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Studio 5: Bethel Music

We’re celebrating artist with Bethel Music, and sitting down with Brandon Lake, Dante Bowe and Paul & Hannah McClure. We also have uplifting news from entertainers Kanye West, Pharrell Williams, and Letitia Wright. Read Transcript

(upbeat music)

- And, welcome to Studio 5,

where Bethel music iscenter stage this week,

Brandon Lake, DanteBowe, and the McClure's

are all with us as wesample the amazing sound

of the Bethel Music Collective.

So let's get this show started

with the countdown of the five big stories

in the world of uplifting entertainment.

- [Narrator] At number five.

(choir singing)

Kanye West reveals grandplans for the music we hear

from his Sunday service choir.

- The songs that we'redoing at Sunday service

is basically my book of hymns

for the future GospelUniversity that I'm creating,

where I've envisioned and will manifest

a 200,000-seat stadium,

circular with 100,000 gospel singers.

And people will go to thisuniversity and they will train

the way, you know, aRussian Olympic swimmer.

Yeah, I picture like,they would be in the pool

six days a week atleast, if not seven days.

(choir singing)

- At number four.

(choir singing)

Music man, PharrellWilliams builds a choir

in his hometown, Virginia Beach.

And turns it into a Netflix series.

- What if you were made for this.

To withstand the storm.

To beat the odds.

- Are you up for the challenge?

- [Congregation] Yes.

- [Narrator] Studio 5 has this first look

at "Voices of Fire" beforeit streams next month.

- [Man] Could you sing for us?


- This is about to bethe most awesome choir.

- And that begins the countdown

and brings us to our sweet visit

with members of theBethel music collective.

We're gonna begin with Brandon Lake.

He's also a songwriter and worship pastor

at South Carolina's Seacoast Church.

His solo project is called"House of Miracles".

♪ Come alive in the name of Jesus ♪

♪ Come alive in the name of Jesus ♪

♪ This is a house of miracles ♪

How is the life of a worship leader

in the middle of a global pandemic?


- Slower.(laughs)

♪ This is a house of miracles ♪

It makes what we do so much more real.

In the middle of what we're going through.

Because now when anentire world is shaken,

and the people of God arecalled to not be shaken.

That's when the songsreally, really matter.

♪ Come alive in the name of Jesus ♪

♪ Come alive in the name of Jesus ♪

- So you have your firstsolo album out now?

- I do, yeah.(laughs)

- We've heard you on so many things

and it's hard to (mumbles)that this is the first.

- Yeah. I mean, somebody, actually,

this is pretty funny and it's...

I don't mean to be insensitive,

but somebody said, "BrandonLake is the COVID of worship

in 2020.(laughs)

Everybody's got them.

♪ In the name of Jesus ♪

♪ This is a house of miracles ♪

This is my first like officialrecord with Bethel music.

And I couldn't be moreexcited to release this yet.

♪ I still believe you're speaking ♪

♪ God I believe your work ♪

- Why "House of Miracles"

in light of all that we're going through?

I feel like we need ahouse of miracles right now

but that's the (mumbles).

- There was one day in the studio

and we were supposed towork on a different song,

and both me and one of myproducers, Jacob Sooter,

were like, "We're not supposedto work on that song today.

I think we're supposed to write one."

So I began to just ask God, like,

what is it that we needto release on this record

that does not exist yet?

Let's write a song

and then the title hitme, "House of Miracles".

This is what we need to write.

And so we wrote that song.

It became the title track of the record.

And it's become my prayer,especially in the season that,

that every house, everyschool, every church

and every hospital, everyhome, every hospital

would be a house of miracles,

especially in the season wherethe church had to move back

into the home.

Every house could be a house of miracles.

♪ I need a Holy Ghost awaken in my soul ♪

♪ I need a love thatglows rattling my bones ♪

♪ Till the evidence shows ♪

- I'd like to just shoutout a few of the names

of the tracks and getyour initial response

when you hear them.

First, "I Need a Ghost".

- Rowdy, yeah.(laughs)

It just like was an honest conversation

between me and the Lord

and what I wanted to speakto society, in a way.

Like, I don't need the flashy lights.

I don't need to (murmurs).

