Morgan and Chandler talk about what the Bible means when God says that he will give us the desires of our hearts.
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(air whooshing)
- Hey there.
- Hi.
(air whooshing)
- Wow, you seem reallyhappy, what's going on?
- Well, the new "ZombiePenguins and Killer Kangaroos"
video game just came out andmy mom won't let me get it.
(air whooshing)
- Wait, I'm confused, ifyou're not allowed to get it,
then why are you so happy?
- Well, I just read a Bibleverse on my Bible app that said,
"God will give me the desires of my heart"
and my heart desires "Zombie Penguins
"and Killer Kangaroos".(harp strumming)
(upbeat music)
(air whooshing)
- So, What Bible verse did you read?
- Psalm 37:4, go ahead, look it up.
(air whooshing)
- I will, "Take delight in the Lord
"and he will give youyour heart's desires."
- See, he'll give me my heart's desires.
- You keep saying that
but I don't think it meanswhat you think it means.
- What do you mean?
- You forgetting about thefirst part of the verse,
"Take delight in the Lord."
- I'll take delight whenI get my video game.
- That's not it, you're takingdelight in your video game,
not the lord.
- Oh, so how do I takedelight in the Lord?
- Well, to delight in someonemeans to find enjoyment
or pleasure in yourrelationship with them.
You know how to delight in God.
- Oh yeah, I enjoy God's presence by
reading my bible,
learning more about him and singing praise
and worship songs to him.(guitar strums)
- There you go!
- So I guess I alreadytake delight in the Lord,
Zombie Penguins, here I come.(spring bouncing)
- No.
- I'm kidding, I know whereyou're going with this.
- You do?
- Yeah, when I learn to enjoy God fully,
I understand his desires for me.
- Yes!
- And obviously his desiresare way more important
than my desires.
- Well, your desiresaren't necessarily bad,
God cares about the things that you want.
- Oh, I know but I also know
that anything that God wants from me
is way better than anythingI could imagine for myself.
- So, your desires eventuallytransform into God's desires.
_ Exactly.
- When you truly delight in the Lord,
that desire shapes thedesires of your heart.
(spring bouncing)
- And my biggest desirewill be to know God more.
- So, now how are you feeling?
- About what?
- Well, just a few minutes agoyou were pretty sure that God
was gonna find a way to getyou that zombie video game.
- Yeah (spring bouncing)
but now I'm realizingthat its not my desire.
- Wait, it's not?
- No, I figure if my mom saysI'm not allowed to play it,
then she must have a good reason
and God desires me to obey my parents.
- That's true,
I can see why you'd wantto obey your parents too.
- My desires transform into God's desires.
(harp strumming)
- His word is forever alive.
(air whooshing)
- Thank you for joining us today.
- Is there a Bible versethat you often misinterpret?
- Would you like for usto break it down for you?
- Let us know in the comments below.
- And as always, don't forget to like.
- Subscribe to our channel.
- And download the Superbook Bible app.
- And be sure to take some time this week
and delight in the Lord,
(air whooshing)
you'll be glad you did.
Bye.- Bye.
(air whooshing)
- I know where you're going with this.
- You do?
You do?
- Possibly. (beep)
- Clean your room, obey yourparents, thaw the chicken
in time, don't get thezombie video game. (beep)
I said zombies, zombies are naughty,
not good.- That's yeah.
- Gross, they probablysmell really bad. (beep)
(snapping fingers)