habit.

My best friend from childhood gave me a,

she kept trying to get meto go into this program,

a sister program to Teen Challenge,

it's called The Walter Hoving Home,

and it's a women's Christian home.

- [Announcer] Mariah'sparents let her move back in

and helped her detox.

After she got clean, she movedinto The Walter Hoving Home.

- And it took about three months

just to kinda stabilize me.

Coming off of all those drugs,

my body was just like, what is happening?

I ended up having amigraine for six months,

and I didn't sleep for nine months,

and I would tape my eyes shut

to try to get a few minutes of sleep

because if I didn't, myeyes would just, psh,

just open right back up.

- [Announcer] By month six,Mariah was almost kicked out.

She had relapsed and wascutting herself again.

Then, leaders at the home prayed for her

to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

- It felt like just this liquid love

just like poured into my body.

Like, I literally felt the Holy Spirit

like come into my body.

The first night of sleepI got after nine months,

I slept probably eight hours,

and it was like I just woke up

just praising God that I just got sleep.

Like, it was such a gift.

- [Announcer] Mariah'sfaith began to grow.

She soon became the onethat others would come to

for encouragement and prayer.

- I was taking the Bible

and just applying what it was saying

and taking it seriously,taking God at His word,

and I was choosing to believe.

- [Announcer] When shefinished the program,

Teen Challenge offered her a job.

She led missions trips andhelped with a dance ministry

for the Brooklyn Tabernacle.

After some time, she beganto feel like she should pray

for her future husband.

- It wasn't like a thing that I wanted,

I felt more like God wasputting this desire in me

because I didn't want ahusband, I didn't want a man.

As I was praying for a husband,

my desire for a husband startedto become my desire as well.

- [Announcer] Mariah metZander through a family member.

- We've been married for five years,

and now have two gorgeous babies.

During the first year of marriage,

it was really placed on my heart

to compile and publish a book.

It's called "From Heroin to Heaven."

That was published in 2015.

And so, that's been amazing

to be able to donate thatbook to rehabs and jails.

I used to be on theinmate side of the jail,

and now I'm on the otherside bringing good news,

like, it's like only God cando something that dramatic.

How can I not share withpeople the goodness of God

and share with them who Jesus is

and what He came to do for us?

I want people to know that Godis a God of transformation,

that He can take a prostituteand turn her into a princess;

that He can take someone homeless

and give them a home, a dwelling place;

that He can take someone whois living in pure turmoil,

and give them this peacethat passes understanding.

He is the God of transformation.

- You know, when someone haswalked through that journey,

you can't argue with the outcome.

Her life has been completely turned around

from the inside out,the way that she thinks,

the way that she lives,

the way that she sees things around her,

all changed by the grace and the goodness

and the mercy of God.

And it's available for you, too, today.

You know, maybe, like Mariah,

I think this has happened to many people.

You start out and a familystarts out and you're young,

and you're taught about God enough to know

that He's there and He exists,

but then life happens and things get busy,

and families wander.

They just wander away from the truth.

You know, there's a hymn that says that.

You know, Lord, I'm prone to wander,

we all are in a sense,

but following hard after Jesus

is a call on all of our lives.

It's a matter of will youaccept that invitation.

You know, Mariah said,

"I had no idea how powerful words were"

when they were used to hurt her,

but the reverse of that is true as well.

Words are powerful whenthey're used to bless you.

God has said that from the very beginning

when He spoke words and everythingthat is came into being.

And He's still speaking words to us today

through the scripture,through His Holy Spirit.

If you find yourself lost and alone,

incapable of getting yourselfout of the muck and the mire

of the disaster that you're in,

whether you've createdit for yourself or not.

God doesn't look at you and say,

"Well, let's see whether she's really

"or he's really worthy to pullout of this much and mire."

He's been with you all along,waiting for you to say,

"God, help me!"

And so, today, He speaksa word of freedom to you,

a word of forgiveness, notbecause you've earned it,

because you can't,there's nothing you can do

to earn the forgivenessof God, it's a free gift.

Jesus was the sacrifice; that'swhy we call Him our Savior.

Because He paid the pricethat you and I should pay.

He opened the gates ofHeaven for you and for me,

the question is will youreceive what He's done?

You know, sometimes it'shard for us to do that

because it's so simple.

There is no price you can pay,

there is no action you cantake other than saying, "Yes."

You don't get good enough andyou can't wipe out your past.

When you come to Him humbly and say,

"Jesus, I have so blown it.

"I am a sinner; will you be my Savior?

"I recognize you died for me.

