Best-selling author Debbie Macomber shares her journey to becoming a beloved writer. Plus, a mom has “holes in her brain,†and doctors offer little hope. Watch an incredible turn of events on today’s 700 Club.
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- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Wendy] Today.
- I've always loved story.
- [Wendy] At home with a beloved writer.
- I was making up storieswhen I was four years old.
- [Wendy] How Debbie Macomberbecame a best selling author.
- When you want something so badly,
you have to be willing to face rejection.
- [Wendy] Then, their momhad holes in her brain.
- [Chris] We just gradually became
more and more concerned.
- [Wendy] And doctorssaid there was no hope.
- The best thing you can dois pray she dies quickly.
- [Wendy] Now, watch hermake an incredible recovery
on today's 700 Club.
(dramatic music)
- Welcome to this edition of the 700 Club.
We've got a shocking story for you.
The United States governmentis breeding mouse humans
with your taxpayer money.
You will not believe it,
but it's coming up on this program.
Prime Minister BenjaminNetanyahu strikes out.
No new government for Israel.
And how will his rival,Benny Gantz, respond?
And what will happen inthe fight against terrorism
if Gantz draws support from Arab parties?
Our Chris Mitchell bringsus the critical details
from Jerusalem.
- [Chris] Netanyahu returned the mandate
to form a government shortly after sundown
at the end of the Jewish High Holy Days.
(speaking foreign language)
- [Translator] Since Ireceived the mandate,
I've worked tirelessly, bothin public and behind the scenes
to establish a broadnational unity government.
That's what the people want.
It's also what Israel needs
in response to the security challenges
that increase by day and by the hour.
- [Chris] Netanyahureleased a video explaining
that he had repeatedly approached
Blue and White leader, BennyGantz, his partner Yair Lapid,
and Israeli Beiteinuleader, Avigdor Lieberman.
(speaking foreign language)
- [Translator] Gantz, Lapid, and Lieberman
only talk about unity.
In practice, they dothe complete opposite.
They encourage division and boycott.
They reject the religious.
- Israelis went to the poll
for the second time insix months in September,
after Netanyahu failed topull together a government
of a majority of Knesset members.
According to the law,President Rivlin has three days
to decide if he'll givethe mandate to Gantz,
who would then have 28 days
to try to form a unity government.
It's the first time sinceNetanyahu was elected in 2009
that another leader could beasked to form a government,
though Gantz's chances ofsucceeding are slimmer.
Blue and White releaseda statement, saying:
Blue and White is determined to create
the liberal unity government led by Gantz
that the people elected a month ago.
Gantz has less backers than Netanyahu,
but could also try tobuild a minority government
that would be supported from the outside
by the Arab parties, whodeny Israel's right to exist.
Netanyahu warned against this.
If Gantz takes up the challengeto form a new government
and fails after 28 days,there's another option.
If any Knesset member can bring together
a majority of Knesset members,
they could become the next prime minister.
If that fails, Israeliswill head to new elections,
probably next March.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.
- Well in other news, the president says
he might leave some troops in Syria
to protect, guess what,the Kirkuk oil fields
that we've been talkingabout on this program
on and on and on.
But some members of Congresswant him to do more.
John Jessup has that story
from our CBN news bureau in Washington.
- Thanks, Pat.
The Turkish and Russianpresidents met today
in the Black Sea resort town of Sochi.
Their talks are crucial
in extending a ceasefireset to expire today
and, as Syrian Kurds fear theTurkish slaughter may resume.
Gary Lane has the story.
- With the ceasefireset to end later today,
there's concern the Turkswill restart their onslaught
against the Kurds.
As US troops continue their pull-out,
there's word that asmall force might remain.
When Vladimir Putin met
with Turkey President Erdogan Tuesday,
the Russian president said
Turkey had violated Syrian sovereignty.
The US troops were seenleaving northeastern Syria
and heading to Iraq on Monday.
They were bid farewell by angry Kurds,
who threw potatoes at them.
Some held signs thankingthe American people,
but saying that, quote, Trump betrayed us.
They might not be welcome in Iraq either,
as that government saysthere's no agreement
for them to stay there.
Appearing on the Fox News show, Hannity,
the president said a ceasefire agreement
would not have been reached
without two and a half days of fighting.
- It's like two kids in a playground.
They fight.
You let 'em fight for a minuteand then you pull 'em apart.
It was much easier to make a deal.
- [Gary] President Trump suggests
he does not regret his decision
to withdraw American troops from Syria.
- We have a goodrelationship with the Kurds,
but we've never agreed to,you know, protect the Kurds.
We fought with them for threeand a half to four years.
We never agreed to protect the Kurds
for the rest of their lives.
- [Gary] And at the start ofhis cabinet meeting Monday,
Mr. Trump said someresidual American troops,
maybe 200 or so, would remain inside Syria
to protect Israel andJordan in southern Syria
and oil fields in the east.
But Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says
the US is ready to use military action
in the region if necessary.
Some fighting continued,despite the ceasefire.
CBN News contributingcorrespondent Chuck Holton
came under fire insideSyria as he and medics
of the Free Burma Rangersrescued wounded Kurds.
