'Jesus Is Lord, Every Knee Shall Bow': Prophetic Minister Says Kanye's 'Sunday Service' Just Might Change the World
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- Kanye West's new gospelalbum, "Jesus is King",
is climbing the top charts
and dominating streamingservices right now.
Released nearly a week ago,the ninth album from the
megastar has sparkeddebate in both secular
and Christian culture.
Many are skeptical of Kanye'sradical transformation
and promises to make faitha top priority in his life.
But in a recent interviewwith the Late Late Show Host,
James Corden, Kanye explained,"God always had a plan
"for his life and believeshis past experiences
"only make him more relatable."
- You know, there's a lotof people that were praying
for me when I was, youknow, all the way gone.
When I was at the MTV Awardsholding the Hennessy bottle,
runnin' on stage.
When I was, you know,doing creative direction
for certain awards shows.
It was people in my familythat were praying for me.
It's God that came andput this thing on my heart
and said, "Are you ready to be in service
"to Him?"
- Joining us to discussthis further is author
and prophetic minister, Shawn Bolz,
who attended Kanye's first concert Sunday,
since releasing his new album.
Shawn, I just wanna start by asking you,
what was it like there, andwho were some of the people
in the crowd?
- I mean, it was amazing,it was so electrifying,
and we weren't sure whatit was gonna be like.
I've watched some ofthe clips on Instagram
and we were invited tosome of the smaller events,
but we couldn't make it.
So we go to the big event,where it's every kind of person
you could imagine.
There's the white hipster, preppy kids,
there's the gangsterrappers, there's the Asians,
there's every race, every gender.
And then you have grandmas
and you have little kids everywhere.
It was so much fun to see the environment,
because it was very clean,
so people brought their kids en masse,
and there was probably500 kids there at least.
Little little babies, all theway to you know 12 year olds.
So it was super unique.
We didn't know what we were getting into
and when we got there and saw the crowd,
we're like, who's here,who are these people?
And I would say about 50% of them
probably weren't Christian.
So they were coming to see,they were either fans of Kanye,
or they were interestedin the controversy.
It was wild.
- Yeah, it sounds like apretty diverse audience there,
from babies to grandmas.
- Exactly.
- But when we talk aboutKanye, one of the songs on his
album talks about howhurt he was by the fact
that he's gotten suchpushback from Christians
who have publicly made somerelatively ugly comments
about the process he's gone through.
What would be your messageto those Christians?
- We gotta give people a chance.
Right now there's sucha reformation happening
in the entertainment industry.
We have people in music,video games, you know movies,
television, that arehaving encounters with God.
Especially in the AfricanAmerican community,
who are leading out in somany Christian efforts.
And when people first come to Jesus,
and he admittedly justcame to Jesus right after
Coachella this year.
We have to give them a chanceto go through a process.
Because they're public,they can't just turn off
their public every time.
Some people have done alittle bit of less public
when they're in this kind of a phase.
But Kanye, with everything he was building
with the momentum, hethought to keep going forward
with his business, hiscareer, and also his passion,
to bring Jesus everywhere he can.
His calling is to evangelize the world.
So he has some great peoplespeaking into his life,
but he needs more.
So we need to pray for him.
- Now, in addition to Kanye West,
recently we've seenstars like Selena Gomez
sharing her faith.
I mean, there's paparazzicamped outside churches
to take pictures ofJustin and Hailey Bieber.
What's happening in Hollywood right now?
- It's so amazing, you know it was funny
because I was on with somefriends who work at BET
and then one is an actresson a number of series.
And we were just sittingtogether two days ago
talking about this very thing,going, what is happening?
This is what we allprayed for and dreamed for
because there's thousandsof believers who've been
in the entertainment industry,praying and believing
for this very thing, thatpeople would start to get saved
and there would start to bea message that's no longer
a crossover message from faith to secular,
but there would be a messagethat could hit all of culture
about who Jesus is.
But also lives that would hitculture that would show off
what God's like.
So it's been amazing.
I feel like every otherday I'm in a conversation
with somebody who's pretty high level
in the entertainment industrywho's having a God encounter
or God experience and asking questions.
Like, "I had a dream, canyou help me with this?"
"I know it's from God."
You know God's doing somethingwhen people are calling me
to ask me to interpret their dreams.
That's crazy!
- Well Shawn, you're nostranger to ministering
to celebrities, whatis God speaking to you
about all of this andare we seeing people come
to Christ through what's going on?
We've got about 30 seconds left here.
- Yeah, so there wasprobably over 2000 people
who came to Christ just at Kanye's service
while we were there, who raisedtheir hands for salvation.
And there's people en masse.
There's so many churchesin LA that are popping in
into an entertainment cultureto believe in God's dream
for what he wants to do.
So I think that we're aboutto see a tipping point
in that where popular culturegoes, all culture goes.
So God is at the head ofthis thing and I'm excited.
- Wow, praise the Lord!
Shawn, that is so encouraging.
Thank you so much forcoming on and telling us
about that today.
- Thanks for letting me be here.
- All right, thanks.