"Cover my sins with your blood.

"Change me; show me how tolive; teach me your ways.

"I need you."

It's almost as though those words

are the ignition beingturned on in a vehicle

and now the whole thing begins to unfold

because you've called upon the name

of the only one who can truly save you.

I don't know where you're at

or what you're going through today,

but I know that God knows your name.

Who does He say you are?

Those are the words youneed to pay attention to.

Will you call our toll-free number

and pray with someone today?

It's 1-800-700-7000.

There's a friend on theother end of the line

who's already prayed theprayer we're talking about.

They have all kinds of materials

they can share with you for free.

The phone call's free as well.

God's grace is free also.

Call now, 1-800-700-7000.

Gordon?- Still ahead:

A strange vision.

This Muslim man saw somethinghe couldn't explain,

so how did his seven-year olddaughter solve the mystery?

And then later, we'll geta behind-the-scenes look

at the heartwarming new Hallmark movie

"A Godwink Christmas II."(cinematic thematic music)

(dramatic cinematic music)

- And welcome back to The 700Club for this CBN Newsbreak.

The Supreme Court willfinally hear the case

in the battle over President Trump's move

to end the Obama era immigrationprogram known as DACA.

It protects more than700,000 young immigrants

known as Dreamers from being deported.

They were brought to the United States

illegally as children.

Under DACA, they can stay

and work with a renewable two-year permit.

The decision in the highcourt could be close,

with the final vote possibly going

to Chief Justice John Roberts.

The court's ruling is expected next year

during the presidential election.

The American Bible Societyhas given away 6,000 Bibles

around the world to Kanye West fans

in less than two weeks for free.

After the megastar releasedhis new album "Jesus is King,"

the society saw a largespike in Google searches

like, "What does Kanye believe?"

and it promised to send a free Bible

to any curious Kanye fan.

At first, the offer wasfor 1,000 free Bibles

until October 30th, butthe demand is so strong,

the society has extended theoffer until November 22nd.

Remember, you can alwaysget the latest from CBN News

by going to our website; it's

Gordon and Terry are backwith more of today's 700 Club.

It's coming up right after this.

(dramatic cinematic music)

(cinematic thematic music)

- Well, when a young girl from Indonesia

watched CBN's Superbook,she gave her life to Jesus,

and then she told her father,

and suddenly, a strange dreamhe had a few weeks earlier

started to make sense.

- [Announcer] The first Superbook episode

that 7-year old Putri ever watched

was the story of Adam and Eve.

- [Translator] Eve waslooking at the fruit.

She was deceived by the snake.

They both sinned becausethey ate the fruit.

- [Announcer] But Putri didn'tunderstand what that meant

until she watched anotherepisode called "He is Risen."

Putri and her mom hadinvited neighbors and friends

to their home in Indonesia fora Superbook Easter outreach.

- [Translator] It was hardto see Jesus being crucified.

They nailed his hands and feet

and also put a thorny crown on His head.

He received that because of our sins.

- [Announcer] That day, Putriprayed along with the host

on the CBN Easter Specialto become a Christian.

- [Translator] I said, "LordJesus, please forgive me.

"I have sin against you.

"Thanks you for coming into my heart."

- [Announcer] Later thatday, Putri was excited

to tell her dad about Superbook,

and her prayer to receive Jesus.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] I told my dad

that I learned that Jesuswas crucified for us.

I love my daddy, and I wantedhim to believe in Jesus, too.

- [Announcer] At that moment,Putri's dad, who was a Muslim,

remembered something that hadhappened three weeks earlier.

While resting in his livingroom, he said he had a vision.

- [Translator] I closedmy eyes for a moment,

and I saw a bright light.

It was almost too bright it to look at!

Then, I heard a voice whisper,"It's time to choose."

- [Announcer] When Yudi opened his eyes,

he said the first thing he saw

was a cross his wife had hung on the wall.

He knew what he had to do.

- [Translator] I thought this is the day

when I will choose to follow Jesus.

I was excited to go to church the next day

with my wife and daughter.

- [Announcer] The pastorhelped Yudi to pray

to become a Christian.

Now they all attend churchtogether every week.

- [Translator] My daughter has changed

from watching Superbook,

and she now tells me aboutevery episode she watches.

That helps me to megrow closer to God, too.

- [Translator] I want to say thank you

to the people who support Superbook.

Because of you, my dadand I came to know Jesus!

- And that thank you goes to you

if you're part of the Superbook Club.

You're paying for,

your gift is paying forthe production costs,

the translation costsinto Bahasa Indonesia,

and then the broadcasting costs.