- [Chuck] We've been moving down the road
into territory that's heldby the Free Syrian Army.
Right now, an hour ago, they shot at us
with three machine gunsand we had to flee,
and then now we're going right back.
- [Gary] Under terms of the ceasefire,
the Kurds have agreed to leave a safe zone
south of the Turkish border.
President Erdogan saysonly 800 Kurdish fighters
have left the area.
1,300 remain.
Turkey has warned Kurdishmilitias must honor the agreement.
- If they don't withdraw,our operation will restart.
- The challenge now isreaching a permanent deal.
Since the Turkish military offensive,
Operation Peace Spring, began October 9th,
more than 150,000 peoplehave fled the fighting
in northern Syria.
Hundreds, if not thousands,have been killed or injured.
CBN's Operation Blessing is helping many
of the internally displacedinside northeast Syria.
And more than 10,000 refugees
have now crossed into Iraqi Kurdistan.
OB is partnering
with the BarzaniCharitable Trust Foundation
to provide hot meals topeople in two camps there.
And the German defense minister today
suggested the securityzone in northern Syria
be controlled by theinternational community,
including Russia and Turkey.
Gary Lane, CBN News.
- Thanks, Gary.
- Well, we're giving back
what has taken yearsand years to build up.
We had control of that area.
Now the Russians are coming in,
the Turks are coming in,
we've lost control of it,
and it's a humanitarian disaster.
And that's just the way it is,
but given that reality, we at CBN
are working with the BarzaniCharitable Foundation
to provide meals and necessary help
to these Kurdish and Christian refugees
who are being forced to flee
because of this bitter fighting.
And we're giving, well,we have clean water,
we have blankets, we have hot meals,
we have the things thatthey need so badly.
And we need much more help.
If you want to be participating in that,
it's CBN Operation Blessing,Disaster Relief Fund,
CBN Center, and that's thenumber to call, 1-800-700-7000.
We want to do everything we can
to stand with those brave people,
even though they may have wellbeen betrayed by our nation.
- Pat, pro-life advocatesdecry the hundreds of thousands
of abortions performedin America every year,
but the tragedy doesn't stop there.
Intact parts of the child's body
are in high demand among scientists,
and as Jennifer Wishon explainsin this alarming report,
you may need to sit downwhen you hear who's paying
for their experiments.
- Organs, bones, and otherbody parts of aborted babies
are being sold andtransplanted into lab animals.
No, this is not a passageout of "Frankenstein."
These are real experiments happening now
that taxpayers are funding.
- It's abhorrent on so many levels.
- [Jennifer] Anthony Belottiis president and founder
of White Coat Waste Project,
a group exposing experiments like this.
Here, the reproductive tracts
from aborted 13-week-old twin girls
were stripped out and implanted into mice.
Last year, the NationalInstitutes of Health
funded 200 similar studiesacross 50 institutions,
mostly universities, in 33 states.
This year, the NIH estimates
it will spend 120 million tax dollars
on research using aborted baby parts.
- This is a crisis now.
This problem is growing inspite of Republicans, Democrats,
pro-lifers, animal advocates.
Nobody wants this.
- [Jennifer] Terrisa Bukovinacruns Pro-Life San Francisco.
The bulk of the researchhappens in her back yard,
at the University ofCalifornia, San Francisco.
- One of the most infamous projects
that was recently canceledby the Trump administration
was a project thatinvolved humanizing mice,
and that project requiredtwo pristine, healthy fetuses
between the ages of 18and 24 weeks per month.
- Nearly 70 members ofCongress from both parties
are working to exposethese gruesome experiments.
They've issued a letterdemanding information
from Secretary of Health andHuman Services Alex Azar.
You're asking him to indicate
how many different babieswere used in each project
and the gestational ages of each.
Can you believe that you're even
having to write a letter like this?
- It is deeply saddening tome that our own government
would be a part ofcreating this marketplace
for the buying and selling of baby parts.
- [Jennifer] In June, theTrump administration took steps
to end human fetal research,
but loopholes allowmost of it to continue.
In response, more than90 research institutions
wrote Secretary Azar tosay fetal tissue remains
an essential resource,crediting it for vaccines
and potential treatments forALS, spinal cord injuries,
and Parkinson's disease.
Opponents agree thisis important research,
but argue there are alternativesto human fetal tissue.
Using it, they say, encourageslate term abortions,
which produce more developed babies
that are more lucrativewhen sold for research.
That means abortiondoctors receive incentives
to use techniques that preserve babies
and all their parts forscience experiments.
- So the only two waysthey can do these abortions
is through a live dismembermentor a medical induction,
which, according to theSociety of Family Planning,
is very likely to produceborn-alive infants.
- To our core, to our founding,
the recognition of theimportant of life is who we are,
and we can never get away from that.
- Legislation has beenintroduced here on Capitol Hill
that would prohibitthe Secretary of Health
and Human Services fromauthorizing any research
that uses aborted baby parts.
Research on stillbirthor miscarriage tissue
would still be allowed.
Jennifer Wishon, CBN News, Capitol Hill.