I don't need, like...

I just need....

I need the Holy ghost.I need the Holy spirit.

And I knew this song kindaalmost like from the get go,

wanted to be packagedin a very rowdy, honest,

and let's not sugar coat it.

Let's just like,

I wanna release it howit wants to come out.

♪ Here I will stand in your presence ♪

♪ In my true identity ♪

♪ Doesn't it sound like ♪

♪ It sounds like ♪

♪ Just like heaven ♪

- "Just Like Heaven".

- Wrote it on the couch.

Just with the simple revelation

that the presence of Godwas a glimpse, a taste,

a molecule of what Heaven's gonna be like.

And I love his narrowness.

It's the opposite of "I Need a Ghost".

Sonically it's the otherend of the spectrum

that I love equally.

And I wanted to show the world

a little bit of what myrelationship with God looks like

on that end of things as well.

♪ I can't get enough of you Lord ♪

- How are you stayinghopeful in these tough times?

From racial unrest to a pandemic,

to political unrest.

How do you stay hopeful?

- I believe that we havenothing to be worried about

as long as we stay obedient.

The church might have tochange, not what we believe,

but maybe how we get the gospel to people.

And I think as long aswe're willing to be creative

and do whatever it takesto help people find Jesus,

we have nothing to worry about.

♪ I can't get enough of you. ♪

- Again, Brandon's project iscalled "House of Miracles".

Be sure to add it to your music rotation.

- [Narrator] Still to come.

♪ Fire fall wind come blow ♪

♪ We're ready for more ♪

Bethel music singer andsongwriter, Dante Bowe,

joins us.

- [Narrator] Life, it'smeant to be lived fully.

Jesus said it.

"I came to give you life,

life to the fullest.

Life in your family,

life in your finances,

life in your body, mind and spirit

life in your everyday.

At we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.

We're here to help you discover life.

Life, live it fully.

- [Narrator] At number three.

- Day one, season two,

we are officially now a multi-season show.

- [Narrator] The largestcrowdfunded television production

of all time,

is now at work on season two.

- Today began so early,way too early for me.

I got reasonably decent sleep,

but of course the firstthing that you're reminded of

when you show up, is howdifferent this season is

from last season.

- [Narrator] This is abehind the scenes look

at the filming of "The Chosen"

on its new set in Goshen, Utah.

And in the age of COVID-19.

- Everybody listen up for a second.

First of all...


I'm very grateful that you're here.

- [Narrator] At number two.

- Once realize when you feela little bit uncomfortable,

then the onus is on you togo out and educate yourself

as much because ignoranceis no longer an excuse.

- [Narrator] It's a Royalawakening for Prince Harry.

- Prince Harry revealsthat growing up Royal meant

he really had no understanding

of his own racial unconscious bias.

Harry says Meghan openedhis eyes to the fact

that we all have racial biases

towards certain groups of people.

- [Reporter] Harry openingup in a conversation

for British GQ about mental health,

education and racial bias.

- I had no idea that what it was.

I had no idea it existed

and then, sad as it is to say,

it took me many, many years to realize it,

especially then living a dayor a week in my wife's shoes.

- And that is number three and number two

in this week's countdown.

Number one is still ahead.

Right now, we wanna continue our visit

with Bethel Music Collective.

Next up, Dante Bowe.

He can be seen leadingworship at Bethel church

and on tour with the Collective.

And he's heard on the mostrecent Collective project called,

"Revival is in the Air".

His voice is front and centeron a few songs like this one,

"Champion", take a listen.

(musicians singing)

The single that we're talking about

on this particular projectis called "Champion".

♪ I've tried so hard to see it ♪

What can you share aboutthe story behind "Champion"?

- Thanks for asking that.

Me and my friends, BrandonLake and Steffany Gretzinger,

we were in a room and we justbegan to talk about identity

and how sometimes with what we do,

it's easy to get caughtup in perfectionism

and having it all together,

and trying to measure up to the cross

and what the Lord did for us,

and trying to earn it.

And, ultimately we justwanted to write a song

that gave people like a mirror

into their like true identity.

Like who they really are.

And maybe just, you know,

you've always been toldyou aren't good enough,

or maybe always comparedyourself to people.