Each element of thathas a price tag on it,

and you're part of it

when you're a memberof that Superbook Club

because your gift goes directlyinto the production cost,

translation cost, andthen distribution cost,

and there's a map: you can seeall the different languages.

And it's wonderful what is happening,

and our surveys areshowing incredible numbers

from Superbook: 180 million viewers.

Over 100 million childrenknowing The Salvation Song

that's at the end of every single episode.

It's moving the needle,it's making a difference,

and you can be a part of it.

On top of that, we'vegot Christmas coming up

and you can give a Christmasgift that will last a lifetime.

We've got some stocking stuffers for you.

We've got the latest episode of Superbook,

it's called "The Promise of a Child."

It's one of my favorites.

It's absolutely spectacular,

and if you're looking fora special program to watch

with the whole family this Christmas

that will underline themeaning of Christmas,

get this latest episode of Superbook,

"The Promise of a Child."

Now, for a gift of $25,

we'll send you not just one copy of that,

we'll send three copies of it

so you have plenty of stocking stuffers.

Then we got another bonuswhere we'll send you

the story of John the Baptist.

That will be an extra one,and then we've got even more!

We've got a Superbookcrafts and game booklet.

You'll get two copies ofthis for a gift of $25.

So six DVDs, two booklets, all yours

when you join that Superbook Club,

and then you have the satisfaction

of knowing your gift is goingto the translation cost,

to the distribution cost,the production cost,

so that more children can hear

and see the stories of the Bible.

If you want to join, callus now: 1-800-700-7000

or you can go to

Either way, do it now and bepart of the Superbook Club.

Terry.- Well, up next:

a love story against all oddswith an unexpected twist.

Go inside the Christmas movie

that'll have you believingin miracles every day

when we come back.

("Joy to the World")

(cinematic thematic music)

- Well, you heard thephrase Godsend and Godspeed,

how about a Godwink?

That's what SQuire Rushnellcalls those moments in life

that are more than coincidences.

Best of all, they happen to everyone.

And now, one couple's Christmas Godwink

can be seen in a brand-new Hallmark movie.

- [Announcer] Well known

for their popular Godwink book series,

SQuire Rushnell andLouise DuArt were thrilled

that one of their stories was produced

as a Hallmark Christmas movie in 2018.

12 and a half million viewers tuned in

to see "A Godwink Christmas."

SQuire and Louise arenow eagerly anticipating

the brand-new movie inthe works for this year.

It's the true love story ofa couple named Alice and Jack

and, once again, stars Kathie Lee Gifford.

"A Godwink Christmas II"premiers Sunday, November 17th

on the Hallmark Moviesand Mysteries Channel.

- They're back!

Please welcome to The 700 Club our friends

SQuire Rushnell and Louise DuArt.

How great to have you back!

- Great.- This is family!

- This is family.

- So many hugs and kisses!- Merry Christmas!

- Yeah, Merry Christmas!- Merry Christmas, exactly!

Timing is everything.

Were you all surprised athow your first movie in 2018

just took off gangbusters?

- We really, you know what it showed us

is that people want good,clean, inspiring films.

And the fact, I think,because it was a real story,

'cause at the end, yousee the real people,

just blows their mind.

It's like, wow, if that happened for them,

it could happen for me.- It could happen to me.


- You know, whenever you have

12.5 million viewers for anything,

that a big crowd, you know?- You're doin' good.

- So we are delighted

to be doing the secondone, "Meant for Love."

- Yes, and without giving too much away,

tell a little bit about the second one.

- Well, the second one isbased upon a true story again.

This is the story of Alice and Jack,

a boy and girl who weren'tsuccessful at dating,

bumped into each other,that was the first Godwink,

and then they found out

that they were both goingto a wedding the next day,

their cousins' weddings, and Alice said,

"I'm going to a wedding tomorrow,

"I've gotta drive six hours,"

and Jack said, "I'm going to a wedding;

"my cousin's marrying a doctor,"

and she said, "My cousin is a doctor!"

And so, they were goingto the same wedding,

and from there on.- Godwink, Godwink, Godwink.

- Yes, and the biggest Godwinkin this movie is amazing,

it's right at the end, so--

- So you gotta watch.

- Oh, you gotta watch the whole thing.

- Right?- It's a surprise.

- Well, you have theGodwink Christmas stories

in just one of your books,

but what makes this one so special,

the one that's coming up?

- This book?- Well, the movie.

- Oh, the movie.

Well, I think that the movie does

exactly what we hope aGodwink movie would do.