- Thank you, Jennifer.
Pat, I'm sure a lot ofpeople will be shocked
when they learn about these experiments.
- Well, they're no more shocked than I am.
Ladies and gentlemen, can you imagine
our government funding ahuman mouse experiment?
Baby parts?
$120 million being spent with your money.
I mean this is monstrous.
This is something out of a nightmare.
I mean, even Hitler didn'tdo anything as bad as this.
This is horrible.- Even having had that vote
come from the White Houseagainst it, it still exists.
You know, it's likesomething that will not
lay down and die.
- It's just an absolutenightmare, ladies and gentlemen,
and you can write yourcongressman and say, look,
I just don't think, as theUnited States government,
we shouldn't be spending taxpayer money.
It isn't just that they'reencouraging late-term abortions
and paying doctors for baby parts,
but they're marrying andtrying to make a mouse human,
a human mouse?
I mean this is, this is horrible.
I don't know what to sayexcept, whatever you do,
write your congressman,call your congressman,
say you can't stand something like this.
Well, we've got a
lovely thing.- Before we get on,
I just want to say you have been very busy
these days (laughs).- I have been busy, Terry.
I have finished book number 21,
"Successful Families andFinance in the Kingdom."
I finished it yesterday.
And my other work is called
"I've Walked With the Living God."
It's a major work.
And both of them are gonnabe coming out very shortly,
but yesterday, after greatstruggle, I finished,
it was about 100 pagesof "Successful Families
"and Finances."- Well, you rolled
from one right into the other,
so--- Well,
you're kind of in a zone.
It's the most amazing thing.
What I've seen in my books is just nothing
in compared to our next guest,
so you wanna tell it?- That is the truth.
- All right.- Coming up later,
she has sold more than 200 million books.
So can you believe her third grade teacher
said she'd never amount to anything?
Debbie Macomber revealshow a trip to the yarn shop
changed her life forever.
But first, a life-or-death fight.
An Iraqi man in a high stakes battle
to keep his family in the United States.
And if he fails, his son could die.
So why is their government demanding
they go back to Iraq?
Find out after this.
(dramatic music)
(tense music)
- Caught in a trap.
An Iraqi family livingin the United States
must choose between lettingtheir two-year-old son die
or obeying their government's demands.
Why are they in such a desperate dilemma?
Eric Philips reports onthe gut-wrenching decision
these young parents face.
- The journey for thisfamily began in Iraq,
where the governmenthelped make it possible
for them to come to America.
Now, Iraq wants them home,
and that's literally creatinga life-or-death decision.
(John singing)
At first glance, John Botros appears
like a healthy, energetic two-year-old.
Sadly, there's much more to this toddler
than immediately meets the eye.
- [Maysam] The most difficult part for me,
seeing my child suffering, as a mom.
- And I cannot imagine losing him.
It's very difficult.
- [Eric] And it makes theentire family's situation
difficult as well.
In 2013, Wisam Toma andhis wife, both Christians,
left Iraq for him to attendVirginia Commonwealth University
and earn a Ph.D. inpharmacology and toxicology.
During that time, thecouple had two children,
Miriam and John.
The family celebrated atWisam's graduation in 2018.
Behind their smiles, however, was worry.
- It's very difficultand very frustrating.
Very stressful too.
- [Eric] The stressful situationbegan with their son, John.
- He was fine.
He was happy.
Nothing was wrong withhim when he was born.
- [Eric] Then, at only six months old,
John contracted a viral infection.
Although it went awayafter a couple of months,
it left him not wanting to eat.
Doctors eventuallydiscovered painful ulcers
and fluid going to John's lungs.
As he began to lose weight,doctors inserted a feeding tube.
- He was not comfortable at all.
He was sad, congested allthe time from that tube.
He'll sneeze, the tube would come out,
and we have to put it back.
It was a very kind off painful process.
Sometimes blood will comeout of his nose, he'll choke.
(John coughing)
- Then came unexplainedseizures, kidney stones,
and abnormal growth.
Doctors ran all kinds oftests looking for answers.
Finally, in July the familygot a diagnosis from doctors
here at the Children'sHospital of Richmond at VCU
that answered some questions,but perhaps created even more.
John was diagnosed witha genetic disorder.
It's calledNicolaides-Barraitser syndrome.
- [Linda] It's very rare.
I have never seen a case with it.
There are 75 cases in the world.
He needs a number ofphysicians to work with him,
neurology, kidney doctors, feeding
and developmentalspecialists that we have here
at Children's Hospital of Richmond.
- Get it open.
- [Eric] Treatment that John
certainly would not get back in Iraq,
although that doesn't concerngovernment officials there.
They want Wisam back becausehe signed a government contract
to receive the scholarship.
- The agreement is, if thestudent doesn't come back home,
he's going to have to pay backall his due in a lump sum.
- [Eric] And that totalsmore than $300,000,
money the family does not have.
Wisam's offered to pay backthe loan in installments,
but Iraq says no.
He's reached out to boththe US Embassy in Baghdad
and the Iraqi Embassy in Washington.
Neither can help becauseof the binding document.
