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President Trump's Whistleblower Accuser to Come Forward, but Only in Writing

President Trump's Whistleblower Accuser to Come Forward, but Only in Writing Read Transcript

- The whistleblower whofirst raised concerns

about the president and Ukraine now says

he'll answer questions from Republicans.

His attorney announcing hewill give written responses

to written questions underoath and penalty of perjury.

Republicans say it is not enough.

They want the whistleblower in person.

I think the Americanpeople have a right to know

who the individual is whostarted this whole thing.

- [Heather] The president is charging

that revealing the whistleblower's

identity would be bad for Democrats.

- The whistleblower should be revealed

because the whistleblowergave false stories.

Some people would call it a fraud.

- [Heather] And he continues to maintain

that his phone call with the president

of Ukraine was above board.

- My phone call was perfecto,it was totally appropriate.

- [Heather] After onlyclosed-door interviews so far,

Democrats say they are getting ready

to make the impeachmentprocess more transparent.

House Intelligence Committee Chair

Adam Schiff says the committees will begin

to release transcripts oftheir closed-door interviews

as early as this week.

Republicans contend that this new round

in the inquiry is nothing but a show.

- Under Clinton and Nixon,there was a bi-partisan

negotiation to at least have fair rules.

They don't want fair rules.

They just want to hurtPresident Trump's chances

to win re-election.

- Private depositionsscheduled for this week

include Energy Secretary Rick Perry

and former NationalSecurity Advisor John Bolton

but it's not clear if they will show.

Heather Sells, CBN News.


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