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Trump Wants to Face His Accuser - Whistleblower Rules Changed Right Before the Bombshell

Trump Wants to Face His Accuser - Whistleblower Rules Changed Right Before the Bombshell Read Transcript

- The whistleblower atthe center of a complaint

that helped launch an impeachment inquiry

into President Trumpis expected to testify

privately before Congressif law makers can ensure

that his identity is safe.

President Trump wants to hearfrom the whistleblower too,

tweeting, "I want tomeet not only my accuser,

"but also the person whoillegally gave this information."

- It's all hearsay.

You can't get a parking ticketconviction based on hearsay.

- [Amber] Trump attorney, Jay Sekulow,

claimed the whistleblowerrules recently changed.

- The form that so-calledwhistleblowers fill out

used to say this.

In order to find anurgent concern credible,

the Inspector Generalmust be in possession

of reliable firsthand information.

That was on the form, literally,

until apparently very recently.

- [Amber] The complaintsays Mr. Trump pressured

Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky,

to investigate political rival, Joe Biden,

and his son, Hunter's dealings in Ukraine.

The President's defenderscall the whistleblower biased.

- The Inspector Generalsays there's an indicia

of arguable political bias.

That is Washington speak for this guy

didn't like the President.

- [Amber] That sameInspector General, however,

called the complaint credible.

President Trump's former security advisor

saying he's troubled by the call.

- It is a bad day and abad week for this President

and for this country if he is asking

for political dirt on an opponent.

- [Amber] Democratic membersof the House have launched

a slew of subpoenas againstthe State Department

and Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo.

- I have to imagine they'regoing to fight us tooth and nail

and yet even as they do,the more that they fight

to try to prevent and obstruct

the lawful functions of Congress,

the more they're going to make a case

for impeachment on obstruction of justice.

- [Amber] Meanwhile the Biden campaign

sent a letter to major news networks

calling on them to stophaving Trump lawyer,

Rudy Giuliani on their shows,

claiming he's spreadingdebunked conspiracy theories.

Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi,

has a message of herown for the White House.

- Speak the truth and let us work together

to have this be a unifying experience,

not a dividing one for our country.

- But recent polling suggeststhe country is divided.

While there's increasingsupport for impeachment,

it mostly falls along party lines.

Amber Strong, CBN News, in Washington.


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