What's worse, Wisam's siblingsco-signed the contract,
and now the Iraqi governmentis garnishing their pay.
- They say, "I know you'retrying your best to help that,
"but you have to come back."
- His family back home isin a situation because of us
and we care about them,too, but we had no choice
in this situation also.
Nobody wish to have a sick child.
- [Eric] After beingturned down for a loan,
the family started aGoFundMe account online,
but have only raised afraction of what they need.
- As Christians, we always hold our cross
and walk everywhere,like in the Psalm 23rd.
Even if I walk in thevalley of shadow of death,
yeah, I shall fear no evilbecause you are with me.
So this is our life there.
We accept everything, but now,
the major issue of us is John's health.
- [Eric] What do you want to see happen?
- A miracle.
We have faith in God.
We believe in God andwe believe in miracles.
- The family believes there'san answer to their situation,
but so far, they haven't found it.
They're hoping that bygetting their story out,
someone may have a suggestion
that will point themin the right direction.
In the meantime, they'refeeling the weight of the world
on their shoulders.
In Washington, Eric Philips, CBN News.
- Well, there're tragediesthat take place in our lives,
and I don't know what will happen,
but I'm sure people will see that
and maybe want to help them.
I mean--- Yes.
- It's not a whole lot of money.
I mean $300,000 is,
to them is--- Well not if a lot of people
came together.
That could happen.- Yeah, it could be done
in a matter of minutes.
So in any event, wehave information at CBN
that maybe if you wantto help these people,
so-called crowdfunding.
They can take care of them.
All right, Terry.
- Well, up next, DebbieMacomber's desperate prayer,
just let me publish one book.
How that prayer wasanswered 150 times over,
and what's her secret towriting so many best sellers?
Plus, straight from our inbox,
Stephanie wants to know is it a sin
to decide not to havechildren in a marriage.
Get ready for anotherround of your questions
and some honest answers.
That's all coming up.
(dramatic music)
(uplifting music)
1982, the year Debbie Macomber'sfirst book was published.
A whopping 150 more have followed,
making her one of themost prolific authors
in our country today.
Success has not come easy.
Debbie had to overcome along list of rejections
and, hard to believe, adiagnosis of dyslexia.
Well, here's how she did it.
- I can remember just praying,
"Oh Lord, just let me publishone book, just one book."
- [Terry] It's been almost 50 years
since best selling author Debbie Macomber
uttered that prayer.
Over 150 books later, millionshave turned to her work
for stories of love, loss, and hope.
- I was making up storieswhen I was four years old.
This is the gift God gave me.
He gave me this creative imagination.
- [Terry] Even then, it was unlikely
this bright girl from Yakima, Washington
would ever become a best selling author.
Debbie was dyslexic.
- The third grade teacher told my mother,
"Debbie's a nice little girl,
"but she's never gonna do well."
I struggled so hard inschool and I had few friends.
- [Terry] But a trip withher mother to the yarn store
and a knitting classturned her life around.
- In learning to knit, Ilearned comprehension skills,
math skills.
It gave me such a badly needed feeling
of accomplishment and self-esteem.
- [Terry] It would do morethan boost her confidence.
Those skills would helpDebbie overcome her dyslexia.
And by fifth grade, she was reading
as well as anyone her age.
- And I started my first book
just about the time I learned to read.
I've always loved story.
And you know, that's what Jesus did.
He taught in stories.
And you know, he's given me this gift
and I have used it to tell stories
that I hope with, ofreaching others for him
in a subtle and gentle way.
- [Terry] Married at 19 to Wayne,
Debbie raised four children
while trying to fit in asmuch writing as possible.
After years of rejection letters,
Debbie picked up freelance magazine work,
but she never left her dream
of being a published novelist.
- When you want something so badly,
you know, you have to bewilling to face rejection.
- [Terry] Finally, in1982, 33-year-old Debbie
had her first book published, "Heartsong."
- So, for a long time, I feltlike I was taking something
away from our family, but in retrospect,
I was teaching our children
some of the most valuablelessons of their lives,
you know, about the power of a dream,
about believing in yourself,
about standing up against rejection.
Those are all really powerful lessons
that they all learned.
- [Terry] Since then,13 of Debbie's novels
have reached number oneon the New York Times
Best Sellers list, and sixwere made into hit movies
on The Hallmark Channel,
including the ever popular"Cedar Cove" series.
- First of all, the story hasto be relevant to my reader.
It has to be provocative 'causeI want the reader to think.
And it has to be told inthe most realistic way
I can think to tell it,and that includes conflict.
And it has to be done creatively.
And it has to be entertaining.
I'm not here to teach anybody anything.
I ask God to give me the ideas.
Every single book has been prayed over.
- [Terry] For inspiration,Debbie often pulls
from her real life experienceswhen developing story ideas.
- Every aspect of mylife has been explored
in one way or another.
I mean, when the kids were little,
it was all about raising kids.
Now that I'm a mature adult (chuckles),
it's harder for me towrite about 25-year-old
falling in love.
It's more about relationshipsand things about real life,
like moving your familyor starting over again.
