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The World's Largest Crowdfunded Media Project Is All About Jesus

The World's Largest Crowdfunded Media Project Is All About Jesus Read Transcript

- Have you ever given to a GoFundMe cause?

Well, these days entire TV shows

are being crowdfundedwith these kind of sites.

"The Chosen" is the largestcrowdfunded TV show to date,

and it's about the life of Jesus.

John and I recently sat down

with the man behind the show,Dallas Jenkins, take a look.


Dallas, tell us about "The Chosen."

- Well, this is a projectthat came out of a desire

to see something thathadn't been done before.

There's been movies and miniseriesabout the life of Christ,

but there's never actuallybeen a multi-season show,

where you can binge-watchit with your family,

where you can get into the characters

and into the stories in a deeper way

than is traditional formost Bible projects.

Typically you've got90 minutes to two hours

to tell the story ofJesus and you've gotta go

from miracle to miracle,Bible verse to Bible verse,

and you don't get achance to really connect

with the characters, you'rejust kinda seeing the stories

portrayed onto film, and in that show

that you're binge-watchingwith your family

or with your wife or whatever

you're actually getting a chance

to explore these charactersand these stories

over the course of multiple seasons.

And so you can take your time more.

You can get deeper into it.

And so as someone who hasbeen a believer my whole life

who's heard these stories dozens of times,

the opportunity to tell the same stories

but from a differentperspective and in a deeper way

was really appealing to me,and it's been proven now

to be appealing to the audience as well.

So I think their experiencingwhat I've experienced

as we've been exploring these stories.

- Yeah, audience habits have changed

to binge-watching rather than just--

- Right, and creating a universe

in which they can see thingsover the course of time

as opposed to fitting itin to one quick movie.

- Well, I understand that your project

wasn't easy getting off the ground.

- When we went to our audience and said,

we want to crowdfund this project

and have you be part of the making of it

and you'd be part of the financing of it

and that's gonna protect the story

and keep it from the voices

that may be antagonistictowards a story like this,

we're gonna maintain the control.

You know, Hollywood's golden rule is

he who has the gold makes the rules,

and so we're gonna make our own rules

and we're gonna do thisoutside the system,

and on one hand, that hasmade things very difficult,

I mean, it just takes more time,

these systems have beenin place for decades,

so we're trying to maybecreate something new.

But on the other hand, it's been joyous,

because the crowd themselves, I think,

trusts us even more,

because of the fact that weare outside of the system.

- This is the largestcrowdfunding media project ever,

is that right?

- We ended up gettingover 10 million dollars

from over 19 thousand people,

which shadowed the all-timecrowdfunding record,

and, I think, spoke to the passion that

especially believers arehaving in this country,

for something that'sdifferent, that speaks to them,

because they're tiredof trying to binge-watch

the only shows thatthey have to binge-watch

that they can choose from,

or stuff that doesn'talways reflect their values,

and so a Jesus show that they can watch

like their friends arewatching other shows,

I think is really exciting for people.

- I'm glad you said that,

because when you think about the audience,

you want a wide audience to watch this.

However, you're targeting a niche,

in relying on a nicheaudience of believers.

Is it difficult totackle a movie like this

about Jesus with people whoare familiar with Jesus's life,

is it difficult to take that on?

- Yeah, well, you mentionedthat we have a niche audience,

it's interesting, becauseI think the niche audience

is what helped finance this,

because they have a spiritual compulsion

to see something like this done,

but in terms of the audienceit's actually been quite wide.

We hear from atheists andagnostics all the time,

who feel like this is a show

that they can appreciate as well.

Because it feels like a regular show,

it doesn't feel like a sermonput into a visual category,

it feels like the kind of show

that they would normally watch,

and that's what's cool.

Even our actors andsome of our crew members

who didn't come on tothe project as believers,

have loved the script somuch, it's open them up

to wanting to see more from the scripture.

So it's opened 'em upto wanting to know more

about who they're portraying.

And that's been one of themost exciting (mumbles)

about this project, is tosee people including those

who are working on the showbe exposed to Christ in a way

that doesn't feel like it's formula,

it doesn't feel emotionally distant,

which I think, whether it'sgrowing up in Sunday school

with a flannelgraph Jesus,doesn't always feel authentic

or watching a moviewhere it's very reverent

and stiff and formal, andJesus is a European white guy,

who speaks in King James English,

this is something thatwe're really going for:

more authenticity, somethingthat feels raw and real,

and that has, you know,

which shouldn't surprise us as believers,

that has appeal to a wide group of people,

because the message of theGospels is one for everybody.


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