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Parent to the Parentless -The Superbook Show

Abby and MollyJean talk about how we always have a heavenly parent who loves us and cares for us even if our earthly parents fail us. Read Transcript

- You're now watching the Superbook show.

- Welcome everybody, todaywe're getting into another,

keeping it real segment.

- We are?

- Yeah, but this one'sgonna be a little different.

(upbeat sound)

- Why is this one different?

- I know the kid who sent in the question.

I go to school with him.

He told me somethingtoday, and I have no idea

what to say to him.

- So you brought it here?

- Yes, but he will remain anonymous.

- That's fine.

What did he say?

- He says, most kids heknows has a single parent.

Usually it's their mom.

But in his case, his mom wasn't there.

- Whoa!

- Yeah.

He says a mom is supposedto be the one person

who's always supposed to love you.

So he's hurting pretty bad.

- Wow!

I couldn't imagine.

- He wanted to know what Godhad to say about his situation.

- I mean, I can't speak from experience,

but I have heard someonetalk about this before.

- Hey, I'm all ears.

- He said that God is whateveror whoever we need him to be.

He provides what we lack.

And, one of his specialties

is being a parent to the parentless.

- Whoa!

God is where I want him to be?

- Not whatever you want him to be.

He's whatever you need Him to be.

He provides what we lack.

The 27 Psalm says that,even if our fathers

and mothers abandoned us,God will always take us in.

- I have never heard that before.

- I had neither.

But from it you can see that regardless

of which parent forsakes you,God will never reject you.

- Wow!

Everyone needs to hear this.

Please, keep going.

- People that have beenorphaned, forsaken and forgotten,

have a special place in God's heart.

Because in Psalms it also says,

that God is a father to the fatherless,

a defender of widows, and Heplaces the lonely and families.

- You know, you're right.

- What do you mean?

- My friend doesn't have his mom,

but he has his aunt and uncleshelping to take care of him.

Matter of fact, a lot ofteachers really like him.

And a lot of kids moms.

Come to think of it, mymom even likes this kid.

- Sounds like God isproviding what he needs.

- Yeah, he still getsdown about his mom though.

- And that may be becausewhen things don't come

from the place we wantthem to, it's hard to see

where they're actually coming from.

- That's so true.

He might not think it'sspecial for all these people

to like him, but if all theseteachers really like him,

he's gotta be special.

- Exactly.

- Hey, let's pray forall the kids out there

who feel the way my friend does.

- Let's do it.

And, for everyone watching,God may provide for you

in a different way.

Don't focus so much on howHe will, just know He will.

- Heavenly Father, thankyou for being our father,

and for taking us in evenwhen our parents forsake us.

Please cover everybody watchingand put them into families

and help them recognizewhen you're doing it,

so we can be remindedof how much you love us.

- Thank you for lovingus like your own children

and never forsaking us like a good Father,

in Jesus's name, amen.

- His word is forever alive.

(upbeat sound)

- Please download our Superbook app

or visit

- And remember, no matterwhat you're hurting from,

God can heal it and fix your broken heart.

- God is love.

- See you soon.

- He's whatever you need Him to be.

The 27 Psalm

- God can heal, heal it.


- But I have heard someonetalk about this before.

- Hey, I'm all ears.

- Please download our

- I'm sorry I looked down.


- Ready?

- Amen.

- I heard part of the prayer, but okay.


(people laughing in background)

Then I was supposed to say, amen?


(speaks background)

- [Abby] Don't steal my amen.

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