- [Terry] She believes it'sthose relatable stories
of love, loss, and hopethat have earned her
so many loyal fans.
- The only way I can think to explain it,
it's like a spiritual connection
'cause I know, if I laughwhen I'm writing a scene,
the reader will laugh.
If I cry, they'll cry.
If I lay my heart out on thepage, it links with theirs.
And they feel like,the many letters I get,
they feel like they know me, and they do,
because they have read my words.
- [Terry] The success and accolades aside,
Debbie hopes her words will lead others
to another best seller.
- One of the best lettersI ever got from a reader,
it said: I started reading your books
and now I'm reading my Bible.
- [Terry] At 70 years old,she's in no hurry to retire.
In fact, she just released another novel,
"Window on the Bay," andanother is right behind it,
"A Mrs. Miracle Christmas."
- And I've tried to slow down.
The hardest part for me inmy life right now is balance.
I just want to write.
If I don't write, I get cranky.
- [Terry] And with God'shelp, write she will.
- I'm happiest when I'm writing.
I mean I really love what I do.
There's that verse inscripture in Ephesians
that says: God will do above and beyond
anything you can think or imagine.
I'm just leaving it up to Him.
- She is one of the most delightful people
we've ever had on the show,
I think.- Isn't she amazing?
I mean so unbelievable.- She really is.
Incredibly humble.
Incredibly gifted.
- Amen.
- Well, it's time forsome email questions.
Are you ready?- Let's go for 'em.
- Okay.
The first one comes fromStephanie, Pat, who says:
Is it a sin to decide not tohave children in a marriage?
- I'll answer that by givingyou the biblical scripture.
God talked to the first humans
and said, quote, "Be fruitful and multiply
"and possess the earth and subdue it."
And the Bible also saysGod seeks godly offspring.
And I think to say we are not going to use
the gifts God's given us,
the DNA that God's put in our hands,
to bring forth children,I think it's selfish
and I think it's...
Is it a sin?
I think it's wrong.
I think if you don't want to get married,
that's your business, butif you do get married,
the Bible says, you know,children are a gift of the Lord
and happy is the man whose quiver is full.
I mean you go through the Bible and then,
this is a marvelous gift of God
and you're saying you wantme to frustrate that gift.
I don't agree with that, okay.
- This is Donna, who says:How important is it to fast?
I don't hear about very many doing it.
Personally, I find it difficult to do.
- Well, there are a lot of fasts.
There's a no pleasant breadwhere you don't eat dessert.
You can fast a particularbeverage or something.
You can fast from watching TV.
A lot of things you can fastfrom as well as not eating.
But it's...
You know, the Bible says Iafflicted my soul with fasting,
that somehow you afflict yourself
and then it gets you closer to the Lord
because you're not thinkingabout the next meal,
you're thinking about Jesus.
But to some people,it's almost impossible.
They have medical conditions.
They can't do it.
I don't know what to say, but...
- [Terry] Do you do it very often?
- I used to do a lot.
I haven't recently because I've had
some medical problems myself.
But I used to, I fasted every Friday.
And with Bill Bright, he wasbig on those 40-day fasts,
one after the other.
I just didn't think it wasall that important, but okay.
- This is Meriam, who says:
Pat, in the past two years,I've lost all my siblings.
I am the youngest of seven kids.
Is God punishing me?
Why did God take everyone away from me?
- Just say right now whydid God take them away.
Precious in the sight of the Lord
is the death of His saints.
And I think He didn't take them away.
If they knew Jesus, they'rein paradise with the Lord,
rejoicing forever.
The righteous perish andno man takes it to heart,
not knowing that they're beingspared from the evil to come.
So God hasn't punished anybody.
And I think what you ought todo is just rejoice the fact
that your siblings arewith the Lord, and one day,
you'll be there with them.
All right.
- This is Robin, who says:
I'm torn about preventive medicine.
Before I accepted Christ,I regularly went in
for routine checkups.
I now feel I'm puttingthis in God's hands.
My thought is that a baddiagnosis would do nothing
but send me into a spiritual panic.
I trust God, but haven't foundan answer to this dilemma.
What are your thoughts?
- Well, my thoughts is that Iam a fan of modern medicine.
At Regent University, wehave a school of medicine.
We teach nursing andall these other things.
I think that medicine is a gift
that has been given to mankind.
I think, if you trust only in doctors,
you're making a mistake.
What was the great thingthat the doctor said?
We bind the wound, butGod is the one who heals.
And I think the healingcomes from the Lord.
But the idea of using medicine,
there's so many techniquesthat are being used.
I keep laughing that I'mlike an old car with parts.
I've got a pacemaker in my chest.
I've got a titanium knee.
I've got all, you know.
- You're the bionic man.
- I've got all sorts of things.
I'm living, I've outlived all of my,
my mother, my father, and my brother
by considerable amounts, and I think
I'm delighted with medicine.
I'm not anti-medicine and Idon't think the Bible is either.
All right.- This is Alex,
who says: Should we repent
for our sins we commit,or are we already forgiven
for our sins we commit todayand in the near future?
- John Wesley said, "There'snot a day that goes by
"that I don't plead the blood of Jesus."