And the truth of the matter is

we're seated in the heavenly places.

♪ Undefeated ♪

♪ Every battle you've won ♪

- How personal was the song for you?

- Super personal.

I've come from a long lot of light.

Just good people.

Like just people that I felt like,

oh my God, these are sotalented and amazing.

And I always kind of compared myself.

Sometimes always feltlike I need to do that.

Or I need to, you know, let me do this.

And then maybe...

And the Lord has to slow me down

and just kind of tell me like, you know,

I am worth it. I'm good enough.

♪ You're teaching me how to receive it ♪

♪ So let all the striving cease ♪

♪ This is my victory ♪

- When did Dante Bowediscover he had a voice?

- One day, randomly, Ijust decided to sing.

And my grandmother heard me.

And she was like, "Oh my God,

you have to sing in church Sunday."

(laughs)You have to sing on Sunday.

That was the day I felt confident in it

because everyone, all myfamily members who I love

and esteem so high, they were just like,

"Oh my God, you have voice."

♪ In the heavenly place undefeated ♪

♪ With the one who has conquered it all ♪

- Now you connect with Bethel, how?

- Yeah, so I have my own theory,

cause I don't know necessarilyhow they heard about me.

But I think they came to aworship night in Atlanta.

One of their and our guys cameto a worship night in Atlanta

and I was there.

And next thing I know I was flying

to Redding, California to kind of just

write the songs of their crew.

And I went out to dinnerwith one of my heroes,

Brian Johnson.

And we left the dinner and heran behind the car I was in,

knocked on the door.

He's the president of Delta music team.

He knocked on the door.(knocking)

He was like,

"Hey, did you wanna leadworship with me Sunday?

Can you stay?"

I'm like, "Yes!"

You know, he's like,

"We'll take care of yourflight and everything.

I just feel like youshould just lead worship."

And the next day I wason for the record deal.

♪ Jesus has given me ♪

♪ When I lift my voice and shout ♪

♪ Every wall comes crashing down ♪

♪ I have the authority (Yes I do) ♪

♪ Jesus has given me ♪

- This project that you're on,

it's essentially deals with revival,

the entire project "Revival's in the Air".

What do you think ofthat theme, that message?

- America right now Ifeel like it's in a...

We're fertile for revival.

We're ready for revival.

And when you see what'sgoing on with racism

and when you see what'sgoing on with, you know,

the church and COVID-19.

It's just like the Lordis about to show himself

in a mighty way.

♪ Who you say I am ♪

He's coming.

He's coming and He's coming to heal,

He's coming to restore.

He's coming to make all things new.

So ready or not ready,

(laughs)He's coming.

♪ By the power of Your name ♪

♪ I am seated ♪

♪ In the heavenly place ♪

♪ Undefeated ♪

♪ With the One who has conquered it all ♪

- That's Dante Bowe.

And as you may have heard,

he released his firstsingle, "Potter and Friend"

back in January of 2017.

And then this album, "Son of a Father"

just a few months later.

Well, Dante also appearson the latest project

from Maverick City music collective.

Before we take a break,

it is time to say it in pictures.

So here is this week's Studio 5 snapshot.

We're sending up prayers for actor,

Jamie Foxx and his family.

As they mourn the lossof his beloved sister,

Deondra Dixon,

Foxx shared on Instagram,

"My heart is shatteredinto a million pieces.

My beautiful lovingsister has transitioned."

She was 36 and served as an ambassador

for the Global Down Syndrome Foundation.

This salute to her life

is this week's Studio 5 snapshot.

Moments away.

(McClure's singing)

The McClure's make for aBethel music love story.

They're sharing that story next.

- Daddy.- Yeah, buddy.

- How many nickels are in a dollar?

- There're 20 nickels in a dollar

- How do birds fly?

Does milk really make my bones stronger?

- Yeah.

- Daddy, when we die,

will we go to heaven?

- [Narrator] Do you have the answer

to life's biggest question?

Call The 700 Club.

We'll help you find answersto the important questions

life brings your way.

- [Reporter] This election night,

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Watch November 3rd at 7:00p.m. on the CBN News channel

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CBN News, because truth matters.

- And welcome back.

