At age 88, Bible teacher and TV host Marilyn Hickey discusses her autobiography, It’s Not Over Until You Win.
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- From the moment shefelt the call to ministry,
Marilyn Hickey faced roadblocks.
Most of them because she was a woman.
And yet she persevered andnearly a half century later,
she's still going strong.
- [Narrator] Marilyn Hickeyis a ground breaking minister
and humanitarian who has never allowed
closed doors or difficulties to stop her
in her quest to share the gospel.
She as traveled to over 137 countries.
Some of the most dangerous anddarkest places of the world.
Reaching underground churches
and nations closed to the gospel.
In her book It's Not Over Until You Win,
Marilyn shares theamazing accounts of God's
faithfulness in her life.
And encourages you to hang on to your
God-given visions and passions.
- Well joining us now formore is Marilyn Hickey
and we welcome you back to The 700 Club.
- Thank you.- It's always a
wonderful treat to have you here.
- Delightful to be here.
Thank you for the open door.
- Well your new book,
It's Not Over Until You Win,
is filled with so manyadventures and stories
that it's just a joy to read it.
But go back if you will with me
to Vietnam because you had
a remarkable experiencethere smuggling bibles.
What happened?
- Well in Vietnam,
we got an open door to goto the Rubber Plantation.
And so the Rubber Plantation was where
over a thousand workers were.
And so we're trying toget bibles in to them
and to get to speak to them.
So how do you do it?
You know, they're not saying,
"Whoopee, here's a Christian woman
"and she's going to teach the bible."
So we took
an opportunity to go to Saigon
and go out to the Rubber Plantation.
I rode a motorcycle and (laughs)
not so good through the rubber trees
and there were a thousand people
sitting on the ground.- Wow.
- So what did I do?
And there was only onelight on the interpreter,
so I gave salvation,
baptism, Holy Spirit,
healing, miracles, everything.
And then we left aftertwo and a half hours,
our driver was waiting and he said,
"The police were just here and they went
"to get something toeat because you hadn't
"come out yet."
So we got him out--- God's timing.
- Perfect time.
- Wow.- Amen.
- You've also had sucha tremendous heart for
and call to the Islamicnations of the world.
You know, those areplaces that are hard to
get in to and a lot of people would be
fearful I think of making that move,
but for you,
God opened doors in amazing ways.
- I have great favor in the Islamic world.
And more now because I'm older.
And they love old women.
- Again, God's timing.- I just got back from Egypt
and they come out to the meeting
and healing is the dinner bell.
And so we have people healed,
give their testimonies
and then we get follow up,
so we had a sneaky way to do follow up
and began to establish churches.
- So let's go back to your childhood
because you know there are a lot of people
who are in full timeministry and they could say,
"Well I was raised in the church,
"my mom and dad were committed believers."
But that wasn't so for you.
- No.- I mean you really
had a tough childhood in some ways.
In some ways it was good,
I really related to your childhood.
You had many good things,- Yes.
- But there were thingsthat were missing as well.
- Well, we moved toPennsylvania during the war.
My father, you know, began to build ships
and so we had to livewith an aunt and uncle
because there was,
you know there wasn't housing--
- You did what you had to do.
- And so this uncle,
I was 11 years old,
and I didn't know began to molest me.
I didn't,
I didn't understand.
I didn't like it but I didn't know.
So that happened for almost a year and--
- And you said he was loved by everybody
that a part from--- Yes!
- what he was doing to you
he was this amazing guythat was everybody's buddy,
so in a child's mindwhere do you go with that?
- Yeah.
And so I didn't,
you know I didn't understand it
but I didn't like it.
But God is so good becausein all of this we moved out.
We finally had a place we could live in
and in that timing I got born again.
And so I went to a youth camp
and received Jesus as my savior.
- So you find Christ
then you get eventuallyfilled with the Holy Spirit
but actually God even used
that abuse in your life 40 years later--
- Yes he did.- And even in your heart
and helping you to understand other people
who've gone through such difficulties.
Talk about that.- Well I think,
it gave me something 'cause later when
all this came up I gotsick from being overseas.
And so I began to have quite a problem
and counselors came and talked to me.
And this all came out.
- Wow.- You know.
- So you kind of stuffedit all those 40 years.
- Yeah, I had stuffedit under all those times
and I got free from it.
And so you know,
I, I was a pastors wife for many years
so I have compassion for people.
I want them to be free and I think a lot
of these time, things we stuff under
and you know, if we just let Jesus heal,
and this is what the Lord said to me,
"I was there all the time.
"You thought I wasn't there.
"I was there all the time."
So you know,
the word of God,
what God has done for me,
I feel like I'm God's pet.
- I think you are too actually.
Talk about the whole gender issue
because doors were seeminglyshut to you for many,
many years when you felt the call of God
on your life to speak, toteach, to go to minister
and you just kind ofendured through all of that
until one day things changed.
What changed?
- Well what changed is Ihad a wonderful husband
who always encouraged me.
And I wanted to reachthe lost and God said,
"If you want to reach the lost,
"you'll have to go where they are.
"They're not going to come to you."
So I began home bible studies.
So over a cup of coffee,a cookie, and a bible,
these women began to be born again.
And I had like,
22 home bible studies,
then we started one at night.
And that, it was in that process
I got into media.
- So really you took thedoor that God made available.
Small as it was,- Right.
- And you remainedfaithful and you just kept
on keeping on.
You talk about so much more in your book,
It's Not Over Until You Win,
what do you want the takeaway to be
for people who read your book?
- That we don't give up.
- Yeah.
- You know, that,
here I am.
I'm 88 and a half,
I'm having more open doors
because I'm an old womanwith the Islamic world
because they love old women.
- Yay God!- Yeah.
So I think why do we give up?
Why do we retire?
Why don't we refire?
And so people say to me,
"When are you going to retire?"
I said, "I am retired."
"What do you mean?
"You travel all the time."
I said, "I know.
"Retiring is doing what you like."
I am doing what I like.
So I'm getting ready
to go to some more Muslim countries
and have healing meetings
so I'm really lookingforward to what God has.
And I encourage people,
don't give up.
Don't sit in a rocking chair.
Get up.
- Keep moving.
Keep moving.- Go for it!
- What does Pat say, use itor lose it, right. (laughing)
- Exactly, that's right.
- Why do you think yousee so many miracles?
- Why do I think?- You see so many miracles
that you're, when you say,
"we're going to do some miracle services,"
why do you think God moves so powerfully?
- Healing is the bread of the children.
And healing you know,
I think sometimes people think,
"Well I don't have the gift of healing."
But the word heals.- Exactly.
- And healing attracts
in Muslim countries, in Hindu countries.
You know, with people who don't
believe in God with Atheists.
So healing is not what you feel,
healing is who He is.
And when you say, "Come and be healed,"
and I cover my headand dress like they do,
they come and get healed
and then they get born again.
And we have great follow up.
- Listen, there's somuch for you to find out
about Marilyn's life and herministry in her brand new book,
it's called It's Not Over Until You Win.
It's available nation-wide.
Thank you for what you do.
- Thank you for this opportunity to share.