I think every day, you know...
The idea is to keepshort accounts with God.
If you have sinned, you go before the Lord
and say, "I ask your forgiveness."
Do not let sin fall, build up in your life
because, if you do, yourheart will get hardened
and you'll get, your sinshave separated you from God.
So I don't think you can say, well okay,
God's, he died and thattook care of my sins
the rest of my life.
It just doesn't work that way, all right.
- This is Linda, who saysthis week, on a TV game show,
one of the questions was, quote:The 1796 Treaty of Tripoli,
the government of the United States
is not, in any sense,founded on this religion.
The answer was Christianity.
This flies in my face about everything
I've been taught and believe.
Can you explain this?
- Well, if you look at the constitution
of every one of our 50 states,
there's not one that doesn'tmention a supreme being.
Every single constitutionof every single state.
The Declaration of Independence
says that our liberties given us by God.
So we are...
I remember Zorach versusClauson as one case
where Justice Powell said,"We are religious people
"whose institutionpresupposed the existence
"of a supreme being."
And I think, without question,
the Supreme Court didrule in the Trustees,
I forget the name of the Trustees case,
that we are a Christian nation.
So this thing...
We were being attacked bythose pirates out of Tripoli
and we sent Marines over there,
you know, from the Halls of Montezuma
to the shores of Tripoli.
They went over there andbeat up on those guys
to keep those barbaric piratesfrom attacking our ships.
And whatever treaty was made,I think, without question,
the Christian religionhas been the foundation
of our nation, all right.
- Okay, this is Ed, who says:
Matthew 6:33 says to seekfirst the Kingdom of God
and all these thingswill be added unto you.
Besides reading the word and prayer,
is there more we could bedoing to accomplish this?
- Good heavens, yes.
Seek first the Kingdom of God.
How are you gonna live for Him?
There's so many things thatyou can do to please God.
Not only prayer and Bible reading,
but assembling of yourselves together,
witnessing for Him,doing acts of kindness.
You can go on and on and on.
But more than anything,
you know, what is the great commandment?
You'll love the Lord your God
with all your heart, yourmind, your soul, your strength,
and your neighbor as yourself.
Well, there's a lot encompassed in that.
So you seek God, that'swhat, seeking the Lord,
and you seek God and then theseother things will be added.
See, the idea is you don't seekmoney, you don't seek fame,
you don't seek success,you don't seek victory.
You seek God.
Lord, let me, my life please you.
Tell me what you want me to do today.
As each day goes by, God, tellme what you want me to do.
And that is seeking Him.
And when you do that, thisother stuff will come along
and will be given unto you.
That's what the Bible says.
Thank you for those questions.
- Thank you.
Good answer.- Good answers (chuckles)
- Well, still ahead,
staring down bankruptcy.
Their biggest client canceledand revenue slashed in half.
How did this couple save their company?
Then, later, she had holesthroughout her brain.
Bizarre behavior and adiagnosis of dementia.
How in the world did shemake a complete recovery?
That's coming up.
(uplifting music)
(dramatic music)
- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN Newsbreak.
Christian believers were forcibly removed
from a government approved church in China
just minutes before it was demolished.
The religious liberty magazine,Bitter Winter, reports
China's communist governmentsuddenly marked it as illegal,
adding that more than1,000 security officers
carried out the raid onthe True Jesus Church
in the Hunan province.
Two elderly church members were injured
and taken to the hospital.
Well Christians around the world
are calling on the government of Malaysia
to explain the disappearanceof a church leader
missing for more than two years.
Pastor Raymond Koh had been threatened
for Christian activitiesin the Muslim nation.
Malaysia's Human RightsCommission says Pastor Koh
was taken into custody by aspecial branch of the police.
The Voice of the Martyrssays this security video
shows three black SUVssurrounding Koh's vehicle
the day he disappeared,his car forced to a stop,
and a team surrounding the carbefore they all drive away.
Pastor Koh's family doesn'tknow if he's still alive.
The Voice of the Martyrslaunched a petition drive
to press Malaysia'sgovernment for an explanation.
Find out how you can sign that petition
and get the latest from CBN News
by going to our website at
Pat and Terry will be backwith more of The 700 Club
right after this.
(dramatic music)
(uplifting music)
- Well Ed and Ellen Schackwere successful entrepreneurs,
then their biggest clientlowered the boom and left them,
wiping out 50% of their revenue.
The Schacks could have panicked.
Instead, they made a daring move
that got their business back on track.
- [Andrew] CBN partners Ed andEllen Schack unwind from work
by walking along the Jersey shore.
Together, they built a successfulcosmetics supply company.
- It's really awesome to runa company with your spouse
because his strengths aremy weaknesses and vice versa
and we can complement each other so well.
- We actually sell ouringredients to the end users,
the manufacturers.
And they, in turn, make their own products
and sell them to the consumer.
- Our business was growing,our staff was growing,
and we were outgrowingthe space we were in.
- [Andrew] They had justbought a bigger building
when their biggest client called
and ended their 14 year relationship.
- It was devastating to both Ellen and I.