You are in Studio 5 for a fun half hour

with the Bethel Music Collective.

Wanna check in right nowwith Paul and Hannah McClure,

husband and wife, worship leaders

and songwriters at Bethel Church.

They actually beganleading worship though,

as teenagers in their hometown

of High Point, North Carolina.

We caught up with thetwo of them in Nashville,

just as they were releasingtheir last project.

♪ You meet me on the mountain top ♪

♪ You see in me in the valley low ♪

♪ There is no home without you here ♪

When I knew that I was gonna sit down

to speak with both of you,

my first curiosity was,

what's your love story?

I know you began writing as teens together

in North Carolina.

How did you meet? What happened?

- When was about 16years old, my dad said,

"Hey, my friend, Rob Spradley,

starting a church inGreensboro, North Carolina,

where I lived.

And they need a drummer.

So I was a bad drummer.


I said, "Yeah, I'd love to play."

So Hannah's brother, Jesse,was a worship pastor.

Hannah played bass.

- You're pretty cool.(laughs)

A drummer and a bass.- Oh, man!

I was like--(Hannah murmurs)


I was like tucked in shirt,homeschooler, not cool.

Hannah was skater chick withpink hair and baggy jeans.

I was like, "Yeah, she's cool."

♪ I'll sing it all day long ♪

- What led to you guys writing together?

Writing songs together, what happened?

- I mean, we started writing

emo songs before worship songs,

just cause that was kind of the genre then

that we were into.- Yeah.

- Our brother-in-laws would always joke

that we were just alwayssitting around singing together,

(laughs)but that was our thing.

We loved playing music.

And then I'd say we probably didn't start

writing worship songstill we were 17 or 18.

- How do you go from Greensboroall the way to Redding.

- All right, I make Paul tell the story

cause he makes fun of me all the time

that I leave details out.

(laughs)- Like major details.

♪ My heart will be an offering ♪

We're in North Carolina,we were worship pastors

at the church that her dad started.

Also youth pastors, youknow, small local church,

you do everything.

So, they were like,

you do music, you'recool, do the youth group.

We took our youth group too andacquired "The fire of That",

which is a youth group event.

And the last night of the conference,

a guy named Pat Barrett,who does music now,

he was leading with thisband called "Unhindered"

and did the song, "How HeLoves" by John Mark McMillan.

So we went home andlooked it up on YouTube

and found Kim Walker singing it.

And we're like, what is this?

♪ Yeah He loves us ♪

♪ Oh how He loves us ♪

And then saw that theywere from this church

called Bethel Church.

We'd never heard of them.

So we saw that they do theschool of worship out there.

And so 2010 we went off to the school

and it was just

life-changing for us.- Yeah.

- And then we said,

"Hey, we wanna just bearound those people."

We didn't have a job opportunity.

They weren't like, "Come."

We knew we'd found the people

that were running after the same thing.

And so, showed up in Redding.

I did construction for twoyears when we moved there.

And then I came on staff with the church,

managing the worship department.

(Paul and Hannah singing)

- And now you sitlaunching out on your own.

What took so long?


(Paul and Hannah singing)

- We actually started writingfor this album in 2016.

And then it just wasn't right.

It actually, you know, therewas a period of discouragement,

I think of like, are we good songwriters?

Can we do this?

It's been a process of finding our voices,

and really the Lord teaching us to lean

into that process.- Yeah.

- And obviously we love creating

and we love the songs that come out of it.

But it's been more about a learning

in the process.- Right.

- The project is called

"The Way Home."- Yes.

- What does that mean, the way home?

- When we were in thisprocess of writing, creating,

we're actually in the studio.

And even the sound of the album

is a little more from ourroots back in North Carolina.

And we said,

"Hey, let's just remember whenwe were back in the emo days,

just singing because it was fun

and writing songs becausewe loved to song right,

and not because it was for something.

It's just because we loved it

and we love Jesus.- [Hannah] Yeah.

- And so Hannah was like, what if we...

Cause we have a songcalled "The Way Home".

She was like, "What if wecalled the album, the way home,

kind of as a picture of just returning...

Kind of a returning to move forward

of just the return to the simplicity

of singing for the love ofit and for the love of Jesus.