It is all about hope and encouragement

because we all have Godwinks in our lives.

They're like little gifts thatare left on your doorstep,

and our job is to get people

to open the door and open their gift,

and if you can start understanding

that you've got more and more Godwinks,

then you're gonna realize

that your life is filled with them,

and your life is gonna bericher and better and happier.

- How do you get all

of these stories?- Oh, it's amazing.

- Once you wrote your first book,

did people just start saying,"I've got one, I've got one!"

- It all comes from God.

It is incredible.

Every time we're about to write a book,

God starts sending us stories.

People will, they'll say,"Hey I saw this on TV,"

somebody in Providence.

"I saw this on TV, I thinkthis is a Godwink story,"

and then we'll do the research.

Or someone sends us a letteror on SQuire's Facebook page.

It is incredible.

And the thing about Godwinks,it really is Proverbs 3:6:

In all your ways, acknowledge me

and I shall direct your steps.

'Cause people say, "Howdo I get Godwinks?"

Well, the more you pray--- Antennas up.

- Yes, the more God winks.

'Cause what it does, it opens up your eyes

to see people, places, things,

but who has all that in His hands?

- Well, that's one of thereasons I loved the last movie,

and I know I'm gonna love this one,

because they are true stories,

and when you watchsomeone else walk that out

and find those a-ha moments,

you realize those thingshave happened in this life.

You know, maybe not exactly the same way.

The actors in the movie inthe Alice and Jack story

actually had a chance totalk to Alice and Jack.

How did that happen?- It was so exciting.

- Oh, it was delightful.- Well, they called us

from the set, the actors,

and they said, you know,- Cindy and Ben.

- Cindy Busby and Ben Hollingsworth

and they said, "We wouldreally like to talk

to the real people so we can just

get into their characters more,

so Squire put 'em on Zoom,

so all of us were onZoom, it was so precious.

It was about an hour conversation,

and it really helpedmold their characters.

It was really one, itwas a very sweet one.

Matter of fact, Alicesaid, "I changed my make,"

the real Alice, "I changed my makeup

"three times before I was so nervous."

- Squire, you came upwith this term, Godwink.

How do you define thedifference between a Godwink

and something that reallyis merely coincidental?

- Well, coincidence in the dictionary

is an event with no apparent cause.

And, so, I realized that in the beginning,

when people go around say

there's no such thing as coincidence,

I would then say,

well, if there's no suchthing as coincidence,

then what do you call it,

because if there is an apparent cause

of two unusual things happening,

and you believe that cause comes from God,

what do you call it?

And that was the birthof the word Godwink.

And so Godwink has justgone into the language,

it's into the dictionaries.- It really has.

I hear people say it who don't know you.

- A lot of celebrites

have been saying it.- We'll say hi to them!

- Exactly.- Thanks for using the word.

- Welcome to the fold.

And Kathie Lee has been involved in this

from the first one to now.

Tell us a little bitabout her involvement.

- She's an executive producer with us,

and she's a very good actor.

You know, the thingwith Kathie Lee is that

you know, she always, she's a good actor,

but every time they'd give her a role,

it was you're playing a talk show host.

She thought she'd do somethingmaybe a little different.

She's so funny in this one

because the writer really wroteit with Kathie Lee in mind.

She's funny, she's poignant,

she's very powerful in this movie.

She plays the mother of Alice.

- And I'm so glad that she's involved

from a production standpoint,'cause she's also very smart.

- Very smart, and she'ssuch a dear friend.

And Kathie wants, more than anything,

for people to understandhow great our God is,

how sweet God is, andthese Godwinks, really,

are sweet messages of hope as Squire said

and today, we need that more than ever.

We need hope.

We need to know that God does have us.

We're not like going down astream, destinations unknown,

that God has a plan and purpose for us.

- Do you know that thisshow had more to do

with the total selloutof the book last year--

- On The 700 Club.- On The 700 Club.

When we did this show last year,

and when the hardcover book came out,

it was sold out, I mean totally sold out.

- I want to tell peoplemake sure to set your DVRs

because "A Godwink ChristmasII: Meant for Love"

premiers Friday night at 9:00 p.m.

on the Hallmark Moviesand Mysteries Channel.

Before you get confused, thereare two Hallmark channels,

and "A Godwink Christmas II"airs on Movies and Mysteries.

So, once again, Friday night, 9:00 p.m.

For more great stories--- No, no, it's Sunday night.

- Sunday night.- Sunday night?

- Sunday night.

- Sunday night, don't listen to me.


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