We can understand if thebusiness was not doing well
and the sales performance wasn't there,
but our staff and our teamwere doing really well
nationally with them.
- [Andrew] With the higher building costs
and a near 50% percent cut in business,
Ed and Ellen feared theircompany would go under.
- The first thing that Iwas struggling with is,
we may have to lay off some people.
- [Andrew] Ed and Ellenprayed to God for help.
- I just felt a sense of peace,that the Lord was involved,
and that He was going to take care of it.
- [Andrew] The Schacks alsoresolved that, no matter what,
they were going to remainconsistent in giving.
- There was not gonna beany changes in our tithing,
in our giving.
- I didn't see our tithingand our maintaining our giving
as a way out.
I knew that the Lord was gonna support us.
- [Andrew] Shortly after that prayer,
the Schacks landed a new client,
a deal that restored morethan half of their losses.
- It was absolutely amazing,
but it was proof to Ellen and I
that the Lord was workingthrough the process.
- And it's been amazing.
We've always have known thatHe has us, He has our back,
that He has our business.
- [Andrew] On the advice of friends,
the Schacks used theirextra building space
to start a new venturecalled The Urban Schack,
which now gives localartisans a retail venue.
- It allows them to test and measure,
you know, making a productand seeing if its sellable.
It now gave us that peace and comfort
to move the business along,
not have to worry about firing people.
- [Andrew] Now, with theircompany back on track,
the Schacks have confidencein God's plan for the business
and their lives.
And for over 30 years,
Ed and Ellen have been partners with CBN.
They've continued to entrusttheir finances to CBN
and have even volunteered withour humanitarian outreaches.
- So one of the great things that we did
with Operation Blessingwas we became volunteers
for Hurricane Sandy,right down in this area,
which was devastated,this part of New Jersey.
We can't physically be there
on the other side of this world,
but we can support thework of Operation Blessing
and CBN in building water wells.
- And it's just unimaginableto not have drinkable water.
So, everybody should have water.
- That just blesses our heart,
knowing that we can takecare of these small villages.
So for us, we love the waythat CBN uses our money
and our resources, ourgifts to bless other people.
- Aren't they wonderfulpeople, the Schacks?
Love God.
And they know that they can'tgo everywhere in the world,
but what we're saying is, in their name
and in the Lord's name, we can.
And so CBN is reaching out to the world
and we've drilled, I don't know,
I'm trying to think how many, 14,000
- I was gonna say- or more.
- thousands and thousands
of wells.- Yeah, thousands
and thousands of wellsthat bring clean water
to hundreds of millions of people
and Orphans Promise, you go down the line.
Wonderful things that are being done.
People like the Schacks,
they're our partners and our friends
and we love them and thank God for them.
If you want to be apartner, we wish you would.
It's so easy.
You can just pick up the phone, call in,
say, "You can count on me.
"I want to be a 700 Club member."
That's $20 a month.
That's 65 cents a day.
That's all it is and youcan be a 700 Club member.
Or you can go more, youcan be a 1000 Club member
or a member of the Chairman's Circle.
But whatever, I wantto send you something,
called "The Transforming Word."
These are wisdom, favor, and anointing,
the things I've askedGod for over the years,
and these are proverbs that highlight
wisdom, favor, and anointing.
So we'll give this to youas our gift when you join,
so pick up the phone and call in.
I want to be like thosewonderful people, the Schacks.
I just heard about them.
And you can be a partner, if you would.
Please call 1-800-700-7000.
- Well, up next, "It wouldbe best if she died quickly."
That's what doctors said
after taking a look atthis woman's CAT scan.
Plus, no hope of recovery.
So, why is she now alive and well?
The answer right after this.
(inspirational music)
(uplifting music)
A faraway look in hereyes, extreme fits of rage,
no inhibitions or boundaries.
Peggy King's behavior becamemore and more bizarre,
alarming her husband and children.
Still, no one in the family was prepared
for her shocking diagnosis.
(gentle music)
- [Andrew] Duane and PeggyKing had a full and happy life.
Married since 1961, they'vespent most of their time
traveling and sharing the gospel
as the founders of Deaf Missions.
But in early 2010, Duane noticed
that something seemed off with Peggy.
- The terrible, terriblefaraway look in her eyes,
and the actions were just awful.
- He would tell me that shehad some extreme fits of rage
if she didn't get her way,
and that was not like my mom at all.
She's one of the sweetestladies on the planet.
- She just didn't have thesame kind of inhibitions
and boundaries.
We just gradually becamemore and more concerned.
- [Andrew] Eventually, doctorsdiagnosed Peggy with FTD,
Fronto Temporal Dementia.
An MRI revealed herfrontal lobe had shrunk
and there were holes throughout her brain.
- "She'll do nothing but get worse."
Another professional said,"The best thing you can do
"is pray she dies quickly."
- That friction between thetwo of them during that time
was very, very difficult for him.
- She would run away.
She'd keep me awake, I couldn't sleep.
Finally, we put her in the memory ward.
Made her at home as best we could.
When we left (sobs)...
When we left and that doorlocked, that was awful.