- Yeah, I think it's been the process

and the journey of developing,

even just this confidence

in what the Lord has called us to do.

And the way home just sums all of that up.

(artists singing)

- And a little bit of breaking news

from Bethel music and the McClure's.

They're at work right nowon a Christmas project.

We'll keep you posted on its release.

We have much more ahead,including right now,

a look at this week's number one story

and our countdown of the five best stories

in uplifting entertainment.

Here is the leading headline.

- [Narrator] At number one.

- Black Panther pretty much changed

the way I thought aboutbig blockbuster movies.

- [Narrator] This breakoutblack Panther star

is taking a seat behind the camera

and sharing her faith in a new way.

- Black Panther star, Letitia Wright,

has launched a new production company,

she says was inspired by God.

She's calling it "ThreeSixteen"

after the popular Bible verse, John 3:16,

with the goal of producingmeaningful content

within the entertainment industry.

- [Narrator] Uplifting others

has always been this star's aim.

- You on purpose, took thiswanting to be an inspiration

to young girls.

- Yeah, it's something thatI pretty much praying about

since I was a kid, you know.

I just wanted to do somethingmeaningful in the world.

I want to contribute positively.

So that means with the rolesthat I get to play as well.

- [Narrator] Coming up.

(band singing)

Bethel Music's Brandon Lake is back

with a word of wisdom tobring this show to a close.

- [Reporter] CBN News presentsan election night special,

with live coverage starting at 7:00 p.m.

Get updates on the campaigns plus analysis

on the shifting balance of power.

Watch on those CBN newschannel or on the CBN news app.

- [Narrator] Come home tothe sounds of Southern Gospel

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- And welcome back to Studio 5.

This has been a music fieldshow with Bethel music.

And this week's soundtrackcomes from another member

of the Bethel Music Collective.

Take a listen and seewhy Amanda Lindsay Cook's

"Great Are You Lord" iswhat's playing in my ear.

♪ It's Your breath in our lungs ♪

♪ So we pour out our praise ♪

♪ Pour out our praise ♪

♪ It's Your breath in our lungs ♪

♪ So we pour out our praise to You only ♪

♪ We sing praise ♪

Great are you Lord.

On that musical note, let'stake a quick look ahead

and sample a story fromnext week's rundown.

(artists singing)

- [Narrator] (mumbles)Lafayette and Jefferson to life

in the Broadway musical hit, "Hamilton".

And now...

- We need the storm.

- Aim low!

- The whirlwind.- Make every fire town.

- And the earthquake.

- [Narrator] Daveed Diggsis Frederick Douglass

in Showtimes' "The Good Lord Bird".

- Daveed, how does yourportrayal of Frederick Douglas

in this series compare to any thoughts

you may have had ofhim throughout history?


- Look, I mean the great joy of this,

of getting to do this versionof Frederick Douglass,

and the reason I saidyes to it is because,

the Douglas that we meet inMcBride's novel is flawed.

- [Narrator] It's a Studio 5special on the limited series.

(man shouts)

- Get out! Lunatic.

- We're looking forward tosharing that with you next week

and so much more.

Before we say goodbye this week, though,

we wanna to give the final word

to Bethel music's Brandon Lake.

♪ It couldn't fill me ♪

♪ Man's empty praise ♪

♪ And treasures that fade ♪

♪ Are never enough ♪

- If you could go back in time

and give young Brandon some advice,

what would you tell him?

- Good question.

Don't care so much aboutwhat other people think.

Stay in your lane,

just listen to the voice of God.

♪ Every desire ♪

♪ Is now satisfied ♪

♪ Here in Your love ♪

I was so insecure as in,you know, I was young

and I just always feltlike I needed other people

to affirm, you know, things,

And honestly, man,

the more I've stayed in my lane

and like God has brought the opportunity.

He's brought the relationships.

He has blessed me immenselywhen I have stayed focused.

♪ Oh I know it's true ♪

Come on now.

- Brandon Lake, that is a great final word

for this edition of Studio 5

and this week's look atuplifting entertainment.

Until next time, make timeto uplift someone around you.

And then please,

come on back and see whereStudio 5 takes you next week.

Thank you so much for watching.

Bye bye everybody.

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