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Paula White-Cain: 'I Pray For John MacArthur'

Paula White-Cain: 'I Pray For John MacArthur' Read Transcript

- Well, pastor Paula Whitecame as a spiritual advisor

to President Trump, hostof Paula White Today,

and author of the newbook, Something Greater.

And Paula joins us now,Paula great to see you,

and congratulations on this new book.

Thank you so much Jenna,it is always wonderful

to be with you, I amsuper pumped about it,

Something Greater, it's exciting.

- Yeah, the subtitle isFinding Triumph Over Trials.

Paula, talk about why youdecided to write this book.

- I thought it was time, Ifelt that there was something

that I had to say thatreally was not just my story.

It's my memoir, but it's God's story,

God's story of His grace,His redemption, His goodness,

His restoration, andit's all of our story.

And it was the most difficult thing

I've ever done, butalso the most rewarding.

So, Something Greater is not necessarily

a bigger house, a biggercar, a better job.

No, Something Greater isEcclesiastes, chapter 3

says that "God has puteternity in our heart,

"a divine sense of purpose."

So when you're goingthrough difficult moments

or you find yourself ina season in your life

that you feel like, God, whereare you, or isn't there more?

Or why is this happening to me?

Or the tragedies, the trials of life,

and walking through as a believer.

God is a covenant-keeping God,

he will not alter his covenant.

And on the other side,and it took me nine years

to write, two years, actually, of writing.

Because I felt like Ihad to land some things.

And in landing those things I can say,

yes, God does have something greater.

There's why there's that pulling you.

And if you don't quit onGod, God never quits on you.

- Paula, today you've reachmillions on TV and online.

And I have to ask you,pastor John MacArthur,

he's come under fire inrecent days for his comments

about women and their role in the church.

He said that Beth Moore should go home.

What are your thoughts, and what's

your reaction to his comments?

- Well, first off, I'm such a person

that believes in unifyingthe body of Christ.

I know what it is to be on the brunt.

I've been doing this for35 years in ministry,

so I know what it is for people

to make all kind of slanderous remarks.

I'm not saying that what he says,

because that's hisconviction, but it's saying

that I know what it is to have malice,

and lies, and everything all around me.

I pray for people, I reallydo, I pray for John MacArthur.

I pray that God would tender his heart.

I pray that he'd haveeyes of understanding.

You know, God is a perfect God.

And in Psalm 139 it says that he's the one

that knit us in our mother's womb.

He is the one that formed us.

And God obviously knewto create me as a women.

I never called myself into ministry.

God called me when I was 18 years old

to preach the gospel, soI've preached the gospel.

- You are now PresidentTrump's spiritual advisor.

Paula, how did you meet Donald Trump.

- 18 years ago I receivedthis call out of the blue.

And they put Mr. Trump on the line.

I often laughed and say,you know, if The Apprentice

was out I would'veprobably said you're fired.

Because we were playingaround, like, yeah,

sure Mr. Trump's on the line, you know?

- [Host] Yeah.

- And we had fun, so sure enough

I get on, and that distinguished voice.

And he said you've got the it factor.

And I said, oh, I said, sir,we call that the anointing.

And he begins to repeatto me almost verbatim

three of my sermons on value and vision.

And I thought to myself, man, he listens

better than most of my congregation.

You know, it was pretty wild,and one thing led to another.

Began to tell me about his background,

how he was confirmed Presbyterian,

and would go to Saturdayschool, and Sunday school.

And his mother was a very godly woman,

and a praying woman, strong Christian,

and how they went to NormanVincent Peale's church.

- You know, many evangelicalleaders and voters

are unhappy with his decisionregarding the Kurds in Turkey.

What's been your counsel to him on that?

And do you think that heunderstands the concern

that a lot of evangelicals have there?

- He listens so openly,there have been many calls

that have been one-on-one calls not only

with the president, with security council.

And I really want people toknow this, that president

has a good team ofdecision makers around him.

Part of those decisionmakers are Secretary Pompeo,

Vice President Pence,Ambassador-at-Large Sam Brownback.

And there are thingsthat I know none of us

will ever know when they're making

these very difficultdecisions, difficult decisions.

It is something he campaigned on.

And it's something that wehave to continue and pray

for the wisdom of God,and that God would lead

our president, and leadall those that are involved

in that decision-making process.

There are a lot of complexities.

There are a lot ofthings that we can't get

in a two-second sound biteor on a two-hour programming.

There are a lot of peoplethat don't understand

worldwide issues orwhat's happening at home.

So I encourage you pray for our president.

We are admonished to in the word of God,

we're admonished to, andthose are very important

no matter what thecircumstance and situation is.

- Well, Something Greateris the name of the book.

And Pastor Paula White-Cain,it's great to see you.

And thank you for joining us today.


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