- I remember feelinglike I was losing my mom,
but then, as my dad'sconcerns about her grew,
I remember feeling likeI was losing him too.
- [Andrew] With a prognosisfrom the medical community
of no hope of recovery,Peggy's family reached out
to other relatives and friends for prayer.
- Prayers for her healing,prayers of comfort for my dad,
prayers of comfort for us.
The number of people praying for her
because of the connectionsthat my parents have had
through their ministry through the years,
and especially with socialmedia today, word gets out,
why would we not expect a miracle?
- I was praying, "Lord,help me accept this,"
and there was a day whenI remember distinctly,
"God, You take this.
"It's more than I can handle."
That very day is the same day that Peggy,
in the memory ward, was giving up to God.
And from that moment on,she started to get better.
♪ When you kneel to pray ♪
- [Andrew] Since that day,
not only did Duane notice adifference in Peggy's cognition,
behavior and motor skills,so did the doctors,
so much so that, byChristmas of that same year,
the doctors and staff of the memory unit
agreed that Peggy was wellenough to be discharged
and sent home.
♪ Will you ♪- And she did so well.
She started cooking.
She could follow a recipe.
She could play the piano.
That terrible faraway lookwas gone from her eyes.
Then, the doctor said, "I havetreated hundreds of patients
"and nobody ever got better.
"This is a miracle."
- [Andrew] Though a CAT scan shows
Peggy still has an abnormal brain,
her condition has never regressed
and she has never had toreturn to the memory unit.
Her family says they owe it all to God
and the power of prayer.
- And at first I thought, you know,
I was scared I'd goback, but it's just good
or maybe a little better all the time.
That's more of a miracle,that God is letting me
function normally with an abnormal brain.
God is good and wonderful.
- I don't understand it all,but I think it's very evident
that, through men and women of faith
and men and women of prayer,powerful things happen.
- We have had her back.
We have had her, thematriarch of our family again.
How could we ever not thank God
that we get to have ourmom cooking (laughs)?
- We have so many friendsand so many prayers,
and most of the people werepraying for her to be better,
to be well.
To have her back is a great blessing,
a great, great blessing.
- An extraordinary miracle.
Peggy's brain did not change,
but Peggy changed becauseGod performed a miracle
in her life.- The Spirit
came into that body andit just didn't work.
- Amazing.- I mean it's just amazing.
All right, we have some...
Here's somebody named Lindawho lives in Virginia Beach.
She had a urinary tract infection, UTI.
And when you have those,it can lead to psychosis
of various nature.- All kinds of things, yeah.
- Well she was watching this program.
Terry had a word.
A woman with recurring UTI infection,
God's healing you, notjust the one you have now,
but you will not have them anymore.
And the doctor said God gets the glory.
Okay, she's healed.- Wow.
Well this is Alma, Pat.
She lives in Staten Island, New York.
She suffered from a rupturedintestine for eight months.
Then one day, she heardthis word of knowledge
prayed by you on this program.
Something is going on with your intestine.
God has blessed you and healed you.
It will feel like a firegoing through your body.
Alma quickly claimed it by faith
and said, "Oh my God, that'sme, and thank you, Lord!"
She had a sonogram done no long after.
Her doctor found absolutely nothing wrong
with her intestine.- You know,
I want to confess, I don't know Alma.
I lived on Staten Islandfor a little while,
but I do not know Alma
and I didn't know anythingabout her intestine,
but God knew her.- God knows.
- God knows who you are.
Now we've got just a few moments to pray.
Terry and I are gonna join hands together.
Please pray with us.
God's gonna do something for you.
Father, in Jesus' name, we thank you
for the power of God.
We thank you for theanointing of the Holy Spirit.
Somebody else, you'vegot a ruptured appendix.
God just, it's been verypainful and it's dangerous.
God has just touched you andthe infection will go away
and Jesus has done a miracle.
Thank you, Lord.
Yes.- The same for someone.
You have ocular cancer
and your diagnosis has notbeen positive for the future.
God is healing that condition for you.
Literally, your eyesare going to be healed,
right now, in Jesus' name.
- Somebody, under your tongue,there is something going on.
There's some lesions or sores.
Just put your hand over your mouth.
In the name of Jesus, touch.
- There's someone else,recurring ulcers in your stomach.
So painful and just interruptingyour ability to eat,
to digest foods.
Be healed right now.
In Jesus' name, stomach,
be returned to your normal condition.
- And Lord, we pray for Israel.
We pray for this nation of ours.
We pray for the stuff that'sgoing on in our country.
Lord, may we be one, even asyou are one with the Father.
Let there be unity.
In the name of Jesus, bring blessing.
Thank you, Lord.
Amen and amen.
Well today's powerminute is from Psalm 30.
Oh my God, I cried out toYou, and You healed me.
Tomorrow, we've got FoxNews' Gregg Jarrett.
Drops a bombshell.
He says the Russian hoaxis the greatest witch hunt
in American history.
It's an amazing book andhe'll be here to talk about
some of the things thatperhaps you haven't seen.
I think it'll be interesting.
So for Terry and all of us, Pat Robertson.
See you tomorrow.
(uplifting music)