Thousands of Jews Gather at Western Wall for Special Ancient Priestly Blessing
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(singing in foreign language)
- [Reporter] Masses ofJewish people stream
through the old city streetsto reach the Western Wall.
They came for the Birkat Kohanim,
or Priestly Blessing, duringthe biblical holiday of Sukkot.
- We've been coming herefor thousands of years
for this special day.
The priests from all over the country
come to the Wailing Wallto bless the Jewish people
and we feel it incumbent upon us
to come here and receive those blessings.
- Really really fabulousfor me, for my family,
to come here, to be inspired
by seeing hundreds ofthousands of Jews together,
it's amazing.
Really, really amazing.
- [Reporter] In the book of Numbers,
God commands Moses and Aaron
to bless the children of Israel.
"The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make His face shine upon you,
and be gracious unto you;
the Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
and give you peace."
The Aaronic Benediction, or Blessing,
is a daily part of Jewish prayers.
And during Sukkot, Jewish People gather
from around the world here
to give and receive this ancient blessing.
Jewish men believe to bepart of the priestly line,
come to bless the people of Israel.
- We are gathering here to, I guess,
shake our love in sorghum,
which I have in this case over here.
And especially today, it's very special.
We have a communalcollective Birkat Kohanim.
Which is the blessing of the priests,
I happen to be kohanimmyself so I was just there.
- [Reporter] Another part of the prayers
comes from Leviticus 23, where it says to;
"Bring the fruit of beautiful trees,
palm branches, the boughs of leafy trees
and willows of the brook;
and rejoice before the Lord."
That's why they wave the palm branch,
citron, or etrog, willowand myrtle branches.
(singing in foreign language)
- It's a special day, it reminds us
a little bit of our history.
The closest as we can be to 2000 years ago
where we had the Templeand we could've come.
- [Reporter] Some say the more that come
to bless and be blessed, the better.
- And this is one of the holiest blessings
that we can get from the priests
at one of the holiest places.
- We want to just take every opportunity
we can get in the Holy Land.
So, that's why we're here.
- Is this your first Birkat Kohanim?
- Yes it is.
- [Julie] Julie Stall, CBN News,
The Western Wall, Jerusalem.